Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 26/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 26/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 25-26/16
Hezbollah’s ties with Russia in Syria alarm Israelis/Nicholas Blanford/The Arab Weekly/December 25/16
On the American role in Syria’s hell/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/December 25/16
Re-establishing the private sector in Saudi Arabia/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/December 25/16
Saudi 2017 budget based on rationalization, not skimping/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/December 25/16
Obama’s parting shot at Israel/Fawaz Turki/Al Arabiya/December 25/16
Obama – the beginning and the end/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/December 25/16
The Fifth Legion: A New Auxiliary Force/By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi/ Syria Comment/December 24/16
Islamists Attack Christmas, but Europeans Abolish It/ Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/December 25/16
How serious is the animosity between Israel and Iran/Mamoon Alabbasi/The Arab Weekly//December 25/16
In Iraq, more than 200 civilians arrested daily/ Mustafa Habib/The Arab Weekly/December 25/16
The rise of the Russian Phoenix/Mohamed Kawas/The Arab Weekly/December 25/16
The Middle East after Aleppo/Khattar Abu Diab/The Arab Weekly/December 25/16
UN tiptoes back to Golan as Syrian tensions simmer/Nicholas Blanford/The Arab Weekly/December 25/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on December 25-26/16
President Aoun vows to end vaccuum in public posts
Hariri says vote for Aoun was to safeguard country
Raad Says ‘Unacceptable’ to Bin Proportional Representation over Some Parties’ Concerns
Al-Rahi Urges ‘Comprehensive National Reconciliation’, Says Refugees Threat to Stability
Aude Says Women Should Constitute ‘Half’ of Cabinet
Aoun Visits Bkirki, Says State Institutions Vacancies to be Filled
Gunfire during Fatah Official Funeral amid Cautious Calm at Ain el-Hilweh
Berri Calls al-Rahi as AMAL Delegation Visits Bkirki
Hariri: Lebanon Today in a Better Situation
Report: Concerns over Iraq-Like Parliamentary Legalization of Hizbullah Forces
Berri Calls Parliament to Convene Next Week to Discuss Policy Statement
Hezbollah’s ties with Russia in Syria alarm Israelis

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 25-26/16
Pope Says Israelis, Palestinians Must ‘Write New Page of History’
High-Security Christmas in Europe as Pope Comforts Terror Victims
Syria-Bound Russian Military Jet Crashes with 92 Onboard
Pakistan issues nuclear warning to Israel in response to ‘fake news’ story
Tunisia Security Forces Warn of Returning Jihadis
Russian military plane ‘carrying 92’ crashes
Sixteen hurt in Christmas eve blast at Catholic church in Philippines
Iraq patriarch urges protection for displaced Christians
Russian jets bolster raids on rebel-held Idlib and rural Aleppo
Trump: UN vote makes peace talks ‘much harder’
Israel Strikes Back after U.N. Settlement Vote
Netanyahu fumes at ‘shameful, biased’ UN vote
Putin, Rowhani welcome Aleppo ‘victory’
Saudis among other Arabs arrested in US immigration sting
Syrian Opposition and the Iranian Resistance Held a Joint Demonstration in Paris
Iran: Plundering $15.5 Million Budget Belonged to Homeless People
Iran: Political Prisoner on Hunger Strike Urgently Transferred to Prison Infirmary
India’s Center for Social Research Declares Support for Justice Seeking Campaign of 1988 Massacre in Iran

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on December 25-26/16
Pope, under heavy guard at Vatican, says refugees like “baby Jesus, who could not find shelter”
Twitter: “Robert Spencer should be exterminated immediately”
Video: Muslim “ex-extremist” explains why he is on the brink of leaving Islam
Death to the vase! Iran military parade turns awkward as special forces repeatedly fail to break flowerpot
Indonesia: Christmas ornament found bearing word “Allah,” Muslims outraged, hotel shut down
Germany: Muslim migrants watching Islamic State videos in asylum home
Tunisians protest against return of Islamic State jihad terrorists from abroad
University of Maryland: Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every ‘major building,’ shuttles to local mosque
“They asked me to convert to Islam, but I told them I will die a Christian and they can kill me if they want”
UK: Muslims arrested for jihad plotting “said I had to be a strict Muslim…they were always talking about religion”
Nigeria: Qur’anic School teacher marries off his 13-year-old daughter to 56-year-old man
German pol prevented cops from publishing pics of Berlin jihadi during manhunt for fear of inciting “racial hatred”
UK Muslim used Syria aid convoys to send cash to jihadis to fund jihad massacres
Islamic State burns alive two caged Turkish soldiers
Australia: Islamic Centre in Melbourne linked to Christmas jihad terror plot
Hugh Fitzgerald: Al-Beavis and Al-Butthead, Or, A Plane Is Not a Comedy Club

Links From Christian Today Site for on December 25-26/16
Pope Francis’ Christmas Message Calls For End To War
Pope Francis: Christmas Has Been ‘Taken Hostage’
Israel To Reassess UN Ties After Vote Condemning Settlements
Archbishop Of Canterbury: God’s Glory Is Found Among Persecuted Christians
Queen’s Speech: Jesus Christ’s Example Shows Me Value Of ‘Small Things With Great Love’
Queen Misses Christmas Church For First Time In Nearly 30 Years
Israel To Reassess UN Ties After Vote Condemning Settlements
Iraqi Christians Celebrate First Christmas Since ISIS Driven Out Of Ancient Towns
Laos Christians Exiled And Beaten For Their Faith

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