September 07/15
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
Bible Qoutation For TodayTruly I
tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will
never enter it.
Luke 18/15-17: "People were bringing
even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it,
they sternly ordered them not to do it.But Jesus called for them and said, ‘Let
the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these
that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the
kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’"
Bible Qoutation For Today/For where
there is envy and selfish ambition, there will also be disorder and wickedness
of every kind
Letter of James 03/13-18: "Who is
wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are
done with gentleness born of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and selfish
ambition in your hearts, do not be boastful and false to the truth. Such wisdom
does not come down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. For where
there is envy and selfish ambition, there will also be disorder and wickedness
of every kind. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality
or hypocrisy. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September
Aoun's Demonstration: The difference between sheep & Human
Beings/Elias Bejjani/September 06/15
How bad is the Iran deal? Let’s count the ways/Amir Taheri/New York
Post/September 06/15
U.S. and West Victimize Christians Fleeing ISIS/Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone
Institute/September 06/15
Sorry, Egypt No Longer a Province of the Ottoman Empire/Burak Bekdil/Gatestone
Institute/September 06/15
Titles For
Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on
September 06-07/15
Aoun's Demonstration: The difference between sheep & Human
Pope Calls on All of Europe’s Catholics to House Refugees
Pope Calls for Every European Parish to Take in Refugee Family
Salam: Chaos Not a Solution, Extremism Complicates Problems
Ibrahim Vows: I Will Not Rest Until Arsal Hostages are Freed
Geagea Travels to Qatar for Official Visit
Army Arrests 24 Palestinians in Nahr al-Bared and Jabal al-Beddawi
Latest Protests Fail to Attract Large Crowds
Parliament Vicinity, a Military Zone
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And
News published on September 06-07/15
Several Turkish Troops Killed in Major PKK Attack
New Wave of Air Strikes Shake Yemen Capital
Australia Firm on Refugee Quota, but Will Admit more Syrians
Israeli Christians Protest State Funding Cuts
Netanyahu Says Won't Allow Israel to be 'Submerged' by Syria Refuge
Syria Govt. Arrests 'Nusra Suspect in Druze Bombing'
Egypt Seizes Boats Carrying More than 200 Migrants
Turkish Policeman who Found Aylan Says: 'I Thought of My Own Son'
Report: Britain 'to Take 15,000 Syrian Refugees'
Cyprus Rescues 114 Fleeing Syria in Fishing Boat
Iran Says EU Must Live Up to Historic Duty on Migrants
Links From Jihad Watch Web site For Today
“Quebec is a land of Allah. Convert or else.”
Egypt: “You’re a Christian? Then I will kill you!”
Whose streets? Our streets!” UK Muslims riot in Rotherham, where rape gangs ran
Netherlands: Muslims assault elderly Jews, authorities searching for motive
Kashmir will be liberated through jihad by the Pakistan Army”
More jihad terror cases in US in 2015 than in any year since 9/11
UK call for imprisoned jihadis to be segregated in their own prison wings
Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
US airstrikes said to kill two Islamic State Sharia court judges
Story told by father of drowned toddler Aylan Kurdi is full of holes
UK: Father-in-law of Islamic State recruit blames government
Gaza Islamic State jihadist used surgeon’s home to attack IDF
Muslim countries refuse to take Syrian refugees, cite risk of terrorism
Debunking the Religious Equivalency Fallacy
Aoun's Demonstration: The difference between sheep & Human
Elias Bejjani/September 06/15
One of the main reasons that Lebanon is falling apart in all domains and on all
levels lies in the sad fact that many Lebanese people from all religious
denomination and walks of life worship corrupted, Trojan, evil politician and
follow them stupidly & blindly. This sickening phenomenon is deadly and
One of the main reasons that Lebanon is falling apart in all domains and on all
levels lies in the sad fact that many Lebanese people from all religious
denomination and walks of life worship corrupted, Trojan, evil politician and
follow them stupidly & blindly. This sickening phenomenon is deadly and
These people who willingly gave up their freedom for nothing in return are
practically mere slaves and sheep.
Quite frankly such subservient people do not deserve the Godly grace of life
because they have no faith, no self respect and do not fear Almighty God or His
Day Of Judgement.
They enjoy humiliations and brag in being stupid and naive.
This abnormal phenomena was boldly and shamelessly portrayed in the recent pro
Iranian-Syrian Micheal Aoun’s unethical, defiled and anti-Lebanese barbaric
demonstration. In our own private assessment, there was nothing at all Lebanese,
or ethical, or Christian in this hostile, angry, and derailed demonstration.
Simply and according to all world wide criteria for such political acts, the
demonstration was a disgrace to every thing that is Lebanese and every thing
that is Christian.
This derailed demagogue politician, Micheal Aoun, falsely alleges to advocate
for the Lebanese Christian existence, freedom and rights while in reality he is
an Iranian-Syrian cheap puppet and mercenary.
Sadly many Lebanese Christian citizens fell in his trap and believe his lies and
As we see him, and in actuality he is an antichrist creature who has noting to
do with the essence and core of Christianity by any means due to the fact that
he does not honour any human or Christian values in his conduct, affiliations,
rhetoric, selfishness, worship of money and power, nepotism, hypocrisy and
detachment from reality.
In conclusion who ever worships a politician or any human being is totally
stupid and must not be counted among those who enjoy the Godly gift of life.
Sadly many Lebanese not only in Lebanon, but also in the Diaspora fall in this
category and this explains the fatal and existential threats and hardships that
Lebanon is going through.
Pope Calls on All of Europe’s Catholics to House Refugees
By ALISON SMALE/The New York Times/SEPT. 6, 2015/VIENNA — Pope Francis on Sunday
called on every parish, religious community, monastery and sanctuary in Europe
to shelter refugees fleeing “death from war and hunger,” adding that the
Vatican’s two parishes would lead the way by taking in two families.In a speech
to thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square, the pope said it was not enough to
say “have courage, hang in there” to those marching toward what he described as
“life’s hope.”Referring to the “tragedy of tens of thousands of refugees that
flee death in conflict and hunger and are on a journey of hope,” Francis said,
according to Vatican Radio, “the Gospel calls us to be close to the smallest and
to those who have been abandoned.” He specifically asked that the European
bishops support the effort. It was Francis’ first direct message to Europe — and
the world — about how to embrace and integrate the largest mass migration Europe
has seen since the end of World War II. From Greece to Germany, thousands of
refugees remained on the move, packing boats, buses and trains and heading north
and west. Pope Francis spoke to thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square on
Sunday. The sudden decision late Friday by Austria and Germany to throw open
their borders and take in thousands of refugees unwanted in Hungary does not
seem to have stilled the movement across a continent that is feeling the effects
of the caldrons of conflict across the Middle East. In Cyprus, the authorities
said on Sunday that they had rescued 114 people believed to be refugees fleeing
Syria after their fishing boat issued a distress call some 46 miles off the
island’s southern coast, The Associated Press reported.Thousands of migrants
continued to arrive on Lesbos and other Greek islands from Turkey. Migrants
continued from there to the port of Piraeus in Athens and started heading north
along the Balkan land route taken by tens of thousands of others in recent
At the same time, construction crews rushed to complete work on a nearly
12-foot-high fence topped with razor wire spanning Hungary’s 108-mile border
with Serbia, the port of entry for most refugees. The authorities at a border
crossing near the town of Roszke rounded up hundreds of refugees Sunday and sent
them to a newly opened “registration center,” which the local police were
calling an “alien holding center,” Reuters reported. The authorities said the
migrants would be held there no more than 24 hours, but human rights groups, as
well as the migrants themselves, were worried they might be detained longer. At
the other end of the migrant trail, Austrian rail operators announced that they
had carried about 13,000 people to Germany from early Saturday to Sunday
morning. Thousands of migrants and refugees are desperately pushing their way
into Europe. A team of New York Times journalists is documenting the journey. In
the Austrian border town of Nickelsdorf, hundreds of migrants spent a cold night
in a vast hall equipped over the past week to receive them. Other migrants at
the Vienna rail station waiting for a train to Germany were allowed to sleep on
an empty train as temperatures dipped below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, or 10 degrees
Celsius, in some places. In Germany, which has taken in the most refugees and
expects 800,000 asylum seekers this year, volunteers were again at the main
Munich rail station and other locations across the country on Sunday, welcoming
the new arrivals in a determined display of hospitality that counters right-wing
resistance to the newcomers.
Chancellor Angela Merkel was to discuss the situation with her partners in her
coalition government on Sunday evening. The Social Democrats back Ms. Merkel’s
Christian Democrats in offering a determined welcome and insisting that Germany
can afford to take in the expected arrivals. But some members of the Christian
Social Union, the more conservative party in Ms. Merkel’s center-right bloc,
have objected to throwing open the doors. Ms. Merkel and Prime Minister Viktor
Orban of Hungary agreed in a telephone call on Saturday evening that both
countries must continue to uphold their commitments to the European Union asylum
law known as the Dublin Regulation, the chancellor’s office said. Both leaders
agreed that the westward journey of the refugees on Saturday “due to the
emergency situation on the Hungarian border was an exception,” the statement
Peter Altmaier, Ms. Merkel’s chief of staff, told a public broadcaster that the
chancellor held talks throughout Saturday with German and European partners in
an effort to get every European Union member to take in a share of refugees. “We
have been facing this challenge for several months and we continue to take in
refugees,” Mr. Altmaier said. “But we need a readiness in other European
countries to join in.”“I am convinced that the situation will normalize itself
when we are able to come to a European consensus, as we did in the crisis in
Ukraine, in the crisis in Greece, that is supported by all countries in Europe,”
Mr. Altmaier said. Austria faces a similar influx — 80,000 asylum applicants are
expected this year in a country of eight million, about one-tenth the population
of Germany. That prospect has bolstered far-right populists at the expense of
the governing Social Democrats and conservatives, but Chancellor Werner Faymann
insisted on Sunday that Austria would play its part in a European solution. A
convoy of some 150 cars driven by Austrian volunteers headed toward Hungary on
Sunday, with organizers saying they would pick up any refugees who wanted to go
West. The police warned the drivers against exposing themselves to charges in
Hungary that they were in effect smuggling people across borders.
The mass movement has produced a sharp spike in people smuggling, with the most
tragic case occurring in Austria, where 71 people were found dead in an
abandoned truck by the side of a highway southeast of Vienna on Aug. 27. Since
then, officials have reported that almost 200 other people narrowly averted
death in vehicles crammed with stowaways who pay hundreds or even thousands of
euros for the promise of reaching Austria, Germany or other wealthy nations in
Europe. Coincidentally, it was exactly 26 years ago on a first September Sunday
that Hungary opened its border at Hegyeshalom to allow tens of thousands of East
Germans to cross into Austria at Nickelsdorf and continue through Austria to
what was then West Germany.
Hungary’s behavior in recent days — allowing and then barring refugees from
trains into Austria, and building the fence on its southern border with Serbia
to discourage migrants from entering — has come under criticism from its 27
partners in the European Union.
Jean Asselborn, the foreign minister of Luxembourg, which now holds the rotating
six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union, told German
television on Sunday that Hungary and other former Communist nations in Central
and Eastern Europe had gained not only rights but also shouldered
responsibilities in joining the union.
It is important, Mr. Asselborn said, for the European Union to respond to an
expected request from Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European
Commission, to absorb 160,000 refugees under an agreed quota system. A German
newspaper, Welt am Sonntag, reported that under Mr. Juncker’s plan, Germany
would take in about 31,000 people, followed by France with 24,000 and Spain with
almost 15,000. “We must do this,” Mr. Asselborn said. “I think we are capable of
that.” Sensitive to criticism of callousness in response to the wave of
migrants, Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain is prepared to accept up to
15,000 Syrian refugees, but only from camps in that region, including from
Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey, officials told The Sunday Times of London.
The British do not want to add any further incentive, or “pull factor,” that
will encourage more refugees to risk the passage to Europe, nor to favor those
migrants who could afford to pay people smugglers over those who are in the
regional camps. With euroskeptics inside and outside Mr. Cameron’s ruling
Conservative Party critical of Brussels, Britain will continue to reject the
idea of mandatory quotas to distribute migrants and asylum-seekers already in
Britain will also allocate some of the financial aid it usually sends abroad to
house and integrate Syrian refugees for the first year in Britain and to
increase aid to refugee camps in the region, the chancellor of the Exchequer,
George Osborne, said on Sunday. He refused to confirm a specific figure for the
refugees. Mr. Cameron announced last week that Britain will add another 100
million pounds to the 900 million pounds it already provides for humanitarian
aid to displaced Syrians.
**Reporting was contributed by Palko Karasz in Hungary, Melissa Eddy in Berlin,
Steven Erlanger in London and Gaia Pianigiani in Rome.
Pope Calls for Every European Parish to Take in Refugee
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Pope Francis on Sunday called on
every Catholic parish in Europe to take in a refugee family, saying the
Vatican's two parishes would lead by example. Calling for a "concrete gesture"
ahead of a Jubilee Year of Mercy starting in December, the pope urged "every
parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary in Europe
(to) take in a family. "Faced with the tragedy of tens of thousands of
asylum-seekers fleeing death (as) victims of war and hunger who are hoping to
start a new life, the gospel calls on us and asks us to be the neighbour of the
smallest and the most abandoned, to give them concrete hope," he said, giving
the Angelus blessing in Saint Peter's Square in Rome. It's not just about saying
"have courage, be patient", Francis -- who has made poverty and migration a key
theme of his papacy -- told thousands of faithful gathered in the square.
"Christian hope is more combative", he said, calling on "Europe's bishops, the
true pastors to back my call in their dioceses." The Vatican would lead the way,
he said, announcing that its two parishes would take in two refugee families "in
the coming days". Drawing on a gospel story in which Jesus heals a deaf and mute
man, the Argentinian-born pontiff said a miracle had also taken place in Europe,
where "we have been healed of the deafness of selfishness and the silence of
retreating into ourselves. "The closed couple, the closed family, the closed
group, the closed parish, the closed country, that comes from us, it has nothing
to do with God," he stressed.
Salam: Chaos Not a Solution, Extremism Complicates Problems
Naharnet/September 06/15/Prime Minister Tammam Salam on Sunday described the
anti-government protests that have been shaking the country in recent weeks as a
“legitimate expression” while warning that “some parties are trying to exploit
this popular anger to spread chaos in the country.”The protests are “a
legitimate expression of the anger of Lebanese over the deterioration of their
living conditions,” said Salam during a meeting with Akkar clergymen and
dignitaries. But he cautioned that “some parties are trying to exploit this
popular anger to spread chaos in the country.”“Chaos is not a solution and
resorting to extremism complicates problems instead of solving them,” the prime
minister added. Describing the current situation in the country as “very, very
difficult,” Salam warned that “the aggravation of political disputes – which has
led to presidential void and legislative and governmental paralysis – will only
lead to collapse.”Turning to Sepaker Nabih Berri's call for a national dialogue
conference on September 9, the PM described it as a “lauded effort to contain
the conflict and seek political exits and solutions to the crisis.”On Saturday,
the August 29 coalition and the "You Stink" group organized small demos around
Lebanon to protest what they call a corrupt and inept political class. The
protest movement began in July when the country's main landfill in Naameh closed
and pungent garbage started piling up in Beirut and its outskirts, but it has
evolved into a broad-based mobilization against government impotence and
corruption. Demonstrations organized by "You Stink" have escalated over the past
two weeks, peaking last Saturday when tens of thousands flooded Martyrs Square
in a rare display of non-partisan mobilization. Organizers said the small demos
were to symbolize that they would not withdraw from the streets "until they
obtain their rights, even if it costs them their lives." Meanwhile, "You Stink"
has called for a massive demonstration near the place where the national
dialogue will be held. On Thursday, more than ten "You Stink" activists began a
hunger strike that they said would not end until Mohammed al-Mashnouq resigned
as environment minister. In addition to his resignation, the campaign is
demanding a lasting waste management plan, parliamentary elections and
accountability for police violence against protesters. Some protest organizers
and politicians had accused “thugs sent by political parties” of infiltrating
peaceful demos to spark riots and clashes with security forces.
Ibrahim Vows: I Will Not Rest Until Arsal Hostages are
Naharnet/September 06/15/General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim asserted
on Sunday that he will not rest until the file of servicemen abducted by
Islamist groups is resolved, the state-run National News Agency reported. “We
will not rest until we get the issue of abducted servicemen to a happy ending no
matter what the difficulties are” said Ibrahim during the inauguration of a new
General Security office in the Mount Lebanon town of Qartaba. He urged all
parties to commit to the State no matter how staggering it is, saying: “The
state is our only shelter and we should stay united and have faith.”Several
servicemen were kidnapped by the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front groups in the
wake of battles between the army and the jihadists in Arsal in August. A number
of the servicemen have since been released, four were executed, while the rest
remain held.
Geagea Travels to Qatar for Official Visit
Naharnet/September 06/15/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea traveled Sunday to
Qatar for an official visit, state-run National News Agency reported. He was
accompanied by his wife MP Sethrida Geagea and an LF delegation comprising
ex-minister Tony Karam, foreign affairs officer Pierre Bou Assi and Gulf dept.
official Fadi Salameh, NNA said. In July, Geagea held talks in Saudi Arabia with
the kingdom's top officials. On Saturday, the LF leader announced that his party
will not participate in a dialogue that Speaker Nabih Berri has called for to
tackle Lebanon's controversial issues, describing it a “waste of time.”Geagea
said it was an “impossible assumption” that the conferees could agree on a
presidential candidate.He also slammed the government for failing to address the
unprecedented waste management crisis and the rest of the country's political,
economic and social problems.
'People's Court' Activists File Complaint Against Mashnouq
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/The newly formed
activist group dubbed the People's Court asserted on Sunday that they have filed
a complaint against Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq for neglecting the
waste management crisis that led to the spread of diseases.“We filed a complaint
against the Environment Minister for his administrative violations and for
neglecting the trash crisis that led to the spread of diseases,” the activists
said in a press conference they held in Marty Square in downtown Beirut. “The
people should govern and decide. We are on the lookout and we will continue the
same as we started,” they said. “We will take part in the demos that will be
held on September 9,” they added, calling on everyone to take part in the mass
demonstration coinciding with a dialogue session at parliament that Speaker
Nabih Berri called for. The activists also demanded a “new modern electoral law
that respects the constitutions and paves way for political reform.” The new
group is one of many similar ones that have emerged lately kicking off a wide
range of protests raging over the paralysis of the parliament and cabinet in
addressing various pressing files the latest was the garbage crisis. The protest
movement began in July when a landfill closed and pungent garbage started piling
up in Beirut and its outskirts, but it has evolved into a broad-based
organization against government impotence and corruption. Demonstrations
initially organized by the "You Stink" activist group have escalated over the
past two weeks, peaking last Saturday when tens of thousands flooded Martyrs
Square in a rare display of non-partisan mobilization demanding the resignation
of the Environment Minister. Moreover, several Lebanese activists launched an
open-ended hunger strike last week, demanding the resignation of the environment
minister. The activists set up tents outside the Environment Ministry in
downtown Beirut.
Army Arrests 24 Palestinians in Nahr al-Bared and Jabal al-Beddawi
Naharnet/September 06/15/The Lebanese army arrested two Palestinian nationals in
Nahr al-Bared in the northern city of Tripoli for preparing to illegally smuggle
people to Turkey in a fishing boat, the Lebanese army Orientation Directorate
said in a statement. Palestinians Mohammed Saleh and Mohammed Majzoub were
apprehended on Saturday during a raid that an army unit carried out in the Nahr
al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp. They were trying to illegally smuggle people
to Turkey by sea using a fishing boat, the statement added. Furthermore, the
army raided a residential apartment in Jabal al-Beddawi and arrested 21
Palestinians for a bid to travel outside Lebanon in an illegal manner with the
help of the above.
Latest Protests Fail to Attract Large Crowds
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Only a small number of people
turned out Saturday at demonstrations around Lebanon called by the "You Stink"
group to protest what they call a corrupt and inept political class. The
collective had called Friday for demonstrations in the coastal city of Tyre and
in Zrariyeh, both in southern Lebanon. On Saturday around 300 people turned out
in Tyre, an Agence France Presse correspondent said. "We elected them MPs, and
they have become wolves who are never satisfied," banners read. "Thieves,
thieves," people chanted. Activists had also urged supporters to protest in the
eastern city of Chtaura, the historic town of Beiteddine and Nabatiyeh and
Marjayoun in the south. But only a dozen or so turned out in Marjayoun, as was
the case in the central town of Baakline. The protest movement began in July
when a landfill closed and pungent garbage started piling up in Beirut and its
outskirts, but it has evolved into a broad-based organization against government
impotence and corruption. Demonstrations organized by "You Stink" have escalated
over the past two weeks, peaking last Saturday when tens of thousands flooded
Martyrs Square in a rare display of non-partisan mobilization. Contrary to the
traditional practice of people demonstrating at the call of one political party
or religious group, "You Stink" has cut across party and confessional lines. In
Tyre, a bastion of Hizbullah and Amal movements, demonstrators dipped their
hands in red paint and then imprinted them on a large white sheet. Organizers
said this was to symbolize that they would not withdraw from the streets "until
they obtain their rights, even if it costs them their lives." Parliament Speaker
Nabih Berri, who belongs to Amal, has called for a dialogue of political leaders
on Wednesday. Samir Geagea, leader of the Christian Lebanese Forces party, has
said he will not participate. Meanwhile, "You Stink" has called for another
massive demonstration the same day.
Parliament Vicinity, a Military Zone
Naharnet/September 06/15/The Security Forces decided to impose a military zone
in the vicinity of the parliament in light of the demonstrations called for by
the civil society and the Syndicate Coordination Committee that coincide with
the dialogue session called for by Speaker Nabih Berri, An Nahar daily reported.
The decision, over fear of clashes between the demonstrations and interlocutors,
was taken as the country witnesses a wide range of protests raging over the
government and parliament paralysis, the daily added. Berri has called for a
dialogue of political leaders on Wednesday September 9 to revive the all-party
talks that he had launched in 2006. Samir Geagea, leader of the Christian
Lebanese Forces party, has said he will not participate. The "You Stink" has
called for another massive demonstration the same day. Demonstrations organized
by "You Stink" have escalated over the past two weeks, peaking last Saturday
when tens of thousands flooded Martyrs Square in a rare display of non-partisan
mobilization. The dialogue aims at discussing ways to end the almost two-year
presidential vacuum, resume the Parliament and Cabinet's work, agree on a new
election law, a law allowing foreigners of Lebanese origin to obtain Lebanese
nationality, administrative decentralization and means to support the Army and
the Internal Security Forces.
Several Turkish Troops Killed in Major PKK Attack
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Several Turkish
soldiers were killed on Sunday in a major attack in southeastern Hakkari
province suspected to have been carried out by Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
militants, reports said.There was no immediate official casualty toll but in a
sign of the gravity of the situation Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu broke off a
trip to Konya to watch a national football game and summoned an emergency
security meeting in Ankara, the reports added. NTV television said militants
staged a mine attack on two military vehicles in a convoy in the Daglica
district of Hakkari, a known PKK stronghold. It added that Turkish F-4 and F-16
warplanes carried out strikes in retaliation against those suspected to have
carried out the attack. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacted to the attack
during a live television interview but also did not give any casualty figures.
"A mine attack has been staged. There will be a very particular and decisive
fight there. We are very sad," he told the A-Haber channel. "The weather
conditions were unfavorable. A struggle was being waged under such conditions,"
he said, adding the attack happened during a "clean-up operation" against PKK
militants. The PKK has been staging daily attacks against the Turkish armed
forces as the military presses an over month-long operation against the group in
southeast Turkey and northern Iraq. The violence has left in tatters a 2013
ceasefire aimed at assisting the search for a final peace deal to end the PKK's
three-decade insurgency that has claimed tens of thousands of lives.
New Wave of Air Strikes Shake Yemen Capital
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Powerful explosions shook the
Yemeni capital Sunday, witnesses said, after the Saudi-led coalition vowed to
press its air war following a rebel missile strike that killed dozens of Gulf
soldiers. The United Arab Emirates had pledged to quickly avenge its heaviest
ever military loss after 45 of its soldiers were killed in Friday's missile
attack, along with 10 Saudis and five Bahrainis. The UAE is part of the Arab
coalition formed in March aimed at stopping the Iran-backed rebels from taking
full control of Yemen and at restoring the rule of exiled President Abedrabbo
Mansour Hadi. Complaining of marginalisation, the Shiite Huthi rebels descended
from their northern stronghold last year and seized the capital Sanaa unopposed
before advancing on second city Aden in March. The latest coalition raids
pounded positions of the rebels and renegade troops loyal to ousted president
Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was forced to resign in 2012 following a bloody
uprising. Coalition warplanes struck military bases on the Nahdain and Fajj
Attan hills and the neighbouring presidential complex, south of Sanaa, as well
as a headquarters for special forces. Also targeted were Huthi positions in the
northern neighbourhoods of Sufan and Al-Nahda, forcing scores of residents to
flee, the witnesses said. Witnesses said Sunday's bombardment was one of the
heaviest since the air campaign began. "The first strike after dawn prayers
shook our house," said Sadeq al-Juhayfi, a resident of Al-Haffa, southeast of
Sanaa, where a military base was targeted. Witnesses in the area said explosions
were still heard around midday at the base, suggesting it housed an arms depot.
Meanwhile, normally bustling areas of the capital remained empty and shops were
mostly shuttered. Students taking exams at Abdulrazzaq al-Sanaani high school,
in Hadda neighbourhood, said they abandoned their tests and fled. "We usually
get hundreds of customers... Today, workers have ran away and there are no
people in the street," said Kamal al-Majidi, a waiter at a restaurant in Hadda.
The Huthis said Friday's missile attack was "revenge" for six months of deadly
air raids, but the coalition vowed there would be no let-up in its air war. The
coalition launched the bombing campaign when President Hadi fled to Saudi Arabia
in March after the rebels entered his last refuge, Aden. After loyalists
recaptured the southern port in July, the coalition launched a ground operation
that has seen the rebels pushed back from five southern provinces, although they
still control Sanaa and much of the north and centre.
'Purge Yemen of scum'
For the UAE, Friday's losses were the heaviest since the formation of the
federation in 1971, and the oil-rich Gulf state has vowed to retaliate. "Our
revenge shall not take long," warned Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin
Zayed. "We will press ahead until we purge Yemen of the scum," he was quoted as
saying in Emirati media. UAE newspapers displayed images of funerals across the
country for the slain soldiers, while schools in Abu Dhabi were told to observe
a one-minute silence on Sunday. National radio and television stations have
played music and special koranic recitals to honour them. The Huthis said they
had used a Tochka missile to attack the Safer camp in Marib. They hailed the
strike as "revenge for the crimes and the war of extermination being carried out
by the Saudi aggressor and its mercenaries". Marib has seen fierce fighting as
loyalist forces and their coalition allies have advanced north. Loyalist
military sources said the coalition had reinforced Safer this week with tanks,
armoured vehicles, troop carriers, rocket launchers and Apache helicopters.
Friday's losses came as Saudi King Salman met U.S. President Barack Obama in
Washington, with Yemen high on the agenda. Obama said the two sides "share
concerns" about the need to restore a functioning government in Yemen and
relieve its humanitarian crisis. More than 4,500 people have been killed in the
conflict, including hundreds of children, according to the United Nations, which
has warned that Yemen is on the brink of famine.
Australia Firm on Refugee Quota, but Will Admit more
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Australian leader Tony Abbott said
Sunday the government would welcome a higher portion of Syrian refugees amid
Europe's humanitarian crisis, but would not increase its annual refugee
intake.Europe is facing an unprecedented influx of people seeking safe-havens,
many from war-torn Syria, with the human cost of the crisis reflected in images
of Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi whose body washed up on a Turkish beach. Canberra
takes a hardline stance against asylum-seekers trying to reach Australia by
boat, with Abbott saying Friday that tough policies were needed to stop
drownings at sea. The prime minister said he was moved by photographs of the
three-year-old and was sending Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to Geneva late
Sunday for talks with the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR, amid a growing domestic
push to address the crisis. But despite calls from opposition parties Labor and
Greens for an increase in the refugee intake, Abbott said the annual 2015-16
quota, at 13,750, would remain the same."We are disposed to take more people
from that troubled region under our refugee and humanitarian programme, and we
are open to providing more financial assistance to the UNHCR," he told reporters
in Canberra.
He declined to specify how many more would be accepted, but said Australia took
in almost 4,500 refugees from Iraq and Syria last year and "we are prepared to
take significant numbers this year given the ongoing crisis and its scale".The
focus would be on families, women and children residing in camps "on the edges
of Syria", Abbott said, particularly from persecuted minorities. Abbott added
that Australia was already gradually lifting its annual refugee intake -- to
16,250 in 2017–18 and to 18,750 the following year. By contrast, Labor agreed at
its July national conference to double the current refugee intake to 27,500 by
2025, while the Greens have called on the government to accept an additional
20,000 Syrian refugees on top of the current allocation. Other countries helping
out include Britain, to take in 15,000 Syrian refugees according to a Sunday
Times report, and Canada, to accept an additional 10,000 people from Syria and
Iraq annually over the next three years. Under Australia's immigration policy,
asylum-seekers that arrive by boat are sent to Pacific island camps in Nauru and
Papua New Guinea and blocked from resettling on the island continent even if
they are found to be refugees. After Abbott came into power in September 2013,
the government launched a military-led operation to turn boats back. Abbott said
the current crisis needed a security response, with Australia set to reveal this
week if it will extend its air campaign against the Islamic State group in Iraq
into Syria following a U.S. request.
Israeli Christians Protest State Funding Cuts
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Thousands of people rallied Sunday
in Jerusalem to demand more funds for Christian schools which they say receive a
third of what the Israeli government allocates to Jewish ones. Israel's 47
Christian schools have been on strike since the academic year started last week,
with parents and school officials accusing the government of discrimination in
funding their establishments.Schools officials said the strike will end only
when the authorities in the Jewish state meet their demands. The strike affects
33,000 pupils -- 60 percent of them Christian and the others Muslim -- as well
as 3,000 staff. "If you care, then be fair," said one of the signs held up at
the protest outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office which was
attended by students in uniforms, parents and school officials. "We pay our
taxes and therefore we must have the same rights as everyone," said Manal Issa,
a mother who came with her two children. Abdel Massih Fahim, a Franciscan priest
and director of the Catholic church's Custody of the Holy Land which oversees
the Christian schools, said state funds only cover 29 percent of costs. But
Wadie Abunassar, another school official, said Jewish schools recognized by the
state but not considered official public schools receive funds that cover 100
percent of their needs.
"We demand equal treatment," said Abunassar. Up until two years ago, Christian
schools in Israel received 65 percent of their budgets from the state, with
parents paying the balance, but that figure was cut then to 34 percent two years
ago. Now parents have to put up the difference, in what has become a financial
burden for many who had been relying on private donations and state subsidies to
provide their children with an education. "We are demanding that the state give
us 200 million shekels ($53 million) per year," to make up the difference and
cover our costs, said Abunassar. A dozen Arab Israeli members of parliament also
joined Sunday's demonstration as armed police stood guard. The rally came just
days after Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was received Thursday by Pope Francis
at the Vatican, and following recent attacks by extremist Jews on Christian
Netanyahu Says Won't Allow Israel to be 'Submerged' by Syria Refugees
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
on Sunday said he would not allow Israel to be "submerged" by refugees after
calls for Israel to take in those fleeing Syria's war. Speaking at the weekly
cabinet meeting, Netanyahu also announced the start of construction of a fence
along Israel's border with Jordan, according to his office. "We will not allow
Israel to be submerged by a wave of illegal migrants and terrorist activists,"
Netanyahu said. "Israel is not indifferent to the human tragedy of Syrian and
African refugees... but Israel is a small country -- very small -- without
demographic or geographic depth. That is why we must control our
borders."Opposition leader Isaac Herzog on Saturday said Israel should take in
Syrian refugees, recalling the plight of Jews who sought refuge from past
conflicts. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas also called for Israel to allow
Palestinians from refugee camps in Syria to travel to the Palestinian
territories, whose external borders are controlled by Israel. There is already
hostility in Israel toward asylum-seekers from Africa and a concerted government
effort to repatriate them. Rights groups say thousands of African asylum seekers
have been coerced into "voluntary" departures. Official figures show 45,000
illegal immigrants are in Israel, almost all from Eritrea and Sudan. Most of
those not in detention live in poor areas of southern Tel Aviv, where there have
been several protests against them.
'To the Golan heights'
The start of construction of the 30-kilometer (19-mile) fence announced by
Netanyahu involves extension of a security barrier to part of its eastern border
with Jordan in a bid to keep out militants and illegal migrants. Netanyahu said
when it was approved in June that the new fence was a continuation of a
240-kilometer barrier built along the Egyptian border which "blocked the entry
of illegal migrants into Israel and the various terrorist movements."In its
first stage, the new fence is being built along Israel's eastern border between
Eilat and where a new airport will be built in the Timna Valley. "We will
continue the fence up to the Golan Heights," Netanyahu said. That would take it
into the Israeli-occupied West Bank along the Jordan Valley, an area which is
already under Israeli military control but is claimed by the Palestinians as
part of their state. Israel has insisted on maintaining troops in the area in
any final peace agreement, a stance completely rejected by the Palestinians who
say it would be a violation of their sovereignty and merely perpetuate the
Israel also has a fence that runs along the Syrian frontier through the
Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Those fences are in addition to a barrier that
runs through the West Bank, which Israel began building during the second
Palestinian intifada, or uprising, which lasted from 2000-2005. Israel seized
1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) of the Golan from Syria in the 1967
Six Day War and annexed it 14 years later, in a move never recognized by the
international community.
Syria Govt. Arrests 'Nusra Suspect in Druze Bombing'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Syrian authorities have detained a
member of al-Qaida affiliate Al-Nusra Front who admitted the group's
responsibility for a double bomb attack in the country's Druze heartland, state
media said Sunday. The arrested man, named as Al-Wafed Abu Tarabeh, reportedly
also confessed the group was behind attacks on government property in Sweida
city after the bombings, which killed 31 people. "Authorities in Sweida today
arrested the terrorist Al-Wafed Abu Tarabeh, who confessed to responsibility for
the two terrorist bombings on Friday," state news agency SANA reported. State
television identified Abu Tarabeh as a member of al-Nusra. "The terrorist also
confessed to participation in the attacks on the military police and security
branches... in addition to acts of vandalism and theft in Sweida," SANA said.
Twin bomb attacks hit Sweida on Friday night, killing 31 people, including
prominent Druze cleric and regime critic Sheikh Wahid al-Balous. After the
attacks, residents pelted government buildings with stones, accusing the regime
of being behind the bombings. They destroyed a statue of Hafez Assad, father and
predecessor of Syria's President Bashar Assad. Angry crowds including armed men
also attacked two security buildings in the southwestern city, killing at least
six regime security personnel, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The
Druze, who follow a secretive offshoot of Shiite Islam, have been divided during
Syria's civil war, with some members fighting on the government side and others
sympathizing with the opposition. Balous was a popular figure among the
minority, which made up around three percent of Syria's pre-war population of 23
million. He led Sweida's most powerful militia in battles against al-Nusra and
the Islamic State group, but also opposed conscription of Druze men into the
Syrian army's dwindling ranks. Analysts said his death would likely benefit
Syria's government, which was angered by his opposition to conscription and his
desire to keep the Druze independent.
Egypt Seizes Boats Carrying More than 200 Migrants
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/The Egyptian navy
has seized three fishing boats in the Mediterranean carrying 228 migrants and
arrested 17 crew members, the military said on Sunday. "Naval forces, as part of
their mission to secure the Mediterranean coast, spotted three suspicious
fishing boats off the coast of Alexandria," the military said on its Facebook
page. "While inspecting them, they found, in addition to 17 crew, 228 people of
different nationalities who were trying to emigrate illegally from Egypt," the
statement said. It did not disclose the identities of the migrants or of the
crew, but said they were taken to a naval base in Alexandria. It also did not
say when the operation took place. Pictures posted online by the military showed
men, who appeared to be African, sitting in a docked boat or on the ground of
what seemed to be a harbor. In one picture a soldier bandaged the foot of a man
and in another a soldier handed out plastic water bottles. The U.N. refugee
agency UNHCR on Saturday said 366,402 migrants had crossed the Mediterranean to
Europe this year, with 2,800 dying or going missing en route.
Turkish Policeman who Found Aylan Says: 'I Thought of My Own
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/A Turkish police officer who was
pictured picking up the lifeless body of three-year-old Syrian refugee Aylan
Kurdi -- whose death pricked the world's conscience -- said he thought of his
own son when he saw the toddler on the beach. Speaking to Turkey's Dogan news
agency, Mehmet Ciplak recounted how he prayed the little boy was still alive as
he walked towards him and scooped him up from the water's edge. "When I
approached the baby, I said to myself, 'Dear God I hope he's alive.' But he
showed no signs of life. I was crushed," he said. "I have a six-year-old son.
The moment I saw the baby, I thought about my own son and put myself into his
father's place. Words cannot describe what a sad and tragic sight it was."
Ciplak added he didn't know the photo, which reverberated across the world, was
being taken and said: "I was just doing my job." Twelve refugees drowned on
Wednesday when two boats sank on the short crossing to Greece, and images of
Aylan's lifeless body washed ashore in Bodrum in southwest Turkey sparked
international outrage over Europe's migrant crisis. Aylan was buried on Friday
in the Syrian town of Kobane, itself now a symbol of resistance by Syrian Kurds
against Islamic State (IS) extremists. Aylan's four-year-old brother, Ghaleb,
and their mother Rihana also drowned when their boat sank. His father Abdullah
was the only family member to survive and has returned to Kobane to be close to
the graves of his wife and children.
Report: Britain 'to Take 15,000 Syrian Refugees'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/The British government is poised
to accept 15,000 Syrian refugees and hopes next month to get backing for air
strikes against Islamic State jihadists, the Sunday Times reported. Prime
Minister David Cameron has been under pressure internationally and domestically
to address the refugee crisis. On Thursday, he said he was "deeply moved" by
images of three-year-old Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi, found dead on a Turkish
beach. Cameron now intends to expand Britain's vulnerable persons relocation
programme, take in around 15,000 refugees and launch military action against
people traffickers, the report said. He also hopes to persuade MPs in the
opposition Labour Party to back air strikes in Syria in a vote early next month,
it said. The paper previously reported that there was an option to directly
accept refugees from UN camps on the Syrian border. Britain has accepted 216
Syrian refugees under a special government scheme over the past year and around
5,000 Syrians have been granted asylum since the conflict there broke out in
2011 -- far fewer than countries like France, Germany and Sweden. Britain has
also opted out of a quota system for relocating asylum seekers within the
European Union despite growing calls in the EU for fairer distribution. More
than four million Syrians have fled the war. Cameron gained support for military
action against Syria from an unusual source on Sunday -- former Archbishop of
Canterbury, the leader of the world's Anglicans, George Carey. Britain should
help "crush" the Islamic State and "air strikes" may be needed, Carey said. "I
do not consider it enough to send aid to refugee camps in the Middle East.
Rather, there must be renewed military and diplomatic efforts to crush the twin
menaces of Islamic State and al-Qaeda once and for all," he wrote in the Sunday
Cyprus Rescues 114 Fleeing Syria in Fishing Boat
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Rescuers in Cyprus on Sunday saved
more than 100 refugees fleeing the war in Syria after their boat ran into
trouble overnight off the Mediterranean island, authorities said. The 114
people, including 54 women and children, had been aboard a small fishing boat
about 40 nautical miles from the southern Cypriot port of Larnaca at the time
they struck trouble, said a source in the island's Joint Rescue Coordination
Centre. The boat had departed from the Syrian port town of Tartus and stopped in
Tripoli, in northern Lebanon, authorities said. Interior Minister Socrates
Hasikos told reporters the refugees had been headed for Greece, with some hoping
to travel on to other parts of Europe. He said police had arrested three people
who were being questioned in connection with the incident. Local newspaper
Phileleftheros reported that the boat's captain was among them. The boat was
mainly carrying Syrian refugees, but also some Lebanese and Palestinians from
Syria, Hasikos said. Cyprus, a member of the European Union, lies just 100
kilometres (60 miles) off the Syrian coast but has so far avoided a mass influx
of refugees from the country's conflict, with most preferring to bypass the
island to reach the European mainland. The boat's captain sent a distress signal
late on Saturday night as the vessel was listing because its engine stopped
working, prompting the police and army to launch a rescue operation, authorities
said. All of those on board the stricken vessel were safely brought ashore to
Larnaca by 7:00 am (0400 GMT) on Sunday, police said. Some of them received
first aid at the port, but "there were no serious injuries warranting a transfer
to the hospital," the interior minister said. Phileleftheros reported that those
rescued said they had paid more than $4,000 each (about 3,600 euros) to be taken
to a "European destination". Police said the refugees would be taken to a
reception centre on the outskirts of the capital Nicosia later on Sunday. Last
September, some 345 Syrian and Palestinian refugees were rescued by a cruise
liner in stormy waters off the island's coast and housed for several months
before their camp was closed. Two months later, about 220 Syrian refugees
crammed onto a fishing boat were rescued off the coast of Turkish-occupied
northern Cyprus after hitting rough seas. Europe has been facing an
unprecedented influx this summer of people seeking refuge, many of them from
war-torn Syria. The U.N. refugee agency says more than 2,500 people have died
trying to cross the Mediterranean this year, many of them Syrian refugees
desperate to escape their country's four-and-a-half year war.
Iran Says EU Must Live Up to Historic Duty on Migrants
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/September 06/15/Iran's President Hassan Rouhani
said Sunday that European countries have a "humanitarian and historic duty" to
do more to shelter migrants arriving at its borders. "The world, especially
Europe, has a humanitarian and historic duty to (...) help these displaced and
stranded people," Rouhani said, quoted on his website. Europe has been facing an
unprecedented influx this summer of people seeking refuge, many of them from
war-torn Syria but also from Africa. The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR,
said Saturday that 366,402 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe
this year, with 2,800 killed or missing en route. "We are glad some European
countries have taken positive measures to save the displaced immigrants and we
hope that other EU countries would join this trend," said Rouhani. Rouhani,
speaking as he received Hungary's new ambassador, Janos Kuac, said Iran hosts
more migrants from neighboring countries, mostly Afghanistan and Iraq, than any
other state in the region.
"All the problems ... stem from the threat of radical groups and terrorists that
have caused fear and displacement among innocent people in the region," he said.
Hungary is a key point of entry to the EU for migrants and refugees from the
Middle East and Asia trekking up through the Balkans to western Europe after
crossing the Mediterranean to Greece. Some 50,000 migrants entered Hungary last
month via the western Balkans. Hungary has responded with tough new
anti-immigration measures. Its right-wing prime minister, Viktor Orban, has said
Hungary did not want more Muslim migrants and warned Europe would lose its
Christian identity.
How bad is the Iran deal?
Let’s count the ways
Amir Taheri/New York Post/September 06/15,
A fatwa that doesn’t exist, a wish list that no one signed, a resolution that
contradicts the wish list, a protocol that no one has seen…
These are the elements with which President Obama claims he has concocted a
strategy to stop Iran’s nuclear ambitions and stop it exporting murder and
mayhem. Supposedly issued by Iran’s “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei, the fatwa
declares nuclear weapons as “illicit” (haram) in Islam. Obama cites it as
“proof” that Iran does not intend to build a bomb. The president has never said
he has seen the fatwa, which, in any case, would have no legal or religious
weight. However, those who refer to the fatwa, including some mullahs, always
credit Obama as the source of their information. In the 18th century, Mullah
Sadra liked to say that “you will see only if you believe.” He has a disciple in
Obama. The wish list is the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a
159-page tome issued in Vienna last July after two years of talks between an
Iranian delegation and the so-called P5+1 group of big powers led by the US.
“This is neither an agreement nor a treaty,” writes Dr. Saberi Ansari, Iran’s
legal advisor during the talks. “An agreement or a treaty is distinguished by
the fact that its contents are binding on contracting parties. This is not the
case with JCPOA. For example, JCPOA envisages moves that ought to be made by the
United Nations or the International Atomic Energy Agency. However, it is not in
Iran’s or the P5+1’s gift to decide for the UN and the IAEA.”What we have
instead is a list of things that participants in the talks wish would happen.
However, the Iranian side does not feel bound by the wish list. It has not even
been presented at the Council of Ministers headed by President Hassan Rouhani.
Ministers have read about it in the press. More interestingly, there is no
official Persian translation of the text.The JCPOA, for which Obama has been
fighting tooth and nail, has not received even a tepid endorsement from Khamenei.
“This thing must be examined further, its shortcomings corrected,” he said on
Thursday. Iran’s atomic-energy chief, Ali-Akbar Salehi, put it nicely when he
said that “the only thing that Iran gave Obama was a promise not to do things we
were not doing anyway, or did not wish to do or could not even do at
present.”Because the JCPOA has no legal basis and no mechanism for application,
Obama engineered a hastily drawn Security Council resolution, numbered 2231, to
fill the gap. As a sponsor of the resolution, the US is committed to applying it
whether the Congress likes it or not. Iran, which didn’t vote for the
resolution, refuses to endorse it.
“The point of reference for us is the JCPOA,” says Iranian Deputy Foreign
Minister Abbas Araqchi.Foreign Minister Javad Zarif goes further, boasting that
Iran “will close this dossier” without accepting any of the seven resolutions
passed by the UN. But even if Iran endorsed the resolution, what proof is there
that it won’t cheat?Obama answers that with his favorite cliché of “robust
In that context, the protocol signed by the IAEA and Iran last July merits
attention.Obama’s “chance in a lifetime” diplomatic coup is nothing but a shady
deal. The text of the protocol remains secret, known only the two signatories.
So, Obama couldn’t know whether or not it envisages “robust” inspections; he
could only hope that would be the case.
Statements by IAEA and Iranian officials indicate that the envisaged inspections
are unlikely to be “robust.” Both assert that there will be no inspectors from
countries with nuclear arsenals. That excludes the P5 to start with. Then, Iran
will not allow inspectors from “unfriendly countries” such as Canada. The IAEA
must ask Iran to arrange for inspections at least one month in advance, long
enough to “cleanse” any site and change the decor. Even then, the IAEA must
first consider using Iranian inspectors.
If Iran and the IAEA cannot agree the matter is referred to a ministerial group
that would meet at least once every two years. There, decisions could be taken
only if five out of the eight involved agree. (That is to say P5+1, plus Iran
plus the European Union).
With Russia and China likely to vote with Iran or abstain, the mullahs would
need one vote to stop any move against them. That could come from the EU some of
whose members might cherish an opportunity to thumb their noses at the US, even
if only by abstaining. Obama claims he has “blocked all of Iran’s paths to
building nuclear weapons.”
That is untrue.
Iran is allowed to continue enriching uranium and producing plutonium,
ingredients needed for nuclear warheads, albeit at lower grades. Iran promises
to slow down the process for a 10-year period. Even then, it is not clear at
what cadence the proposed slowdown would take place. In the meantime, Iran is
benefiting from a steady crumbling of the sanctions edifice. More than 30
Iranian companies and banks are doing business with the EU and other nations.
Twenty-two individuals banned from travel abroad, among them eight generals and
three convicted terrorists, have visited other countries.
The flow of unfrozen cash assets to Iran continues and is expected to top $20
billion by the end of the year. The ban on arms sales is quietly ignored, with
Russia delivering S-300 anti-aircraft missiles and negotiating the sale of war
planes and submarines. (Tehran and Moscow signed 11 agreements last week.) For
its part, China has agreed to upgrade Iran’s nuclear industry, especially by
supplying new plutonium plants.
Obama’s “chance in a lifetime” diplomatic coup is nothing but a shady deal
between the Democrat Party and the Khomeinist faction in Tehran led by former
President Hashemi Rafsanjani. The “deal” was prompted by calculations pertaining
to domestic politics in the US and Iran. It leaves intact the potential threat
that Iran’s nuclear ambitions continue to pose for peace and stability in the
Middle East.
U.S. and West Victimize Christians Fleeing
Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/September 06/15
Western nations are not merely ignoring Muslim persecution of Christians in the
Middle East, they are actively supporting it by sponsoring "moderate" rebels who
in reality are as "radical" and anti-Western as the Islamic State.
"Why the federal government has failed to take steps to expedite such
reunification in cases where family and religious leaders are willing to vouch
for and help those seeking asylum here... remains an unfathomable mystery." —
East County Magazine, San Diego.
Such "unfathomable mysteries" are reminiscent of the U.S. State Department's
habit of inviting Muslim representatives but denying visas to Christian
representatives. Since the start of 2015, 4,205 Muslims have been admitted into
the U.S. from Iraq, but only 727 Christians. For every Christian granted asylum,
the U.S. grants asylum to five or six Muslims -- even though Christians, as
persecuted "infidel" minorities, are in much greater need of sanctuary.
"Most European governments, especially those that are Christian explicitly or
implicitly, are failing in their duty to look after their fellow Christians in
their hour of need." — Lord Weidenfeld.
When persecuted Christian minorities manage to flee the Islamic State and come
to the West for asylum, they are imprisoned again. All the while, Muslims -- in
the Mideast and in the West -- are being empowered and welcomed in the West with
open arms.
Not only does the West facilitate the persecution of Christians in the Middle
East, but in the West as well.
According to a recent NPR report, the U.S. supported "moderate" coalition
fighting both Bashar Assad and the Islamic State in Syria "has extremists in its
own ranks who have mistreated Christians and forced them out of their homes" --
just as the Islamic State (IS) has done.
Christian minorities forced out of their homes who manage to reach Western
nations -- including the United States -- sometimes encounter more trouble.
Despite having family members to sponsor them, a group of 20 Christians who fled
the Islamic State in Iraq have been imprisoned indefinitely, some since
February, at the Otay Detention Facility in San Diego, even though they have
local family members and Christian leaders who vouch for them (a primary way
that the majority of detained foreign nationals are released is to the
supervision of American citizens who vouch for them).
Activists say that the men and women in detention have been held for too long,
including by the U.S. government's own standards. Some have been imprisoned for
over seven months with no hearing date for release even set.
"They are being held without a real reason.... They've escaped hell. Let's allow
them to reunite with their families," said Mark Arabo, a spokesman for the
Chaldean community in San Diego.
The detainees include a woman who had escaped the clutches of IS, and who had
pleaded to see her sickly mother. Her mother died before she could see her. "She
had been begging to be let out to see her dying mother," said a priest familiar
with the case.
Discussing the ongoing plight of these Iraqi Christians, San Diego's East County
Magazine concluded: "Why the federal government has failed to take steps to
expedite such reunification in cases where family and religious leaders are
willing to vouch for and help those seeking asylum here, then, remains an
unfathomable mystery."
Such "unfathomable mysteries" are reminiscent of the U.S. State Department's
habit of inviting Muslim representatives but denying visas to Christian
representatives. Since the start of 2015, 4,205 Muslims have been admitted into
the U.S. from Iraq, but only 727 Christians. For every one Christian the U.S.
grants asylum, it grants asylum to five or six Muslims -- even though
Christians, as persecuted "infidel" minorities, are in much greater need of
sanctuary, not to mention more assimilating to American culture than Muslims.
Faith McDonnell, of the Institute on Religion & Democracy, said regarding the
detainment of Iraqi Christians in San Diego:
This follows the disturbing pattern that we have seen from the State Department
of ignoring the particular targeting of Christians by ISIS while giving
preferential treatment for asylum to other groups with expedited processing --
like Somalis, Iraqis, and Syrians, some of whom could very well be members of
jihadist movements.
The same is happening in the United Kingdom. Church leaders accuse David Cameron
of "turning his back" on Christians facing genocide in Syria and Iraq by failing
to grant them refuge in the UK -- even though thousands of Muslims have been
allowed entry.
Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, signed a petition calling on
the UK government to "welcome Christian refugees and give them priority as
asylum seekers," emphasizing that "Syrian and Iraqi Christians are being
butchered, tortured and enslaved."
Similarly, Lord Weidenfeld, 95, who fled Nazi-occupied Austria in 1938 with the
help of British Quakers, said:
Why is it that the Poles and the Czechs are taking in Christian families and yet
the British government stands idly by?
This mood of indifference is reminiscent of the worst phases of appeasement, and
may have catastrophic consequences. Europe must awake and the Conservative
British Government should be leading from the front.
Most European governments, especially those that are Christian explicitly or
implicitly, are failing in their duty to look after their fellow Christians in
their hour of need.
This is not necessarily true of east European nations. Along with countries like
Poland and Czechoslovakia, Slovakia recently went so far as to say it will only
accept Christians when it takes in Syrian refugees under an EU relocation
scheme. The Slavic nation argues that "Muslims would not be accepted because
they would not feel at home," including because there are no mosques in
Meanwhile, many of those Christians who are granted asylum in Western countries
arrive there only to be further persecuted by Muslim asylum seekers --
indicating, once again, who does and who does not really need asylum; who does
and who does not assimilate in Western culture.
Most recently in Sweden, two small families of Christian asylum seekers from
Syria were recently harassed and abused by approximately 80 Muslim asylum
seekers, also from Syria.
The Christians and Muslims -- described by one Swedish newspaper as
"fundamentalist Islamists" -- resided in the same asylum house. Among other
humiliations, the Muslims ordered the Christians not to wear their crosses
around their necks and not to use the communal areas when in use by Muslims.
Asylum seekers in the Swedish city of Kalmar, where Christian refugees were
forced to move out of public housing after being harassed and threatened by
After continuous harassment and threats, these Christian refugees, who had
managed to escape the Islamic State, left the Swedish asylum house "fearing for
their own safety." A spokesman for the government migration agency responsible
for the center they had been staying in said:
"They dared not stay. The atmosphere became too intimidating. And they got no
help... They chose themselves to organize new address and moved away without our
participation because they felt a discomfort."
Western nations are not merely ignoring Muslim persecution of Christians in the
Middle East, they are actively supporting it by sponsoring "moderate" rebels who
in reality are as "radical" and anti-Western as the Islamic State. And when
these persecuted Christian minorities manage to flee the Islamic State and come
to the West for asylum, they are imprisoned again. All the while, Muslims -- in
the Mideast and in the West --
*Raymond Ibrahim is author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War in
Christians (published by Regnery in cooperation with Gatestone Institute, April
Sorry, Egypt No Longer a Province of the Ottoman Empire
Burak Bekdil/Gatestone Institute/September 06/15
Egypt is increasingly unnerved by overt Turkish activity to support the Muslim
Brotherhood politically, and covert Turkish activity to support alleged
Erdogan's obsessive shadow-fighting with the Egyptian regime in the hope of
rebuilding a Muslim Brotherhood regime in the former Ottoman "Khedivate" is bad
news: it undermines any Western effort to stabilize -- relatively -- the
turbulent Middle East.
In August, possibly the first cheerful news containing the words "Turkey" and
"Egypt" hit the headlines in the Turkish press since July 2013, when Egypt's
army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi spearheaded a coalition to remove
Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Turkish
chargé d'affaires in Cairo (Turkey and Egypt withdrew their ambassadors after a
row) married an Egyptian actress and former beauty queen on August 2. Their
wedding was by attended by Turkish, Egyptian and foreign diplomats at a Turkish
embassy residence in Giza.
At the wedding ceremony, the Turkish groom, Alper Bosuter, said that Turkey's
relations with Egypt have been tense but would eventually return to their normal
course. The Egyptian bride, Inci Abdullah, said she wished their marriage to
have a positive effect on the two countries' relations.
Best wishes. But not so fast, given Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
obsession about building a Muslim Brotherhood regime in Cairo.
In 1805, Muhammad Ali Pasha ["Kavalali Mehmet Ali Pasa" in Turkish], an Ottoman
army commander of Albanian origin, seized power in Egypt. His dynasty would rule
Egypt until the revolution of 1952. Under his rule, Egypt was nominally an
Ottoman province. In 1867, Egypt was granted the status of an autonomous vassal
state or "khedivate." It would remain an Ottoman "khedivate" until 1914.
With the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 2012, Turkey's
neo-Ottomans, most notably (then prime minister) Erdogan and Prime Minister
Ahmet Davutoglu (then foreign minister) miscalculated that Egypt, the most
populous Arab nation, could once again become a "khedivate" of an emerging
Turkish empire, with its Muslim Brother rulers paying servitude to their Turkish
ideological next of kin.
Instead, today, Morsi is imprisoned, a death sentence hanging over his head,
possibly never to be executed; Muslim Brothers are on Egypt's terror list;
Turkey and Egypt have downgraded their diplomatic relations to the level of
chargé d'affaires; and hostilities between Turkey's ruling Islamists and Egypt's
ruling Muslims are deepening every day, with no prospect of normalization in the
foreseeable future.
Erdogan keeps on investing in the Muslim Brotherhood, politically and otherwise.
No doubt, the Brotherhood's famous "Rabia" sign, four fingers raised, the symbol
of Brotherhood's riots against President Sisi, will be cheerfully featured at
election rallies in Turkey -- by Erdogan -- in the run up to renewed
parliamentary elections on Nov. 1.
The Muslim Brotherhood "Rabia" sign was a major election campaign theme used by
the Turkey's ruling Islamists in the last three elections: municipal (March
2014), presidential (August 2014) and parliamentary (June 7, 2015). There is no
reason why it should be abandoned, as Erdogan et al view it as an inexpensive
and easy vote-catcher.
In this image, widely circulated in social media, Turkey's then-Prime Minister
[now President] Recep Tayyip Erdogan flashes the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's
four-fingered "Rabia" sign.
Meanwhile, Egypt is increasingly unnerved by overt Turkish activity to support
the Muslim Brotherhood politically, and covert Turkish activity to support
alleged subversion.
In July, news reports said that the Egyptian military had captured Turkish
intelligence officers and jihadists involved in guerrilla warfare targeting
Egypt and Sisi's regime. An Egyptian news site provided the names of a Turkish
intelligence officer and his Arab operatives, who were captured and accused of
attacks against Egyptian troops stationed in the Sinai Peninsula. Moreover,
Egyptian officials often accuse Turkey of providing safe haven to Muslim
Brotherhood terrorists, including their broadcasts from Turkish territory.
Erdogan's obsessive shadow-fighting with the Egyptian regime in the hope of
rebuilding a Muslim Brotherhood regime in the former Ottoman "khedivate" is bad
news: it undermines any Western effort to stabilize -- relatively -- the
turbulent Middle East.
To augment any allied campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
(ISIS) the United States needs regional support. Egypt remains a staunch ally in
the war against radical Islamists. Turkey has just recently joined the coalition
campaign after several months of negotiations with its NATO allies. But Turkey's
deep ideological problems with Egypt would only weaken the
allied-plus-regional-powers effort against ISIS.
In remarks late in July, Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said: "For a
long time now, we have called on all states in the region to be more forthcoming
in dealing with the ISIS threat, including monitoring and control of borders.
Unfortunately, this has not been the case with Turkey."
The neo-Ottoman ambitions of Turkey's Islamists, to make Egypt a
"neo-khedivate," have crashed into the wall of Middle Eastern realities. But
those ambitions are still alive and kicking, and could damage a cohesive allied
fight against the jihadists.
**Burak Bekdil, based in Ankara, is a Turkish columnist for the Hürriyet Daily
and a Fellow at the Middle East Forum.