خلف أحمد الحبتور/انتخابات داخل ميليشيا حزب الله…. لقد آن الأوان لاستعادة لبنان، والقرار بيد اللبنانيين. هل يكسرون القيد أخيراً ويستعيدون وطنهم؟/Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor: Elections Within Hezbollah Militia: The Time Has Come to Reclaim Lebanon—The Decision Is in the Hands of the Lebanese People. Will They Finally Break Free and Restore Their Homeland?


Elections Within Hezbollah Militia: The Time Has Come to Reclaim Lebanon—The Decision Is in the Hands of the Lebanese People. Will They Finally Break Free and Restore Their Homeland?
Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor/X Platform/December 30, 2024
(Free Translation from Arabic by: Elias Bejjani)

انتخابات داخل ميليشيا حزب_الله…. لقد آن الأوان لاستعادة لبنان، والقرار بيد اللبنانيين. هل يكسرون القيد أخيراً ويستعيدون وطنهم؟
خلف أحمد الحبتور/موقع أكس/30 كانون الأول/2024
تناقلت وسائل الإعلام اللبنانية خبر إجراء انتخابات داخل ميليشيا حزب الله.
لكن عن أي انتخابات نتحدث؟
في بلد يرزح تحت أزمات متتالية، وشعبه يعاني من الفقر والدمار، نجد جماعة ميليشياوية بلا ترخيص رسمي تعبث بسيادة الدولة، وتقامر بمصير لبنان وشعبه، وكأن الوطن بأكمله لعبة بيد الحزب يتحكم بها دون رادع.
هذه الجماعة التي زرعت الخراب والدمار في كل زاوية من لبنان تتحرك بحرية، شمالاً وجنوباً، تمارس أنشطتها الترهيبية كالعادة بلا حسيب أو رقيب.
أين الدولة اللبنانية من هذا التمادي؟
المسؤولون الذين أقسموا على حماية الشعب والدفاع عن سيادة الوطن؟
وكيف يمكن أن يستمر هذا الصمت المريب دون أن يطالب أحد بمحاكمة أفراد الحزب، ووقف عملياته، وفتح تحقيق شامل في أنشطته المدمرة؟
الجميع يعلم أن حزب الله استغل السلاح والتخويف لفرض هيمنته، لكن بعد الهزائم المتتالية التي أضعفت بنيته وفضحت هشاشته، ألم يحن الوقت ليستعيد اللبنانيون شجاعتهم ويقولوا بصوت واحد: كفى؟
التخاذل أمام هذه الميليشيا ليس مجرد تقصير، بل خيانة عظمى بحق لبنان وشعبه.
كل لحظة صمت هي تواطؤ، وكل قرار متردد هو خطوة جديدة نحو ضياع لبنان.
لا حرية ولا ازدهار لهذا الوطن إلا إذا اقتُلعت جذور هذه الميليشيا وغيرها من الميليشيات، بقرارات شجاعة لا تخضع للمساومات.
المرحلة القادمة ستكون حاسمة.
لبنان إما أن ينهض ليبني مستقبله كدولة حرة مستقلة، أو يغرق أكثر في ظلام الهيمنة والإرهاب. الوقت ينفد، والمطلوب اليوم أفعال جريئة، لا وعود فارغة.
لبنان يستحق أكثر من هذا العبث. يستحق مستقبلاً يعيد له كرامته وسيادته.
لقد آن الأوان لاستعادة لبنان، والقرار بيد اللبنانيين. هل يكسرون القيد أخيراً ويستعيدون وطنهم؟

Elections Within Hezbollah Militia: The Time Has Come to Reclaim Lebanon—The Decision Is in the Hands of the Lebanese People. Will They Finally Break Free and Restore Their Homeland?
Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor/X Platform/December 30, 2024
(Free Translation from Arabic by: Elias Bejjani)

Lebanese media outlets recently reported on elections taking place within the Iranian armed proxy militia, Hezbollah, But what elections are we talking about? In a country crushed under consecutive crises, with its people enduring poverty and devastation, we find an unlicensed militia group playing with the nation’s sovereignty and gambling with the fate of Lebanon and its citizens, as if the entire country is a toy controlled by this armed Iranian proxy without accountability.

Hezbollah: A Tool of Iranian Expansionism
Hezbollah, the Iranian regime’s primary foothold in the Levant, has transformed Lebanon into a battleground for Tehran’s regional ambitions. This militia has sown destruction in every corner of Lebanon, moving freely from north to south, carrying out its terroristic activities, destabilizing the nation, and perpetuating misery for the Lebanese people without oversight or accountability.

Where is the Lebanese State?
Where is the state in the face of such audacity? Where are the officials who swore to protect the people and defend the nation’s sovereignty? How long will this suspicious silence persist without anyone demanding the prosecution of Hezbollah members, the halting of its operations, and a comprehensive investigation into its destructive activities?

Exploiting Fear and Intimidation
For decades, Hezbollah has exploited weapons and intimidation to impose its dominance, silencing dissent and eliminating opposition. It has hijacked Lebanon’s political system, undermining its institutions and rendering the nation a failed state. Yet, after a series of defeats on various fronts that have weakened its structure and exposed its fragility, isn’t it time for the Lebanese to regain their courage and speak with one voice: Enough is Enough!

A Call to Action
Complacency in the face of Hezbollah’s armed militia is not just negligence—it is a grave betrayal of Lebanon and its people. Every moment of silence is complicity, and every hesitant decision is another step toward the irreversible loss of Lebanon. There can be no freedom or prosperity for this nation unless the roots of Hezbollah—and all other militias—are uprooted through decisive and courageous actions untainted by compromise.

The Next Phase Will Be Decisive
Lebanon stands at a crossroads. It will either rise to build its future as a free and independent state or sink further into the darkness of domination and terrorism. Time is running out. What Lebanon needs today are bold actions, not empty promises.

Lebanon Deserves Better
The Lebanese people deserve more than this chaos. They deserve a future that restores their dignity, sovereignty, and hope. Lebanon’s salvation lies in reclaiming its independence, strengthening its institutions, and rebuilding a state that prioritizes the interests of its citizens over the agendas of foreign powers.

Legal Accountability for Iran and Its Proxies
As former Lebanese diplomat Dr. Hisham Hamdan has argued, Iran and its agents in Lebanon should be held accountable for the catastrophic damage they have caused to the country, particularly their reckless wars against Israel and their role in perpetuating conflict. The Lebanese people must demand international legal action against these agents of destruction.

The Time Has Come
The time has come to reclaim Lebanon. The decision is in the hands of the Lebanese people. Will they finally break free, dismantle the chains of oppression, and restore their homeland to its rightful place as a beacon of freedom and prosperity in the region?
