Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: No Allies for Occupying Forces in Lebanon: Only Mercenaries, Iscariots, Trojan Horses, and Opportunists


Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: No Allies for Occupying Forces in Lebanon: Only Mercenaries, Iscariots, Trojan Horses, and Opportunists
Elias Bejjani/December 22, 2024

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Modern Lebanese history is rife with examples embodying treachery, Trojan horse tactics, submissiveness, political opportunism, sectarian exploitation, and trading official positions at the expense of the nation’s interest, identity, sovereignty, independence, and the dignity and rights of its people. These chameleon-like figures, stripped of any sense of self-respect, values, honor, fear of God, or the Day of Judgment, have consistently exploited crises, occupations, and foreign interventions due to their ingratitude and moral bankruptcy. They have always been a poisoned and cancerous dagger in the hands of Palestinian, Syrian, and Iranian occupiers. They were never genuine allies to these forces or convinced by their projects, schemes, and policies. Rather, they were traitors, self-serving narcissists motivated by personal gains and temporary rewards.

Since the entry of Palestinian, Arabist, and leftist terrorist organizations into Lebanon, committing atrocities against the Lebanese and seeking to establish an alternative Palestinian homeland, whose memory still lingers among the Lebanese, to the occupation of Lebanon by the brutal and criminal Assad regime, and finally to Hezbollah’s Iranian occupation, these forces never found genuine allies among the Lebanese. Instead, they relied on local tools: mercenaries and hypocrites adept at changing their stances, loyalties, and colors to suit political winds, driven solely by notions of personal profit and loss.

In this context, following the resounding defeat Hezbollah suffered at the hands of Israel and the death of most of its terrorist leaders, who have no connection to Lebanon, coupled with the collapse of Assad’s criminal regime, the erosion of its influence in the region, and the exposure of its atrocities, prisons, and human slaughterhouses, these tools—politicians, clergymen, and political activists in Lebanon—began changing their stances blatantly. As we say colloquially, they “turned 180 degrees” and swapped their hats without shame or hesitation.

Examples of Hypocritical Chameleons
Walid Jumblatt is the undisputed master of chameleons in changing stances, alliances, and turnarounds. His record is unparalleled, making him the king of moments of abandonment and epiphany, sitting by riverbanks waiting for the corpses of his enemies to float by.

Meanwhile, Ex-Minister Wiam Wahhab is a living example of this hypocrisy. Wahhab, who was a loud, street-level mouthpiece and media thug for the Assad regime and Hezbollah, as well as the leading cheerleader for the defunct “resistance axis” in its hostility toward Israel, recently began adopting entirely contradictory positions. He called on Lebanese Shiites to recognize the state of Israel. Those familiar with this opportunist and deceptive demagogue were not surprised by his U-turn but had long anticipated it.

The Sunni minister Faisal Karami, filled with hatred, resentment, and stupidity, presents yet another example of political opportunism and duplicity. Until recently, he was praising the Assad regime and Hezbollah, but he has recently turned against the Syrian Assad regime, claiming that it had fought against his father, Omar Karami, and his uncle, Rashid Karami, for years. We remind this hypocrite and those of his ilk with their duplicitous culture that Hezbollah, in one of the cabinet formations, ceded a ministerial position allocated to the Shiite sect and gave it to Faisal Karami to infiltrate the Sunni community through its leaders. MP, Faisal, whose actions continue to be driven by hatred and ignorance, still accuses Dr. Samir Geagea of assassinating his uncle, Prime Minister Rashid Karami, despite his full knowledge and the clear evidence that the Assad regime is the true culprit behind that crime.

Sheikh Hassan Mrad is another example of this opportunistic culture. After praising and glorifying Hezbollah and its false resistance, he has now turned against his stances, justifying his reversal with flimsy and childish excuses. This is the same sheikh accused of forging his academic certificates, with his credibility amounting to zero.

Then there is Mr. Elie Ferzli, a man of the corrupt Assad regime, who is now, renouncing his pro-Assad past and claiming yesterday that his allegiance and support were for the Syrian state, not the regime.

However, the most despicable and vile of all opportunists and traitors who aligned themselves with Hezbollah and the Assad regime are Michel Aoun, his corrupt son-in-law Gebran Bassil, and their cohort of fraudsters, merchants, and opportunists. Aoun, Bassil, and their group have betrayed every stance, slogan, promise, and commitment since signing the 2006 Mar Mikhael Agreement. Bassil and his uncle, former President Michel Aoun, epitomize political opportunism, exploiting Hezbollah, the Assad regime, and the Iranian mullahs’ system to achieve personal and political gains. Through this disgraceful alliance, they secured parliamentary and ministerial seats and influential positions in the Lebanese state. In return, they sold out sovereignty and independence, sacrificing Lebanon’s national interests on the altar of their personal ambitions. Today, after Hezbollah’s defeat and the Assad regime’s collapse, they shamelessly and brazenly change their loyalties, denying their masters – Hezbollah, Iran, and the Assad regime.

The political hypocrisy of the Aoun-Bassil approach did not stop there. After Hezbollah’s humiliating defeat against Israel and the loss of most of its terrorist leaders, Bassil has begun publicly distancing himself from his former ally, attempting to restore his tarnished image among the Lebanese people. Suddenly, he is once again raising the slogans of sovereignty and independence in a desperate attempt to regain the popular support he lost due to his submission to Hezbollah and his association with Iran’s expansionist project.

This blatant political flip-flopping, characteristic of Bassil and Aoun’s chameleon-like nature, is a scandalous example of opportunism and hypocrisy. It demonstrates their readiness to change positions, colors, and even their skins to serve their interests, even at the expense of destroying the nation, undermining its principles, and enslaving and humiliating its citizens.

In conclusion,There are no allies for occupying forces in Lebanon, but only mercenaries, Iscariots, Trojan Horses, and Opportunists.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com & clhrf@yahoo.com
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