English LCCC Newsbulletin For
Lebanese, Lebanese Related, Global News & Editorials
For September 15/2022
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For today
Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into
the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears
much fruit
John 12/20-28: “Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some
Greeks. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him,
‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus. ’Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip
went and told Jesus. Jesus answered them, ‘The hour has come for the Son of Man
to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the
earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much
fruit. Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this
world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where
I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour.
‘Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say “Father, save me from this
hour”? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify
your name.’ Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and I will
glorify it again.
Titles For The Latest English LCCC Lebanese &
Lebanese Related News & Editorials published
on September 14-15/2022
Titles For The Latest English LCCC
Miscellaneous Reports And News published
on September 14-15/2022
Titles For The
Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published
on September 14-15/2022
The Latest English LCCC Lebanese &
Lebanese Related News & Editorials published
on September 14-15/2022
Martyr Bachir Gemayal: The Grain of Wheat &
the Yeast
Elias Bejjani/September 14/2022
John 12/24: “Most certainly I tell you, unless a
grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if
it dies, it bears much fruit.”
On September 14, 1982, on the same day that Lebanon was celebrating the Day of
the Holy Cross, its President-elect, Sheik Bachir Gemayel, passed away into the
hands of the Almighty God after carrying the cross of the country to heaven. He
was not even 34 years old, but what he achieved for the freedom and dignity of
Lebanon places him among the great men who left a stamp of glory on the history
of Lebanon.
Bachir, the hero, dreamt of a sovereign, free and independent Lebanon, and his
dream became the objective of all free-minded Lebanese men and women. And even
as the hands of evil and hatred took him away through a cowardly assassination
plot (14/09/82), his dream lives on in the fiber of our people and their
conscience for as long as the Cedars of Lebanon tower over the country from
their peaks.
Today we remember Bachir in our prayers. We also remember his fallen comrades
who gave so much for our beloved country, and we learn from their sacrifice many
a lesson. On this sad day, our hopes are renewed, our determination is
re-energized, and our commitment to the cause is re-confirmed.
Bachir’s bright star was high in the skies of Lebanon and with it the hopes of
the Lebanese people. But the joy was killed and the hopes dashed when his star
fell from the skies, a martyr to his noble ambitions aiming at building a strong
Lebanon, confirmed in its sovereignty and independence.
Bachir believed that “the one Lebanon is the Lebanon of the 10,452 km2, that the
Lebanese must win back completely so that it belongs to its sons and daughters
in all their communities, creeds, and beliefs”. But even as he departed, what he
believed in remains in the hearts and minds of all the Lebanese people.
Bachir was raised on the cross of Lebanon on the day we remember the Cross. He
was killed in a political act at the intersection of the interests of nations,
individuals, and terrorist groups that feared for their own egotistical
interests should a unified, free and sovereign Lebanon rise from its ashes.
Bachir established the framework and then was unjustly taken from us too soon.
Those same regimes of evil, Syria and Iran, and groups and factions like the
terrorists, Hezbollah, continue today to hold the Lebanese people and their
country hostage to their greed, hatred, and savage schemes. They have mastered
the art of subservience and bowing at the doorstep of the forces of occupation.
They are shepherds of doom who have reneged on every pledge they made and
abandoned their flock.
They are factions whose job is to drive wedges between the free people of the
Land of the Cedars, assassinating their aspirations and hopes in deed, thought,
decision and execution. They assassinate Lebanon every morning and every hour of
their waking day, killing its sovereignty, its free decision-making, its
democracy and culture.
Bachir’s venomous assassination still lingers to this day in all its ugliness,
its corruption and its neglect. It still lingers in its displacement and
emigration, Dhimmitude, apostasy, with economic, social, financial, political,
security and patriotic decline.
It still lingers with the rule of personal over national interests. It still
lingers with the dismemberment of the political parties; the politicization of
the judiciary; the truncation of sovereignty with the imposition of foreign
interference, and the abandonment of human, religious and ethical values.
Bachir’s dream is here to stay and will never disappear, because it is the dream
of a people who want a dignified life, a dream that calls upon unity,
sovereignty and peace.
We are today together to remember the martyrdom of Bachir and his 22 comrades,
lifting our eyes and hearts in the midst of danger and trouble to the redeemer
of suffering humanity, Jesus-Christ, who said “And if I were to rise above the
earth, I shall take with me everyone” (John12/32). We ask Him for light, faith,
strength, and hope to continue our march forward and lift ourselves, our
homeland, and our people to victory, to peace, to righteousness, to freedom and
to all that is good in this world. For Bachir is alive in our beings and in our
Sheik Bachir, Lebanon’s elected president who was assassinated before assuming
his presidential responsibilities was and still is the patriotic blessed yeast
that was brewed and produced solid foundations of freedom, sovereignty and
independence, as well as perseverance and hope in all Lebanese minds and hearts.
Terrorists and powers of evil could not destroy the dream that Bachir left for
us. Even the gates of hell shall not be able to shake our deeply-rooted faith in
peace, love and democracy. Bachir is the grain of wheat and the yeast. Bachir’s
dream is alive and glowing. As expressed in Galatians 5/9: “A little yeast grows
through the whole lump”.
Bachir the Dream shall never die
Elias Bejjani’s Video & Text Political Commentary: Aoun Prime Minister
(1988) and Aoun President (2016): Both Products of Geagea’s Personal Greedy
Agenda and Lack of Political Vision
September 13 2002
Click Here To Watch the Arabic Video, and read the Arabic Version Of The Below
From the outset, there is no real difference between Dr. Samir
Geagea on one hand, and President Michel Aoun and his son-in-law, Jobran Bassil,
on the other. All three leaders hail from one and the same narcissistic mold,
entirely devoid of a national political vision, and their sole interest is lust
for power and nothing else. Which is why their political journey has been one of
failure with its assortments of catastrophes that have tormented the country for
as long as anyone can remember.
Perhaps the single difference between them is that Aoun and his son-in-law have
shed all pretenses by blindly subordinating themselves as servile dhimmis to
Hezbollah, going so far as to declare their pride openly and shamelessly in
doing so. Geagea for his part conceals himself under a cloak of virtuous
chastity, all the while trying to outbid the other two in bootlicking Hezbollah
under the “Riachi” table in his quest for power, as was apparent in his recent
interview with Fadi Abu-Daya on Al-Jadid.
For how can Geagea be against Hezbollah, he who expressed shame in remembering
the South Lebanon Army, and who doesn’t have the return of our heroic refugees
in Israel as his priority? His shills in his corporate party of the Lebanese
Forces, Inc. publicly say that the martyrs of both sides (theirs and
Hezbollah’s) are of the same clay, that the Persian party is made of authentic
Lebanese fabric that they – Geagea’s Lebanese Forces – are trying to bring back
inside the Lebanese house, that Hezbollah has liberated the south, and that
their goal is to resolve the conflict with it by dialogue. More dangerous than
all of this is that they legitimize Hezbollah’s occupation and hegemony and its
Iranian project for Lebanon, by claiming that it is possible to achieve change
and liberation and the recovery of decision-making via constitutional
mechanisms, including elections and such, while Hezbollah has hijacked the
state, the constitution, the institutions, and the authority, and is the
ultimate decision-maker.
Let us tease their selective memory by going back to 1988, when Geagea
obstructed the presidential election to prevent Sleiman Frangiyeh Sr. from
acceding to the presidency, thus allowing Aoun to become the Prime Minister of
the military government. In 2016, Geagea cloned the same obstructionist and
short-sighted scenario by pushing Aoun’s candidacy, backing him, and praising
his glorious achievements. He then co-signed with Aoun the Me’raab Memorandum in
which they divvied up the booty between themselves, again with the goal of
preventing the accession of Sleiman Frangiyeh Jr. to the presidency.
Who knows what Geagea is scheming today to block one more time the election of
Sleiman Frangiyeh Jr. to the presidency? Based on his record of recklessness,
lack of vision and treasonous behavior, he might as well back the election of
Jobran Bassil as president!!!
In sum, and with good conscience, we believe that the leadership of our Maronite
parties, namely Geagea, Frangiyeh, Aoun, Bassil, Gemayel Sr. and Jr. are abject
failures. They have not achieved anything positive to their community, and
because of them and their egotism, Lebanon has fallen to occupation,
disintegration, and alienation. They all have turned a blind eye to the
international resolutions on Lebanon and have indeed become hostile to them, for
the simple motive of appeasing Hezbollah.
One of the most preposterous and childish justifications for Geagea’s backing of
Aoun’s candidacy to the presidency in 2016 was – according to Geagea’s
mouthpieces and close associates – to deal a blow to Aoun’s popular aura and
bring his downfall by exposing him. What a mind-blowing strategy!
But what is the solution?
First, we need to rid ourselves of those intellectually-challenged and
treasonous leaders. We need leaders with a deep sense of duty and moral
responsibility, proponents of sovereignty, who are simply Lebanese patriots.
Leaders who request the international community to place Lebanon under Chapter
VII of the UN Charter and declare it a failed state, and assign its governance
entirely to the hands of the United Nations. Otherwise, Lebanon is condemned to
remain a hopeless case.
Let us remember that Lebanon is a sacred shrine whose protection and defense
fall to the Maronites. Since Maronite leaders have skirted their
responsibilities in this patriotic sacred mission, Lebanon has collapsed and
won’t rise from its limbo without the advent of honorable, pious, patriotic
Maronite guardians who will defend and protect it.
IDF intel chief: If not for Hezbollah, Lebanon would have joined the Abraham
Anna Ahronhein/Jerusalem Post/September 14/2022
IDF’s Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Aharon Haliva said the military has
discussed the potential for escalation in the north with the political echelon.
If it weren’t for Hezbollah, Lebanon would have been part of the Abraham
Accords, the head of the IDF’s Military Intelligence said on Monday. “I am
convinced that Lebanon would have been part of the Abraham Accords if not for
Hezbollah,” Maj.-Gen. Aharon Haliva said at Reichman University’s
Counter-terrorism conference in Herzliya. “Hezbollah is an organization that
wears three hats: protector of the Shia community, an Iranian proxy financed and
backed by Tehran, and the protector of Lebanon who took the Lebanese people
hostage.”Israel normalized ties with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco
and Sudan with the signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020. Since then, ties
between the countries have increased with bilateral defense agreements signed,
over 150 meetings between security officials, dozens of joint exercises, and
over $3 billion in defense industry cooperation. The chief of staff of Morocco’s
military landed in Israel on Monday and was received at the Kirya Military
Headquarters with an honor guard. “I hope, for Nasrallah’s sake, that he does
not underestimate the Israeli response if he decides to make a move.” According
to Haliva, Lebanon is like every other country where Iran has influence, such as
Iraq, Yemen and Syria.
“They are at the bottom in every parameter of failed countries,” he said. “The
people of Lebanon get up in the morning, try to turn on the electricity and it
doesn’t turn on. The value of the currency is also in a terrible state. Life
there is very difficult.” Israel, on the other hand, “is a country with assets
like water, technology and food in addition to military power. Arab countries
are aware of this, and that’s what led to the Abraham Accords.”Lebanon and
Israel remain officially at war, and tensions have lately increased over the
Karish gas rig and the maritime borders between the two countries.
“A Lebanese gas rig is an Israeli interest, and improving the economic situation
of the Lebanese people is also an Israeli interest,” Haliva said. “The people of
Lebanon also understand what the result of war would be.” Haliva told the
conference that the military has discussed the potential for escalation in the
north with the political echelon. The IDF has also carried out large-scale
exercises simulating war with Lebanon, including the Chariots of Fire drill, in
which troops had trained in Cyprus. “I hope, for [Secretary-General of Hezbollah
Hassan] Nasrallah’s sake, that he does not underestimate the Israeli response if
he decides to make a move,” warned Haliva. “Israel’s power is great, and I am
sure that Hezbollah understands this. Nasrallah is a serious individual and
knows what I’m talking about.”
Haliva, who spent years in Lebanon as a soldier and officer, said that Nasrallah
calculates every decision he makes by remembering what happened during the
Second Lebanon War.
Nevertheless, in the 16 years since the devastating 34-day war, Hezbollah, with
Iran’s help, has increased its arsenal with 150,000 rockets and missiles aimed
at the Israeli home front, along with attack drones and other advanced weaponry.
According to Haliva, the IDF believes that Nasrallah is highly regarded in Iran,
and “is not a patron but a partner in making decisions vis-à-vis the Iranians.
There is a likelihood that in certain events, Hezbollah and Nasrallah as its
leader will join Iran’s circle of violence.” Commenting on the increase in
violence in the West Bank, Haliva warned that there could be attacks during the
upcoming Jewish holiday season. “The holidays are always a sensitive period, but
I estimate that there is potential for significant incidents,” he said. The IDF
increased its presence in the West Bank following a wave of deadly attacks
inside Israel, and has stepped up nightly arrest raids in cities like Jenin and
Nablus. The raids have seen violent clashes and heavy gunfire from Palestinians
against IDF troops. There has also been an increase in shootings against IDF
targets and Israeli civilian vehicles. As a result, more than 80 Palestinians
have been killed by the IDF since the beginning of the year, a sharp increase
from 2021. While IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi has placed blame for
the increased violence on the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinians have
blamed Israel. “It is a Palestinian interest to lower the amount of terrorism in
the area and stabilize the governance of the Palestinian Authority,” Haliva
said. At the same time, “We need to do the right things to stabilize the PA. It
is an Israeli security interest.”
Woman with Toy Gun Grabs Trapped Savings from Beirut
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
A woman accompanied by activists and brandishing what she said was a toy pistol
broke into a Beirut bank branch on Wednesday, taking $13,000 from her trapped
savings. Sali Hafez told the local Al-Jadeed TV that she needed the money to
fund her sister’s cancer treatment. She said she had repeatedly visited the bank
to ask for her money and was told she could only receive $200 a month in
Lebanese pounds. Hafez said the toy pistol belonged to her nephew.
“I had begged the branch manager before for my money, and I told him my
sister was dying, didn’t have much time left,” she said in the interview. “I
reached a point where I had nothing else to lose.”
Lebanon’s cash-strapped banks have imposed strict limits on withdrawals of
foreign currency since 2019, tying up the savings of millions of people. About
three-quarters of the population has slipped into poverty as the tiny
Mediterranean country’s economy continues to spiral.
Hafez and activists from a group called Depositors' Outcry entered the BLOM Bank
branch and stormed into the manager's office. They forced bank employees to hand
over $12,000 and the equivalent of about $1,000 in Lebanese pounds.
Hafez said she had a total of $20,000 in savings trapped in that bank. She said
she had already sold many of her personal belongings and had considered selling
her kidney to fund her 23-year-old sister's cancer treatment.
Nadine Nakhal, a bank customer, said the intruders “doused gasoline
everywhere inside, and took out a lighter and threatened to light it.” She said
the woman with the pistol threatened to shoot the manager if she did not receive
her money. Hafez said in a live-streamed video she
posted on her Facebook account that she did not intend to do harm. “I did not
break into the bank to kill anyone or set the place on fire,” she said. “I am
here to get my rights.” Hafez was celebrated as a hero
across social media in Lebanon, as many in the small crisis-hit country struggle
to make ends meet and retrieve their savings. She encouraged others to take
similar action to reclaim their savings.
Some of the activists entered the bank with Hafez, while others staged a protest
at the entrance. Hafez eventually left with cash in a plastic bag, witnesses
Security forces standing outside arrested several of the activists, including a
man carrying what looked like a handgun. It was not immediately clear if this
was also a toy gun. Meanwhile, Alaa Khorchid who heads the Depositors' Outcry
protest group said that a man communicating and coordinating with the group
broke into a bank in the mountainous town of Aley to retrieve his trapped
savings. Local media reported that the man entered the
BankMed branch alone with a shotgun without any shells loaded, but was unable to
retrieve his savings before he was apprehended. Both incidents occurred weeks
after a food delivery driver broke into another bank branch in Beirut and held
10 people hostage for seven hours, demanding tens of thousands of dollars in his
trapped savings. Most hailed him as a hero. “There is
no government, no economic recovery plan, and little reserves left,” Khorchid
told the AP, adding that people have no choice but to “take matters into their
own hands”. “These people worked for decades, but not for the rulers to build
palaces while they can’t afford a bottle of medicine.”Lebanon has scrambled for
over two years to implement key reforms in its decimated banking sector and
economy. It has so far failed to reach an agreement with the International
Monetary Fund on a recovery program that would unlock billions of dollars in
international loans and aid to make the country viable again. Its government has
struggled to function in a caretaker capacity since May, and its recently
elected Parliament remains deeply divided. In the
meantime, millions are struggling to cope with rampant power outages and soaring
inflation. “We need to put a stop to everything that is happening to us in this
country,” Nakhal said. “Everyone's money is stuck in the banks, and in this
case, it's someone who is sick. We need to find a solution."
UNIFIL Stresses Close Cooperation with Lebanese Army
After Amendments to Mission
Beirut - Nazeer Rida/Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) sought to assure Lebanese
authorities after amendments were introduced to its mission last month.
In a statement on Tuesday, it said: “Our peacekeepers remain committed to
security and stability in south Lebanon and continue to work closely with the
Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), as we have done since the passing of Security
Council resolution 1701 (2006).”“UNIFIL has always had the mandate to undertake
patrols in its area of operations, with or without the Lebanese Armed Forces. As
always, our operational activities, including patrols, continue to be
coordinated with the Lebanese Army,” it added.bAt the
request of the Lebanese government, the UN Security Council extended UNIFIL’s
mandate for another year on August 31, with the adoption of Resolution 2650, but
for the first time since 2006, it amended the mission of the peacekeeping force.
“The Council reiterates that UNIFIL does not require prior authorization or
permission from anyone to undertake its mandated tasks, and that it is allowed
to conduct its operations independently,” said UNIFIL after the amendment.
“It calls on the parties to guarantee UNIFIL’s freedom of movement,
including by allowing announced and unannounced patrols. The Council condemns
the harassment and intimidation of UNIFIL personnel, as well as the use of
disinformation campaigns against peacekeepers,” it added.
The rules of engagement in place since 2006 have stipulated that the
Lebanese army accompany UNIFIL patrols in its areas of operation. The
peacekeepers had been harassed and attacked by citizens in the past for
allegedly taking photos of some locations and because their patrols had veered
off their usual path. Lebanese authorities have always
sought to extend the UNIFIL mission without amendments. The amendments
therefore, came as a surprise and sparked criticism from Hezbollah where the
South is its stronghold.
The UNIFIL spokesperson said on Monday: “Our peacekeepers remain committed to
security and stability in south Lebanon, and to continue to support the people
who live here.”"Our operational activities, including patrols, continue to be
coordinated with the Lebanese Army, even when they don't accompany us,” he
stated. “Our freedom of movement has been reiterated
in Security Council resolutions renewing UNIFIL’s mandate, including Resolution
1701 in 2006, and UNIFIL’s Status of Forces Agreement, signed in 1995,” he
“We work closely with the LAF every day, and this has not changed,” he stressed.
Despite the controversy, Lebanese officials believe the changes to the
peacekeeping mission “are theoretical for now” and they are a “product of 16
years of practices that have curbed the international force’s activity.”Former
MP Marwan Hamade noted that Hezbollah has acted freely in southern Lebanon in
spite of resolution 1701. Moreover, the party has
curbed the regular movement of the force and prevented it from carrying out any
raid, he told Asharq Al-Awsat. Hezbollah has also
employed locals to obstruct UNIFIL’s work, he charged.
“Complains have piled year after year. Some UNIFIL commanders had chosen to
overlook the issue, while others had complained about it in their regular
reports to the United Nations Secretary-General, stating that the situation is a
complete violation of resolution 1701,” he continued. Hezbollah has dashed the
resolution, especially when it comes to its ongoing smuggling of weapons to
UNIFIL’s area of operations south of the Litani River, remarked Hamadeh. The
resolution may grant the force freedom of movement in coordination with the
military, but the army has never carried out any step stipulated in the
resolution, he went on to say. All the army has done
was contain tensions when UNIFIL patrols were prevented by locals from carrying
out their duties, he explained. At the moment, the amendments are unlikely to
have repercussions on the ground, but that may change should the situation
deteriorate in case of a security or military development, he added. In the long
run, Hezbollah fears that UNIFIL’s mission may be expanded to cover the entire
borders to crack down on the arms smuggling to the party, said Hamadeh.
President Aoun meets new Executive Council of the
Syndicate of Informatics and Technology
NNA/September 14/ 2022
President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, asserted that the completion of
the demarcation of southern maritime borders will enable Lebanon to launch the
process of exploration for oil and gas in the specified fields within the
exclusive economic zone, which will give the Lebanese economy a positive impetus
to start emerging from the crisis that it has been under for years.
President Aoun also pointed out that the contacts to complete the demarcation
file have gone a long way in which Lebanon has achieved what makes it able to
invest its wealth in its waters, and that there are technical details that are
currently being studied for the interest of Lebanon, its rights and sovereignty.
President Aoun’s positions came while meeting the new executive council of the
Informatics and Technology Syndicate in Lebanon headed by Mr. George Joseph
Ghostine El Khoury. The meeting was also attended by MPs Nicolas Sehnaoui and
Ghassan Atallah, Mr. Khoury thanked President Aoun for the support he provided
to the Syndicate four years after the issuance of its founding decree, and then
electing its new council two months ago.
Mr. Khoury also indicated that the Syndicate is working to develop a serious and
effective action plan, and it puts its expertise and technical capabilities at
the disposal of the Lebanese state to help when needed, pointing to the
Syndicate's endeavor to establish a "lobby" to support and develop the sector
and help it establish relations with foreign parties to support workers in the
information and technology sector in Lebanon, with the aim of keeping them away
from thinking about immigration, within the framework of alleviating the brain
drain in Lebanon.
Mr. Khoury also called for inviting members of the union to participate in the
activities related to the information and technology sector within the
parliament and the government, and to involve it in all decisions related to
digital transformation and governance, as well as support and assistance to
propose new bills and move them within the parliament as projects related to
integrated education in official and private universities and schools, in
addition to supporting the professional sector in Lebanon, and support in the
study and development of the Internet sector in Lebanon in terms of quality and
For his part, President Aoun wished the new council of the union success in
their new responsibilities, pointing out that the e-government project is one of
the most prominent projects he mentioned in the oath’s speech and sought to
achieve since the beginning of the era. “Sophisticated steps have been taken in
the field of automation of a number of public administrations and institutions,
to enable citizens to complete their transactions without burdening them with
the hardship of moving to official centers and other obstacles they encounter”
the President said.
In addition, President Aoun clarified that several projects to develop the
administration and achieve governance collided with the harsh conditions that
the country went through, in addition to the delay in the work of the
procedural, legislative and judicial authorities, and the emergence of
artificial obstacles, which further complicated matters, in addition to several
mistakes committed in the exercise of some officials’ work.
On the other hand, he President reiterated that the forensic audit in the
accounts of the Banque du Liban is ongoing, and the first phase of it is
scheduled to end before the end of this month. Finally, President Aoun wished
his successor in the presidency to complete the implementation of the projects
that have begun and those that have been faltered, and is particularly keen to
proceed with the process of combating corruption and holding perpetrators
accountable, who bear great responsibility for the state of affairs in the
country. The delegation of the new Executive Council of the Syndicate of
Information and Technology in Lebanon, in addition to Captain Al-Khoury,
included: Vice President Mark Osta, Secretary Najib Abu Shedid, Deputy Secretary
Ali Ahmed, Treasurer Tony Abi Rashed, Deputy Treasurer Hassan Taher,
representative of the Regulatory Authority Abed Bou Sarkis, Representative of
the Board of Trustees Tanios Kayrouz, Public Relations Officer Maya Zughaib,
Cyber Security Officer Rony Chahoud, Professional Development and Training
Officer Tarek Pasha, Educational Affairs and Digital Transformation Officer
Joseph Nakhleh. -------Presidency Press Office
Aoun: Demarcation contacts have made major progress
Naharnet/September 14/ 2022
President Michel Aoun on Wednesday stressed that “the completion of the southern
sea border demarcation file will enable Lebanon to launch the process of
exploring for oil and gas in the specified fields within the Exclusive Economic
“This will give the Lebanese economy a positive impetus to begin exiting the
crisis it has been reeling under for years,” the president added. “The contacts
to finalize the demarcation file have made major progress, in which Lebanon has
achieved what enables it to exploit its resources in its waters,” Aoun went on
to say.He added that “there are technical details that are currently being
studied in order to realize Lebanon’s interest, rights and sovereignty.”
Lebanon says maritime talks with Israel to conclude in
The Arab Weekly/September 14/2022
“We’re talking about weeks, actually, days, to finish the delineation issue. I’m
hopeful that the situation is positive,” the head of Lebanon’s General Security
agency Abbas Ibrahim told local channel Al-Jadeed.
Maritime border talks between Lebanon and Israel which could help allocate oil
and gas resources are close to concluding after around two years of
negotiations, a top Lebanese security official said on Tuesday.
“We’re talking about weeks, actually, days, to finish the delineation
issue. I’m hopeful that the situation is positive,” the head of Lebanon’s
General Security agency Abbas Ibrahim told local channel Al-Jadeed.
Lebanon and Israel have been locked in US-mediated negotiations to
delineate a shared maritime border that would help determine which oil and gas
resources belong to which country and pave the way for more exploration.
Ibrahim attended meetings last week with the US mediator Amos Hochstein,
who said his hours-long visit to Beirut on September 9 showed him that talks
were making “very good progress.”According to Israeli and Lebanese officials, an
Israeli proposal would allow Lebanon to develop gas reserves in a disputed area
in exchange for agreeing to a delineation line further north. Lebanese officials
have demanded a written version of the proposal before providing a final answer,
a political source with knowledge of the talks said.
Christian MPs boycott budget session on Gemayel's murder
Naharnet/September 14/ 2022
A parliament session over the state budget was postponed on Wednesday due to
lack of quorum as it coincided with the 40th anniversary of former President
Bashir Gemayel's assassination. The majority of Christian MPs boycotted the
session, while fifty eight MPs arrived at the Parliament, expressing discontent
over the budget draft law. Reformist MP Waddah al-Sadek said the Change MPs will
vote against the budget law, and called on Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri to
postpone the session out of respect for the assassination's anniversary of
former President Gemayel. So did deputy Speaker Elias Bou Saab, who attended
while other Free Patriotic Movement MPs boycotted. "I asked Speaker Berri to
postpone the session out of respect for the MPs who decided to boycott today's
session," Bou Saab said. The session was postponed to Thursday morning and will
be held tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.Meanwhile, public sector retirees had gathered
since morning in front of Parliament to protest the state budget that they said
did not take their demands into consideration. They demanded a wage increase,
better health care and education for their children.
Geagea threatens to sue finance minister over judicial
Naharnet/September 14/ 2022
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday threatened to sue caretaker
Finance Minister Youssef Khalil. If Khalil “continues to obstruct the judicial
appointments decree, we will have to organize an accusatory petition to
prosecute him for dereliction of duty,” Geagea warned in a tweet. The failure to
pass the decree has suspended the investigations into the Beirut port blast
Rahi meets presidential candidate May Rihani
NNA/September 14/ 2022
Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rahi met on Wednesday in Dimane with candidate to the
presidential elections May Rihani, who presented her electoral program.
Following the meeting, she stressed that her project echoes the Patriarch's
calls for Lebanon's neutrality and for preserving its pluralism and identity.
2 dead, 2 wounded as two families clash in Mashghara
Naharnet/September 14/ 2022
A dispute between the Sharaf and al-Ammar families escalated into an armed clash
Wednesday in the West Bekaa town of Mashghara, the National News Agency said.
The agency said the dispute was linked to previous tensions over cattle grazing
and resulted in the death of H. Sharaf and A. Sharaf and the wounding of M.
al-Ammar and his brother A. al-Ammar. An army force later arrived in the town to
separate between the two families as the army encircled the Suhmor hospital in
West Bekaa.
Corona - MoPH: 220 new coronavirus infections, two deaths
NNA/September 14/ 2022
Lebanon has recorded 220 new coronavirus cases and two deaths in the last 24
hours, as reported by the Ministry of Public Health on Wednesday.
Lebanon's government formation is not helped by
marginalising the Aounists
Michael Young/The National/September 14/ 2022
The Prime Minister Najib Mikati would be better of reaching a compromise with
the President Michel Aoun.
Following Lebanon’s parliamentary elections in May, parliament tasked the
country's prime minister Najib Mikati with forming a new government to succeed
the one he had headed prior to the elections. However, with a presidential
election scheduled between now and the end of October, after which yet another
government will have to be formed, Mr Mikati has seemed reluctant to complete
the undertaking.
The reason for this is fairly obvious. Government-formation processes in Lebanon
have become exasperating, drawn-out affairs, as the country’s political forces
try to secure a large share of ministers as well as lucrative portfolios, all of
which have to respect delicate sectarian balances. For Mr Mikati to form a
government now, he would need to come to terms with Gebran Bassil, the
son-in-law of Lebanon's President Michel Aoun, who wants to ensure that his
stakes in the system will be protected once Mr Aoun leaves office. Mr Mikati’s
likely calculation is that rather than go through the headache of dealing with
Mr Bassil, he is better off waiting until Mr Aoun leaves, meanwhile he can
continue to function through his caretaker government. That makes sense, but it
also poses major problems.
Mr Bassil is widely seen as a polarising figure who operates through perpetual
brinkmanship. He is right to view Mr Mikati’s reluctance to form a government as
a tactic to run the clock out on himself and his father-in law. Mr Mikati
believes that once Mr Aoun goes home, his own leverage in shaping a new
government will increase. That is because the president has often refused to
sign decrees to form new governments until Mr Bassil’s demands have been met.
Mr Bassil’s fear, and it may well be justified, is that leading members of the
established political class – which he joined only late, in 2006 – and above all
parliament speaker Nabih Berri, seek to politically eliminate him and do away
with Mr Aoun’s legacy. This explains why Mr Bassil is fighting to retain
significant representation in Mr Mikati’s new government, fearing that if he
fails to do so, he will lose ground once Mr Aoun exits.
In stark political terms, Mr Bassil is engaged in political survival, not least
because during the last elections his Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) lost votes
in the Christian community. Mr Bassil also wants to remain in the game because,
down the road, he seeks to become president himself. While it is difficult to
find redeeming qualities in the man, it is absurd to expect Mr Aoun and Mr
Bassil to quietly sign off on their own political elimination.
And Mr Bassil has tools at his disposal. Because of domestic divisions, it seems
increasingly unlikely that the political forces will reach a consensus on a new
president before Mr Aoun departs from office. Constitutionally, if there is a
presidential vacuum, the government takes over the president’s powers. That is
what Mr Mikati appears to be waiting for. However, there is a major
disagreement: it is unclear if a caretaker government is also entitled to
presidential powers. Following parliamentary elections, all governments must
resign, which is why Mr Mikati’s government finds itself in a caretaker capacity
today. Mr Mikati argues that the constitution abhors a vacuum and therefore does
not specify which kind of government can secure presidential powers, so even a
caretaker government can do so. Mr Bassil rejects this view.
Indeed, on September 6, Mr Bassil warned that if the caretaker government took
over Mr Aoun’s duties, the FPM would refuse to recognise it and would consider
the move illegitimate. While there may be ways for Mr Mikati and Mr Berri to
circumvent Mr Bassil, such steps could provoke sectarian sensitivities, since
the president is always a Maronite Christian and the government is headed by a
Sunni Muslim. For the prime minister to manoeuvre to take over the powers of the
president may prove divisive. Moreover, Hezbollah may well block efforts to
marginalise Mr Bassil, a close ally.
Hezbollah's cautious approach to the Lebanese presidential election.
That is why it makes more sense for Mr Mikati to forge ahead and
compromise with Mr Aoun. Eliminating the Aounists may be desirable for Mr
Bassil’s enemies, but it will not work, and Mr Bassil can still hinder an
agreement over a consensual president. However, once a new president is chosen,
Mr Bassil’s latitude to put up obstacles will be reduced, as Mr Aoun’s
replacement is far less likely to bend to his impositions.
Mr Mikati should also avoid being Mr Berri’s stick in the speaker’s feud with Mr
Bassil. Last year, Mr Mikati, who gains from playing the middle, showed he could
be patient in dealing with Mr Aoun. As president, Mr Aoun made significant gains
in advancing the president’s role in the government formation process. Trying to
take him back to when presidents were irrelevant in this procedure is
unrealistic. If Mr Bassil’s destiny is to alienate
everyone and lose ground, so be it. With Mr Aoun’s departure, this may become
inevitable. But at a time when the country needs a measure of political harmony
to address its mounting problems, it is better for Mr Bassil’s enemies that he
be inside the tent. It is never a good idea for antipathy to guide political
The Latest English LCCC
Miscellaneous Reports And News published
on September 14-15/2022
Washington Denies Israeli Leaks on ‘Death’ of Nuclear
Talks with Iran
Washington - Ali Barada/Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
The Biden administration has rejected Israeli rumors about Washington’s Special
Envoy Robert Malley being sidelined from negotiations for the revival of the
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the official name of the 2015 Iran
nuclear deal. The US administration also denied other rumors spread by a senior
Israeli official who had declared nuclear talks with Iran dead. Israeli Defense
Minister Benny Gantz said late on Monday in a briefing that Iran has tripled its
uranium enrichment capabilities. “Iran has increased
its ability to enrich uranium by three-fold at the Fordow facility,” said Gantz,
adding that according to the JCPOA, Iran is barred from enriching uranium at
that site. Gantz’s statements coincided with what US Secretary of State Anthony
Blinken said on Monday evening about Iran’s response to the European proposal to
revive the 2015 nuclear agreement making the possibility of reaching an
agreement in the near term “unlikely.”In light of Iran’s latest reply to a draft
proposal by the European Union, prospects for the revival of the 2015 Iran
nuclear deal in the near future are not looking good, Blinken said. An Israeli
diplomatic official, who requested anonymity, told media that an agreement may
only be achieved after the US congressional midterm elections next November.
Nevertheless, the official pointed out that Israel is actively lobbying behind
the scenes with members of the US Senate and House of Representatives to
persuade them to support its positions on a nuclear agreement with Iran. On
Monday, a senior Israeli official told Israeli reporters accompanying Prime
Minister Yair Lapid on a state visit to Germany that Jerusalem’s recent
engagement with the Biden administration on talks to revive the nuclear deal had
resulted in US decision-making being placed “out of the hands of Malley’s camp
by now.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity.
In an initial reaction to the anonymous Israeli comments, a State Department
spokesman had rejected the suggestion that Malley had been sidelined, or that
the US had concluded that efforts to revive the deal had hit a dead end. “We
have a very close dialogue with Israel and other allies and partners about Iran,
including the JCPOA. Special Envoy Malley is an integral part of those talks,”
read a statement from the State Department Monday, distributed in the name of an
anonymous spokesperson.
Gantz Presents Documents of Iranian Weapons Factories in
Syria, Lebanon, Yemen
Tel Aviv - Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14
September, 2022
Security sources in Tel Aviv revealed that Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz
carried with him to the United Nations headquarters in New York many documents
on Iranian activity in the Middle East. Among the most prominent of these
documents is a file containing photos and reports showing that Iran is building
factories for missile weapons, advanced munitions, and drones, in Syria, Lebanon
and Yemen. According to sources who requested
anonymity, Gantz's documents made it clear that the cited factories were limited
to Syria, but in recent months, crews from the Lebanese Hezbollah and Yemeni
Houthis were trained at those sites. Gantz spoke
personally on this issue during a lecture he gave at The Jerusalem Post
Conference in New York. He said 2022 witnessed a significant increase in Iranian
military activity, directed not only against Israel, but also against countries
in the region and even Europe. There has been a “sharp increase in Iran’s
violent activity” in the region since the start of 2022, he remarked. Despite
economic hardships facing its own citizens, Iran sends more than $1 billion to
its proxy groups, he noted. Iran is establishing an
advanced weapons industry in Syria to serve its war plans and to supply its
militias, but Israeli raids against those sites had forced it to look for other
solutions, he went on to say. According to Gantz, one of the solutions was for
Iran to move some of these factories to Lebanon and Yemen.
He pointed out that it has resorted to storing arms in buildings “in the
heart of residential neighborhoods in several Lebanese and Yemeni towns,
threatening the lives of safe civilians.”“Iran is the biggest destabilizing
factor in the Middle East,” warned Gantz, explaining that Iranian activity can
fuel terrorism and the arms race, threaten the global economy and energy
resources, and affect food prices, trade, freedom of navigation and stability in
the region.
US Charges Three Iranians for Ransomware Attacks on
Women’s Shelter, Businesses
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
Three Iranians have been charged with trying to extort hundreds of thousands of
dollars from organizations in the United States, Europe, Iran and Israel,
including a domestic violence shelter, by hacking in to their computer systems,
US officials said on Wednesday. Other targets included local US governments,
regional utilities in Mississippi and Indiana, accounting firms and a state
lawyers' association, according to charges filed by the US Justice Department.
While the criminal charges do not say whether the alleged hackers worked for the
Iranian government, a separate US Treasury Department statement said they were
affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, an Iranian intelligence
and security force. A senior Justice Department official said the Iran
government does not discourage residents from engaging in hacking, as long as it
is directed outside the country. Iran's mission to the United Nations in New
York did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The defendants, named
Mansour Ahmadi, Ahmad Khatibi and Amir Hossein Nikaein, are citizens of Iran who
own or are employed by private technology companies in the country. The Treasury
Department also imposed sanctions on the three Iranians, as well as several
other individuals and two organizations they said were part of Tehran's
"malicious" cyber and ransomware activity.
The alleged hackers face little chance of being arrested, as they are believed
to be living freely in Iran. But officials said the charges will make it
difficult for them to travel or find work outside the country, as is the
preference of many educated Iranians. According to the
charges, the three men infiltrated the computer systems of a wide range of
businesses and governments between October 2020 and August 2022, encrypted their
data and demanded bitcoin payments of up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Some victims, including the domestic violence shelter, opted to pay the ransom
to recover their data. Such ransomware attacks have skyrocketed over the past
decade, damaging scores of US companies and other organizations around the
globe. In June last year, the Justice Department said
it was elevating ransomware investigations to a similar priority as terrorism in
the wake of a major, disruptive attack on a US pipeline company, which led to
localized gas shortages on the US East coast.
Russia forced to import North Korean military kit, Ministry
of Defence says
David Hughes, PA Political Editor/PA Media: UK NewsPA Media: UK
News/September 14/2022
Vladimir Putin’s forces are being forced to source equipment from North Korea
and Iran as the impacts of sanctions and military losses in Ukraine bite,
defence experts believe. British defence intelligence analysts think that Moscow
is “increasingly sourcing weaponry from other heavily sanctioned states” as its
own stockpiles are depleted. An update published by the UK’s Ministry of Defence
pointed to claims that Ukrainian forces had shot down an Iranian-made drone as
evidence of Moscow’s use of systems sourced from Tehran. Ukraine claimed it shot
down the drone near Kupiansk as part of the offensive that has punched through
Russian lines around Kharkiv on the eastern front. The image suggested the
Shahed “suicide drone” had been shot down by Ukrainian forces and had not
detonated on impact as designed, though little information was released by the
authorities in Kyiv. The UK’s Ministry of Defence said: “Russia has highly
likely deployed Iranian uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAV) in Ukraine for the first
time. “On September 13 2022, Ukrainian officials reported that their forces had
shot down a Shahed-136 UAV near Kupiansk, in the area of Ukraine’s successful
ongoing offensive. “The Shahed-136 is a one-way attack UAV with a claimed range
of 2,500 kilometres. “Similar Iranian-manufactured systems have likely been used
in attacks in the Middle East, including against the oil tanker MT Mercer Street
in July 2021.” Russian forces have sustained heavy losses since the invasion of
Ukraine began in February, and sanctions have restricted access to key
components for its weapons systems. The MoD update said: “Russia is almost
certainly increasingly sourcing weaponry from other heavily sanctioned states
like Iran and North Korea as its own stocks dwindle. “The loss of a Shahed-136
near the front lines suggests there is a realistic possibility that Russia is
attempting to use the system to conduct tactical strikes rather than against
more strategic targets farther into Ukrainian territory.” European Commission
President Ursula von der Leyen also underlined the impact of sanctions on
Russia’s defence industry. “The Russian military is taking chips from
dishwashers and refrigerators to fix their military hardware, because they ran
out of semiconductors,” she said. “Russia’s industry is in tatters.”
Russia Forced To Import Weapons From North Korea And Iran, British Officials Say
Kevin Schofield/ HuffPost UK/September 14, 2022
Russia is being forced to import weapons from North Korea and Iran as its own
supply of equipment “dwindles”, according to the Ministry of Defence. In their
latest intelligence update on the war in Ukraine, the MoD said Vladimir Putin is
“increasingly sourcing weaponry from other heavily sanctioned states” as the
effects of western sanctions on Moscow take their toll. The latest blow for
Russia comes after Ukraine launched a hugely successful counter-offensive to
re-claim previously-occupied territory. This morning’s MoD update pointed to
claims that Ukrainian forces had shot down an Iranian-made drone as evidence of
Moscow’s use of systems sourced from Tehran. Ukraine claimed it shot down the
drone - known as a Shahed-136 - near Kupiansk as part of the offensive that has
punched through Russian lines around Kharkiv on the eastern front. The MoD said:
“Russia is almost certainly increasingly sourcing weaponry from other heavily
sanctioned states like Iran and North Korea as its own stocks dwindle. “The loss
of a Shahed-136 near the front lines suggests there is a realistic possibility
that Russia is attempting to use the system to conduct tactical strikes rather
than against more strategic targets farther into Ukrainian territory.” Earlier
this week, the MoD claimed Ukrainian forces have recaptured an area at least
twice the size of Greater London.
Zelensky visits recaptured hub of Izyum in East Ukraine:
AFP/NNA/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday visited the east Ukraine
city of Izyum, the military said, one of the largest cities recently recaptured
from Russia by Kyiv's army in a lightning counter-offensive.
The military in a statement on social media that Zelensky and military officials
"took part" in a ceremony raising the Ukrainian flag over the captured city,
which was key for Russia's ambitions to capture the Donbas region. Pictures
distributed separately by Zelensky's office showed the Ukrainian leader wearing
dark-green and flanked by guards as he was taking selfies with soldiers and
meeting troops at a flag-rising ceremony. -- AFP
EU Says Solidarity with Ukraine ‘Unshakeable’, Lays Out
Energy Spike Solutions
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
The European Commission unveiled on Wednesday a series of proposals to curb the
energy price spike that has hit Europe in the wake of Russia's invasion of
Ukraine, while stressing that the bloc's solidarity with Kyiv would be
"unshakeable." With Ukrainian first lady Olena
Zelenska the guest of honor as she delivered her annual state of the union
speech, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said sanctions on
Russia were having a real impact and were there to stay.
"Never before has this Parliament debated the State of our Union with war
raging on European soil," von der Leyen told the European Parliament in
Strasbourg, wearing blue and yellow - the colors of both Ukraine's and the EU
flags - told her annual address to the European Parliament. "And I stand here
with the conviction that with courage and solidarity, Putin will fail and Europe
will prevail," von der Leyen said, adding: "Europe's solidarity with Ukraine
will remain unshakeable." Von der Leyen, whose
proposals to help European households and companies include skimming off
windfall profits from energy companies and imposing cuts in electricity usage
across the bloc, said the bloc was also working to protect households and
businesses. "Making ends meet is becoming a source of anxiety for millions of
businesses and households," she said, proposing measures to cap revenues from
low-cost electricity generators and force fossil fuel firms to share the profits
they make from soaring energy prices. "In these times it is wrong to receive
extraordinary record revenues and profits benefiting from war and on the back of
our consumers. In these times, profits must be shared and channeled to those who
need it most," she said. While some in Europe,
pointing at the huge spike in energy prices, have been arguing that the bloc's
sanctions on Russia were hitting the West more, von der Leyen said sanctions
were hurting Russia. "Russia's financial sector is on life-support", she said,
adding that nearly one thousand international companies have left the country.
"The Russian military is taking chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix
their military hardware, because they ran out of semiconductors. Russia's
industry is in tatters."At a time when Ukraine is working on securing territory
it has reclaimed from occupying Russian forces in a swift counter-offensive, von
der Leyen said this was not the time for the bloc to soften its stance. "This is
the time for us to show resolve, not appeasement," she said. "We are in it for
the long haul." She said Europe had diversified away from Russian energy, but
Moscow was still "actively manipulating" the market and gas prices have risen by
more than 10 times compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Syria May ‘Return to Larger-scale Fighting,’ UN Warns in
New Report
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
Syria's bloody conflict is at risk of further escalation after several
frontlines across the country flared up in recent months, the United Nations
warned on Wednesday in a new report. "Syria cannot afford a return to
larger-scale fighting, but that is where it may be heading," said Paulo Sérgio
Pinheiro, chair of the UN's Syria commission. The
50-page report found that despite many active battlefronts quieting in recent
years, "grave violations of fundamental human rights and humanitarian law" had
increased across the country over the last six months. They included fighting in
the country's northeast and northwest that left dozens of civilians dead and
restricted access to food and water, the report said, Reuters reported. In
particular over the last three months, the Commission had documented more
Russian aerial bombardments over opposition-held areas, said commissioner Hanny
Megally. "We had an idea at some point that the war was completely finished in
Syria," Pinheiro told journalists in Geneva, adding that the violations
documented in the report proved this was not the case.
UN Warns Against Further Deterioration of Situation in
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Sudan, Volker Perthes
warned that the overall situation in the country will continue to worsen unless
a political situation is found to restore a credible, fully functioning
civilian-led government.
In a briefing to the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday, Perthes
stressed there is a chance of reaching a political agreement that would
inaugurate a new transitional period towards democratic governance. He
underscored Sudan’s need for a civilian-led government that can re-establish the
authority of the state across the country and create the conditions for a
resumption of international cooperation, including debt relief.
Perthes pointed out that on October 25 will mark a year since the
military coup, noting that the past 10 months have been noted for recurrent
protests against the coup, during which 117 people have been killed, and
thousands injured in the context of these protests. At the same time, he
confirmed that efforts to realize the goals of the 2018 revolution have
continued, particularly among youth, women, trade unions and professional
associations. With regard to the political process, Perthes said some important
decisions have been taken by the military, and some promising developments have
happened among civilians. The Sudanese army’s announcement that it will withdraw
from politics generated momentum among civilian forces, Perthes noted, adding
that several major initiatives aimed at reaching a common “civilian” vision have
emerged in response. He referred to the draft
constitutional framework to the Trilateral Mechanism presented by the Bar
Association, saying it gathered a broad spectrum of civilian forces around one
vision, including the parties of the Forces for Freedom and Change-Central
Committee and Juba Peace Agreement signatories. Moreover, Perthes added that the
trilateral mechanism, consisting of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance
Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), the African Union and the Intergovernmental
Authority on Development (IGADI), has engaged with all initiatives and is
currently in the process of comparing the constitutional and political visions
that have been issued. “Almost all stakeholders,
including notably the military, have expressed that they want the trilateral
mechanism to play a role – either in bringing the different initiatives
together, coming up with bridging proposals, or eventually mediating an
agreement with the military,” he remarked. He cited
major differences about the institutional division of powers, particularly the
role of the military, but he reassured the Council that the gaps have narrowed,
and there is wide-ranging consensus now, among other things, on the need for a
civilian head of state, an independent prime minister, and a cabinet of experts
or technocrats, not party leaders. “There is an opportunity to end the crisis,
which military and civilian forces need to grasp,” Perthes said, noting that the
trilateral mechanism stands ready to convene the parties around one text so as
to bridge remaining differences. Nearly a year after
the military takeover of October 25, Sudan still lacks a fully functional and
legitimate government. The decision of the military to
withdraw from politics and the recent initiatives by civilian forces offer a
window of opportunity for both the military and political forces to reach an
agreement on the way forward, Perthes told the Security Council.
He further warned that the longer political paralysis exists, the more
difficult it will become to return to the “transition” which UNITAMS is mandated
to assist. He called on the international community and the Security Council to
back the UNITAMS efforts and to offer coordinated support to Sudan at this
critical time.
Israeli Officer, 2 Palestinians Killed in Shootout
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
Palestinian gunmen opened fire on Israeli troops near a checkpoint in the
occupied West Bank Wednesday, killing an Israeli army officer, the Israeli
military said. Palestinian officials said that troops killed the gunmen. The
Palestinian Health Ministry said that two Palestinians were killed by the
Israeli army, without providing additional details. The military said soldiers
spotted two individuals approaching the separation barrier in the northern West
Bank and that it dispatched soldiers to the area. It said the two suspects were
armed with automatic weapons and began shooting at troops, who returned fire.
The Israeli army confirmed that Maj. Bar Falah, 30, was killed by the gunmen in
the shootout, The Associated Press reported. The official Palestinian news
agency Wafa reported that the Israeli army was holding the bodies of the two
men. It identified them as Ahmad Abed, 23, and Abd al-Rahman Abed, 22, both from
a village near the city of Jenin. The Israeli military confirmed that Ahmad Abed
was a member of the Palestinian Authority security services. The Palestinian
militant group Hamas praised the attack, hailing the two gunmen as “heroic
martyrs.”Wednesday's violence was the latest in a long string of incidents
involving deadly confrontations between soldiers and Palestinians in the West
Bank in recent months, particularly around the city of Jenin, which has become a
bastion for armed struggle against Israel. Israel has been carrying out nightly
arrest raids in West Bank cities, towns and villages since a spate of attacks
against Israelis in the spring killed 19 people.
Israeli fire has killed scores of Palestinians during that time, making it the
deadliest year in the occupied territory since 2016.
The Israeli military says the vast majority of those killed were militants or
stone-throwers who endangered the soldiers. But several civilians have also been
killed during Israel’s monthslong operation, including a veteran journalist and
a lawyer who apparently drove unwittingly into a battle zone. Some local youths
who took to the streets in response to the invasion of their neighborhoods have
also been killed.
Israel says the arrest raids are meant to dismantle militant networks that have
embedded themselves. The Palestinians say the operations are aimed at
maintaining Israel’s 55-year military occupation of territories they want for an
independent state.
Israel captured the West Bank, along with east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, in
the 1967 Mideast war and the Palestinians seek those territories for a future
UN chief expresses hope that Saudi-Iranian
talks will help ease regional tensions
Ephrem Kossaify/September 15, 2022
NEW YORK: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday expressed hope that
talks underway between authorities in Saudi Arabia and Iran will help to ease
tensions in the Gulf region. “I hope that the dialogue
that started between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and other forms of dialogue in the
region, will produce results and will allow a reduction of the tension in the
Gulf,” he told Arab News. It came as he reflected on
the role the Kingdom, the UAE other Gulf nations can play in tackling global
crises — including food insecurity, climate-related emergencies and energy
shortages — and regional conflicts such as those in Syria, Yemen, Libya and
between the Israelis and Palestinians.“I am sure that (Saudi Arabia, the UAE and
the entire Gulf Cooperation Council) will be quite active in relation to the
promotion of peaceful solutions in their neighborhood: In Syria, Libya, Yemen or
in any other country that is close to them,” said Guterres.
“I think the people of Syria, the people of Libya, the people of Yemen
have already suffered too much. And my appeal is for everybody to come together
to solve those problems.”
The UN chief also said he hopes that “GCC countries, which have a huge capacity
for production, will contribute to (resolving) the energy crisis in the world.”
Turning to the latest developments in Libya, Guterres said that the supposed
ceasefire there “is not in sight.”
He added: “It’s difficult to know what is the biggest challenge that requires
action. We must preserve peace between (the rival authorities in the) east and
west but that also means preserving peace in relation to the recent
confrontations that happened in Tripoli.
“With the militias supporting either (Government of National Unity Prime
Minister Abdul Hamid) Dbeibah or (Government of National Stability leader Fathi)
Bashaga, we need hostilities (to stop.) That is fundamental.”
Guterres said that legitimacy remains a problem in Libya and he called for a
quick agreement between the House of Representatives in the east of the country
and the High Council of State that would allow the implementation of legal
changes required for national elections to take place.
He urged external actors involved in Libya to “fully support the process of
reconciliation” and back the political process that could lead to the election
of a “legitimate government that everybody accepts.”
Speaking on Wednesday during a news conference to mark the start of the 77th
Session of the UN General Assembly the previous day, Guterres, who had just
returned from a visit to flood-ravaged Pakistan, prefaced his remarks with a
striking message denouncing the “sheer inadequacy of the global response to the
climate crisis” and urging the international community to take more-aggressive
action to mitigate its effects.
Describing the ongoing “climate carnage” in Pakistan, which has so far resulted
in the deaths of more than 1,300 people and caused damages estimated at more
than $30 billion, Guterres said his trip to the stricken country was a “window
into the future.” He added: “A future of permanent and
ubiquitous climate chaos on an unimaginable scale: Devastating loss of life,
enormous human suffering, and massive damage to infrastructure and livelihoods.
“What is happening in Pakistan demonstrates the sheer inadequacy of the
global response to the climate crisis, and the betrayal and injustice at the
heart of it. It is simply heartbreaking. “No picture
can convey the scope of this catastrophe. The flooded area is three times the
size of my entire country, Portugal.”
Guterres once again pointed out that although the greenhouse-gas emissions that
cause the planet to heat up and its glaciers to melt are overwhelmingly produced
by the world’s richest nations, it is poorer countries such as Pakistan that
bear the brunt of resultant extreme-weather events and the death and destruction
they bring. “Whether it’s Pakistan, the Horn of
Africa, the Sahel, small islands or the least-developed countries, the world’s
most vulnerable — who did nothing to cause this crisis — are paying a horrific
price for decades of intransigence by big emitters,” he said.
“G20 countries are responsible for 80 percent of emissions. If one-third of G20
countries was underwater today, as it could be tomorrow, perhaps they would find
it easier to agree on drastic cuts to emissions.”
He warned that continued inaction now will cause occurrences of devastating
weather events to multiply in the future. The repercussions, including
instability and global mass migration, will be felt “for years to come,” he
“My message to world leaders gathering here is clear: Lower the temperature —
now. Don’t flood the world today; don’t drown it tomorrow,” said Guterres.
Geopolitical divides have never been so extreme, he added, and are
paralyzing efforts to address global challenges.
“Our world is blighted by war, battered by climate chaos, scarred by hate and
shamed by poverty, hunger and inequality,” Guterres said.
The human solidarity enshrined in the words of the UN charter is “being
devoured by the acids of nationalism and self-interest, shocking disregard for
the poorest and most vulnerable in our world, (and) by politicians who play to
people’s worst instincts, for partisan gain.” He
concluded by reiterating the importance of offering hope to people.
“This year’s general debate must be about providing hope and overcoming
the divisions that are dramatically impacting the world,” Guterres said.
“That hope can only come through the dialogue and debate that are the
beating heart of the United Nations and that must prevail … against all
End of the COVID-19 pandemic is in sight - WHO chief
NNA/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
The world has never been in a better position to end the COVID-19 pandemic, the
head of the World Health Organization said on Wednesday, urging nations to keep
up their efforts against the virus that has killed over six million people.
"We are not there yet. But the end is in sight," WHO Director-General
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters at a virtual press conference.
The comment was the most optimistic from the UN agency since it declared
COVID-19 an international emergency and started describing the virus as a
pandemic in March 2020. The virus, which emerged in China in late 2019, has
killed nearly 6.5 million people and infected 606 million, roiling global
economies and overwhelming healthcare systems.The rollout of vaccines and
therapies have helped to stem the severity of disease. Deaths from COVID-19 last
week were the lowest since March 2020, the U.N. agency reported. Still,
countries need to take a hard look at their policies and strengthen them for
COVID-19 and future viruses, Tedros said. He also urged nations to vaccinate
100% of their high-risk groups and keep testing for the virus.
The WHO warned of the possibility of future waves of the virus and said
countries need to maintain adequate supplies of medical equipment and healthcare
workers. "We expect there to be future waves of
infections, potentially at different time points throughout the world caused by
different subvariants of Omicron or even different variants of concern," said
WHO's senior epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove.
Monkeypox cases, too, were on a downtrend but Tedros urged countries to keep up
the fight. WHO officials said last month that it is possible to eliminate the
monkeypox outbreak in Europe by stepping up vaccination and testing. read more
"As with COVID-19, this is not the time to relax or let down our guard."
Abraham Accords inspired a daring new path in
the Middle East
The Arab Weekly/September 14/2022
The foresight and courage of Emirati and Bahraini leaders two years ago set the
Middle East on a new path, toward greater opportunity, greater prosperity,
greater security. After decades of disconnection,
denial and distrust, two years of normalised and remarkably warm relations
between Israel and two Arab Gulf states have shown how ready the Middle East
was, and is, for fundamental change. Who would have
predicted that even before the ceremonial signing of the Abraham Accords on the
White House lawn, by Foreign Ministers Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the
United Arab Emirates and Dr Abdullatif Al-Zayani of Bahrain, Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and President Trump, the first of dozens of
memoranda of understanding would be announced between Gulf and Israeli companies
and government entities? Who would have predicted
hundreds of thousands of tourists being welcomed in countries they were so
recently forbidden to enter; that packed flights of national airlines would be
transiting daily between Tel Aviv and Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Manama, through Saudi
airspace; that kosher restaurants would be opening (and would thrive) in Dubai
and that hotels in Abu Dhabi would be instructed to provide kosher options on
their menus? Who would have predicted the security
cooperation agreement reached between Israel and Bahrain, less than 17 months
after mutual recognition, or the defence cooperation agreement that preceded it,
the first between Israel and an Arab state, that was signed during a visit by
Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz to Morocco in November 2021, less than a
year after bilateral relations were announced, or the free trade agreement
concluded in record time between the UAE and Israel?
Far from public view, the foundation for these and other breakthroughs was laid
by a cohort of Arab and Israeli visionaries, along with a small circle of policy
analysts in US and Middle East think tanks and civil society advocates for
regional peace, who saw the emerging outlines of strategic transformation years,
even decades, ago. It had been clear for years, and
brought into sharp relief by both the rise of al-Qaeda and ISIS and the
political upheavals of 2010-11, that the Arab status quo was inhibiting progress
and incubating extremism across the Middle East and North Africa. More
innovation, openness, recognition of diversity, opportunity for women and
regional cooperation would raise living standards and counter the appeal of
radical ideologies. It was equally clear that
attempting to isolate the region’s greatest non-hydrocarbon-based success story,
Israel, rather than seeking to integrate it and partner with it, was a colossal
missed opportunity. While sympathising with the cause of justice and political
rights for the Palestinians, the justification for their long-closed door to
Israel, Arab leaders grew increasingly frustrated with the fractured and
ineffective Palestinian leadership, less inhibited about expressing that
frustration to each other and to outsiders and more and more open to discreet
explorations of trade and other forms of cooperation with Israel.
It was also apparent, in meetings I and my American Jewish Committee colleagues
had with Arab officials and analysts a decade ago, how profoundly perceptions of
the US role in their region had changed after the unipolar heights of the early
post-Cold War period. There was a sense that Washington, by declining to stand
with President Hosni Mubarak against the reformist throng in Tahrir Square in
2011, had revealed its unreliability and its naïveté regarding the intentions
and methods of the Muslim Brotherhood. Negotiations with Iran several years
later over its nuclear programmme, negotiations to which no regional player was
a party, deepened suspicions in Arab capitals. Sharing and openly expressing
those same suspicions were the leaders of Israel, a country that had proven
again and again its will and capacity to confront extremists and to take
extraordinary risks to neutralise threats.
Partnering with Israel, transforming the Jewish state from pariah to potential
ally, grew increasingly attractive to wise regional leaders, as did the prospect
of reaping political benefits in Washington from breaking the seemingly
impenetrable logjam to Middle East peace.
What could be seen over the horizon a decade or two ago, and pitched by that
cohort of daring believers as the likely yield from new relations, technology
sharing in a range of sectors, educational exchanges, public health and
environmental cooperation, joint water and energy projects, billions of dollars
in trade and investments, has been the stuff of almost daily headlines these
last two years.
Also envisioned early on but not routinely in the headlines has been the growing
security relationship between Israel and its Abraham Accords partners, a bulwark
against Iranian aggression. It does not need to be in the headlines. The enemies
of regional peace and stability know the game has changed.
In advance of President Biden’s visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia two months ago,
there had been speculation he would announce a new security architecture for the
region, focused on the multiple threats posed by Iran and its proxies and that
Israel would be one of its pillars. That his trip ended with no such
announcement does not mean this “architecture” was not discussed, nor that
military and intelligence units of countries with growing ties and facing common
challenges are not cooperating. It does not mean that the US Central Command,
which incorporated Israel into its area of responsibility one year ago, is not
tasked with coordinating regional air defence; CENTCOM chief General Michael
Kurilla made Israel’s cutting-edge partnership clear in his recent visits to
Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The foresight and courage of
Emirati and Bahraini leaders two years ago set the Middle East on a new path,
toward greater opportunity, greater prosperity, greater security. These leaders
were ready for fundamental change. As the bold leaders of other states assess
the advantages to their people and to the cause of peace from further regional
integration, and we know these assessments are well under way, the successes of
the Abraham Accords’ first two years are sure to multiply.
*Jason Isaacson is the American Jewish Committee’s Chief Policy and Political
Affairs Officer.
Qatar, Egypt sign memoranda of understanding as Sisi visits
Agence France Presse/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
Qatar and Egypt signed several memoranda of understanding Wednesday, official
media said, as President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi makes his first visit to the Gulf
country since the nations healed a diplomatic rift. Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin
Hamad Al-Thani and Sisi "witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding
between Qatar Investment Authority and the Sovereign Fund of Egypt for
investment and development", the emir's office said on its official website.
They also signed an MoU on "cooperation in the field of ports" and another on
"cooperation in the field of social affairs", the website added.
Qatari and Egyptian ministers and other officials also attended the signing
ceremony, the office said. Sisi and the emir discussed ways of strengthening
relations between the two countries, particularly in the fields of investment,
transport and social affairs, the emir's office said. Sisi also met with
business representatives on Wednesday, the official news agency QNA said. Cairo
joined Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain,
in cutting ties with Qatar in June 2017, alleging it backed radical Islamist
groups and was too close to Riyadh's rival Iran -- allegations Doha denied.
They lifted their blockade in January 2021. The emir met Sisi at the airport on
Tuesday, for a visit QNA has said marked "a new era in relations". The emir
visited Cairo in June, when Qatari investments in cash-strapped Egypt were on
the agenda, as well as cooperation in the energy and agriculture sectors. In
late March, Cairo said Qatar planned to invest $5 billion in Egypt, while
hydrocarbon giant QatarEnergy announced an agreement with US major ExxonMobil to
acquire a 40-percent stake in a gas exploration block off Egypt in the
Armenia, Azerbaijan trade blame for renewed shelling
Associated Press/Wednesday, 14 September, 2022
Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other of new rounds of shelling on Wednesday
morning as hostilities reignited between the two longtime adversaries.
Armenia's Defense Ministry accused Azerbaijani forces of launching combat drones
in the direction of the Armenian resort of Jermuk overnight and renewing the
shelling from artillery and mortars in the morning in the direction of Jermuk
and Verin Shorzha village near the Sevan lake. The Azerbaijani military, in
turn, charged that Armenian forces shelled its positions in the Kalbajar and
Lachin districts in the separatist Narogno-Karabakh regions. Fighting on the
border between Armenia and Azerbaijan erupted on Tuesday, killing about 100
troops in total. Armenia said at least 49 of its soldiers were killed;
Azerbaijan said it lost 50. The two countries have been locked in a decades-old
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, which is part of Azerbaijan but has been under
the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since a separatist war
there ended in 1994. Azerbaijan reclaimed broad swaths of Nagorno-Karabakh in a
six-week war in 2020 that killed more than 6,600 people and ended with a
Russia-brokered peace deal. Moscow deployed about 2,000 troops to the region to
serve as peacekeepers under the deal. The Russian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday
urged both parties "to refrain from further escalation and show restraint."
Moscow has engaged in a delicate balancing act in seeking to maintain friendly
ties with both ex-Soviet nations. It has strong economic and security ties with
Armenia, which hosts a Russian military base, while also has been developing
close cooperation with oil-rich Azerbaijan.
The international community also urged calm. The Armenian government said it
would officially ask Russia for assistance under a friendship treaty between the
countries, and also appeal to the United Nations and the Collective Security
Treaty Organization, a Moscow-dominated security alliance of ex-Soviet nations.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov refrained from comment on Armenia's request but
added during a conference call with reporters that Putin was "taking every
effort to help de-escalate tensions."
The Latest LCCC English analysis &
editorials from miscellaneous sources published
on September 14-15/2022
IDF Officer Killed in Battle With
Palestinians Terrorists
Two terrorist gunmen also killed, one later
identified as a member of the Palestinian
Israel Today Staff/September 14/2022
An IDF officer was killed Tuesday in a clash with terrorists near the Gilboa
Crossing, in the Jenin area in northern Samaria. The IDF stated that its
observation posts identified two suspects in the area of the security barrier
near the Arab village of Jalama. The IDF forces that were rushed to the point
surrounded the suspects and commenced an arrest procedure, during which the
suspects shot at the troops. The soldiers shot back at the suspects and
neutralized them. As a result of the exchange of fire, an IDF officer was
killed. After the exchange of fire, the Gilboa Crossing was closed to vehicle
traffic until Friday morning. The passage of workers and goods will continue as
usual. The two terrorists were identified as Ahmad
Ayman Ibrahim and Abdul Rahman Hani Abed.
Not so peaceful partners
Abed was a member of the Palestinian Authority’s security forces, the third time
in two weeks that a PA security official is involved in a terror attack. Some
reports say that the terrorists were wearing IDF uniforms.
Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.
Fatah is the organization led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and in
turn dominates the politics of the Palestinian Authority.
The fact that Fatah gunmen, especially those who are also members of the
Palestinian Authority Police, are involved in so many violent incidents again
calls into question whether or not Abbas can be seen as a genuine peace partner.
Worrying uptick in Palestinian attacks
A similar shooting attack occurred in the same area earlier in the day.
Terrorists shot at a tractor working for the Ministry of Defense at the security
barrier near the Jalama checkpoint. The tractor driver was not injured, but the
tractor was heavily damaged. Kan 11 news recently
reported an uptick in the number of shooting attacks in Judea and Samaria since
the beginning of the year. About 60 such attacks have occurred since the
beginning of 2022, compared to about 50 shooting attacks in all of 2021, 48 in
2020, and 61 in 2019. With reporting by TPS.
Semi-Frozen: The Middle East's Intractable Conflicts
Y. Carmon and Alberto M. Fernandez/MEMRI Daily Brief No. 409/September 14/2022
The term "frozen conflict" came into vogue in recent decades to describe a
variety of border conflicts between Russia and neighboring countries, often over
breakaway regions like Abkhazia or the Donbass.[1] There are also historic
conflicts like Kashmir or the Arab-Israeli Conflict that go on for decades,
sometimes hot and sometimes cold, that seem to also be "frozen," neither
conclusive war nor outright peace, but an uneasy, volatile reality in between.
But aside from the old conflict over Palestine, the Middle East seems to have
engendered new conflicts in recent decades that are, at least, semi-frozen,
lasting for a decade or longer. Often extremely violent and damaging to the
future of nations, they also simmer down to situations approaching some type of
wary truce, mere political turmoil or low-grade instability only to flare up
again. This seems to be the case in places like Libya, Yemen, and Iraq, all
three countries where the overthrow of a longtime brutal dictator unleashed
forces that have not yet played out years later.
Of course, the region is flush with conflict. In Lebanon and Syria, one side
(Hezbollah and Assad) is more or less victorious and dominant, though there is
still some opposition on the ground. Morocco and Algeria are increasingly at
loggerheads, though not at war. In Sudan, political crisis and societal turmoil
could lead to open conflict between rival groupings inside the military regime.
Transnational Salafi-Jihadism and Iranian-inspired terrorism still exist in the
region and still claim victims.
But it is the cases of Iraq, Libya, and Yemen that are particularly haunting and
costly to the future of the region. All three countries had been ruled by
long-standing dictatorships that while they may have provided some of the
aspects of stability, were still very volatile regimes. Two of them, Saddam's
Iraq and Qaddafi's Libya, were actually major "exporters" of instability,
promoting terrorism globally, repressing local citizens internally and attacking
their neighbors.
Iraq has been at war, albeit sometimes at relatively low levels, since the
Americans overthrew Saddam Hussein in 2003. But even before that was the Kuwait
War of 1990-1991 and the Iran War of 1980-1988. On top of that were internal
conflicts, the regime's decades-long war against the Kurds, the savage
repression of a Shia insurgency in 1991, and then after the American forces left
in 2011, an increasingly sectarian Iraq under Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki and
the war against ISIS beginning in 2014. That war greatly increased something
that had already existed, Shia paramilitary groups, which echoes today in the
ongoing conflict between the militias and parties closest to Iran against those
arrayed with Muqtada Al-Sadr.[2] The open armed clashes in Baghdad and Basra of
August 2022 have ebbed thanks to the mediating efforts of Iraq's prime minister
and of the Shia clerical authorities in Najaf, but the political crisis
The American overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 essentially dethroned Sunni
power in Iraq and handed it over to the long-oppressed Iraqi Shia. Today's
clashes in Iraq are less about good versus evil than an internal civil war
within different factions of the Iraqi Shia political establishment, all of whom
in one way or another, have colonized, subverted, and become parasites on the
Iraqi state.[4] A 40-year-old Iraqi citizen alive today knows nothing but war
and violent political turmoil inside the borders of his country.
Libya's Second Civil War ostensibly ended in October 2020 after six years of
bitter fighting that drew in many foreign powers. The complexities can be
dizzying but essentially an Islamist-dominated coalition based in Tripoli,
supported by Turkey and Qatar, fought a nationalist coalition based in the
country's east, supported by Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Both sides, but
especially Turkey, used Syrian mercenaries in the fight.[5] Also involved were
Sudanese mercenaries from Darfur and Russia's notorious Wagner private military
company (PMC), on the nationalist side. The United States and the UN mostly
supported the Islamist-dominated coalition. After months of political impasse
and rising tension, outright bloody violence broke out again in the Libyan
capital Tripoli in July and August 2022 as Islamist Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, blessed
as a compromise candidate by the UN in 2021, continued a slow, constant effort
to gain ultimate power before, or despite, repeatedly delayed elections now
scheduled to be held in December 2022.[6] Most Libyans alive today have known
nothing other than the Qaddafi regime or the internecine conflict of the past
Yemen's conflict has been especially brutal, including famine and malnutrition.
Unlike oil rich Iraq and Libya, Yemen was destitute even before the uprising
against long-time dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2011. It was Saleh who, after
losing power and being forced to step down in 2011, helped engineered the
pro-Iranian Houthi takeover of the Yemeni capital of Sanaa in early 2015,
triggering a military response from an international coalition led by Saudi
Arabia. Saleh, who allied with the Houthis, would turn against them and be
killed by them.
While the Houthis fight a brutal internal war against Yemeni rivals, they have
developed, with the help of Iran and Hezbollah, a regional capacity that Yemen
never had.[7] Houthi television was formulated by Hezbollah while Houthi drones
of Iranian manufacture launched long-range attacks against Saudi cities and, in
early 2022, on Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE. In an echo of North Korea, Yemen's
people may be hungry but the Houthis can launch deep strikes in the Arabian
Peninsula and threaten to strike Israel as well, in the furtherance of Iran's
regional ambitions.[8] As in Libya, the UN has been able to – on paper and to
some extent on the ground – achieve a shaky truce but that has not prevented
other violence by Yemen's own Al-Qaeda branch (AQAP) targeting South Yemeni
separatist forces in Aden on September 6th. The 49 percent of the Yemeni
population under the age of 19 has grown up in a dark era of constant turmoil
and near permanent conflict.
It was the Americans who overthrew the regimes in Libya and Iraq years ago and
it is Iran that stokes much of the violence today in Yemen and Iraq. Other
countries have played an often-deadly role, including Turkey. Interestingly
enough the one country that has not played a role in these three conflicts is
Israel. Without minimizing the role of the West or the venality of local
leaders, the situation in all three Arab countries would have been much clearer
and probably much better absent the toxic role played by Turkey or Iran.[9]
Today all three conflicts – Iraq, Libya, and Yemen – are simultaneously on the
verge of cooling down and of heating up. Certainly, all three have seen bloodier
days in the recent past but improvements and deterioration seem equally
possible. The cost from these conflicts to the 80 million people living in these
three countries has been tremendous in terms of broken lives and lack of
investment in people, infrastructure, and industry. While in two of the cases
oil wealth has prevented a bad situation being even worse, billions have been
wasted in unproductive ventures, in buying weapons, buying politicians, or
short-term fixes in the context of an unceasing struggle for power. Iraq in
particular is country with great lost (so far) potential. And the price has been
high for everyone else involved, for an international community trying to
provide relief or broker peace, and even for those foreign powers who feel
driven to intervene in these conflicts.
All this human and fiscal waste comes in the face of massive unaddressed
existential challenges. Iraq, Libya, and Yemen are three of the most
water-scarce countries on the planet. All three will see increasing deleterious
effects as a result of climate change in the near future, results that could
make life in these countries increasingly harsh.[10] Both Iraq and Yemen, larger
countries with rapidly growing populations, have not been able to invest in
providing young generations with the education and economic futures they crave.
The easier way out has been to pick up a gun or work for the government (or
both). These conflicts may freeze or unfreeze but the weight of these costly,
lost decades makes future prospects look increasingly incendiary.
*Yigal Carmon is President of MEMRI. Alberto M. Fernandez is Vice President of
[1] Marshallcenter.org/en/publications/concordiam/resolving-frozen-conflicts-challenges-reconciliation/myth-frozen-conflicts,
April 2010.
[2] See MEMRI JTTM report Iran-Backed Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haq Closes Its Offices
Across Iraq After Bloody Clashes With Shi'ite Cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr's Militia
In Basra, September 1, 2022.
[3] Foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/30/iraq-politics-moqtada-al-sadr-protest-election,
August 30, 2022.
[4] Ideasbeyondborders.substack.com/p/the-search-for-iraqs-political-future?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F97495483-ideas-beyond-borders&utm_medium=reader2,
September 5, 2022.
[5] Nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/inside-bloody-business-turkey%E2%80%99s-syrian-mercenaries-204589?fbclid=IwAR2Vq-7l5fyeDF-PiJfVGGuyk_0OS7xD7JKjySXJtuev4JxHZxKw6V0idtg,
September 5, 2022.
[6] Middleeastmonitor.com/20220106-scandal-stricken-dbeibehs-marriage-gifts-policy-backfires,
January 6, 2022.
[7] Washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/yemens-southern-hezbollah-implications-houthi-missile-and-drone-improvements,
April 1, 2021.
[8] See MEMRI TV clip no. 9803, Houthi Music Video Threatening Israel: The
Zionists Will Be Disgraced, Jerusalem Will Be Cleansed Of The Filth Of The Jews,
September 4, 2022.
[9] See MEMRI TV clip no. 9778, Saudi Writer Abdullah Bin Bijad Al-Otaibi: Iran
Has Friends From The Obama And Biden Administrations; Obama Aimed For Peace With
Iran, Wanted The Muslim Brotherhood, Other Terrorist Groups To Control the Arab
Countries, August 19, 2022.
[10] News.climate.columbia.edu/2020/05/08/fatal-heat-humidity-emerging, May 8,
Why Did Russia Change Its Tune on the Iran Nuclear Deal?
Saeed Ghasseminejad/The National Interest/September 14/2022
The growing strategic ties between Moscow and Tehran mean that the Islamic
Republic’s access to billions of dollars may lead to more and bolder
intervention in Ukraine.
In late August, Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s chief nuclear negotiator in Vienna,
urged the United States and Iran to “successfully overcome their last
differences as soon as possible” in order to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. This
encouragement contrasts with Moscow’s position in March, when it called for the
exemption of Russian-Iranian trade from international sanctions against Russia
as part of a final atomic agreement. The Kremlin’s demand ground the talks to a
halt. Six months later, Moscow’s worries about its energy sector have become
particularly pressing, as European countries have pledged an energy boycott of
Russia by the end of the year. In 2021, members of the European Union (EU)
imported 2.2 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil from Russia. Normally,
Russia’s oil exports to the EU give Moscow political leverage over it. But a
boycott means that EU countries will be looking to import oil from other
countries, including the Iranian oil that the nuclear deal would add to the
According to an estimate by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, during
the first year of a resuscitated agreement, Iran could export 2 million barrels
per day of its crude, around one million barrels more than what it exports now.
Per the Islamic Republic News Agency, 38 percent of Iran’s crude oil export in
2017 went to Europe. Since then, due to U.S. sanctions against Iran’s oil
industry reimposed by the Trump administration in 2018, Europe has not bought
any oil from the country. If the share of Iran’s oil exports to Europe relative
to its total oil exports goes back to its 2017 level, it will give Europe access
to 800,000 bpd of newly arrived crude oil. As a result, the deal has the
potential to decrease Russia’s leverage over the European Union and allow
European countries to decouple themselves from Russian oil with less pain this
winter. In light of this reality, why has the Kremlin changed its tune on the
nuclear deal?
The answer is likely that Russia’s assessment of the costs and benefits of the
accord has changed. Even if the agreement reduces Russia’s leverage over Europe,
Moscow may benefit from the revival of the accord in five ways.
First, Western sanctions have limited Moscow’s access to the international
banking system. If Washington lifts banking sanctions on Iran, Moscow can access
the international financial network through Iran. Tehran, a key partner to
Moscow, has years of experience in sanctions-busting, which it can use to assist
Moscow. Second, the sanctions relief in the deal enables a $10 billion contract
between Moscow and Tehran to build a nuclear site in Iran. The deal has remained
dormant due to sanctions. However, the new nuclear deal will provide Iran with
resources to pay Russia.
Third, with the expired sunset of the UN arms embargo against Tehran, Russia can
now sell Tehran a wide array of conventional weapons that may be worth billions
of dollars. For years, Iran has expressed its intention to buy modern weapon
systems from Russia. However, sanctions and Iran’s lack of financial resources,
among other things, have prevented such deals so far. With Iran’s access to tens
of billions of dollars and Russia’s international isolation, Tehran’s wish list
may finally become reality. Fourth, over the last few months, Tehran and Moscow
have engaged in extensive negotiations to expand their cooperation in the energy
sector. Iranian officials are on the record confirming that Tehran and Moscow,
as part of a new nuclear deal, may swap oil as a way to bypass sanctions against
Russia. In fact, Russia’s state-owned energy giant Gazprom signed an early-stage
$40 billion oil and gas deal with Iran in July. While the return of the Islamic
Republic to the oil market can increase pressure on Russia, the two sides seek
to mitigate those negative effects through cooperation.
Finally, a massive injection of cash into Iran’s coffers means that Tehran may
be able to offer more help to Russia for its war in Ukraine. Tehran has already
provided robust military and diplomatic support for Moscow’s invasion. In a
recent meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin, Iranian supreme leader Ali
Khamenei expressed support for the Kremlin’s decision to go to war. In April,
the Guardian reported that Russia was using Iranian-made weapons smuggled
through Iraq. In August, U.S. officials said that Iran had begun shipping scores
of combat drones to Russia for use in the war.
Russia, the Islamic Republic, and Tehran’s Shiite militias fought alongside each
other in Syria. The growing strategic ties between Moscow and Tehran mean that
the Islamic Republic’s access to billions of dollars may lead to more and bolder
intervention in Ukraine. As Russia’s international isolation continues to grow,
Moscow will find the mere possibility of such support invaluable.
*Saeed Ghasseminejad is a senior advisor on Iran and financial economics at the
Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), where he contributes to FDD’s Iran
Program and Center on Economic and Financial Power (CEFP). Follow Saeed on
Twitter @SGhasseminejad. FDD is a Washington, DC-based, non-partisan research
institute focusing on national security and foreign policy.
Biden may be plotting to keep Congress out of the Iran
nuclear deal
Greg Nash/The Hill/September 14/2022
Negotiators from Iran, the United States and the European Union have once again
nearly concluded indirect talks over the “final text” of a nuclear deal. Like
the 2015 deal formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),
the new deal imposes temporary restrictions on the Iranian nuclear program in
exchange for broad sanctions relief. Though the talks appear to have reached
another impasse, they could rapidly conclude in the coming weeks if Iran decides
to show flexibility.
As it prepares to market the deal to a skeptical Congress, the Biden
administration has hinted that negotiations in Vienna did not result in a new
agreement, but merely all sides returning to compliance with the JCPOA. This may
seem likely a purely semantic point but may actually be a calculated effort to
avoid a congressional vote after a review of the nuclear deal, as required by
the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (INARA). In May, the State
Department Special Representative for Iran Rob Malley pledged to submit any
prospective agreement with Iran for congressional review. INARA specifies that
within five calendar days after reaching any agreement with Iran relating to its
nuclear program, the president must transmit the full agreement to Congress.
INARA also lays out procedures for congressional review and an expedited process
for voting on the deal if Congress so chooses.
The Biden administration may still be hoping to avoid a congressional vote by
claiming that it is merely returning to the JCPOA, which went through the INARA
review process in 2015. Thus, the White House may try to argue that, while they
are submitting the text of an agreement for review there is no need for Congress
to vote on it again. Democratic leadership in Congress may be tempted to indulge
in such an argument and use their majority positions to avoid a tough vote as
the midterms approach. That would be a dereliction of Congress’ important
oversight role.
The authors of INARA anticipated chicanery from the executive branch. Congress
enacted the law in 2015 while the JCPOA was in the final stages of negotiations.
Once the Obama administration made clear its intent to circumvent Congress and
not submit the agreement as a treaty, lawmakers of both parties demanded a say,
noting the scale of U.S. commitments under the deal. An overwhelming majority of
Congress — 98 senators and 400 House members — ultimately voted to pass INARA,
thereby ensuring their ability to review the agreement. Crucially, Congress took
pains to define the term “agreement” broadly to prevent the Obama administration
from circumventing lawmakers.
Under INARA, the term “agreement” means an agreement “related to the nuclear
program of Iran that includes the United States, commits the United States to
act, or in which the United States commits or otherwise agrees to act,
regardless of the form it takes.” The president must transmit that agreement
regardless of whether it is legally binding or merely a political commitment.
Finally, the administration must transmit additional materials related to any
agreement, including annexes, appendices, codicils, side agreements,
implementing materials, documents and guidance, technical or other
understandings, and any related agreements. The terms of the new agreement with
Iran are not yet public, but reportedly involve substantial amendments to the
JCPOA. That should not be surprising. The Trump administration pulled out of the
JCPOA more than four years ago, so Washington and Tehran cannot just flip a
switch and go back to the way things were. From a statutory point of view,
reentering a substantially amended agreement effectively amounts to “reaching an
agreement” under INARA, thereby triggering the law’s transmittal and review
During the period in which Congress reviews and votes on the new agreement, the
administration cannot provide sanctions relief from measures imposed by
Congress, which greatly curtails the administration’s flexibility in providing
Tehran immediate, unobstructed benefits. That is one reason the administration
wants to get around INARA. They have apparently found another way: according to
leaked audio from the lead Iranian negotiator, prior to submitting the deal to
Congress the Biden administration will simply lift or suspend three executive
orders relating to Iran.
We reconstructed the details using other public Iranian and U.S. government
documents and found that this would result in the lifting of over 170 sanctions
on critical Iranian banks, terrorists and foreign sanctions evaders. This
includes sanctions relief for Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Iranian
President Ebrahim Raisi, and senior IRGC generals responsible for the 1983
Beirut Barracks bombing and the 1994 AMIA bombing.
If the Biden administration enters the deal without due consideration and action
by Congress, House and Senate members could initiate a lawsuit against the
president. According to the Congressional Research Service’s 2014 study, based
on the Supreme Court’s guidelines in Raines v. Byrd, individual members of
Congress have legal standing against the executive branch when they have
suffered an “institutional injury” that amounts to vote nullification in the
past or future. Since INARA lays out the procedure for voting on nuclear
agreements and provides an expedited vote, a court may find that evading the law
amounts to vote nullification. If members of Congress filed suit against the
administration for injunctive relief, it could delay further sanctions relief,
would raise the profile of the JCPOA’s deficiencies and draw attention to
provisions in the deal that the Biden administration may be hesitant to
publicize. It could also prove as a useful dilatory tool to permit a full
accounting of the hidden concessions and side deals rumored to come, such as a
widely-reported $7 billion hostage payment for the release of 4 American
citizens — a rumor the administration has denied.
The Iranians pay close attention to the sentiments of Congress — in fact,
Iranian officials frequently cite objections from Congress as reasons against
rejoining the JCPOA. Even if the effort fails, this vote would send an
extraordinary message to the regime and the international business community
that any deal struck would not survive by any future Republican administration.
Ultimately, it is risk-averse businesses and their leadership, not politicians,
who make investment decisions.
This vote and its message would severely temper any economic investment in Iran
(having a similar effect to sanctions), could prove to be a death knell for
these misguided negotiations and would set the stage for the next administration
to take a stronger approach.
*Matthew Zweig, former senior advisor at the U.S. State Department’s Office of
the Special Representative for Syria Engagement and senior professional staff
member at the House Foreign Affairs Committee is a senior fellow at the
Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a nonpartisan research institute focused
on national security and foreign policy. Gabriel Noronha is a fellow at the
Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) and previously served
as the State Department’s special advisor for Iran from 2019-2021. He also
served in the Senate Armed Services Committee from 2017-2019.
Is This the End of Executive Privilege? Or Only for
Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/September 14/2022
[L]et's see how this would have played out if the shoe were on the other foot.
What if Obama had been called by a congressional committee to turn over all
internal communications — written and oral — regarding his decision, and he
claimed executive privilege? And what if then President Trump were to have
waived Obama's privilege?
One thing we know to be certain: many of the academic "experts" and media
"pundits" who now support the argument that an incumbent president can waive the
executive privilege of his predecessor would be making exactly the opposite
argument. They would be saying — as I am saying now— that presidents would be
reluctant to have confidential communications with their aides if they knew
these communications could be made public by their successor in order to gain
partisan electoral advantage. It would essentially mark the end of executive
privilege, which is rooted in Article II of the Constitution.
Accurate predictions today require us to know which persons or parties will be
helped or hurt by particular outcomes. Hypocrisy reigns. And those who engage in
it are not even embarrassed when their double standards are exposed. The current
"principle" is that the ends justify the means, especially if the end is the end
of Trump.
"Because we can" has become the current mantra of both parties. Neutral
principles, which apply equally without regard to partisan advantage, is for
wimps, not party leaders or other government officials. "They do it too" has
become the excuse de jure. Both parties do it, but that is not a valid excuse
even in hardball politics. Two constitutional violations do not cancel each
other. They only make things worse.
Executive privilege is important to both parties -- and to the constitutional
rule of law. Today's partisan victory for Democrats, if their waiver argument is
accepted, will soon become their loss should Republicans take control.
So beware of what you wish for. Today's dream may well become tomorrow's
What if Obama had been called by a congressional committee to turn over all
internal communications — written and oral — regarding his decision, and he
claimed executive privilege? And what if then President Trump were to have
waived Obama's privilege? President Donald Trump and former President Barack
Obama talk on the East front steps of the US Capitol after inauguration
ceremonies on January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Robyn Beck/AFP via
Getty Images)
In its appeal from Judge Aileen Cannon's order appointing a special master, the
Biden administration is taking the position that the incumbent president can
waive claims of executive privilege by his predecessor even if his predecessor
is likely to run against him in the next election. So, let's see how this would
have played out if the shoe were on the other foot.
Imagine if President Donald Trump had tried to waive his predecessor's executive
privilege, relating to President Barack Obama's decision to allow the United
Nations Security Council to condemn Israel for its continuing "occupation" of
the Western Wall and the roads to Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital. Many
in the Obama administration opposed this one-sided resolution as anti-Israel and
wanted the United States to veto it, as it had vetoed previous anti-Israel
resolutions. But Obama instructed his UN representative, Samantha Powers, not to
veto it.
Trump knew he would be running against Obama's vice president and that he might
gain an electoral advantage if Congress held hearings on the controversial Obama
decision. What advice did Biden give Obama? Is it true that Powers wanted to
veto the resolution, but Obama forbade it in order to take revenge against
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his speech opposing the Iran deal?
Disclosing these privileged negotiations might well have hurt Biden with
pro-Israel voters.
What if Obama had been called by a congressional committee to turn over all
internal communications — written and oral — regarding his decision, and he
claimed executive privilege? And what if then President Trump were to have
waived Obama's privilege?
One thing we know to be certain: many of the academic "experts" and media
"pundits" who now support the argument that an incumbent president can waive the
executive privilege of his predecessor would be making exactly the opposite
argument. They would be saying — as I am saying now — that presidents would be
reluctant to have confidential communications with their aides if they knew
these communications could be made public by their successor in order to gain
partisan electoral advantage. It would essentially mark the end of executive
privilege, which is rooted in Article II of the Constitution.
The weaponization of the Constitution and the law for partisan advantage has
become so pervasive, especially in academia and the media, that predicting what
position many experts and pundits will take is no longer possible on the basis
of neutral principles or precedents, since these have ceased to be the basis for
their positions. Accurate predictions today require us to know which persons or
parties will be helped or hurt by particular outcomes. Hypocrisy reigns. And
those who engage in it are not even embarrassed when their double standards are
exposed. The current "principle" is that the ends justify the means, especially
if the end is the end of Trump.
Nor are Democrats the only guilty party. Perhaps the most blatant example of
partisan hypocrisy was how the Republican Senate treated the 2016 nomination of
Merrick Garland and the 2020 nomination of Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court
justices. The Republicans refused to give Garland a hearing in 2016, because it
was too close to the election, but then rushed through the nomination of Barrett
just weeks before the 2020 election. Whenever asked to justify their obvious
double standard, their only response was "because we can."
"Because we can" has become the current mantra of both parties. Neutral
principles, which apply equally without regard to partisan advantage, is for
wimps, not party leaders or other government officials. "They do it too" has
become the excuse de jure. Both parties do it, but that is not a valid excuse
even in hardball politics. Two constitutional violations do not cancel each
other. They only make things worse.
Executive privilege is important to both parties -- and to the constitutional
rule of law. Today's partisan victory for Democrats, if their waiver argument is
accepted, will soon become their loss should Republicans take control.
So beware of what you wish for. Today's dream may well become tomorrow's
*Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus at
Harvard Law School, and the author most recently of The Price of Principle: Why
Integrity Is Worth The Consequences. He is the Jack Roth Charitable Foundation
Fellow at Gatestone Institute, and is also the host of "The Dershow," podcast.
© 2022 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Iran and Russia: The New Alliance
Judith Bergman/Gatestone Institute/September 14/2022
Significantly, Russia and Iran's cooperation extends to the military and space
fields, with Russia recently helping Iran to launch a new satellite into space.
Iran's Khayyam satellite "will greatly enhance Tehran's ability to spy on
military targets across the Middle East... [and give] Tehran "unprecedented
capabilities, including near-continuous monitoring of sensitive facilities in
Israel and the Persian Gulf." — The Washington Post, August 4, 2022.
"Iran could share the imagery with pro-Iranian militia groups across the region,
from the Houthi rebels battling Saudi-backed government forces in Yemen to
Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon and Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria." —
Unnamed Middle Eastern official, The Washington Post, June 10, 2021.
"As Iran perfects its missile arsenal... alongside its growing UAV capability
throughout the Middle East –being able to sync those capabilities with satellite
capabilities and surveillance will only increase the lethality of the Iranian
threat." — Richard Goldberg, former Iran analyst in the Trump administration's
National Security Council, The Washington Post, August 4, 2022.
Iran has also become a major developer and producer of drones.... Most recently,
Iran claimed that it had developed a long-range suicide drone "designed to hit
Israel's Tel Aviv, Haifa."
Despite this acknowledged "profound threat" emanating from the mutually
beneficial alliance between Russia and Iran, the Biden administration
nevertheless has been making dangerous concessions to revive the nuclear deal,
which would only deepen the threat and benefit not only Iran, but also Russia.
Let us hope that the new "Iran nuclear deal," reportedly "off the table for the
time being" is off the table for good.
Russia and Iran's cooperation extends to the military and space fields, with
Russia recently helping Iran to launch a new satellite into space. Pictured:
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi hold a
meeting in Tehran on July 19, 2022. (Photo by Sergei Savostyanov/Sputnik/AFP via
Getty Images)
Iran and Russia have been strengthening their alliance recently, growing it
gradually to such an extent that the Wall Street Journal wrote on August 27 that
the two countries were "forging tighter ties than ever," as both countries face
continued international isolation.
In recent months, Russia and Iran have signed a multitude of agreements,
especially in trade, oil and gas, and military cooperation.
In June, an agreement on the establishment of mutual trade centers in St.
Petersburg and Tehran was signed, to generate further trade between the two
countries in the sectors of energy, transportation, electronics, agriculture,
food, pharmaceuticals and construction, by helping Iranian and Russian
businessmen establish contacts and conduct financial transactions.
In May, Russia and Iran signed agreements on settling their trade and energy
payments in their national currencies instead of the US dollar. In addition,
they agreed to continue talks to connect their electronic payment systems as
well as their financial messaging systems. Since then, Russia and Iran have
gradually begun trading in their national currencies.
In 2021, the volume of bilateral trade between Russia and Iran increased by 81%
from the previous year, rising to $3.3 billion. In January, after a two-day
visit to Moscow, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that the two countries
would increase trade even further.
"We agreed to remove trade barriers and boost the economic exchanges between the
two countries. Currently, the level of mutual trade is not acceptable, so the
two countries agreed to increase trade to $10 billion a year. The two countries
can take steps to break the dominance of the dollar over monetary and banking
relations and trade with the national currency."
During Raisi's visit, the two countries also signed agreements to deepen energy
cooperation and in July, Russia announced that it would invest $40 billion in
Iran's oil industry, Russia's largest ever investment in Iran. Russia announced
the investment deal as Russian President Vladimir Putin was visiting Iran for
According to Iranian state news outlet IRNA, Putin and Raisi "discussed ways for
expansion of bilateral relations in different areas, including energy, transit,
trade exchanges and regional developments as well."
Significantly, Russia and Iran's cooperation extends to the military and space
fields, with Russia recently helping Iran to launch a new satellite into space:
On August 9, Russia launched Iran's new Khayyam surveillance satellite from the
Baikonur space station in Kazakhstan.
The launch of the satellite is a telling example of the kind of dangers that a
strengthened Russian-Iranian alliance poses to US interests.
Iran's Khayyam satellite "will greatly enhance Tehran's ability to spy on
military targets across the Middle East," according to unnamed Western and
Middle Eastern officials quoted by the Washington Post. The satellite's
high-resolution camera apparently gives Tehran "unprecedented capabilities,
including near-continuous monitoring of sensitive facilities in Israel and the
Persian Gulf."
Iran will also be able to "task" the new satellite to spy on locations of its
choosing, as often as it wishes, according to the officials.
"It's not the best in the world, but it's high resolution and very good for
military aims," a Middle Eastern official familiar with the hardware of the
satellite told the Washington Post in June 2021.
"Iran could share the imagery with pro-Iranian militia groups across the region,
from the Houthi rebels battling Saudi-backed government forces in Yemen to
Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon and Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria."
"This is obviously a clear and present danger to the United States and our
allies in the Middle East and abroad," said Richard Goldberg, a former Iran
analyst in the Trump administration's National Security Council.
"As Iran perfects its missile arsenal – from short-, medium- to longer-range
missiles, alongside its growing UAV capability throughout the Middle East –being
able to sync those capabilities with satellite capabilities and surveillance
will only increase the lethality of the Iranian threat."
For the time being, however, the Iranian satellite is meant to be helping
Russia's war effort in Ukraine, another example of the mutual benefits accruing
to both Russia and Iran from their alliance.
"Russia, which has struggled to achieve its military objectives during its
five-month-old assault on Ukraine, told Tehran that it plans to use the
satellite for several months, or longer, to enhance its surveillance of military
targets in that conflict," the Washington Post wrote.
Equally significantly, Iran is now actively helping Russia with its war effort
in Ukraine, which puts on display the extremely negative effects of the new
Russian-Iranian alliance.
Russia has ordered hundreds of Iranian military drones as Russia suffers from a
severe lack of attack drones that are precision-capable. Russia has bought at
least two kinds of drones from Iran, the Mohajer-6 and the Shahed-series drones.
The first batch of drones, according to the Washington Post, was picked up by
Russian cargo flights in late August. Iran reportedly has been training Russian
soldiers in using them in Russia's war in Ukraine. On September 13, Ukraine said
that it had shot down an Iranian-produced Shahed drone.
Iran has become a major developer and producer of drones. In October 2021, the
Wall Street Journal reported the concern of defense officials from the United
States, Israel and Europe that Iran's progress in developing, building and
deploying drones was changing the security situation in the Middle East region.
"The drones themselves are often made with widely available components used in
the ever-growing commercial drone market and by hobbyists, the officials say,"
the Wall Street Journal reported.
"Some mimic the designs of Israeli and American military drones... Tehran's
engineers rely on imported components to create aerial vehicles that can
accurately strike targets at long distance and rapidly change direction to avoid
air defenses and radar, say European and Middle Eastern security officials who
have studied wreckages of the drones."
Most recently, Iran claimed that it had developed a long-range suicide drone
"designed to hit Israel's Tel Aviv, Haifa."
In July, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan denounced the new
cooperation between Russia and Iran:
"Russia deepening an alliance with Iran to kill Ukrainians is something that the
whole world should look at and see as a profound threat."
Despite this acknowledged "profound threat" emanating from the mutually
beneficial alliance between Russia and Iran, the Biden administration
nevertheless has been making dangerous concessions to revive the nuclear deal,
which would only deepen the threat and benefit not only Iran, but also Russia.
"Several of Russia's top state-controlled nuclear companies stand to gain
billions of dollars in revenue as part of a new nuclear accord with Iran that
will waive sanctions on these firms so that they can build up Tehran's nuclear
infrastructure," the Washington Free Beacon reported in April.
"Russia's state-controlled Rosatom energy firm and at least four of its major
subsidiaries will receive sanctions waivers under a new accord so that they can
complete nuclear projects in Iran worth more than $10 billion, according to the
2019 document, which details all the Russian entities involved in these
projects. With a new nuclear accord being finalized, the Biden administration
has repeatedly guaranteed Russia that it will not face sanctions for its work on
Iranian nuclear sites, even as Moscow faces a barrage of international penalties
for its unprovoked war in Ukraine. The Biden administration renewed a series of
sanctions waivers to permit Russia's nuclear work in Iran as part of a package
of concessions meant to entice both countries into signing a new accord."
Let us hope that the new "Iran nuclear deal," reportedly "off the table for the
time being" is off the table for good.
Judith Bergman, a columnist, lawyer and political analyst, is a Distinguished
Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute.
© 2022 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Biden Calculates Iran and the American Elections
Robert Ford/Asharq Al-Awsat/September,14/2022
We see a new impasse in negotiations about renewing the 2015 agreement that
limits Iran’s nuclear program. Members of Congress are pressuring the Biden
administration not to make any concessions. Many Democrats and Republicans in
Congress want no deal. A group of fifty representatives from the House of
Representatives, including 34 from Biden’s Democratic Party, on September 1 sent
the President a letter laying out 4 objections to a potential new nuclear
agreement with Iran.
First, the representatives complained that the deal would relax limits on
Iranian production capabilities in 2025. They also warned that the deal would
depend on Russia for implementation and Russia cannot be trusted. Third, they
insisted that the International Atomic Energy Agency finish its investigations
of the suspicious Iranian activities at the three nuclear sites before any
reduction in American sanctions against Iran. Finally, the representatives
complained that the deal would relinquish to Iran about 100 billion dollars that
it could use to finance terrorist groups. Israel is lobbying intensively in
Washington, and Defense Minister Gantz is visiting Washington again this month.
It is worth noting that Israel often uses the same four arguments in the
representatives’ September 1 letter.
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Robert Menendez told the
press that the Biden administration would submit any new Iran agreement for
review to the Congress. There is, of course, an American domestic political
angle here with the approach of the November 8 legislative elections. Probably
the House of Representatives would reject an Iran agreement because already at
least 34 Democratic members oppose it. The Senate with its 100 members becomes
the key battleground. Probably all or almost all of the 50 Republican senators
would vote to block a new deal with Iran. With about 10 Democratic senators’
votes they might get a majority of the 100 members in the chamber to kill the
deal, probably by blocking easing of sanctions. In that case, however, very
likely President Biden would veto the final Congressional resolution in order to
save the deal his team had negotiated. According to the Constitution, two-thirds
of both senators and representatives must vote in favor of overriding the
President’s veto (and therefore block the Iran deal).
In the Senate, therefore, this vote to override would need the votes of 50
Republicans and 17 Democratic senators. This is unlikely. There are at least 11
Democrats who support a new deal already. In addition, Biden, the Democratic
party leader, would remind the Democratic senators about his tough line on the
Iran Revolutionary Guards and the International Atomic Energy Agency
investigation and urges unity among the Democratic Party. Biden excels at this
kind of legislative pressure. For this reason, Republican Senator Lindsey
Graham, a major opponent of a nuclear agreement with Iran, acknowledged that the
Congress probably cannot stop a new deal with Iran.
There is one risk to the Biden administration in this scenario. Far from the
Iran issue, the Democratic Party needs to win more senate seats on November 8 in
order to control the Senate comfortably and pursue the Democratic Party domestic
agenda. The Iran deal itself will not be a big issue for American voters. First,
a public opinion survey from the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations in late
July showed 59 percent of Americans support renewing the Iran agreement. Second,
American voters focus on the economy and social issues. However, senators who
vote to support a new Iran deal in late September or October would risk
provoking lobby groups who oppose the Iran deal to give financial donations to
their opponents in the last weeks of the election campaign. Money sometimes can
change the result of a close election, and the Democratic Party faces at least
five close senate election races.
If Iran were to suddenly accept the American terms in the negotiations, before
moving ahead Biden would consult with the leader of the Democrats in the Senate,
Charles Schumer (who in the past opposed the Iran nuclear agreement) and other
Democratic Party figures about the timing in Congress. On September 5 Lindsey
Graham predicted that Biden would take the safer domestic political choice and
wait until after the November 8 election before concluding a deal with Iran.
Israeli officials similarly predict that Iran won’t make more compromises to
Biden and there is no chance of an agreement before the American election. A
bigger question is whether after November 8 it will still be possible to reach a
deal with Iran or whether, as some in Israel and Washington want, the Biden
administration will shift to a stronger military stance to pressure Iran. It is
not a coincidence that the Americans bombed militias loyal to Iran in Syria
August 24 and on September 4 flew some American B-52 bombers near Iran as clear
Azerbaijan’s Anti-Armenian Jihad
Raymond IbrahimظTrey Blanton, STEPANAKERT, Artsakh (CINFUSA.org)/September
Armenians in the Republic of Artsakh woke up on September 13, 2022 to an
uncertain future after Azerbaijan attacked Armenia in the dead of night.
Armenia’s Ministry of Defense reports Azeri forces hit several villages using
drones, artillery, and mortars. More than 100 Armenian soldiers have been killed
in the attack so far. Azerbaijan made numerous statements leading up to the
attack that Armenia had been provoking the Azeris with “subversive actions.”
This accusation has been rejected by Armenia as misinformation. Instead,
Azerbaijan has violated the cease-fire several times since I have arrived in
Artsakh at the end of June, including the shooting death of a 20-year-old
Sergeant on Sept. 5. Armenia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on social
media that Armenia would seek assistance from the United Nations Security
Council, as well as the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Azerbaijan’s
President Ilham Aliyev has made several claims since 2020 that Armenian
territory, including the capital Yerevan, rightfully belongs to the Azeris.These
Azeri claims and assaults on Armenia violate international law, but many
Westerners only fault the Armenians.
Luke Coffey is a Senior Fellow with the Hudson Institute. Coffey’s social media
posts display hypocrisy as he cheers for Ukrainian success against Russia’s
invasion, but advises that Armenians capitulate to Azeri aggression.
In a previous article, I observed a similar policy with the Heritage Foundation
who advises a greater alliance between the United States and Azerbaijan.
Correcting Misinformation
Europeans and Americans who support Azerbaijan’s oil-rich dictator often cite
“international law” to report that Nagorno-Karabakh, another name for the
Republic of Artsakh, is Azeri land that Armenians have “occupied” since the end
of the first Karabakh war in 1994.
This is incredibly misleading and doesn’t reflect the complex history.
Armenians have inhabited the south Caucasus since ancient times. The Kingdom of
Armenia under its king Tiridates III converted to Christianity in 301 — the
first nation to do so. The advance of Islam, beginning in the 7th century, saw
Muslims systemically conquer Christian lands. Of particular note to Armenia and
Azerbaijan, the ethnic breakdown of the modern Azeri is predominately Oghuz
Seljuq Turk, who didn’t arrive in the area until the 11th century, and Iranian
bloodlines that were formed under Islam.
All other composites of Azeri DNA come from the rape and inter-marriage with the
indigenous populations of the region. “Azerbaijan” as a country didn’t exist
until 1918. Prior to that, the land was divided between the Russian and
Iranian-Persian empires.
Armenians located in the city Baku (then under the Russian empire) comprised
only 17% of the population in 1897 but contributed the most to modernizing
industry and held prominence in governance. The Azeri population, with support
from the Ottoman Empire/Turkey, massacred hundreds of Armenians in Baku in 1905,
1918, and then 1990, which led to the expulsion of 200,000 Armenians, who had
also been terrorized by violence. Cries of, “Ya Allah [with God],” could be
heard in the streets, signifying the importance of Islam, even as Azerbaijan
became a nominally secular state.
While under the Soviet Union, Stalin declared that Nagorno-Karabakh, though
populated mostly by Armenians, would be under the control over Azerbaijan —
though the Armenians were granted a great deal of autonomy.
The pending fall of the Soviet Union led to internal debate in Nagorno-Karabakh
whether to declare independence or join with the Republic of Armenia. This
debate led to the 1990 massacre of Armenians in Baku and sparked the first
Karabakh war for independence.
Azerbaijan, with the support of Turkey, enjoyed a great deal of success in the
Azeri-Armeno War of 2020. The international community refused to condemn the
invasion, citing “international law,” and allowed Azerbaijan to commit war
crimes, while the supposed NATO-ally, Turkey, flew in jihadist terrorists from
Syria and Libya. Many in the West refuse to accept the Islamic component of
these wars. Yes, there are non-religious reasons to conquer land, but the
underlying motivation for the Turks, since their conversion in the 11th century,
has been to be a relentless, Islamic army for Allah.
One need only observe the words and actions of Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan
to see he desires a renewed Turkish-Islamic Caliphate. Now that Erdogan’s
“brother,” Aliyev, has violated international law by invading a sovereign
nation, will the international community finally respond with the same efforts
it has for Ukraine?
There is nothing ‘reasonable’ about Iran’s behavior
Sir John Jenkins/Arab News/September 14/2022
What’s in a word? On Aug. 22, Josep Borrell, the EU’s high representative for
foreign affairs and security policy, who has been negotiating with Iran over the
rebooted Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, called the latest response to his
proposals from Tehran “reasonable.” Really? Is this perhaps a taster of what we
can expect at the UN General Assembly in a few days’ time, when the Iranian
foreign minister, the hard-line Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, will doubtless again
perform the injured innocent act in front of a global audience?
What made Borrell’s comment even odder was that it came 10 days after the savage
attack on Salman Rushdie at the Chautauqua Institution in tranquil upstate New
York. The attacker, from a Lebanese Shiite background, reportedly held a forged
driving license in the name of one of the most prolific assassins Hezbollah ever
produced. And he seems to have been an uncritical admirer of the Islamic
Republic and all its works.
The history of the Rushdie affair is well known, of course. Ayatollah Khomeini’s
poisonous fatwa against him, issued in 1989, was an attempt by the ailing leader
of the massively destructive Iranian revolution to reassert his global relevance
after the humiliating ceasefire with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and his regime’s
failure to export the revolution beyond Iran’s borders.
But Rushdie is not the only casualty of the Iranian leaders’ impulse to procure
the murder of people they do not like, including their own citizens. It has been
an integral part of the ideology of the regime since the very beginning of the
revolution in 1979, when the shah’s nephew was assassinated in Paris, and then
1980, when Khomeini ordered the summary execution of scores of officials and
military officers who had served the shah. Other killings followed like
clockwork, including hundreds of helpless prisoners executed in batches without
trial in 1988, the shah’s last prime minister, Shapour Bakhtiar, again in Paris,
in 1991 and the chain of assassinations of opposition intellectuals and artists
between 1988 and 1998.
The recent revelations of an Iranian plot to assassinate senior US officials,
just like the attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington in 2011
(and perhaps even the most recent threats against his colleague in Beirut), are
part of the same pattern. When Iraqi Kurds decided they wanted a referendum on
independence in 2017, there were credible reports that senior politicians
received death threats direct from Qassem Soleimani: An honor indeed.
At the same time, Iran — either directly or through its friends in Hezbollah,
the Houthis and some of the Iraqi Shiite militias — has attacked oil
installations and airports in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. For decades, it has
sponsored terror attacks in Iraq (where, whatever voters want, a government is
only acceptable if it is owned by Tehran), Lebanon (ditto), Kuwait, Bulgaria,
Thailand, East Africa, Argentina and elsewhere. It continues to do so.
And yet too many people — including senior Western politicians and officials —
still give Iran the benefit of the doubt. Rushdie is a case in point. Because
nothing much had happened to him for years, it was tempting to assume the threat
had gone away. The apparent deal that the British government struck with the
Khatami government in the late 1990s over the implementation of Khomeini’s fatwa
seemed to some to herald a greater realism in Tehran.
But Tehran’s actual behavior — subverting and destroying other states, murdering
its opponents both outside and inside the country, seizing hostages, interfering
with navigation in international waters, building up Shiite Islamist movements
around the region, covertly seeking a nuclear weapons capacity, making claims to
Islamic leadership, threatening the destruction of Israel, and establishing the
conditions that would enable it to put all this into practice — never changed.
In 2003, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei issued a statement that some saw as a fatwa
forbidding the production and use of weapons of mass destruction. But the
Iranian nuclear program continued at full pace. And Tehran now says publicly
that it has the capacity to produce such weapons. Mohammed Khatami may have once
said that Iran would not actively seek to implement Khomeini’s fatwa against
Rushdie. But the fatwa was never rescinded or superseded. So it retained its
power. On both counts, we now see the result.
And this is a warning to us all. The original JCPOA in 2015 was designed not
just to constrain Iran’s ability to construct nuclear weapons, but to buy time —
15 years or so — within which, it was hoped, Iran itself would change and become
a more normal member of the international community.
Fat chance. Even if we had had a plan for the 15 years or so that the agreement
actually bought us, the Iranians simply saw it as a means to relieve intolerable
economic pressure while continuing to build capability. In the event, the Obama
administration seemed to regard the JCPOA as an end in itself. The mere fact of
signature was the achievement it wanted. The rest of the international community
followed suit. Donald Trump’s abandonment of the deal was undoubtedly damaging.
But more damaging was our complacency.
And this brings its own lessons — as does Chautauqua. First, never underestimate
the malevolence of the regime in Tehran. Its tame newspapers greeted the news of
Rushdie’s stabbing with horrible glee. There is no sign that anyone who matters
ever thought the affair was closed.
Too many people — including senior Western politicians and officials — still
give Iran the benefit of the doubt
The same goes for what we hear about the current negotiations over a revived
JCPOA. The Iranians want cash. They want guarantees to enable them to do
business internationally. They want the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — the
instruments of Khomeinist control within Iran, the spearhead of its aggression
outside and, with Hezbollah, a major global criminal enterprise — de-designated
by the US as a terrorist organization. And they want any investigation into
certain previously undeclared sites and their previous nuclear weapons
development activity, without which it is impossible to fully understand their
current position or future intentions, ended.
They continue to develop a range of ever-more-accurate missile systems and
proliferate them to allies throughout the region. They are reportedly exporting
drones to help Russia destroy Ukraine. They continue to support the worst
elements of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda (one of whose leaders-in-waiting, Saif
Al-Adel, they probably still host — as they did family members of Osama bin
Laden — and after Ayman Al-Zawahiri’s death may now have allowed to travel to
Afghanistan). This is not the behavior of a country at ease with the world.
Quite the reverse.
Of course, I understand that policy is not made in a vacuum and that
international affairs are not a sophomore class in ethical idealism 101. Given
the current global energy crisis, I can also see that a deal that returns an
extra 1 million barrels per day or so of Iranian production to the market — plus
maybe 100 million barrels in storage — would be attractive. And I can see why
some might think a deal that provided at least some sort of international
control of the Iranian nuclear program could be better than nothing; after all,
we collectively face major security threats not just in the Middle East but
globally, so parking one might help us address the others.
But they are interlinked. And they need to be addressed together. The Reagan
administration made its red lines clear not just in Europe but in the Gulf.
Tehran — like Moscow — understood what they were. George W. Bush’s
administration aggressively went after Iranian funding of political violence,
subversion and organized crime in the Middle East, South America, West Africa
and elsewhere. That helps explain why Khamenei agreed to proper negotiations on
the nuclear file after years of prevarication.
We need to remember how to be tough. And we need to be realists, as both Saudi
Arabia and the UAE have been in their cautious bilateral approaches. Talking to
Iran — or indeed Damascus — does not imply approval or indeed acceptance. It is
a way of exploring the limits of the possible and protecting those parts of the
relationship, trade for example, that work. It does not mean wishful thinking
about the nature of the regime in Tehran. And it does not preclude prudent
self-defense. Iran will remain a major threat to regional security, deal or no
Sources in Washington say this is precisely what they are now doing. The US
domestic politics of the deal remain tricky. But this new US resolve may be
having an impact, if the disputed reports of Iranian offers of concessions on
the IRGC and the past nuclear file are true. And it may be encouraging that,
while the Iranian Foreign Ministry has described the latest Iranian response to
Borrell’s proposals as “constructive,” the US has pointedly said it is “not
But there are still major risks. Borrell’s words reflect a tendency, common at
least in Europe, to think that Tehran will come to see sense with enough
exposure to political reality. But Khamenei’s reality is not ours. His reasons
are not ours. And in practice he has too often taken our words to mean that the
West is weak and decadent. We are neither. But we need to show it. Whether a
deal is done or not, our watchwords must be “distrust and verify.” We need
strategic patience, determination and a detailed plan to confront Iran’s worst
behavior, in the Gulf, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Afghanistan and through its
global criminal partnerships. And let’s not use the
word “reasonable.”
• Sir John Jenkins is a senior fellow at Policy Exchange. Until December 2017,
he was corresponding director (Middle East) at the International Institute for
Strategic Studies, based in Manama, Bahrain, and was a senior fellow at Yale
University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. He was the British ambassador
to Saudi Arabia until January 2015.