Elias Bejjani/The 9/11 Anniversary and the Willful Blindness to Its Perpetrators: Shia and Sunni Political Islam and Leftist Complicity


The 9/11 Anniversary and the Willful Blindness to Its Perpetrators: Shia and Sunni Political Islam and Leftist Complicity
Elias Bejjani/September 11/2024

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On September 11th, we remember one of the most harrowing moments in human history when Al-Qaeda executed a meticulously planned act of pure evil in the heart of the United States. This atrocity was not merely about destroying buildings and killing thousands of innocent people; it was a calculated attempt to terrorize the world and impose a radical Islamic agenda steeped in violence and terror. Al-Qaeda’s objective was unmistakable: to spread chaos, dismantle democratic systems, and replace them with a tyrannical Islamic rule that defies basic human values, legitimizing murder and the enslavement of Christians and other “infidels” worldwide.

Today, as we commemorate this tragedy, we are confronted with a disturbing reality. The current U.S. administration, under Democratic leadership, is taking steps that not only betray the spirit of the war on terror initiated after 9/11 but actively undermine it. Instead of intensifying the fight against terrorism in all its manifestations, we witness them extending support and aid to extremist Islamic factions, both Shia and Sunni.

The Biden administration, following the perilous path charted by Obama, is empowering the terrorist Iranian regime—a regime that had a hand in the 9/11 attacks and is now on the brink of acquiring nuclear weapons, posing an existential threat not just to Israel and the Arab countries, but to the entire civilized world.
As the U.S. administration turns a blind eye to Iran’s escalating crimes and its terrorist proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, it allows the Houthis to unleash chaos in the region, disrupting maritime transport without consequence. Simultaneously, we see a troubling alliance with Sunni political Islam, embodied by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Boko Haram—terrorist organizations determined to destabilize not just the Middle East, but the world, spreading chaos and destruction.

Even more concerning is the silent complicity with the Muslim Brotherhood both within and outside the United States, where they continue their extremist activities with minimal interference. On the contrary, these groups are granted the influence to shape U.S. policy from within, an alarming reality that cannot be ignored.

In conclusion, we must rise against these catastrophic policies. The Biden administration, much like Obama’s before it, stands as an adversary to the American people and global peace, bolstering terrorism in both its Sunni and Shia incarnations. Peace advocates must urgently work to remove Kamala Harris and any figure behind this destructive agenda. Concurrently, the U.S. must stand firmly with Israel in its efforts to neutralize Iran’s nuclear ambitions and eliminate the terrorist threat posed by Hamas. Furthermore, a resolute stance must be taken against Hezbollah in Lebanon by enforcing international resolutions such as the Armistice Agreement and UNSC Resolutions 1559, 1680, and 1701.

The anniversary of September 11th must not pass without a clear and unyielding reminder of who the real enemies of peace and stability are: the political Islamists, both Shia and Sunni, and the radical left, epitomized by the Biden and Obama administrations. Peace lovers must unite against this existential threat to ensure a secure and peaceful future for generations to come.

The intent of this piece is to spotlight the grave dangers posed by destructive leftist elements across all spectrums and the looming threats from both Sunni and Shia political Islamists. It also underscores the disastrous impact of certain political decisions on global stability, urging a steadfast stand against terrorism in all its forms and the critical need to prevent the Iranian Mullahs from obtaining nuclear capabilities.

*The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
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