Latest update on the Canadian soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa/كندا: مقتل جندي ومسلح في عمل يبدو ذي طابع ارهابي


مقتل مسلح وجندي وإجلاء رئيس الحكومة
كندا: إطلاق نار داخل البرلمان في حادث يحمل بصمات إرهابية مقتل مسلح وجندي وإجلاء رئيس الحكومة

أوتاوا – ا ف ب: 23 تشرين الأول/14
أردت الشرطة الكندية مسلحاً في داخل البرلمان بأوتاوا, أمس, وأطلقت حملة واسعة بحثاً عن مسلحين آخرين محتملين, إثر إطلاق النار على جندي ومقتله وإصابة شرطي بالقرب من مقر البرلمان. وفرضت الشرطة طوقاً أمنياً محكماً حول مكان الحادث, بعد أن قام شخص واحد على الاقل “يحمل بندقية صيد”, حسب شهود, بإطلاق النار على جندي كان يقف أمام نصب الجندي المجهول الواقع الى جانب مقر البرلمان, ما أدى إلى إصابته فنقله رجال إسعاف بعد أن أجروا له تنفساً اصطناعياً لإنقاذ حياته. ولاحقاً, أعلن وزير العمل جيسون كيني في تغريدة على “تويتر” وفاة الجندي متأثراً بجروحه, كما أعلن أن عنصراً في الشرطة كان يحرس البرلمان أصيب بجروح في اطلاق النار. وسرعان ما وصل عشرات الجنود المسلحين الى وسط مدينة أوتاوا, وسجل إطلاق نار في ثلاثة أمكنة مختلفة بينها نصب الجندي المجهول والبرلمان وجوار مركز تجاري. وفيما أكدت الشرطة مقتل أحد المهاجمين الذين رجحت أن عددهم قد يصل إلى ثلاثة, أفادت شهادات متعددة أن المهاجم أو المهاجمين أطلقوا النار في البداية على احد الجنود المتمركزين امام نصب الجندي المجهول قبل ان يسيطروا على سيارة رسمية تحت التهديد للاقتراب من أبواب البرلمان, لأن الاجراءات الامنية تحول دون دخول السيارات غير الرسمية الى المكان. وتمكن المهاجمون بعدها من الدخول الى المبنى المركزي للبرلمان حيث قاعة الاجتماعات. وسمع بعد ذلك دوي انفجار قوي أتبع بإطلاق نار غزير من عناصر الشرطة, حسب ما ظهر في شريط فيديو نقله صحافي يعمل في جريدة “غلوب ان ميل”, كان موجوداً داخل البرلمان وصور الشريط بواسطة هاتفه المحمول. وقال الموظف في البرلمان مارك اندري فيو “دخل شخص البرلمان راكضاً وكان عناصر من الشرطة يلاحقونه ويصرخون طالبين من الجميع الاحتماء”, مضيفاً انه سمع “نحو عشرين طلقة رصاص” أطلقت داخل البرلمان, فيما تحدث آخرون عن نحو 30 طلقة. وقال متحدث باسم رئيس الحكومة ستيفن هاربر الذي يوجد مكتبه داخل المنطقة المطوقة أمنياً أن الأخير أجلي من المكان وهو بخير, كما نقل الزعيمان المعارضان اليساري توماس مولكير وجوستان ترودو من الحزب الليبرالي الى مكان آمن. وتوازياً, طلب من سكان وسط أوتاوا الابتعاد عن نوافذ منازلهم ومكاتبهم لأن أحد المسلحين فر “على الارجح” الى سطح البرلمان, فيما شوهد قناصة من الشرطة ينتشرون على أسطح الابنية المجاورة. وأفادت وسائل الاعلام ان القواعد العسكرية أقفلت وطلب من العسكريين البقاء حيث هم, وعدم التنقل بلباسهم العسكري. وكانت السلطات الكندية رفعت اول من امس درجة الحذر من هجوم ارهابي من الدرجة السفلى الى الدرجة الوسطى للمرة الاولى منذ العام 2010. وجاء هذا القرار بعد مقتل عسكري واصابة آخر في سان جان سور ريشيليو في مقاطعة كيبيك بعد صدمه عمداً بسيارة كان يقودها شاب في الخامسة والعشرين من العمر أطلقت الشرطة بعدها النار عليه وقتلته. وهي المرة الأولى التي يقع في كندا اعتداء على علاقة بالتطرف الاسلامي –

Terrorists Thrive on Deaths – Anybody’s Except Fellow Islamists
Canada Free Press
Author/By Jerry McConnell October 22, 2014

It’s early afternoon of Wednesday, October 22, 2014, in the neighborhoods of eastern Canada and the United States, mere hours from the late morning devastation of wanton murder, for what appears to have been just killing for the sake of killing in Ottawa, Canada where a Canadian soldier and one of the guilty gunmen were the victims.
Not many known details have been made public as yet, so all first hand reports are in great scarcity. But it has been made known by FoxNews, that the incident took place “as multiple gunmen stormed the Canadian Parliament complex in Ottawa. spraying as many as 30 shots inside the government building in a brazen assault that left the nation’s capital on lockdown just two days after a terror attack in Quebec, officials said.”
Fox further reported “The gunmen next ran into the Parliament Hill building, where one MP reported hearing as many as 30 shots fired and a sergeant at arms was later credited with shooting one of the gunmen dead. In the following moments and hours, Royal Canadian Mounted Police converged on the scene, more shots were fired less than a mile away near a mall, and officials told Ottawa residents to barricade themselves in their homes as they searched for one or more possible gunmen.”
As an aside, we’ve been hearing rumored reports of ISIS announcements that that group of Islamic terrorists claiming to be the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria will be coming to the North American continent verifying many suppositions that the egos of these “lovers of peace through Islam” have gotten overgrown and more than likely feeding on their victories in the Middle Eastern countries which are no match for the likes of America and Canada.
But many people of those two countries in the West are holding firm to the beliefs that Obama and his ISIS rag-tag, shoot ‘em up, bang, bang practitioners of “Invincible Islam” followers in the Islamic nations are far less of a credible force. Many people of the Western nations feel that Obama is soft-pedaling American might and weaponry in a treasonous wish of success for ISIS. Our American Indians had a saying for principles such as that saying, “He speaks with a forked tongue” meaning talking tough and acting wimpish.
But the attacks against Canada has as of this hour, not been clearly explained as to motives or certainty of identity. Most of the reports have been repeats or pure speculations but of little substance in relation to the incident. One report from the U. S. State Department said that “Secretary of State John] Kerry who’s on his plane on the way back from Berlin has been briefed on the situation and is following it closely.” In my humble opinion, I think it wiser to leave Kerry where he is as he will only obfuscate matters and wind up blaming Global Warming, oops, I mean Liberal Climate Change for the shootings. added that this incident occurred just “two days after two Canadian soldiers were run over—and one of them killed—in Quebec by a man with jihadist sympathies. And on Tuesday, Canada had raised its domestic terror level from low to medium due to “an increase in general chatter from radical Islamist organizations like ISIL, Al Qaeda, al-Shabab and others who pose a clear threat to Canadians,” said Jean-Christophe de Le Rue, a spokesman for the public safety minister.”
So the presence of ISIS or other Islamic peaceful religion murders can not be discounted and more likely can be very probable. The other unseemly probability, that of a group of Canada or United States citizen morons who quite unbelievably would turn against their own fellow country men and women to side with ISIS terrorists, also can not be discounted after seeing proof of such total brainlessness in the past weeks from just this type of person.
If I had my way, those who desert their homelands and people deserve a fate worse than mere death; they should be subjected to a prolonged execution for the treasonous actions of fighting against their own even if only verbally. I would leave the details to some of our more efficacious and angrier thinkers.
In a late Wednesday afternoon update, stated briefly, “The shooter was identified by Canadian authorities as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, Fox News confirmed. He was believed to be Canadian-born. No further details were immediately available.”
Reuters: Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a recent convert to Islam
**Jerry McConnell is a longtime resident of planet earth with one half century on the seacoast of NH. He is a community activist but promises not to run for President and he feeds ACORN’s to the squirrels. He can be emailed at with complaints or the editor at with favorables.

Gunfire on Canadian Parliament Hill; Canadian soldier shot at War Memorial

 Wednesday Oct.22, 2014/A uniformed Canadian soldier has been shot at the War Memorial in Ottawa, and gunfire has also broken out inside the Parliament buildings CPR was performed on the soldier and he has been transported to hospital by ambulance. Police have told reporters that one of the suspects, reportedly carrying a “large weapon,” possibly a shotgun or rifle, is still on the loose, and the parliament buildings are on lockdown. Prime Minister is safe and “off the hill.”One shooter is confirmed dead inside the Parliament buildings. Police say there is more than one suspect in the shooting. CBC is reporting that all military bases in Canada are currently closed to the public, in the interest of the safety of the men and women working at them. The situation is still developing.