Elias Bejjani/Lebanon’s Confiscated Independence


Lebanon’s Confiscated Independence
Elias Bejjani/November 22/2023

اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان الذي في أسفل باللغة العربية/Click here to read the below piece in Arabic

Today, November 22/2023, the Lebanese sadly remember their country’s eighty Independence Day. The Independence that actually does exist at all, by any standard,  because Lebanon unfortunately is totally occupied by the Iranian Axis Of Evil through its proxy the militant terrorist Hezbollah.

Meanwhile all the current Lebanese officials, on all levels, and in all positions, especially the high-ranking ones; The President, The Prime Minister and al minister and the House Speaker, are all either Iranian puppets, or cowards who have no guts to execute their duties and national obligations.

The current Lebanese government headed by Mr. Najeb Mikati has nothing at all to do with Lebanon or its people. In reality it is Hezbollah’s puppet government no more, no less.

In the mean time, the Lebanese subservient officials are in fact mere mercenaries who have sold Lebanon, its people, and its independence to Iran and to its terrorist proxy Hezbollah.

With no shame or dignity, these Lebanese subservient officials and the majority of the politicians openly take their orders directly from Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah and from his Iranian masters.

These low class Lebanese officials and politicians must be arrested and put on trial for being actual obstacles for reclaiming the confiscated independence and sovereignty.

All sorts of gratitude, on this sad day must go to Lebanon’s martyrs and their families who offered themselves on the country’s alter so the Lebanese people can still live with dignity, and freedom. 

Yes, celebrating the Independence Day is a must and surely a national obligation, but only, and only, when occupied Lebanon is again free, independent and Sovereign.

Until the Independence Day becomes a reality, all patriotic Lebanese must not succumb to Hezbollah’s occupation by all means.

In this realm of treason, sin and camouflage, it is worth mentioning that the current Lebanese governing bodies with no one exception are all under the full control of  Iran and Hezbollah.

Accordingly all countries who really want to help Lebanon and the Lebanese people to reclaim their confiscated independence need to exert all available and possible pressures on Iran to dismantle and disarm Hezbollah and advocate for the implementation of all UN Resolutions related to Lebanon.

May Almighty God bless the Souls of all Lebanon’s martyrs and safeguard Lebanon and its people.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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