Elias Bejjani/Violations targeting rights and freedom of journalist Maryam Majdouline Al-Laham are firmly condemned


Violations targeting rights and freedom of journalist Maryam Majdouline Al-Laham are firmly condemned
Elias Bejjani/September 06/2023

اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان باللغة الإنكليزية/Click here to read the statement in English
The flagrant violations inflicted on journalist Maryam Majdouline Al-Laham’s rights and profession as a journalist are strongly condemned, as well as all judicial attempts in a bid to suppress her freedom, and fabricate false charges, in order to force her giving up stances and tweets she took in the course of her investigative professional journalistic work.
Meanwhile the arbitrary, discretionary summoning for interrogation,  the unfair arrest, and the conditional release are all flagrant legal violations of her rights.
Al-Laham’s oppressive judicial case shows clearly that some of the judiciary in occupied Lebanon has been politicized, and turned into tools of repression and terror in the hands of those who dominate and control the decision-making  process of state institutions, including some of the judiciary, and many judges.
We demand that the freedom and rights of journalist Maryam Magdalene Laham in particular, and those of the media in general are respected, and that all media judicial cases are exclusively dealt with in the Publications Court.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator

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