Elias Bejjani/A Big Yes to the Decisive Storm & A Big No To the Iranian Empire Scheme


A Big Yes To The “Decisive Storm” In Yemen
Elias Bejjani/March 27/15

There is no doubt that the “Decisive Storm In Yemen”, the military Arabic operation that started yesterday is late and too small, but as the saying goes, better to come late and small, than not to come at all. In reality and practically, Iran went too far in humiliating and marginalizing all the Arab countries and its people through countless kinds of bold, intrusive and terrorist meddling in their own internal affairs.

The Iranian Mullahs and military leaders deluded themselves that actually they will be easily able and without any Arabic fiery resistance to topple all the Arab regimes and erect the Persian Empire and then rule happily. This Iranian vulgar, stupid, and aggressive approach of humiliation towards the Arab would not have happened if the Arab rulers had stood firmly from day one and stopped by force the Iran invasion.

The Arab regimes’ stances of reluctance, hesitation, fear and unwillingness to fight back enabled the Iranian Mullahs to infiltrate with their own local denominational militias and Trojans most of the Arab countries including Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza etc.

Now with the “Decisive Storm” in place and action, the Arab countries are lawfully, legitimately, and patriotically defending their own countries and peoples.
The whole free world will support them especially that Iran has become a threat for peace not only in the Middle East, but in the whole world.

Hopefully the Arab rulers will not dwell in compromises, or back up, until Iran is only in Iran and all its militias in all the Arab countries are dismantled and disarmed.
A big Yes to the “Decisive Storm” in Yemen.”

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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