Elias Bejjani/Text & Video/No tears to be shed for the killing of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi,”the Butcher”


Text & Video/No tears to be shed for the killing of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi,”the Butcher”
Elias Bejjani/May 20, 2024

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Isaiah 01/33/ Our enemies are doomed! They have robbed and betrayed, although no one has robbed them or betrayed them. But their time to rob and betray will end, and they themselves will become victims of robbery and treachery

On a momentous day, justice manifested itself to the entire world with the death of the Iranian President, a notorious figure who presided over a throne of corruption and oppression.

It was a dark end for a high-ranking Iranian official who held multiple positions in the dictatorial and religious regime that governs Iran with injustice, terrorism, and iron-fisted control.

Throughout his tenure in power and through every position he held, President Ebrahim Raisi, was complicit in countless crimes against his people, reaching its peak when he served as a judge overseeing the judicial system, where he sentenced thousands of innocent Iranian citizens who opposed the oppressive The whole world knows that the Iranian Mullahs’ criminal, sectarian, oppressive, dictatorial, and destabilizing Mullah regime, is responsible for terrorist and mafia operations that have targeted dozens of countries worldwide.
President Ebrahim Raisi’s criminal history paints a bloody picture of cruelty and persecution, as he committed the most heinous crimes against innocent Iranian citizens seeking freedom, justice, and basic rights.

His actions bore the marks of tyranny and injustice, as he sentenced more than 33,000 Iranian opposition members, mostly Mujahideen-e Khalq members, who were advocating peacefully for real change in their country, to execution.

What adds to the horror in Raisi’s profile is his extremist Islamic Jihadist ideology, which he promoted with fanaticism and zeal in both words and deeds.

His ideas fueled the culture of bigotry, extremism, and harshness in the hearts and minds of extremists and radicals and paved the way to justify violence and repression under a false, populist, and deceitful religious guise.

He served as a soldier in the battles of the Mullahs, and was very close to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Khamenei, who spread chaos, injustice, oppression, and poverty in Iran and all Middle East countries.

The so-called Butcher President was not far from political ambition, as he was one of the potential candidates to succeed Khamenei.

In this context, doubts arise that Khamenei’s ambitious son might have been behind the helicopter crash that killed him, perhaps to get rid of his dangerous rival for power.

However, regardless of the circumstances that led to the Butcher’s death, we must not allow ourselves to mourn or be affected by the demise of this murderer and terrorist.

No sadness, no tears should be shed for someone who did not spare his own people, and did not adhere to the most basic human rights standards.

No doubt that Raisi’s departure was a natural end to a tyrant and dictator, and a lesson to all who seek to seize power, suppress freedoms, practice injustice, terrorism, and disregard people’s lives and rights.

The author, Elias Bejjani, is a Lebanese expatriate activist
Author’s Email: Phoenicia@hotmail.com
Author’s Website: https://eliasbejjaninews.com

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com & media.lccc@gmail.com
Web Sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
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Iran’s Raisi ‘unbefitting of condolences’: son of ousted shah
AFP/May 20, 2024
PARIS: Iran’s former president Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash, is not worthy of condolences due to the rights abuses he is accused of overseeing, the son of the late Iranian shah said Monday. US-based Reza Pahlavi, whose father Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was ousted in the 1979 Islamic revolution and died in exile in 1980, warned the death of Raisi would not affect the policies of the Islamic republic at home or abroad. “Today, Iranians are not in mourning. Ebrahim Raisi was a brutal mass-murderer unbefitting of condolences,” Pahlavi said in a post on his official Instagram.
“Sympathy with him is an insult to his victims and the Iranian nation whose only regret is that he did not live long enough to see the fall of the Islamic republic and face trial for his crimes,” the former crown prince added. Rights groups including Amnesty International have long accused Raisi of being a member of a four-man “death committee” involved in approving the executions of thousands of political prisoners, mostly suspected members of the outlawed opposition group People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), in 1988. As a key figure in the judiciary ever since and then president from 2021, Raisi has also been accused of responsibility over deadly crackdowns on protesters and other violations. But Pahlavi warned the death of Raisi, as well as that of his foreign minister Hossein-Amir Abdollahian in the same crash, will “not alter the course” of the Islamic republic, where supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has final say. “This regime will continue its repression at home and aggression abroad,” Pahlavi said. Pahlavi was a key member of a broad coalition of Iranian exiled opposition groups that joined together in the wake of nationwide protests that erupted in September 2022.
The coalition broke up amid tensions, but he remains an influential figure for some in the diaspora. Pahlavi’s father the late shah, who was groomed by the West to be a Cold War ally, grew increasingly autocratic during his decades-long rule, using his feared Savak security service to crush political opposition and leading to criticism from Washington of his human rights abuses.