English LCCC Newsbulletin For Lebanese, Lebanese Related, Global News & Editorials
For April 18/2022
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani

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Bible Quotations For today
Great Sunday of the Resurrection
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 16/01-08:”When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been saying to one another, ‘Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?’ When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed.But he said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.’ So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.”

Titles For The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News & Editorials published on April 17-18/2022
Resurrection: Life, Faith And Death…Halleluiah, Jesus has risen! Indeed He has risen./Elias Bejjani/ِApril 17/2021
Patriarch Al-Rahi's Homely text in the Easter mass:
Al-Rahi: True Lebanese long for the state with no alternative, yearn for lifting hands off Lebanon, ceasing politicization of judiciary
Al-Rahi urges end to judiciary 'politicization', warns against changing 'economic identity'
President Aoun participates in Easter Mass in Bkirki
Aoun says same parties who paralyzed Cabinet are obstructing judiciary
Bassil following Easter Mass in Bkirki: His Beatitude expressed the truth which we share
Lebanese celebrate Easter amid election campaign
Lebanon/Participants at Opposition Electoral Rally Assaulted in Southern Lebanon
Siniora congratulates the Lebanese on Easter, hopes for Lebanon's resurrection
Army units thwart smuggling operation in Akkar, raid homes of shooters at army force
Health Ministry: 112 new Corona cases, 3 deaths
Finance Minister's Media Office clarifies that "judicial formations decree will be signed as soon as its basic errors are resolved"
Foreign Affairs Ministry denies circulated news on asking students benefiting from “Tobacco Department Grant” to receive its value in cash
"Current stage requires us to unite, stand by our people,” says Arslan
Bahia Hariri: We hope that our beloved country will cross its painful path towards true salvation
Boushkian: Lebanon deserves the sacrifice & will rise with the resurrection of Christ
"We seek a productive economy," says Hajj Hassan

Titles For The Latest English LCCC Miscellaneous Reports And News published on April 17-18/2022
Pope Francis on Easter: For entering the holy places in Jerusalem freely
Pope Makes Easter Plea for Ukraine Peace, Cites Nuclear Risk
Iran Confirms Centrifuge Workshop Moved to Underground Site
Prices Soar in Iran amid Stalled Nuclear Talks
Iranian Lawmaker: Nuclear Talks Have Not Yet Reached an Agreement on Surveillance Footage
'Inhuman' situation in Ukraine's Mariupol as Russia claims almost full control
Russia Bears Down on Mariupol, Strikes Other Ukraine Cities
Mariupol Teeters as Ukrainians Defy Surrender-Or-Die Demand
UK Says Russia Committed to Compelling Ukraine to Abandon its Euro-Atlantic Orientation
Russia says destroyed another military factory outside Kyiv
Russians Flee Putin Regime to Join Ukraine Refugees in Israel
North Korea Tests New Weapons System to Improve 'Tactical Nukes'
Pakistan Says Cross-Border Attacks from Afghanistan Have Increased

Titles For The Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on April 17-18/2022
Imran Khan: A Collateral Victim of Putin/Amir Taheri/Asharq Al Awsat/April 17/2022
The Cost of New Energy in Europe, but Not in Money/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/April 17, 2022
Turkey and US move closer to the same wavelength/Yasar Yakis/Arab News/April 17, 2022

The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News & Editorials published on April 17-18/2022
Resurrection: Life, Faith And Death…Halleluiah, Jesus has risen! Indeed He has risen.
Elias Bejjani/ِApril 17/2021
Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen. He is not here (Mark 16/05)
Do not be afraid, “Don’t be amazed”, with these reassuring and soothing words The Angel spoke to Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. They had came to the tomb on Sunday morning to mummify and anoint Jesus’ Body as the Jewish tradition required. They thought death had defeated Jesus and ended His life as it does to every human being. On their way, they were sadly thinking and wondering who will roll for them the stone away from the tomb’s entrance so they can get in and perform the mummifying and anointing process. While halfway from the tomb, they saw that the enormous stone had been rolled away. When they entered the tomb they found that Jesus’ body was not there. They found only the shrouds that His body was wrapped with on His burial after the crucifixion.
Saint Mark’s (16/01-13) Gospel describes thoroughly what has happened with these three loyal and faithful women: “When the Sabbath was, past Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they might come and anoint him. 16:2 Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen. They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back. Entering into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were amazed. He said to them, “Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen. He is not here. Behold, the place where they laid him! But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He goes before you into Galilee. There you will see him, as he said to you.’” They went out, and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had come on them. They said nothing to anyone; for they were afraid. Now when he had risen early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. When they heard that he was alive, and had been seen by her, they disbelieved. After these things he was revealed in another form to two of them, as they walked, on their way into the country. They went away and told it to the rest. They didn’t believe them, either.”
Lord Jesus who died on the cross, had risen from the dead on the third day just as He has said while proclaiming His message. He triumphed over death, defeated the forces of darkness, overcame pain, abolished anguish and brought despair to an end. He rose from the tomb to be constantly with those faithful to Him throughout their lives, and to never abandon them. He shall empower forever those who believe in His message and observe His commandments with the spirit of truth, knowledge, wisdom and solidarity with His Father, Almighty God.
Christ is the Way, Christ is the Truth, and Christ is the actual eternal life that we long for. We strongly believe with full conviction that Christ dwells in His Holy Church, and exists in its Mysteries (Sacraments). He is always present in the Holy Eucharist that we receive during every mass. Christ at all times is ready, willing and delighted to help us in our burdens when we call on Him and ask for His mercy. “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew11:28)
The miracle of resurrection is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. This pivotal liturgical fact was strongly stressed by Saint Paul in his First Letter to the Corinthians, (15/12-26): ” Now if Christ is preached, that he has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, neither has Christ been raised. If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith also is in vain. Yes, we are found false witnesses of God, because we testified about God that he raised up Christ, whom he didn’t raise up, if it is so that the dead are not raised. For if the dead aren’t raised, neither has Christ been raised. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins. Then they also who are fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If we have only hoped in Christ in this life, we are of all men most pitiable. But now Christ has been raised from the dead. He became the first fruits of those who are asleep. For since death came by man, the resurrection of the dead also came by man. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then those who are Christ’s, at his coming. Then the end comes, when he will deliver up the Kingdom to God, even the Father; when he will have abolished all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death”.
Through Crucifixion and resurrection, Christ has overcome death, broke its thorn, and granted us His eternal forgiveness from the original sin. With His death and resurrection, death in its traditional earthly human concept has been abolished forever and Sin since then has become the actual death that leads the sinners to Gahanna into the unquenchable fire.
When our bodies die, we sleep in the hope of resurrection. On Jesus’ return on the Day of Judgment, the dead will be the first to rise and escort Him. “Behold, I tell you a mystery. We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed”, (Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians 15 / 51-52).
Easter Sunday is a holy feast of love, humility, forgiveness, brotherhood, tolerance and repentance. Religiously we are not to participate in any of these feast prayers or make any offerings or receive the Holy Communion unless we replace hatred with love, grudges with forgiveness, rejection of others with tolerance, arrogance with humility, greed with contentment, deception with transparency, and evil with righteousness.
If we do not learn how to tame our selfishness, anger, hatred and forgive others for whatever evil deeds they commit against us and reconcile with them, than we do not qualify to be called Jesus’ followers. Our prayers will not be heard or responded to, if we do not practice the grace of forgiveness as did He who was crucified for our salvation.
“If therefore you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift”. (Matthew 5/23-24).
Meanwhile our true faith in Jesus and in His Sacrifices won’t be complete unless we adopt in our thinking, deeds and language the pure components of sacrifice, honesty, truth, self respect, meekness and decency. “Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for building up as the need may be, that it may give grace to those who hear. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, outcry, and slander, be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4/29-32)
For our prayers to be looked upon and heard by Almighty God, we are required to reconcile with ourselves and with all others on whom we have inflicted pain and injustice, and treated with an evil manner. To please the Lord we are required to genuinely, heartily and overtly perform all required acts of repentance for all our mischievous conducts and wrongdoings. Mark 11/24-26: “Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them. Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions”
Almighty God has endowed us with His love talent, (minas) and expects us to faithfully invest it in helping others who are in need. He expect us to observe all the teaching of His Bible so that He will reward us on the Day of Judgment and put us on His Right Side.
On this Holy Day of Resurrection, we must be aware that Jesus’ Holy blood was shed on the Cross for our sake. Remembrance of His death and resurrection is a Godly consignment that we are entrusted with. It’s up to us either to honour this trust or betray it. In regards to what is committed to us, Saint Paul conveyed to his disciple Timothy the following advice (6/20-21): “Timothy, guard that which is committed to you, turning away from the empty chatter and oppositions of the knowledge which is falsely so called; which some professing have erred concerning the faith”.
Halleluiah! Jesus has risen! Indeed He has risen.

Patriarch Al-Rahi's Homely text in the Easter mass: Those responsible for the country and the people acting not to remove the stone from the chest of the Lebanese, but rather to stabilize it.
People of Lebanon look to the state to redeem them with good governance, good performance, sound national choices and productive reforms.
NNA/April 17/2022
Patriarch Al-Rahi's Easter Homely Text :
“Who do you see rolling away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” (Mark 16:3)
Mr. President,
1. It is a source of pleasure that, as is customary, you celebrate with us in this patriarchal seat the Lord’s Passover, which is our Passover. Christ God died to redeem the sins of every human being born to a woman, and rose to infuse new life into every believing man and woman.
This paschal passage through death and resurrection has become our Passover, so that we die to sin and the spirit of evil, and rise to a state of grace;
We die from the state of selfishness, and rise to the state of giving; We die from striving for self-interest, and rise up to commit to the common good.
We raise with you and with all this congregation this divine liturgy a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God for the six years with which you will conclude your term at the head of the Lebanese Republic.
You have experienced that the invisible hand of God leads the ship of the homeland, especially when strong winds and strong waves were raging and threatening to sink. The grace from above supports your steadfastness.
2. The women’s question: “Who do you see rolling away the stone for us from the door of the grave?” (Mark 16:3), “And the stone was large” (Matthew 26:60), which is a question that our people ask to get out of the crisis they are experiencing, which is stifling on the economic, financial and living level, as you feel, Your Excellency.
The Lebanese have the right to move to the era of the Resurrection, and their short-lived ferocity has extended, and the domination over their reality and destiny has prolonged, and the process of distorting the beautiful image of Lebanon has continued.
The believers in Lebanon are living spiritually the resurrection of Christ, but they do not feel their national resurrection and the restoration of health and the beautiful time.
Their eyes are fixed on the risen Christ from the grave, but their hearts grieve greatly when they feel the inability of the authority to treat their aches, wounds and tragedies.
The Lebanese, for the most part, suffer under the burden of poverty and destitution, the loss of medicine, social guarantees, job opportunities, the state's faltering state, the faltering of unity and the aggravation of the collapse.
In the time of transition from Golgotha to the time of rolling the stone, we unfortunately see the majority of those working in public affairs and those responsible for the country and the people acting not to remove the stone from the chest of the Lebanese, but rather to stabilize it.
3. Just as Christ, who is the Lord our God, redeemed humanity by crucifixion from sin and placed it on the right path, so the crucified people of Lebanon look to the state to redeem them with good governance, good performance, sound national choices and productive reforms.
The Lebanese are waiting for their resurrection from the state and the state, and they expect officials and those involved in political affairs to put their country on the path of salvation after these torments that they have not witnessed before, even in a time of wars, bombing and destruction.
The true Lebanese do not want an alternative to the state, nor do they want a partner for it. They yearn for the moment when hands are lifted from Lebanon, hegemony recedes, authoritarianism ends, the politicization of the judiciary and the administration stops and their obstruction by those in power, duplicity ends, and the national interest trumps all private and electoral interests.
Mr. President,
4. We are pleased about the emergence of tidings that suggest that the stone will be rolled away from the homeland and the people: the promise of the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Lebanon next June, which serves as a bridge between your era and the era of those who will be behind you.
We were pleased with your visit to the Vatican City last March, when you exchanged concerns and aspirations with His Holiness and his assistants regarding
Lebanon and its people.
All the Lebanese are satisfied with the fact that the parliamentary elections will take place on their scheduled date, and your determination regarding them was steadfast despite the attempts to overthrow them from here and there.
This determination is what you are working with in order to secure the election of your successor at the head of the republic on its constitutional date.
Everyone appreciates your efforts aimed at approving the general budget, agreeing on a recovery plan, approving reforms as a necessary path for the advancement of the country, and drafting a contract with the International Monetary Fund after making the necessary amendments to it to conform to the Lebanese reality, so that its recommendations take into account the right of depositors and the protection of their confidential funds.
The peculiarity of the Lebanese society and its liberal economic system, which formed the secret of Lebanon’s growth and prosperity; It also takes into account the protection of the freedom of the Lebanese, and the avoidance of influencing the investments and financing of export and import and the exchange of remittances between the resident Lebanon and the expanding Lebanon.
It is not permissible, under the title of saving Lebanon, to change the identity of its national economic system, which is not subject to any constitutional settlement or political bargaining.
We are confident that, from your position as the President of the Republic, the protector of the constitution, and the symbol of the country, you will ensure all this, in cooperation with the government and Parliament.
In any case, in order for reforms to take their full extent, they need to be accompanied by the extension of state authority over its entire territory, the unification of weapons and decision-making, in accordance with Security Council resolutions, and the adoption of strategic options that strengthen Lebanon's relations with its Arab surroundings and the democratic world.
As the Gulf states gradually return to Lebanon to contribute to its awakening, the sovereignty of states and good relations with them must be respected, and the campaigns against these brother countries should be stopped, especially since they are campaigns that have nothing to do with Lebanon's interest, but rather with the interests of foreign countries.
Mr. President,
5. On behalf of my brothers, the metropolitans, the patriarchal family, the papal ambassador, and this audience of ministers, representatives, officials and believers, I am pleased to offer you my best congratulations on the feast, with heartfelt wishes that God bless you with His blessings, so that you reach the country to the shore of safety, by the grace of the risen Christ.
Christ is risen!”.

Al-Rahi presides over Easter Mass attended by President Aoun: True Lebanese long for the state with no alternative, yearn for lifting hands off Lebanon, ceasing politicization of judiciary
NNA/April 17/2022
President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, participated this morning in the Easter Mass held at the “Chapel of the Resurrection” in Bkirki, presided over by Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, and attended by Papal Ambassador, Monsignor Joseph Spiteri, and a crowd of senior state officials and prominent dignitaries and believers. In his homily, the Patriarch considered that this “passing through death and resurrection” has become “our Passover”, so that we “rise to a state of grace, giving, and committing to common goodness.”
“We raise with you and with all this congregation this divine liturgy, a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God for the six years with which you are concluding your mandate at the head of the Lebanese Republic,” al-Rahi said addressing the President. “You have experienced that the invisible hand of God guides the ship of the homeland, especially when strong winds and raging waves were threatening to drown it…So the grace from above supports your persistence and steadfastness,” he added. “Just as Christ, the Lord our God, redeemed humanity by crucifixion from sin and placed it on the right path, so the crucified people of Lebanon look to the state to redeem them with good governance, good performance, sound national choices and productive reforms…The Lebanese are waiting for their resurrection from the state and within the state, and they expect officials and those involved in political affairs to place their country on the path of salvation after these unprecedented torments which they have not witnessed before, even in a time of wars, bombing and destruction,” the Patriarch went on. He stressed that “the true Lebanese do not want an alternative for the state, nor do they want a partner for it. They yearn for the moment when hands are lifted off Lebanon, hegemony recedes, authoritarianism falls, the politicization of the judiciary and the administration stops and obstruction by influential people ceases, double-standards end, and the national interest supersedes all private and electoral interests…”
“All this, so that there remains only one republic, one legitimacy, one weapon, one decision, and a universal Lebanese identity,” the Patriarch underscored. Al-Rahi welcomed the “emergence of signs that suggest the rolling-away of the stone covering the homeland and the people”, namely with the anticipated visit by His Holiness Pope Francis to Lebanon next June, which serves “as a bridge between President Aoun’s mandate and the era of those who will succeed him,” in addition to the reassurances that “the parliamentary elections will take place on their scheduled date,” and “endorsing the general budget, agreeing on the recovery plan, approving reforms as a necessary path for the advancement of the country, and formulating a contract with the International Monetary Fund after making the necessary amendments to it to conform to the Lebanese situation, so that its recommendations take into account the right of depositors and the protection of banking secrecy.” “It is not permissible, under the headline of saving Lebanon, to change the identity of its national economic system, which is not subject to any constitutional settlement or political bargaining,” al-Rahi asserted, adding, “We are confident that from your position as the president of the republic, the protector of the constitution, and the symbol of the country, will ensure all this, in cooperation with the government and parliament,” he affirmed, addressing President Aoun.

Al-Rahi urges end to judiciary 'politicization', warns against changing 'economic identity'
Naharnet/April 17/2022 
Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Sunday called for an end to “the politicization of the judiciary,” as he warned against changing Lebanon’s “economic identity.”“The Lebanese do not want an alternative to the state and they don’t want a partner for it. They are looking forward to a halt to the politicization of the judiciary and administration,” al-Rahi said in his Easter sermon. “Duality must end and only one republic, one legitimacy and one arsenal of weapons should remain,” the patriarch urged, apparently referring to Hizbullah’s arms. “For reforms to take their course, they should be accompanied by the state’s extension of its authority over its entire territory, arms and decisions should be unified in line with the Security Council resolutions, and the strategic choices that strengthen Lebanon’s ties with its Arab neighbourhood must be taken,” al-Rahi added. Addressing President Michel Aoun, who was present at the mass, the patriarch stressed that he does not accept “a change of Lebanon’s economic identity.”“We are confident that you will do the utmost to preserve this identity,” al-Rahi went on to say.

President Aoun participates in Easter Mass in Bkirki
President Aoun: “Parliamentary elections will take place on time, and there are promising positive issues”
President Aoun: “The Pope's visit to Lebanon is a blessing, and it will take place according to a program. We will not despair of saving Lebanon while we are alive”
President Aoun: Those obstructing the appointment of the heads of the Courts of Cassation are known, as well as the obstruction of the investigation into the Beirut port explosion. Those also stopped the Council of Ministers from convening”
Patriarch Rahi to President Aoun: “The Lebanese are satisfied with the parliamentary elections and your determination regarding these elections is firm despite the attempts to overthrow”
Patriarch Rahi: “We are happy with the emergence of signs suggesting that the stone will be rolled away from the homeland, and it is not permissible to change the identity of Lebanon's national economic system”
Patriarch Rahi: “Reforms must be accompanied by the extension of state authority, the unification of arms and decision-making in addition to adopting strategic options that strengthen Lebanon’s relations with its Arab surroundings and the democratic world”
NNA - President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, assured the Lebanese that parliamentary elections will take place on time, and that preparations are ready for that.
President Aoun considered that the agreement with the International Monetary Fund is one of the positive things that happened recently, and "Perhaps its beginning will mark the beginning of Lebanon's exit from the abyss under which it is languishing, in addition to the return of the Arab countries to it as well as its natural sovereignty as it was without making any effort”.
After the retreat he held with the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi, prior to the pontifical mass that was held in Bkerke this morning on the occasion of Easter, President Aoun indicated that the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Lebanon is a blessing and will take place according to a specific program, stressing the continuation of hope for salvation.
“As Christians, we lie under the soil in the hope of resurrection, and we will not despair while we are alive” President Aoun said.
The President also considered that those obstructing the appointment of the heads of the courts of cassation are known, as well as those obstructing the investigation into the explosion of the port of Beirut, and those also stopped the Council of Ministers.
For his part, Patriarch Al-Rahi affirmed that the true Lebanese do not want an alternative to the state, and “They do not want the state as a partner”.
The Patriarch also pointed to the satisfaction that the parliamentary elections took place on their scheduled date and President Aoun’s firm determination to hold these elections.
“This determination is what you are working with in order to secure the election of your successor to the President of the Republic on its constitutional date”Patriarch Rahi said.
“Everyone appreciates your efforts aimed at approving the general budget, agreeing on a recovery plan, approving reforms as a necessary path for the country’s advancement, and drafting a contract with the International Monetary Fund after making the necessary amendments to it to conform to the Lebanese reality. In this context, however, it is not permissible, under the title of saving Lebanon, to change the identity of its national economic system, which is not subject to any constitutional settlement or political bargaining” the Patriarch continued.
In addition, the Maronite Patriarch considered that in order for reforms to take their full extent, they need to be accompanied by the extension of state authority over its entire territory, the unification of weapons and decision-making, in accordance with Security Council resolutions, and the adoption of strategic options that strengthen Lebanon's relations with its Arab surroundings and the democratic world.
Patriarch Rahi also indicated that it is necessary to respect the sovereignty of states and good relations with them, and to stop the campaigns against these brotherly countries, especially since they are campaigns that have nothing to do with the interest of Lebanon, but rather the interests of foreign countries.
President Aoun arrived at the patriarchal edifice at about 9:20 am, where he was received at the main entrance by Archbishops Khalil Alwan, Peter Karam, Antoine Awkar and Paul Al-Sayah.
Then everyone moved to the patriarch's office, where President Aoun and Patriarch Rahi held a retreat that lasted about twenty-five minutes, during which they presented local developments and the latest developments.
President Aoun's Statement:
After the retreat, President Aoun made the following statement:
“Today we came to celebrate the Day of Resurrection, and of course His Beatitude the Patriarch Al-Rahi, and we greet all the Lebanese with this holiday, and God willing, the resurrection of Lebanon will be with the onset of Easter, because today we live in a difficult tragedy in which problems have accumulated.
I assure you as I assure the Lebanese that the parliamentary elections will take place and all preparations are ready for that, unless something happens, God forbid.
The first question that all Lebanese and foreigners ask me is whether elections will take place, and every time I assure them that it will take place, as I assure everyone today.
Today positive things have happened, including the agreement with the International Monetary Fund, whose beginning may mark the beginning of Lebanon's exit from the abyss under which it is languishing, in addition to the return of the Arab countries to it and its natural sovereignty as it was without making any effort, and we wish a happy Easter to all the Lebanese.
Questions & Answers:
In response to a question about finding a solution for expatriate polling stations, President Aoun answered: “This question is put to Ministers of Interior and Foreign Affairs responsible for this issue, so far no one has asked me a problem of this kind”.
About what could obstruct the elections, the President replied: “The elections are taking place, so why assume that they are not taking place?”.
Asked about the judicial formations related to the heads of the Courts of Cassation and the statement of the Minister of Finance yesterday, who spoke of a “fundamental error” in them President Aoun replied: “There is no fundamental error, rather there is obstruction, and you must know who is obstructing, so let them stop lying to you”.
About what he says to the families of the martyrs of the port of Beirut who tried to meet him while they do not yet know the truth about who blew up their city President Aoun replied: “They should go to the judicial obstructionists, and you all know who the obstructionist is, so who suspended the Council of Ministers? Why do you ask questions that you know the answer to?”.
Regarding the visit of His Holiness the Pope to Lebanon, the President said: “We hope that it will be carried out with joy and hope. His Holiness the Pope will visit Lebanon according to a program that will be implemented, and of course his visit will be a blessing for Lebanon”.
And whether there is still hope to save the country, President Aoun replied: “As we celebrate the Day of Resurrection today, no such question is asked, that as Christians we lie under the soil in the hope of the Resurrection, and we will not despair while we are still alive”.
Then President Aoun moved to the Church, where he attended the Easter mass, which was presided over by Patriarch Al-Rahi and assisted by his general deputies, Archbishops Alwan, Karam, Awkar and Al-Sayyah.
The Mass was served by the Louaizeh Choir, headed by Father Khalil Rahma.
The mass was attended by: MPs Gibran Bassil, Farid El-Khazen, Shawki Daccache, Roger Azar, Simon Abi Ramia, former ministers Marwan Charbel and Nada Boustany, former MPs Naji Gharios, Walid Khoury and Nematullah Abi Nasr, the papal ambassador to Lebanon, Bishop Joseph Spiteri, director general of the Presidency of the Republic, Dr. Antoine Choucair, Director General of State Security, Major General Tony Saliba, Director of Army Intelligence, Brigadier General Tony Kahwagi, Gendarmerie Commander, Brigadier General Marwan Sleilati, former President of the Supreme Judicial Council Judge Jean Fahd, President of the Maronite League, Ambassador Khalil Karam, Director General of Electricité du Liban Kamal Hayek, Director General of Civil Defense, Brigadier Raymond Khattar, Director General of the Water Corporation in Beirut and Mount Lebanon Jean Gibran, President of the Red Cross in Lebanon, Dr. Antoine Zoghbi, Chief Editors Syndicate, Joseph Al-Qusaifi, Head of the Mount Lebanon Intelligence Bureau, Colonel Tony Moawad, Commander of the Mount Lebanon region in the Internal Security Forces Colonel Jihad Al-Asmar and a number of senior officers, ambassadors, consuls, mayors, senior civil and military officials, judges, political, economic and social actors, clergymen and a crowd of believers.
After the Holy Gospel, Patriarch Al-Rahi delivered a sermon in which he said:
“Who do you see rolling away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” (Mark 16:3)
Mr. President,
1. It is a source of pleasure that, as is customary, you celebrate with us in this patriarchal seat the Lord’s Passover, which is our Passover. Christ God died to redeem the sins of every human being born to a woman, and rose to infuse new life into every believing man and woman.
This paschal passage through death and resurrection has become our Passover, so that we die to sin and the spirit of evil, and rise to a state of grace;
We die from the state of selfishness, and rise to the state of giving; We die from striving for self-interest, and rise up to commit to the common good.
We raise with you and with all this congregation this divine liturgy a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God for the six years with which you will conclude your term at the head of the Lebanese Republic.
You have experienced that the invisible hand of God leads the ship of the homeland, especially when strong winds and strong waves were raging and threatening to sink. The grace from above supports your steadfastness.
2. The women’s question: “Who do you see rolling away the stone for us from the door of the grave?” (Mark 16:3), “And the stone was large” (Matthew 26:60), which is a question that our people ask to get out of the crisis they are experiencing, which is stifling on the economic, financial and living level, as you feel, Your Excellency.
The Lebanese have the right to move to the era of the Resurrection, and their short-lived ferocity has extended, and the domination over their reality and destiny has prolonged, and the process of distorting the beautiful image of Lebanon has continued.
The believers in Lebanon are living spiritually the resurrection of Christ, but they do not feel their national resurrection and the restoration of health and the beautiful time.
Their eyes are fixed on the risen Christ from the grave, but their hearts grieve greatly when they feel the inability of the authority to treat their aches, wounds and tragedies.
The Lebanese, for the most part, suffer under the burden of poverty and destitution, the loss of medicine, social guarantees, job opportunities, the state's faltering state, the faltering of unity and the aggravation of the collapse.
In the time of transition from Golgotha to the time of rolling the stone, we unfortunately see the majority of those working in public affairs and those responsible for the country and the people acting not to remove the stone from the chest of the Lebanese, but rather to stabilize it.
3. Just as Christ, who is the Lord our God, redeemed humanity by crucifixion from sin and placed it on the right path, so the crucified people of Lebanon look to the state to redeem them with good governance, good performance, sound national choices and productive reforms.
The Lebanese are waiting for their resurrection from the state and the state, and they expect officials and those involved in political affairs to put their country on the path of salvation after these torments that they have not witnessed before, even in a time of wars, bombing and destruction.
The true Lebanese do not want an alternative to the state, nor do they want a partner for it. They yearn for the moment when hands are lifted from Lebanon, hegemony recedes, authoritarianism ends, the politicization of the judiciary and the administration stops and their obstruction by those in power, duplicity ends, and the national interest trumps all private and electoral interests.
Mr. President,
4. We are pleased about the emergence of tidings that suggest that the stone will be rolled away from the homeland and the people: the promise of the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Lebanon next June, which serves as a bridge between your era and the era of those who will be behind you.
We were pleased with your visit to the Vatican City last March, when you exchanged concerns and aspirations with His Holiness and his assistants regarding
Lebanon and its people.
All the Lebanese are satisfied with the fact that the parliamentary elections will take place on their scheduled date, and your determination regarding them was steadfast despite the attempts to overthrow them from here and there.
This determination is what you are working with in order to secure the election of your successor at the head of the republic on its constitutional date.
Everyone appreciates your efforts aimed at approving the general budget, agreeing on a recovery plan, approving reforms as a necessary path for the advancement of the country, and drafting a contract with the International Monetary Fund after making the necessary amendments to it to conform to the Lebanese reality, so that its recommendations take into account the right of depositors and the protection of their confidential funds.
The peculiarity of the Lebanese society and its liberal economic system, which formed the secret of Lebanon’s growth and prosperity; It also takes into account the protection of the freedom of the Lebanese, and the avoidance of influencing the investments and financing of export and import and the exchange of remittances between the resident Lebanon and the expanding Lebanon.
It is not permissible, under the title of saving Lebanon, to change the identity of its national economic system, which is not subject to any constitutional settlement or political bargaining.
We are confident that, from your position as the President of the Republic, the protector of the constitution, and the symbol of the country, you will ensure all this, in cooperation with the government and Parliament.
In any case, in order for reforms to take their full extent, they need to be accompanied by the extension of state authority over its entire territory, the unification of weapons and decision-making, in accordance with Security Council resolutions, and the adoption of strategic options that strengthen Lebanon's relations with its Arab surroundings and the democratic world.
As the Gulf states gradually return to Lebanon to contribute to its awakening, the sovereignty of states and good relations with them must be respected, and the campaigns against these brother countries should be stopped, especially since they are campaigns that have nothing to do with Lebanon's interest, but rather with the interests of foreign countries.
Mr. President,
5. On behalf of my brothers, the metropolitans, the patriarchal family, the papal ambassador, and this audience of ministers, representatives, officials and believers, I am pleased to offer you my best congratulations on the feast, with heartfelt wishes that God bless you with His blessings, so that you reach the country to the shore of safety, by the grace of the risen Christ.
Christ is risen!”.
Easter Congratulations:
Finally, President Aoun congratulated Patriarch Rahi and the bishops on the feast, and left the patriarchal edifice to return to Baabda Palace. --- (Presidency Information Office)

Aoun says same parties who paralyzed Cabinet are obstructing judiciary
Naharnet/April 17/2022
President Michel Aoun on Sunday said “those who are obstructing the judiciary are known,” in response to a question about the stalled port blast investigation. “The families must go to those who are obstructing the judiciary and they saw who paralyzed Cabinet,” Aoun added ahead of Easter Mass in Bkirki, apparently referring to Hizbullah and Amal Movement. “Today we are in a difficult situation in which problems have accumulated and I’m living it like you,” the President said separately. Stressing that the parliamentary elections “will take place,” Aoun lauded “positive” developments like “the agreement with the International Monetary Fund.”Through this agreement, “Lebanon is supposed to begin exiting the abyss that is in,” the President added. “We want the best relations with the Arab countries and the return of ambassadors to Beirut is an important step in this regard,” Aoun went on to say.

Bassil following Easter Mass in Bkirki: His Beatitude expressed the truth which we share
NNA/April 17/2022
Head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Deputy Gebran Bassil, praised the positions of Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, during Easter Mass this morning, saying: "His Beatitude expressed the truth, the reality we all live in, and the aspirations of all the Lebanese, and we share them and agree with most of what he said." Responding to a question after congratulating the Patriarch following the Mass service, Bassil considered that it is very unfortunate that many of the Lebanese, from all sides and directions, do not want the stone to be rolled off the country and the homeland. “Till this day, they still strike the Christian human concept of the meaning of resurrection, and this resurrection means overcoming all injustice, because through love we conquer hatred…This is the meaning of our religion and this is how we see the truth,” he said.

Lebanese celebrate Easter amid election campaign
Najia Houssari/Arab News/April 17/2022
BEIRUT: Lebanese President Michel Aoun has assured the Lebanese that parliamentary elections will be held and that all the arrangements are ready, as people celebrated Easter.
He took part in the Easter Mass, which was led by Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rai in Bkerke.
Aoun said he hoped for “the resurrection” of Lebanon.
“We are living through a difficult tragedy in which problems have accumulated. I am experiencing the same situation you are and what befell you, befell me also.”
The president met Al-Rai before the Mass and then told the media: “We want better relations with Arab countries, and the return of ambassadors to Beirut is an important step in this direction.”
Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi urged people to vote in the upcoming elections because Lebanon ‘needs a national, sovereign and independent parliamentary majority.’
He hoped that the staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund would “positively affect” the situation in Lebanon and, speaking about the papal visit to Lebanon in June, wished “it would bring hope” to the country.
"Today, we live in the hope of the resurrection. As long as we are alive, we will not allow despair to get the best of us.”
Aoun also addressed the Shiite duo - the Amal movement and Hezbollah without naming them - and accused them once again of obstructing the work of the judicial investigation into the Beirut Port explosion.
“They are the same parties obstructing the Cabinet’s work, and you know who they are. The families of the martyrs should address their demands to them.”
The ministers of Hezbollah and the Amal movement boycotted Cabinet sessions last October amid their demands to dismiss the investigator into the explosion, Judge Tarek Bitar.
In mid-January, after paralyzing Bitar’s work and bombarding him with lawsuits, they started attending sessions again.
During his Easter sermon on Sunday, Al-Rai urged people to vote in the upcoming elections because Lebanon needed a “national, sovereign, independent” parliamentary majority that believed in a legitimate state, constitutional institutions, and the Lebanese army as a single reference for arms and security, as well as the unity of political and military decisions.
“If the people do not realize the seriousness of the situation and choose the forces capable of defending Lebanon's entity and identity, and restoring Lebanon's Arab and international relations, then the people, not the political system, will bear the responsibility for the great collapse. Lebanon is lucky that change can still be achieved democratically. The results of the elections depend on the Lebanese votes. There are no previously determined losers or winners.
“The greatest danger is misleading the people so that they elect a parliamentary majority that does not resemble them or meet their ambitions. The people, as they choose their representatives, should realize that they are also choosing the next president, and indeed the next republic. The fate of Lebanon depends on the quality of the parliamentary majority in the new parliament.”
He also addressed Aoun: “The determination to hold the parliamentary elections, despite attempts to overthrow them, goes in line with securing the election of your successor. Everyone appreciates your efforts aimed at approving the general budget and agreeing on the recovery plan.
“The Lebanese do not want an alternative to the state, and they do not want a partner in the state. They yearn for the moment when foreign hands are lifted off of Lebanon. They yearn for the national interest to prevail over all personal and electoral interests. They yearn to have only one republic, one legitimacy, one weapon, one decision, and a comprehensive Lebanese identity.
“It is not permissible to change the identity of Lebanon’s economic system, which is not subject to any constitutional settlement or political bargaining.
“Reforms need to be combined with extending the state's authority over its entire territory and unifying arms, per UN Security Council resolutions. It is imperative to respect the sovereignty of brotherly countries and stop campaigning against them.”
Election campaigns intensified during the Easter holiday and the Shiite duo is seeking to win not only the entire Shiite share in the new parliament but secure a majority through candidates from other sects allied to them.
On Saturday, individuals affiliated with Hezbollah and the Amal movement attacked members of the Together for Change electoral list in one of the southern constituencies supported by the Communist Party, independents, and the civil movement in Tyre. They tried to prevent the members from reaching a restaurant in Sarafand to announce their list's electoral program.
Candidate Dr. Hisham Hayek said: “We tried to be in a democratic race and it turned out that there was no democracy. We went to Sarafand, protected by the security forces, but we were surprised by organized gangs of young men who blocked the road and shot at us. How is this a fair competition? Does the announcement of an electoral program constitute a threat to civil peace?”
Candidate Ali Khalifeh said: “The message they wanted to send through violence is well received. They will not be tolerant of others’ opinions, ideas, and programs that are committed to confronting the corrupt authority.”
The Amal movement was quick to deny its connection to the attack, as did its parliamentary bloc, which condemned what happened and stressed the movement’s keenness to achieve the electoral process in an “atmosphere of freedom and democratic competition.”
The electoral list of Hezbollah and the Amal movement in the Baalbek-Hermel constituency tried to announce its electoral program in a ceremony in the heart of the historic Baalbek Citadel.
But civil society movements pressured the Minister of Culture Mohammed Mortada to stop this event due to its violation of the electoral law.
Article 77 states: “Public spaces, governmental departments, universities, faculties, institutes, public schools, and places of worship are not allowed to be used to hold electoral meetings or promotion.”

Lebanon/Participants at Opposition Electoral Rally Assaulted in Southern Lebanon
Beirut - Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Lebanon continues to prepare for next month's parliamentary elections, with electoral rallies and events being held daily throughout the country. Tensions have been high in some region, especially in the South, between the opposition and traditional powers, notably the Shiite Hezbollah and Amal party.
Partisan supporters reportedly assaulted on Saturday people seeking to participate at an elections event in the southern Sarafand region. The opposition "Together towards Change" was holding a rally to unveil its candidates, who would be running in the second electoral district in the South. Ahead of the rally, partisan supporters deployed in the area, leading to tensions that boiled over into shooting at and the assault of the participants, said activists on social media. The opposition candidates accused members of the Amal movement of being behind the attack.The movement, headed by parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, denied the accusation.

Siniora congratulates the Lebanese on Easter, hopes for Lebanon's resurrection
NNA/April 17/2022
Former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora expressed his Easter well-wishes to the Lebanese people in general and Christians who follow the Western calendar in particular, "in the hope of Lebanon's resurrection from its current flounder with the help of its sons and all its sects."

Army units thwart smuggling operation in Akkar, raid homes of shooters at army force
NNA/April 17/2022
Lebanese Army Command - Orientation Directorate issued the following statement this morning: "On April 16, 2022, while an army force thwarted a smuggling operation in the Hekr Jenin-Akkar area, it came under fire from unknown persons from the Syrian side and houses inside the Lebanese territory; thus, the army unit members were forced to respond to the sources of fire, which led to the slight injury of the smuggler (A.A.), who was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment." "As a result, an army force carried out a raid on the houses from which the shots were fired, arresting several persons suspected of participating in the shooting, and seizing a 'Kalashnikov' rifle and a quantity of goods prepared for smuggling," the statement added. Investigations with the detainees were initiated under the supervision of the concerned judiciary.

Health Ministry: 112 new Corona cases, 3 deaths
NNA/April 17/2022
In its daily report on the COVID-19 developments, the Ministry of Public Health announced on Saturday the registration of 112 new Coronavirus infections, which raised the cumulative number of confirmed cases to-date to 1,095,518. The report added that 3 deaths were registered during the past 24 hours.

Finance Minister's Media Office clarifies that "judicial formations decree will be signed as soon as its basic errors are resolved"
NNA/April 17/2022
The media office of Finance Minister Youssef Al-Khalil stressed in an issued statement this evening, that “the Minister of Finance affirms his keen interest in achieving justice and revealing the full truth in the Beirut Port explosion dossier,” adding that the provisions of the constitution and the laws in force, as well as his position, are clear and firm in this regard. “In this context, it is necessary to clarify to the Lebanese public opinion that the failure to sign the decree of the Court of Cassation’s judicial formations is due to the basic errors included that would create a precedent, if signed, which Lebanon can be spared,” the statement indicated. “Minister Al-Khalil assures that work is being done to resolve the obstacles facing the signing of the aforementioned decree, and confirms that he will sign it as soon as these obstacles are overcome,” the statement concluded.

Foreign Affairs Ministry denies circulated news on asking students benefiting from “Tobacco Department Grant” to receive its value in cash
NNA/April 17/2022
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants denied in an issued statement this evening "the news circulating on social media about inviting students benefiting from the Department of Tobacco Scholarship, to attend to the Ministry's building to receive the value of their grant in cash," stressing that said news is “groundless”. “The Ministry affirms that around 542 students have started receiving the scholarship after the Lebanese embassies began distributing it to deserving students,” the statement clarified. "The Ministry continues to work on finding a quick solution, in coordination with the Banque du Liban, to facilitate the delivery of the amounts owed to students in Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Cuba and Syria due to the difficulty of money transfers to these five countries," the statement assured.

"Current stage requires us to unite, stand by our people,” says Arslan
NNA/April 17/2022
Head of the "Lebanese Democratic Party", MP Talal Arslan, considered that the Lebanese are facing a “pivotal stage” in their country’s history, noting that “the acceleration of international and regional developments is a clear indication of this, whose impact on Lebanon will appear successively."
Arslan explained to a delegation of Druze religious clerics who visited him at his Khaldeh residence earlier today, "the details of his visit to Moscow and his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his deputy, Mikhail Bogdanov," praising "the Russian role in the region and the historical relationship that unites them with the Druze Unitarian Sect." "The current stage requires us to unite in solidarity and stand by our sheikhs and our people in the mountain and various Lebanese regions,” Arslan went on, stressing that “the upcoming elections are very important, but the most important thing is for them to pass quietly and for the stability and security of the Lebanese mountain to be maintained.”“Civil peace today is above all deadlines, entitlements and considerations," he asserted.

Bahia Hariri: We hope that our beloved country will cross its painful path towards true salvation
NNA/April 17/2022
MP Bahia Hariri congratulated, in an issued statement today, "all the Lebanese, and Christians in particular, on the glorious Easter holiday, an occasion which despite the difficult circumstances and crises Lebanon is going through, remains a source of hope that our beloved country will cross the path of pain towards true salvation.""We ask God Almighty to renew all goodness and wellness for Lebanon and the Lebanese with better days to come, and that our upcoming holidays will bring proesperity and stability,” she added.

Boushkian: Lebanon deserves the sacrifice & will rise with the resurrection of Christ
NNA/April 17/2022
Industry Minister George Boushkian congratulated the Lebanese on the glorious Easter occasion, hoping for "the rise of Lebanon with the resurrection of Christ." He stressed that "Lebanon of goodness, holiness and blessings did not fail its children...For this reason, with our superior capabilities, our devotion for Lebanon and attachment to it, as well as our determination to restore the country's previous state of prosperity and brilliance, the Lebanese have taken the final decision not to abandon the restoration of Lebanon's recovery, healing its wounds, and untying the chains around it." "Lebanon deserves our sacrifice, no matter how severe the difficulties, to restore its role as a beacon of civilization and a culture of dialogue and moderation," the Minister underscored.

"We seek a productive economy," says Hajj Hassan
NNA/April 17/2022
The "Lebanese Association for Studies and Training" presented, on Sunday, a set of agricultural equipment to the Agriculture Department in Baalbek, under the auspices of Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan, and in presence of the department's head, Dr. Mahmoud Abdallah.
In his word on the occasion, Minister Hajj Hassan welcomed the "good networking between the public and private sectors", adding, "We are working to activate such endeavors constantly..." "In order to overcome the crisis, we need an integrated circle in this sector to reach a productive economy. We call on international institutions to have the agricultural sector at the top of the ladder, for it is a priority since food security is the basis for protecting society and people,” he said. "One of the priorities of the current stage is to provide what the agricultural engineer and veterinarian needs to be present and effective among farmers," the Minister went on, valuing the gift provided by the Lebanese Association for Studies and Training, "which we have not seen for years," he said. Hajj Hassan pledged that these steps will certainly continue in light of his belief in the partnership between the public sector, the private sector and NGOs. "We promise farmers a rewarding sector, and we will not accept that others plant while we consume,” he asserted.

The Latest English LCCC Miscellaneous Reports And News published on April 17-18/2022
Pope Francis on Easter: For entering the holy places in Jerusalem freely
NNA/April 17/2022
Rome - Pope Francis called from the Vatican today, on the occasion of Easter, to ensure free entry to the holy sites in Jerusalem, where clashes left dozens of people injured in recent days in the Al-Aqsa courtyard, as reported by "Agence France Presse". "I wish that Israelis, Palestinians and all residents of the Holy City, along with the pilgrims, experience the beauty of peace, live in brotherhood and enter freely into the holy places, in mutual respect for the rights of each," he said.

Pope Makes Easter Plea for Ukraine Peace, Cites Nuclear Risk
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
On what is supposed to be Christianity's most joyful day, Pope Francis made an anguished Easter Sunday plea for peace in the “senseless” war in Ukraine and in other armed conflicts raging in the world, and cited the “troubling” risk of nuclear warfare. “May there be peace for war-torn Ukraine, so sorely tried by the violence and destruction of this cruel and senseless war into which it was dragged,” Francis said, speaking from the central balcony of St. Peter's Square. The pontiff had just finished celebrating Easter Mass in the square packed by faithful for the holiday for the first time since the pandemic began in early 2020. Applause erupted from many of the 50,000 people in the square and on a nearby avenue when he mentioned Ukraine, The Associated Press said. “Please, please, let us not get used to war,'' Francis pleaded, after denouncing ”the flexing of muscles while people are suffering." Yet again, the pontiff decried the war in Ukraine without citing Russian President Vladimir Putin for the decision to launch the invasion and attack against Ukraine on Feb. 24. “Let us all commit ourselves to imploring peace, from our balconies and in our streets,'' Francis said. ”May the leaders of nations hear people's plea for peace."
In a clear reference to the threat of nuclear warfare, Francis quoted from a declaration by scientists in 1955: “'Shall we put an end to the human race, or shall mankind renounce war?'"Francis also drew attention to other wars in the speech known by its Latin name “Urbi et Orbi” — to the city and to the world.
"May the conflict in Europe also make us more concerned about other situations of conflict, suffering and sorrow, situations that affect all too many areas of our world, situations that we cannot overlook and do not want to forget,'' Francis said. Among the conflicts cited by the pope were those in the Middle East. He exhorted peace and reconciliation for the peoples of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.
He also cited Libya as well as Yemen, “which suffers from a conflict forgotten by all.”Earlier, the pontiff, who has a knee ligament problem, limped badly as he made his way to an altar set up in front of St. Peter’s Basilica. The altar was shaded by a canopy against brilliant sunshine. Right after the end of Mass, Francis shook hands with prelates, then got aboard the white popemobile for a whirl through the square to greet cheering well-wishers among the rank-and-file faithful. He waved and patted the head of a baby who was handed to him. His smiles while greeting the crowd were a rare departure of late for the pope, who has used many of his appearances in recent weeks to issue somber denunciations of the war in Ukraine. Meanwhile, in London, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby called for Russia to declare a cease-fire and withdraw from Ukraine. The leader of the Anglican church said Easter is a time for peace and not “blood and iron.” Noting that in the Eastern Orthodox church followed by many in Russia and Ukraine Sunday marks the start of Holy Week — with Easter coming on April 24 — Welby exhorted Russia to withdraw from Ukraine and commit to talks. In an unusually blunt political remark, Welby also condemned the British government’s recent plan to send some asylum-seekers to Rwanda as going against God. Warm weather and the easing of many pandemic restrictions — including what had been for most of the pandemic in Italy a mandatory outdoor mask requirement — have seen tourism boom in Rome, with many visitors flooding the city for Holy Week ceremonies that culminated on Easter. In Spain, believers and secular enthusiasts flocked back in large numbers to Holy Week processions this week for the first time since the start of the pandemic after most health restrictions were lifted.

Iran Confirms Centrifuge Workshop Moved to Underground Site
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Iran has confirmed it relocated a centrifuge facility to its underground Natanz nuclear site, state media reported, days after the UN atomic watchdog said it installed surveillance cameras to monitor the new workshop at Tehran's request. The late Saturday report by the official IRNA news agency comes as diplomatic efforts to restore Iran’s tattered nuclear deal appear stalled. The news agency quoted the spokesman for Iran’s atomic energy organization, Behrouz Kamalvandi, as saying authorities had moved the operation to a safer place. Iran’s centrifuge facility in Karaj found itself targeted in what Iran described as a sabotage attack in June. Natanz itself has twice been targeted in sabotage attacks amid uncertainty over the nuclear deal, assaults that Iran has blamed on Israel. "Unfortunately because of a terrorist operation that took place against Karaj, we were obliged to intensify security measures under which we moved an important part of the machines and transferred the rest to Natanz and Isfahan,” said Kamalvandi. Isfahan is the location of another Iranian nuclear facility. On Thursday, The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency said it installed cameras and removed seals from machines at the new workshop in Natanz two days earlier. Those machines will be used to make centrifuge rotor tubes and bellows, crucial parts for the devices that spin at very high speeds to enrich uranium gas. Talks between Iran and world powers in Vienna to revive the 2015 nuclear deal have stalled. There is concern that Iran could be closer to being able to construct an atomic weapon if it chose to pursue one. The nuclear deal collapsed four years ago when former President Donald Trump withdrew the United States and imposed crushing sanctions on Iran. In the meantime, Iran has vastly expanded its nuclear work. Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei on Tuesday insisted negotiations over the deal "are going ahead properly,” even after repeated comments by American officials that an agreement to restore the accord may not happen. The nuclear deal saw Iran put advanced centrifuges into storage under the watch of the IAEA, while keeping its enrichment at 3.67% purity and its stockpile at only 300 kilograms (661 pounds) of uranium. As of Feb. 19, the IAEA says Iran’s stockpile of all enriched uranium was nearly 3,200 kilograms (7,055 pounds). Some has been enriched up to 60% purity - a short technical step from weapons-grade levels of 90%. Meanwhile, Iran has stopped the IAEA from accessing its surveillance camera footage. Kamalvandi reiterated Iran’s stance that Tehran will not provide data from the cameras to the UN nuclear agency if a deal is not concluded. Iran long has insisted its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. However, US intelligence agencies and the IAEA believe Iran had an organized military nuclear program up until 2003.

Prices Soar in Iran amid Stalled Nuclear Talks
London, Tehran - Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Prices in Iran have soared in wake of the stalled nuclear talks in Vienna. Speaking Wednesday at a cabinet meeting, President Ebrahim Raisi demanded regulators to look into the recent rise in prices and identify the reasons. He urged the concerned ministers to address the crisis. The Foreign Ministry had on Monday confirmed reports that some of Iranian assets, frozen by US sanctions, would be released soon. The announcement did little to ease market fluctuations. IRNA had said that $7 billion in frozen funds will be released by South Korea. It added that a regional official was placing the finishing touches to the mechanism that would release the funds. On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said a preliminary deal had been reached with a foreign bank over the funds. A foreign delegation had visited Tehran on Tuesday to follow up on the agreement. It held talks with the foreign and economy ministries, as well as officials from the central bank. US State Department spokesperson Ned Price denied on Thursday the reports over the deal. South Korea was quick to deny that it was sending any officials to visit Iran to address the issue. In a column on Friday, Hossein Shariatmadari, editor-in-chief of Kayhan newspaper, said Iran must close the Strait of Hormuz to South Korean vessels until Seoul releases the $7 billion frozen funds. He said countries that abide by American law and impose sanction on Iran must not be exempt from the "heavy consequences of their ugly actions."
The claims over the release of the funds were interpreted as an attempt to ease the new rise in prices of goods in Iran. The rise in prices made headlines across the country. One newspaper said the issue has become the government's priority, wondering why the president has been unable to curb the rise. The government mouthpiece, Iran, said inflation will drop in the coming months. It added that the reform of the monetary policy and the hike in prices are on the government's agenda.

Iranian Lawmaker: Nuclear Talks Have Not Yet Reached an Agreement on Surveillance Footage
London, Tehran - Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
An Iranian parliament spokesperson affirmed on Friday that Tehran will not hand over to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) any footage from its nuclear facilities. They noted that the Vienna talks have not yet reached an agreement on how international inspectors will access surveillance data.
Iran is starting to operate a new workshop at Natanz that will make parts for uranium-enriching centrifuges with machines moved there from its now-closed Karaj facility, the UN nuclear watchdog said in a confidential report on Thursday seen by Reuters. “On 12 April 2022, the IAEA completed the installation of the surveillance cameras at this location and then removed the seals from the machines,” the IAEA said in the report to member states without describing where at Natanz that location was. “On 13 April 2022, Iran informed the IAEA that the machines would start operating at the new workshop the same day,” it added, without saying whether it had verified that the machines had started operating. In an interview with the “DidbanIran” news website, Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini, the spokesman for Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said that all installed cameras are “within the framework of IAEA laws.” However, he insisted that the cameras be separated into two groups.
According to Meshkini, there are cameras belonging to the IAEA (according to NPT laws), and other cameras set to monitor sensitive Iranian activities as stipulated by the nuclear deal. For Tehran, IAEA inspectors accessing surveillance footage is contingent on arriving at deal in Vienna, a matter that stumbled last month due to a Russian obstacle before Iran demanding that its elite Revolutionary Guards be removed from the list of terrorist organizations. Before moving the Karaj parts to Natanz, Iran had also told the IAEA it was moving the Karaj workshop’s activities to another site at Isfahan, and the IAEA has set up cameras there, according to Reuters. If Isfahan went into operation, that would be a big increase in Iran’s capacity to produce advanced centrifuge parts. Meshkini’s statements could be an indication that negotiations did not address the technical issues related to the IAEA's verification of Iranian activities.
Washington and Tehran have been trading blame over the failure to reach an agreement at the Vienna talks. Last week, the Iranian Foreign Ministry expressed its doubts about the US’ “will” to reach an understanding. “We really don’t know if we’ll get a deal or not, because the United States hasn’t shown the necessary will to reach an agreement,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh told reporters. Two days later, Iran’s supreme leader urged Iranian officials to not tie the country’s affairs to the fate of the negotiations of the nuclear deal.
“Do not wait for an outcome from the nuclear negotiations when planning … do not let your work be disrupted by the negotiations,” state media quoted Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei as saying in a meeting with a group of high-ranking officials. Meanwhile, the Iranian foreign minister said Wednesday that a preliminary agreement has been reached on releasing the Iranian assets currently frozen in a foreign bank due to US sanctions, the official news agency IRNA reported. Hossein Amir Abdollahian added that a foreign delegation had negotiated on Tuesday with officials from the Central Bank of Iran and the Foreign Ministry to make the arrangements. An initial agreement has been achieved on the timing and method of releasing the assets, the Iranian foreign minister noted. For its part, the US said any reports about the release of Iranian funds frozen by third countries are false. In a press briefing on Thursday, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said US partners have not released any blocked funds to Iran, nor has the US authorized or approved any such funds to Iran. Price denied “any breakthrough” in two parallel tracks that are underway with Iran – one in Vienna for mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA, and one on the release of all four US citizens who are unjustly held in Iran, cautioning everyone about such reports.

'Inhuman' situation in Ukraine's Mariupol as Russia claims almost full control
Agence France Presse/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said the situation in Mariupol is "inhuman" and called on the West to immediately provide heavy weapons, as Russia claimed it was in control of almost all of the strategic port city and urged its last defenders to surrender. Moscow said Ukrainian forces in the city must lay down their arms by Sunday, after weeks of relative calm in the capital Kyiv were brought to an end by renewed Russian airstrikes. Austria's chancellor, the first European leader to meet with Vladimir Putin in person since the invasion began, said he thought the Russian president "believes he is winning the war" in Ukraine. But in the south, the devastated city of Mariupol has become a symbol of Ukraine's unexpectedly fierce resistance since Russian troops invaded the former Soviet state on February 24. Moscow officials now say they are in full control there, though Ukrainian fighters remain holed up in the city's fortress-like steelworks. "The situation in Mariupol remains as severe as possible. Just inhuman," President Zelensky said in a video address. "Russia is deliberately trying to destroy everyone who is there." Ukraine's Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov said the city was on "the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe" and warned the country was compiling evidence of alleged Russian atrocities there. "We will hand everything over to The Hague. There will be no impunity," he said. Moscow Saturday issued an ultimatum to the fighters, urging them to lay down their arms by 6:00 am Moscow time (0300 GMT) and to evacuate the premises before 13:00 pm. But with the Russian forces closing in, Zelensky issued his own warning. "The elimination of our troops, of our men (in Mariupol) will put an end to any negotiations," Zelensky told the Ukrainska Pravda news website.
"We don't negotiate neither our territories nor our people."
'Insidious and ruthless'
In the capital, smoke rose from the Darnyrsky district in the southeast of the capital after what Moscow said were "high-precision long-range" strikes on an armaments plant, killing one person and wounding several others. A heavy police and military presence was deployed around the factory, which was badly damaged. "Our forces are doing everything possible to protect us, but the enemy is insidious and ruthless," Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said. The strike came a day after a similar attack on a plant that produced Neptune missiles -- the type which, according to Kyiv and Washington, sank Russia's Black Sea flagship Moskva on Thursday. It was among the first attacks since Russian forces began withdrawing from that region last month, instead turning their focus on gaining control of the eastern Donbas region, for years controlled in part by pro-Russian separatists. Kyiv regional governor Oleksandr Pavliuk said there were at least two other Russian strikes on the city Friday and that civilians thinking about returning should "wait for quieter times".Nevertheless, families and off-duty soldiers were out in the parks of central Kyiv on Saturday, bringing a semblance of normality to the once bustling city. "It's the first time we've been back in the city centre... It's really making me happy to see people out and about," 43-year-old vet Nataliya Makrieva told AFP. Meanwhile, in Ukraine's second-largest city Kharkiv, in the northeast of the country, a Russian missile strike on a residential district killed at least two people on Saturday and wounded 18 others, the public prosecutor's office said. Incoming fire in the city's center turned an industrial kitchen inside out, pitching loaves of bread into the street. "The blast was so big that at first we didn't understand what was happening," 52-year-old volunteer worker Genadiy Vlasov told AFP. "When the walls started moving we all knew we had to get out." And Ukrainian Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky said three people were killed and four others critically wounded in a demining operation near the city.
- 'War logic' -
Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who met Putin on Monday in Moscow, said he thinks the Russian president believes the war is necessary for his country's security. "I think he is now in his own war logic," Nehammer said in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press", portions of which were released Saturday. "I think he believes he is winning the war."Adding to tit-for-tat sanctions imposed since the invasion began, Russia said Saturday it was banning entry to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and several other top officials. The foreign ministry accused London of "unprecedented hostile actions", in particular referring to sanctions on senior Russian officials, and "pumping the Kyiv regime with lethal weapons". Moscow's new entry blacklist includes Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, and Defense Secretary Ben Wallace. Johnson paid a surprise visit to Kyiv a week earlier, and was filmed walking through the capital's empty streets with Zelensky. Britain has been part of an international effort to punish Russia with asset freezes, travel bans and economic sanctions, while several Western countries have supplied Ukraine with extensive weaponry. Russia warned the United States this week of "unpredictable consequences" if it sends its "most sensitive" weapons systems to Ukraine. Its defense ministry claimed Saturday to have shot down a Ukrainian transport plane in the Odessa region, carrying weapons supplied by Western nations. Zelensky meanwhile issued a fresh warning about the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons as the conflict wears on -- echoing comments by CIA director William Burns this week. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier told CNN that Russia would only use nuclear weapons in the context of the Ukraine conflict if it were facing an "existential threat".
No way home
Zelensky said Friday that between 2,500 and 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in the conflict, compared to 19,000-20,000 Russian dead. Moscow has said its losses were far smaller. Russia's apparent new focus on seizing the eastern Donbas, where Russian-backed separatists control the Donetsk and Lugansk areas, would allow Moscow to create a land corridor to occupied Crimea. Ukrainian authorities have urged people in the region to quickly leave ahead of what is expected to be a large-scale Russian offensive. In Geneva, the UN refugee agency warned that many of the nearly five million people who have fled the conflict will not have homes to return to. Many have gone abroad, with thousands seeking refuge in Israel, according to the country's immigration ministry figures. Joining them are many Russians, too, who say they no longer feel safe in their home country under the increasingly repressive rule of Vladimir Putin. "I lost my country. It was stolen from me. It was taken by Putin and those KGB thugs," Moscow-born linguist Olga Romanova told AFP.

Russia Bears Down on Mariupol, Strikes Other Ukraine Cities
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
pocket of resistance Sunday in Mariupol, a southern Ukraine city that has suffered under siege for six weeks and whose capture would aid Moscow's plans for a full-scale offensive in the country's east. With the last Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol refusing to surrender, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Russia "is deliberately trying to destroy everyone who is there.” He said Ukraine needs more heavy weapons from the West immediately to have any chance of saving the port city on the Sea of Azov. "Either our partners give Ukraine all of the necessary heavy weapons, the planes, and without exaggeration immediately, so we can reduce the pressure of the occupiers on Mariupol and break the blockade,” he said, "or we do so through negotiations, in which the role of our partners should be decisive."Earlier, Zelenskyy had told Ukrainian journalists that the continuing siege of Mariupol, which has come at a horrific cost to trapped and starving civilians, could scuttle attempts to negotiate an end to the war. A Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said Saturday that Ukrainian forces had been driven out of most of the city and remained only in the Azovstal steel mill, where tunnels allow the defenders to hide and resist until they run out of ammunition. The Russians already control what is left of the city after weeks of bombardment. Striking the steel plant to take the rest is part of Russia's preparations for the anticipated assault in eastern Ukraine. Capturing Mariupol would allow Russian forces in the south, which came up through the annexed Crimean Peninsula, to fully link up with troops in the Donbas region, Ukraine’s eastern industrial heartland and the focus of the anticipated offensive. Ukraine’s deputy defense minister, Hanna Malyar, said Sunday that Mariupol's defenders have tied up significant Russian forces besieging the city. She described the city as a "shield defending Ukraine" that prevents the Russian troops encircling the city from advancing to other areas of the country. Malyar said that the Russians have continued to hit Mariupol with airstrikes and appeared to be preparing an amphibious landing to beef up their forces in the city. Meanwhile, scattered Russian attacks elsewhere in Ukraine were an explosive reminder to Ukrainians and their Western supporters that the whole country remains under threat from an invasion now in its eighth week.
After failing to capture Ukraine's capital and the humiliating loss of the flagship of its Black Sea Fleet, and Russia's military command vowed to step up missile strikes on the capital, Kyiv. The Russians said they hit an armored vehicle plant on Saturday, a day after targeting a missile plant.
Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said Saturday’s strike killed one person and wounded several. He advised residents who fled the city earlier in the war not to return. "We’re not ruling out further strikes on the capital," he said. "If you have the opportunity to stay a little bit longer in the cities where it’s safer, do it."
Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said the plant was among multiple Ukrainian military sites hit with "air-launched high-precision long-range weapons." The Ukrainian president’s office reported missile strikes and shelling in eight regions across the country between Friday and Saturday.
The governor of the Lviv region in western Ukraine, which has been only sporadically touched by the war’s violence, reported airstrikes on the region by Russian Su-35 aircraft that took off from neighboring Belarus.
In Kharkiv in the northeast, Mayor Ihor Terekhov said three people were killed and 34 wounded Saturday. One explosion believed to have been caused by a missile sent rescue workers scrambling near an outdoor market. The workers said one person was killed and at least 18 wounded.
"All the windows, all the furniture, all destroyed. And the door, too," recounted stunned resident Valentina Ulianova. The day before, rockets hit a residential area of Kharkiv, killing a 15-year-old boy, an infant and at least eight other people in Ukraine's second-largest city, officials said. Nate Mook, a member of the World Central Kitchen NGO run by celebrity chef José Andrés, said in a tweet that four workers in Kharkiv were wounded by a strike. Andrés tweeted that staff members were unnerved but safe. Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who met with Vladimir Putin this past week in Moscow - the first European leader to do so since the invasion began Feb. 24 - said the Russian president is "in his own war logic" on Ukraine.
In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Nehammer said he thinks Putin believes he is winning the war and "we have to look in his eyes and we have to confront him with that, what we see in Ukraine." Nehammer said he told Putin what he saw during a visit to the Kyiv suburb of Bucha, where more than 350 bodies have been found along with evidence of killings and torture under Russian occupation, and "it was not a friendly conversation." Zelenskyy estimated that 2,500 to 3,000 Ukrainian troops have died in the war, and about 10,000 have been wounded. The office of Ukraine’s prosecutor general said Saturday that at least 200 children have been killed, and more than 360 wounded. Russian forces also have taken captive some 700 Ukrainian troops and more than 1,000 civilians, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said Saturday. Ukraine holds about the same number of Russian troops as prisoners and intends to arrange a swap but is demanding the release of civilians "without any conditions," she said. Russia's warning of stepped-up attacks on Kyiv came after it accused Ukraine on Thursday of wounding seven people and damaging about 100 residential buildings with airstrikes in Bryansk, a region bordering Ukraine. Ukrainian officials have not confirmed hitting targets in Russia. Russian Maj. Gen. Vladimir Frolov, whose troops have been among those besieging Mariupol, was buried Saturday in St. Petersburg after dying in battle, Gov. Alexander Beglov said. Ukraine has said several Russian generals and dozens of other high-ranking officers have been killed in the war.

Mariupol Teeters as Ukrainians Defy Surrender-Or-Die Demand
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
The shattered port city of Mariupol appeared on the brink of falling to the Russians on Sunday after seven weeks under siege, in what would give Moscow a crucial success following its failure to storm the Ukrainian capital and the sinking of its Black Sea flagship. The Russian military estimated that 2,500 Ukrainian fighters were holding out at a hulking steel plant with a warren of underground passageways in the last pocket of resistance in Mariupol. Moscow set a midday deadline for their surrender, saying those who laid down their arms were "guaranteed to keep their lives." But the defenders did not submit, just as they rejected previous ultimatums. "We will fight absolutely to the end, to the win, in this war," Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal vowed on ABC's "This Week." He said Ukraine is prepared to end the war through diplomacy if possible, "but we do not have intention to surrender."
The capture of Mariupol would free up Russian forces to join an expected all-out offensive in the coming days for control of the Donbas, the industrial region in the country’s east where the Kremlin has focused its war aims after abandoning, for now at least, any attempt to take Kyiv, the capital.
The relentless bombardment and street fighting in Mariupol have left much of the city pulverized and killed at least 21,000 people, by the Ukrainians' estimate. A maternity hospital was hit by a lethal Russian airstrike in the opening weeks of the war, and about 300 people were reported killed in the bombing of a theater where civilians were taking shelter. An estimated 100,000 remained in the city out of a prewar population of 450,000, trapped without food, water, heat or electricity in a siege that has made Mariupol the scene of some of the worst suffering of the war. "All those who will continue resistance will be destroyed," Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, the Russian Defense Ministry's spokesman, said in announcing the latest ultimatum.
He said intercepted communications indicated there were about 400 foreign mercenaries along with the Ukrainian troops at the Azovstal steel mill, a claim that could not be independently verified. Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar described Mariupol as a "shield defending Ukraine" as Russian troops prepare for the battle in the mostly Russian-speaking Donbas, where Moscow-backed separatists already control some territory. In a reminder that no part of Ukraine is safe, Russian forces carried out missile strikes Sunday near Kyiv and elsewhere in an apparent effort to weaken Ukraine’s military capacity before the anticipated assault. After the humiliating loss of the flagship of its Black Sea Fleet last week to what the Ukrainians boasted was a missile attack, Russia’s military vowed Friday to step up strikes on the capital. The Kremlin said Sunday that it had attacked an ammunition plant near Kyiv overnight with precision-guided missiles, the third such strike in as many days. Russia also claimed to have destroyed Ukrainian air defense radar equipment in the east, near Sievierodonetsk, as well as several ammunition depots elsewhere. Explosions were reported overnight in Kramatorsk, the eastern city where rockets earlier this month killed at least 57 people at a train station crowded with civilians trying to evacuate ahead of the Russian offensive. A regional official in eastern Ukraine said at least two people were killed when Russian forces fired at residential buildings in the town of Zolote, near the front line in the Donbas.Malyar, the deputy defense minister, said the Russians continued to hit Mariupol with airstrikes and could be getting ready for an amphibious landing to beef up their ground forces.
Capturing the city would be Russia's biggest victory after two months of costly fighting and could help reassure the Russian public amid the worsening economic situation from Western sanctions. It would allow Russia to secure a land corridor to the Crimean Peninsula, which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014, and deprive Ukraine of a major port and its prized industrial assets. Mariupol's seizure also would make more troops available for the offensive in the east, which, if successful, would give Russian President Vladimir Putin a vital piece of the country and a badly needed victory that he could sell to the Russian people. Tunnels at the sprawling Azovstal steel mill, which covers an area of more than 11 square kilometers (over 4.2 square miles), have allowed the defenders to hide and resist. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the fall of Mariupol could scuttle any attempt at a negotiated peace.
"The destruction of all our guys in Mariupol - what they are doing now - can put an end to any format of negotiations," Zelenskyy said in an interview with Ukrainian journalists. In his nightly address to the nation, Zelenskyy called on the West to send more heavy weapons immediately if there is any chance of saving the city, adding Russia is "deliberately trying to destroy everyone who is there." Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who met with Putin in Moscow this week - the first European leader to do so since the invasion Feb. 24 - said the Russian president is "in his own war logic" on Ukraine.
In an interview on NBC’s "Meet the Press," Nehammer said he thinks Putin believes he is winning the war, and "we have to look in his eyes and we have to confront him with that, what we see in Ukraine."Like Mariupol, the northeastern city of Kharkiv has been a target of attacks since the early days of the invasion and has seen conditions deteriorate ahead of the eastern offensive.
At least five people were killed and 13 wounded in Russian shelling of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, on Sunday, regional officials said. The barrage slammed into apartment buildings and left the streets scattered with broken glass and other debris, including part of at least one rocket. Firefighters and residents scrambled to douse flames in several apartments. Zelenskyy estimated that 2,500 to 3,000 Ukrainian troops have died in the war. Amid the fighting, Zelenskyy spoke in his nightly address about Ukraine's plans for a memorial "to remind all generations of our people of the brutal and senseless invasion Ukraine has been able to fend off." Pope Francis made an anguished Easter Sunday plea for peace in the "senseless" war in Ukraine. "May there be peace for war-torn Ukraine, so sorely tried by the violence and destruction of this cruel and senseless war into which it was dragged," Francis said, without mentioning Putin's decision to invade. "Please, please, let us not get used to war," Francis pleaded.

UK Says Russia Committed to Compelling Ukraine to Abandon its Euro-Atlantic Orientation
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Russia is committed to compelling Ukraine to abandon its Euro-Atlantic orientation and asserting its own regional dominance, even as Moscow’s operational focus has shifted to the east of its neighboring country, British military intelligence said on Sunday. Russian forces were continuing to redeploy combat and support equipment from Belarus towards eastern Ukraine, including to locations close to Kharkiv and Severodonetsk, the UK Ministry of Defense tweeted in a regular bulletin. Russian artillery continues to strike Ukrainian positions throughout the east of the country where Russia plans to renew its offensive activity, the bulletin added. Reuters could not immediately verify the report.

Russia says destroyed another military factory outside Kyiv
Agence France Presse/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Russia's defense ministry said Sunday it struck a military plant outside Kyiv, as Moscow intensifies its attacks on the Ukrainian capital. "During the night, high-precision, air-launched missiles destroyed an ammunitions factory near the settlement of Brovary, Kyiv region," the ministry said in a statement on Telegram.
The mayor of Brovary Igor Sapozhko said that "some infrastructure objects were hit" in the early hours of Sunday morning. An AFP journalist in Brovary did not witness any signs of destruction, smoke or fire. In recent days, Russia has carried out several attacks on military plants in and outside Kyiv. Last month, Russia said it was withdrawing troops from northern Ukraine -- including from around the capital -- to focus on gaining control of the eastern Donbas region.

Russians Flee Putin Regime to Join Ukraine Refugees in Israel
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
The moment Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Russian filmmakers Anna Shishova-Bogolyubova and Dmitry Bogolyubov knew they had to leave Moscow. "We were the next on the list," the couple told AFP in their borrowed flat in Rehovot, a quiet Israeli city 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of Tel Aviv.
Once you're on the list of alleged "foreign agents", you face a life of "self-censorship or, sooner or later, prison", said Bogolyubov, who directed the German-financed 2019 documentary "Town of Glory". The film portrays President Vladimir Putin's use of references related to the fight against Nazi Germany to establish his authority in Russian villages, AFP said. As its international isolation has deepened, Moscow has come to view all movies made with foreign financing with suspicion, including documentaries, and the couple said theirs was no exception. "Over the past few years, we felt threatened. In the past few months in particular, people were spying on us and taking photographs on our film sets," Shishova-Bogolyubova said. The couple decided to continue working in Russia but, taking advantage of their Jewish ancestry, they obtained Israeli citizenship just in case. Israel's Law of Return gives the right of citizenship to anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent, a criterion that tens of thousands in both Russia and Ukraine meet.
Opposition to war -
Since Russian troops invaded on February 24, nearly 24,000 Ukrainians have fled to Israel, some but not all taking advantage of the law, according to immigration ministry figures. They have been joined by around 10,000 Russians, an Israeli immigration official told AFP. "Most of those are young graduates, from the urban middle class," the official said, asking not to be identified. Like the Bogolyubovs, Moscow-born linguist Olga Romanova had prepared for the day when she no longer felt safe in Russia. She applied for an Israeli passport after Putin's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. "I always thought that one day I would join my children in Israel, but it was then that I realized that things were going wrong in Russia," the 69-year told AFP in her son's house outside Jerusalem surrounded by photographs of her grandchildren. When the invasion started on the morning of February 24, "it was proof that I needed to leave as quickly as possible."The war in Ukraine is incompatible with my way of thinking and my moral values. It makes me sick," she said, fighting back the tears.
New home or stopover? -
The wave of immigration from Ukraine and Russia over the past seven weeks is the largest Israel has seen since the early 1990s when the collapse of the Soviet Union prompted hundreds of thousands to seek a new life on the shores of the Mediterranean. "Here, we feel safe and we can sleep peacefully once more," said Shishova-Bogolyubova. "My four-year-old daughter, who is diabetic, is completely taken care of. "But we don't know if we will stay -- that depends on our work. Right now, we just want to live for the moment and recover from our emotions. Afterwards, we will see."Sergey, a violinist who asked to be referred to by a pseudonym for fear of retribution, left Moscow for Israel with his pianist wife and three young children but expects to move on. "I don't know if we'll stay here. We'll probably go somewhere else," he said. Even for those who qualify for citizenship, Israel can be a terra incognita for new arrivals and nostalgia for Russia is never far below the surface. Romanova, the linguist, found space in her 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of luggage for just two books, one an academic work, the other a novel by famed Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov which always accompanies her on her travels. "I lost my country. It was stolen from me. It was taken by Putin and those KGB thugs," she said wistfully.

North Korea Tests New Weapons System to Improve 'Tactical Nukes'
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Kim Jong Un supervised the test-firing of a new guided weapons system to improve North Korea's "tactical nukes", state media said Sunday, capping days of celebrations surrounding the birthday of the country's founding leader. The launch was the latest in an unprecedented blitz of sanctions-busting weapons-tests this year, which included firing an intercontinental ballistic missile at full range for the first time since 2017, AFP said. It also came just ahead of US-South Korea military training exercises -- which have always infuriated Pyongyang -- that were due to begin on Monday. The "new-type tactical guided weapon... is of great significance in drastically improving the firepower of the frontline long-range artillery units and enhancing the efficiency in the operation of tactical nukes," the North's official KCNA news agency reported. It said the test was successful, but did not specify when or where it took place. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said it detected two projectiles fired late on Saturday, which flew 110 kilometers (68 miles) at an altitude of 25 kilometers, travelling at speeds of around Mach 4. The United States was "aware of the North Korean statement that they conducted a test of a long range artillery system", a Pentagon spokesperson said, adding it was monitoring. Analysts had widely expected Pyongyang could conduct a nuclear test as part of events to celebrate Friday's anniversary of the 110th birthday of North Korea's founding leader -- and Kim's grandfather -- Kim Il Sung. Expectations were heightened because of indications that Pyongyang had restarted work at one of its known nuclear testing sites. Analysts said the weapon tested over the weekend appeared to be a new short-range ballistic missile -- but no less significant. "This is North Korea's first tactical nuclear weapon delivery system, it would seem," said Ankit Panda, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
"You don't have to be particularly imaginative to put this two and two together."
- Short-range but significant -
Photos carried by the Rodong Sinmun newspaper showed a grinning Kim -- surrounded by uniformed officials -- applauding as he watched what it said was the test-firing of the weapon. Kim gave a military research team "important instructions on further building up the defense capabilities and nuclear combat forces," according to the KCNA report. Kim had also overseen in Pyongyang a series of events to celebrate Friday's anniversary, including a huge civilian parade, mass dance parties, and fireworks -- but no military parade to show off the regime's new weapons. At a key party congress in January 2021, Kim outlined a five-year defense development plan, calling for the development of higher nuclear technology and to make smaller and lighter nuclear weapons for "more tactical uses." The remarks signaled a return to nuclear testing and Kim's rare attendance at a launch of a short-range missile -- the first in more than two years -- suggested "particular significance", according to Panda. North Korea had paused long-range and nuclear tests while Kim met then-US president Donald Trump for a bout of doomed diplomacy, which collapsed in 2019. North Korea has tested nuclear weapons six times since 2006 and touted the success of its last and most powerful one in 2017 -- a hydrogen bomb with an estimated yield of 250 kilotons. Officials and analysts had widely predicted that North Korea may carry out its seventh nuclear test in the coming weeks.
Satellite imagery has shown signs of new activity at a tunnel at the Punggye-ri nuclear testing site, which North Korea said was demolished in 2018 ahead of the first Trump-Kim summit. "This test of a tactical nuclear delivery system comes as indicators grow of significant reconstitutive work at North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear test site," said Panda. With a new nuclear test, experts say Pyongyang will seek to miniaturize nuclear warheads to mount on its ICBMs. South Korean officials have said Pyongyang could still stage a military parade or carry out a weapons test on or around April 25, the anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army. South Korea and the United States regularly stage military exercises, but Pyongyang has long protested the drills as a rehearsal for war. "This training is a defensive command post training using computer simulation, and there is no real military maneuver training," Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said Sunday.

Pakistan Says Cross-Border Attacks from Afghanistan Have Increased
Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 17 April, 2022
Pakistan said on Sunday said incidents of its security forces being targeted in cross-border attacks from Afghanistan had risen significantly, and called on Taliban authorities to act against militants, a day after purported air strikes by Pakistan. The incident has increased already simmering tensions between the neighbors. Taliban authorities on Saturday summoned Pakistan's ambassador in Kabul on Saturday to protest against the strikes. A local Taliban official and residents said the strikes were carried out by Pakistani aircraft inside Afghan airspace. "In the last few days, incidents along Pak-Afghan border have significantly increased, wherein, Pakistani security forces are being targeted from across the border," Pakistan's foreign office said in a statement on Sunday. It added the attacks were being carried out "with impunity" and that Islamabad had repeatedly asked Afghan authorities to act to stop them, but to no avail.
It said seven Pakistani soldiers were killed in the border area of North Waziristan on Thursday. North Waziristan borders the eastern Afghan province of Khost, where the strikes are said to have taken place on Friday. Taliban authorities say they have controlled cross-border attacks since taking over the country in August last year. Pakistan's foreign office did not confirm the strikes, nor addressed if they were carried out by aircraft, which would be the first time a military incursion is officially confirmed. Pakistan's embassy in Kabul denied it carried out air strikes.
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expressed concern on the incident. "UNAMA is deeply concerned by reports of civilian casualties, including women and children, as a result of airstrikes in Khost & Kunar provinces," the body said on Twitter, adding it was working to establish the facts and verify losses. There was no confirmation of the death toll. A local Taliban official in Khost claimed at least 36 people, including civilians, had been killed. The Taliban government spokesman released a strongly-worded statement warning Islamabad of "bad consequences" if there was a repeat. "The defeat of the United States eight months ago was a good lesson to aggressors who want to disrespect Afghanistan's territory and freedom," Zabihullah Mujahid said.

The Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on April 17-18/2022
Imran Khan: A Collateral Victim of Putin
Amir Taheri/Asharq Al Awsat/April 17/2022
The past four years, however, depict Khan's premiership as a tale of faux-pas and broken promises. He tried to use Pakistan's powerful military elite as a support base against real or imagined political rivals, not realizing that embracing a gorilla may include the risk of being crushed by it.
He also picked fights with the religious establishment while adopting a conciliatory posture towards the Pakistani Taliban, who regard him as no better than an "infidel".
The fact that the Russian project would require 4,000 kilometer-long pipelines passing through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, plus massive investments beyond Pakistan's ability, should have told Khan that what Putin offered him was a googlie, a cricket term for "cheating". What Khan took for energy pipelines could exist only in a pipe dream.
Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with then Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan at the Kremlin in Moscow on February 24, 2022. (Photo by Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)
Four years ago when Imran Khan emerged as prime minister of Pakistan many saw him as a breath of fresh air in a political system marked by the stink of corruption and ineptitude.
In many ways Khan was an outsider. First, unlike his predecessors, he was neither a Sindhi nor a Punjabi but a Pathan by descent. He did not hail from either a feudal clan or a family of urban compradors.
Having made a career as brilliant cricketer, nor was he a professional politician and was thus unsullied by the scandals that formed a good part of Pakistani political life.
Khan's marriage to a glamour society girl, daughter of a Jewish English billionaire, also gave him a certain cachet.
Khan was also exceptional because he rose to the top of the greasy pole of Pakistani politics without a proper political party and thanks to a support base created through his personal charisma rather than ideology.
So, earlier this week when Khan's premiership ended, it was no surprise that he became the only Pakistani prime minister to be ousted by the parliament in what looked like a palace coup.
The past four years, however, depict Khan's premiership as a tale of faux-pas and broken promises. He tried to use Pakistan's powerful military elite as a support base against real or imagined political rivals, not realizing that embracing a gorilla may include the risk of being crushed by it.
He also picked fights with the religious establishment while adopting a conciliatory posture towards the Pakistani Taliban, who regard him as no better than an "infidel".
To complicate matters further, Khan cast himself as the godfather of the Afghan Taliban, thus sabotaging the Pakistani army's strategy of keeping the Afghans on a tight leash. With the return of the Taliban last August as the force that controls Kabul, Khan became their self-appointed public relations officer and played a crucial role in persuading China to unroll the red carpet for Taliban envoys and loosen the purse strings for them.
That was in contrast with the Pakistani military's insistence that the Afghan Taliban, before receiving the support they need to consolidate their hold on Kabul, must first recognize the Durand Line, the frontier traced by the British between Afghanistan and what was then the Indian Raj.
It is possible that Khan interpreted the military's growing coldness towards him as part of a broader plot hatched by political rivals and endorsed by the Biden administration with a nod and a wink.
That interpretation led Khan on a surprising trajectory on search of a new big power ally, and he thought he had found it in Vladimir Putin's Russia. Thus he became one of only two foreign heads of government, the other being Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliev, to visit Moscow in the wake of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, a trip that Russian propaganda highlighted as full support for the war.
Khan's musings about "Russia's legitimate security concerns" and implicit endorsement of Putin's claim that Ukraine is, in fact, part of Russia detached by "neo-Nazis" and "imperialists" rang alarm bells in Islamabad and beyond.
Putin's narrative about Ukraine sounds very much like the narrative that pan-Indian nationalists have marketed about Pakistan for years.
According to that narrative, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the former East Pakistan, were chunks of the Indian "motherland" chopped off by British colonialists. The excuse that Muslims formed a majority of population in both Pakistan and Bangladesh is unjustified if only because even today there are more Muslims in India itself than in either of those two countries.
Putin's argument about "Russian security concerns" also echoes that of pan-Indian nationalists with regard to the portion of the disputed Kashmir attached to Pakistan.
Having crossed several of the red lines set by the Pakistani military, Khan further underlined his diplomatic naiveté by claiming that he had reached a deal with Putin under which Russia would supply Pakistan's energy needs with oil and gas trunk-lines while offering "friendly prices."
The Russian project would bury the 40-year old accord with Iran to supply gas to Pakistan.
The fact that the Russian project would require 4,000 kilometer-long pipelines passing through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, plus massive investments beyond Pakistan's ability, should have told Khan that what Putin offered him was a googlie, a cricket term for "cheating". What Khan took for energy pipelines could exist only in a pipe dream.
To be fair, when Khan went to Moscow, the prospect of Russia emerging from the war in Ukraine, if not with laurels, at least without losing its feathers, didn't seem as remote as it does today.
Even then, Khan's Moscow trip looked like a strategic move designed to revise Pakistan's alliances if not reverse them. The US, which has been pumping in billions of dollars a year into the Pakistani army's coffers, if not the pockets of its chiefs, was understandably concerned.
Beijing, too, was upset because for decades it had assumed that Pakistan would make no major move without consulting its Chinese allies and benefactors.
Khan should have known that in politics, as in cricket, timing is of crucial importance. Yet in his grand plan for changing alliances, he may have chosen the worst time to make his move.
After almost four years of economic growth, partly thanks to reforms introduced by Khan's government, Pakistan has entered what looks like a phase of severe recession, which most hurts the urban middle and lower classes, Khan's main sources of support.
Khan's recent ill-advised moves gave the traditional ruling elites of Pakistan, a coalition of feudal landlords, big merchants, religious "ulema", and military and security officers the chance to close the parenthesis of reform and re-organization he had opened and dash the hopes he had aroused. And that is a loss not only for him as a politician but also for Pakistan as a nation.
Khan's supporters tell us that he does not intend to drop the wicket and simply walk off the field into a footnote in history. The demonstrations launched in his support may lend some credibility to that claim. However, the "comeback kid" scenario that Khan and his coterie close to him are peddling seems unlikely. The question worth considering now is which part of the traditional ruling elite is best able to attract at least part of Khan's support base.
Amir Taheri was the executive editor-in-chief of the daily Kayhan in Iran from 1972 to 1979. He has worked at or written for innumerable publications, published eleven books, and has been a columnist for Asharq Al-Awsat since 1987.
This article was originally published by Asharq al-Awsat and is reprinted by kind permission of the author.
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The Cost of New Energy in Europe, but Not in Money
Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/April 17, 2022
"When I left Nantes in 1984, it was tranquility itself, even in the traditionally more working-class neighborhoods... Today Nantes has become Lebanonized. And its history is that of France..." — Ivan Rioufol, journalist, Le Figaro, April 7, 2018.
One might even be forgiven for thinking that Qatar's ultimate goal was to Islamize Europe. In the words of a television documentary, it is Qatar's "war of influence".
"[T]he Assalam mosque," Le Figaro recounts, "was built on land sold by the municipality, benefiting from a 'cultural' contribution of 200,000 euros and a loan guarantee of 346,800 euros". The city financed its own self-conquest. ...
Russian gas is not free; Qatari gas as well.
The German website Tichys Einblick comments that "instead of Putin's war, we will finance Islamic terrorism". The unconditional will to shine morally has harmful consequences -- all because nuclear power is "haram" (forbidden).
As Europe turns from its masochistic energy dependence on Russia, and the potential blackmail that came with it, will it now fall into the open arms of other dictatorships that stand ready to pump gas into its markets? (Image source: iStock)
As Europe turns from its masochistic energy dependence on Russia, and the potential blackmail that came with it, will it now fall into the open arms of other dictatorships that stand ready to pump gas into its markets, such as such as Algeria? Even more dangerous might be a new partnership formed between Germany and Qatar. They have just agreed on a huge long-term energy partnership to reduce dependence on Russian gas, according to German Economy Minister Robert Habeck, who last month visited the Persian Gulf and met with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. Italy was the first to negotiate with Qatar, a country that, according to Freedom House, numbers 25 out of 100 on its the freedom score, only slightly above Russia, at 19.
Qatar is now saying that it stands "in solidarity" with Europe.
Qatar is an Islamist state where "Islam is the official religion... and Sharia is the main source of legislation", claims its constitution. Qatar is governed as an absolute monarchy. Political parties are banned and elections are sham, and it is illegal to be homosexual. According to Open Doors, there are only 18 states in the world where a Christian is worse off than in Qatar. As for the billion euros that Qatar has spent on building mosques and Koranic schools in Europe, perhaps the champions of "progressivism" feel expansively "diverse" with that. However, even the newspaper of the French left, Libération, has referred to "Qatar, financier of European Islam".
"Qatar and Turkey are the two main supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood ideology in the world," Elie Chouraqui told i24NEWS.
"They presented themselves well and proclaimed themselves privileged interlocutors of the political world which welcomed them with open arms to the point of entrusting them with the training of imams of France".
At the same time as the economy minister of Germany went to the sheikh to implore him for more gas, in France the ambassador of Qatar was receiving an award from the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi.
Qatar has been extremely active in France. The emirate graciously financed the Islamic Center of Villeneuve-d'Ascq and France's first state-funded Muslim faith school, the Lycée-Collège Averroès. Unfortunately, the Lycée Averroès soon became the center of a scandal. One of its teachers resigned after writing that the school was "a hotbed of anti-Semitism and 'promoting Islamism' to pupils". Qatar, meanwhile, has financed many mosques in France, including the Great Mosque of Poitiers, which sits in the vicinity of the site of the Battle of Tours (also known as the Battle of Poitiers), where Charles Martel, ruler of the Franks, stopped the advancing Muslim army of Abdul al-Rahman in the year 732.
The Assalam mosque in Nantes and the Grand Mosque of Paris are other examples of Qatari generosity. Qatar, in fact, has been funding many mega-mosques across Europe. One might even be forgiven for thinking that Qatar's ultimate goal was to Islamize Europe. In the words of a television documentary, it is Qatar's "war of influence".
"Woman's month for the city of Nantes, a veiled woman on the streets of the city. Unacceptable complacency towards Islamism! This is the real threat that hangs over France!" is how Eric Ciotti, a senior leader of the Les Republicans party, described the municipal billboards in a large city that he sees as lost to Islamization.
Nantes is the city of the Dukes of Brittany, steeped in history on the Loire estuary. Its story is emblematic of how Europe is sinking. Ivan Rioufol wrote in Le Figaro:
"Having been a journalist in Nantes for a long time, I know this city where I was born very well. When I left Nantes in 1984, it was tranquility itself, even in the traditionally more working-class neighborhoods... Immigrants were a minority... Today Nantes has become Lebanonized. And its history is that of France...
"The Malakoff mosque... seats 1,200 and has erected a 17-meter minaret. In addition to this 'cathedral mosque' there are four other mosques in the city, not to mention those in neighboring communities. This influence of Islam accompanied the new settlement of the working-class neighborhoods, under the encouragement of the socialist municipalities".
Today, in Nantes alone, there are ten mosques.
The Assalam Mosque was constructed with Qatari money -- but not only. The Assalam mosque," Le Figaro recounts, "was built on land sold by the municipality, benefiting from a 'cultural' contribution of 200,000 euros and a loan guarantee of 346,800 euros". The city financed its own self-conquest. And who was the mayor of the city at the time of the financing and the agreement with Qatar? Jean-Marc Ayrault, mayor of Nantes from 1989 to 2012 and socialist prime minister of France from 2021 to 2014 ...
Pierre Vermeren , in his book Déni français (French Denial), noted:
"In Nantes, Jean-Marc Ayrault practiced a patronage that led to the construction of three, four, community mosques distributed among the Muslim Brotherhood, Morocco and Turkey, as well as a Salafi mosque on the outskirts of his city. He is accused, like the former mayor of Paris, of violating the religious funding law. In Bordeaux, Alain Juppé (former prime minister) canceled the Great Mosque project when it was discovered that the funds came from Qatar and Azerbaijan..."
The magazine L'Incorrect explains how Qatari money is changing the French landscape.
"When you think of Alsace, you imagine a thousand small flowered villages lost in the vineyards on the side of the Vosges mountains, whose names give you a headache. We are (for the moment) in Christian land, as evidenced by the chapels that line roads and paths. But mosques sprout like mushrooms after the rain, even in villages with a few thousand inhabitants. This phenomenon reveals a slow but sure Islamization of this region".
We are in the region where the other capital of the EU, Strasbourg, is located.
"The European capital has among its buildings the most important mosque in Europe, the center of An-Nour. The largest building of its kind in France, this center is not just a place of worship, but a cultural and political one, funded by Qatar".
This is happening not only in France. The Great Mosque of Copenhagen received a donation of 30 million euros from Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani, former Emir of Qatar, who is also a leading supporter of the Muslims in Belgium. Europe's Parliament was also asked to investigate Qatari mosques in Kosovo.
Russian gas is not free; Qatari gas as well.
The German website Tichys Einblick comments that "instead of Putin's war, we will finance Islamic terrorism". The unconditional will to shine morally has harmful consequences -- all because nuclear power is "haram" (forbidden).
Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel provided a glimpse of the relativism that dominates our ruling classes:
"Qatar does not threaten anyone, does not finance terrorist organizations, but hosts Hamas and the Taliban at the request of the USA (!) in order to be able to negotiate with them in Doha. Qatar is simply a reliable partner of the West.".
Shortly before his death, Christophe de Margerie, the late head of French oil giant Total, said: "Anything can be bought, including men, it's just a question of price".
What is Europe's price?
"This tiny Persian Gulf kingdom is emerging as one of Europe's best hopes for weaning itself off Russian natural gas, in another sign of how the war in Ukraine is changing the world's energy relationships", The Wall Street Journal reported. "Germany, France, Belgium and Italy are in talks with Qatar to buy liquefied natural gas on a long-term basis, said Qatari and European officials". The EU last month dropped antitrust investigations into Qatar Petroleum, the state energy company, clearing the way for the country to pursue more long-term contracts with Europe.
Le Figaro tells one of these extraordinary evenings in which Qatar supported the French cultural élite:
"Dozens of guests flocked to Place de l'Étoile... home to the Qatari embassy. In the rooms with gilded panels with mosaics and frescoes of languid nymphs, His Excellency Mohamed al-Kuwari awarded cartoonist Jean Plantu and Amirouche Laïdi, president of the Averroes Club, with the 'Doha Arab Cultural Capital' award. The ambassador awarded André Miquel (famous Arabist from the Collège de France), Dominique Baudis (writer), Bernard Noël (art critic) and the poet Adonis. From former Culture Minister Jack Lang to Nouvel Observateur founder Jean Daniel, a total of 66 French cultural figures have been decorated by Qatar".
Making fun of the deal with Qatar, the German newspaper Die Welt ironically proclaimed:
"The relief in Germany is enormous. They are finally no longer dependent on gas supplies from an autocratically-ruled country that makes life difficult for homosexuals and does not always take human rights very seriously."
Before the suspicion arises however, that German environmentalist-progressive-woke circles are throwing their noble principles overboard, it must be said that Qatar is willing to make major concessions to the German "Greens". The emirate has promised to install wind turbines in the desert and to host the next COP26 conference about how to create a "sustainable world".
*Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and author.
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Turkey and US move closer to the same wavelength
Yasar Yakis/Arab News/April 17, 2022
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and FM Mevlut Cavusoglu during a meeting, in Istanbul, Oct.
The Ukrainian crisis has changed several paradigms in international relations. Turkish-American relations are among them. There was a visible deterioration between these two NATO allies after Joe Biden’s election as US president.
Congressman Frank Pallone, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, on Feb. 4 sent a letter to the State Department urging the Biden administration not to supply Turkey with F-16 fighter aircraft and modernization kits, due to its human rights violations and the deployment of the Russian-manufactured S-400 air defense system. Despite cool relations between Biden and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the State Department responded that the potential sale of F-16s to Turkey would serve both US and NATO security interests, particularly in the wake of the Ukrainian crisis.
This change of attitude in the US occurred because of growing awareness about the positive role that Turkey might play in the Ukrainian crisis. Turkey had good relations with both Russia and Ukraine and used this position to host two important meetings with Russia and Ukraine, one in Antalya, the other in Istanbul. It is now trying to do the same between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents.
The Euro-Atlantic community woke up, all of a sudden, to the reality that Turkey might be instrumental in bringing together the two warring sides and contribute to peace in the region. This reality softened the rigid attitude that the EU — and more so, NATO — have displayed toward Turkey in recent years. The first concrete outcome of it is, therefore, the US attitude about the sale of the F-16 fighter aircraft to Turkey.
When Turkey purchased the S-400 air defense system from Russia, both the US administration and Congress reacted harshly, and Congress imposed sanctions on Turkey via the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. It did not stop there. The US expelled Turkey from the F-35 super-fighter project, which is regarded as the main component of NATO air defense for the next 50 years. About 900 components of the aircraft were being manufactured in Turkish factories.
Ankara did everything to persuade its US counterparts that these sanctions would necessarily weaken Turkey’s defense capability with a direct impact on that of NATO’s. All reasonable explanations by the Turkish military authorities fell on deaf ears on the US side. The Ukrainian crisis helped to change the US attitude, but only on the question of the sale of F-16s. There is still no softening in the US position regarding Turkey’s expulsion from the F-35 project.
On the question of the Russian-manufactured S-400 air defense system, US negotiators unofficially proposed that Turkey make available this air defense system to Ukraine. Turkey rejected this proposal because, at the height of the Syrian crisis, some NATO allies withdrew Patriot missile batteries from Turkey at a time when it badly needed them. Ankara wants to use the S-400 in case of need and does not want to be left again exposed to attacks without proper protection.
Despite the frozen positions on two subjects — the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act and the S-400 air defense system — there is now a timid softening on the subject of the purchase of the F-16 fighter aircraft. Turkey’s demand covers the purchase of 40 F-16s and the upgrading of the existing ones in Turkey’s inventory. In other words, it is a commitment that covers a long period and consolidates Turkey’s relations with the Euro-Atlantic community as a whole. The US will be reassessing the contribution that Turkey may make to this community.
The Turkish-US negotiations on F-16s look like a breakthrough in the relations between these two NATO allies, but one swallow does not make a summer.
Another critical issue is the impact of US-Russia relations on Turkey’s Syria policy. It is unclear how the new political landscape between the US and Russia will evolve in Syria. The cooperation that the US and Russia used to maintain in Syria has now been suspended. While Russia is so deeply bogged down in the Ukrainian quagmire, it cannot be expected to play the same effective role in Syria.
If the power balance between the US and Russia in Syria tilts toward the US, Turkey will be affected by this new balance in two ways. One way is weakened Russian support for the Bashar Assad regime, and Turkey will be happy about that. However, this support will probably be kept at a level allowing the Syrian regime to float but not sink. Moscow will keep Turkey at arm’s length and avoid unnecessarily antagonizing it.
The second effect of the change in the power balance will be the continuation of the US support for Kurds. Whether the F-16 deal will be sealed or not, the US support for Kurds is likely to continue one way or another.
The Turkish-US negotiations on F-16s look like a breakthrough in the relations between these two NATO allies, but one swallow does not make a summer.
*Yasar Yakis is a former foreign minister of Turkey and founding member of the ruling AK Party. Twitter: @yakis_yasar