ISF Takes Control of Free Sunnis Brigade Twitter Account, Raises Lebanese Flag on Header


ISF Takes Control of Free Sunnis Brigade Twitter Account, Raises Lebanese Flag on Header

The Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch took control over the Twitter account of the so-called Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade and uploaded a picture of the Lebanese flag on its header.
The move came a day after ISF announced the arrest of the operator of the obscure group’s twitter account.
A picture of the Lebanese flag was uploaded as the profile picture and the header of the account.
The ISF also tweeted the arrest of the 19-year-old boy.
“The Intelligence Branch detained H. Sh. H.,” the tweet said, adding that he “confessed that he is the owner of the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade’s Twitter account.”
New of his arrest broke out on Thursday evening after the ISF tweeted the matter from its twitter account.
According to the tweet, H. is a Lebanese national and had confessed to managing the shadowy group’s account. The cyber crimes bureau announced recently that the Twitter account of the vague Brigade is being probed. On July 24, the account was unreachable on Twitter, despite having many followers. Another account was founded to replace it but could not enjoy the same popularity. The obscure group has threatened to target Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq, army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji and Maj. Suzan al-Hajj, chief of the Internal Security Forces’ Cyber Crime and Intellectual Property Protection bureau.
It has repeatedly slammed the military institution as the “Crusader Army” and it vowed to task gunmen to attack churches in Lebanon and in the eastern Bekaa valley in particular. Mashnouq had revealed recently that tweets by the so-called “Free Sunnis Brigade” were in fact made by a foreign intelligence agency.
However, he did not disclose further details on the matter. But the shadowy brigade was quick to hit back, telling Mashnouq that he will not be able to prevent the group’s “jihadist operations.”Consequently, another Twitter account emerged as a response to the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade under the name of “Free Crusader Brigade.”