Elias Bejjani/Rising Violations by Hezbollah Against Journalists and Free Media in Lebanon


Rising Violations by Hezbollah Against Journalists and Free Media in Lebanon
Elias Bejjani/November 10, 2023

اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان الذي في أسفل باللغة العربية/Click here to read the below piece in Arabic

From Diaspora, free and loving peace Lebanese expatriates closely follow with bitterness and deep pain the continued practices of repression, threats, fabrication of legal cases, defamation, incitement, and intimidation that targets journalists and free media in Lebanon, at the hands of the terrorist Hezbollah, its propagandists, Trumpets, cymbals, mouthpieces and Trojans.

Lebanese free expatiates vehemently condemn and denounce such despicable acts that aim to restrain press freedom and human rights in occupied Lebanon.

Hezbollah, the Jihadist, terrorist, and Iranian proxy, occupies Lebanon, holds sway over its decision-making process, and enslaves the majority of its officials and politicians. In this subjugation realm it uses most media outlets as tools for disseminating misinformation and promoting hatred, a culture of violence, and the demonization of those who oppose and reject its Iranian nasty occupation.

Hezbollah’s mouthpieces and Trojans work tirelessly to impose by force their fundamentalism, Jihadism concepts, violent culture and the Iranian Mullahs agenda on the majority of Lebanese media outlets. They spare no effort to distort and fabricate facts, assassinate, utter bold death threats, make false accusations, vilify and defame every free and sovereign Lebanese voice, terrifying journalists, activists, intellectuals, and even ordinary sovereign and free citizens, in an evil bid to subjugate, terrorize and tame them.

Recent examples of such intimidating practices includes prominent journalists and media figures like Layal Al-Ikhtiyar, Nadim Qteish, Dima Sadek, Rami Naaim, Charles Jabbour, and many others. These journalists have been threatened, insulted, subjected to arbitrary actions, vilified, intimidated, and morally assassinated because of their honest and professional coverage of events.

From the Diaspora countries, and on behalf of every expatriate Lebanese who shares our concepts of sovereignty, freedom, and Lebanese identity, we strongly condemn and denounce, all Hezbollah’s and its mercenaries atrocities against media, journalists, activists, and citizens in Lebanon.

Meanwhile, what is actually worrisome, alarming, and fearful is that, most the Lebanese state institutions, especially the judiciary and security apparatus, have become tools of oppression and terrorism serving Hezbollah’s agenda. They now represent a real threat to journalists, media professionals, sovereign activists, and free individuals. This misuse of the state manipulation, abuse and enslaving must stop immediately, allowing journalists and sovereign media to perform their professional duties freely and safely.

We call on the international communities, free Western nations, human rights organizations, the United Nations, and the Vatican, to act swiftly and effectively to protect press freedom and human rights in Lebanon, and to ensure accountability for those responsible for these serious violations.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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