Rami Dabbas/The Danger of the Muslim Brotherhood رامي دباس: خطر جماعة الإخوان المسلمين


The Danger of the Muslim Brotherhood
رامي دباس: خطر جماعة الإخوان المسلمين
Rami Dabbas/Jihad Watch/December 28/18

The Muslim Brotherhood was the first to mobilize the modern-day jihad in Afghanistan, when the Muslim Brotherhood’s leader in Egypt sent an envoy named Kamal al-Sananiri to Pakistan. Kamal was in Saudi Arabia, where he met the Palestinian Brotherhood leader Abdullah Azzam and persuaded him to travel to Islamabad. From there, Azzam became director of the mobilization campaign of the Arab Mujahedeen in Afghanistan.

According to terror researcher Thomas Hegghammer, this meeting demonstrates the key role that the Muslim Brotherhood networks played in the role that Arabs played in the jihad in Afghanistan. The Brotherhood served as the primary connection between Arab countries and the jihad groups in Afghanistan early in the 1980s. The Brotherhood also exhorted Islamic organizations such as the Muslim World League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (now the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) to aid the Afghan mujahedin.

The participation of Saudis in the Afghan jihad started first through the Muslim World League and the Muslim Brotherhood. Abdullah Azzam is the one who said that jihad in Afghanistan was an eye for every Muslim. Osama bin Laden was one of the Arabs who came to Afghanistan in 1984. His political leanings were formed by the high school teachers he studied under in a Syrian Muslim Brotherhood school.

Bin Laden and Azzam met. Azzam played an influential role in the life of bin Laden, who became the chief sponsor of the recruiting of mujahedin. This is a historical fact: the Muslim Brotherhood invented modern jihad terrorism. The Brotherhood is one of the main sources of al-Qaeda.

If you do not support the Muslim Brotherhood, in its eyes you are an infidel and enemy of Allah, whatever your political stance or intellectual affiliation. If you are a nationalist, you are an infidel. I If you are a patriot, you are an infidel. If you are a liberal, you are an infidel. Muslim Brotherhood members and followers consider themselves to be part of a righteous movement and do not tolerate anyone who is not one of them.

The Brotherhood makes intensive attempts to brainwash youths who have been attracted to its message. The goal always sought is one of political interests.

The concept of civil jihad, which the group has maintained day and night, has become a mere myth of the Brotherhood, and something that the Muslim organization will adopt at some later stage. as it pursues the concept of what is called armed or military jihad to achieve its goals, including seizing power anywhere it can. The famous saying of the Muslim Brotherhood is “Death in the name of Allah is our highest hope.”

The intellectual line of the Muslim Brotherhood is fully allied with the ideological line of al-Qaeda and Hamas. That is very dangerous.

At the same time, the group practices a strategic deception: it is allied with liberal movements to get into power. It exploits their support, as we see in many countries of Europe, as well as in Canada and during the Obama era in the United States.

The Muslim Brotherhood uses taqiyya and claims it is in favor of democracy, peace, human rights and the peaceful transfer of power, which all are lies.

The Brotherhood does not believe in the secular state. It seeks to remove it. It is planning to establish Islamic governments.

The Muslim Brotherhood does not believe in the homeland. It denies the very principle of citizenship. It despises the idea of a nation state.

There is no place for non-Muslims in the ideology and organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood does not believe in democracy. It uses it as a tool. It uses it to rob state institutions.

The mind has no place in the Brotherhood’s philosophy.

Stability is not the right atmosphere for the Brotherhood to advance. It loves the atmosphere of chaos, because it achieves its goals through it.

The agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood is an entirely different one from what most people think. Their unknown aspects of their agenda are larger than the known ones. What they have kept secret is much bigger than what they have declared. The Brothers are more suspicious and vague than clear and transparent.

The Brotherhood hijacks your freedom and democracy, steals your will, and grabs your right to decide your future.

The Brotherhood wants to hijack your homeland and create an Islamic caliphate and implement totalitarian sharia law everywhere.

The movements of political Islam, even those that are not dependent on violence, teach Muslims that Western societies are infidel and corrupt. This is very dangerous.

There is no big difference between the mentality of al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood’s view of dealing with Europe and America. The only difference from the Brotherhood’s point of view is that al-Qaeda preaches violence in order to reach its goals, while the Brotherhood preaches taqiyya to infiltrate Western governments and replace their constitutions with the Qur’an and sharia.

The Brotherhood views Europe and the West in general as a corrupt and infidel society in which the Muslim should not be integrated. They also oppose Western governments and the war against terrorism. There is no difference between different Islamic jihad groups except minor ones. They all agree on the goal of conquering and dominating the West, then creating an Islamic caliphate.

Finally, people have to understand that every Islamic jihad terror leader from ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, etc.. were Muslim brotherhood members in the past: Abdullah Azaam, Osama bin Laden and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The list goes on. All of them were Muslim Brotherhood before they went to Al-Qaeda and ISIS and other terror groups. It’s funny when countries such as Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, and Lebanon designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization while USA still has not done so.


*Rami Dabbas is a Jordanian academic and activist.

*رامي دباس هو كاتب و ناشط سياسي اردني : موقعه الاكتروني http://www.RamiDabbas.com
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