من الياس بجاني مجدداً إلى الدكتور غطاس خوري: لا العصبية ولا الهيجان ولا كل المسلات تحت الأبط كافية لمسحنة مواقفك


Hatred, Bigotry and hypocrisy at the IDC Conference
September 20/14
Elias Bejjani/If any one wants really to see, hear and sense actual hatred, vindictiveness, anger, bigotry and lack of Christian faith, I advice him/her to watch Patriarch Laham in both his pro-Axis of Evil interview with Marcel Kaniem, as well as his “Assadi” charade of hatred at the conference. His conduct and rhetoric could be any thing but not Christian by any means. Anyhow he is not much different in this mercenary love for Assad than the Syrian Sunni Mufti. In reality all the clergymen from all faiths in the Arab countries are puppets and trumpets to the regimes’ rulers. The only exception was the Maronite Church, but patriarch Raei ruined it completely and joined the flock. In conclusion any Lebanese who does not see what was the conference really all about must be selectively deaf, blind and in love with the Axis of Evil.

من الياس بجاني إلى الدكتور غطاس خوري: لا العصبية ولا الهيجان ولا كل المسلات تحت الأبط كافية لمسحنة مواقفك
الياس بجاني
18 أيلول/14

كم كان سطحياً ومكشوفاً وذمياً الدكتور غطاس خوري اليوم من خلاله مداخلته مع مرسال غانم على خلفية مشاركته الخطأ والخطيئة في المؤتمر المسيحي المؤامرة، مؤتمر الذمية والملالوية والأسدية، كما أكد للقاصي والداني سيدنا لحام في كل مواقفه ومداخلاته بالصوت والصورة.، وأيضا أكدت المؤكد مرافعات أصحاب القلانيس المدافعة عن نظام الأسد دون خجل أو وجل. نشفق على أخينا غطاس فهو غطس في فخ من فخاخ محور الشر وبدل أن يسرع للخروج منه ويصحح المسار إصابته لوثة العناد وراح بعصبية وانفعال ظاهرين يزيد من لف حبال الفخ على رقبته فضاع وفقد البوصلة وراح يخبط خبطاً عشوائيأ. الدكتور غطاس كان اليوم جداً عصبي ومتفلت بلسانه وهجومي مما يؤكد إن ما قلناه له عبر بياننا وما كشفناه عن المؤتمر والمتآمرين أصابه شخصياً، خصوصاً وأنه لجأ بفشل وذمية إلى شماعة إسرائيل في إطلالته الأولى مع مرسال. شخصياً وبما أن غيرته المسيحية قد استفاقت فجأة ننصحه الاتصال بسرعة بالمطران مظلوم وطلب الانضمام لربع الأحباء بقرادوني وفرحات والفرزلي كون المظلوم مكلف من سيدنا الراعي ترأس تجمعهم المسيحي جداً جداً جداً تماما كمسحية المؤتمر المؤامرة وبذلك يكون الغطاس صادقاً مع توجهاته المستجدة. بمحبة نقول للدكتور غطاس بأنه لم يكن لا موفقاً في المشاركة في المؤتمر ولا في مقابلتيه مع مرسال وبالطبع كان فاشلاً ومكشوفاً في تهجمه على د. فارس سعيد الاعتباطي، علماً أن هذا الأخير اكتفى برسالة للمؤتمر يطلب من القيمين عليه أن يعدلوا في تسمية الإرهابيين من دول ومنظمات. تحية للدكتور سعيد على مداخلته القيمة والكاشفة للحقائق والمسمية الأشياء بأسمائها بشجاعة ومنطق وصوت صارخ .

الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الألكتروني


في اسفل رسالة سابق للدكتور غطاس على نفس الخلفية

غطاس خوري والذمية وشماعة إسرائيل
الياس بجاني
14 أيلول/14

كلام النائب السابق غطاس خوري اليوم مع مرسال غانم دليل واضح على تخبط تيار المستقبل في رمادية المواقف وعدم الثبات على أي منها. الدكتور غطاس الغاطس على ما يبدو في الذمية وهذا خياره نذكره وهو سيد العارفين أن تياره، تيار المستقبل مصري واردني وعرفاتي أكثر من الثلاثة، والثلاثة اعترفوا بإسرائيل ويتبادلون معها حتى الملابس الدخلية، وبالتالي عيب عليه أن يستعمل شماعة إسرائيل وكلامه في هذا الأمر يديينه ويبين عقم حججه. من هنا موقفه غبي وحاقد واندفاعي وبالطبع ذمي. في الخلاصة أخينا غطاس سياسي لبناني والسياسة في لبنان نفاق ودجل وتلون وحربائية وبالتالي هو سياسي لبناني ناجح وبامتياز.

الياس بجاني/مهضوم خينا جان!!! ذمية خفيفة الدم
الرد على الدكتور غطاس خوري كافي لمن له اذنان للسمع ولمن لم يقتل بداخله نعمتي الحرية وحاسة النقد، وبالتالي نعتبره رد على النائب اوغاسبيان أيضاً علماً أن خينا جانو مهضوم فعلا  ونحبه وكنا نتمنى لو لم يتورط في امر كهذا ويقع في فخ اسدي وهو العسكري السابق المفترض أنه مدرك للأفخاخ، إلا أن وقعة الشاطر بألف. في أسفل تبرير للنائب هو رد ذاتي وفيه ادانه ذاتية كافية!!

جان أوغاسابيان: مؤتمر واشنطن أكّد دعم لبنان والمؤسّسة العسكرية
15 أيلول/14/المستقبل/نفى عضو كتلة «المستقبل» النائب جان أوغاسابيان، أن يكون مؤتمر واشنطن قد تطرق الى موضوع الانتخابات الرئاسية في لبنان أو أي شأن داخلي لأي بلد كان، مشيراً الى أن المؤتمر «أكد الدعم الكامل للبنان وللمؤسسة العسكرية وضرورة انتظام الحياة المؤسساتية».وأوضح في حديث إلى إذاعة «صوت لبنان» أمس، أن «انسحاب وفد تيار المستقبل من عشاء واشنطن الرسمي الموسّع، كان على خلفية كلام السيناتور الأميركي تيد كروز عن أن المسيحيين لم يدافعوا عن اليهود الذين قال إنهم عانوا الاضطهاد في المنطقة، وأن الحل الوحيد لمسيحيي الشرق أن يتحالفوا معاً في وجه باقي الشعوب العربية»، مؤكداً أن «هذا الكلام أثار امتعاض الكثير من الحاضرين، الذين انسحبوا من العشاء على غرار وفد تيار المستقبل». ولفت الى أن «مشاركة تيار المستقبل في المؤتمر جاءت بمبادرة منه وليس بناء لأي دعوة، وذلك لتأكيد موقف التيار وأدبياته السياسية التي ترتكز بالدرجة الاولى على التنوع الطائفي والمذهبي في لبنان والعيش المشترك وضرورة الوجود المسيحي ومستمرون في هذا النهج»، مشدداً على «وجوب قيام حراك مسيحي على مستوى بطاركة الشرق الأوسط والعالم ككل لرفع الصوت أمام الخطر الكبير على المنطقة».

Patriarchs, I doubt that!!
Elias Bejjani/The Eastern Clergymen who were interviewed by Marcel Ghaniem are mere Dhimmitude creatures and  completely detached from Christianity

ملاحظة: الدكتور غطاس مثقف ويجيد اللغة الإنكليزية بطلاقة ولهذا ننصحه بقراء ما في أسفل

Pro-Assad Cleric Demanded Removal of Cruz After Pro-Israel Comments
Cruz booed offstage following calls for Christian, Jewish unity in face of oppression
BY: Alana Goodman
September 12, 2014
A prominent Syrian cleric threatened to walk out of a conference for Middle Eastern Christians after Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) defended Israel in a speech before demanding that the Texas Republican leave the event on Wednesday night.
While organizers for the In Defense of Christians summit said that only “a few politically motivated opportunists” disrupted Cruz’s remarks, and that they were “made no longer welcome,” the videotaped tirade indicates that top attendees protested Cruz’s speech.
Patriarch Gregory III Laham of the Antioch Church was one of the six Middle Eastern patriarchs who attended the conference, and part of a small delegation that met with President Barack Obama on Thursday.
After Cruz was shouted off the stage for calling on audience members to stand with Israel, Laham threatened to walk out of the event if the senator didn’t leave.
“[Cruz] should get out,” said Laham in Arabic, pointing at the empty stage. “What is this? He’s cursing us all out? We cannot accept this. Our ears cannot hear this. We are tolerant of everyone.”
A woman in the background can be heard repeatedly shouting in Arabic, “We’re all going to walk out!”
Laham continued, his voice rising, “Who had the Jews leave Lebanon and Syria? They [the Americans] did. Who had the Jews leave Iraq and Baghdad in 1972? They did.”
A male voice can be heard yelling repeatedly in English “shame on them!”
Laham then asked in Arabic if Cruz left. After being assured that he was no longer at the event, the patriarch and others walked back into the gala hall.
Lebanese newspaper Al-Nahar reported that Laham and other Middle Eastern Christian leaders also refused to participate in a panel sessions that included Rep. Chris Smith (R., N.J.), because the congressman was expected to read a statement that condemned Syrian regime leader Bashar al-Assad. Two other patriarchs reportedly left the session in protest.
“Lahham refused to attend the session and registered his objection, as did Patriarch Younan and Bishop Zahlawi, which made the conference’s director to inform Patriarch Rai and Patriarch Aram, who left the session in protest,” said a statement from the Greek Catholic Patriarchate, quoted in Al-Nahar.
Laham has previously claimed that a “Zionist conspiracy against Islam” is responsible for al Qaeda attacks on Iraqi Christians.
Meanwhile, the pro-Assad Lebanese newspaper An Safir weighed in with its own views on the Cruz incident.
“If it was true that Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai feared that the [Israel] issue was ‘planted’ to sabotage the conference, was it possible to avoid it? If yes, why did it happen to begin with?” the newspaper asked. “Are the organizers unaware of Ted Cruz’s bio—the Republican presidential candidate who no one disagrees about his extremist leanings toward supporting Israel ever since winning his seat in Congress for the state of Texas in 2012, supported by the Tea Party, which in turn is supported by a filthy rich Jewish organization?”
“Did they miss that Cruz is known to be the representative of the southwest for Israel in Congress, in parallel to Sen. Marco Rubio who represents the south, and considered a neocon who supports violent solutions and more spending on wars, especially in the Middle East?” the paper added.v

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11
Meeting follows conference at which Ted Cruz was booed off stage for defending Israel
BY: Alana Goodman
September 11, 2014
President Barack Obama and White House national security adviser Susan Rice met with a delegation of Christian Middle Eastern leaders in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that included at least one Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese cleric.
The meeting came one day after Sen. Ted Cruz was booed off the stage for defending Israel while giving a keynote address at a conference for the same delegation of Christian leaders.
The In Defense of Christians summit, which was aimed at raising awareness of persecution against Arab Christiansa, featured speeches by several Hezbollah supporters and some of Bashar al-Assad’s most vocal Christian allies.
One of the clerics who met with Obama was Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, the Daily Star reported on Thursday.
The Washington Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Rai has called Israel an “enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory” and defended Hezbollah’s right to attack the country.
“Everyone says why is Hezbollah carrying arms?” said Rai in a 2011 interview with Al-Arabiya. “We responded that the international community did not exert pressure on Israel to withdraw from Lebanese territory. As long as there is an occupied Lebanese territory, Hezbollah will maintain that it wants to carry arms in defense of its land. What will we say to it then? Isn’t [Hezbollah] right?”
Rai also welcomed a meeting with Hezbollah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah when he returns to Lebanon to discuss the problem of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) in the region.
“A dialogue committee already exists between [the Lebanon Maronite Church] and Hezbollah, and we are ready to hold any meeting in this respect,” said Rai late last month.
The Maronite leader said the meeting with Obama was productive, according to the Daily Star.
“Obama promised us to work on protecting Lebanon from all the repercussions of what is happening in the region,” said Rai. “We felt that Obama is concerned about the region and the danger posed by ISIS and wants to support the region and minorities through an action plan he is working on.”
According to an IDC press release, another attendee at the meeting with Obama was Orthodox Church Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, who posted photos on Facebook from his meeting with a “high level delegation from Hezbollah” last week. Antioch Church patriarch Gregory III Laham, who has called anti-Christian terrorism in Iraq a “Zionist conspiracy against Islam,” also attended, according to the press release. “We want to thank President Obama at this critical moment in history for meeting with the representatives of these Christian communities from the Middle East who face suffering and hardship for professing their religious beliefs,” said IDC president Toufic Baaklini in a statement.
Cruz was shouted down during his speech to the IDC summit on Wednesday night after calling on the audience to stand with him in support of Israel and noting the persecution that Jews face in the Middle East.
“If you will not stand with Israel, I will not stand with you,” said Cruz before walking out, amid shouts from audience members to get off the stage.
He said the anti-Israel jeers came from a vocal minority at the conference and were not reflective of Christianity or the views of many attendees.
“I’ve certainly encountered audiences that disagreed with a particular point of view. But this virulent display of hatred and bigotry was remarkable, and considerably different from anything I’ve previously encountered,” Cruz told the Free Beacon Wednesday night.
“The division and anti-Semitism expressed tonight by some of the crowd is not reflective of the teachings of Christ, and is in fact directly contrary to the tenets of Christianity.”
IDC President Toufic Baaklini said the audience heckling came from “a few politically motivated opportunists” to distract from the conferences focus on “opposing the shared threat of genocide, faced not only by our Christian brothers and sisters, but our Jewish brothers and sisters and people of all other faiths and all people of good will.”
The White House did not return request for comment.


Cruz Headlines Conference Featuring Hezbollah Supporters
The Washington Free Beacom
BY: Alana Goodman
published on September 10, 2014
Conference funded by controversial Clinton donor
Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) is headlining a conference on Wednesday funded by a controversial Clinton donor that will feature pro-Hezbollah and pro-Assad speakers in Washington, D.C.
The “In Defense of Christians” summit is a gathering of Middle Eastern Christian leaders that seeks to raise awareness about the threats to Arab minorities from ISIL.
However, critics fear several of the speakers will try to use the event to bolster Washington’s support for the Syrian regime in its ongoing civil war and help Bashar al-Assad restore his legitimacy and power.
The roster of speakers includes some of the Assad regime’s most vocal Christian supporters, as well as religious leaders allied with the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah.
Other Washington policymakers scheduled to attend include Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.), Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.), and Rep. Brad Sherman (D., Calif.).
“Some Members were unable to participate as originally scheduled,” the conference’s spokesperson Joseph Cella told the Washington Free Beacon. “Considering the number of speakers we have, this sort of thing happens.”
Funding for the conference was provided by Clinton donor and Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury, according to organizers. The wealthy businessman pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009.
Chagoury is also reportedly backer of Lebanese politician Michel Aoun, Hezbollah’s top Christian ally in the country, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks.
Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Raï, who was scheduled to speak during the same keynote slot as Cruz on Wednesday evening, has called Israel an “enemy state that is occupying Lebanese territory” and defended Hezbollah’s right to attack the Jewish state.
“Everyone says why is Hezbollah carrying arms?” said Rai in a 2011 interview with Al-Arabiya. “We responded that the international community did not exert pressure on Israel to withdraw from Lebanese territory. As long as there is an occupied Lebanese territory, Hezbollah will maintain that it wants to carry arms in defense of its land. What will we say to it then? Isn’t [Hezbollah] right?”
The Maronite leader said earlier this month that he would welcome a meeting with Hezbollah terror chief Hassan Nasrallah to discuss the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) threat against Christians.
“A dialogue committee already exists between [the Lebanon Maronite Church] and Hezbollah, and we are ready to hold any meeting in this respect,” said Rai.
Others at the summit have also aligned themselves with the Iranian-backed terrorist group. Syriac Orthodox Church Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II posted photos from his meeting with a “high level delegation from Hezbollah” on his official Facebook page last week.
Participants included Al-Sayyed Ibrahim Amin Al-Sayed, president of the Political Council in Hezbollah, and Ghaleb Abou Zeynad, the terror group’s Christian relations attaché. The group discussed the threats facing Christians the need for international intervention to combat ISIL, according to the Syriac Orthodox Church website.
Another conference speaker, Antioch Church patriarch Gregory III Laham has claimed a “Zionist conspiracy against Islam” is responsible for al Qaeda attacks on Iraqi Christians.
“It is actually a conspiracy planned by Zionism and some Christians with Zionist orientations, and it aims at undermining and giving a bad image of Islam,” Laham said in 2010, according to the Daily Star.
The Syrian patriarch has been the subject of controversy inside the Catholic Church. In a published message welcoming Pope Benedict XVI to Lebanon in 2012, he called on the Holy See to recognize the State of Palestine, causing what the Vatican Insider described as “a great embarrassment to Rome.” In 2013, a prominent French bishop accused Laham of being “an ally politically and financially” of Bashar al-Assad.
Other summit speakers, including Antioch Church leader John X (Yazigi) and Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan, have been consistent defenders of the Assad regime.
Younan said last May that Western nations were responsible for the instability in Syria, adding that the notion that the United States was promoting democracy “is a lie, this is hypocrisy.”
“Since the beginning, [Western nations] just stood against the regime, calling it a dictatorship, saying the dictatorship must fall,” said Younan. “Now it’s over 25 months, the conflict is getting worse, and the ones who are paying the price are the innocent people.”
A spokesperson for Cruz said the senator will still speak at the conference despite the controversial participants because he is committed to raising awareness about the persecution of Middle East Christians.
“Sen. Cruz is appearing at the In Defense of Christians event tonight because he wants to take every opportunity to highlight this crisis, the unspeakable persecution of Christians,” said Catherine Frazier. “America has been silent for far too long, and we need to speak with a united voice against this horror. Sen. Cruz is speaking to make the unequivocal point that religious bigotry in all its forms–be it targeting Christians, Jews, or minority Muslim sects–is an evil that must be exposed and combatted.”
Lebanese Information Center president Joseph Gebeily, a Lebanese Christian who staunchly opposes Assad, said he was “shocked” by many of the invited speakers, but decided to attend the conference after he learned members of Congress would be present.
“I decided we should be present and not let the bad representatives of Middle East Christians hijack the true message of Christianity, which is basically democracy, tolerance, co-existence, inclusiveness,” said Gebeily. “It wasn’t a very quick and easy decision, but since we were given this opportunity, I said let’s go and see and face those advocates of tyranny and crimes against humanity.”
