Elias Bejjani /Text & Video: The Heresy of the Devil’s Advocates,& the Necessity of Banning the Mouthpieces of Iran’s Axis from Media Platforms


Elias Bejjani /Text & Video: The Heresy of the Devil’s Advocates,& the Necessity of Banning the Mouthpieces of Iran’s Axis from Media Platforms
Elias Bejjani /December 02/ 2024

Click Here to read & watch the the Arabic Video version of this piece
اضغط هنا لقراء ومشاهدة فيديو المقالة بالعربية

It is absolutely essential, especially now that Hezbollah—the terrorist arm of the Mullahs’ regime—has been broken and defeated, its assassination machine dismantled, and its institutions laid bare for all to see. The party that specialized in drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, and money laundering has now been stripped of all illusions and hallucinations of power.

It has become clear, beyond any doubt, that the Iranian Mullah regime is nothing more than a paper tiger, whose sole aim is to destabilize Arab nations, break apart their states, and seize control of their resources, using their own people against them. With the collapse of the deceptive myth of ‘resistance and liberation,’ it is now crucial that every mouthpiece and lackey of this Iranian terrorist axis be banned from appearing on Lebanese and Arab media outlets.

These despicable individuals, these lowlifes, have sold their tongues, dignity, and pens for thirty pieces of silver. They are a disgrace to every concept of intellect, culture, truth, human potential, knowledge, faith, rights, and dignity.

I urge readers to read Colonel Charbel Barakat’s editorial, which sheds light on the catastrophic role of those who masquerade as analysts, flooding the media with false information and peddling paid propaganda for the inhumane and terrorist Mullahs Iranian axis. The article, available in both Arabic and English, on my site and published yesterday. The link is below

الكولونيل شربل بركات/المحللون العرب والواقع المرير/بلاد القديسين لن يدفنها القتلة والمأجورين محبوا الدماء/ Arab Analysts and the Bitter Reality: The Land of Saints Will Not Be Silenced by Murderers and Mercenaries

In this context, it must also be noted that the role of the devil’s advocate, frequently played by Lebanese journalists—especially Christian ones—on radio and television during interviews, is a shameful, servile, and pathological phenomenon. This diseased media role is a leftover of the moral depravity and cultural terrorism of the Syrian occupation, which was further worsened under the criminal Iranian occupation through its Lebanese mercenaries known as Hezbollah.

In the free world, especially in the West, such a pathological media phenomenon does not exist. When anyone is invited to speak, they are given complete freedom to express their opinions without intimidation or interruption.

In conclusion, this servile media behavior is often embedded in the subconscious of many journalists and is practiced accordingly, except in cases where it is imposed on them by the owners of media outlets.”

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
Web Sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
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