شارل الياس شرتوني/الرئيس الإيراني، إبراهيم رئيسي وخط سير قاتل جماعي/Charles Elias Chartouni: Ibrahim Raisi, the Itinerary of a Mass Murderer


Ibrahim Raisi, the Itinerary of a Mass Murderer
Charles Elias Chartouni/August 01/2021
شارل الياس شرتوني/الرئيس الإيراني، إبراهيم رئيسي وخط سير قاتل جماعي

“War is the remedy [they] have chosen, let us give them what they
want”, William Sherman (1820-1891).

“Raisi, you are not the President,you are the murderer of our children”
Mothers of the executed political prisoners.

The trial of Hamid Noury, 59, a former Iranian judiciary official, who was arrested upon his arrival to Sweden on the basis of his involvement in the execution of political prisoners ordered by the newly elect-President of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi. This trial conducted under the legal status of a universal jurisdiction, whereby atrocities committed anywhere in the world can be tried in all nations courts.

This particular trial has opened the gate for a broader indictment process which unveils the central role of Ibrahim Raisi in the conviction and assassination of 5000 political prisoners in 1988. The sounded alarms of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch were not dissuasive enough to prevent the executions, or deal with their legal, moral and political consequences.

The very election of a mass murderer to the Iranian presidency testifies to the regime’s unwillingness and inability to change it’s course and abide by the norms of international civility. The criminal nature of the Islamic regime, far from being a hidden feature, is displayed and strives to gain on normalization and formal accreditation by the international community.

The ongoing negotiations with Iran are inherently flawed since they deliberately tend to overlook the normative framing mandated by international negotiations, and the legal, moral and political conditionalities attached to normalization and the due integration of the international community. The ostentatious delinquency of Iranian foreign policy betrays its ideological extremism, subversive objectives, and open disregard for international law and the tacit understandings of the contemporary World order.

The equivocations of this regime which advocates political murder and instrumentalize it as policy tool within and outside Iran, invalidate its attempt at joining the rest of the international community and faked simulations towards a normalized membership, let alone peaceful intentions. One wonders how this amount of moral, intellectual and political inconsistencies can be overlooked while negotiating a demilitarization scenario and trying to create a congenial environment for negotiations, conflict resolution, confidence building, and setting the infrastructure for a consensual political order in the larger Middle East.

The malevolence of this religious autocracy, derives from its totalitarian purview, the survival imperatives and vested interests of its ruling class, and its inevitable imperial drive and political designs. The purported realpolitik of the Iranian regime is a paramount fallacy that needs to be deconstructed and dealt with on the basis of a systematic containment policy and ultimate total war scenarios.