Elias Bejjani/Text & Video: Due to Their Failure and Narcissism: A Call for Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Al-Ra’i, Maronite Politicians, Officials and Political Party Leaders to Resign and Repent


Due to Their Failure and Narcissism: A Call for Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Al-Ra’i, Maronite Politicians, Officials and Political Party Leaders to Resign and Repent
Elias Bejjani/September 26, 2024

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اضغط هنا لقراء ومشاهدة فيديو المقالة بالعربية

“You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matthew 12:34)

Because silence in the face of truth makes one a silent devil, and because refusing to acknowledge an illness only allows it to fester, we speak now with anger, bitterness, and disappointment. The truth is crystal clear, known even to children: our Lebanese Maronite leaders, both clerical and political—foremost among them Patriarch Al-Ra’i—have expired in their roles. They have become mere Iscariots, and betrayers who must step down and be removed from the picture.

With very few exceptions, these leaders are completely disconnected from the suffering and hardships that Lebanon and the Lebanese people endure under Hezbollah’s bloody and evil Iranian occupation.

Our Lebanese Maronite clergymen and political leaders are generally surrounded by spies, opportunists, merchants, and mercenaries. They are weak and afraid of those who are honorable, honest, and competent, preferring instead to fight them. Their followers, castrated supporters and slaves within their so-called political “parties,” are nothing more than idol worshippers—blindly loyal and foolish.

The vast majority of these leaders lack the basic qualities of leadership: faith, honesty, courage, and vision. They have enabled the terrorist, sectarian, and Iranian Hezbollah to control Lebanon, dismantle the state, and undermine all its institutions because they are cowards, afraid to speak the truth, or take a clear patriotic stance.

Here are some of the national crimes, grave mistakes, and sins they have committed in the pursuit of their sickening visions, selfishness, stupidity, and evil personal agendas:

1- They turned a blind eye to the fact that Hezbollah did not liberate the South Lebanon (Security Zone); instead, it occupied it, transforming it into an Iranian colony filled with weapons depots and tunnels for the Iranian mullahs’ arsenal. They distorted the truth, bore false witness, and committed the grave sin of declaring that Hezbollah’s armed terrorists, killed in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Gaza, and elsewhere while fighting Iranian wars and Jihad battles, are martyrs—equating them with our own. They lacked the courage to boldly state the truth—that Israel implemented UN Resolution 425 and withdrew from the South in 2000 purely out of Israeli self-interest, as part of an Iranian-Arab-international understanding (an Israeli blunder that brought disaster upon itself)….Hezbollah did not liberate the South but rather occupies it.

2-They abandoned the residents of South Lebanon, (security Zone) as well as the South Lebanon Army (SLA) and its members and leaders. They lacked the bravery to champion their just cause, succumbed to Hezbollah’s Jihadist rhetoric, and failed to oppose the unjust and hostile labeling of these people as collaborators and traitors. In reality, they are heroes and patriots of the highest order, left behind in Israel without any effort made to ensure their honorable return.

3- They cowardly accepted the lie, deceit, and hypocrisy that Hezbollah is Lebanese, that it liberated the South, that it is a resistance force, that it represents a segment of the Lebanese population, and that it speaks for the Shiite community in Parliament. They lacked the courage to demand the implementation of UN resolutions addressing Lebanon (the Armistice Agreement, Resolutions 1559, 1701, 1680). Like sheep, they shamefully followed the foolish heresy of the treasonous trinity: “Army, People, Resistance.”

4-They betrayed the residents of South Lebanon, silenced the voice of God—their conscience—and transformed into disciples of Judas, driven by a culture of betrayal and the lure of silver coins. By national and moral standards, all those who abandon the heroes and martyrs of their country and people deserves nothing but curses, disgrace, humiliation, and isolation.

5-Today, as Lebanon faces destruction, displacement, poverty, crime, and chaos due to the ongoing war between Israel and the terrorist Iranian Hezbollah, they swallowed their tongues and hid like frightened mice in their holes, just like the charlatan Hassan Nasrallah. They did not speak up to name things as they are, to tell the world, the Arab countries, the United Nations, the Vatican, and the Lebanese people that Hezbollah is a terrorist, Iranian, jihadist entity that occupies Lebanon, dismembers it, and kills its people. Their cowardice and lack of vision prevent them from demanding the implementation of UN resolutions related to Lebanon under Chapter VII, the arrest and trial of all Hezbollah leaders and fighters, and the severing of ties with their patron, the criminal and terrorist Iranian rouge regime.

These Lebanese leaders, clerics, the Patriarch, the heads of the falsely called Christian political parties, and the entire political Maronite -Christian class failed to take a patriot stance during the ongoing destructive war between Israel and the terrorist Hezbollah. They did not adopt and declare a unified Lebanese solid stance against Hezbollah and its Iranian war agenda. Instead, they cowardly continued their submissive path, appeasing, flattering, and supporting Hezbollah, while regurgitating the foolish and Dhimmitude narratives of “the Israeli enemy,” “the Israeli aggressions,” and “Israeli expansionist ambitions.” Their list of stupidity, cowardice, and lack of vision goes on and on.

Given all these acts of treason, which are only a fraction of their crimes, it is imperative that all these failures, cowards, temple merchants, and Judases resign.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
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