Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 17/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 17/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on January 16-17/17
Council of the European Union Adopts Conclusions on Lebanon/Naharnet/January 16/17/
Israel’s war on Hezbollah’s accurate missiles/Ron Ben-Yishai/Ynetnews/January 16/17
Even Russia understands alleged Israeli strikes in Syria/Alex Fishman /Ynetnews/January 16/17
Aoun insists on new vote law but Berri skeptical/Hussein Dakroub/he Daily Star/January 16/17
How was Khomeini tolerant with Christians/Mshari Al Thaydi /Al Arabiya/January 16/17
Outrage over German institute’s hosting of pro-Hamas, Hezbollah speaker/Benjamin Weinthal/Jerusalem Post/January 16/17
It doesn’t cost anything to be civil/Khaled Almaeena/Al Arabiya/January 16/17
Syria safe zones are still possible and necessary/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/January 16/17
Will cronyism lead to Netanyahu’s downfall/Yossi Mekelberg/Al Arabiya/January 16/17
Blood, bribery, and the two islands: An Egyptian tale/Amr Khalifa/Middle East Eye/January 16/17
Is Tolerance a One-Way Street/Douglas Murray/Gatestone Institute/January 16/17
Crying “Wolf” over Israeli Settlements/Malcolm Lowe/Gatestone Institute/January 16/17

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on January 16-17/17
Council of the European Union Adopts Conclusions on Lebanon
UN Delegation Visiting UNIFIL to Conduct Strategic Review
Abidjan Professors Hold Lebanese and French Students Captive
Judge Orders One-Week Reopening of Costa Brava Landfill
Sami Gemayel: Temporary Alliances Can’t Secure Correct Christian Representation
Berri Says No Doubt 1960 Electoral Law to Govern Parliamentary Polls
FPM Warns of ‘Popular Rejection, Revolution’ if No New Electoral Law
Hizbullah, Mustaqbal Agree to ‘Intensify Communication’ over Electoral Law
Kaag, U.N. Team Discuss Elections, Support for New Ministries with Hariri
Israeli Spy Drone Reportedly Missing in South Lebanon
Mashnouq Says 16 New Bird-Repelling Devices to be Installed at Airport
Israel’s war on Hezbollah’s accurate missiles
Even Russia understands alleged Israeli strikes in Syria
Aoun insists on new vote law but Berri skeptical
Hariri to UN country team: Syrian refugees’ crisis biggest challenge, we count on your support
Kanaan maintains law must be respected in case of ‘fishy accounts’

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on January 16-17/17
Reports: Istanbul nightclub attacker who killed 39 captured
Iran Regime Ambassador in Iraq: Our Frontline Is Mosul, Lebanon, Aleppo and Syria
Gunfire Rattles Tehran as Drone Buzzes Over Iranian Capital
Egypt Court Upholds Ruling Barring Islands Transfer to Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia ‘Optimistic’ about Trump’s Rule
France’s Ayrault Says Best Response to Trump Comments is European Unity
Former U.S. officials urge Trump administration to work with Iran opposition
After three executed in Bahrain, a look back into their deadly attack
Bahrain’s foreign ministry summons Iraq’s ambassador
How a Saudi minister responded to Iran’s new envoy in Iraq
Syrian Opposition Groups Welcome Astana Meeting
Severe Drought in the Major Centers of Population in Iran
Houthi Commander Admits: Iran Training Us
Iranian Regime’s Parliament Doubled the Budget for Regime’s Public Broadcasting
Protests Across Five Major Iranian Cities for Non-Payment of Wages…
UN envoy arrives in Yemen to meet Hadi
UK govt spokesman lauds Saudi role in combating terror

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on January 16-17/17
DNC chair choice: Muslim Brotherhood Congressman vs. enemy of free speech
Trump: NATO “obsolete,” Merkel made “catastrophic mistake” in admitting Muslim migrants
Lynch fails to condemn jihadists for the “hatred, intolerance and injustice” of which she accuses Americans
Canada: Muslim principal instructs that homosexuals are “cursed by Allah”
Canada: Muslim migrant sexually assaults 14-year-old girl at high school dance
Where are anti-Trump marchers defending women against abuse by Sharia-adherent Muslims?
San Francisco: FBI arrests wife of Orlando jihad mass murderer
Tunisia: Security forces deliberately delayed arrival at site of beach jihad massacre
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter Converted to Islam Before He Joined Army
Turkey’s deputy PM: Istanbul jihad massacre carried out professionally with intelligence organization involved
Turkey: Rapid re-Islamization and destruction of secularism accelerating
College professors organize national “Teach-In” to challenge “Trumpism,” “Islamophobia”
UK: Man who told Muslim convert to “go eat bacon” admits to “racially and religiously offensive offence”
US professor says journalists must not call jihad attacks on Israeli soldiers “terrorism”
Raymond Ibrahim: Enslaved, Tortured, and Sacrificed: Islam’s Child Soldiers Return
Bill Warner Moment: The Self-Taught Revolution Against Sharia

Links From Christian Today Site for on January 16-17/17
Accused Attackers Of Christian Grandmother Stripped Naked By Muslim Mob Walk Free
Russian Influence In Syria Grows, Patriarch Kirill Invited To Visit
We’re In This With You’: Iraqi Muslim Rebuilds Crucifix Desecrated By ISIS
Bishop Eddie Long Dies After ‘Gallant Private Fight’ With Cancer, Says Church
Why The Cathedral Quran Reading Deserved Its Rebuke
Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Choice: Questions Over Possible Nominee Who Backed Transgender Rights
400 Children Living In Slums Baptised In The Philippines
God Is In Control’: Sister Of Jakarta Governor Accused Of Blasphemy
Disgraced Minister Paul Flowers Sacked By Methodist Church
Archbishop Of Canterbury To Express Remorse Over Reformation Violence

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