المحامي د. عبد الحميد الأحدب/إنهض يا بشير لإبادة الإحتلال الفارسي/Bachir, return to life to eradicate the Persian occupation/Bachir, revient à la vie pour éradiquer l’occupation Perse


Bachir, return to life to eradicate the Persian occupation
Doctor Abdel Hamid El-Ahdab/August 29/2024

Bachir, revient à la vie pour éradiquer l’occupation Perse
Par Docteur Abdel Hamid El-Ahdab/August 29/2024

إنهض يا بشير لإبادة الإحتلال الفارسي
المحامي د. عبد الحميد الأحدب/29 آب/2024
أين البشير؟
كل شوارع بيروت كانت بالأمس تصرخ وتستنجد أين بشير الجميل؟
فحزب الله يغتصب ويحتلّ لبنان بواسطة جيشه، وما كان مُسمّى جيش لبنان!
كانت الناس تبحث عن البطل! كانت تبحث عن القائد الذي يتصدى لـ “شيعة… شيعة… شيعة” بواسطة عين الرمانة، كانت تقتل العائلات التي نزلت تعبر عن احتجاجها لأن حزب الله اتخذ من بيروت “مزرباً” لأحدث الأسلحة الذرية التي تصله من إيران! ذهب ياسر عرفات وجاء الآن حسن نصرالله!
أين انت يا بشير لنشاهد المشنقة تُعلَّق لحسن نصرالله وتُعلَّق مشنقة ميشال عون وصهره الباسيل اللذَين فوّضا حزب الله باستباحة دماء اللبنانيين!
“السُّنَّة” ارتكبوا الفاحشة في الحرب الأهلية ولكنهم تابوا اليوم وهم يرفعون ويموتون تحت شعار “لبنان اولاً”.
الشيعة مخيّرون، الذين يناصرون حسن نصرالله هم اعداؤنا وكل الأبطال الشيعة الناكرون لإجرام حزب الله هم ابطالنا.
دقّت الساعة، حزب الله وأنصاره الشيعة وغير الشيعة الى إيران، يسقط عنهم الجواز اللبناني وليذهبوا الى جحيم إيران.
وماذا أصاب المسيحيين الذين لحقوا بميشال عون؟
كيف دعموه وهو المتقلب وهو الذي سلم لبنان لحزب الله، كيف دعموه؟
الآن جاء وقت الحساب!
يوم أُعلن انتخاب بشير انتظمت الدولة وصار كل طائفي لبناني.
البلد يحتاج الى بطل، الى زعيم نزيه شريف وطني وله عضلات.
أحَبَّكّ الناس لجرأتك ونزاهتك ووفائك!
فقد وصلنا الى هنا يوم بدأت مسيرة عزل كامل الأسعد، الذي قاد المسيرة اوصلنا الى هنا!
حلل الحرام وحرم الحلال.
اليوم دقت الساعة، لبنان بحاجة الى بشير الجميل ولا شك أن في لبنان ابطال واشراف وأوفياء يحصِّنونه ويحمونه أمثال بشير الجميل.
تجمعوا يا لبنانيين من كل الطوائف والتفّوا حول بشير، بشير جديد له اخلاق وتراث وثقافة ومفهوم بشير في الحفاظ على الأوطان!
الجرأة، الجرأة.
اين أنتم يا ضباط الجيش الشرفاء تخضعون لأوامر حزب الله الذي يعطي أوامره لميشال عون!
ارفعوا سيوفكم واحملوا صورة بشير الجميل! والى الأمام، للقضاء على آخر “شيعي” يتبرأ منه علي بن ابي طالب وكل تراث واخلاق علي بن ابي طالب! ولإفناء كل حزب الله.
قضية فلسطين لم تعد قضيتنا، قضيتنا هي تحرير لبنان.
وكل من لا يريد أن يتخلّى عن حزب الله فليركب الطائرة الى إيران ويحمل جواز السفر الإيراني.
ألوف القتلى اللبنانيين والدماء الى الرّكب والمنازل هدمت، من اجل إيران!
انهض يا بشير، انهض بقيادة معركة تحرير لبنان من الاحتلال الإيراني.
يوم الثلاثاء انفجرت القنبلة الذرية التي خبّأها حزب الله بمباركة وتحت أعين ميشال عون، جاءت ساعة الحساب.
انهض يا بشير.
وانهضوا يا لبنانيين خلف بشير للقضاء على آخر موقع لحزب الله وامواله وسرقاته وانصاره وعبيده.
نحن شعب حرّ.
الإيراني في إيران واللبناني في لبنان.
ننعم عليكم يا عبيد حزب الله بفتح الطريق اليكم لتذهبوا الى إيران، اذهبوا وارحلوا وكلنا بعد اليوم لكم بالمرصاد.
كلنا بشير الجميل، لنخلّص لبنان من الاحتلال الفارسي الذي نشر الفساد ودعم وعلّم السياسيين على السرقات ليدعموه ويساندوه!
دقت الساعة!
انهض يا بشير.
عبيد ياسر عرفات قتلوا “جمانة” جاء وقت الثأر من عبيد حسن نصرالله ولتذهب فلسطين الى الجحيم.



Bachir, return to life to eradicate the Persian occupation
Doctor Abdel Hamid El-Ahdab/August 29/2024
Where is Bachir?
All the streets of Beirut were screaming yesterday, where is Bachir Gemayel?
Hezbollah occupies Lebanon with his army and with the so called Lebanese army!
People were looking for the hero ! they were looking for the leader who could face the ‘Chiaa… Chiaa… Chiaa” via Ain El-Rimmeneh, who were killing families who spoke out because Hezbollah had made Beirut a “canal” for the latest nuclear weapons coming from Iran. Yasser Aarafat left and currently replaces Hassan Nasrollah!
Where are you Bachir so we can see the power built for Hassan Nasrollah, for Michel Aoun and his son-in-law Bassil, who gave Hezbollah the green light to commit such a carnage!
Sunnis committed atrocities during the civil war. Nevertheless, today they wave the slogan “Lebanon first” under which they lose their lives.
The Shiites are free to choose between the supporters of Hassan Nasrollah, who are our enemies and the Shiite heroes who are washing their hands of Hezbollah’s crimes, who are our heroes.
The time has come. Shiite and non-Shiite supporters of Hezbollah should be deported to Iran, their Lebanese passports revoked and going to Iranian hell.
What happened to the Lebanese who followed Michel Aoun?
How they supported him, the one who is so versatile, the one who delivered Lebanon to Hezbollah. How could they support him?
It’s time for accountability.
The day Bachir was elected, the state was organized and the sectarianism was abandoned by every Lebanese.
The country needs a hero, a leader with integrity, honest, patriotic and powerful.
Everyone loved you for your boldness, integrity, and loyalty!
We hit rock bottom on the day Kamel Al-Assaad’s gap began. He who has taken this path has brought us to this bottom!
We can’t legalize the forbidden nor forbid the illegal!
The time has come! Lebanon needs Bachir Gemayel and there are no doubt that in Lebanon there are heroes, honest and faithful men who will strengthen and protect it like Bachir Gemayal.
Gather Lebanese of all faiths and gather around Bachir, a new Bachir who has the morals, heritage, culture and Bachir’s concept of defending the nation!
Boldness, Courage.
Where are you, honorable officers of the army, obeying the orders of Hezbollah, who gives orders to Michel Aoun!
Raise your swords and carry Bachir Gemayel’s picture! And onward, to eliminate the last “Shiite” that Ali ibn Abi Talib and all the legacy and morals of Ali ibn abi Talib denies! To annihilate all of Hezbollah.
Palestine issue is no longer our problem, our cause is the liberation and dignity of Lebanon.
And anyone who doesn’t want to abandon Hezbollah, should board a plane to Iran and hold the Iranian passport.
Thousands of Lebanese dead, blood to their knees and demolished houses, all for Iran!
Bachir, stand up and fight to free Lebanon from Iranian occupation.
On Tuesday, the atomic bomb that the Hezbollah had hidden in plain sight and with the blessing of Michel Aoun exploded, and the time of judgment has come.
Get up Bachir.
Stand up, O Lebanese, behind Bachir to free Lebanon from Iranian occupation, Iranian funds, their flights, their supporters and their slaves.
We are a free people.
The Iranian has to go to Iran and the Lebanese will stay firmly in Lebanon.
We grant you, slaves of Hezbollah, the open way to Iran, leave, and we will be watching you after today.
We are all Bachir Gemayel, let’s get rid of Lebanon from the Persian occupation that spread corruption, and supported and taught politicians theft to support and come to its aid!
L’heure venue!
Get up Bachir.
Yasser Arafat’s slaves killed “Joumana”. Time has come to take revenge on slaves of Hassan Nasrallah and let Palestine go to hell.


Bachir, revient à la vie pour éradiquer l’occupation Perse
Par Docteur Abdel Hamid El-Ahdab/August 29/2024
Où est Bachir ?
Toutes les rues de Beyrouth criaient hier où est Bachir Gemayel ?
Hezbollah occupe le Liban par son armée ainsi que par ce qu’on appelait l’armée du Liban !
Les gens cherchaient le héros ! ils cherchaient le leader qui pouvait faire face au « Chiaa… Chiaa… Chiaa » via Ain El-Rimmeneh, qui tuaient les familles qui ont manifesté leur opinion car Hezbollah avait fait de Beyrouth un « canal » pour les dernières armes atomiques qui lui proviennent d’Iran. Yasser Aarafat est parti et le remplace actuellement Hassan Nasrollah !
Où est-tu Bachir pour qu’on puisse voir la potence dressée pour Hassan Nasrollah, pour Michel Aoun et son beau-fils Bassil, qui ont donné le feu vert à Hezbollah pour commettre un tel carnage !
Les « sunnites » ont commis des atrocités durant la guerre civile. Néanmoins, ils brandissent aujourd’hui le slogan « le Liban d’abord » sous lequel ils perdent leurs vies.
Les Chiites sont libres de choisir entre les partisans de Hassan Nasrollah, qui sont nos ennemis et les héros chiites qui se lavent les mains de la criminalité de Hezbollah, qui sont nos héros.
L’heure est venue. Les partisans chiites et non-chiites de Hezbollah devraient être expulsés en Iran, leur passeport libanais devrait être révoqué et qu’ils aillent à l’enfer iranien.
Qu’en est-il arrivé aux libanais qui ont suivi Michel Aoun ?
Comment ils l’ont soutenu, lui qui est si versatile, lui qui a livré le Liban à Hezbollah. Comment ils ont pu le soutenir ?
Le temps est venu de rendre les comptes.
Le jour où Bachir fut élu, l’Etat fut organisé et le confessionnalisme fut abandonné par chaque libanais.
Le pays nécessite un héros, un leader intègre, honnête, patriotique et puissant.
Tout le monde t’aimait pour ton audace, ton intégrité et ta fidélité !
Nous avons atteint le fond le jour où l’écartement de Kamel Al-Assaad a débuté. Celui qui a pris ce chemin nous a fait parvenir à ce fond !
On ne peut légaliser l’interdit ni prohiber le licite!
L’heure est venue ! le Liban a besoin de Bachir Gemayel et sans doute qu’au Liban existe des héros, des hommes honnêtes et fidèles qui le fortifieront et le protègeront à l’instar de Bachir Gemayel.
Rassemblez-vous Libanais de toutes les confessions et rassemblez-vous autour de Bachir, un nouveau Bachir qui a la morale, le patrimoine, la culture et le concept de Bachir de la défense de la nation!
Audace, Courage.
Où êtes-vous, honorables officiers de l’armée, obéissant aux ordres du Hezbollah, qui donne ses ordres à Michel Aoun!
Levez vos épées et portez la photo de Bachir Gemayel! Et en avant, pour éliminer le dernier «chiite» qu’Ali ibn Abi Talib et tout l’héritage et la morale d’Ali ibn Abi Talib renient ! Pour anéantir tout le Hezbollah.
La question de Palestine n’est plus notre problème, notre cause est la libération et la dignité du Liban.
Et quiconque ne veut pas abandonner le Hezbollah, qu’il monte dans l’avion pour l’Iran et qu’il détienne le passeport iranien.
Des milliers de Libanais morts, du sang jusqu’aux genoux et des maisons démolies, tout cela pour l’Iran!
Bachir, levez-vous et menez la bataille pour libérer le Liban de l’occupation iranienne.
Mardi, la bombe atomique que le Hezbollah avait cachée sous les yeux et avec la bénédiction de Michel Aoun a explosé, et l’heure du jugement est venue.
Lève-toi, Bachir.
Levez-vous, ô Libanais, derrière Bachir pour libérer le Liban de l’occupation iranienne, des fonds iraniens, de leurs vols, de leurs partisans et de leurs esclaves.
Nous sommes un peuple libre.
L’Iranien doit aller en Iran et le Libanais restera solidement au Liban.
Nous vous accordons, esclaves du Hezbollah, l’ouverture de la voie pour vous rendre en Iran, partez, et nous vous avons à l’œil après aujourd’hui.
Nous sommes tous Bachir Gemayel, débarrassons-nous le Liban de l’occupation perse qui a répandu la corruption, et soutenu et appris aux politiciens le vol pour qu’ils la soutiennent et lui viennent à l’appui!
L’heure venue!
Lève-toi, Bachir.
Les esclaves de Yasser Arafat ont tué “Joumana”. Le moment est venu de se venger des esclaves de Hassan Nasrallah et de laisser la Palestine aller en enfer.
Bachir, returns to life to eradicate the Persian occupation
By Doctor Abdel Hamid El-Ahdab
Where is Bachir?
All the streets of Beirut were screaming yesterday, where is Bachir Gemayel?
Hezbollah occupies Lebanon with his army and with the so called Lebanese army!
People were looking for the hero ! they were looking for the leader who could face the ‘Chiaa… Chiaa… Chiaa” via Ain El-Rimmeneh, who were killing families who spoke out because Hezbollah had made Beirut a “canal” for the latest nuclear weapons coming from Iran. Yasser Aarafat left and currently replaces Hassan Nasrollah!
Where are you Bachir so we can see the power built for Hassan Nasrollah, for Michel Aoun and his son-in-law Bassil, who gave Hezbollah the green light to commit such a carnage!
Sunnis committed atrocities during the civil war. Nevertheless, today they wave the slogan “Lebanon first” under which they lose their lives.
The Shiites are free to choose between the supporters of Hassan Nasrollah, who are our enemies and the Shiite heroes who are washing their hands of Hezbollah’s crimes, who are our heroes.
The time has come. Shiite and non-Shiite supporters of Hezbollah should be deported to Iran, their Lebanese passports revoked and going to Iranian hell.
What happened to the Lebanese who followed Michel Aoun?
How they supported him, the one who is so versatile, the one who delivered Lebanon to Hezbollah. How could they support him?
It’s time for accountability.
The day Bachir was elected, the state was organized and the sectarianism was abandoned by every Lebanese.
The country needs a hero, a leader with integrity, honest, patriotic and powerful.
Everyone loved you for your boldness, integrity, and loyalty!
We hit rock bottom on the day Kamel Al-Assaad’s gap began. He who has taken this path has brought us to this bottom!
We can’t legalize the forbidden nor forbid the illegal!
The time has come! Lebanon needs Bachir Gemayel and there are no doubt that in Lebanon there are heroes, honest and faithful men who will strengthen and protect it like Bachir Gemayal.
Gather Lebanese of all faiths and gather around Bachir, a new Bachir who has the morals, heritage, culture and Bachir’s concept of defending the nation!
Boldness, Courage.
Where are you, honorable officers of the army, obeying the orders of Hezbollah, who gives orders to Michel Aoun!
Raise your swords and carry Bachir Gemayel’s picture! And onward, to eliminate the last “Shiite” that Ali ibn Abi Talib and all the legacy and morals of Ali ibn abi Talib denies! To annihilate all of Hezbollah.
Palestine issue is no longer our problem, our cause is the liberation and dignity of Lebanon.
And anyone who doesn’t want to abandon Hezbollah, should board a plane to Iran and hold the Iranian passport.
Thousands of Lebanese dead, blood to their knees and demolished houses, all for Iran!
Bachir, stand up and fight to free Lebanon from Iranian occupation.
On Tuesday, the atomic bomb that the Hezbollah had hidden in plain sight and with the blessing of Michel Aoun exploded, and the time of judgment has come.
Get up Bachir.
Stand up, O Lebanese, behind Bachir to free Lebanon from Iranian occupation, Iranian funds, their flights, their supporters and their slaves.
We are a free people.
The Iranian has to go to Iran and the Lebanese will stay firmly in Lebanon.
We grant you, slaves of Hezbollah, the open way to Iran, leave, and we will be watching you after today.
We are all Bachir Gemayel, let’s get rid of Lebanon from the Persian occupation that spread corruption, and supported and taught politicians theft to support and come to its aid!
L’heure venue!
Get up Bachir.
Yasser Arafat’s slaves killed “Joumana”. Time has come to take revenge on slaves of Hassan Nasrallah and let Palestine go to hell.
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