Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For April 21/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For April 21/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on April 20-21/17
Sanctions against Hezbollah/Diana Moukalled/Arabnews/April 20/2017
Samir Franjieh’s death marks the end of a political idea/Michael Young/The National/April 20/17
Syria: The Tillerson Proposal to the Russians/Middle East Briefying/April 20/17
The Russia-Iran Alliance: Where to/Middle East Briefying/April 20/17
Syrian refugees are not a ticking time bomb, but Lebanon’s exploitation of them is/Kareem Chehayeb/M.E.E/April 20/17
Iran blocks Telegram/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/April 20/17
Riyadh and Baghdad: Getting relations back on track/Dr. Ibrahim Al-Othaimin/Al Arabiya/April 20/17

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on April 20-21/17
Sanctions against Hezbollah
Samir Franjieh’s death marks the end of a political idea
Syrian refugees are not a ticking time bomb, but Lebanon’s exploitation of them is
U.S. Asks U.N. to Tackle ‘Destructive Nature of Iran, Hizbullah Activities’
Richard Says New U.S. Embassy Compound Fills Her with ‘Optimism for the Future’
UNIFIL head chairs regular tripartite meeting with LAF and IDF officials
Geagea Slams Hizbullah Border Tour for Reporters as ‘Strategic Mistake’
Hizbullah Organizes Border Tour for Reporters on Israel’s Defense Measures
Hizbullah Bloc Warns against Failure to Agree on Electoral Law before May 15
Jumblat Reminds that 1960 Electoral Law is Still in Effect
Kidanian honors German diplomatic delegation
Hajj Hassan pursues visit to Moscow, underlines promotion of economic ties
Hariri follows up on Palestinian refugees census, receives Spanish ambassador and Roukoz
Report: Electoral Negotiations Almost Paralyzed
Qassem Adheres to Proportional Law, Says Suggested Law Versions Must be Complete to Decide on
Hamadeh Wonders Why Cabinet Refrains from Meeting
Lebanese parliamentary delegation, IMF Middle East officer discuss Lebanon affairs
Hasbani begins meetings in Washington

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on April 20-21/17
Policeman and suspected gunman shot dead in Paris gun battle
Iran FM Slams ‘Worn-Out’ U.S. Nuclear Accusations
U.N., Russia Set for Syria Meet without U.S.
Watchdog Rejects Russian-Iranian Bid for New Syria Chemical Attack Probe
Rouhani among 6 Candidates Selected for Iran Vote, Ahmadinejad Barred
US Tries to Clear Waters after N. Korea ‘Armada’ Confusion
Israel Extends Remand of Teenager Accused of U.S. Bomb Threats
Clashes at Protest to Support Palestinian Hunger Strikers
Egypt Army Says Senior IS Cleric Killed in Sinai
Guardian Council Bars Mahmoud Ahmadinejad From Iran Election
Iran: Latest News From Prisons, the Situation of Conscience & Political Prisoners
Status of the Iranian Regime’s Nuclear Bomb Making Apparatus Details to Be Revealed

Links From Jihad Watch Site for April 20-21/17
Iran seeking to ban non-Muslims from running in elections: it’s against Sharia
Turkey: Fugitive al-Qaeda jihadi discovered working as an imam
Paris on lockdown as gunmen kill cop in “terrorist act”
Trudeau: Canadians must move “beyond mere tolerance towards acceptance”
Muslim migrants ‘campaign’ for Le Pen in France: 14 injured as migrants storm town hall
Australia: Muslim pleads guilty to marrying 14-year-old girl
Sharia in Indonesia: Woman caned for having sex before marriage
Australia implements citizenship changes based on Australian values
Sandra Solomon Moment: What Islam Taught Me About Christians
Muslim receiving cancer treatment in Israel arrested smuggling explosives from Gaza

Links From Christian Today Site on April 20-21/17
Vicar’s daughter Theresa May can’t take Christian votes for granted. Here’s why
French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen blasts Pope Francis and Church for political ‘interference’
Hispanic Christian leader ‘hugely alarmed’ over apparent deportation of ‘DREAMer’ under Trump
Will removing a ‘conscience clause’ force Christian pharmacists to dispense morning-after pills?
Father’s grief as 16-year-old Coptic boy is murdered in Egypt’s ‘war on Christians’
Hereford Cathedral hits back at criticism of Grayson Perry art display
It’s taken 8 years, but the UN finally recognises Christian anti-persecution charity
MPs overwhelmingly back #GeneralElection2017

The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site

Sanctions against Hezbollah/عقوبات ضد حزب الله
Diana Moukalled/Arabnews/April 20/2017
In its responses to questions regarding its sources of funding, Hezbollah has always said it does not deal with Lebanese banks. Its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah once said the money comes directly from Iran. These statements contain some truth, as security agencies at the ports and airports are allied with Hezbollah and so may easily permit it to pass through weapons and funds via planes arriving from Tehran or elsewhere.
It is hard to erase from Lebanese memory scenes at the end of Israel’s 2006 war on Lebanon, when Hezbollah began distributing funds directly to those whose homes had been damaged, rather than via banks.
This was accompanied by media coverage aimed at showing that Hezbollah is ready to directly and generously compensate its followers for war damages. This does not mean intended recipients received their compensation, but it was a significant opportunity for the party to show off its financial capabilities.
These scenes have not been repeated, especially as the party has been under international pressure for years to reveal its sources of funding. This pressure has been concentrated in the US, where Congress is expected to announce in the coming days additional measures to punish and hunt down the financiers of Hezbollah, which Washington considers a terrorist organization.
Striking a balance between the need to dry out Hezbollah’s finances and the fragile situation in Lebanon is challenging but not impossible for the US Treasury.
The new sanctions are tougher than previous ones, especially with the sanctions list expanding to include organizations assisting Hezbollah, such as the Amal movement and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar channel.
What worries many banks in Lebanon and the region is that leaked information about the sanctions suggests that unlike previous ones, Lebanon will not be able to take financial measures to avoid them.
Here we note the extent of secrecy and caution that governs the positions of Lebanese officials on the matter, in light of their effort to find an exit from the expected crisis. Even Hezbollah, which is directly involved, has limited its position to calling on the government, which it controls, not to comply.
Bankers, even those in a rivalry with Hezbollah in Lebanon, are coming together because the new US approach could harm Lebanon’s economy, which is largely based on the banking sector’s vitality. Classifying a bank as “uncooperative” in implementing US sanctions would be very damaging. Sanctioning Lebanese parties and individuals in Hezbollah’s orbit could widen partisan confrontation with a sector that is unable to withstand such shocks.
The US Treasury does not need more than a formal statement to bring down Lebanon’s economy. With the administration of President Donald Trump, all possibilities are open. Striking a balance between the need to dry out Hezbollah’s finances and the fragile situation in Lebanon is challenging but not impossible.
• Diana Moukalled is a veteran journalist with extensive experience in both traditional and new media. She is also a columnist and freelance documentary producer.

She can be reached on Twitter @dianamoukalled.