Elias Bejjani/Jihadist Hamas does not serve the Palestinian cause, and its victory will be a victory for ISIS, fundamentalism, and for the Vicious Iranian mullahs’ Schemes

A handout photo made available by Iran's Supreme Leader's office on February 12, 2012, shows Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei greeting Ismail Haniya (L), Palestinian Hamas premier in the Gaza Strip, during a meeting in Tehran. AFP PHOTO/HO/KHAMENEI.IR ++ RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / KHAMENEI.IR" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ++ (Photo by - / KHAMENEI IR / AFP) (Photo by -/KHAMENEI IR/AFP via Getty Images)

Jihadist Hamas does not serve the Palestinian cause, and its victory will be a victory for ISIS, fundamentalism, and for the Vicious Iranian mullahs’ Schemes
Elias Bejjani/October 26/2023

اضغط هنا لقراءة الخاطرة التي في أسفل باللغة العربية/Click here to read the below piece in ِArabic

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas: “Hamas actions” do not represent the Palestinian people… and the PLO is the only legitimate representative.”

When trying to understand the political dilemma in the Middle East, it is imperative to deeply focus on the dangers and threats posed by terrorist, jihadist, and ideologically driven organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Houthies, and all the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Jihadit’s offspring.

These groups represent a serious and significant threat to peace, security, and stability, not only in the Middle East, but also in all countries worldwide.

It is crucial to keep in mind that Hamas is a jihadist organization with ideological ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Turkey’s Erdogan and the Qatar Emirate etc.

If left unchecked and the Jihadists emerge victorious in Gaza’s ongoing war since the seventh of this month, there will be catastrophic consequences and dangers for various regional and international affairs, including a serious threat to moderate Arab and Gulf states’ regimes.

Hamas, and as the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abass stated on October 15/2023: “Its actions” do not represent the Palestinian people… and the PLO is the only legitimate representative”.

Hamas’s success in the Gaza war will undermine regional security and stability, ignite destructive populist hysteria, and trigger a wave of military coups that may target several Arab countries.

Hamas’s success will pose a significant threat to moderate Arab regimes and have highly negative consequences for strengthening the influence and presence of extremists in the region, and increasing their popularity among the youth.

Such a new imposed status could force many Arab and Islamic governments to abandon their moderate principles, in a bid to maintain domestic stability and avoid popular pressure.

Meanwhile, many political Islamic leaders may view Hamas’s success as an opportunity to achieve their jihadist, religious, and ideological goals, and could drive them to endorse and lead violent acts and angry popular protests that marginalize and threaten national identities, and also undermine peace and stability.

With the possibility of escalating tensions and disruptions in some Arab countries, military coups may occur, as the military Generals in these countries may see themselves responsible for maintaining stability and restoring order, which would impact democracy, freedoms, and a return to an era of regimes ruled by their military.

In conclusion, the jihadist success of Hamas, or any other jihadist terrorist organization poses a serious threat to security, stability, and peace in the region. At the same time, the repercussions of Hamas’s success on the fate of moderate Arab regimes, the spread of hysterical and impulsive uprisings among the people, and the likelihood of military coups cannot be ignored.

Addressing these fundamental challenges posed by Hamas, Hezbollah, and their patron, the Iranian regime, requires immediate and serious cooperation from all moderate Arab countries, their societies, intellectuals, and moderate leaders to coordinate openly with the free Western world in a bid to combat terrorism and promote stability in the region.

Such world-wide endeavors MUST also involve plans to diminishing Iran’s influence and ending its proxies, especially Hezbollah, in addition to openly and courageously supporting moderate and democratic forces.

*Picture Enclosed/Ayatollah-Ali-Khamenei.-Ismail-Haniyeh-in-Tehran-on-February-12-2012

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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