English LCCC Newsbulletin For
Lebanese, Lebanese Related, Global News & Editorials
For October 02/2023
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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15 ÂÐÇÑ/2023
Bible Quotations For
If the owner of the house had known in what part of
the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not
have let his house be broken into
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew
24/32-44/:”‘From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch
becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So
also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very
gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these
things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will
not pass away. ‘But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels
of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. For as the days of Noah were,
so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the
flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until
the day Noah entered the ark, and they knew nothing until the flood came and
swept them all away, so too will be the coming of the Son of Man. Then two
will be in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. Two women will
be grinding meal together; one will be taken and one will be left. Keep
awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.But
understand this: if the owner of the house had known in what part of the
night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have
let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son
of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.”
Titles For The Latest English LCCC Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on October 01-02/2023
Western countries are watching with a dead conscious a new massacre committed
against the Armenian people in Nagorno-Karabakh/
Elias Bejjani/September30, 2023
Text of Bishop Aoudi's sermon delivered today, October 1, 2023, during the
Divine Mass that he presided over in St. George’s Cathedral
Aoudi/Instead of going into details about the priorities of the future
president, wouldn’t it be more effective to elect this president and let him
work with his government?
Pope Francis calls for dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia
Hezbollah official decries 'US veto' on consensus in Lebanon
Beirut 'Freedoms March' attacked by mob accusing it of backing homosexuality
Bassil says some are 'delusional' regarding presidential file
Gebran Bassil advocates administrative decentralization as Geagea criticizes
MP Boustani to LBCI: Reaching an agreement on a presidential program is even
more crucial than electing a president
The quest for a compromise: Lebanon's political stalemate and the third option
Lebanon's star-studded summer: Festivals' success story
FPM denies circulated news that Aoun, Bassil's convoy was subjected to
provocation during their Bekaa Valley tour
Beirut First Club wins over Al-Hikma Beirut as champion of 2nd Doha
International Basketball Tournament
Foreign Ministry denounces terrorist attack on Turkish Interior Ministry's
Security Directorate in Ankara
Hezbollah official decries 'US veto' on consensus in Lebanon
Titles For The Latest English LCCC Miscellaneous
Reports And News published on October 01-02/2023
Pope says Nagorno-Karabakh experiencing a humanitarian crisis
More than 80% of Nagorno-Karabakh's population flees as future uncertain for
those who remain
Bomb attack targets Turkish capital, Kurdish militants claim responsibility
Suicide bomber detonates a device in the Turkish capital. A second assailant is
killed in a shootout
Migrant boat washes ashore in Israel, fate of passengers unknown
Russia's Medvedev says British training troops in Ukraine could be legitimate
Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about
future US support
Zelenskiy says nothing will weaken Kyiv's resolve against Russia
Pro-Russia party wins Slovakia election, intends to end support of Ukraine
Slovak populists opposed to Ukraine aid win election
Biden urges Congress to pass Ukraine aid after govt. shutdown deal
Ontario government expands list of ailments pharmacists can treat
Iraq wedding fire caused by ‘gross negligence,’ government investigation says
Titles For The Latest English LCCC analysis &
editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 01-02/2023
The Persecution of Christians, August 2023/’Whenever They Want to Kill, They
Kill’/Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/October 01/2023
Negotiators get their turn as Nagorno-Karabakh’s demise approaches/Yasar Yakis/Arab
News/October 01, 2023
How societies can confront disinformation campaigns/Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Arab
News/October 01, 2023
Europe’s internal ruptures need urgent repair/Dr. Theodore Karasik/Arab
News/October 01, 2023
Abbas and Netanyahu left the UN with no hopes of peace anytime soon/Yossi
Mekelberg/Arab News/October 01/2023
Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News &
Editorials published on October 01-02/2023
Western countries are watching with a dead
conscious a new massacre committed against the Armenian people in
Elias Bejjani/September30, 2023
What a disgrace, and hypocrisy is unfolding.
The Western countries that laud civilization, Freedom, human right, democracy
and take pride in raising the banners of the international covenant of human
rights, have lost everything that is humanity, conscience, self respect,
credibility and morals.
These countries, due to their secularism, selfishness,
atheism, ingratitude, and regression to the original sinful human nature,
have become completely estranged from all their values, history, national and
humanitarian obligations and commitments.
Yes, unfortunately, all these countries, cloaked satanic competition, corrupt
and secularism, have sunk up to their ears in everything that sadistic and
commercial priorities. They have abandoned their previous conception and
assessment of everything that is human, faith-filled and of eternal
These countries, led by Russia are stupidly, dead in their conscience, faith,
and hope, are watching a new massacre of a horrific ethnic cleansing committed
by Azerbaijan and its ally, Turkey, against the Armenian people in
The Armenian people in Nagorno-Karabakh are
killed, abused, tortured, displaced from the land of their ancestors, uprooted
from their history roots by force, and ethnically cleansed.
Meanwhile Russia in particular, and the countries of the West in general,
without a single exception, are not lifting a finger, but rather blessing the
massacre, allying themselves with its perpetrators, and cheering for them.
What a shame, these satanic secular regimes are worshiping earthly riches,
abandoning all values, principles, human rights and the Armenians' destiny of
What is sad and painful at the same time, is that the Armenian people, whom the
Turkish Ottoman Empire exposed to the most horrific crime in history between the
years 1914-1915, have once again been left prey to the predatory human monsters
represented by Azerbaijan's dictator Ilham Aliyevnt, and his Islamic
fundamentalist Turkish ally, President Erdogan, who are both drowning in
the mire of hatred, fanaticism, historical hatred and deeply rooted sickening
What is totally condemned is this ungrateful West has allowed the Azerbaijan’s
corrupt, blustering dictator Ilham Aliyev, and his ally, the traitorous and
hateful Turkish, President Erdogan, to repeat the brutal massacres committed by
their Ottoman ancestors against the Armenian people.
In conclusion, the West has blessed Aliyev's - Erdogan's brutality, and their
thirst to shed Armenian blood, despite the fact that Turkey is a member of the
NATO alliance, that is supposed to protect peace, freedoms and democracy.
It remains that the West's satanic and inhumane shameful silence in regards to
the massacres perpetrated against the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh is
fully denounced and condemned
The Armenian Genocide, Armenian Massacres, or Armenian Holocaust
(Armenian: Հայոց Ցեղասպանութիւն) (Turkish: Ermeni Soykırımı) was the systematic
mass killing and expulsion of Armenians that took place in the territories of
the Ottoman Empire by the government of the Society of Union and Progress during
World War I. Although separate massacres have been committed against Armenians
since the middle of the year 1914 AD, it is agreed that the date of the
beginning of the genocide is April 24, 1915 AD, which is the day on which the
Ottoman authorities gathered hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and notables,
arrested them, and deported them from Constantinople (Istanbul today) to the
province of Ankara, where they were killed. Most of them died.
Text of Bishop Aoudi's sermon delivered today, October
1, 2023, during the Divine Mass that he presided over in St. George’s Cathedral
Instead of going into details about the priorities of the future president,
wouldn’t it be more effective to elect this president and let him work with his
NNA/LCCC/Google Translation/October 1, 2023
The Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Beirut and its dependencies, Bishop Elias
Aoudi, presided over the Divine Liturgy service in St. George's Cathedral. He
delivered a sermon in which he said: “The Evangelist Luke shows, in today’s
Gospel, a basic rule that man must adopt in order to build his relationship with
his fellow man, on the example of the relationship that God has established with
us, his creation. This rule summarizes every virtue and commandment, every good
deed and opinion. It is free love towards everyone, which does not ask for
anything in return: “For if you love those who love you, what credit do you
have? For sinners also love those who love them.”
He added: “A person who loves his brother shows his love towards him through his
mercy and forgiveness towards him, as the Lord Jesus did when he loved us to the
cross, laying down himself for our salvation. He commanded us, saying: “Be
merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” The Apostle John says: “He is
Atonement for our sins, and not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the
whole world” (1 John 2:2). Some may ask how we can be merciful. The Lord Jesus
provided an answer to this question by saying: “Love your enemies, and do good,
and lend, expecting nothing, and your reward will be great.” And you will be
children of the Most High, for He is gracious to the unthankful and the wicked”
(Luke 6:35), and adds: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn
anyone, and you will not be judged. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and
it will be given to you... For with the measure you use, it will be measured
back to you.” » (Luke 6: 37-38). Mercy is revealed above all in forgiveness: “Do
not judge, and you will not be judged...” The Lord did not intend to overturn
the scales of human justice, but rather reminded his disciples that they should
stop issuing judgments and condemnations, and look to Self in order to realize
and get rid of one's own sins.
He continued: “Forgiveness is the backbone on which all the life of the
Christian community is based, because in it the free love with which God first
loved us is revealed. Why should a Christian forgive? Because he has been
forgiven. Didn’t the Lord teach us in the Lord’s Prayer to say: “And let
(forgive) “We have what we owe, just as we leave (forgive) those who owe us”?
The Lord taught us to forgive the other, and then he set this forgiveness as a
condition so that we in turn obtain His forgiveness, and of course there is no
one who does not need God’s forgiveness. Therefore, we must always live
forgiveness. , so that we always obtain it. This means to forgive offenses, to
forgive many things that bother us, because many offenses and sins have been
forgiven us. If God, our Creator, has forgiven us, then why do we not in turn
forgive others? This pillar of forgiveness shows us the freeness of God’s love,
which He first loved us and gave himself for us to save us.”
He said: “Judging and condemning another who sins is a wrong act, not because we
do not want to acknowledge the sin, but because condemning the sinner breaks the
bond of brotherhood with him and bypasses the mercy of God who does not abandon
any of his children. We have no authority to condemn our brother who sins. We
are not in a higher position than him, but rather we have a duty to restore him
to the dignity of his sonship to the Father, and a duty to accompany him on the
path of his repentance, while condemning his sin, and not to him personally,
since “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). It is
the duty of each of us to expose sins. and condemning evil deeds, and at the
same time helping the sinner to repent.”
He added: “If forgiveness is the first pillar, then giving is the second pillar.
The Lord tells us: ‘Give, and it will be given to you... For with the measure
you use, it will be measured back to you’” (Luke 6:38). God has blessed us with
much more than we deserve. But He will be more generous to those who were
generous here on this earth. The Lord Jesus did not speak about what would
happen to those who do not give, but rather He gave us the metaphor of “measure”
as a warning to us. The amount of love that we give determines the measure of
the measure with which He will measure to us, that is why He told us “As you
would have people do to you, so do you to them” (Luke 6:31). The Lord’s words
are characterized by a consistent logic that we must pay attention to, because
with the same amount that God gives to us, we must in turn give to others, and
with the same amount that we give to others, He will give to us. God".
He continued: “The commandment to love is the greatest of the commandments that
the Lord Jesus gave us (Matthew 22: 37-39). “Let us love one another, for love
is from God, and every lover is born of God and knows God. He who does not love
does not know God, because God is love” (1 John 4: 7 - 8). Love brings mercy,
and it is the only path we must take. We need to be more merciful, not to speak
ill of others, and not to judge them, envy them, or humiliate them. We must
forgive, be merciful, and live our lives with the love that does not allow a
Christian person To lose the identity that he received from the Lord, but rather
to make him realize that he is a son of the Father. In love, mercy, giving, and
forgiveness are manifested. Thus, the heart expands and shines with love.
Selfishness and anger make the heart shrink and harden like stone. Do we want a
heart of stone, or a heart full of love? We would rather have a heart full of
love than be merciful.”
He said: “In our talk about mercy and love, it appears before our eyes how much
our country lacks these two sincere elements. Mercy is absent from everyone,
from officials towards the people, and from members of the people among
themselves. This indicates that love has become extinct, and has been replaced
by narrow personal interests that have become The first and only pillar of some
politicians, bankers, merchants, monopolists, employees, doctors and others who
selfishly and greedily advance their interests, not caring about the suffering
of their brothers.”
He added: “It is also unfortunate what we hear from leaders and officials who
accuse each other and exchange blame, reproach and condemnation, driven by goals
and interests that do not benefit the country and do not get it out of the abyss
it is in. Each party places the blame of obstructing the election of a president
on the others. It may be true, but who Some of them facilitate the matter,
abandoning their interests, conditions, and connections, calling only for the
implementation of the constitution and the election of a president who will be
an inspiring and inspirational leader, with a message of reform, and not a
leader who people follow, whether he is unjust or unjust? Morals, humanity,
love, sacrifice, giving, these are what we lack in this country in order to We
can rise. Countries interested in Lebanon are disturbed by the behavior of all
parties, and are wondering about the feasibility of continuing their interest in
Lebanon, while officials continue not to bear responsibility and prolong the
life of the vacuum. Instead of elaborating on setting plans, programs and
priorities for the future president, would it not be more beneficial for the
country to elect this president? And let him work with his government?
He continued: "Our country needs an authority that addresses all the problems
facing it and burdening its people, and the longer the impasse lasts, the more
Lebanon will be emptied of its people who emigrate to it in pursuit of a decent
life. They excel and innovate, and Amin Maalouf is the best example of which
Lebanon is proud, while the waves of displacement to Lebanon increase with
what... It causes problems and burdens.”He concluded: “Our call today is to have
mercy and love, so that we may truly be children of God, so that His Holy Name
will be glorified because of us, and we will become children of the Kingdom.”
Pope Francis calls for dialogue between Azerbaijan and
NNA/October 1, 2023
Pope Francis called for "arbitrating the language of dialogue between Armenia
and Azerbaijan," expressing his hope that an agreement would be reached to end
the humanitarian crisis between them, according to "Russia Today".
The Pope said after his usual sermon, which he delivered today, Sunday, in St.
Peter’s Square: “These days, I am following the tragic situation of refugees in
Nagorno-Karabakh.”Addressing the faithful from the window of the Apostolic
Palace, he added: “I reiterate my call for dialogue between Azerbaijan and
Armenia. I hope that the negotiations between the two parties, with the support
of the international community, will contribute to reaching a long-term
agreement that will end this humanitarian crisis.”
Hezbollah official decries 'US veto' on consensus in
Naharnet/October 1, 2023
Hezbollah central council member Sheikh Nabil Qaouq has noted that “there are
foreign, international and domestic initiatives to resolve the presidential
crisis but no progress towards a solution.”“This is because the challenge and
confrontation folk have torpedoed all these initiatives due to deep-rooted
grudges and failed bets,” Qaouq said. “They don’t want a solution, consensus or
understanding, but rather conflict, internal confrontation and dragging the
country into strife. Their project intersects with the objectives of the July
2006 war, but let it be known that we will not accept and will never accept for
a day to come on which anyone passes any Israeli goal that we had defeated in
Wadi al-Hjeir and the Khiyam Plain,” the Hezbollah official added. Moreover,
Qaouq said that there is a “foreign veto” on consensus and rapprochement in
Lebanon. “This is totally clear in the U.S. stance, seeing as it is prohibited
for the Lebanese to meet, agree and sit together, and when the Swiss Embassy
called for a meeting gathering the Lebanese parties, the U.S. objected and the
meeting was called off,” Qaouq charged. He added that “the group of challenge
and confrontation through its foiling of initiatives and agreements has become a
heavy burden on the country, because it is the reason behind all these crises
and does not want a solution.”“We in Hezbollah and the Amal Movement are night
and day searching for any chance to rescue the country, while they are searching
night and day for any chance to incite, create tensions, obstruct and drag the
country into strife, but we will not give up our responsibilities and will not
be dragged into any incitement,” Qaouq added.
Beirut 'Freedoms March' attacked by mob accusing it of
backing homosexuality
Naharnet/October 1, 2023
A demo dubbed “Freedoms March” was attacked and besieged by a mob Saturday in
downtown Beirut after it was accused of “promoting homosexuality.”The attacks
against protesters and journalists left several people wounded and the besieged
individuals were eventually evacuated in Internal Security Forces armored
vehicles after several hours of chaos. Media reports identified the attackers as
members of Islamist groups who came from Tariq al-Jedideh and Beirut’s southern
suburbs as well as militants from the hardline Christian group Soldiers of God.
The march had been scheduled to head at 4pm from the Riad al-Solh Square towards
the Interior Ministry in Sanayeh. Videos circulated online showed the attackers
beating up some activists and bloodying them up and shouting insults and slurs
at others. The attackers said that they reject “all types and forms of
perversion on Beirut’s streets,” calling on the interior minister to immediately
ban the march “because we will prevent it from passing through any road in
Beirut and will confront the participants.” The Progressive Socialist Party
meanwhile said “the attack on the people in central Beirut is totally condemned
and rejected regardless of any consideration.”
“Security forces must arrest the attackers and refer them to the judiciary,
seeing as it is their duty to perform their role in preserving freedom,” the PSP
added. A statement recited by one of the march’s organizers said the demo was
called “Freedoms March” in protest at “the authorities that are repressing
individual, journalistic, syndical and other freedoms.”“It is a reaction against
all the repressive stances and the strenuous efforts to muzzle mouths in favor
of the hardline trend that does not tolerate intellectual, sexual, gender and
political diversity,” the statement said.
Rainbows, school books, movies and drag shows have all been targeted in Lebanon
in recent weeks as politicians, religious leaders and vigilante groups step up a
campaign against the LGBTQ+ community in a country that has long shown relative
tolerance. In August, several dozen men from the Soldiers of God group trashed a
Beirut nightclub hosting a drag show. They beat up several people, driving some
patrons to hide in a bathroom. The education minister also recently banned a
game of Chutes and Ladders that was distributed to schools as part of a USAID
project because it was decorated with a rainbow, Lebanese media reported. A
video circulated online showed a man in the northern city of Tripoli using black
paint to cross out a rainbow on the side of a van distributing books. In early
August, caretaker Culture Minister Mohammed Murtada requested for the General
Security Directorate to ban the movie "Barbie," saying it "promotes
homosexuality and transgenders." The Directorate, however, ruled that the movie
is permitted and it eventually started showing in early September. In a recent
meeting, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, several government ministers and
the head of the Maronite Church Cardinal Beshara al-Rahi discussed
homosexuality. Afterward, the premier told reporters that "there is unanimity to
abide by moral Lebanese and family values."Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader
of Hezbollah, called in a recent speech for the death penalty on people engaged
in same-sex acts, calling homosexuality "a clear and present danger." He accused
NGOs of circulating books for school children that promote homosexuality and
called for the books to be banned.
Bassil says some are 'delusional' regarding presidential file
Naharnet/October 1, 2023
Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil has warned some domestic political
forces against being “delusional” regarding the presidential file. “Delusional
are those waiting for the balances of power to change so that their candidate
reaches the presidency, such as betting on a strike against Hezbollah or Iran,
the fall of (Syrian) President (Bashar) al-Assad, or betting on a Syrian-Saudi
or Saudi-Iranian understanding,” Bassil said during a visit to Zahle.
Gebran Bassil advocates administrative
decentralization as Geagea criticizes opposition
LBCI/October 1, 2023
In a visit to Zahle, the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) leader, Gebran Bassil,
continued championing the administrative decentralization slogan before the
crowds for sheer tension. However, the application of any item of administrative
decentralization has remained absent since President Michel Aoun took office
until today. This article was originally published in, translated from Lebanese
newspaper Nidaa al-Watan.Bassil, who began his tour with a visit to former MP
Cesar Maalouf, who was a member of the Strong Republic bloc in the previous
parliamentary elections, emphasized the importance of adopting administrative
decentralization and the credit fund for their positive impact on the
development of Lebanese regions, enabling them to keep up with progress and
competition for the better, without restricting them to the legislative and
executive authorities. Samir Geagea, the leader of the Lebanese Forces Party,
spoke about ideological differences with the resistance group, stressing that
the hostility is not because of these differences but because that group "wields
its power in the country and wants to rule without knowing how." The most
apparent evidence is that it had the presidency, a parliamentary majority, and a
ministerial majority in recent years, yet it failed."Geagea's words came on the
second anniversary of the launch of the Sovereign Front for Lebanon, where he
considered that the resistance group clings to the Lebanese people and the
Lebanese state until it leads them to destruction while still insisting on
renewing itself for another six years by bringing its candidate. Nevertheless,
the opposition was vigilant and made a great effort to prevent this renewal,
although it was not easy."Geagea pointed out that the other group managed to
hold onto the country after 30 years of Syrian tutelage, followed by the control
of Hezbollah and some Lebanese mercenaries. He said, "So, we are facing a very
capable internal opponent regarding finances. Its budget exceeds $40 million
from abroad alone, in addition to its well-known trade, smuggling, tax evasion,
and customs evasion, as well as its military and security apparatus. Its latest
act was the assassination of comrade Elias Hasrouni." Deputy Speaker of
Parliament Ali Hassan Khalil, an aide to Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri,
noted that the other group rejected Berri's initiative to call for dialogue,
leading to a new stalemate. He considered that some are raising their demands to
a level they know is difficult to achieve, and no one threatens us, whether with
federalism, self-administration, or amending the essence of our system.
Hezbollah's position was expressed by its deputy, Hussein Al-Hajj Hassan, who
considered that the election of a president is still facing internal and
external obstacles. Some parties inside refuse dialogue and reconciliation, and
some parties outside engage in obstruction. Al-Hajj Hassan pointed out that "the
failure to elect a president has negative consequences on the Lebanese people in
the fields of health, education, and infrastructure," stressing that "the
president's election is the key to solving and addressing all issues."
Meanwhile, the Minister of Interior in the caretaker government, Bassam Mawlawi,
affirmed that the Syrian refugee crisis is no longer tolerable and threatens
Lebanon's demographics and identity. He said, "We are doing our duty as a
ministry and a government, but it is no longer acceptable for the UNHCR to deal
with this issue in this manner. The UNHCR cannot continue to operate
independently without considering the presence of the Lebanese state and laws,
especially regarding the handover of the database of Syrian refugees to the
General Security." Mawlawi asked, "How can you ask us to protect Syrian refugees
in Lebanon without their data? We do not accept this, neither us nor the
government, and it will not be accepted from today onward."
MP Boustani to LBCI: Reaching an agreement on a presidential program is even
more crucial than electing a president
LBCI/October 1, 2023
Strong Republic Bloc member MP Nada Boustani affirmed the bloc's commitment to
electing a president for the republic as soon as possible. However, she
acknowledged the current difficulty in achieving this goal, emphasizing that
reaching an agreement on a presidential program is even more crucial than
electing a president. On LBCI's "Nharkom Said" TV show, Boustani considered that
"To overcome the crisis, we are obliged to prioritize and agree on key issues."
She also clarified, "We did not reject the dialogue called for by Parliament
Speaker Nabih Berri. We mentioned that certain conditions must be met for this
dialogue to succeed." Boustani underlined that the presidential election is a
purely Lebanese matter, asserting, "The presidential deadline is distinctly
Lebanese, and our decision is independent."
The quest for a compromise: Lebanon's political stalemate
and the third option
LBCI/October 1, 2023
Under the title of "third option," a new external initiative is making its way
to resolve the presidential crisis. This initiative is divided between the
meetings of the Qatari envoy, Fahd bin Jassem Al Thani, in Beirut, shrouded in
mystery, and the contacts of the French envoy in Riyadh, along with the members
of the Quintet Committee, which has not yet produced a therapeutic formula. This
article was originally published in, translated from online newspaper Al Anbaa.
According to sources close to the online newspaper Al Anbaa, the discussions of
the Qatari envoy revolve around three fundamental issues: the necessity of
relying on the third option and stepping back from clinging to the presidential
candidates Sleiman Frangieh and Jihad Azour, searching for a candidate
equidistant from all parties, and working earnestly to rescue the Lebanese
economy from collapse by encouraging investment in all sectors, with Qatar
playing a fundamental role in this regard. The shift towards the third option
was confirmed by MP Adib Abd al-Masih, a member of the Renewal Bloc, who is part
of the parliamentary delegation visiting the United States. He described it as
the logical solution reached by the Quintet Committee after nine months of
communication with local political forces. This is aimed at breaking the
vertical deadlock that has paralyzed the MPs, as they have failed to secure an
absolute majority for either of the competing candidates, Frangieh and Azour,
who will be asked to withdraw from the presidential race for the reasons
mentioned above, making room for the search for other candidates. Regarding the
Amal-Hezbollah duo's insistence on Frangieh, Abd al-Masih stated, "As long as
Frangieh has not obtained an absolute majority in all previous election
sessions, he should withdraw from the candidacy. The country cannot remain
paralyzed indefinitely." Abd al-Masih revealed that "Deputy Assistant US
Secretary of State Evan Goldstein informed them that he would visit Lebanon next
December, and the Lebanese people would have a president by that date,"
considering that "Army Commander General Joseph Aoun has the best chance so far,
according to the American official, and Qatari efforts are heading in this
direction." As long as matters are still within the framework of persuading the
concerned political forces of the need to opt for the third option, and until
now, some have not been convinced of it, while others have not been convinced of
the necessity of discussing the matter, the central knot remains in place,
waiting for stakeholders to embark on the settlement that is indispensable to
complete the presidential process.
Lebanon's star-studded summer: Festivals' success story
LBCI/October 1, 2023
Several Arab and international stars have chosen to light up the nights of
festivals and concerts in Lebanon this year. Artists, musicians, and DJs
numbering more than 30 have performed at the Lebanese events this summer, a
number that is almost double that of the previous year. In Lebanon, there is a
strong demand for artistic performances and concerts, whether by Arab or foreign
artists, from a diverse audience with tastes ranging from Eastern to Western.
This creates a beautiful and sophisticated interaction, especially given these
events' grand and distinctive organization, which has not seen any significant
security incidents over the years. This is a positive exchange for both parties:
the visiting artist and the host country. In terms of numbers, foreign artists'
fees for a concert range from $10,000 to as much as a million dollars, depending
on their popularity and the size of the event. Furthermore, Lebanon benefits
from attracting these stars. In addition to work visa fees, there is a 7.5%
income tax on the expenses of foreign artists in hotels, restaurants, and
transportation, which goes into the treasury. Moreover, there is an 11% VAT tax
on ticket prices and a 17% tax on the profits paid by the contracting company.
Additionally, 10% of the contract value signed by the foreign artist, plus a 2%
share of the total ticket sales, goes to the solidarity fund for Lebanese
artists, including musicians, actors, painters, sculptors, and others.
International festivals enhance tourism in the regions and help portray a
positive image of Lebanon to the world, which has only recorded successes.
FPM denies circulated news that Aoun, Bassil's convoy was subjected to
provocation during their Bekaa Valley tour
NNA/October 1, 2023
The Free Patriotic Movement's media and communication committee categorically
denied, in an issued statement this evening, the circulated news that the convoy
of President General Michel Aoun and MP Gebran Bassil was subjected to
provocative acts or to any incident of any kind during the two-day tour in
Central and Northern Bekaa this weekend. The statement affirmed that the tour
was crowned with success and characterized by popular warmth, openness and
communication with many of the region's prominent dignitaries.
Beirut First Club wins over Al-Hikma Beirut as champion of 2nd Doha
International Basketball Tournament
NNA/October 1, 2023
Beirut First Club was crowned champion of the second Doha Qatari International
Basketball Tournament, defeating Al-Hikma Beirut, champion of the first edition,
90-62, in the final match that took place between them on Saturday evening in
the Al-Gharafa Club hall near Doha. Winning the title was the best preparation
for the Beirut First Club team, which will participate starting tomorrow in the
Arab Club Championship, which is also hosted by the Qatari capital. It is worth
noting that Lebanese Coach Joe Ghattas won the title in its first edition with
the al-Hikma Beirut and in its second with Beirut First Club.
Foreign Ministry denounces terrorist attack on Turkish Interior Ministry's
Security Directorate in Ankara
NNA/October 1, 2023
In an issued statement on Sunday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants
condemned the terrorist attack on the Security Directorate of the Turkish
Ministry of Interior in the capital, Ankara, this morning, and wished “a speedy
recovery to the two injured security personnel.”
Hezbollah official decries 'US veto' on consensus in
NNA/October 1, 2023
Hezbollah central council member Sheikh Nabil Qaouq has noted that “there are
foreign, international and domestic initiatives to resolve the presidential
crisis but no progress towards a solution.”“This is because the challenge and
confrontation folk have torpedoed all these initiatives due to deep-rooted
grudges and failed bets,” Qaouq said. “They don’t want a solution, consensus or
understanding, but rather conflict, internal confrontation and dragging the
country into strife. Their project intersects with the objectives of the July
2006 war, but let it be known that we will not accept and will never accept for
a day to come on which anyone passes any Israeli goal that we had defeated in
Wadi al-Hjeir and the Khiyam Plain,” the Hezbollah official added. Moreover,
Qaouq said that there is a “foreign veto” on consensus and rapprochement in
Lebanon. “This is totally clear in the U.S. stance, seeing as it is prohibited
for the Lebanese to meet, agree and sit together, and when the Swiss Embassy
called for a meeting gathering the Lebanese parties, the U.S. objected and the
meeting was called off,” Qaouq charged. He added that “the group of challenge
and confrontation through its foiling of initiatives and agreements has become a
heavy burden on the country, because it is the reason behind all these crises
and does not want a solution.” “We in Hezbollah and the Amal Movement are night
and day searching for any chance to rescue the country, while they are searching
night and day for any chance to incite, create tensions, obstruct and drag the
country into strife, but we will not give up our responsibilities and will not
be dragged into any incitement,” Qaouq added. --- NAHARNET
Latest English LCCC Miscellaneous Reports And News
published on October 01-02/2023
Pope says Nagorno-Karabakh experiencing a humanitarian crisis
VATICAN CITY (Reuters)/October 1, 2023
Pope Francis on Sunday called for talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia to
restore peace in Nagorno-Karabakh, adding that the region was experiencing a
humanitarian crisis. "I have been following the dramatic situation of the
displaced people in Nagorno-Karabakh in recent days and I renew my call for
dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia, hoping that talks between the
parties... will foster a lasting agreement that will put an end to the
humanitarian crisis," the pope said during his Sunday prayer. More than 100,000
refugees have arrived in Armenia since Azerbaijan's military operation to retake
control of Nagorno-Karabakh, the United Nations said on Saturday. The pope also
said he was praying for the victims of the explosion at a fuel depot near the
city of Stepanakert in Nagorno-Karabakh.
More than 80% of Nagorno-Karabakh's population flees as
future uncertain for those who remain
YEREVAN, Armenia (AP)/October 01/2023
The exodus of more than 80% of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh raises
questions about Azerbaijan's plans for the ethnic Armenian enclave following its
lightning offensive last week to reclaim the breakaway region.
The Armenian government said Friday evening that more than 97,700 people, from a
population of around 120,000, had fled to Armenia since Azerbaijan attacked and
ordered the region's militants to disarm. The enclave's separatist government
said it would dissolve itself by the end of the year after a three-decade bid
for independence.
Some people lined up for days to escape Nagorno-Karabakh because the only route
to Armenia — a winding mountain road — became jammed with slow-moving vehicles.
Armenian Health Minister Anahit Avanesyan said some people, including the
elderly, had died while on the road to Armenia, because they were “exhausted due
to malnutrition, left without even taking medicine with them, and were on the
road for more than 40 hours.”
On Thursday, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan alleged that the exodus of
ethnic Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh amounted to “a direct act of an ethnic
cleansing and depriving people of their motherland.” Azerbaijan’s Foreign
Ministry strongly rejected Pashinyan’s accusations, saying the departure of
Armenians was “their personal and individual decision and has nothing to do with
forced relocation.”
Laurence Broers, an expert on the Caucasus with the London-based think tank
Chatham House, said it was unlikely that significant numbers of Armenians would
remain in Nagorno-Karabakh and that “the territory will become homogenous.”
“If you define ethnic cleansing as actions by force or through intimidation to
induce a population to leave, that’s very much what the last year or so has
looked like,” he said.
During the three decades of conflict in the region, Azerbaijan and separatists
inside Nagorno-Karabakh, alongside allies in Armenia, have accused each other of
targeted attacks, massacres and other atrocities, leaving people on both sides
deeply suspicious and fearful.
While Azerbaijan has pledged to respect the rights of ethnic Armenians in the
region, most are now fleeing, because they don’t believe that Azerbaijani
authorities will treat them fairly and humanely or guarantee them their
language, religion and culture.
In December, Azerbaijan blocked the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh with
Armenia, accusing the Armenian government or using it for illicit weapons
shipments to the region’s separatist forces.
Armenia alleged the closure denied basic food and fuel supplies to
Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan rejected the accusation, arguing that the region
could receive supplies through the Azerbaijani city of Aghdam — a solution long
resisted by Nagorno-Karabakh authorities, which called it a strategy for
Azerbaijan to gain control of the region. In the 1990s, the Azerbaijani
population was itself expelled from Nagorno-Karabakh and hundreds of thousands
of people were displaced within Azerbaijan. As part of its “Great Return”
program, the government in Baku has already relocated Azerbaijanis to
territories recaptured from Nagorno-Karabakh forces in a 2020 war.
Analysts believe Azerbaijan could expand the program and resettle
Nagorno-Karabakh with Azerbaijanis, while stating that ethnic Armenians could
stay or exercise a right to return in order to “refute accusations that Karabakh
Armenians have been ethnically cleansed,” Broers said.
A decree signed by the region’s separatist president, Samvel Shakhramanyan,
cited a Sept. 20 agreement to end the fighting under which Azerbaijan would
allow the “free, voluntary and unhindered movement” of Nagorno-Karabakh’s
residents to Armenia.
Some of those who fled the regional capital, Stepanakert, said they had no hope
for the future.
“I left Stepanakert having a slight hope that maybe something will change and I
will come back soon, and these hopes are ruined after reading about the
dissolution of our government,” 21-year-old student Ani Abaghyan told The
Associated Press.
“I don’t want to live with the Azerbaijanis," said Narine Karamyan, 50. “Maybe
there are some people who will return to their homes. I don’t want that. I want
to live as an Armenian.”
After six years of separatist fighting ended in 1994 following the collapse of
the Soviet Union, Nagorno-Karabakh came under the control of ethnic Armenian
forces, backed by Armenia. Then, during a six-week war in 2020, Azerbaijan took
back parts of the region in the south Caucasus Mountains along with surrounding
territory that Armenian forces had claimed earlier. Nagorno-Karabakh was
internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan’s sovereign territory.
Armine Ghazaryan, who crossed into Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh with her four
young children, told the AP that it was the second time she had been displaced
from her home, saying she had previously sheltered with her children in her
neighbors' basement during the war in 2020.
“At least we live in peace here. At least we stay in Armenia," she said upon
arriving in the Armenian town of Goris.
On Monday night, a fuel reservoir exploded at a gas station where people lined
up for gas to fill up their vehicles to flee to Armenia. At least 68 people were
killed and nearly 300 others were injured, with more than 100 others still
considered missing after the blast, which exacerbated fuel shortages that were
already dire after the blockade.
On Friday the State Emergency Service of Nagorno-Karabakh's interior ministry
said 170 remains and body fragments had been collected and would be sent to
Armenia for DNA identification.
Avanesyan, the Armenian health minister, said 142 people who were injured after
the fuel tank exploded were taken to Armenia for treatment and that some of them
were in very serious condition.
On Thursday, Azerbaijani authorities charged Ruben Vardanyan, the former head of
Nagorno-Karabakh’s separatist government, with financing terrorism, creating
illegal armed formations and illegally crossing a state border. He was detained
on Wednesday by Azerbaijani border guards as he was trying to leave
Nagorno-Karabakh for Armenia along with tens of thousands of others. Vardanyan,
a billionaire who made his fortune in Russia, was placed in pretrial detention
for at least four months and faces up to 14 years in prison. His arrest appeared
to indicate Azerbaijan’s intent to quickly enforce its grip on the region.
Another top separatist figure, Nagorno-Karabakh’s former foreign minister and
now presidential adviser David Babayan, said Thursday that he would surrender to
Azerbaijani authorities who ordered him to face an investigation in Baku.
Bomb attack targets Turkish capital, Kurdish militants
claim responsibility
Reuters/October 01/2023
ANKARA: Two attackers detonated a bomb in front of Turkish government buildings
in Ankara on Sunday, leaving both of them dead and two police officers wounded,
and a Kurdish militant group claimed responsibility for the attack. Authorities
called it the first terrorist attack in the capital in years. CCTV footage
obtained by Reuters showed a vehicle pulling up to the Interior Ministry’s main
gate and one of its occupants quickly walking toward the building before being
engulfed in an explosion, while the other remains on the street. The blast
killed one of the attackers and authorities “neutralized,” or killed, the other,
the interior minister said of the incident that rattled a central district that
is home to ministerial buildings and nearby parliament. In a speech at the
opening of a new parliamentary session hours later, President Tayyip Erdogan
called the morning attack “the latest attempt” to inflict terror on Turks.
“Those who threaten the peace and security of citizens have not achieved their
goals and never will,” he said. The ANF News website, which is close to the
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant group, said a group called the ‘Immortals
Battalion’ had carried out the attack, citing a PKK statement. The statement
described the bombing as a ‘suicide attack’ planned to coincide with the opening
of parliament and carried out by “a team of ours linked to our Immortals
Battalion.”The PKK is designated as a terrorist organization by Turkiye, the
United States and the European Union. It launched an insurgency in southeast
Turkiye in 1984 and more than 40,000 people have been killed in the conflict.
The bomb on Ataturk Boulevard was the first in Ankara since 2016, when a spate
of deadly attacks gripped the country. Video afterward showed a Renault cargo
vehicle parked there, windows shattered and doors open, amid debris and
surrounded by soldiers, ambulances, fire trucks and armored vehicles. A senior
Turkish official told Reuters the attackers had hijacked the vehicle and killed
its driver in Kayseri, a city 260 km (161 miles) southeast of Ankara, before
carrying out the attack. One of the injured officers suffered shrapnel injuries,
he added. “Two terrorists came with a light commercial vehicle in front of the
entrance gate of the General Directorate of Security of our Ministry of Internal
Affairs and carried out a bomb attack,” Ali Yerlikaya, the interior minister,
said on social media platform X. He added the two officers were slightly injured
in the incident at 9:30 a.m. (0630 GMT). “Our struggle will continue until the
last terrorist is neutralized,” he said, echoing condemnation by other Turkish
Police said they carried out controlled explosions for “suspicious package
incidents” in other parts of Ankara. Authorities did not identify any specific
militant group. The incident comes almost a year after six people were killed
and 81 wounded in an explosion in a busy pedestrian street in central Istanbul.
Turkiye blamed Kurdish militants for that. During a series of bloody incidents
in 2015 and 2016, Kurdish militants, Islamic State and other groups either
claimed or were blamed for several attacks in major Turkish cities. In March
2016, 37 people were killed in Ankara when a bomb-laden car exploded at a
crowded central transport hub. Ankara’s chief prosecutor launched an
investigation on Sunday into what it also called a terrorist attack. Turkiye’s
parliament is expected to consider ratifying Sweden’s bid to join NATO in coming
weeks, after Turkiye had raised initial objections and delayed enlargement of
the bloc. Erdogan did not mention Sweden or NATO, but told members of parliament
that agreeing a new constitution was a priority for the new session. The
parliament speaker said its agenda would not surrender to terror.
Charles Michel, European Council president, said he strongly condemned what he
called the terrorist attack, while EU Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver
Varhelyi said it supports Turkiye “in its fight against terrorism.”
Suicide bomber detonates a device in the Turkish capital. A
second assailant is killed in a shootout
ANKARA, Turkey (AP)/October 1, 2023
A suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in the heart of the Turkish
capital, Ankara, on Sunday A second assailant was killed in a shootout with
police, the interior minister said. The attack occurred hours before Parliament
was set to reopen after its three-month summer recess with an address by
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Two police officers were slightly injured during
the attack near an entrance to the Ministry of Interior Affairs, minister Ali
Yerlikaya said on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The
assailants arrived at the scene inside a light commercial vehicle.
“Our heroic police officers, through their intuition, resisted the terrorists as
soon as they got out of the vehicle,” Yerlikaya later told reporters. “One of
them blew himself up while the other one was shot in the head before he had a
chance to blow himself up.”
“Our fight against terrorism, their collaborators, the (drug) dealers, gangs and
organized crime organizations will continue with determination,” he said. The
minister did not say who was behind the attack and there was no immediate claim
of responsibility. Kurdish and far-left militant groups as well as the Islamic
State group have carried out deadly attacks throughout the country in the past.
Last year, a bomb blast in a bustling pedestrian street in Istanbul left six
people dead, including two children. More than 80 others were wounded. Turkey
blamed the attack on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, as well as
Syrian Kurdish groups affiliated with it. Security camera footage on Sunday
showed a vehicle stopping in front of the ministry, with a man exiting it and
rushing toward the entrance of the building before blowing himself up. A second
man is seen following him.
Earlier, television footage showed bomb squads working near a vehicle in the
area, which is located near the Turkish Grand National Assembly and other
government buildings. A rocket launcher could be seen lying near the vehicle.
Turkish authorities later imposed a temporary blackout on images from the scene.
Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said an investigation has been launched into the
“terror attack.”“These attacks will in no way hinder Turkey's fight against
terrorism,” he wrote on X. “Our fight against terrorism will continue with more
Police cordoned off access to the city center and increased security measures,
warning citizens that they would be conducting controlled explosions of
suspicious packages. The two police officers were being treated in a hospital
and were not in serious condition, Yerlikaya said. Egypt, which has normalized
ties with Turkey after a decade of tensions, condemned the attack. A terse
statement from the Foreign Ministry offered Egypt’s solidarity with Turkey. The
U.S. Embassy in Ankara and other foreign missions also issued messages
condemning the attack. Erdogan’s speech will be closely watched for indications
as to when Turkey’s parliament may ratify Sweden’s membership in NATO. Stockholm
applied for NATO membership alongside Finland following Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine last year. While Finland has since joined, Turkey blocked Sweden’s
membership in the military alliance, accusing it of being soft on groups that
Turkey considers to be security threats. Only Turkey and Hungary are yet to
ratify Swedish membership.
Migrant boat washes ashore in Israel, fate of passengers unknown
JERUSALEM (Reuters)/October 1, 2023
A rubber boat washed up on a beach in Israel on Sunday with no one on board,
only what appeared to be the belongings of would-be migrants. Israeli
authorities said they found the dinghy along the Mediterranean coast near the
city of Netanya with nothing but a messy pile of personal items, food, water and
travel documents, including three from Somalia. Police said they were searching
the waters nearby for signs of survivors and released a photograph of the boat.
What looked like clothing, an air pump and several makeshift, inflatable
lifebuoys were among the items that covered the boat's floor. The travel
documents are still being investigated, the police said. According to the United
Nations' International Organization for Migration, more than 187,000 people
crossed the Mediterranean so far this year, and the group has recorded 2,093
deaths along the central Mediterranean route. The migrants often make the
perilous crossing in small, unstable boats. Many come from Africa, fleeing
conflict or in search of a better life in Europe.
Russia's Medvedev says British training troops in Ukraine could be legitimate
MOSCOW (Reuters)/October 1, 2023
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday suggested that British
soldiers training Ukrainian troops in Ukraine would be legitimate targets for
Russian forces, as would German factories producing Taurus missiles should they
supply Kyiv. Medvedev, who is deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, and
has become an increasingly hawkish and anti-Western figure in Russian politics,
said such steps by the West were bringing World War Three closer. In a post on
Telegram, Medvedev first directed his ire towards recently appointed British
Defence Minister Grant Shapps, who said in a newspaper interview that London
wants to deploy military instructors to Ukraine, in addition to training
Ukrainian armed forces in Britain or other Western countries as at present.
"(This will) turn their instructors into a legal target for our armed forces,"
Medvedev wrote on Telegram. "Understanding perfectly well that they will be
ruthlessly destroyed. And not as mercenaries, but namely as British NATO
specialists."Medvedev then turned his focus to Germany, vilifying those who want
Berlin to supply Ukraine with Taurus cruise missiles that could strike Russian
territory and try to limit Moscow's supply to its army. "They say this is in
accordance with international law. Well, in that case, strikes on German
factories where these missiles are made would also be in full compliance with
international law," Medvedev said. "These morons are actively pushing us towards
World War Three," Medvedev said.
Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about
future US support
WASHINGTON (AP)/October 1, 2023
Congressional supporters of Ukraine say they won't give up after a bill to keep
the federal government open excluded President Joe Biden's request to provide
more security assistance to the war-torn nation. Still, many lawmakers
acknowledge that winning approval for Ukraine assistance in Congress is growing
more difficult as the war between Russia and Ukraine grinds on. Republican
resistance to the aid has been gaining momentum in the halls of Congress. Voting
in the House this past week pointed to the potential trouble ahead. Nearly half
of House Republicans voted to strip $300 million from a defense spending bill to
train Ukrainian soldiers and purchase weapons. The money later was approved
separately, but opponents of Ukraine support celebrated their growing numbers.
Then, on Saturday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., omitted additional
Ukraine aid from a measure to keep the government running until Nov. 17. In
doing so, he closed the door on a Senate package that would have funneled $6
billion to Ukraine, roughly a third of what has been requested by the White
House. Both the House and Senate overwhelmingly approved the stopgap measure,
with members of both parties abandoning the increased aid for Ukraine in favor
of avoiding a costly government shutdown. The latest actions in Congress signal
a gradual shift in the unwavering support that the United States has so far
pledged Ukraine in its fight against Russia, and it is one of the clearest
examples yet of the Republican Party’s movement toward a more isolationist
stance. The exclusion of Ukraine funding came little more than a week after
lawmakers met in the Capitol with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who
sought to assure lawmakers that his military was winning the war, but stressed
that additional aid would be crucial for continuing the fight.
After that visit, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said that one
sentence summed up Zelenskyy's message in his meeting with the Senate: “‘If we
don’t get the aid, we will lose the war,” Schumer said.
Yet, McCarthy, pressured by his right flank, has gone from saying “no blank
checks” for Ukraine, with the focus being on accountability, to describing the
Senate's approach as putting “Ukraine in front of America.” He declined to say
after the vote on government funding whether he would bring aid for Ukraine up
for a House vote in the coming weeks.
“If there is a moment in time we need to have a discussion about that, we will
have a discussion completely about that, but I think the administration has to
make the case for what is victory,” McCarthy said.
Biden said in a statement after Congress averted a shutdown that “we cannot
under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted.”
He called on McCarthy to “keep his commitment to the people of Ukraine” and push
through “the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical moment.”
In the Senate, both Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of
Kentucky pledged to move quickly to try and pass the full White House request.
But it was clear that goal will be increasingly difficult as more rank-and-file
GOP senators have questioned the aid or demanded that it be attached to
immigration policy that would help secure the southern border — echoing similar
demands in the House. Florida Sen. Rick Scott, a Republican who voted for the
spending bill after the Ukraine aid was stripped out, said that Congress needs
to have “a conversation with the American public.” He said he was optimistic
after seeing the money taken out of the bill. “In my state, people want to be
helpful to Ukraine, but they also want to be helpful to Americans," Scott said.
"And so they want to really understand how this money has been spent.”Democrats
said they were disappointed by the lack of Ukraine funding, but expressed
determination that they would get the aid to the war-torn country.
“We will not stop fighting for more economic and security assistance for
Ukraine,” Schumer said after the bill passed. “Majorities in both parties
support Ukraine aid, and doing more is vital for America’s security and for
democracy around the world.”
Leading up to Saturday's vote, Pentagon officials expressed alarm at the
prospect of no extra funding for Ukraine. In a letter to congressional leaders
dated Friday, Michael McCord, under secretary of defense, wrote that the
department has exhausted nearly all the available security assistance. “Without
additional funding now, we would have to delay or curtail assistance to meet
Ukraine’s urgent requirements, including for air defense and ammunition that are
critical and urgent now as Russia prepares to conduct a winter offensive and
continues its bombardment of Ukrainian cities,” McCord said.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said after the vote that U.S. assistance was
vital as Ukrainians “fight to defend their own country against the forces of
tyranny. America must live up to its word.”
Rep. Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee,
said he would like to send a clear message to the world about U.S. support for
Ukraine by passing legislation, but believes the Pentagon has “enough draw-down
money” to last through December. He said he believes McCarthy still supports
funding for Ukraine. “I think the speaker has always had a good position on
Ukraine. I think he's dealing with a caucus that's got fractures that he has to
deal with and none of them can be ignored when you've got a four-seat majority
and 15 nuts in the conference,” Rogers said, referring to far-right lawmakers
who have staunchly opposed funding for Ukraine. Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., the
top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said he heard McCarthy tell
Zelenskyy during his visit that “we will give them what they
need.”“Unfortunately, the message that speaker and the former president is
sending is that they can't be relied upon,” Meeks said, adding a reference to
former President Donald Trump, who has called on Congress to withhold additional
Ukraine funding until the FBI, IRS and Justice Department “hand over every scrap
of evidence” on the Biden family’s business dealings. The U.S. has approved four
rounds of aid to Ukraine in response to Russia’s invasion, totaling about $113
billion, with some of that money going toward replenishment of U.S. military
equipment that was sent to the frontlines. In August, Biden called on Congress
to provide for an additional $24 billion. Saturday's move by the House to act
first on government funding left the Senate with a stark choice: either go along
with a bill that fails to help Ukraine, or allow what could have been an
extended government shutdown to occur.
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., expressed frustration at the outcome.“Every day that
goes by that we don’t get the additional money is a day Russia gets closer to
being capable of winning this war,” Murphy said. Sen. Jim Risch of Idaho, the
top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Ukraine should
not be deterred, and that aid can be approved by other means. “Neither our
friends nor our enemies should look at this as being some change in the United
States’ commitment to Ukraine,” Risch said.
Zelenskiy says nothing will weaken Kyiv's resolve
against Russia
KYIV (Reuters)/October 1, 2023 at 3:07 p.m. EDT
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a speech released on Sunday that
nothing would weaken his country's fight against Russia, a day after the U.S.
Congress passed a stopgap funding bill that omitted aid to Ukraine. Defense
Minister Rustem Umerov said separately he had received reassurances about
further military assistance in a telephone call with U.S. Defense Secretary
Lloyd Austin. "Secretary Austin assured me," he wrote in a post on X, the
platform formerly known as Twitter, using flags in place of country names, that
U.S. support to Ukraine "will continue" and that Ukrainian "warriors will
continue to have a strong back-up on the battlefield." A Ukrainian foreign
ministry spokesperson said Kyiv was working with its American partners to ensure
a new budget decision would include funds for the country, and that U.S. support
was intact. Zelenskiy, in a recorded speech marking the Defenders Day holiday,
did not address the vote in Congress directly, but reiterated his determination
to fight to victory. No one could "shut down" Ukraine's stability, endurance,
strength and courage, he said, echoing a Ukrainian verb often used to refer to
power outages caused by Russian attacks. He added that Ukraine would only stop
resisting and fighting on the day of victory. "As we draw closer to it every
day, we say, 'We will fight for as long as it takes.'"U.S. President Joe Biden
said on Sunday that Republicans had pledged to provide Ukraine aid through a
separate vote and U.S. support could not be interrupted "under any
circumstances."Foreign Ministry spokesperson Oleg Nikolenko also sought to
reassure Ukrainians about future U.S. support in comments on Facebook, stressing
that previously approved funds would be unaffected. "Support for Ukraine remains
unwaveringly strong in the U.S. administration, in both parties and chambers of
the U.S. Congress, and most importantly, among the American people," he wrote.
Pro-Russia party wins Slovakia election, intends to end
support of Ukraine
Joe Fisher/United Press International/October 1, 2023
The pro-Russia Smer-SSD party won the largest share of seats in Slovakia's
parliament during weekend voting, vowing to cut off the country's support for
Ukraine. Smer-SSD, led by former Prime Minister Robert Fico, led all other
parties with 22.9% of the vote, official media reported. However it will need to
form a coalition with other parties to form a government. The Hlas-SD party, led
by Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, finished in third place with about 14% while
the Slovak National Party won 5.7% of the vote. Those three parties together
will hold 81 seats in the 150-seat parliament, good for a six-seat majority
should they agree to form a ruling coalition. The pro-European Progesivne
slovensko, or PS, led by Michal Simecka, finished in second place with 18% of
the vote. Fico recently told reporters that his party would completely end
support of Ukraine against the invasion of Russia. Slovakia has supplied
surface-to-air missiles, helicopters and fighter jets to Ukraine. "If Smer
enters government, we will not send a single round of ammunition to Ukraine,"
Fico said, according to the BBC. Fico resigned as prime minister in 2018
following the murder of a journalist who was reporting on potential links
between organized crime and government officials. He was among several Slovak
politicians that 27-year-old Jan Kuciak named in his reporting. His fiancée,
Martina Kušnírová, was also killed. Fico was congratulated by Hungarian Prime
Minister Viktor Orban in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter. "Guess who's
back! Congratulations to Robert Fico on his undisputable victory at the Slovak
parliamentary elections," Orban wrote. "Always good to work together with a
patriot. Looking forward to it!"
Slovak populists opposed to Ukraine aid win election
Agence France Presse/October 1, 2023
A populist party that wants to stop military aid to Ukraine and is critical of
the EU and NATO has won Slovakia's election, results showed on Sunday. The Smer-SD
party led by former prime minister Robert Fico scored 23.3 percent, beating the
centrist Progressive Slovakia on 17 percent, with almost all votes counted. The
59-year-old Fico has vowed that Slovakia will not send "a single round of
ammunition" to Ukraine and has called for better relations with Russia. Analysts
predict a Fico government could radically change Slovakia's foreign policy to
resemble that of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Smer is set to clinch 42
seats in the 150-member parliament and so will need coalition partners for a
majority. The leftwing Hlas-SD, which emerged in 2020 when a group of Smer
lawmakers quit Fico's party, is one potential partner, with an expected 27
seats. Hlas is led by Peter Pellegrini, who became Slovakia's premier in 2018
after Fico had to step down amid nationwide protests following the murder of
journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancee. Kuciak uncovered links between the
Italian mafia and Fico's government in his last article published posthumously.
Pellegrini told reporters it was not a good idea to have two former prime
ministers in a single government, but "that doesn't mean such a coalition is
impossible."Analyst Branislav Kovacik from Matej Bel University in the central
city of Banska Bystrica told AFP he expected Pellegrini to join in a coalition.
"He may not sit in the cabinet. He may become the parliament speaker, he already
did that in the past and did a good job."The two parties could team up with the
nationalist Slovak National Party (SNS), which is expected to win 10 seats, for
a parliamentary majority of 79 seats. Fico already formed a government with the
SNS, which is also opposed to military aid for Ukraine, twice in the past.
Slovakia has been one of Europe's biggest donors to Ukraine as a share of its
GDP. Slovak Defence Minister Martin Sklenar visited Kyiv just ahead of the vote,
and on election day Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked Slovakia for
"standing with Ukraine".
Closer to Hungary'
"We must carefully listen to what Fico is very openly saying," independent
analyst Grigorij Meseznikov told AFP. "He is spreading pro-Russian narratives
and... that's a serious thing. It won't be so easy to make good on the threat,
but... he will try, and we'll be closer to Hungary then," he added. Hungary is
seen as a troublemaker in the EU, frequently criticised over rule-of-law issues
and hampering EU and NATO efforts to help Ukraine. Slovakia's next parliament
will also include the centrist OLaNO party of maverick former premier Igor
Matovic, in office in 2020-2021, who got involved in a fistfight with a Smer
member during the heated campaign. OLaNO led a three-party coalition that is set
to win 16 seats. The centrist Christian Democrats and the right-wing SaS also
garnered enough votes to have seats in parliament.
'The natural choice'
Voting for Smer in Bratislava, Eliska Spisakova said the party was "the natural
choice for the working poor, people like me"."I have a high opinion of (Fico),
he focuses mainly on the needs of us Slovaks," she told AFP. The election
campaign was marked by particularly high rates of online disinformation, often
targeting Progressive Slovakia chairman Michal Simecka, a European Parliament
vice-speaker. A study by the Globsec think tank last year showed a majority of
Slovaks believe popular conspiracy theories. Slovakia emerged as an independent
country in 1993, following a peaceful split with the Czech Republic after
Czechoslovakia shed four decades of totalitarian communist rule in 1989.
Although many Slovaks have experience with the Moscow-steered communist regime,
many have voted for populists who share Kremlin views.
Biden urges Congress to pass Ukraine aid after govt.
shutdown deal
Agence France Presse/October 1, 2023
U.S. President Joe Biden has welcomed a deal to avert a government shutdown but
called for Congress to swiftly approve aid to Ukraine after it was left out of
the agreement. "We cannot under any circumstances allow American support for
Ukraine to be interrupted," Biden said in a statement. "I fully expect the
Speaker will keep his commitment to the people of Ukraine and secure passage of
the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical moment," he added, referring
to Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy. Lawmakers must now wrangle on a
separate bill on $24 billion in military assistance to Ukraine that Biden wanted
in the budget, with a vote possible early next week, U.S. media reported.
Hard-right Republicans had strongly opposed the inclusion of Ukraine aid in the
deal, despite support for it from moderate Republicans, including McCarthy.
Biden added that the deal to avert a shutdown was "good news for the American
people" but added that "we should never have been in this position in the first
Ontario government expands list of ailments pharmacists can
The Canadian Press/October 1, 2023
TORONTO — Ontario has granted its pharmacists more prescribing powers.
The provincial government announced Sunday it was adding six conditions to the
list of those that pharmacists can diagnose and treat, effective immediately,
bringing the total to 19. "Pharmacist prescribing has been a huge success in our
province. In less than one year, Ontario has become one of the leading
jurisdictions in all of Canada in providing health care services through
pharmacies," Health Minister Sylvia Jones said at a press conference at a
drugstore in Toronto's west end. The province granted pharmacists prescribing
power for 13 common ailments at the beginning of the year, and Jones said 89 per
cent of pharmacists are now participating in the program. She said there have
been 400,000 assessments across Ontario since the beginning of the initiative.
The government first announced plans to expand pharmacists' prescribing powers
in its March budget. It's added acne, canker sores and yeast infections to the
list, along with nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy, diaper rash and
parasitic worms such as pinworms and threadworms. Initially, pharmacists were
granted the power to prescribe for ailments such as hay fever, oral thrush, pink
eye, dermatitis, hemorrhoids and urinary tract infections. The prescribing
program is a pillar of the province's plan to chip away at a massive health-care
backlog. Jones said there's been some progress on that front, with surgical
waitlists and the average time spent in an emergency room both on the decline.
The Ministry of Health has also sought feedback on a plan to allow pharmacists
to prescribe flu medication, administer flu shots to babies and administer RSV
vaccines, when available, ahead of an expected fall viral surge. More
controversially, the Progressive Conservative government passed a health reform
bill back in May allowing more private clinics to offer certain publicly funded
surgeries and procedures.
Iraq wedding fire caused by ‘gross negligence,’ government
investigation says
Reuters/October 01/2023
BAGHDAD: A fire that swept through a crowded wedding hall in a northern Iraqi
town killing more than 100 people was blamed on “gross negligence” and lack of
safety measures, the results of a government investigation into the disaster
said. The investigation results, announced at a news conference on Sunday by
interior minister Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, said the owner of the hall and three
other staff members had allowed 900 people into the venue when it was designed
for a maximum of 400. “The fire was accidental and unintentional and occurred
due to gross negligence,” the investigation findings said.
“Using flammable decoration helped the fire to spread quickly and transformed
the hall to a fireball,” Shammari said. The blaze trapped people inside the
wedding hall and rescue teams struggled to reach them because exit doors were
few and small, Shammari said. At least 150 people were injured in the fire,
which was in the Christian town of Hamdaniya — also known as Qaraqosh. The
interior minister put the death toll at 107 and said the investigation panel had
proposed that the government should provide financial support to families of the
dead and injured. The investigation also made recommendations that legal action
should be taken against local officials. Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani
visited victims of the blaze at two local hospitals on Thursday and pledged to
hold those responsible to account.
Latest English LCCC analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published
on October 01-02/2023
ÇáãÓíÍííä Ýí ÇáÚÇáã ÎáÇá ÔåÑ ÂÈ/2023/ÚäÏãÇ íÑíÏæä ÇáÞÊá íÞÊáæä
The Persecution of Christians, August 2023/’Whenever They Want to Kill, They
Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/October 01/2023
Muslims surrounded and murdered a Christian man. — newsintervention.com, August
22, 2023, Pakistan.
Around 2 a.m., Muslim Fulani herdsmen launched a raid—the third of its kind on
the same Christian majority village where people were sleeping after a long
day’s work. They slaughtered 21 villagers. — International Christian Concern,
August 10, Nigeria.
“Nigeria’s Middle Belt region that has been rocked by violence with tens of
thousands of Christians killed over the past 20 years.” — International
Christian Concern, August 10, Nigeria.
Muslims began yelling “Away with him!” Others grabbed the microphone from the
pastor and “started tearing off pages of the Bible and Christian literature.”
Now, gathered together, the Muslims began stoning him. — Morning Star News,
August 1, 2023, Uganda.
“Others were saying that Allah has granted to them authority to kill all
infidels. Another Muslim sprayed what looked like acid [on Pastor Robert], while
another hit him with a thorny object and stepped on the evangelist’s back and
the stomach.” — Eyewitness, Morning Star News, August 23, 2023, Uganda.
“[I]nfidels” cannot “preach in this town or come and mislead our people here… We
are going to fight in the cause of Allah to kill all of you.” — Sheikh Hiisa
Mubaraka, Morning Star News, August 23, 2023, Uganda.
“There is an ongoing Genocide against 120,000 Armenians living in
Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Artsakh.
The blockade of the Lachin Corridor by the Azerbaijani security forces impeding
access to any food, medical supplies, and other essentials should be considered
a Genocide under Article II, (c) of the Genocide Convention: ‘Deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction.'” — Luis Moreno Ocampo, former Chief Prosecutor of the
International Criminal Court, concerning Artsakh, an ancient Christian region
under Azerbaijani control, August 4, 2023, Azerbaijan.
“Starvation is the invisible Genocide weapon. Without immediate dramatic change,
this group of Armenians will be destroyed in a few weeks.” — Luis Moreno Ocampo,
August 4, 2023, Azerbaijan.
“[T]he neighbors told her that they should let her [teenage] daughter marry
their son so that she could convert to Islam and be led from the ‘delusion of
their faith to the true religion,’ but if she refuses to convert, they have the
right to do whatever they wish to her daughter.” — International Christian
Concern, August 11, 2023, Egypt.
During a Muslim demonstration against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, on
Sunday, Aug. 27, in Vienna, Austria, a man, armed with two hammers, smashed and
destroyed the new glass door of Saint Stephan’s Cathedral. Pictured: Saint
Stephan’s Cathedral.
The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by
Muslims throughout the month of August 2023.
Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches
Pakistan: All hell broke loose on Aug. 18, after some Christians were
accused—falsely, it was quickly revealed—of desecrating a Koran in Jaranwala.
Thousands of enraged Muslims rampaged against the region’s Christians, prompting
hundreds to flee their homes. Among other damage, the rioting Muslims set 25
churches aflame, destroyed or damaged 400 Christian homes, and desecrated at
least one Christian cemetery. According to the Rev. Deacon Daud Irshad:
“I saw with tears in my eyes how the mob desecrated crosses on the roofs of the
churches and in graveyards and ruined church buildings. They burnt so many
Bibles and altars… The condition in Pakistan is very bad… So much hatred,
jealousy, envy and enmity from the Muslims towards Christians. It seems that we
Christians are like animals to them. Whenever they want to kill, they kill, and
whenever they want to spare, they give free hand.”
Separately, on Aug. 3—nearly two weeks before the above false blasphemy pretext
had arisen, several armed Muslims raided Lala Zarr Church in Peshawar during
worship service. They opened fire inside the church, causing damage, although no
fatalities. They also dragged Pastor Zulfiqar Gill across the floor and beat him
with the butts of their rifles.
Kenya: On Aug. 22, a gang of Muslims connected to the Somali terrorist group Al
Shabaab (“the youth”) torched a church and eight homes in Salama Village.
Discussing the destruction caused to his church, Pastor Peter Muthengi of Salama
Redeemed Gospel Church said:
“I had speakers, chairs and many other items inside my church, all of which have
been reduced to ashes. I lost property worth Sh300,000. I appeal to the
government to find a permanent solution to the insecurity incidents in this
place. We’re tired of these recurrent attacks.”
Later that day, the same terrorists killed two truck drivers by slitting their
Indonesia: In the first of three incidents of Muslim hostility to churches, on
Aug. 2, a Christian congregation — after getting all the necessary, and
exhausting-to-obtain, permits to build a church, and after raising the necessary
funds, and, finally, after building the church — “suddenly faced a new problem”:
“The road to their church building was unexpectedly closed off by a wall, making
access to their new building nearly impossible…. This has made it very difficult
for church members to reach the church building since the alternative roads are
impassable due to large holes and other obstructions.”
Then, on Aug. 9, in a separate incident, about 30 Muslims “used hammers and
clubs to break huge holes in the walls” of a Pentecostal church under
construction in Kabil village. The attackers claimed the church did not have a
permit to exist, which the report characterizes as “a common tactic by hard-line
Muslims in Indonesia where applications for permits are ignored or denied and
carry onerous requirements.”
In fact, “the church had a letter allowing the construction from the Batam Free
Zone Authority,” said its pastor. Even so, apparently to appease the Muslim
rioters, authorities reached an agreement “stipulating that construction of the
church building would be halted until a permit is issued”—although the chance of
that ever happening has now enormously diminished.
Finally, on Sunday, Aug. 6, Muslims protested against a group of Christians for
holding a church service in a warehouse, and further told them to forget about
constructing a church building nearby. The Muslims held signs saying that they
“sternly refuse worship activities that are in violation of government
Cyprus: Plans to convert an ancient monastery into a mosque in the
Turkish-occupied north of Cyprus were described as “rubbing salt in the island’s
sectarian wounds.” According to an Aug. 20 report:
“An announcement late last month of a proposal by local Islamic groups to build
a Muslim prayer centre (masjid) on the grounds of the Apostolos Andreas
Monastery sparked national outrage…
“Cyprus has been divided for almost half a century following Turkey’s invasion
of the island in 1974, which led to the establishment of the puppet state of the
Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognised only by Ankara… The occupation of Cyprus
is a major sticking point in EU-Turkish relations and one of the many reasons
for Turkey’s famously stalled application to join the EU.
“A local bishop has condemned plans to build a permanent Islamic prayer centre
on the grounds of the monastery, which is currently undergoing restoration work.
According to the bishop, Turkish officials have already moved Islamic prayer
mats into the monastery without consulting with monks and are preparing for the
long-term construction of a mosque on site.
“The move has stirred up very recent historical memories on the island, where an
estimated 550 Greek Orthodox monasteries, churches, and chapels were desecrated
following the Turkish invasion, with many Christians forced to flee the northern
half of the island for fear of persecution.”
Also in August, a Turkish man videotaped himself walking around the same
Apostolos Andreas Monastery while reciting the Islamic shehada—”There is no god
but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger” — and harassing an elderly priest.
Sweden: A Muslim migrant videotaped himself attacking Holy Family Catholic
Parish in south Stockholm. He smashed a window with a hurled stone, while
shouting “I’m going to rape Jesus,” and “Sweden, I’m going to f*ck Jesus in
there now. Allahu Akbar!” Afterwards, “Fares Aziz” uploaded the video to TikTok.
Austria: During a Muslim demonstration against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad,
on Sunday, Aug. 27, in Stephansplatz , Vienna, a man, armed with two hammers,
smashed and destroyed the new glass door of Saint Stephen’s Cathedral. Police,
who were already present in large numbers, were able to arrest the man as he
left the cathedral anteroom. However, they would not reveal his nationality. The
report adds that the man was likely “suffering from psychosis.” The Cathedral
priest, Toni Faber, said, “We are of course horrified.”
Italy: In broad daylight, on Aug. 17, a “foreign” looking man “threw himself”
against a church and started attacking it with a “fury that explodes suddenly,
blindly.” A video of the incident is available here. Another report states:
“Yet another case of intolerance on the part of a migrant against the symbols of
the Catholic religion . The latest episode was recorded in Turin, right in the
center, where a foreigner threw heavy stones against the portal of the church of
San Carlo Borromeo…. Some passers-by filmed the scene and from the recorded
images the man can be heard inappropriate sentences against Christians [such as
‘F*cking Christians!’]….
“First, the stranger threw various objects and then, having found a boulder, he
vented all his anger against the windows. The fury with which the foreigner
attacks the church is blind. An unprecedented violence that is filmed from afar
by passers-by, terrified of being attacked with the same vehemence themselves….
San Carlo, moreover, is one of the most important religious buildings in Turin,
a 17th century building…
“Those present immediately raised the alarm and the police arrived on the scene,
managing to disarm the man and make the square safe again. The foreigner was
immobilized on the ground waiting for the arrival of an ambulance, which then
transferred him to hospital…. For the moment there is no news about his identity
or his status in the area, but what is impressive is the violence with which he
attacked a symbol of Christianity.
“It is not the first case of this type, either in Italy or abroad. These types
of attacks are increasingly frequent: in France…[and] last January in Spain. The
sexton was killed and the perpetrator was identified as a 30-year-old Moroccan
man, under investigation for terrorism . Phenomena of this type are spreading,
without there currently being a concrete possibility of stopping them, due to
the growing number of followers of extreme Islam who arrive in Europe mixed
among illegal immigrants.”
Muslim Slaughter of and Violence against Christians
Pakistan: Muslims surrounded and murdered a Christian man: “[A]nother Christian
man has been killed by a mob of Islamic fundamentalists in Sheikhpura Punjab,
Pakistan. A viral video…shows a frenzied mob targeting a man named Malik Ijaz,
while the gunshots could be heard in the background. The mob barged into his
house and vandalized it. They looted and threw the belongings on the road.
Later, Ijaz was shot dead. In addition, a church was also desecrated by the
radical Islamists belonging to Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP). They also
inscribed phrases related to Allah and Prophet, on the walls of the Church. The
erasure of which could potentially incite another blasphemy case.”
Nigeria: A few of the incidents in August of the genocide of Christians include:
Aug. 9: Muslim terrorists killed a Christian woman, Gloria Isa, as she slept at
her home. Aug. 23: Muslim gunmen “shot to death” the Rev. Jeremiah Mayau, a
61-year-old pastor of a Baptist church. According to a press statement, “The
incident occurred when the cleric was [working] on his farm. It was barbaric.”
Aug 10: Around 2 a.m., Muslim Fulani herdsmen launched a raid—the third of its
kind on the same Christian majority village where people were sleeping after a
long day’s work. They slaughtered 21 villagers. According to the report: “The
Heipang community has lost more than 100 villagers in attacks over the past two
decades, with no arrests. Villagers in Heipang and Mangu blame radicalized
Fulani militants and herders for causing the attacks on the mostly Christian
farming communities. They say the government is complicit and unable to prevent
the attacks – a common thread in Nigeria’s Middle Belt region that has been
rocked by violence with tens of thousands of Christians killed over the past 20
Aug. 3: Muslim gunmen abducted two church ministers from their homes in Niger
State, Paul Sanogo and a seminarian named Melchior. Uganda: Rioting Muslims
stoned a pastor unconscious during the funeral of a former Muslim turned
Christian. While officiating, Pastor Davidson Okirori, 39, cited the Koran, the
Hadith, and the Bible, in order “to witness the love of Christ to Muslims who
had gathered at the funeral,” he later said from a hospital bed (where he was
recovering from wounds to his head, back and arms):
“I heard a young man shouting, ‘You kafir [infidel], stop misleading us—if you
came to bury your people, bury them, but don’t use the Koran without getting
ablution. This is blasphemy to our Allah!'”
Muslims began yelling “Away with him!” Others grabbed the microphone from the
pastor and “started tearing off pages of the Bible and Christian literature.”
Now, gathered together, the Muslims began stoning him:
“They were throwing stones where I was standing, and one hit my head and I fell
down. A Muslim man hit me with an object on my mouth, and from there I do not
know what happened again. I found myself in Mulago Hospital with blood all over
my body and my clothes.”
The report concludes:
“Christians outnumbering the Muslims at the funeral managed to restrain the
assailants, who seized the Koran and Hadiths and took them to their nearby
mosque, chanting the jihadist slogan, ‘Allahu Akbar [Allah is the greatest], we
have won, we have won.'”
Separately, on Aug. 11, Muslims thrashed another preacher and 20 other
Christians at an open-air evangelistic event. After Pastor Robert Faisali Miya
cited Koran verses that “acknowledge the uniqueness of Christ,” Muslims began
chanting the jihadist slogan, “Allah Akbar [Allah is greatest],” and a Muslim
sheikh, Hiisa Mubaraka, ran to the podium and knocked the evangelist down.
According to an eyewitness,
“Others were saying that Allah has granted to them authority to kill all
infidels. Another Muslim sprayed what looked like acid [on Pastor Robert], while
another hit him with a thorny object and stepped on the evangelist’s back and
the stomach.”
The sheikh continued crying aloud that “infidels” cannot “preach in this town or
come and mislead our people here… We are going to fight in the cause of Allah to
kill all of you.” He also told the about 20 Muslims in attendance “to destroy
church properties.” According to the report:
“Christians who tried to rescue the evangelist were injured as Muslims beat them
and [Pastor Robert] Miya with walking sticks, while other Muslims damaged the
podium, loudspeakers, microphones, public address system and keyboard…The
Christians eventually overpowered the Muslim assailants, who retreated to a
nearby mosque as the event organizers rushed the evangelist to a nearby clinic….
More than 20 Christians were injured on their heads, while others had broken
France: On Sunday morning, Aug. 6, in Marseille, six people described as of
“North African appearance,” attacked and robbed one of four French citizens in
what appeared to be an anti-Christian hate crime. Prior to the assault, one of
the Muslims, on seeing two baptismal medallions around the necks of one of the
Frenchmen, said: “Hey, you have that chain—are you a Christian?” An affirmative
answer was immediately followed by a violent punch to the chest and the
medallions torn off. The report notes that the assailants sped without bothering
to steal “their victims’ watches or mobile phones.”
General Muslim Persecution of Christians
Azerbaijan: While discussing the situation in Artsakh, an ancient Christian
region under Azerbaijani control, Luis Moreno Ocampo, the former Chief
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, said on Aug. 7:
“There is an ongoing Genocide against 120,000 Armenians living in
Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Artsakh.
“The blockade of the Lachin Corridor by the Azerbaijani security forces impeding
access to any food, medical supplies, and other essentials should be considered
a Genocide under Article II, (c) of the Genocide Convention: ‘Deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction.’
“There are no crematories, and there are no machete attacks. Starvation is the
invisible Genocide weapon. Without immediate dramatic change, this group of
Armenians will be destroyed in a few weeks.
“Starvation as a method to destroy people was neglected by the entire
international community when it was used against Armenians in 1915, Jews and
Poles in 1939, Russians in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) in 1941, and
Cambodians in 1975/1976.”
Egypt: In an Aug. 12 post, Sameh ‘Asker, a secular author and activist,
discussed the long history of and methodology behind the abduction and forced
conversion of Christian women and girls in Egypt. After rhetorically asking,
“So, how are things now after 10 years of revolutions?” the Egyptian analyst
“More sectarian incidents in Upper Egypt, and organizations dedicated to
Islamizing Coptic women and ignite sectarian strife—without the arrest of a
single sheikh or leader in this realm of savagery…. I repeat my warning of
sectarian strife [overwhelming] Egypt soon, behind which stand Salafist
organizations and preachers on the Internet claiming that they convert Copts to
Islam. They specifically target girls and women for social reasons, as they are
the weakest link through which the Salafists control the church and impose their
conditions on the Copts.”
A separate Aug. 11 report discusses the constant “pressures” that Christians,
especially impoverished ones, experience to convert to Islam from surrounding
“These pressures sometimes come in the form of financial offers, marriage
proposals, or even blatant accusations and framing for crimes they did not
commit. Christian widows or Christian girls whose father has passed away are
even more vulnerable to the external pressures to abandon their Christian faith
and access the socioeconomic support that comes with converting to Islam.”
The report goes on to offer a recent example concerning a Christian widow and
her teenage daughter:
“After the death of her husband, this brave woman continued to operate their
family community grocery market. However, their neighbor’s son began harassing
her teenage daughter. When she confronted her neighbor about the matter and
respectfully appealed for them not to take advantage of her, the neighbors told
her that they should let her daughter marry their son so that she could convert
to Islam and be led from the ‘delusion of their faith to the true religion,’ but
if she refuses to convert, they have the right to do whatever they wish to her
daughter. Fearful for both her and her daughter’s life, future, and dignity, she
was forced to relocate to a new area.”
Finally, an August report published by the U.S. Commission on International
Religious Freedom explored the situation of Christian and other minorities in
Egypt and concluded that Egypt should be placed on the U.S. Special Watch List
for engaging in or tolerating severe violations of religious freedom.
“[S]ystematic restrictions on freedom of religion or belief remain in place in
Egypt, including actively enforced blasphemy laws, non-recognition of certain
religious communities, and severe restrictions on religious expression. State
security and the courts continue to arbitrarily detain and prosecute religious
freedom advocates and members of religious minorities. Further, some government
initiatives that appear to address specific religious minorities’ concerns have
not significantly advanced religious freedom for Egyptians of all religious
backgrounds…. As such, USCIRF maintains its recommendation that the U.S.
Department of State place Egypt on the Special Watch List for engaging in or
tolerating severe violations of religious freedom. The U.S. government should
actively leverage its robust bilateral relationship with Egypt to encourage the
Egyptian government to take additional steps—especially those affecting legal
frameworks and judicial processes—toward ensuring religious freedom. As a
country that has demonstrated an interest in making improvements, Egypt is well
positioned to go beyond cosmetic gestures toward religious tolerance’ and make
systemic changes to its laws and criminal justice system that significantly
advance religious freedom for all Egyptians…”
*Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, Sword and Scimitar, Crucified
Again, and The Al Qaeda Reader, is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at
the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East
*About this Series
While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by
extremists is growing. The report posits that such persecution is not random but
rather systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or
location. It includes incidents that take place during, or are reported on, any
given month.
© 2023 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Negotiators get their turn as Nagorno-Karabakh’s demise
Yasar Yakis/Arab News/October 01, 2023
President Samvel Shahramanian on Thursday signed a decree to dissolve all state
institutions of the self-declared Republic of Artsakh — aka Nagorno-Karabakh —
as of Jan. 1, 2024.
Against the backdrop of this news, the number of arrivals in Armenia from the
region reached 65,000, which is more than half of the population. Their
departure followed a short military flare-up that took place two weeks ago, when
Armenian forces intensified their placement of land mines in the territory of
Nagorno-Karabakh, which is internationally recognized as being part of
Other complicated international transactions took place in the meantime. The US
authorities agreed to the release of €7.5 billion ($7.9 billion) of Iran’s
blocked assets. In exchange for this gesture, Iran issued a statement saying
that, “if Armenia is attacked, we will become part of the conflict.” It seems
that something is brewing between Iran and Armenia at America’s behest. This was
preceded by a joint military exercise between the US and Armenia. Washington is
probably planning to use Armenia as a tool to put additional pressure on Russia
in the Ukrainian war.
Whether it is unrelated or not, Armenian militants had intensified their
military activities in the border area between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan
proper. The Azeri authorities warned several times that such activities would
not be allowed in a territory that is part of Azerbaijan.
Russian President Vladimir Putin may have sensed the US move and issued a
message saying that “Karabakh is an Azerbaijani territory.”
Hopefully, the ultimate aim of the US will not be to push Turkiye, Azerbaijan,
Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh into a multilateral dispute. Foreseeing such an
eventuality, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week proposed convening
a quadrilateral meeting that would include himself, Putin, Azerbaijani President
Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.
When the Azerbaijani forces launched a successful anti-terrorist action two
weeks ago, the military clashes took only one day. The next day, Karabakh
Armenians held a meeting early in the morning and signaled that they agreed to
the cessation of hostilities. They also agreed to be integrated into Azerbaijan.
The negotiations will probably start soon. In fact, as they are Azerbaijani
citizens, there will be no problem integrating them into the Azerbaijani
population. They will benefit from the advantages of a prosperous Azerbaijan.
Demonstrators gathered in front of the government office in the Armenian capital
Yerevan shouted slogans accusing the government of not being able to defend the
Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh and called for Pashinyan’s resignation.
Demonstrators have also attacked the Russian Embassy in Yerevan. Pashinyan said
he had received threats both from inside and outside the country.
Azerbaijan reportedly plans to give full citizenship status to every Armenian
who lived in the region before 1992.
A former politician from Nagorno-Karabakh, Artak Beglaryan, wrote on social
media: “Azerbaijan army blocked our defense in less than one day. A number of
the strategically important positions fell in the hands of the Azerbaijani army.
Most important was that the Armenians lost control of the key positions on the
roads to Stepanakert. Therefore, trying to resist would have caused more
casualties. What is important now is for the Armenian fighters is to draw
lessons from what happened and secure the lives of the Karabakh Armenians.”
During the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War of 2020, the Azerbaijani army drew a
circle around the seven provinces it liberated. In April this year, the
Azerbaijani army took under its control the Lachin Corridor that used to link
Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh. It was evident that weapons and ammunition were
smuggled into the region under the noses of the Russian peacekeeping forces.
Independent observers believe that, when Azerbaijan’s recent anti-terror
operation started, Armenian militiamen had stocks of food and ammunition that
would only last for 10 days. In other words, the resistance of the Karabakh
Armenians was always going to collapse sooner rather than later.
After the military clashes came to an end, the Karabakh Armenians proposed a
ceasefire agreement composed of four articles. Firstly, all Armenian soldiers
who stayed in the region after the 2020 war would be withdrawn. No Armenian
soldier would be left in the region under the Russian peacekeeping force.
Secondly, all weapons in the hands of the Nagorno-Karabakh administration would
be collected and the military forces disbanded. Thirdly, all heavy weapons would
be collected, taken out of the region and destroyed. And, finally, negotiations
between the Nagorno-Karabakh administration and the Azerbaijani government would
begin on Sept. 21 and the integration of the Karabakh people into Azerbaijan
would be initiated.
There were about 130,000 Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh at the time. The
Azerbaijani authorities reportedly plan to give full citizenship status to every
Armenian who lived in the region before 1992. Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister
Vahan Kostanyan admitted the reality and added that the ethnic Armenian
population may well continue their existence in Nagorno-Karabakh under the
Azerbaijani administration.
The Russian Defense Ministry issued a statement pointing out that a
comprehensive ceasefire had been secured in the area under its command and it
would be implemented under the surveillance of its peacekeeping force. This may
have been part of a Russian plan to dissolve the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh.
The centuries-old hostility between Azerbaijanis and Armenians may not fade away
overnight but, with goodwill on both sides, their strained relations may become
smoother as time goes by.
One thing that is for certain is that it is now the turn of negotiators, not
*Yasar Yakis is a former foreign minister of Turkiye and founding member of the
ruling AK Party. X: @yakis_yasar
How societies can confront disinformation campaigns
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Arab News/October 01, 2023
One of the biggest challenges that each individual and society faces is
detecting and dealing with the prevalence of false information in the world
The spread of false information comes in two forms. If incorrect information is
spread knowingly, with an intention to misstate facts and mislead people, it is
called disinformation. But if it is unintentional, it is referred to as
misinformation. Nevertheless, the outcome of both disinformation and
misinformation appears to be the same.
As a result, it is critical to find ways to counter all forms of disinformation
and misinformation, including conspiracy theories, fake news, doctored photos,
manipulated audios and videos, and scams. The emergence of deep-fake technology
and artificial intelligence has exacerbated this issue due to the fact that they
make it easier to spread inaccurate information and make it seem real, credible
and legitimate.
Often, bots, fake accounts and people who unknowingly share false information
make disinformation spread much more rapidly. In other words, the ripple effects
of sharing false information should not be underestimated. The reach of
disinformation can be increased exponentially when people with large online
followings endorse or share it. In addition, what makes the distribution of
false information so fast is people’s easy access to online content,
particularly through mobile devices.
The spread of misinformation and disinformation can have several consequences.
First of all, infodemics can negatively impact people’s decision-making when it
comes to their health, subsequently impacting their nation’s healthcare system.
“Incorrect interpretations of health information, which increase during
outbreaks and disasters, often negatively impact people’s mental health and
increase vaccine hesitancy, and can delay the provision of healthcare,” a review
by the World Health Organization noted. It added that the spread of “unreliable
evidence on health topics amplifies vaccine hesitancy and promotes unproven
Misinformation about climate change, which is funneled into distorting and
opposing scientific research and findings, is one of the major obstacles to the
world taking concrete and meaningful action to tackle the climate crisis. This
is due to the fact that unified and collective measures are required to resolve
the negative impacts of climate change. If there is division and discord, the
task becomes much more difficult.
On a larger scale, the dissemination of false information and news can be a
threat to a country’s national security. In the last few years, many malicious
groups have attempted to affect the political process in certain nations. These
entities launch disinformation campaigns by spreading dishonest or fake news on
popular social media outlets, which have hundreds of millions of users. They
also generate and disseminate fabricated headlines and videos, while propagating
inaccurate pictures. Terror and militia groups also rely on spreading
disinformation to recruit members.
The emergence of deep-fake technology and artificial intelligence has
exacerbated this issue.
Using propaganda in an attempt to influence people for political and financial
gain has also become common. Perpetrators try to undermine and erode people’s
confidence and trust in state institutions and norms, create deep divisions and
discord, inflict damage on other nations’ internal politics and ultimately shape
the political discourse in a way that advances their own ideological and
geopolitical interests.
Some of the major social media outlets that have been used to spread
disinformation are X and Facebook. These outlets have banned many accounts in
recent years for engaging in inauthentic behavior, including spreading
propaganda and disinformation in many countries. Unfortunately, some people are
all too willing to naively, or perhaps even maliciously, lap up every shred of
misinformation and augment every iota of propaganda. Some groups that are behind
disinformation campaigns may also attempt to manipulate the media, which could
damage the reputation and integrity of long-established outlets. This should be
of concern to all reputable media outlets.
Misinformation and disinformation prevent the progress and advancement of a
healthy and viable civic society. While raising awareness about every
misinformation campaign is critical, one effective and long-term approach that
could be used to counter disinformation is to increase media, digital and news
literacy among the population. This should include teaching people, preferably
from a young age, how to verify the legitimacy of any information and check its
If every individual learns that one of their responsibilities is to check the
legitimacy and accuracy of the information they read, then society will become
more resilient to disinformation campaigns. Reading various sources and
perspectives also helps with detecting false information. Not everything that is
written or broadcast online should be accepted as legitimate.
Promoting professional and independent journalism, which relies on high-quality
analysis and reports, is also critical to fighting false information. Some
people may prefer to read the work of professional, investigative and
independent journalists or experts. Also, social media outlets and tech
companies must develop a system that detects false information and makes it
extremely difficult for those who intend to spread disinformation to easily sign
up, spread inaccurate information and monetize their channels. In addition,
large news outlets ought to spot and expose false information.
Journalists, scholars, technology companies, engineers, policy analysts and
politicians can cooperate with each other and set up an institution to
effectively detect and reverse-engineer these kinds of actions and behaviors.
Finally, it is incumbent on the international community to combat widespread
global misinformation campaigns.
In a nutshell, enhancing media and digital literacy in society and promoting
high-quality journalism should be two of the core pillars in any effort to
combat disinformation campaigns and attempt to shape a society that is educated
and instinctively resilient to efforts to spread false information.
*Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a Harvard-educated Iranian-American political scientist.
X: @Dr_Rafizadeh
Europe’s internal ruptures need urgent repair
Dr. Theodore Karasik/Arab News/October 01, 2023
Europe’s unity is an important question, especially in the face of today’s
regional and global challenges. Never before has the continent faced such a
myriad of threats and problems. While a wall of weapons will now be built from
Finland to the Balkans to halt Russia, how the politics of the continent works
in the near future becomes salient.
There is no “United Europe,” really, and the situation needs to be repaired by
the stakeholders. Across a spectrum of interests, the European continent is
facing not only a long-term threat from Russia and its campaign in Ukraine, but
also beyond to the political, economic and social pressures that affect each
state. Ongoing processes and long-term consequences need to be thought about.
Currently, European unity is strong at the security level, and rightfully so,
but the European states must remain united in the face of the ongoing
confrontation with Russia. Thanks to NATO, the ability of the continent to pull
together the force structure that helps to empower Ukrainian operations against
the Russian occupation of its lands is a net positive, for now. The process of
arming Ukraine has been lengthy, with much haggling over European contributions
to Kyiv, including how quickly and from whom. Turkiye has shown how important it
is to the new construct. The negotiations have been frustrating for Kyiv, which
sees European unity and the continent generally as its savior.
But there are problems within Europe itself that will test the continent’s unity
on the security front, with energy, climate change and social grievances falling
under this mantle. The continent’s scholars and policymakers arguing their
narratives about what they call “a broken security paradigm” is leading to a
major intellectual error in how Europe approaches Russia. Moscow is expanding
everywhere right now, including partnering with North Korea. It is as if they
are unaware of how history works on the continent, where two world wars have
already been fought. The necessity to use a security prism across many domains
is key right now.
It is vital to recognize the importance of security’s superior place in keeping
European states focused on the key issues of today: war with Russia until at
least 2024, climate change and energy evolution. These are important for their
near-term stability. France and Germany are two European countries that stand
out as being subject to internal debates over policy, while pro-Russian states
such as Hungary and Serbia face European pressures but continue to challenge the
continent’s unity. Kosovo is a hot button issue that could erupt. Moreover, to
Europe’s south, North Africa continues to destabilize, especially in the wake of
the devastating earthquake in Morocco and flood disaster in Libya.
There are problems within Europe itself that will test the continent’s unity on
the security front.
Then there is the island of Britain, no longer part of the EU, which has risen
to be a major driver in keeping its European neighbors on the same page
regarding helping Kyiv. Brexit-affected Russian calculations regarding Ukraine
continue to have consequences and now a Eurocentric view of what is happening on
the battlefield is prominent, ignoring the viewpoints of other major countries,
such as the increasingly global Gulf powers. European narratives pollute the
media space and create opportunities for hostile actors.
Issues outside Europe can affect its internal political landscape. Canada’s
honoring of a former German SS official in its parliament last week shocked
Europeans. The Canadian parliament is supposed to represent liberal democracy
and the German ambassador standing up and applauding an actual member of the SS
was not just some embarrassing or exceptional incident, but a sign of political
degeneration and perhaps worse to come. The apologies from the speaker, the
prime minister and others ring hollow, as they do not in any way actually
acknowledge the significance of paying tribute to a member of the Waffen-SS as a
war hero in a country that fought on the allied side during the Second World
War. This type of stunt is costly for Ukraine’s efforts in the European
political context and shows how Canada is woven into the European fight to stop
This Canadian event came after Polish-Ukrainian fighting over food security
issues between the two countries — a dispute that made Moscow salivate at their
divisions. Russia wants European fragmentation at all costs and, in the current
milieu, there are ample disputes that Moscow can use to push its agenda in areas
outside of Ukraine, such as key countries in Africa.
European exceptionalism during this period of geostrategic change is a
double-edged sword: it is beneficial to fill gaps, yet mistaken if suffering
from a superiority complex. The EU and other continental organizations are
putting forward opportunities for potential positive change. When attitudes of
dominance in policy enter the picture because of certain agendas, then useful
policy actions become less likely. This factor plays out in negotiations over
climate change, economic policy, sanctions actions and new logistical lines for
a changing world. The EU needs to conduct necessary land and farm reforms before
it can invite Ukraine into the organization. Fighting over this agricultural
aspect is a major food security issue, in which endless debate delays necessary
European action.
There are also divergences on policy on China. Germany and France disagree on
their China policies and what to do with Beijing’s interests in Europe. China
has stakes in more than 20 ports on the continent, showing Europeans that they
have not paid attention to Beijing’s business prowess relating to logistics
Europe needs to wake up to its weaknesses. America is facing an election next
year and is undergoing stresses and strains that reverberate across the
Atlantic. Importantly, Europe has pulled itself together on the security front
for the current and future challenges concerning Russia, but it remains divided
on what comes next and how each state on the continent maintains their social
welfare during the coming economic and climate change challenges.
*Dr. Theodore Karasik is a senior adviser to Gulf State Analytics in Washington.
X: @KarasikTheodore
Abbas and Netanyahu left the UN with no hopes of peace
anytime soon
Yossi Mekelberg/Arab News/October 01/2023
Many question the purpose of the annual pilgrimage to the UN General Assembly
every autumn, as leaders descend on the landmark building on Manhattan’s 1st
Ave. to deliver a 15-minute speech which, contrary to the organization’s
charter, hardly leads to any improvement in the state of international affairs
or the human condition.
One of the issues that has occupied much of the UN’s attention over the past 75
years has been the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but the organization has had
very little success in terms of resolving it.
For the better part of the past two decades, it has been Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu who speaks on Israel’s behalf and President Mahmoud Abbas who
represents the Palestinians, two leaders who are long past the zenith of their
power and competence.
This year, as in many previous years, Netanyahu’s speech was characterized by an
arrogance sprinkled with considerable delusional elements, while Abbas came
across in his address as desperate and powerless. Each blamed the other for the
current impasse between them, with no self-reflection on their own considerable
contributions to this sorry state of affairs; although it might be naive to
expect either leader to have honed this important human skill.
What is staggering on such occasions is that the speakers, and not only Abbas
and Netanyahu, act as if the world is completely oblivious to what is happening
in their own political backyard. In the case of these two, they preside, loosely
speaking, over societies that are enduring a deep sociopolitical crisis which,
to a large extent, derives not only from the long history of the conflict
between their peoples but also from their own failed leadership over many years.
And there is another element that characterizes both of these leaders: They are
in denial about the indisputable fact that they are in the twilight of their
political careers and have little credibility or legitimacy, among their own
people or abroad. Furthermore, they completely fail to recognize that they are a
major cause of the problems faced by their respective nations and so can hardly
be part of the solution.
Between the two of them, it was rather obvious that it is the Israeli leader who
most cherishes this occasion on the world stage, even if he spoke to a nearly
empty chamber. Meanwhile his Palestinian counterpart stood before the world’s
leaders with little faith that deliverance from his people’s predicament of
living under occupation, siege and exile would come from this forum.
It is no secret that when it comes to sympathy and empathy, the Palestinians are
receiving a great deal from large sections of the global community, but it is
doing hardly anything to change the situation.
Despite a plea by Abbas to the UN membership to follow the organization’s own
resolutions — there are many hundreds of them, and international law is utterly
logical — he knows that given the current international conditions, the vast
majority of UN members who would like to see an end to the Israeli occupation,
and with it the daily violations of basic human rights of millions of
Palestinians, fall into one of two groups. Either they believe it is no longer
possible to bring about a two-state solution, do not think it is worth investing
in and are playing a waiting game for radical changes, in both Israel and
Palestine, in terms of leadership and approach to resolving their conflict
before they are prepared to actively return to this toxic environment; or they
have simply become apathetic and desensitized to the Palestinians’ predicament
at a time when there are other, more pressing international issues to attend to.
Netanyahu’s attempt to act as statesman before the UN General Assembly was less
than convincing.
There is hardly disagreement about the ills of the occupation and the fact that
consecutive Israeli administrations have done their utmost to destroy the
prospect of a two-state solution by entrenching the occupation though the
illegal building and expansion of settlements, packing them with hundreds of
thousands of Israelis, and establishing an apartheid regime in the West Bank.
However, people also know that Abbas has already exceeded by 16 years the term
in office he was elected for, and hardly enjoys legitimacy even among his own
people. It could be argued that his greatest contribution to the Palestinian
cause would have been to announce to the General Assembly that not only was he
now resigning, but in the process would be dismantling the Palestinian Authority
and handing back responsibility for the security and welfare of the Palestinian
people to the international community and the occupying force.
While for Abbas, relations with Israel are naturally the be-all and end-all,
Netanyahu has always had the luxury, at least in his own mind, of marginalizing
and being dismissive of the issue. Instead, he loves to play-act a charade of
being the visionary world leader, discussing a range of issues, from global
security to artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, his credibility dwindles as he
faces protests wherever he goes and leads a government that is abhorred
In one passage of his speech, he revealed what he is scheming at when it comes
to the Palestinians. His path to settling the conflict with them is to first
normalize relations with the rest of the Arab world and as a result, according
to him, the Palestinians will “finally embrace a path of genuine peace.”
In Netanyahu’s mind, this scenario will allow Israel to dictate the conditions
of any future peace agreement, which will fall considerably short of creating a
fully-fledged independent Palestinian state with a contiguous territory. At best
it will be a state the survival of which depends on the mercy and good will of
While Washington and Riyadh remain cautious about the possibility of normalized
relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, Netanyahu is overplaying this card as
if it were a done deal.
In his precarious political situation in Israel — where protests against the
government have been taking place continuously for 38 weeks now, and his
far-right partners in the coalition government are not smart enough to
understand the strategic value of normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia for
the long-term security and well-being of the Jewish state, or too zealous to
accept any concessions to the Palestinians to achieve this goal — Netanyahu’s
attempt to act as statesman before the UN General Assembly was less than
As the speeches by Abbas and Netanyahu only underlined, this is an asymmetric
conflict and that is a major factor that is preventing a fair and just
resolution, as one side holds most, if not all, of the cards. It is therefore
for the international community to correct this imbalance.
Until the world’s leaders are ready to do so, by embarking on a concerted effort
to bring the sides together to negotiate peace in earnest, which after all is
why the UN was established in the first place, the prospects for a peaceful
resolution will remain as remote as ever.
*Yossi Mekelberg is professor of international relations and an associate fellow
of the MENA Program at Chatham House. He is a regular contributor to the
international written and electronic media. X: @YMekelberg