April 21/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
‘Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your
hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 24/36-45/:"While they were
talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be
with you.’ They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a
ghost. He said to them, ‘Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your
hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see;
for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.’ And when he
had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While in their joy they
were disbelieving and still wondering, he said to them, ‘Have you anything here
to eat?’ They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their
presence. Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I spoke to you while I
was still with you that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the
prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.’Then he opened their minds to
understand the scriptures,"
No one who believes in him will be put to shame.’For there
is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is
generous to all who call on him
Letter to the Romans 10/04-12/:"For Christ is the end of the law so that there
may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Moses writes concerning the
righteousness that comes from the law, that ‘the person who does these things
will live by them.’ But the righteousness that comes from faith says, ‘Do not
say in your heart, "Who will ascend into heaven?" ’ (that is, to bring Christ
down)‘or "Who will descend into the abyss?" ’ (that is, to bring Christ up from
the dead). But what does it say? ‘The word is near you, on your lips and in your
heart’ (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim);
because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your
heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes
with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is
saved. The scripture says, ‘No one who believes in him will be put to shame.’
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all
and is generous to all who call on him."
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on April 20-21/17
Sanctions against Hezbollah/Diana Moukalled/Arabnews/April 20/2017
Samir Franjieh's death marks the end of a political idea/Michael Young/The
National/April 20/17
Syria: The Tillerson Proposal to the Russians/Middle East Briefying/April 20/17
The Russia-Iran Alliance: Where to/Middle East Briefying/April 20/17
Syrian refugees are not a ticking time bomb, but Lebanon’s exploitation of them
is/Kareem Chehayeb/Middle East Eye/April 20/17
Iran blocks Telegram/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/April 20/17
Riyadh and Baghdad: Getting relations back on track/Dr. Ibrahim Al-Othaimin/Al
Arabiya/April 20/17
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published
April 20-21/17
Sanctions against Hezbollah
Samir Franjieh's death marks the end of a political idea
Syrian refugees are not a ticking time bomb, but Lebanon’s exploitation of them
U.S. Asks U.N. to Tackle 'Destructive Nature of Iran, Hizbullah Activities'
Richard Says New U.S. Embassy Compound Fills Her with 'Optimism for the Future'
UNIFIL head chairs regular tripartite meeting with LAF and IDF officials
Geagea Slams Hizbullah Border Tour for Reporters as 'Strategic Mistake'
Hizbullah Organizes Border Tour for Reporters on Israel's Defense Measures
Hizbullah Bloc Warns against Failure to Agree on Electoral Law before May 15
Jumblat Reminds that 1960 Electoral Law is Still in Effect
Kidanian honors German diplomatic delegation
Hajj Hassan pursues visit to Moscow, underlines promotion of economic ties
Hariri follows up on Palestinian refugees census, receives Spanish ambassador
and Roukoz
Report: Electoral Negotiations Almost Paralyzed
Qassem Adheres to Proportional Law, Says Suggested Law Versions Must be Complete
to Decide on
Hamadeh Wonders Why Cabinet Refrains from Meeting
Lebanese parliamentary delegation, IMF Middle East officer discuss Lebanon
Hasbani begins meetings in Washington
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
April 20-21/17
Policeman and suspected gunman shot dead in Paris gun battle
Iran FM Slams 'Worn-Out' U.S. Nuclear Accusations
U.N., Russia Set for Syria Meet without U.S.
Watchdog Rejects Russian-Iranian Bid for New Syria Chemical Attack Probe
Rouhani among 6 Candidates Selected for Iran Vote, Ahmadinejad Barred
US Tries to Clear Waters after N. Korea 'Armada' Confusion
Israel Extends Remand of Teenager Accused of U.S. Bomb Threats
Clashes at Protest to Support Palestinian Hunger Strikers
Egypt Army Says Senior IS Cleric Killed in Sinai
Guardian Council Bars Mahmoud Ahmadinejad From Iran Election
Iran: Latest News From Prisons, the Situation of Conscience & Political
Status of the Iranian Regime's Nuclear Bomb Making Apparatus Details to Be
From Jihad Watch Site for April 20-21/17
Iran seeking to ban non-Muslims from running in elections: it’s against Sharia
Turkey: Fugitive al-Qaeda jihadi discovered working as an imam
Paris on lockdown as gunmen kill cop in “terrorist act”
Trudeau: Canadians must move “beyond mere tolerance towards acceptance”
Muslim migrants ‘campaign’ for Le Pen in France: 14 injured as migrants storm
town hall
Australia: Muslim pleads guilty to marrying 14-year-old girl
Sharia in Indonesia: Woman caned for having sex before marriage
Australia implements citizenship changes based on Australian values
Sandra Solomon Moment: What Islam Taught Me About Christians
Muslim receiving cancer treatment in Israel arrested smuggling explosives from
Links From
Christian Today Site on
April 20-21/17
Vicar's daughter Theresa May can't take Christian votes for granted. Here's why
French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen blasts Pope Francis and Church for
political 'interference'
Hispanic Christian leader 'hugely alarmed' over apparent deportation of 'DREAMer'
under Trump
Will removing a 'conscience clause' force Christian pharmacists to dispense
morning-after pills?
Father's grief as 16-year-old Coptic boy is murdered in Egypt's 'war on
Hereford Cathedral hits back at criticism of Grayson Perry art display
It's taken 8 years, but the UN finally recognises Christian anti-persecution
MPs overwhelmingly back #GeneralElection2017
Latest Lebanese Related News published
April 20-21/17
Sanctions against Hezbollah/عقوبات ضد حزب الله
Diana Moukalled/Arabnews/April
In its responses to questions regarding its sources of funding, Hezbollah has
always said it does not deal with Lebanese banks. Its Secretary-General Hassan
Nasrallah once said the money comes directly from Iran. These statements contain
some truth, as security agencies at the ports and airports are allied with
Hezbollah and so may easily permit it to pass through weapons and funds via
planes arriving from Tehran or elsewhere.
It is hard to erase from Lebanese memory scenes at the end of Israel’s 2006 war
on Lebanon, when Hezbollah began distributing funds directly to those whose
homes had been damaged, rather than via banks.
This was accompanied by media coverage aimed at showing that Hezbollah is ready
to directly and generously compensate its followers for war damages. This does
not mean intended recipients received their compensation, but it was a
significant opportunity for the party to show off its financial capabilities.
These scenes have not been repeated, especially as the party has been under
international pressure for years to reveal its sources of funding. This pressure
has been concentrated in the US, where Congress is expected to announce in the
coming days additional measures to punish and hunt down the financiers of
Hezbollah, which Washington considers a terrorist organization.
Striking a balance between the need to dry out Hezbollah’s finances and the
fragile situation in Lebanon is challenging but not impossible for the US
The new sanctions are tougher than previous ones, especially with the sanctions
list expanding to include organizations assisting Hezbollah, such as the Amal
movement and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar channel.
What worries many banks in Lebanon and the region is that leaked information
about the sanctions suggests that unlike previous ones, Lebanon will not be able
to take financial measures to avoid them.
Here we note the extent of secrecy and caution that governs the positions of
Lebanese officials on the matter, in light of their effort to find an exit from
the expected crisis. Even Hezbollah, which is directly involved, has limited its
position to calling on the government, which it controls, not to comply.
Bankers, even those in a rivalry with Hezbollah in Lebanon, are coming together
because the new US approach could harm Lebanon’s economy, which is largely based
on the banking sector’s vitality. Classifying a bank as “uncooperative” in
implementing US sanctions would be very damaging. Sanctioning Lebanese parties
and individuals in Hezbollah’s orbit could widen partisan confrontation with a
sector that is unable to withstand such shocks.
The US Treasury does not need more than a formal statement to bring down
Lebanon’s economy. With the administration of President Donald Trump, all
possibilities are open. Striking a balance between the need to dry out
Hezbollah’s finances and the fragile situation in Lebanon is challenging but not
• Diana Moukalled is a veteran journalist with extensive experience in both
traditional and new media. She is also a columnist and freelance documentary
producer. She can be reached on Twitter @dianamoukalled.
Samir Franjieh's death marks the end of a political idea
وفاة سمير فرنجية تمثل نهاية فكرة السياسية
Michael Young/The National/April 20/17
When Samir Franjieh passed away in Beirut last week, much more died than the
indefatigable Lebanese political figure of some five decades. Gone with him was
also a vision of national politics that has lost considerable ground in his
Maronite Christian community, which regards itself increasingly as being on the
decline politically and demographically.
Franjieh was from a prominent political family from the northern Lebanese town
of Zghorta. His late father, Hamid Franjieh, was an unsuccessful presidential
candidate in 1952, while his uncle Suleiman was elected president in 1970,
shifting the political power in the family to Suleiman’s side and that of his
descendants. Not that this made a great deal of difference to Samir Franjieh,
who was never likely to follow a conventional path in his political career. A
leftist in his younger days, he was part of one of the groups that would later
coalesce into the Organisation for Communist Action in Lebanon, earning him the
label of the "Red Beyk". Always more of an intellectual than a bruiser, he was
nonetheless savvy and experienced, and was remembered as a mentor by many a
politician and publicist.
But Franjieh had undergone change himself over the years. From the left-wing
activist, he later became an advocate of inter-religious dialogue.
Franjieh was a founder of the Permanent Congress for Lebanese Dialogue,
established with Muslim clerics and public figures. This shift underlined how
Franjieh, like many of those on the political left in the 1960s and 1970s who
had sought to change Lebanon’s sectarian system, had later rallied to the
advantages it offered in terms of sectarian coexistence.
But this return to traditionalism was not itself easy, given that his own
community was shifting in the opposite direction. With the end of the Lebanese
civil war in 1990, the Maronites felt increasingly marginalised in a society
with a clear Muslim majority and under Syrian control. The Syrian withdrawal in
2005 gave Maronites a new confidence, but one increasingly tinged with a feeling
that Lebanon’s Muslim communities were taking them for granted.
Most recently, this blend of confidence and insecurity led the two leading
Christian political parties – the Free Patriotic Movement of Michel Aoun and the
Lebanese Forces Party of Samir Geagea – to support a new election law for
parliamentary elections scheduled for this year. While nothing is yet final, the
law they are leaning towards would allow voters from each sect to choose only
candidates from their own sect in a first round of polling. In that way, both
parties feel, no Christians would be brought into parliament by non-Christian
To Franjieh, such a scheme was anathema, alien to the coexistence for which he
had long worked. "This law puts an end to the idea of living together, a reality
created in Lebanon by political, economic and social exchange between the
Lebanese," he said in 2013.
It was a revealing moment, one in which the former leftist who had once
condemned the Lebanese system, was now defending it against mainstream Maronite
parties, many of which had formerly regarded him as a threat to the Lebanese
system. The irony was hardly limited to the Maronites, however. Even someone
such as the Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, a close friend of Franjieh who himself
had railed against sectarianism, today is one of the system’s staunchest
There were many other paradoxes in Franjieh. In our last encounter this year, he
recounted how as a young man he was being driven by taxi to the village of Ehden,
the summer retreat of the inhabitants of Zghorta.
The reputation of the Zghortawis is that of a clannish society governed by the
rules of vendetta, a gun always at hand, as in Sicily or Corsica. As he entered
Ehden, the taxi driver remarked that its inhabitants were "animals", not
realising who he had in his car.
Franjieh laughed at the story later, perhaps amused at the contrast between his
own sedate ways and his town’s ferocious reputation. And yet one could see
occasional flashes of the streetwise, tough-minded northerner through his humour
and sophistication. In that regard he embodied his town better than most, for
Zghorta remains a multifaceted place, with a civil society as independent and
lively as the one in Beirut.
Since I first met Franjieh in the early 1990s he had been struggling with the
spectre of serious illness. That created the most enduring paradox in the man.
He was someone who seemed to be living permanently in the shadow of premature
death, yet who remained a relentless optimist.
Never complaining, never down, he seemed not to be discouraged by how heavily
the odds were stacked against his ideal for Lebanon – and himself.
Many remarked how Franjieh’s death left behind an emptiness that will be
difficult to fill. Certainly, the Maronite community has lost a voice of reason
at a time of sectarian impetuosity. As for Lebanon, there is no doubt it has
become a far less interesting place without Samir Franjieh.
**Michael Young is a writer and editor in Beirut
Syrian refugees are not a ticking
time bomb, but Lebanon’s exploitation of them is
Kareem Chehayeb/Middle East Eye/April 20/17
At the recent Syria conference which drew world leaders to Brussels to discuss
how to support the refugees in the country, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri
– on his first official European tour during his third stint as prime minister -
discussed how they had negatively impacted the country’s economy and
infrastructure. "Invest in hope ... peace ... and support [Lebanon's]
stability," Hariri said. “It’s not only about aiding refugees, it’s also about
the future of Lebanon.”
And then he went in for the hard pitch: the international community should
provide Lebanon with $10-12bn over the next seven years - otherwise Lebanon will
refuse to keep them.
The following day at an event with the Hong Kong-based Silk Road Chamber of
International Commerce in Beirut, he called on China to invest in Lebanon given
the impact of the refugee crisis. “Investing in Lebanon today is preparing for
the massive reconstruction of Syria,” he said.
And despite the government scrambling to agree on an electoral law which has all
but extended the terms of MPs for a third time, Deputy Prime Minister and Health
Minister Ghassan Hasbani announced this week that he will be meeting with World
Bank officials in Washington DC on Wednesday to negotiate more aid. The money,
he said in a press conference, will be used to rehabilitate Lebanese
infrastructure and its health sector among others.
Trying to calm the protestors down, Hariri and his entourage were met with
plastic water bottles raining down on them
Hariri and Hasbani's narrative is ideal for an international community that has
shamelessly helped intensify the armed conflict in Syria while doing the bare
minimum to take care of refugees who continue to suffer on land and sea.
But it is equally suitable to silence disgruntled Lebanese citizens that have
become impatient, and rightly so, at the lack of public services,
infrastructure, and social justice in their country.
Pitting the poor against refugees
In 2015, people took to the streets as a result of the garbage crisis – at
least, that’s where headlines focused. But this went beyond trash. More broadly,
protesters objected to government corruption, and the laundering and squandering
of their tax money. Their complaints were met with teargas, water cannons, mass
arrests, and rubber bullets.
The establishment has set in motion a demonisation campaign of Syrian refugees
which has become integral over the past few months to policy planning
When public sector workers escalated their calls for a wage hike through
protests and strikes in early 2017, the government obliged, but then proposed
new tax measures that would negatively impact the middle and working classes in
Lebanon. A wave of protests took place, calling on the government to better
manage public funds to fund the wage hike. Trying to calm the protestors down,
Hariri and his entourage were met with plastic water bottles raining down on
Since his election last October, Lebanon's political elite have branded Michel
Aoun’s leadership as a “new term” and an era of reform. In reality, while
Lebanon's foundational components remain the same, the establishment has set in
motion a demonisation campaign of Syrian refugees which has become integral over
the past few months to policy planning.
While the government has adopted a rhetoric that promotes transparency and
better financial management as a result of the wave of protests in 2015, the
refugee crisis is always mentioned as a prime problem.
While Syrian refugees often work uncontracted jobs with no social security or
insurance, they spend roughly $1.5bn in Lebanon per year
Take for example the cabinet’s electricity reform plan which aims to finally
give Lebanon 24 hours of electricity. Last month, the cabinet passed a very
expensive electricity reform plan which was met with questions and concerns,
even from other ministers.
Energy Minister Cesar Abi Khalil’s justification for such a plan? Despite the
lack of electricity and other basic public services agitating the public since
the civil war ended in 1990, he said in February: “If it weren’t for the
[Syrian] refugee crisis, Lebanon would have electricity 24/7.”
And in light of Lebanon’s increased security problems, notably the greater
visibility of extremist groups like the Islamic State (IS), Jabhat al-Nusra, and
groups affiliated with al-Qaeda, Hariri argued in Brussels that Lebanon’s
security is “threatened” as a result of the socioeconomic impact of Syrian
Lack of legal status is a nightmare for Syrians in Lebanon
The government has successfully convinced many people that Syrian refugees
strain the economy. There are some pages on social media platforms that actively
blacklist Syrian small businesses, encouraging "patriotic" citizens to boycott
However, the government fails to mention that while Syrian refugees often work
uncontracted jobs with no social security or insurance, and receive pay roughly
at half of Lebanon’s minimum wage, they spend roughly $1.5bn in Lebanon per
There is no mention of their exploitation in the workplace, and certainly no
mention of their contribution to the economy.
Displacing refugees
To add insult to injury, Syrian refugees in Lebanon are being systematically
displaced across the country. In February, the mayor of Hadath, south of Beirut,
cracked down on Syrian businesses, implementing an order from Lebanon’s ministry
of labour that limits the jobs Syrians are allowed to work. To make matters
worse, Syrians residing in Hadath were forced to leave their homes too.One month
later, another town south of Beirut, Naameh, implemented the same measures. The
mayor, who spoke to me on the matter, used the same justification: the Syrians
are taking our jobs and oversaturating the economy. Syrian-owned small
businesses were closed, and businesses employing Syrians with jobs that are not
permitted under the ministry of labour were threatened to be shut down unless
they fire them. This is not a coincidence; the mayor told me that other towns
will follow suit and have been in close coordination with each other.
It gets worse.
Less than two weeks before the Brussels conference, the Lebanese army officially
agreed to pull down 80-90 refugee settlements in northern Lebanon. While UNHCR
says this will impact as many as 12,000 Syrians, activists estimate that up to
20,000 will be impacted. Three thousand have been displaced thus far according
to Human Rights Watch, also confirming that the military has not found another
location for them. This happens in light of Hezbollah and the Free Syria Army’s
Saraya Ahl al-Sham’s negotiations to send Syrian refugees back through the
Qalamoun Mountains to Syria.
Exploiting suffering for personal gain
In short, the Lebanese government is asking the international community for aid
money while violating the principles of international law, namely forcibly
returning those fleeing from persecution and violence.Perhaps Hariri and other
Lebanese political officials are right when they call Lebanon a ticking time
bomb, but their causes for concern are a far cry from reality. If Lebanon is to
crash economically or experience a security crisis, systematic government
corruption and the lack of transparent and effective state institutions will be
the root cause, not helpless refugees fleeing war.
And while it is definitely no easy task to handle a refugee population that
totals roughly a quarter of your country's populaton, the antagonising rhetoric
towards them since day one indicates that perhaps that was the plan all along.
Of course, the ideal scapegoats are those that are most defenceless.
The situation that Syrian refugees face in Lebanon is best described as tragic -
because of Lebanon’s inability to look after them and because they have been
used as a political tool by the ruling class to promote sectarian and xenophobic
ideologies. But most of all, their circumstances are tragic because of the way
in which Lebanese leaders are willing to exploit the socio-economic suffering
and security fears of both Syrian refugees and ordinary Lebanese people for
their own gains.
*Kareem Chehayeb is a Lebanese writer and musician based in Beirut. You can
follow him on Twitter @chehayebk
U.S. Asks U.N. to Tackle
'Destructive Nature of Iran, Hizbullah Activities'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/The United States on Thursday urged
the U.N. Security Council to devote less attention to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and make what she called Iran's "incredibly destructive" activities a
priority in the Middle East. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley branded Iran the "chief
culprit" of conflicts in the Middle East and vowed to work with Washington's
partners to demand Iran comply with U.N. resolutions. Haley cited Iran's support
for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, weapons supplies to Huthi rebels in Yemen,
training of Shiite militias in Iraq and the presence of Tehran-backed Hizbullah
in Lebanon as destabilizing. "The Israel-Palestinian issue is an important one,
deserving of attention. But that is one issue that surely has no lack of
attention around here," Haley told the monthly council meeting on the Middle
East. "The incredibly destructive nature of Iranian and Hizbullah activities
throughout the Middle East demands much more of our attention.""It should become
this council’s priority in the region." Haley's remarks came a day after U.S.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson branded the Iran nuclear deal a failure and two
days after President Donald Trump ordered a review of the lifting of sanctions
under the agreement. The U.S. call to shift the focus to Iran drew a cool
response from other U.N. Security Council permanent members. France, Russia and
China made no mention of Iran during the council's monthly meeting on the Middle
East, instead emphasizing the importance of an Israeli-Palestinian settlement to
bring regional peace. Addressing the Security Council, Iran's ambassador hit
back, accusing the United States of waging a "misleading propaganda campaign"
against his country. "The U.S. and the Israeli regime want to remove the
Palestinian issue -- that is central to all conflicts in the Middle East -- from
these open debates," said Iranian Ambassador Gholamali Khoshroo. "By blaming all
others but the occupier, the U.S. seeks to erase the question, rather than
addressing it." The council holds a monthly meeting on the Middle East and the
Palestinian question. Haley has repeatedly accused the top U.N. body of being
biased against Israel. Describing the monthly meetings as "Israel-bashing
sessions," Haley said the debates "do nothing" to address differences but were
instead pushing Israel and the Palestinians further part. Trump's administration
has fiercely criticized the government of ex-president Barack Obama for refusing
in December to use its U.N. veto to block a resolution demanding Israel halt
expansion of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. A vocal supporter of
Israel, Haley has branded the resolution, which was adopted after the United
States abstained, a "terrible mistake."
Richard Says New U.S. Embassy Compound Fills Her with
'Optimism for the Future'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/In a demonstration of the
U.S.-Lebanese “enduring friendship and important bilateral partnership,” U.S.
Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard on Thursday broke ground on the new U.S.
Embassy compound in Beirut, an Embassy statement said.
In her remarks at the ceremony, Richard said: “Breaking ground today on our New
Embassy Compound is a strong message to the Lebanese people that we are with you
for the long term. We intend to continue the spirit of cooperation and
partnership that has defined our journey together for 200 years.”The
multi-building compound will be located in the suburb of Awkar on a 43-acre
site. The compound will provide “a safe, secure, sustainable, and modern
platform that supports U.S. Embassy staff in representing the U.S. Government to
Lebanon and in conducting day-to-day diplomacy,” the Embassy said. “That we are
building a billion dollar facility on this site, overlooking your vibrant
capital and the breathtaking Mediterranean, fills me with great optimism for the
future. I hope you share that optimism – it is what fuels the next generation to
continue the work that was done before them to build a secure, stable, and
prosperous Lebanon,” Richard told the guests at the ceremony. The facilities of
the new compound represent “the best in American culture, engineering,
technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution,” the
Embassy said in it statement. Professionals from the United States, Lebanon, and
other countries will be working side-by-side to complete the new diplomatic
facility. Morphosis Architects of Culver City, California, is the architect for
the project. B.L. Harbert International of Birmingham, Alabama is the
construction contractor.
UNIFIL head chairs regular tripartite meeting with LAF and
IDF officials
Thu 20 Apr 2017 /NNA - UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General
Michael Beary, today chaired a regular tripartite meeting with senior officials
from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) at the
UN position at Ras Al Naqoura.
Discussions focused on issues related to the implementation of UNIFIL's mandate
under UN Security Council resolution 1701 (2006), air and ground violations, the
situation along the Blue Line and its ongoing visible marking, as well as the
issue of withdrawal of Israeli forces from northern Ghajar.
Major General Beary underlined the importance of maintaining the rhythm of
face-to-face discussions, through the tripartite forum, that allow all the
parties to take continuous stock of pressing issues and security concerns along
the Blue Line. He also called on the parties to focus on building trust and
confidence in order to maintain the cessation of hostilities and stability along
the Blue Line. Underscoring the importance of using UNIFIL's liaison and
coordination arrangements in order to avoid any misunderstanding between the
parties, Major General Beary said, "The overall picture I see is one where there
are several positives to be discerned and clear lessons on how some of the
negatives could have been avoided by more timely engagement through UNIFIL's
liaison and coordination channels." Emphasizing the importance of prevention, he
called on the parties to build on the positives, pointing to instances that had
proved that "pragmatic and practical arrangements are possible and to the
benefit of all."The UNIFIL head also said that UNIFIL will continue to work
closely with the parties in order to move the Blue Line marking process forward,
"which will be in the long-term interest of both parties."
Geagea Slams Hizbullah Border Tour for Reporters as
'Strategic Mistake'
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Thursday slammed a tour for reporters
that Hizbullah has organized on the border with Israel as a “strategic
mistake.”“It is not a mere error but rather a strategic mistake, seeing as the
party has given the impression that there is no official Lebanese army that is
responsible for the border and that there is no State. What is worse than all of
this is that it gave the impression that U.N. Resolution 1701 has become
something of the past,” Geagea said in a statement. “At a time the region is
boiling with events and at a time Israel is more and more showing hostile
intentions towards Lebanon, we are in urgent need to remind of Resolution 1701
and to stress that Lebanon is fully committed to it. Secondly we need to prove
that there is a State in Lebanon and that only the Lebanese army is responsible
for the border, in anticipation of any hostile operations against Lebanon that
Israel might be thinking of,” the LF leader added. “We call on the Lebanese
government, in which we are represented, to understand the situation and ask
Hizbullah to stop this type of behavior,” Geagea urged, calling on the
government to “fully shoulder its responsibilities, especially in terms of the
proper implementation of Resolution 1701, and to become properly in charge of
the strategic decisions.”Earlier in the day, Hizbullah organized a tour for
reporters along Lebanon's southern border to brief them about the defense
measures that Israel has set up in recent months. “Around a year ago, the enemy
built fortifications, sand barricades and massive defense measures to prevent
any breach by infantry fighters,” a Hizbullah militant donning combat fatigues
and sunglasses told the reporters. The Hizbullah fighter noted that his group
has its “special tactics to deal with these structures.”“We are not discussing
what the resistance will do or its plan but rather what the enemy is assuming,”
he added. Both Hizbullah and Israel have warned that a new conflict between them
would be worse than previous ones. Hizbullah fired more than 4,000 rockets on
northern Israel in the 2006 war, while Israel bombarded targets across Lebanon,
mainly in the south. The month of fighting killed an estimated 1,300 Lebanese
mostly civilians, 44 Israeli civilians and 121 Israeli soldiers.
Hizbullah Organizes Border Tour for Reporters on Israel's
Defense Measures
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/Hizbullah on Thursday organized a tour
for reporters along Lebanon's southern border to brief them about the defense
measures that Israel has set up in recent months.The powerful Shiite group,
which fought a devastating war with Israel in 2006, brought dozens of
journalists on a rare and highly-choreographed trip to the demarcation line
between Lebanon and Israel. "This tour is to show the defensive measures that
the enemy is taking," said Hizbullah spokesman Mohammed Afif, on a hilltop along
the so-called Blue Line. “We are here south of the town of Alma al-Shaab,
opposite to the blessed Palestinian territories that the Zionist enemies are
occupying, and in this meeting we will briefly explain the geographic condition
of this holy land and the military deployment and defense measures of the
Israeli enemy,” a Hizbullah military commander identified as Haj Imad, dressed
in digital camouflage and sunglasses, told the reporters. He said the Israeli
army was erecting earth berms up to 10 meters high, as well as reinforcing a
military position near the Israeli border town of Hanita. "Because their
position is directly by the border and the enemy fears that the resistance will
advance on it, they have constructed a cliff and additional earth berms and put
up concrete blocks," he said. “The enemy has recently intensified its
barricading efforts and fortifications while deploying monitoring and espionage
systems,” the militant added. “Around a year ago, the enemy built
fortifications, sand barricades and massive defense measures to prevent any
breach by infantry fighters,” he explained. The Hizbullah fighter noted that his
group has its “special tactics to deal with these structures.”“We are not
discussing what the resistance will do or its plan but rather what the enemy is
assuming,” he says. The Hizbullah militant also noted that Israel's
fortifications are “of a defensive nature, in departure from the enemy's
previous military strategy which had been based on attack throughout the past
decades.”“This is a proof of the enemy's confusion and its fear of any future
war,” the militant added.
As he spoke, an Israeli military patrol of two armored cars and a white bus
wended their way along a road behind a fence, as two yellow bulldozers moved
earth nearby. There has been rising speculation about the possibility of a new
war between Israel and Hizbullah, more than a decade after their last direct
confrontation. The 34-day conflict in 2006 led to the deaths of 1,200 people in
Lebanon, mainly civilians, and 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers. Israel's army
chief warned recently that in a "future war, there will be a clear address: the
state of Lebanon and the terror groups operating in its territory and under its
authority."There have been periodic skirmishes along the U.N.-monitored
demarcation line between Israel and Lebanon, longtime adversaries which are
technically still at war with each other.
'We don't fear war'
Israel withdrew its forces from southern Lebanon in 2000, after a 22-year
occupation that faced armed resistance spearheaded by Hizbullah. Thursday's tour
sought to paint Israel as afraid of a new conflict, while depicting Hizbullah as
ready for war despite having committed thousands of its fighters to bolstering
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. Journalists were taken from the southern
Lebanese town of Naqoura, with Hizbullah fighters in full military regalia
stationed along the route alongside the group's yellow flag -- despite an
official ban on any armed paramilitary presence in southern Lebanon.
Faces smeared with black and green camouflage, they stood silently holding guns
and RPG launchers. On the demarcation line, officially patrolled by the Lebanese
army and the U.N. peacekeeping force known as UNIFIL, there was little sign of
tension. The scents of wild thyme and yellow gorse mingled in the air, the
landscape peaceful beyond the noise produced by the sudden scrum of visitors.
While eager to discuss the measures they say Israel has been taking, Hizbullah
officials refused to be drawn on their own preparations for war, beyond
insisting on their ability to fight if one comes. Some analysts believe
Hizbullah would be hard-pressed to fight on two fronts, Syria and Israel, but
others note the group's combatants have also gained new experience during years
of battle in the Syrian conflict. "We don't talk about what the resistance will
do," said Haj Imad. "But we do not fear war, we don't hesitate to confront it.
We yearn for it and we will confront it if it is imposed on us, and God willing
we will win."Despite the bellicose tone, Afif insisted that Hizbullah believes
"the chances of war are remote.""These defensive measures show that Israel is
the one who is afraid of the resistance and it is not the resistance that is
Hizbullah Bloc Warns against Failure to Agree on Electoral Law before May 15
Naharnet/April 20/17/Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc warned
Thursday of the risks that Lebanon would face should the political parties fail
to agree on a new electoral law before the May 15 legislative session. “The
least negative repercussions would be the aggravation of the disagreements among
the Lebanese, the placement of the country in a complicated dilemma and a
terrible disappointment of the hopes for a possible positive change in the
country,” the bloc cautioned in a statement issued after its weekly meeting. It
also reiterated that “full proportional representation is the best
constitutional formula for the anticipated law.”Hizbullah and its allies have
repeatedly called for an electoral law fully based on proportional
representation amid reservations by al-Mustaqbal Movement and the Progressive
Socialist Party, and most recently the Lebanese Forces. But Mustaqbal's leader,
Prime Minister Saad Hariri, has recently announced that he is willing to accept
full proportional representation. Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil
and LF leader Samir Geagea have meanwhile called for a hybrid electoral system
that mixes proportional representation with the winner-takes-all system, arguing
that it grants Christians better representation.
Jumblat Reminds that 1960 Electoral Law is Still in Effect
Naharnet/April 20/17/Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on
Thursday reminded politicians that the controversial 1960 electoral law, under
which the 2009 polls were held, is still in effect. The parliament has extended
its own term twice since 2009 amid acute political disputes and failure to agree
on a new electoral law. “Why are some officials waging a disinformation
campaign? There will be no extension. Until an agreement is reached on a new
law, the 1960 law is still in effect, according to the Doha Agreement and
according to the constitution,” Jumblat tweeted. Lebanese political parties
meeting in Doha after the May 2008 clashes had agreed to stage the 2009
parliamentary elections under an amended version of the 1960 law. On April 12,
President Michel Aoun suspended parliament for one month to prevent it extending
its own term for the third time in less than four years. The legislature had
been due to meet the next day to vote on an extension. In the wake of Aoun's
move, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri scheduled a legislative session for May 15.
Jumblat has repeatedly rejected the proportional representation electoral
system, arguing that it would “marginalize” his minority Druze community whose
presence is concentrated in the Aley and Chouf areas. He has announced that he
would accept a hybrid electoral law that mixes proportional representation with
the winner-takes-all system but the political parties are still wrangling over
the law's format and electoral districts.
Kidanian honors German diplomatic delegation
Thu 20 Apr 2017/NNA - Tourism Minister, Owadis Kidanian, held on Thursday a
lunch banquet in honor of the German delegation visiting Lebanon for learning
about tourism sites in the country. Kidanian said that the visit of the
delegation was an acquaintance one aiming to reinforce bilateral relations and
promote Lebanon as a place of tourism. "We will lay the foundation stone for the
promotion of Lebanon in countries that forgot its existence," he concluded.
Hajj Hassan pursues visit to Moscow, underlines promotion
of economic ties
Thu 20 Apr 2017/NNA - Industry Minister Hussein Hajj Hassan, currently in
Moscow, met with Minister of Services and Consumer Market of Moscow, Vladimir
Posazenikov, in the presence of President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry
and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, Mohammad Choukair, and the Chairman
of the Lebanese-Russian Business Council Jack Sarraf. Talks reportedly dwelt on
means of bolstering trade and economic exchange relations between both
countries, and the possibility of benefiting from customs facilities and
exemptions which Russia has already granted to other countries, which would
increase the prospects of Lebanese exports to Moscow, based on the common
conviction of the interest of both countries in the development of economic and
trade relations. Agreement was reached on preparing a visit for Russian
businessmen, importers, traders and investors to Lebanon upcoming July to have
firsthand look at the capabilities of Lebanese industry, technology and
agricultural products, and to agree with Lebanese businessmen to set up a joint
action mechanism that would activate exchange in both directions, notably from
Lebanon to Russia. Hajj Hassan hailed during his work meetings with Russian
businessmen the positive, effective and consistent role of Russia in support of
the region's righteous and just causes, especially in supporting Syria and
Lebanon in the face of the Takfiri terrorism.
Hariri follows up on Palestinian refugees census, receives
Spanish ambassador and Roukoz
Thu 20 Apr 2017/NNA - Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, received today at the Grand
Serail the President of the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee Hassan
Mneimne and the Director General of the Central Administration of Statistics in
Lebanon Maral Tutelian. The meeting focused on the Comprehensive Census of
Population and Housing in Palestinian Camps and Gatherings in Lebanon, a project
of the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee in partnership with the Central
Administration of Statistics in Lebanon and the Palestinian Central Bureau of
Statistics. During the meeting, the director of the project Abdelnasser Al-Ayi
said that the preparatory stage has been completed and the executive one has
started. He presented the goals of the project and its importance in providing
clear data about the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon in order to develop
appropriate social policies. He explained that the census includes all residents
of the 12 Palestinian camps and all Palestinian refugees residing in the 126
areas and communities adjacent to the camps. Tutelian said that the project is a
founding step that will benefit the Central Administration of Statistics in
Lebanon in acquiring expertise and techniques for its future projects. Hariri
also received retired Brigadier General Chamel Roukoz who said after the
meeting: "We discussed the situation in Lebanon, particularly in Keserwan and I
called on the Prime Minister to pay compensations to the apple farmers who could
not sell their apples as the season was harmed by the weather. Prime Minister
Hariri promised to pay compensations to a large group as soon as possible and to
the rest later on."Asked if they discussed the electoral law, Roukoz said: "We
discussed the issue and he shared his ideas with me. I personally support the
proportional law in general. The atmosphere is positive and the issue can be
solved through openness and positivity. The electoral law is essential to the
stability in the country and this law should be fair and reassuring to all and
this is the concern of Prime Minister Hariri and President Aoun."Asked if there
will be a new law, he said that there should be a new law and the elections
should take place before the end of September. Hariri also met with the Spanish
Ambassador to Lebanon Milagros Hernando Echevarria and discussed with her the
local and regional situation and the bilateral relations. Hariri later received
the President of the Dar al-Fatwa Lebanese Committee in Kuwait Hassan Houhou who
said that they discussed the electoral law, adding that he submitted a project
to support the Lebanese Army through establishing an expatriate's fund to
finance the army by donating one dollar from each Lebanese expatriate. He also
received the President of Beirut Marathon Association May Khalil who updated him
on the activities of the Association. Hariri later on met with the Education
Minister Marwan Hamade and the Minister of State for Human Rights Ayman Choucair.
Discussions focused on the situation and the ongoing contacts regarding the
electoral law.
Report: Electoral Negotiations Almost Paralyzed
Associated Press/Naharnet/April 20/17/Twenty-two days separate
Lebanon from the end of a one month time period, in accordance with a
presidential decree issued by President Michel Aoun on April 12 that suspended
the parliament, paving way for additional negotiations on a new law and avoiding
another parliament term extension, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Thursday.
“However, although the measure was supposed to give momentum at all levels to
formulate a solution for the electoral-political crisis, the electoral machine
engines seem to have been rusted,” said the daily. “They are governed by a
suspicious freeze affecting political and official levels concerned with this
file, which threatens to put the country on the brink of a political dispute
opening Lebanon on various negative possibilities,” it added. “Until the
contrary is proven, political forces are accused of indecisiveness and failure
to deal with this pressing entitlement, which requires the need for rapid and
serious adoption of a consensual electoral format that takes into account all
the components and Lebanese families,” added the daily. Al-Joumhouria pointed
out to the “blatant absence of political consultations during the Easter
vacation and beyond, which is supposed to be driven by a sensitive entitlement,”
thus discouraging the Lebanese on the ability of their leaders to address the
matter. The daily added that the Lebanese expect the political class to address
the issue seriously and to take into consideration the pressing deadlines facing
the country. On April 12, Aoun invoked his constitutional powers to adjourn the
parliament for one month. Lebanon's lawmakers were set to vote in Parliament the
next day to postpone national elections and extend their term for a third time
since 2013. Aoun justified the adjournment to give legislators time to craft a
new election law and hold elections as quickly as possible. Lebanon's political
parties say it is time to scrap the country's 1960 voting law that allocates
seats by religious sect, but disagree over what system should replace it.
Qassem Adheres to Proportional Law, Says Suggested Law
Versions Must be Complete to Decide on
Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem reiterated adherence to the
proportional representation system in a single electoral district, noting that
in order for the party to decide on any other electoral format it must see the
full version, al-Akhbar daily reported on Thursday. “Proportionality in a single
electoral district is the rightful and fair law that provides proper
representation and reflects the popularity of the parties at the national,
partisan, sectarian and family levels,” said Qassem in an interview to the
daily. Asked about Hizbullah's position as for the so-called qualification
system suggested by their ally Free Patriotic Movement and Foreign Minister
Jebran Bassil. He said: “Before we decide our final position on any law, we must
first know its final version that is agreed on by various parties. The answers
today are only partial and we have not seen its final version. “We have agreed
on some ideas in the qualification law format, but what is the final version?
This is not yet settled because there are many observations that may change the
law and turn it upside down,” he added. “We have clearly stated that we reject
extension, vacuum and the 1960 law. We support a new law, but it is clear and
certain that when we face the need to choose between these options, this time we
will not accept vacuum,” remarked Qassem. He pointed out that efforts to agree
on a new law before May 15 continue, “We are waiting for the positions of
political parties to resolve the debate over the accepted law,” he said, adding
"we have hope, and hope must be there to complete this opportunity."The country
has not organized parliamentary elections since 2009 and the legislature has
instead twice extended its own mandate. The last polls were held under an
amended version of the 1960 electoral law. Early in April, President Michel Aoun
invoked his constitutional powers and suspended the parliament which was
scheduled to meet to extend it own mandate again. Several law formats were
suggested to replace Lebanon's current 1960 majoritarian law, but none so far
have garnered the agreement of all parties. Hizbullah has repeatedly called for
an electoral law fully based on the proportional representation system and a
single or several large electorates. Bassil has lately suggested the
'qualification law' where in the first round voting takes place in the current
26 districts and voters are not allowed to vote for candidates from other sects.
Two candidates for each sectarian seat qualify for the second round during which
voting would take place in 10 newly-defined electoral districts and according to
a non-sectarian proportional representation polling system. Bassil's law was
dubbed as sectarian.
Hamadeh Wonders Why Cabinet Refrains from Meeting
Naharnet/April 20/17/Education Minister Marwan Hamadeh wondered in a statement
on Thursday about the reasons that make the cabinet refrain from holding
sessions to tackle pressing issues, while the committees meet to discuss a new
electoral law for the upcoming polls, the National News Agency reported. “Why
does not the cabinet meet to tackle the people's livelihood issues and ease the
country's facilities, meanwhile many committees are working and conducting
communications to reach agreement over a new electoral law?" NNA quoted Hamadeh
as asking. The cabinet convened on April 10 to look into a new parliamentary
electoral law system to govern Lebanon's upcoming polls and agreed on the
formation of a ministerial committee that will devise a new draft law. The
committee met only once. The country faces a critical challenge and the fate of
its parliamentary elections hinge on a legislative session scheduled for May 15.
Twenty-two days separate Lebanon from the end of a one month time period, in
accordance with a presidential decree issued by President Michel Aoun on April
12 that suspended the parliament. The May 15 parliament meeting is set to
determine the fate of Lebanon's electoral law and the upcoming polls. On April
12, Aoun invoked his constitutional powers and adjourned the parliament for one
month to avoid a new extension of the parliament’s term. Lebanon's lawmakers
were set to vote in Parliament the next day to postpone national elections and
extend their term for a third time since 2013. Aoun justified the adjournment to
give legislators time to craft a new election law and hold elections as quickly
as possible. Lebanon's political parties say it is time to scrap the country's
1960 voting law that allocates seats by religious sect, but disagree over what
system should replace it.
Lebanese parliamentary delegation, IMF Middle East officer
discuss Lebanon affairs
Thu 20 Apr 2017/NNA - The Lebanese parliamentary delegation
including MPs Yassin Jaber, Alain Aoun and Bassem Shabb participated during the
third day of International Monetary Fund (IMF) conference in workshops on
developed communications and technologies as well as Central Bank's financial
engineering during bank's crises.
Hasbani begins meetings in Washington
Thu 20 Apr 2017/NNA - Minister of Public Health, Ghassan Hasbani, started his
meeting on Thursday at the World Bank headquarters in Washington. He met with
World Bank's Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Hafez
Ghanem. Minister Hasbani then met with a delegation of the committees concerned
by the discussion of the projects, in presence of the World Bank's task force,
as well as relevant directors and representatives of donor countries. Hasbani
shed lights on the project developed by the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health
in cooperation with the World Bank to support the health sector in Lebanon. The
Minister will hold further meetings at World Bank headquarters in the next two
days and will also meet with politicians in Washington.
Latest LCCC
Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on April 19-20/17
Policeman and suspected gunman shot dead in Paris gun battle
BBC/April 20/17/One policeman has been
shot dead and two others wounded in central Paris, French police say, with their
suspected attacker killed by security forces. The Champs Elysees, where the
shooting occurred, was sealed off. Reports suggest a single gunman fired on a
police patrol before trying to escape. It happened as presidential candidates
made their last pitches in a TV appearance before Sunday's election. An
anti-terrorist investigation has been launched. "On the face of it, the officers
were deliberately targeted," interior ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet
told France's BFMTV news channel. Islamist militancy is a major issue in the
polls after recent mass attacks claimed by so-called Islamic State. Because of
its worldwide renown and its large number of visitors, the Champs Elysees has
long been seen as a potential target, the BBC's Hugh Schofield reports from the
French capital. State of emergency 'to protect election' A single gunman armed
with an automatic weapon opened fire on a foot patrol before being killed in
turn, according to Le Parisien newspaper, citing its own sources. The whole of
the Champs Elysees has been evacuated and police vehicles are lined up near a
point half way up the avenue around the George V metro station, our
correspondent says. Shots were heard around 21:00 (19:00 GMT) in or near the
Marks & Spencer store, provoking a panicked rush away from the scene by tourists
and passers-by.
Iran FM Slams 'Worn-Out' U.S. Nuclear Accusations
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April
20/17/ Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday criticized
"worn-out" U.S. accusations that it was seeking a nuclear weapon to threaten the
region and the world. "Worn-out U.S. accusations can't mask its admission of
Iran's compliance" with a 2015 nuclear deal, Zarif wrote on Twitter. Iran says
its nuclear program is purely for peaceful purposes but signed a deal with world
powers to restrict its fuel enrichment for 10 years in exchange for sanctions
relief. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Wednesday that Tehran has so
far met its obligations, but that the deal could only delay Iran's development
of a nuclear weapon. The deal "fails to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear
Iran," he said, and was a product of "the same failed approach of the past that
brought us to the current imminent threat we face from North Korea." Zarif said
Iran's compliance had forced the U.S. administration of President Donald Trump
"to change course and fulfill its own commitments."Trump described the accord as
the "worst deal ever negotiated" during his campaign and threatened to tear it
up, but analysts say that is increasingly unlikely. Trump's spokesman Sean
Spicer said a review would be conducted by U.S. government agencies over the
next 90 days on whether to stick by the deal.
U.N., Russia Set for Syria Meet without U.S.
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/The U.N.'s Syria envoy said Thursday
that he will hold talks with Russian officials next week but without the U.S.
present after previous plans for a trilateral meeting were "postponed."U.N.
peace mediator Staffan de Mistura said his meeting with Russia's deputy foreign
minister Gennady Gatilov is set for Monday in Geneva. "The trilateral meeting is
not off the table, it is simply being postponed", de Mistura told reporters.
Asked why U.S. President Donald Trump's representatives decided to skip the
meeting, de Mistura said: "you should ask them, frankly."
Syrian regime supporter Moscow and opposition-backer Washington had been the key
foreign powers shaping the U.N.'s Syria peace process. De Mistura has previously
asked for more clarity from Trump's administration on its vision for the Syria
talks. U.S. officials have in recent weeks voiced commitment to support a
negotiated solution to the conflict. Monday's sitdown with Gatilov "will be a
very intense bilateral meeting," de Mistura said. He also restated his desire to
convene a sixth round of U.N.-backed talks involving Syrian rivals next month.
The previous rounds have failed to produce concrete results.
Watchdog Rejects Russian-Iranian Bid for New Syria Chemical Attack Probe
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/The global chemical arms watchdog
Thursday "overwhelmingly" rejected a Russian-Iranian move to launch a new
investigation into a suspected chemical attack in Syria, delegates said, backing
the probe already underway. "The #OPCW executive council has overwhelmingly
rejected the Russian and Iranian decision," the British delegation to the
watchdog said in a Tweet. A draft decision put forward by Moscow and Tehran --
and obtained by AFP -- had called for a new investigation by the Organization
for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) "to establish whether chemical
weapons were used in Khan Sheikhun and how they were delivered to the site of
the reported incident."But it ignored that the body, based in The Hague, is
already investigating the April 4 attack on the rebel-held town in Idlib
province which left 87 dead, including many children. The draft had also called
for investigators to visit the Shayrat airbase -- bombed by the United States
after the attack -- to "verify allegations concerning the storage of chemical
weapons" there. But the Russian move had "attempted to undercut" the OPCW's
existing fact-finding mission (FFM), the British delegation said in its tweet.
"Needless to say - #OPCW FFM investigation continues" and "the UK fully supports
it," it added. The move came as OPCW head Ahmet Uzumcu said Wednesday that
"incontrovertible" OPCW test results had shown sarin gas or a similar substance
were used in the attack. Samples from three people killed in the attack and
seven survivors analyzed at four OPCW-designated laboratories "indicate exposure
to sarin or a sarin-like substance," said Uzumcu. Western nations have accused
the Syrian regime of carrying out the suspected air strike, but Moscow, the
closest ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has sought to clear the regime
of blame.
'What sarin fumes?'
Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Thursday: "Not one
representative of the OPCW has been there (Khan Sheikhun) in the two weeks.
Where, by whom and how were the samples taken?""If there truly had been sarin in
Khan Sheikhun, then how can the OPCW explain the charlatans from the White
Helmets hopping about in sarin fumes without protective equipment?"The
Russian-Iranian move for a new inquiry raised hackles at the OPCW executive
council meeting this week. The fact-finding team "deserves our full confidence,"
the Belgian representative to the OPCW told the meeting on Wednesday. "We don't
see the need to put in place a new structure."The draft decision had also sought
to urge member states to "provide national experts for participation in the
investigation."That would have enabled Moscow to deploy its own experts
alongside the OPCW's independent teams in a bid "to discredit the results" so
far, one source close to the discussions told AFP. In an unprecedented step, the
OPCW's executive council in November condemned Syria's use of toxic weapons --
the council's first public condemnation of a member of the Chemical Weapons
Convention. It came after a joint U.N.-OPCW investigation concluded in October
that the Syrian air force had dropped chlorine barrel-bombs from helicopters on
three opposition-held villages in 2014 and 2015. Islamic State jihadists were
also found to have used mustard gas in August 2015 in Syria. Russia last week
vetoed a U.N. draft resolution condemning the April 4 attack and demanding the
Syrian government cooperate with an investigation, blocking Security Council
action against its ally for an eighth time. After Moscow initially said a Syrian
air strike had struck a "terrorist warehouse" containing "toxic substances,"
Russian President Vladimir Putin last week accused Assad's opponents of planning
to stage chemical attacks to lure Washington deeper into the conflict.
Rouhani among 6 Candidates Selected for Iran Vote,
Ahmadinejad Barred
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/President Hassan Rouhani was among six
candidates approved Thursday by Iran's conservative-dominated Guardian Council
to run in next month's election while former leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was
barred, state media reported. The other candidates selected were hardliners
Ebrahim Raisi and Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, conservative Mostafa Mirsalim,
former minister Mostafa Hashemitaba and Rouhani's ally and vice-president Eshaq
Jahangiri. Both Ahmadinejad and his close ally Hamid Baghaie were barred from
running by the Guardian Council. The former hardline president, who ruled from
2005 to 2013, shocked everyone by registering as a candidate last week against
the advice of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. More than 1,600 candidates
registered to run in the May 19 election, but the Guardian Council only ever
selects around half a dozen. More than 130 women registered but none has ever
been allowed to stand.
US Tries to Clear Waters after N. Korea 'Armada' Confusion
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/The Trump administration on Wednesday
tried to clear the waters after it gave confusing messages concerning the
whereabouts of a US supercarrier that supposedly was steaming toward North Korea
last week. Amid soaring tensions ahead of North Korea's apparent ramping up for
a sixth nuclear test, the US Navy on April 8 said it was directing a naval
strike group headed by the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to "sail north" from
the waters off Singapore, as a "prudent measure" to deter Pyongyang. "We are
sending an armada. Very powerful," were the words of President Donald Trump, and
other officials made it sound like the ships were plowing toward the region. "A
carrier group steaming into an area like that, the forward presence of that is
clearly... a huge deterrent. So, I think it serves multiple capabilities," White
House spokesman Sean Spicer said April 11. Pentagon chief Jim Mattis said the
Vinson was "on her way up" to the region. But the Navy on Tuesday admitted the
ships were in fact sent in the opposite direction -- away from Singapore and
toward Australia to conduct drills with the Australian navy. Defense officials
said the Vinson wouldn't be anywhere near North Korea before next week at the
earliest -- it is thousands of nautical miles from the Java Sea where the ship
was located over the weekend to the Sea of Japan. Critics pounced on the
discrepancy as a dangerous miscommunication, saying it fed into North Korea's
narrative that America is all bluster and doesn't follow through on threats.
- 'It is happening' -It also comes as the White House faces ongoing credibility
issues on a broad range of topics including the size of Trump's inaugural crowd,
his unsubstantiated claim that he was "wiretapped" by the Obama administration
and his unsupported assertion millions of votes in November's election were
illegal. "The president said that we have an armada going towards the peninsula.
That's a fact. It happened. It is happening, rather," Spicer said Wednesday as
he tried to clarify the issue. Speaking to reporters in Saudi Arabia, Mattis
said the Pentagon had tried to be open about the Vinson's whereabouts.
"We generally don't give out ship schedules in advance but I did not want to
play a game either and say we were not changing the schedule when in fact we
have," he said. "She will be on her way. I will determine when she gets there
and where she actually operates, but the Vinson is going to be part of our
ensuring that we stand by our allies in the northwest Pacific."Rear Admiral Jim
Kilby, who heads the Vinson strike group, wrote on Facebook late Tuesday that
the ships' deployment "has been extended 30 days to provide a persistent
presence in the waters off the Korean Peninsula."
James Faeh, a former Pentagon country director for Korea during the Obama
administration, said the Vinson deployment was not a make-or-break development,
given that the United States already has a massive array of military hardware
and tens of thousands of troops in the region to deter Pyongyang.
He told AFP the rhetoric coming from the Trump administration on North Korea was
"overheated and risky," but the strike group's deployment was "not at all
outside of the mainstream." North Korea staged a massive military parade on
Saturday and observers widely expected the country to conduct a sixth nuclear
test to coincide with celebrations marking the birthdate of regime founder Kim
Il-Sung. But that test hasn't happened yet, though North Korean leader Kim Jong-un
attempted to launch a missile Sunday that the Pentagon said blew up almost
immediately after launch.
Israel Extends Remand of Teenager Accused of U.S. Bomb
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/An Israeli court on Thursday extended
the remand of an Israeli-American teenager accused of making dozens of
anti-Semitic bomb threats in the United States and elsewhere, police said. The
18-year-old's remand was extended until April 24 at a court appearance in the
city of Rishon Lezion, police said. He was arrested on March 23 following an
investigation that included the FBI. His identity has remained under a gag
order, though authorities have confirmed he was arrested in the Israeli city of
Ashkelon. A wave of bomb threats to American Jewish institutions since the start
of the year helped spread fears over whether hate crimes and anti-Semitic acts
have been on the increase in the United States. Some have said that the rise of
Donald Trump as U.S. president has encouraged the extreme right and emboldened
hate groups. The arrest of a Jewish teenager over dozens of the threats has
complicated the debate, however. Police say he is behind a range of threats
against Jewish community centers and other buildings linked to Jewish
communities in the United States in recent months. The teenager is also
suspected of being behind similar threats in New Zealand and Australia. In
addition, police say he is suspected of a bomb threat to Delta Airlines in
February 2015 that led to an emergency landing. His lawyer has said that he has
a brain tumor and suffers from autism.
Clashes at Protest to Support Palestinian Hunger Strikers
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/Several dozen Palestinian protesters
clashed with Israeli forces Thursday outside a prison where detainees are on a
hunger strike, while a group of Israeli hardliners nearby taunted prisoners by
barbecuing. Some 1,500 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have joined a
hunger strike against conditions that began Monday, according to the Palestinian
Authority's detainees' affairs department. The hunger strike has been led by
prominent prisoner and popular Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti, who is
serving five life sentences over his role in the second Palestinian intifada, or
uprising. Security forces fired tear gas, sound grenades and rubber bullets at
the crowd of Palestinians who threw stones and protested in support of the
detainees outside Israel's Ofer prison north of Jerusalem in the occupied West
Bank. It was not immediately clear if anyone was injured in the clashes.
Palestinian Prisoners Club head Qadura Fares told AFP at the protest that Israel
would allow all the strikers, including Barghouti, access to lawyers, in a
reversal of its previous position. Access to lawyers had been prevented
following the start of the strike, Palestinian officials said, with Barghouti
moved to solitary confinement. The Israel Prisons Service said it was acting
under its rules, without elaborating further. A small number of Israeli
hardliners held a barbecue nearby on the opposite side of a checkpoint, saying
they hoped the smell would make prisoners' abstention harder.
Around a dozen Israelis grilled chicken and other kinds of meat, with a number
of Israeli soldiers joining them to eat. "At this moment (the hunger strikers)
will smell the food's scent and maybe later in the evening they will see it on
television," event organizer Ofer Sofer told AFP in front of two barbecue pits.
"It is a bunch of terrorists that are threatening us with hunger strike. We are
happy that they are on strike. Let them have this strike as long as they
want."They called for tough punishments for the protesting Palestinians,
including worsening their conditions. Some 6,500 Palestinians are currently
detained by Israel for a range of offenses and alleged crimes. Around 500 are
held under administrative detention, which allows for imprisonment without
charge. Palestinian prisoners have mounted repeated hunger strikes, but rarely
on such a scale.
Egypt Army Says Senior IS Cleric Killed in Sinai
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 20/17/The Egyptian military said Thursday it
killed a senior Islamic State group cleric and 18 jihadists in air strikes in
the Sinai Peninsula where the extremists are waging an insurgency. The
announcement came after the jihadists claimed a series of attacks, including a
shooting near a monastery this week and twin church bombings on April 9 that
killed dozens. Among the jihadists killed was "one of the prominent leaders of
the so-called Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, the head of the religious affairs committee
in the group," the military said, without saying when the strikes occurred.
Ansar Beit al-Maqdis was the name used by the jihadists in the Sinai before they
pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in November 2014. The jihadists
have killed hundreds of soldiers and policemen since the army overthrew Islamist
president Mohamed Morsi in 2013. The military has killed several of their top
leaders, but the extremists have increasingly expanded their attacks from the
Sinai to other parts of Egypt, especially against Christians. The April 9 church
bombings in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria followed a December suicide
bombing in a Cairo church that killed 29 people, also claimed by IS. On
Wednesday, the interior ministry said security forces killed a gunman suspected
of killing a policeman and wounding three others near St Catherine's monastery
in south Sinai the day before.IS, which claimed the shooting, has threatened
more attacks on Coptic Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Egypt's
population of more than 90 million people.
Guardian Council Bars Mahmoud Ahmadinejad From Iran
NCRI/Thursday, 20 April 2017/The Iranian regime’s former President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad has been disqualified from running in the May 19 Presidential
election, state media reported.The Guardian Council, whose members are appointed
by the regime’s Supreme Leader, disqualified all but six of the candidates for
the election. Amid continued clashes between rival factions of the regime in the
lead-up to the mullahs’ sham election, and following earlier hints that the
Guardian Council would disqualify Ahmadinejad, his aides had threatened to
disrupt the presidential campaign. In this regard, Abdolreza Davari, a figure
close to Ahmadinejad, had tweeted in Farsi “we are not going to give in to heavy
psychological operations of the oligarchy of authoritarians and colonialists.
Removing Dr. Ahmadinejad and (Hamid) Baghaei from the 2017 scene is not
possible.”Davari also claimed that according to the latest estimates of a
security institution close to the government, approving Ahmadinejad and “his 20
million votes” is guaranteed. Despite being told by the regime’s Supreme Leader
Ali Khamenei to stay out of the race, Ahmadinejad had registered to run. The
regime’s current President Hassan Rouhani was among the six candidates approved
by the Guardian Council.
Iran: Latest News From
Prisons, the Situation of Conscience & Political Prisoners
NCRI/Thursday, 20 April 2017/ Threats of building new cases for two political
prisoners: Shahin Zoghitabar was called to information security and Farhang
Pourmansouri was summoned to the inspection of the prison, on Tuesday, April
17th. At the information security, Shahin Zoghitabar was threaten by IRGC
elements that if he gets involved in political activities or writes letters to
those outside of the prison, he would face a new prison case. At the same time,
Farhang Pourmansouri was threatened that there was a complaint against him,
claiming misconduct from the prison master “Mohammadi”. Therefore, a new case
has been prepared for him.
Persecution of Political and Conscience Prisoners by the Authorities in the
Central Prison of Zahedan:
Political and conscience prisoners in the central prison of Zahedan are
frequently being insulted and harassed by prison officials because of their
religious beliefs.
Friday, April 14th, a prison guard called Mohammad Kalkaly, a prayer of Sunni
prisoners of conscience imprisoned in ward number three, with insults and
inhumane treatment, before he ordered the shaving of his beard. According to a
prison guard named "Rasti", the order of such act was given him by the prison
warden. Also on April 11th, an ill prisoner, “Hyatollah Noutizehi” from ward
number one of Zahedan central prison, after a seizure was brought to the
prison’s clinic in a wheelchair. But in such a condition, his foot hit the
prison key keeper's foot. Due to this, even with the prisoner’s unsuitable
condition, he was taken to the prison’s quarantine unit instead of the clinic.
An IRGC officer claimed that the prisoner deliberately kicked him in his
complaint. Hyatallh Noutizehi was sent to solitary confinement for 20 days. He
was dispatched to the prison’s quarantine, even though this prisoner should have
been treated in the clinic due to his deteriorating health.
Five Year Prison Sentence for a Kurdish Political Prisoner:
The so-called number two revolutionary court branch in the city of Urmia
sentenced a Kurdish prisoner, who is currently held in the central prison of the
city, on charges of "acting against national security through membership in one
of the Kurdish parties”.
According to a human rights group of Kurdistan on March 4th, Bashir Pir-Mavaneh,
a resident of a village around Urmia, has been arrested by the Information
Ministry Security forces and is currently in their prison. He was interrogated
for 12 days by them about his relationship with a Kurdish opposition party and
then released to the central prison of the city. This Kurdish citizen has been
sentenced in unit number two of the Urmia revolutionary court presiding by a
so-called judge “Sheikhloo” with the delivery of a five year prison sentence.
This political prisoner is now in number 13 of Urmia Central Prison, being held
with ordinary criminals.
Beating of a Prisoner in Ward Eight of Evin’s Prison: Majid Abedinzadeh, a
leading civil rights activist and witness of the infamous Kahrizak prison, is in
ward eight completing his 3 year prison sentence. He was beaten by ordinary
criminal prisoners last night.
Failure to comply with the principle of prisoner separation for political and
criminal prisoners has precedent in the political prisoners being beaten. Other
political prisoners, including Kayvan Karimi, Mehdi Rajabi, Amir Amirqooly and
Waheed Saiadi-Nasir, were beaten in the general ward of Evin prison in recent
months. It should be noted that ward eight in Evin’s prison is for ordinary
crimes and the regime's housing of political prisoners among them is to torture
and pressure those prisoners.
Poet didn’t show up in Court:
Habib Sassanian, a poet from Ardabil being held in Tabriz central prison,
refused to appear in third branch of the revolutionary court in Tabriz presiding
by Judge Bagherpour on April 18th in protest to disappearance of some of
documents in his court records. A source close to the Sassanian family with
knowledge about the latest situation of the prisoner said, "Habib Sassanian,
following his beating on April 14th by prison authorities and in protest to his
undecided situation after five days of a hunger strike, as well as missing some
of the documents from his file in the Tabriz revolutionary court presided over
by Judge Bagherpour, refused to appear in the court today and his trial was
postponed until May 15, 2017.” This prisoner, in May 2016 along with five other
Azeri-Turks, was arrested in the city of Ardabil. The charges against this
political prisoner were erecting a political group, spying for foreign
countries, copying of confidential data from Iran’s revolutionary guards and
sending that confidential information to foreign countries. Habib Sassanian is
still being held with illnesses and a lack of proper treatment in ward 12 of
Tabriz central prison.
Transfer of a political prisoner from solitary confinement to the general ward
of Evin’s prison after the 472 days: Kamran Qadri, an Austrian-Iranian citizen,
has been sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of spying for enemy states.
This is after 472 days of detention in solitary confinement within Ward 209 (a
ward associated with the Iran’s Information Ministry) of Evin’s prison. He is
being transferred to the general ward of the prison on Monday, April 16th.
Status of the Iranian Regime's Nuclear Bomb Making
Apparatus Details to Be Revealed
NCRI/Thursday, 20 April 2017/Washington, DC, April 19 – Through information
received from the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK) network within Iran, the National
Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has obtained critical and reliable
intelligence on the latest status of the Iranian regime’s nuclear bomb-making
apparatus. The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance
of Iran (NCRI-US) will hold a press conference on Friday, April 21, 2017, at
10:30 am at the Willard Room, the Willard InterContinental Hotel (1401
Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC), to unveil the details including locations,
satellite imagery, and key players involved. NCRI has exposed some of the most
significant parts of Tehran’s nuclear weapons program over the years, including
Natanz uranium enrichment and Arak heavy water sites (August 2002), Kalaye
Electric centrifuge assembly and testing facility (February 2003), Lashkar Ab’ad
laser enrichment and Lavizan-Shian sites (May 2003), Fordo underground
enrichment site (December 2005), and Organization of Defensive Innovation and
Research, SPND (July 2011).
Titles For
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published
on April 19-20/17
The Russia-Iran Alliance: Where to?
Middle East Briefying/April 20/17
Many analysts assert that it is only “a marriage of convenience” that aligns
Russia and Iran together. To support their argument, they cite the long history
of enmity, the 500-hundred-year old suspicion of Russia among the Iranian people
and the different objectives and ideologies between the two countries. This
reasoning remains arguable, but, ultimately, it changes little in the short-term
dynamics that placed the two countries in the same trench.
Whatever it is, the Iran-Russia alliance is moving forward. Based on a thorough
study of the chronology of events between the two during the last 10 years or
so, the project appears to have been initiated by Moscow. The nuclear talks and
Syria provided Moscow with enough favorable wind to get its Iran project to
sail. Recently, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Supreme National Security
Council (the post President Hassan Rouhani held between 1988 and 2005),
announced that Iran and Russia share a military base “where Iran conducts its
advisory mission to help the Syrian army and [pro-regime] resistance forces with
Russia’s assistance”. The forces of the two countries fight side by side in
Syria. As far as we know, allies fight together.
The dilemma for the US could be simplified as follows: The tougher it gets on
one or both countries, the closer they get. It is true that previous patterns of
the three-countries-dynamics, the US, Russia and Iran, may show signs confirming
the hypotheses that only when the US is closer to one of the two countries that
this country depreciated its ties with other. However, it is difficult to draw
patterns from times prior to Russia’s new energy to recuperate part of the USSR
allure or to the degree of success it has already achieved in this regard during
the last decade or so. The taste of benefits and illusion of power must have
impacted Russia’s perception of itself and its future strategies to the extent
that even an improvement in US-Russian relations will not lead to a depreciation
of Iran’s value in the general Russian outlook.
Even the theory that Russia and Iran are destined to compete in the field of
energy exports is now debunked after Rouhani’s last visit to Moscow (March 27).
According to European officials “Russia will now decide how much oil and gas any
field, where the Russian companies are involved, can produce, sell and at what
price. It is a total and a profound shift in Iran’s traditional policies. It is
also a central step for Russia’s control over global natural gas markets”.
Moreover, the usual disputes about demarcation of the Caspian see is now, after
Rouhani’s visit, an issue of the past. It took a lot of work from experts in the
two sides to settle the thorny part concerning the limits of each countries
waters in the Caspian.
Will the Russian-Iranian alliance last for a long time? Is it strategic? Do the
two have reasons to differ sometimes? These are kind of irrelevant questions
because there are no alliances that last forever, and in every alliance, there
are different views and interests. We pointed out before the fact that Russia
has already emerged from the after-shock of the collapse of the USSR. Iran has
also emerged from 37 years of different levels of isolation and pressures. This,
in turn, sheds doubts on previous assertions and patterns concluded from the
past. It also lays before our eyes a new paradigm in the relations between the
two countries, and in the posture of each in relevant regions like Central Asia
and the Middle East.
One dimension of Russia’s presence in Syria must have been to respond positively
to Iranian requests, as part of the generous dowry offered for “Iran’s hand”.
Another was what made former President Barak Obama wonder publicly and loudly
about his amazement of how Russia helped to reach the nuclear deal. Putin’s main
tactics are based on multiple methods, among them to use US mistakes. And they
are quite a bit.
It should not surprise anyone if we find one day that Russia was always hopeful
that the relatively moderate camp in Tehran does not gain the day there. If it
does, Western companies will crowd to participate in fulfilling the moderates’
reforms and projects. Furthermore, the tension caused by the hardliners help
Russia sell more arms to Iran.
The ultimate objective of President Putin is to break what he sees as a
US-dominated unipolar world order. Iran is placing its bets on Moscow to get
what it sees as its share in the Middle East. And Russia is promising to give
Iran what it wants, and proving its good wills in Syria. But what will follow is
not necessarily that Moscow will give a “cart blanch” to Iran in the Middle
East. This may put unbearable pressures on Russian resources. Putin is more
likely to give the Arabs the choice: either you decouple with the US, or we let
Iran goes after you.
Obviously, it is not going to happen in this simplified way. But we have already
seen some Arab leaders going to Moscow to ask for a Russian change in policy and
help to restrain Iran. For Putin, to do that now is premature. He better wait,
so long as his allies achieve progress. Then again, for Russia, it may not be
the suitable formula. The suitable formula will be to “intermediate” between the
Arabs and the Iranians. In other words, there will be no need to choose between
the two sides. Putin can win both.
Russia understands that it is a reversed domino. If you make a friend, you can
use this bridge to multiply your gains by making more friend. The only problem
here is that Russia’s friendship comes at the expense of the West. Putin’s
project of changing the world order can be carried out through a deal with the
US. But if there is no such deal, that does not mean that the project would be
frozen. And in a way, that is what is already happening.
Iran is very valuable to Russia. Moscow will go the extra mile to accommodate
its allies in Tehran. It simply sees that the gains in energy coordination and
geostrategic benefit’s optimization are too great to pass.
What we already see is a Russian-Iranian alliance growing every day. It is a
work in progress. And it is progressing fast.
Syria: The Tillerson Proposal
to the Russians
Middle East Briefying/April 20/17
It is wrong to assume that Rex Tillerson’s
visit to Moscow ended in failure. Just after he left, Pravda.Ru reported that
Tillerson does not lose hope to persuade Russia to begin cooperation with the US
and refuse supporting the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Sergey Ordjonikidze,
Deputy Secretary of the Russian Civic Chamber said the meeting ended “if not
with coordination, then with correlation of mutual steps and approaches to a
solution”. Briefly, we do not think that Tillerson’s Moscow meetings failed. In
the contrary, because it happened after proving practically that the US will not
shy from using force, it may have started a new effort to end the Syrian war.
Once again, we are reminded that diplomacy cannot be effective if it was hanging
on big words and emotional pleas.
It was also reported that in their meeting of April 14, that followed
Tillersons’s visit, Foreign Ministers Jawad Zarif and Syria’s Walid Al Mualem,
allegedly heard clearly a Russian warning to both not to repeat the Khan
Shaikhoun chemical attack. We said three weeks ago that the three countries
prepare for an epic fight to recapture Idlib. Assad thought he can pave the road
for the march to Idlib by chemical weapons. The Russians had to pinch the ears
of both not to do another Khan Shaikhoun. Furthermore, Lavrov laid out the US
demands. On top, was that Iran’s presence in Syria has to be trimmed in order to
address Israeli and Arab concerns.
The central point for the Russians remains to reach a deal with Washington that
ends the conflict and directs available resources against terrorism. Moscow does
not want its involvement to be indefinite. When the US used the Tomahawk to
underline its position, the message was that the Americans can get involved, and
this message could fit Russia’s plans to make its Syrian military effort as
short as possible. The hard nut has always been Iran and Assad. Tehran insists
on having access to Hezbollah in south Lebanon, and Assad insists on keeping his
chair. They both can go far in their determination, but perhaps not as far as
the US, which has enough assets in the region and in Syria. And if the Russians
pull out their support, they will be stuck where they are.
Tillerson’s message in Moscow was something like: We do not want to get involved
but we will, if we have to, to end the slaughter. If we do not work together to
find a way out, the result will not be good neither to us nor to you. Your
allies (Iran and Syria) do not behave responsibly.
The tomahawk helped him make his point.
Following Lavrov, Zarif and Muallem, some reports point to an alleged Russian
offer to the Iranians to pull Hezbollah out of Syrian territories close to
Israel in return for a safe passage to Hezbollah. Other reports point to a new
understanding between Tillerson and Lavrov and add that the Russian offer to the
Iranians are actually part of the understanding.
Moreover, we said three weeks ago that the three countries prepare for an epic
fight in Idlib. Assad thought he can pave the road for the march to Idlib by
chemical weapons. The Russians had to pinch the ears of both Ministers warning
them not to do it again.
The Iranian position was to get all of Syria. Neither Israel nor the Turks or
the Arabs can live with that. Assad’s wants to remain the President until he
dies. Syrians, or at least good part of them, cannot live with that. If the two
issues are not solved, the crisis will drag on. And Secretary Tillerson has some
ideas in how to handle both issues.
Giving the Iranians a “safe passage” to Hezbollah’s south of Lebanon in return
for pulling their forces out of Syria is one ideas that was discussed. For
Assad’s future, there are still some differences, but they are not unbridgeable.
One of those ideas boils down to Assad leaving his palace after a reasonably
short transition. The plan is to preserve the State and choose a moderate Sunni,
potentially a senior military officer, the head of the state.
However, due to Putin’s commitment to the Iranian leader, he will not decide the
fate of Assad unilaterally. All he can do, if they reject the Russian proposal,
is to pull out of Syria and leave it to the Iranians and Assad who cannot go too
far on their own. Another way is to drastically reduce Russia’s presence there.
Moscow’s argument with its two allies would be that it cannot risk confronting a
determined US, nor could it continue defending acts like the Khan Shaikhoun
chemical attack or remain until they both het their military solution and
control “every inch” of Syria. So, good luck guys, we are leaving.
Russia would say that if the Americans get seriously involved, as they seem to
be intending, they (the Russians) would not risk a confrontation with the US to
fulfill Iran and Assad’s agenda. It was obvious that Tillerson’s message and the
Tomahawk made an effect. On the other hand, Iran and Assad were keeping the
political track opened, while trying to reach a military solution. The gave
priority to the latter, but accepted the former in appearance only. Tillerson’s
message indicated that the US reject their approach and offers, instead, a
genuine political settlement to the war.
If this approach works, it will stand on the other end of what we talked about
in the last issue of MEB (What Should Follow the Tomahawk Attack on Syria). In
other words, we are standing before two options: Either to work on changing the
balance of force on the ground through building a relatively moderate force of
Arabs and Kurds to confront Assad and Iran’s intransigent policies, or to do
that through a deal with Russia. Briefly it is a top-down approach versus a
bottom-up one.
Which one have a better chance of success?
The bottom up approach is laborious, will take longer, and not failure-proof.
The top-down, that is the deal with Russia, is less risky, effective (it
guarantees that the two powers will work together), and certain to have an
instant effect on the ground. Moreover, the latter option keeps the state in its
place, and only takes Assad out, eventually.
However, the problem with this approach is how to control the captured
territories. This means that even if Russia accepts the Tillerson deal, a
bottom-up approach will still be needed. The state, as it is right now, cannot
control all of Syria. Order, stability, and repelling the terrorists will still
need an effective force on the ground.
Absorbing the non-terrorist forces within any meaningful frame to control the
ground will be a difficult job. It should take patience and caution. But at
least we will have everyone working in harmony, with the US and Russia training
the forces and vetting them. A deal, particularly stating that Assad will leave
“for health reasons”, or for whatever reason, will have an instant impact on the
opposition. We believe that even most of the Syrian foot soldiers of Nusra will
cross their organizational lines then.
If coupled with cleaning the mess in northern Syria through a strict demarcation
of PKK areas and a clear commitment not to target any neighboring country from
Syria’s territory, we can see then a glimmer of hope.
Iran blocks Telegram
Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/April 20/17
It’s not strange that Iran is the only country in the Middle East that blocks
necessary services like Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp. This is part of Tehran’s
policy to block or disrupt satellite television channels and prevent citizens
from accessing foreign media outlets.
All the Iranians can use out of available social media tools is the messaging
app Telegram which was founded by two Russian brothers and that is headquartered
in Germany. Forty million Iranians use its voice messaging feature while 20
million Iranians use its text messaging feature. There is high demand over this
precious service which is the only available one there as the Iranians represent
one fourth of the number of Telegram users across the world. However the
government killed their joy and blocked the app’s voice messaging feature under
the pretext of protecting national security. Truth is, if blocked out of fear,
it will influence the course of the upcoming elections – a path which has been
engineered already.
National security concerns
Thousands of candidates have been filtered according to the democratic standards
of Iranian clerics. In the end, only those which clerics approve of are allowed
to run for the elections. This is not a secret system but it’s public one. In
the end, if the supreme guide rejects someone, he will not be allowed to engage
in the elections or win it. What happened during the 2009 elections greatly
embarrassed the political regime on the domestic and international level because
those who deviated from the command’s path were figures that the regime’s
leaders have accepted. The higher command had decided that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
will be the president.
The results were thus forged accordingly, angering Ahmadinejad’s rivals who were
close to winning. The latter thus declared their rebellion and the famous Green
Movement was launched. Many were killed, injured and detained as a result. Its
memory haunts the Iranian authority which thinks that this massive popular
movement against it would not have occurred, particularly in the capital, if it
hadn’t been for Twitter and Facebook. There is high demand over this precious
service which is the only available one there as the Iranians represent one
fourth of the number of Telegram users across the world
Back then, at Al-Arabiya television channel, after Tehran shut down our office
and expelled our correspondent, we almost completely depended on videos, footage
and information attained via these two services to cover Iranian developments.
The result was amazing as the regime was confused after footage of protests,
confrontations and consequences were broadcasted on international media outlets.
I sensed the Iranian regime’s fears and anticipated its next moves after I read
a report about the influence of Telegram in Iran in the Los Angeles Times about
a month ago. The report said security authorities have begun to warn users of
sending political messages and forced all those who have a channel that has more
than 5,000 subscribers to get a permit from the ministry of culture. Then it
began to detain users who are active on this app.
A repeated charade
Iran has now shut down most of Telegram’s services hoping it can control the
atmosphere of parliamentary and presidential elections which are mostly a
repeated charade as results can be partially or completely forged even after
filtering candidates in the first stages. What the regime cares about is
controlling reactions in the street so that activity similar to the Green
Movement’s does not happen again. We do not expect surprises in these
presidential elections because the candidates approved are similar to one
another. Even former president Ahmadinejad – despite his value and history – was
prevented from running for the elections by the supreme guide. Ahmadinejad
stunned everyone when he registered to run for elections despite the supreme
guide’s warning. He made apologetic statements clarifying that he did not
violate the supreme guide’s directions and vowing that he will withdraw after
the first round. He added that he was only participating in the elections to
support his friend, a presidential candidate, and help him attain popular and
media attention.
Riyadh and Baghdad: Getting relations back on track
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Othaimin/Al Arabiya/April 20/17
The recent visit of Adel Al-Jubeir to Baghdad was the first by a Saudi foreign
minister in 14 years. It came after a period of estrangement between the two
states and was an attempt to get relations back on track. After the 25-year
closure of its embassy as a consequence of the Gulf War in 1991, Saudi Arabia
appointed an ambassador and reopened the embassy in Iraq in December 2015. This
reopening was seen by many observers as an indicator of coordination and
cooperation between the two states in the fight against ISIS.
However, the relationship was overwhelmed by tension over the Iranian role and
the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq, leading to the withdrawal of the
Saudi ambassador from Baghdad, and the reduction of diplomatic representation to
chargé d’affaires level in October 2016. Nevertheless, the Saudi foreign
minister’s visit is a positive sign that may result in a new breakthrough in
relations between the two major states that have many interests in common.
I think the visit will have an impact on resolving many issues, the most
important of which is the restoration of political stability to Iraq. There is a
strong correlation between political instability and terrorist attacks; any
increase in a state’s political instability leads to an increase in its internal
conflict, and consequently an increase in terrorist attacks, which is evident in
Since the US invasion in 2003, Iraq has suffered from political instability,
putting it first on the Global Terrorism Index (GTI). According to the GTI of
2012-2015 issued by the Institute for Economics and Peace, based in the USA and
Australia, six Arab countries, including Iraq, which has headed the list for the
last three years, top the index. According to the 2016 GTI, Iraq had 10,000
fatalities associated with terrorism, which is the highest recorded number in a
single state. Thus, any lack or weakness of stability in an environment makes it
a point of attraction where terrorists assemble in order to be redirected to
other areas of conflict. This was the case in Iraq and countries of the
so-called Arab Spring including Libya, Syria, Yemen, Egypt and Tunisia. Riyadh
and Baghdad could work on the enhancement of business opportunities by opening
the strategic border crossing of Jemima, which would revive links between Saudi
Arabia’s north and west of Iraq
Political and economic weight
Saudi Arabia, together with the neighboring Gulf states, could use their
political and economic weight to support the Iraqi government and its political
and security institutions in order to restore stability and internal harmony.
Moreover, GTI reports indicate that ISIS is the most dangerous terrorist
organization in the Gulf region, as 88 percent of its terrorist attacks have
targeted Saudi Arabia. Reports also indicate that four terrorist organizations
that are fronted by ISIS have been responsible for two-thirds of terrorist
attacks during the past few years. ISIS has made Iraq its headquarters and the
base from which it runs its operations.
Therefore, there is a genuine interest in security coordination and cooperation
between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, through border controls, to abort any terrorist
operations including recruitment, smuggling and training in arms and explosives,
carried out by ISIS or any other terrorist organization in Iraq. The visit of
the Saudi foreign minister to Iraq could also have a positive impact on economic
relations and investment opportunities as trade between the two states remains
low. During the past 10 years, the volume of trade exchange was between $2-3
billion. Riyadh and Baghdad could work on the enhancement of business
opportunities by opening the strategic border crossing of Jemima, which would
undoubtedly revive links between the north of Saudi Arabia and the west of Iraq.
Direct flights between the two states would also create many business
Finally, as the origin of Arabism, civilization and history, Iraq’s return is
inevitable, and the people of the Gulf states look forward to seeing Iraq as a
pillar of the Arab world once again.