Elias Bejjani/Text & Video): “We Are Victorious Because Our Enemy Did Not Achieve Its Goals”: A Closer Look at The Distorted Rhetoric of Political Islam: Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Iranian Mullahs”


“We Are Victorious Because Our Enemy Did Not Achieve Its Goals”: A Closer Look at The Distorted Rhetoric of Political Islam: Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Iranian Mullahs”

Elias Bejjani/January 11/2024

 Listen To The Attached Video (In Arabic) that focuses on the essence of this piece

اضغط هنا لقراءة المقالة التي في أسفل باللغة العربية/Click here to read the below piece in Arabic

Date: January 11, 2024

The ideology-driven slogan, “We are victorious because our enemy did not achieve its goals,” has become a disturbing and pervasive rhetoric among various political Islamic groups and countries such as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Iranian Mullahs.

The catastrophic nature of these political Islam groups, rooted in Ottoman thought and the Muslim Brotherhood, is characterized by an ideology that is not only sick and harmful but also devoid of any connection to humanity, reason, or logic. It is a corrupt, delusional, and detached worldview that vehemently rejects others. Its primary and most significant goal is to subjugate and oppress anyone who opposes their beliefs. Those who resist and reject this ideology are branded as deserving death, and their countries are invaded under the banners of jihad and resistance.

One of the most dangerous slogans adopted by these criminal and terrorist groups is the absurd claim: “We have succeeded as long as the enemy has not achieved its goals.” This is proclaimed without regard for the destruction, loss of life, impoverishment, and displacement experienced by their own people and countries. The statement made by Ismail Haniyeh, as mentioned below, serves as a glaring example.

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, echoed the same absurd and sick slogan after the 2006 war with Israel. Despite Israel destroying Lebanon, targeting its infrastructure, displacing southern residents, and causing the deaths of over 1600 Lebanese, primarily members of Hezbollah, Nasrallah emerged after the first hour of the ceasefire and declared victory, asserting that Israel had failed to achieve its goals.

Fast forward to over 97 days after the war initiated by Hamas with Israel, Gaza lies in ruins, its residents displaced, with over 30,000 lives lost and 150,000 wounded. Ismail Haniyeh, residing in Qatar’s finest hotels, claims that Hamas has succeeded because Israel did not achieve its goals.

Leaders who share the mindset of Haniyeh and Nasrallah, along with their counterparts, are despicable. Their mission appears to be the destruction of their own countries, the killing of their own people, and a regression to prehistoric times. With such a sick, corrupt, and delusional ideology, coupled with leaders of such despicable and hypocritical nature, achieving peace and stability seems elusive for our people until they are liberated from such leaders and such a toxic culture.

Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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