Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 06/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 06/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 05-06/16
Aoun upbeat; Russia backs Hariri’s bid to end crisis/Hussein Dakroub| The Daily Star/October/05/2016 |
Iran’s Massacre and Rising Crimes Against Humanity/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/October 05/16
Europe’s “Good Terrorists”: Because They Might Destroy Israel/Khaled Abu Toameh/Gatestone Institute/October 05/16
Why Egypt’s new church law has some activists worried/Abdelrahman Eyad/ِAl-Monitor/October 05/16
Can Western Muslims Be De-radicalized/Uriya Shavit and Sören Andresen/Middle East Quarterly/October 05/16
Egyptian Writer: The World Is One Large Camp And Muslims Must Find Their Place In It/MEMRI/October 05/16
Why Saudi mistrusts Iran/Ali al-Shihabi/Al Arabiya/October 05/16
Will the woman in red suit make it to the presidency/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/October 05/16
Can the new UN chief help resolve the Syrian crisis/Maria Dubovikova/Al Arabiya/October 05/16
Will a hard Brexit take the great out of Great Britain/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/October 05/16
Fighting A Culture Of Illusion: The Long Struggle Of Dr. Turki Al-Hamad/ Alberto M. Fernandez/MEMRI/October 05/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on October 05-06/16
Rifi Says Hariri Support of Aoun would be ‘Another Strategic Mistake’
Berri: Jurisdictions of President Untouched in ‘Package Deal’
Berri Says Bkirki Statement ‘Doesn’t Contradict with Package Deal, Dialogue Agreements’
Maronite Bishops Call For National Agreement, Urge Politicians to Elect President with No Prior Conditions
Report: Church Ceiling Collapses during Presence of Ministers, MPs
Salam urges to adopt national salvation campaign, elect new president ‘today before tomorrow’
Confidante Denies Franjieh Received Threats from Damascus
Aridi from Ain Tineh: Doors open in front of efforts to elect president
Shehayeb: Apple item on Cabinet agenda tomorrow
News about arrest of truck laden with ammunition from Turkey flawed
German Development Minister arrives in Beirut
Judge Zalfa al Hassan issues decision prohibiting Murr TV from offending Harb
Geagea: LF, FPM reconciliation must continue and improve
Geagea Says LF’s Nomination of Aoun was a ‘Game Changer’
Houri: Hizbullah Controls Presidency File, Aoun Tried to Polish His Image with Mustaqbal
General Security Arrests 7 in Sidon on Terror Links
Report: Upcoming Cabinet Meeting Can be ‘Infected’ by Lack of Quorum
Beirut International Film Festival says number of movies banned from screening
Locals tame wildfire in Zrarieh’s Bas
Aoun upbeat; Russia backs Hariri’s bid to end crisis

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on October 05-06/16
Pence Calls for US Attacks against Syrian Regime
Kerry Urges Taliban to Reach ‘Honorable’ Peace with Kabul
Syria Military Says Will ‘Reduce’ Bombardment of Aleppo
French FM to Hold Talks in U.S., Russia on Aleppo Truce Plan
U.N. Declares Syria’s East Aleppo ‘Besieged’
Strike Kills 19 Civilians in IS-Held Syria Village
Russia Sends Two Warships Back to Med as Syria Tensions Rise
Putin Calls to Boost Russia’s Defenses
Israel Intercepts Activist Boat Seeking to Break Gaza Blockade
Israeli Police to Question U.S. Billionaire in Netanyahu Probe
U.S. Warns Settlements Harm Israel’s ‘Democratic’ Future
Canada has been a leading voice on human rights in Iran for the past decade
Iran regime reacts furiously to printing of Maryam Rajavi’s photo in an important university publication
Healthy relationship between Iran and Italy is an illusion
IRAN: Former MP questions regime’s involvement in Syria

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on October 05-06/16
Why Egypt’s Muslims Are Bitter Towards Coptic Christians
Dress depicting planes flying into Twin Towers horrifies British shoppers
EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims
UK judge says money spent to keep Muslim from joining jihad in Syria ok: it saved his life
Robert Spencer in PJ Media: White House Proposes Official NEW RACE: ‘Middle East/North African’
Islamic State calls for random knife attacks in alleys, forests, beaches, “quiet neighborhoods”
Islamic State claims “jihad against Jews” rocket attack against Israel
Brussels: Muslim stabs two police officers, prosecutors say “we have reason to believe that the incident was a terrorist attack”
Hugh Fitzgerald: What Do French Textbooks Teach About Islam? (Part I)
Video: Robert Spencer on Barack Obama’s Fantasy Islam
Pakistan: Muslim murders his sister for marrying a Christian, AP falsely states that practice violates Islamic teaching
Coincidence: Muslim who claims he was randomly punched in DC happens to be Muslim Brotherhood-linked activist

Links From Christian Today Site for on October 05-06/16
Pope Francis: ‘Evil Does Not Have The Last Word’
Pope And Archbishop Lament Culture Of Indifference, Waste And Hate
Assyrian Christians Caught In Crossfire As Fighting Rages Against ISIS
Helping Haiti ‘In Jesus’ Name’: Christian Groups Move In After Hurricane Matthew Wreaks Havoc
Four Kidnapped Christians Including A Child Released For Ransom In Egypt
New Mission Launched To Share The Gospel With People Of Other Faiths
Christian Persecution On The Rise In Uzbekistan Where Just Owning A Bible Is Illegal
VP Candidates Clash On Abortion In Live TV Debate
Christian Man Hacked To Death In Church In India
Polish Government Backs Down Over Total Abortion Ban
Suicides And Revenge Attacks: The Plight Of Ex-Muslims In Britain
Why I Still Believe In Praying For Aleppo

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