January 04/16
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
Bible Quotations For Today
The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was
upon him."
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 02/36-40:
There was also a prophet, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.
She was of a great age, having lived with her husband for seven years after her
then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple but
worshipped there with fasting and prayer night and day. At that moment she came,
and began to praise God and to speak about the child to all who were looking for
the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had finished everything required by the
law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The
child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon
For God is not unjust; he will not overlook your work and the love that you
showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do.
Letter to the Hebrews 06/09-12: "Even though we speak in this
way, beloved, we are confident of better things in your case, things that belong
to salvation.
For God is not unjust; he will not overlook your work and the love that you
showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do. And we want each one
of you to show the same diligence, so as to realize the full assurance of hope
to the very end, so that you may not become sluggish, but imitators of those who
through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on january03-04.16.htm
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah : Al Saud
Dynasty Imposed Itself on Arabian Peninsula via Massacres/Al-Manar
Website/January 03/16
Iran Regime Plans to Forcibly Turn Tehran Assyrian Church Grounds Into
Mosque/National Council Of Resistance Of Iran (NCRI)/January 03/16
Unfair label smears Iran opposition/SHAHIN GOBADI/National Council Of Resistance
Of Iran (NCRI)/January 03/16
Russia is clearing the decks for Assad/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/03
Syria bloodshed: Will it only get worse in 2016/Brooklyn Middleton/Al Arabiya/03
When will Arabs realize their dreams and aspirations/Samar Fatany/Al Arabiya/03
Dubai ruler’s ten years of exceptional leadership/Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor/Al
Arabiya/03 January/16
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah : Al Saud Dynasty
Imposed Itself on Arabian Peninsula via Massacres
Hariri Slams Nasrallah Anti-Saudi Remarks: Hizbullah Acting as if in Charge of
All Shiites in the World
Report: Saudi Embassy in Beirut Steps Up Security
Prominent Politician and ex-Minister Fouad Butros Dies at 95
Protesters Rally outside Saudi Embassy, ESCWA to Condemn Nimr's Execution
New Landslide in Kfarnabrakh Prompts More Evacuations
March 14 Urges Support for State Project to 'Preserve Stability
Report: Franjieh Gearing Up for Withdrawal from March 8
ISF Foils Kidnap Attempt, Arrests Assailants in Wadi Khaled
Al-Rahi Calls on Fathali to Urge Hizbullah to Elect a President
Hizbullah Accuses U.S. for Riyadh's Execution of Nimr, Blames it for 'Covering
up' Saudi Crimes
Fear that Hezbollah will use stormy weather to attack Israel
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
IS Threatens Britain in New Executions Video
Top U.S. House Democrat ‘disappointed’ at Iran sanctions delay
Disabled man hanged in western Iran prison
10 prisoners at imminent risk of execution in Iran
Bahrain slams hypocritical comments by Iran regime
Saudi cuts ties with Iran, expels Tehran envoys
UAE summons Iranian ambassador after Saudi embassy attack
Saudi Council of Senior Scholars condemns Iranian remarks
Gulf states back Saudi in its fight against ‘terrorism’
Mother killed by mortar fire in curfew-hit Turkish city
Arab-Kurd fighters kill 16 ISIS militants near Syria ‘capital’
U.S., allies conduct 26 strikes against ISIS
Turkey rescues 57 migrants ‘stranded on islet’
Egyptian ambassador returns to Israel after 3-year hiatus
Links From Jihad Watch Site for january03-04.16.htm
Saudi Arabia breaks off diplomatic relations with Iran
Iran: Protestors firebomb, ransack Saudi Embassy after execution of Shia cleric
Iran says Saudi Arabia will ‘pay a high price’ for execution of Shiite cleric
Nimr al-Nimr
Belgium: Muslim motorcycle gang charged with planning New Year’s Eve jihad
attacks in Brussels
Jihad recruitment video highlights “Minnesota martyrs”
France: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” who drove at troops not charged with
Russia: Imam arrested, weapons and explosives found in mosque
Muslim cleric: Allah has given Pakistanis the honor of killing Hindus
Islamic State to UK: We will “invade your land, when you will be ruled by Sharia”
Iranians blame US, Israel for Saudi execution of Shi’ite cleric
Kenya: Muslims murder bus driver who couldn’t recite Islamic profession of faith
Anni Cyrus Moment: Divorce and a Death Sentence Under Sharia
Islamic State jihad suicide bombers attack Iraqi troops near Ramadi
Jihad video featuring Trump also includes Hillary
NasrallahHezbollah : Al Saud Dynasty Imposed Itself on Arabian Peninsula via
Mohamed Salami/Al-Manar
Website/January 03/16
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah asserted that
the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr underlines Al Saud's terrorist arrogance
and insistence on murdering all who speak out truth and right, offering
condolences and congratulations to martyr Sheikh Nimr Nimr's family and all the
locals of Qatif and the Eastern Province in Saudifor the martyrdom which is the
legacy of the prophets.
In a speech during Hezbollah ceremony to mourn and honor Sheikh Mohammad Khatoun,
Sayyed Nasrallah said that in the Arabian Peninsula a state was established and
falsely named Saudi Arabia, noting that it is the land of the Two Holy Mosques,
Islam, the first Mujahidin, the Prophet and His Family (P) and that Al Saud
dynasty, as history documents, imposed itself on it via massacres, intimidation
and terrorism.
Sayyed Nasrallah added that with respect to Al Saud, clerics, whether they are
Shiites or Sunnites, cannot express their reform stances and that they get
murdered in case they reject the ruling regime's actions.
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that the execution of Sheikh Nimr
is a serious crime committed by Al Saud, pointing out that the martyr used to
speak out right peacefully, not violently.
"Sheikh Nimr's blood will plague Al Saud till the Day of Resurrection."
"The corrupted Saudi court, where the defense lawyer cannot argue with the
judge, failed to prove that Sheikh Nimr held weaponry since he was peaceful as
all the clerics in the Eastern Province in Saudi and in Bahrain."
His eminence mentioned that Sheikh Nimr demanded courageously and clearly the
Saudi regime to grant the people their rights and freedom, adding that who
speaks out gets executed in Saudi which claims to be defending freedom in the
"Why did Saudi insist on executing Sheikh Nimr at this time? Why did it ignore
all the pleads submitted by Sunnite and Shiite clerics to refrain from
implementing the decision?" Sayyed Nasrallah asked.
"In fact, the execution sends a clear message that the Saudi regime does not
care for Islamic and the international public opinion and for hundreds of
Millions of Sheikh Nimr's lovers who would be hurt by his execution," Sayyed
Nasrallah explained, "Al Saud are also explicitly telling people that they can
either live under the dictatorship of the royal family or to suffer all sorts of
misery, including death."
Hezbollah leader stressed also that the Saudi regime executed Sheikh Nimr to get
more involved in its scheme of stirring seditions among the Muslims and to
maintain that it follows the path of bloodshed, not that of the rational
"Shia Muslims must be aware so that they do not fall in the trap of seditions as
only Al Saud, not the Sunnites killed Sheikh Nimr."
"The United Sates proposed to the Shia scholar in Saudi to grant them an
autonomous ruling system in the Eastern Province where most of the Saudi oil
resources exist, but they rejected," Sayyed Nasrallah revealed.
"The Saudi regime is responsible for all the seditions in the Islamic world,
including syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc," Sayyed Nasrallah maintained
The execution of Sheikh Nimr clearly tells those who are betting on a moderate
voice in the Saudi regime that it will launch the destructive wars in
approaching all the issues but never run constructive dialogues, Sayyed
Nasrallah confirmed.
His eminence affirmed that the Saudi regime, via this crime, revealed to the
world its real face of takfiri, criminal terrorism as it rejects that any one
exposes its oppression and criminality within the kingdom and in Yemen.
A spirit of revenge and hatred, not a political decision, was behind the Saudi
war on Yemen, Sayyed Nasrallah added.
"Saudi wants to punish and destroy the entire Yemen for rejecting its
oppression. It does not care for the identity of the president, but for his
degree of loyalty to its torturing policy."
"The Saudi regime does not want to end the war on Yemen, even if ISIL or Qaeda
ruled that country."
Hezbollah Secretary General wondered whether it is high time to say that the
terrorist groups are mere agents funded and supported by the Saudi regime,
explaining that ISIL and Saudi use similar books in their religious curricula.
"Is not it high time to say courageously and regardless of all scores that the
principle and spirit of the takfiri thought which destroys, murders, commits
massacres and threatens the whole world is produced by Al Saud?"
Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say that Al Saud dynasty is involved in the
bloodshed which prevails in several Arab and Muslim countries, asking: "Is not
it high time to speak out right before the tyrant which is destroying Islam and
the Islamic Umma? Is not it high time to expel the Saudi regime which violates
the human rights? Is not it high time to speak out about the services provided
by Al Saud to Britain in its efforts to strike the Palestinian cause?"
In line with the stance of Sayyeda Zainab (P) before Yazid, Sayyed Nasrallah
highlighted that the response to the Saudi crime is to speak out right, adding
that bloodshed will lead Al Saud dynasty to its downfall as history teaches us.
Eulogizing Sheikh Khatoun
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah Secretary General reiterated his deep condolences to
Sheikh Mohammad Ali Khatoun's family for the loss of the honorable cleric who
was a member of Hezbollah Central Council and spent most of his lifetime in his
scholarly and jihadi work.
Sayyed Nasrallah said that Sheikh Khatoun was among those who joined the
military resistance since its inception, adding that his eminence spent most of
his life as a Mujahid and a religious preacher who lectures people on various
religious and political subjects.
Sayyed Nasrallah described Sheikh Khatoun was modest, pious and easygoing and
that he used to have the same character traits of former Hezbollah SG martyr
Secretary General Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah moral and jihadi spirit has attained
and all the victories, and that none can affect the party's power, reputation
and achievements.
With the bless of Sheikh Khatoun and all the martyrs, Hezbollah will always be
victorious, Sayyed Nasrallah asserted.
Confirming that Hezbollah will respond to the Israeli crime of assassinating
martyr Samir Kuntar, Sayyed Nasrallah concluded by saying that the Zionists must
keep afraid of the resistance threat.
The memorial service which was held by Hezbollah on Sunday in Beirut's Dahiyeh
was started by a recitation of Holy Quranic verses and displaying a short video
about Sheikh Khatoun's life before his eminence's brother delivered a speech on
behalf of his family.
Hariri Slams Nasrallah Anti-Saudi Remarks: Hizbullah Acting
as if in Charge of All Shiites in the World
Naharnet/December 03/16/ Al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri was
quick to hit back at anti-Saudi remarks by Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan
Nasrallah on Sunday, accusing the party of “acting as if it is in charge of all
Shiites in the world.”Hariri's remarks followed Nasrallah's condemnation of the
kingdom's execution of top Shiite dissident Nimr al-Nimr. Riyadh's move prompted
Hizbullah's leader to launch one of his fiercest verbal attacks to date against
Saudi Arabia. “It is extremely regrettable that some in Lebanon are attacking
the kingdom and its leadership in an unacceptable and detestable manner,” Hariri
said in a press release. “Some are talking about Saudi Arabia and its role as if
they are talking about themselves and about the situation in Iran and the
Iranian people's suffering,” he added. He noted that Nasrallah's remarks about
“oppression, tyranny, terrorism, murder, criminality, executions, destruction,
displacement, blocking dialogue, massacres, interference in others' affairs,
sectarian sedition and the elimination of opponents … actually and truly apply
to the practices of the Iranian regime and its expansion scheme.”
Hariri also pointed out that anti-Saudi accusations apply to “the Syrian
regime's practices against its own people,” adding that “Iran and its tools are
fighting alongside this regime, which is executing hundreds of thousands of its
citizens and displacing millions of them without any trials or religious and
human justifications.”Iran-backed Hizbullah has sent thousands of fighters
across the border to aid the Syrian regime against an Islamist-led uprising.
Iran has also dispatched advisers and elite forces. Continuing his criticism of
Hizbullah, Hariri claimed that the party “is as usual acting as if it is in
charge of all Shiites in the world, from Nigeria to Bahrain and from India and
Pakistan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf states.”
“Following the footsteps of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hizbullah is relying
on a false political authority to encroach on the borders and national
sovereignty of nearby and distant countries,” Hariri charged. He stressed that
“sectarian motives are governing the behavior of Iran and its cronies.”
Addressing Nasrallah, Hariri added that “insistence on interfering in the
internal affairs of brotherly counties and insulting the brothers and their
leaders and symbols is unacceptable.”He warned that such alleged behavior would
aggravate sectarian tensions in Lebanon and allow foreign forces to “meddle in
our domestic affairs.”Noting that he is confident that Saudi Arabia will remain
“keen on Lebanon's safety and stability,” Hariri said Riyadh “will not heed the
fallacies that are being launched against it.”
“It will maintain its pledges on aiding Lebanon and preserving its national
unity regardless of the campaigns of incitement against it,” Hariri added.
Cautioning the kingdom's supporters in Lebanon against being “dragged to
sectarian exchanges,” Hariri called on “some of the leaders of the Shiite sect
in Lebanon” to “cooperate through rejecting the ongoing efforts to inflame
He also called on them to “abide by wisdom in approaching the current challenges
and to protect domestic stability.” "The execution (Saturday) of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr
reveals to the world the real criminal, takfiri and terrorist face of Saudi
Arabia," Nasrallah said earlier in the day. Stressing that al-Nimr's approach
was “peaceful throughout his life,” Nasrallah noted that the executed cleric was
“a reformist man who demanded the rights of the people of the Arabian
Peninsula.”Nimr, 56, was a force behind anti-government protests in Saudi Arabia
in 2011 in the east of the country. He was executed along with 46 other men --
Shiite activists and Sunnis who the Saudi interior ministry said were involved
in al-Qaida killings. Some were beheaded and others were shot by firing squad.
Report: Saudi Embassy in Beirut Steps Up Security
Naharnet/December 03/16/The Saudi Arabian Embassy in Lebanon has taken
precautionary security measures following the execution of Shiite cleric Nimr
al-Nimr and the torching of the Saudi Embassy late on Saturday in Tehran, the
Kuwaiti daily al-Jarida said on Sunday. The embassy's staff were notified of the
necessity to stay inside the embassy to avoid any reprisals they may be exposed
to by supporters of Iran in Lebanon, it added. Angry crowds protesting at Saudi
Arabia's execution of al-Nimr set fire to the kingdom's embassy in Tehran
Saturday and stormed the building before being cleared out by police, reports
said. Unnamed sources said that the demonstrations could kick off in Beirut,
Bekaa and in the South in protest to the execution and to condemn Saudi Arabia's
act. “The Iranian retaliation might kick off from Lebanon to target Saudi
businesses or officials,” the sources stated, adding that “several officials of
al-Mustaqbal movement mainly head of the parliamentary bloc Fouad al-Saniora
have taken the necessary precautions.”Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
is expected to deliver a speech Sunday afternoon to address the issue. Saudi
Arabia on Saturday executed a prominent Shiite cleric behind anti-government
protests along with 46 other men, drawing angry condemnation from Iran and Iraq.
The execution of Nimr al-Nimr and the others, including Shiite activists and
Sunnis accused of involvement in deadly al-Qaida attacks, was announced by the
Saudi interior ministry. It prompted calls for demonstrations, with the brother
of the 56-year-old cleric warning it could stir more trouble in oil-rich Eastern
Province where Shiites complain of marginalization.
Prominent Politician and ex-Minister Fouad Butros Dies at
Naharnet/December 03/16/Former minister and prominent politician Fouad Butros
passed away on Sunday at the age of 95, state-run National News Agency reported.
Butros served as a minister under late presidents Fouad Chehab, Charles Helou
and Elias Sarkis. He was most notably known for his role as foreign minister
during Sarkis' tenure. The ex-minister's most recent political activity was his
suggestion of a hybrid electoral law that mixes the proportional representation
and winner-takes-all systems. The famous draft law has become colloquially known
as the Fouad Butros Law. Butros had published his autobiography in 2009 in a
book released by Dar An-Nahar.
Protesters Rally outside Saudi Embassy, ESCWA to Condemn
Nimr's Execution
Naharnet/December 03/16/A small protest was held Sunday outside the Saudi
embassy in Beirut to condemn the kingdom's execution of senior Shiite dissident
Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, amid strict security measures. Al-Jadeed television said
around 20 people took part in the sit-in following invitations on social
networking websites. Muslim cleric Sheikh Suhaib Habli delivered an address at
the location, noting that “Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr's assassination will boost the
nation's awareness.”“The problem today is between good and evil,” he said. The
protesters then performed a prayer commemorating al-Nimr and chanted slogans
against the kingdom’s ruling Saud dynasty. They then headed to the headquarters
of the U.N.'s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia in downtown Beirut
to join another sit-in condemning Nimr's execution. A representative of
Lebanon's Higher Islamic Shiite Council took part in the sit-in outside ESCWA,
according to state-run National News Agency. Speeches deploring the execution
were delivered at the location, NNA said. Nimr, 56, was a force behind
anti-government protests in Saudi Arabia in 2011 in the east of the country. He
was executed along with 46 other men -- Shiite activists and Sunnis who the
Saudi interior ministry said were involved in al-Qaida killings. Some were
beheaded and others were shot by firing squad. Protesters have taken to the
streets in several countries in the region and the world to condemn the cleric's
execution. On Saturday, protests turned violent in Iran, the kingdom's regional
arch-rival, escalating into fierce attacks on the Sunni kingdom's embassy and
consulate. In Tehran protesters threw petrol bombs and stormed the embassy. The
kingdom's consulate in Mashhad, Iran's second biggest city in the country's
northeast, was also set on fire.
New Landslide in Kfarnabrakh Prompts More Evacuations
Naharnet/December 03/16/New landslides hit the outskirts of the town of
Kfarnabrakh in the Chouf region and some residents were compelled to evacuate
their homes, the state-run National News Agency said on Sunday. A snowstorm
accompanied by heavy rainfall hit the area leading to the collapse of major
pathway that lies beneath the houses. The landslide blocked the Kfarnabrakh,
Wadi al-Sitt and al-Fowara roads with soil and rocks, NNA added. A similar
incident took place late in November when panicked residents evacuated their
homes after a similar landslide. Residents took to Twitter to publish photos of
the landslide. Storm Vladimir hit Lebanon two days ago and seems to continue
until today blanketing the high altitudes with snow. The storm stranded hundreds
of people in their vehicles, triggered landslides and blocked mountainous roads.
March 14 Urges Support for State Project to 'Preserve
Naharnet/December 03/16/The March 14 General Secretariat reiterated the keenness
to preserve Lebanon's stability and the necessity not to turn the nation to an
arena to settle accounts of major events taking place around us in the
region.“Out of our keenness to preserve stability we stress the need not to turn
Lebanon to a weak spot and a place to settle accounts of serious events,” the
Secretariat said in a statement issued on Sunday. “The Secretariat is viewing
with concern the events that are taking place around us and dragging the region
to further tension, sectarian and political disputes,” it added. “We call on all
politicians and national figures to come together and support the project of the
state by electing a new president. We urge then to preserve the civil, military
and security institutions because the state is the only guarantor for civil
peace and coexistence,” the statement concluded. Lebanon has been without a
president since the term of President Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014.
Conflicts between the rival March 8 and March 14 camps thwarted all efforts to
elect a successor.
Report: Franjieh Gearing Up for Withdrawal from March 8
Naharnet/December 03/16/Marada chief MP Suleiman Franjieh seems to be preparing
for his withdrawal from the March 8 camp but without giving up on the relations
with the alliance, the Kuwaiti al-Anba daily reported on Sunday.
“Marada chief Franjieh is preparing the step of withdrawal from the March 8 as a
confirmation of his political independence from any internal alignments but
without giving up on the relations with the said alliance and its political
visions,” reported the daily. “Franjieh wants to position himself as a centrist
which would help enhance the chances of accepting him as a consensual candidate
for the post of the presidency, particularly that the campaigns of head of the
Change and Reform bloc Michel Aoun and his allies did not take into
consolidation that Franjieh is their ally too,” sources told the daily. Franjieh
has emerged lately as a candidate for the top state post that has been vacant
for nineteen months since the term of President Michel Suleiman ended in May
2014. Lawmakers failed to secure the needed quorum for electing a new president
despite holding tens of voting sessions, amid a boycott by the MPs of Aoun and
Hizbullah. The initiative for Franjieh's nomination emerged by Mustaqbal
Movement leader MP Saad Hariri but has been met with reservations from the
Kataeb Party, the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces. Aoun, and
Franjieh are both candidates of the March 8 and LF chief Samir Geagea is a
candidate of March 14.
ISF Foils Kidnap Attempt, Arrests Assailants in Wadi Khaled
Naharnet/December 03/16/The Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch
thwarted a kidnapping attempt in return for ransom and were able to arrest the
assailants in the northern border region of Wadi Khaled, the state-run National
News Agency reported on Sunday. "The ISF Intelligence Branch foiled the attempt
to kidnap Syrian national M.Y. In return for ransom after luring him into
Lebanon," the ISF said via its Twitter account. "The ISF arrested them in Wadi
Khaled and they were referred to the related authorities," it added. No further
details were released.
Al-Rahi Calls on Fathali to Urge Hizbullah to Elect a
Naharnet/December 03/16/Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi called on Iranian
Ambassador Mohammed Fathali to urge members of the Loyalty to the Resistance
bloc to “head to the parliament for the election of a president,” al-Mustaqbal
Movement reported on Sunday. “The Patriarch has reiterated to the Iranian
ambassador the necessity that the state institutions mainly the parliament
restore their role,” Spokesperson of the Maronite Patriarchate Walid Ghayyad
quoted al-Rahi following a meeting with Fathali at Bkirki. “The Patriarch is
still counting on the national conscience of members of the parliamentary blocs
to not miss more opportunities and to expose their papers to each other and
engage in a frank and serious dialogue to resolve the presidential crisis,” he
added. “The Patriarch has no preferences for any nominee over another. Although
he supports the initiative, he also distinguishes between it and the candidates.
He has long called on the parliamentary blocs to make a step to end the
presidential hurdle and he believes that there is a serious initiative today
that we must take advantage of,” added Ghayyad. An initiative emerged lately by
Mustaqbal Movement leader MP Saad Hariri suggesting the nomination of Marada
chief MP Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency. The nomination has been met with
reservations from the Kataeb Party, the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese
Forces. Lebanon has been without a president since the term of President Michel
Suleiman ended in May 2014.
Hizbullah Accuses U.S. for Riyadh's Execution of Nimr,
Blames it for 'Covering up' Saudi Crimes
Naharnet/December 03/16/Hizbullah condemned on Saturday Saudi Arabia's execution
of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr, holding the United States responsible for the
development. It said in a statement: “We hold the U.S. and its allies, who are
presenting direct protection to the Saudi regime, responsible for covering up
the kingdom's crimes against it people and those of the region.” “We demand that
the international community condemn the crime committed by Saudi Arabia,” it
added. “It should ensure that the rights of a people ruled by oppression and
ignorance be granted,” it continued. “Nimr's execution through weak excuses and
empty verdicts cannot be accepted by reason or justice,” it added. “Nimr's
adherence to his convictions to the point of his martyrdom will destroy the Saud
dynasty's injustice,” declared Hizbullah. “This crime will remain a black mark
that will plague the Saudi regime that has been committing massacres since its
inception,” it stated. Saudi Arabia on Saturday executed 47 people convicted of
"terrorism", including prominent Shiite cleric Nimr behind anti-government
protests, the interior ministry said. The 56-year-old cleric was a driving force
of the protests that broke out in 2011 in the Sunni-ruled kingdom's east, where
the Shiite minority complains of marginalization. The list also includes Sunnis
convicted of involvement in Al-Qaida attacks that killed Saudis and foreigners
in the kingdom in 2003 and 2004.
Nimr's execution also drew condemnations from the Higher Islamic Shiite Council,
the AMAL movement, Iran, and Iraq.
Fear that Hezbollah will use stormy weather to attack
Ynetnews Reporters/January 03/16/The IDF has been firing into open areas in the
Lebanese border region in order to prevent the terrorist organization from
perpetrating revenge attacks over the assassination of Samir Kuntar. For the
past few days, the IDF has been performing controlled bombings in the Lebanese
border region. These include artillery fire into open areas, and are meant to
prevent Hezbollah from exploiting the stormy weather Israel has been
experiencing lately in order to execute attacks aimed at avenging Samir Kuntar,
a senior Hezbollah member who was recently assassinated. Hezbollah leader Hassan
Nasrallah has publically accused Israel of being responsible for killing Kuntar.
Nasrallah continues to threaten Israel, saying in a Sunday speech that "The
power of Samir al-Kuntar's blood still forces the soldiers and officers of the
enemy to hide in burrows all along the border. They wait and we wait. They are
afraid. Now the rain has come and put an even heavier load on them. They are
trapped even more in their burrows, but we are waiting too, and Allah loves
those who wait." He added that "it's important that they understand that the
murder of our brothers and shedding of our blood will not pass by easily, and
the Israelis should be fearful and hide." Nasrallah ended by saying, "The
response is coming, it Allah wills it." This was the third time Nasrallah
threatened to avenge the Kuntar assassination. He warned Israel in similar
fashion during Kuntar's memorial that happened a week after his death.
IDF Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot warned Hezbollah last week, saying:
"Our soldiers stand in the face of murderous terrorism every day with courage
and determination. Beyond our borders as well, in the face of the threats from
the north, we are prepared for any challenge.
"As we proved in the past, we will be able to strike at anyone who wishes to
hurt us. Our enemies know that if they attempt to shake Israel's security they
will bear the severe consequences."Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last
week, in a hinted message following Nasrallah's threats to avenge Kuntar's
death, that "We are working against those who work against us, and all of our
enemies should know that we will respond aggressively to any attack on us."
**Yoav Zitun, Ahiya Raved and Roi Kais contributed to this report.
IS Threatens Britain in New Executions Video
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December 03/16
The Islamic State group threatened Britain in an Internet video Sunday showing
the killing of five "spies" it said worked with the international coalition
fighting IS in Iraq and Syria. The SITE Intelligence Group said the video shows
five men from Raqa, capital of the self-declared jihadist "caliphate" straddling
Syria and Iraq, confessing to carrying out acts of espionage. In it, an
English-speaking IS fighter mocks British Prime Minister David Cameron for
challenging IS, and calls him an "imbecile."The "confessions" of the five do not
clearly identify which countries they worked with, but one mentions the
international coalition led by the United States battling against IS in Iraq and
Syria. The video said they passed videos or photos of the living conditions in
Raqa to people in Turkey, or monitored the movements of IS fighters. The
following sequence shows the five wearing orange jumpsuits and kneeling before
five masked fighters, all in military fatigues and armed with pistols. "This is
a message to David Cameron," says one of the gunmen. "How strange it is that we
find ourselves today hearing an insignificant leader like you challenge the
might of the Islamic State."British warplanes, which were already attacking IS
positions in Iraq, at the beginning of December began targeting the jihadists in
Syria also. "Only an imbecile would dare to wage war against a land where the
law of Allah reigns supreme and where the people live under the justice and
security of sharia" or Islamic law, the fighter says. "We will continue to wage
jihad... and one day invade your land, where we will rule by the sharia."He said
those who want to continue fighting "under the banner of Cameron" should ask
themselves: "Do you really think your government will care about you when you
come into our hands, or will they abandon you as they have abandoned these spies
and those who came before them?"The five men are then killed with a bullet to
the head. IS often releases propaganda videos when it suffers setbacks on the
battlefield, experts say.
In Iraq last Sunday, federal forces declared victory in the battle for Ramadi,
which IS seized in May 2015. And on December 26, an alliance of Kurdish and Arab
fighters in northern Syria seized the strategic Tishreen Dam from IS which the
jihadist group had held since 2014.
Top U.S. House Democrat ‘disappointed’ at Iran sanctions delay
National Council Of Resistance Of
Iran (NCRI)/Sunday, 03 January 2016 /U.S. House of Representatives Minority
Leader Steny Hoyer chided the Obama administration for its decision to delay new
Iran sanctions Saturday, in light of a recent alleged violation, The Washington
Examiner reported on Sunday.
"I am disappointed that the Administration has delayed punitive action in
response to Iran's recent ballistic missile tests," Hoyer, a Maryland Democratic
Congressman said in a statement. Hoyer's criticism made him one of the most
senior Democrats to fault the Obama administration on the move and represents an
unusual break with the White House. "The recent missile tests, along with the
firing in proximity to a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, raise
serious concerns about whether Iran will adhere to the remainder of its
commitments [under the Iran deal]," Hoyer said. "These recent violations
underscore Iran's readiness to test the will of the international community,
instigated by its hardline elements that want to scuttle the deal," he said.
"That challenge must be met with a decisive response." Hoyer voted in favor of
the Iran nuclear deal in 2015, but said he had major reservations. "This
agreement is not one which I would have negotiated, nor one I think should have
been agreed to, given the collective strength of the P5+1 compared to that of
Iran. I believe this agreement gives too much to Iran and demands too little in
return," Hoyer said in his statement supporting the deal. "No matter how deep,
how personal, and how sincere my concerns about this agreement are, they
ultimately do not outweigh the need for a united position on Iran," Hoyer
Disabled man hanged in western Iran prison
National Council Of Resistance Of Iran (NCRI)Sunday, 03 January 2016 /NCRI –
Iran’s fundamentalist regime on Saturday hanged a disabled man in a prison in
Khoramabad, western Iran. The executed prisoner was identified as Mehdi Ranjkesh.
He had spent the past five years behind bars. Ranjkesh, who was accused of a
drugs-related charge, was both physically and mentally disabled and was denied
proper medical treatment while in prison. The human rights situation has been
deteriorating rapidly in Iran. More than 2,000 individuals have been executed
during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure as President of the regime. This is the highest
rate of executions in the past 25 years, and it reflects an increase over
figures that had already secured Iran’s place as the nation with the most
executions per capita. On December 17, 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted a
resolution strongly condemning the brutal and systematic violation of human
rights in Iran, in particular the mass and arbitrary executions, increasing
violence and discrimination against women and ethnic and religious minorities.
Following the adoption of the 62nd UN resolution censuring human rights abuses
in Iran, the Iranian Resistance's President-elect Maryam Rajavi called on the UN
Security Council to hold the leaders of the clerical regime accountable and
prosecute them for crimes against humanity. She underlined that this is a
necessary step towards respecting the international community's vote that
condemned the systematic and flagrant violations of human rights in Iran.
10 prisoners at imminent risk of execution in Iran
National Council Of Resistance Of Iran (NCRI)/Sunday, 03 January 2016 /NCRI - Ten death-row prisoners were on Sunday transferred to solitary
confinement in the notorious Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) Prison in Karaj,
north-west of the Iranian capital Tehran, in preparation for their imminent
Iran’s fundamentalist regime has upheld the execution sentence for all 10 of the
Among the prisoners at imminent risk of execution is Farajollah Hatami who has
been imprisoned for the past 12 years.
The other prisoners are yet to be identified by name, but they were transferred
to solitary confinement from wards 3, 4 and 6 of Gohardasht Prison.
The human rights situation has been deteriorating rapidly in Iran. More than
2,000 individuals have been executed during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure as President
of the regime. This is the highest rate of executions in the past 25 years, and
it reflects an increase over figures that had already secured Iran’s place as
the nation with the most executions per capita.
On December 17, 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly
condemning the brutal and systematic violation of human rights in Iran, in
particular the mass and arbitrary executions, increasing violence and
discrimination against women and ethnic and religious minorities.
Following the adoption of the 62nd UN resolution censuring human rights abuses
in Iran, the Iranian Resistance's President-elect Maryam Rajavi called on the UN
Security Council to hold the leaders of the clerical regime accountable and
prosecute them for crimes against humanity. She underlined that this is a
necessary step towards respecting the international community's vote that
condemned the systematic and flagrant violations of human rights in Iran.
Bahrain slams hypocritical comments by Iran regime
National Council Of Resistance Of Iran (NCRI)/Sunday, 03 January 2016 /Bahrain’s foreign minister on Saturday condemned a statement by the Iranian
regime's foreign ministry spokesman as an unwelcome interference in the
kingdom’s domestic affairs.
On Friday, Hussain Jaber Ansari claimed that “security actions in Bahrain were
an unsuccessful approach.”
However, Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Khalifa slammed the remark, according to
Gulf News.
“Does Hussain Jaber Ansari know that we are concerned about the security
approach adopted by Iran towards the legitimate demands of the Iranian people?”
Some people are good at projecting their own predicaments onto others,” the
minister posted on his Twitter account.
In another tweet to his 253,000 followers on the microblog, Shaikh Khalid said
that “Bahrain has been targeted since 2011 by Iran and its agents in the region
in an unfair campaign of lies and deception.”Relations between Bahrain and Iran's regime have been deteriorating since 2011
after Manama accused Tehran of blatant interference in its domestic affairs.
In October, Bahrain presented a formal complaint against Iran's regime to the
United Nations Secretary General for its “blatant violations and its continued
unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom.”
The complaint was presented by Shaikh Khalid during a meeting with Ban Ki-moon,
on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
Iran's regime has chosen the path of escalation in an attempt to exert control
over its neighbors by continuing to interfere in their internal affairs, the
exploitation of extremist groups, the provision of safe haven to fugitives, the
opening of training camps for terrorist groups, and the smuggling arms and
explosives, Shaikh Khalid said.
Hostile activities have resulted in citizens, expatriates and security personnel
becoming the targets of murder and criminal acts that have so far claimed 16
lives from security personnel and injured 3,000, the ministry said.
The ministry accused Iran's regime of “continued interference in the affairs of
Bahrain without any legal deterrent or moral limits, unlawful attempts and
practices to create sectarian strife and to impose its hegemony and control over
the entire region through reprehensible tools and means that are not limited to
offending statements from senior officials, but also include supporting
subversion, terrorism and incitement to violence through misleading media
campaigns.”Iran's regime also assisted terror groups in the smuggling of weapons and
explosives, trained their members, and harbored fugitives from justice, the
ministry said.
It also accused Tehran of “repeated and blatant violation of all norms, laws and
international conventions and principles of good neighbourliness and mutual
respect, as well as of unacceptable infringement on the independence and
sovereignty of Bahrain.”
In July, Bahrain's Interior Minister Shaikh Rashid Bin Abdullah Al Khalifa said
that “the multifaceted Iranian interference in the internal affairs of Bahrain
was totally unacceptable and did not conform to international norms that respect
the values of good neighbourliness.”The interference included antagonistic political statements, the smuggling of
explosives, weapons and ammunitions into the kingdom, the harboring of fugitives
and the use of Iranian military camps to train Bahrainis on terrorist acts that
target innocent people, he said.
It also included orchestrating and launching constant and misleading propaganda
campaigns against the Kingdom of Bahrain and its people to disseminate
misinformation and false narratives about the kingdom, Shaikh Rashid added.
Saudi cuts ties
with Iran, expels Tehran envoys
By Staff writer, Al Arabiya News Monday, 4 January/2016/Saudi Arabia announced
late Sunday that it would officially sever ties with Iran after having two of
its diplomatic posts attacked in the Islamic republic. Saudi’s Foreign Minister
Adel Jubeir, speaking in an address aired by Al Arabiya News Channel, said
Iran’s diplomatic mission staff and related structures in Saudi Arabia had been
given 48 hours to leave. He also accused Iran of having a long-track record of
violating diplomatic missions, and called Tehran a regional menace for its
smuggling of arms and explosives and its harboring of Al-Qaeda militants since
2001. Jubeir’s announcement comes after demonstrators stormed the Saudi embassy
in Tehran on Saturday in protest against Riyadh’s executions of 47 people
convicted of terrorism, which include Shiite preacher Nimr al-Nimr and al-Qaeda
ideologue Fares al-Shuwail. The demonstrators stormed the Saudi embassy building
in the Iranian capital, smashed furniture and started fires before being ejected
by police. No Saudi embassy staff were in the building at the time. A copycat
protest at the Saudi consulate in the Iranian city of Mashhad broke out on
Sunday. Meanwhile, Jubeir said Riyadh is vigilant over Iranian threats against
Saudi diplomats in Baghdad. On Friday, Saudi Arabia reopened its embassy in
Baghdad after a 25-year pause, giving way to more cooperation between the two
countries on tackling terrorism. The foreign minister vowed that Riyadh will not
allow Tehran to sabotage Saudi or the region’s security.
While Tehran lashed out at Riyadh for Nimr’s execution, the Gulf states, the
Arab League, and the Saudi Council of Senior Scholars all condemned the attacks
and Iranian interference in the region. Before Jubeir’s address, a Saudi foreign
ministry spokesman said Iran had not stopped protesters storming its consulate
in Mashhad. The spokesman said Riyadh had reported the attacks on diplomatic
missions in Iran to the U.N. Security Council. After departing Iran, the Saudi
diplomatic mission staff arrived in Dubai late on Sunday, the minister said.
UAE summons Iranian ambassador after Saudi embassy attack
Staff writer, Al Arabiya News Sunday, 3 January 2016/The UAE on Sunday summoned
Iran’s ambassador after attacks on two Saudi diplomatic posts in the Islamic
republic, the state-run Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported. Demonstrators
targeted the Saudi embassy in Tehran on Saturday, in protest against Riyadh’s
executions of 47 terrorism convicts, which include Shiite preacher Nimr al-Nimr
and al-Qaeda ideologue Fares al-Shuwail. The demonstrators stormed the Saudi
embassy building in the Iranian capital, smashed furniture and started fires
before being ejected by police. No Saudi embassy staff were in the building at
the time. A copycat protest at the Saudi consulate in the Iranian city of
Mashhad broke out on Sunday. “These acts represent a violation of international
charters and norms,” the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. WAM also said the
UAE gave Iran’s Ambassador the UAE Mohammed Reza Fayyad a written protest note
over Tehran’s “intervention in the sovereign affairs of the fraternal country of
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”Gulf states - especially Bahrain - have long
accused Tehran of intervening in their national affairs. On Sunday, the
six-member regional Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) bloc expressed support for
Saudi’s ongoing fight against “terrorism.”
Saudi Council of
Senior Scholars condemns Iranian remarks
Staff writer, Al Arabiya News Sunday, 3 January 2016/The Saudi Council of Senior
Scholars condemned on Sunday Iranian statements made in response to Saturday’s
execution of 47 convicted terrorists, among them prominent Shiite preacher Nimr
al-Nimr. The Council, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body, also “affirmed that
the implementation of judicial rulings against criminals has been proven
legally.”The execution of Nimr was criticized by Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, a
prominent Iranian cleric and a member of the Assembly of Experts, who predicted
repercussions following the preacher's execution. Iran's foreign ministry
spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari also strongly condemned Riyadh for executing Nimr
in statements carried by the official IRNA news agency. Parliament speaker Ali
Larijani also condemned Nimr's death. In October 2014, Nimr’s death sentence was
confirmed after he had been found guilty of seeking "foreign meddling" in the
kingdom, among other charges. Meanwhile, protesters early Sunday afternoon
stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran which led to images showing the diplomatic
premises being set alight. Saudi Arabia summoned Iran's ambassador on Saturday
over what it described as Tehran’s “hostile” reaction to the executions, the
state news agency SPA reported. The foreign ministry statement, published on the
official SPA news agency, said the kingdom handed the Iranian envoy a “strongly
worded memorandum” to express "the kingdom's astonishment and its utter
rejection of these hostile statements, which it deemed a blatant intervention in
the kingdom's affairs."Of the 47 executed, 45 were Saudis, as well as one
Chadian and one Egyptian, according to a list of names and nationalities
published by SPA.Among the convicts were Fares al-Shuwail, said to be an
al-Qaeda ideologue.
Meanwhile, Al-Azhar, which is one of the leading centers of Islamic learning,
also said on Sunday that it stands in solidarity with Saudi Arabia and rejects
Iranian interference.
Gulf states back Saudi in its fight against ‘terrorism’
Staff writer, Al Arabiya News Sunday, 3 January 2016/The Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) and the Arab League on Sunday expressed support for Saudi Arabia’s
ongoing fight against “terrorism.”The six-member regional bloc’s secretary
general Abdullatif al-Zayani said that the GCC, which includes Bahrain, Kuwait,
Oman, Qatar and Saudi, “stands side by side” with Riyadh, holding Iran as
responsible. His remarks came after Tehran lashed out at Riyadh for the
executions of 47 people, include Shiite preacher Nimr al-Nimr and al-Qaeda
ideologue Fares al-Shuwail . Early Sunday, Saudi’s embassy in Tehran and its
consulate in Mashhad were attacked by Iranian protesters in reaction to Nimr’s
death. The Gulf states - especially Bahrain - have long-accused Tehran of
meddling in their affairs. The Arab League later on Sunday also announced its
support to Saudi Arabia in its attempt to combat terrorism, its secretary
general said. Nabil al-Arabi also denounced attacks on the Saudi embassy and
consulate in Iran, describing the incidents as flagrant violation of
international principles and denounced Iran’s interference in the region. Kuwait
on Sunday also expressed its backing of Saudi measures aimed at safeguarding the
kingdom’s national security. Meanwhile, Jordan condemned the storming of the
Saudi embassy and consulate by Iranian protestors, calling the act a “flagrant
violation of international law,” the official Saudi Press Agency quoted a
Jordanian minister as saying. The country’s minister of state for media affairs
said Jordan stands in solidarity with Saudi against extremism and terrorism,
denouncing Iranian interference. However, the European Union’s foreign policy
chief warned Iran's foreign minister on Sunday that renewed tension between Iran
and Saudi Arabia could wreck efforts to find a political solution for the crisis
in Syria, according to Reuters. Federica Mogherini said in a statement that she
had spoken by telephone with Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, at length on
Sunday morning after violence erupted in Iran following Saudi Arabia’s execution
of the Shiite preacher. Mogherini said that she had been informed of the
storming of the Saudi embassy in Tehran by protesters and of steps taken by the
Iranian authorities to defuse tensions and protect the Saudi diplomats.
Mother killed by mortar fire in curfew-hit Turkish city
AFP, Diyarbakir, Turkey Sunday, 3 January 2016/A mother of three was killed on
Sunday when a mortar shell hit her apartment in a city in Turkey’s
Kurdish-majority southeast that has been under curfew for a month. Melek
Alpaydin, 38, was eating breakfast when the shell hit her apartment in the Sur
district of Diyarbakir, the Dogan news agency said. An AFP photographer at the
scene said the mortar fire had left a gaping hole in the exterior wall of the
second-story apartment. Bloodstained breakfast trays, tea glasses and bowls
could be seen lying on the carpet where she was sitting which was also covered
in debris from the damaged wall, as local women wailed in mourning outside, he
said. Dogan said it was not clear where the shell had been fired from but that
an investigation was under way. Much of the city’s Sur district has been under a
blanket curfew since early December as Turkey security forces seek to drive out
militants from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The curfew is one of several
highly-controversial measures imposed on towns in the southeast where the armed
forces are waging a relentless campaign against the rebels. The government says
such measures are needed to flush out PKK fighters who have effectively taken
over towns by erecting barricades and digging trenches.But Kurdish activists say
the use of force has been wildly excessive with the opposition Peoples’
Democratic Party (HDP) saying 12 civilians have been killed in Sur alone since
the curfew was imposed on December 2.
The army says 55 “terrorists” have been killed in Sur since the operation began.
With the curfew-affected area closed to the media, it has not been possible to
independently verify the figures.
Arab-Kurd fighters kill 16 ISIS militants near Syria
AFP, Beirut Sunday, 3 January 2016/Arab and Kurdish forces have killed at least
16 fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group during fierce
clashes north of the militants’ stronghold of Raqqa, a monitor said Sunday.
The militantslaunched an offensive last Wednesday against areas held by the
Syrian Democratic Forces coalition near to Ain Issa, a town held by the SDF some
50 kilometres (30 miles) from Raqqa, killing 21 Kurdish fighters.
Late on Saturday, “16 jihadists were killed and 19 wounded” in clashes with the
SDF near Ain Issa, said Rami Abdel Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights. The SDF also recaptured an area seized by ISIS a few days earlier, he
said. The alliance, made up of units from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units
(YPG) and Arab fighters, has carried out several major operations against ISIS.
On December 26, it seized the Tishreen Dam from ISIS along with several villages
on the Euphrates’ eastern bank. The dam, held by ISIS since 2014, helps generate
electricity for large parts of the northern Aleppo province, the Observatory
said. It was the alliance’s second major operation, after clearing ISIS from
some 200 villages in the northeastern province of Hasakeh. On the Euphrates’
western bank, ISIS still controls swathes of territory stretching from Raqqa to
Jarablus, on the border with Turkey.
More than 260,000 people have been killed in Syria since March 2011.
The conflict started as anti-government protests, but spiralled into a
complicated multi-sided conflict.
U.S., allies conduct 26 strikes against ISIS
Reuters, Washington Sunday, 3 January 2016/The United States and its allies
conducted 26 strikes against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria on Saturday, the
coalition leading the operations said in a statement on Sunday.In Syria, one
strike struck near Manbij, hitting an ISIS tactical unit and destroying four
ISIS buildings and a vehicle, the Combined Joint Task Force said on Sunday. The
coalition also struck targets near Deir al Zor, Ayn Isa, and Washiyah. The
coalition said it used fighter, attack, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft
against ISIS targets in the region. In Iraq, near Ramadi, seven strikes struck
an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three tactical vehicles, two ISIS vehicles,
a vehicle borne improvised explosive device, and three ISIS buildings, two heavy
machine gun positions, an ISIS fighting position, an ISIS staging location,
suppressed a vehicle borne improvised explosive device, damaged a staging
location, and denied ISIS access to terrain. Other strikes struck near Fallujah,
Kirkuk, Kisik, Mosul, Qayyarah, Sinjar, Sultan Abdallah, and Tal Afar, the
statement said.
Turkey rescues 57 migrants ‘stranded on islet’
AFP, Istanbul Sunday, 3 January 2016/Turkish coastguards rescued 57 migrants
seeking to reach EU member Greece by sea after they were stranded on a rocky
islet in the Aegean Sea, official media said Sunday. The migrants were trying to
reach the Greek island of Lesbos but their boat hit trouble after leaving the
resort of Dikili in Izmir province on Turkey’s Aegean coast, the Anatolia news
agency reported. They were stranded on a rocky islet off Dikili, with pictures
showing the migrants, who included women and several children, looking for help
from the tiny islet. Twelve of the most vulnerable, including three children,
were winched to safety by coastguard helicopters while the other 45 were picked
up by fishing boats as the larger coastguard vessels could not approach the
rocky islet. They were then taken to Dikili port, it added.Turkey, which is home
to some 2.2 million refugees from Syria’s civil war, has become a hub for
migrants seeking to move to Europe, many of whom pay people smugglers thousands
of dollars for the risky crossing. The U.N. refugee agency and the International
Organization for Migration (IOM) have said more than one million migrants and
refugees reached Europe in 2015, most of them by sea. The vast majority of
people -- over 800,000 -- landed in Greece, according to the figures. The onset
of winter and rougher sea conditions do not appear to have deterred the
migrants, with boats still arriving on the Greek islands daily.
Egyptian ambassador returns to Israel after 3-year hiatus
The Associated Press, Jerusalem Sunday, 3 January 2016/Israel says Egypt has
sent a new ambassador after a three-year hiatus. Israel’s Foreign Ministry said
Sunday that the ambassador, Hazem Hairat, arrived on Friday. Israel and Egypt
signed a historic peace accord in 1979, but relations have often been cool.
Egypt withdrew its ambassador in November 2012 to protest an Israeli offensive
against Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. At the time, Egypt was led by
Islamist President Mohammed Mursi. Since Mursi was ousted by the military in
2013, relations have steadily improved. In September, Israel reopened its
embassy in Cairo, four years after it was ransacked by a crowd protesting the
deaths of five Egyptian policemen killed unintentionally by Israeli forces
chasing a group of Gaza militants.
Iran Regime Plans to Forcibly Turn Tehran
Assyrian Church Grounds Into Mosque
National Council Of Resistance Of Iran (NCRI)/January 03/16
Authorities in Tehran are planning to transform illegally-confiscated church
grounds into an 'Islamic prayer center.'
The land belonging to the Iranian Assyrian community's Chaldean Catholic Church
in Tehran's Patrice Lumumba Street (in Western Tehran) was illegally confiscated
two years ago under the pretext of constructing an Islamic prayer hall and the
authorities have refused to hand it back, a member of the regime's Majlis
(Parliament) was quoted as saying by the state-run newspaper Sharq on Wednesday,
December 30. Repeated complaints about the illegal confiscation of the church
grounds have fallen on deaf ears despite repeated pleas by the representatives
of the Christian minority, said Jonathan Bet-Kelia, a member of the regime's
Majlis. Bet-Kelia told Sharq that he had approached Ali Younesi, special
assistant to the regime's President Hassan Rouhani on ethnic minorities affairs,
on this matter but was told that nothing could be done about it. Younesi is a
former Minister of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and is personally
responsible for ordering numerous arrests and assassinations of dissidents.
Commenting on the regime's admission that it had usurped church grounds to build
its own prayer hall, Ali Safavi of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National
Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said: "The brazen admission displays first
and foremost the discriminatory and sectarian policies of the regime vis-�-vis
Iran's religious minorities. At the same time, it speaks to the failure of
Western policy to accommodate the regime in the futile hope that it will promote
moderation and tolerance on the domestic front."
Under the banner of Shiite Islam, the ruling clerics have systematically
suppressed people of different faiths and even denied the minority Sunni Muslim
population their basic rights. On July 29, the regime destroyed a Sunni prayer
hall in the capital Tehran. Officials from the Tehran municipality, backed by
state suppressive forces (police), raided and destroyed the Sunni 'Pounak'
prayer hall. They also searched the premises of the mosque's Sunni imam Abdullah
Moussa-Zadeh and confiscated his mobile phone. The Tehran municipality had shut
down the Pounak prayer hall and placed seals on its entrance earlier in the
year. Although the seals were later removed, Sunni Muslims had been prevented
from praying in the center. At the time, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect
of the Iranian Resistance, described the destruction of the Sunni prayer hall in
the Pounak district of Tehran as an anti-Islamic, sectarian and criminal act,
and she called on all defenders of human rights and freedom of religion and
belief and the international community, especially Muslim countries, Europe and
the US, to protest against it. The prayer hall's destruction also drew immediate
criticisms from Iranian Sunni leaders. Mowlavi Abdulhamid, the Sunni imam in the
city of Zahedan, south-eastern Iran, sent letters of protest to the mullahs'
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and to Hassan Rouhani condemning the raid. In his
letter to Rouhani, Abdulhamid wrote: "Intolerance towards even a single ordinary
prayer hall and its destruction in a city that does not allow Sunnis to build a
mosque ... not only hurts the sentiments of Iran's Sunni community, but also
offends all Muslims of the world."
The regime's security forces have on numerous occasions prevented Sunni Iranians
from holding prayers in particular during the religious Eid festivals.
© 2016, Assyrian International News Agency. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use.
Unfair label smears Iran opposition
By SHAHIN GOBADI/National Council Of Resistance Of Iran (NCRI)
Sunday, January 3, 2016
The Dec. 20 Tribune article “Schaefer targets rival Hawley over terrorist group
case” included a series of lies and baseless allegations about the People’s
Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the principal Iranian opposition
movement. The following facts should help set the record straight.
In the course of its 50-year struggle against the Shah’s military dictatorship
and the mullahs’ theocracy, the MEK has endeavored for democracy, freedom and
human rights in Iran and promoted a tolerant and anti-fundamentalist Islam.
Despite the execution of 120,000 of its activists by the current regime, MEK
supporters form an extensive social network spanning three generations inside
Iran. This network made it possible for the MEK to disclose the secret nuclear
plans of the mullahs. If it were not for the MEK disclosing the secret nuclear
sites in 2002, today the world would be faced with a nuclear-armed
fundamentalist regime.
The MEK’s positive role in global affairs has contributed to its popularity
among not only Iranians but also activists and policymakers throughout the
world. More than 100,000 traveled to Paris in June to take place in the most
recent major gathering of the Iranian resistance. That impressive attendance
included members of more than 60 national legislatures, including those of the
United States, the United Kingdom and France. In a rare bipartisan initiative,
prominent former U.S. government, national security and foreign policy figures
including Rudy Giuliani, Tom Ridge, Newt Gingrich, John Bolton, Gen. Hugh
Shelton, Joe Lieberman, Howard Dean and Ed Rendell have declared their support
for the MEK and a 10-point plan for the future of Iran.
The MEK’s terrorist listing was one of the greatest blunders of America’s Iran
policy. On Oct. 9, 1997, a senior Clinton administration official told the Los
Angeles Times that the MEK’s designation was a “goodwill gesture” toward
Mohammad Khatami, the newly elected “moderate” president. Iran took the
concession and laughed all the way to the bank. With its largest opposition in
U.S.-made shackles, it had a freer hand to suppress Iranian people and the
opposition, and to infiltrate Iraq with throngs of terrorists, kill Americans
and spread real terror.
The MEK challenged the designation in courts and was eventually delisted after
20 judgments by the highest courts in the United Kingdom, European Union and
United States, which ruled unanimously that there was not an iota of evidence
linking the MEK to terrorism.
Having reviewed all relevant documents, the U.K. chief justice called the
designation “perverse.” The U.S. delisting occurred after the federal court of
appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit granted a writ of mandamus filed by
the MEK, the first of its kind since 1803. The court reprimanded the State
Department for its egregious delay in removing the MEK from the terror list.
Interestingly, a stellar group of most senior former officials filed an amicus
brief in support of the MEK’s petition, including Attorney General Michael
Mukasey. In France, a judge concluded an 11-year investigation by declaring that
the MEK’s actions amounted to legitimate resistance against tyranny and not
As a candidate for attorney general of Missouri, Kurt Schaefer is expected to do
at least the minimum amount of homework to familiarize himself with the legal
background of cases he comments on and to provide the facts to the public. He
cannot place his personal opinion above the rulings of 20 of the highest courts.
Schaefer’s invoking of an unlawful and politically motivated designation is a
thinly veiled act of political expediency that will certainly backfire. In
effect, he is parroting the propaganda of the most active state sponsor of
international terrorism, the turbaned tyrants of Iran.
Regarding the baseless allegation of assassinations of Americans in Iran 40
years ago, it should suffice to say that a 2013 book by Ambassador Lincoln
Bloomfield, a former assistant secretary of state, made it palpably clear that
the incidents had nothing to do with the MEK but were the work of a Marxist
splinter group that also murdered the Muslim leaders of the MEK and later caved
in to the Ayatollahs. The U.S. military — which served at Camp Ashraf, Iraq, the
MEK’s home for a quarter-century — gave many medals to the group for helping
save American soldiers’ lives.
S**hahin Gobadi, who is based in Paris, is spokesman for the People’s Mojahedin
Organization of Iran.
Russia is clearing the decks for Assad
Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/03 January/16
Russia still maintains that it is in Syria to fight ISIS. Maybe they will even
get round to it one day. Who knows? But in the meantime, their primary target is
not ISIS, but rather, everyone who is part of the non-ISIS opposition to
President Assad. On Christmas Day, Russia and the Assad forces assassinated a
number of rebel leaders of the “moderate opposition.” Chief among them was
Zahran Alloush, the undisputed leader of the Sunni militants in the Damascus
area, and head of the Islam Army, the most powerful (and most hard-line) of the
groups which participated in the Vienna peace process. Alloush was no paragon of
liberal virtue – he had a penchant for sectarian rhetoric not too far off from
that we hear from ISIS, and with a record of torture and political
assassinations behind him. But he did willingly engage with the peace process
and is largely credited with completely stamping out ISIS in the territory he
controlled. He was not just a bitter enemy of Assad, but also one of the most
effective fighters against ISIS.
Wreaking havoc
And Alloush is far from the only one to have been targeted. In the past few
weeks, the Russians have wreaked havoc on the leadership structures of many
independent anti-Assad non-ISIS groups, with targeted strikes against the most
important rebel leaders. Whether those rebel leaders were effective against ISIS
as well and could have helped in that effort does not seem to have been a
consideration at all. In the past few weeks, the Russians have wreaked havoc on
the leadership structures of many independent anti-Assad non-ISIS groups.
The upshot is this: at the Vienna talks, Russia is ostensibly pushing for a
political settlement between the Assad government and the non-ISIS opposition.
On the ground, Russia is assassinating the leaders of the non-ISIS opposition
and working to dismantle their militias. In other words, Putin is not only
looking to torpedo the Vienna process, but also trying to change the facts on
the ground so Assad is the only show in town so when it comes to any ceasefire
or peace deal. And the only thing that could stand against ISIS in the final
instance. That way, Putin will leave the West no option but to come on board
with him and Assad if they want to fight ISIS. But in the meantime, ISIS is
doing rather well out of this. The Assad regime has approved the transfer of
some 4000 beleaguered Sunni fighters from areas it has safely under siege from
areas in safe rebel territory – some of those fighters will be ISIS. And many of
the groups who are actively fighting against ISIS, unlike the Russians and
Assad, are being decimated, giving ISIS the opportunity to muscle into their
territory. It is now only a matter of time before ISIS makes a move into the
Damascus areas previously held by Alloush. The de facto military détente between
Assad and ISIS continues, the trade in oil and gas continues (despite heavy
American bombardment of the transport convoys), and all under the watch of
Putin’s “fight against terrorists”. There should be no doubt, however, as to
what Putin’s priorities are: to keep a genocidal maniac in power by using the
pretext of fighting against terrorism to target any opposition to Assad except
for the terrorists themselves. And once again, our Western leaders have no
strategic response to this, and no real desire to do anything other than throw
bombs at the problem and hope for the best.
Syria bloodshed: Will it only get worse in 2016?
Brooklyn Middleton/Al Arabiya/03 January/16
The past year saw an increase in the number of foreign actors directly
intervening in the bloody Syrian conflict, yet the humanitarian crisis has
worsened and the security situation continues to deteriorate. Several issues
should be immediately addressed in the first several months of 2016 while moving
toward the broader goal of ultimately ending the conflict in the latter months.
Demanding all parties uphold U.N. Security Council resolution 2254 and
committing to diplomatically and militarily engaging the Syrian opposition are
both crucial. Secondly, the United States and Russia should amend the chemical
weapons agreement – which was implemented after the Sarin massacre in 2013 - to
bar the use of chlorine gas. Third, the focus of all talks in the immediate term
should call for halting the Assad regime’s indiscriminate barrel bombing
campaigns and facilitating the transfer of humanitarian aid to the most at-need
areas. Meanwhile, Arab states should recommit to the U.S.-led coalition’s fight
against degrading both al-Qaeda and ISIS (ISIS) militant groups. Russia has
flagrantly violated resolution 2254 since its implementation in mid-December,
bombing a number of hospitals and at least one school in Idlib province.
Allowing signatories of the agreement to disregard it with impunity renders the
document useless. Each violation should prompt an investigation and subsequent
consequences. The U.N. should not wait for breaches to mount before addressing
them but should instead convene a meeting each time locals report a violation.
No progress can be made in ending the conflict if the resolutions already made
are continuously abandoned. The second issue that should be prioritized is the
Assad regime’s continued usage of chlorine gas. An extremely regrettable
consequence of the chemical weapons deal struck in 2013 is that it effectively
allowed Assad to continue carrying out chemical warfare with impunity. Absent of
any repercussions, the likelihood of another major chemical weapons massacre
increases with every chlorine attack the regime carries out.
No excuses for stalled talks
Lastly, the focus of all negotiations and talks in the immediate future must
seek to, first and foremost, halt the bloodshed. Efforts to do so should begin
with the Assad regime, which remains responsible for the vast majority of deaths
in Syria – much more so than barbaric ISIS and al-Qaeda fighters. It is worth
reiterating that the U.S. will continue to call for Assad’s ousting while Russia
and Iran will refuse to agree to such a reality; this major issue should not be
used as an excuse for talks to stall.While there can be no shift in the
U.S.-held position that Assad must go, in the meantime, efforts should be made
to deal with issues that can actually be immediately addressed. Debating the
future of Assad’s grip on power and whether Syria will be ready for elections in
the next calendar year is pointless while civilian areas are still being turned
to rubble. The priority of talks in the absolute immediate term should be
pressuring all parties to facilitate the transfer of humanitarian aid to areas
in dire need, including in Madaya where reports indicate starving to death
Syrians are being forced to eat cats to survive. As these issues are addressed,
Arab states still must re-commit to aiding the U.S. in its fight against ISIS.
According to the New York Times in November 2015, eight Arab and Western states
conducted only five percent of the thousands of airstrikes in Syria - a totally
unacceptable percentage that underscores the fact that Arab states are not
leading the fight against ISIS. A number of agreements made abroad in recent
years have not halted the bloodshed on Syrian soil. 2016 has to be year the
international community follows through on all the red lines it has drawn in the
sand. No progress can be made in ending the conflict if the resolutions already
made are continuously abandoned.
When will Arabs realize their dreams and aspirations?
Samar Fatany/Al Arabiya/03 January/16
There was very little to celebrate in the Arab world last year. The raging wars
in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya destroyed homes, displaced thousands and killed
many more. Terrorism was rampant, the threat of extremism and sectarianism was
prevalent and discrimination against women continued. The region will remain in
chaos and there will be no peace if we do not begin to seriously put our house
in order and begin to admit our failures and shortcomings. Let the new year’s
resolution be to put an end to conflicts and empower Arab citizens to pursue
peace and prosperity and a future of hope and not despair.
Losing faith
The Arab youth today have lost faith in their elders and do not know where to
turn. They remain vulnerable and that is why many are easy prey for ISIS and
other terrorist organizations which provide them with false promises and hope
for a better future. The Arab world is faced with the challenge of keeping up
with more advanced societies and learning from their experiences while keeping
its own values and preserving its culture and Muslim identity. In more advanced
countries, people of different cultures and different backgrounds have managed
to live together without imposing their own convictions on one another and
without compromising their own beliefs.The Arabs are a proud people with a rich
heritage but they have been let down by corrupt leaders. Arab leaders today have
a responsibility to correct the mistakes of the past and end the conflicts and
unrest that have destroyed peace in the Arab world.
It is very critical during these difficult years of turmoil to build character
in our youth and give them the strength to persevere and overcome the threats
and dangers within.
The Arab has always been known for his brave character and chivalry even in the
most adverse situations. This is what we need to revive in Arab youth. They need
to regain their pride and dignity. Arabs do not have equal or adequate
opportunities to excel. Many talented individuals with capabilities were not
recognized in their own countries. However, they became successful surgeons and
scientists when they were given the opportunity to excel in the West. Every
child should have the opportunity to receive a good education and every graduate
should be able to pursue a career without any barriers or prior restrictions of
gender, class, religion or ethnicity. Young Arab men and women when they travel
abroad are exposed to a new world of freedom and highly advanced societies. They
interact with highly educated individuals who are engaged in scientific research
and innovative discoveries to serve humanity and create a better world. The rule
of law protects the rights of citizens and ensures that the law-abiding live in
dignity and that criminals are put behind bars. If you speak to any Arab student
who has studied abroad, he will tell you that he wished his country could
provide him with the life of freedom, opportunity and dignity that he has
experienced when he lived abroad. Before the threat of terrorism and the rise of
Islamophobia, Arabs generally, except for a few incidents, did not feel
intimidated or alienated because of their color, race or status. Notably, the
behavior of many Arab youth would change for the better during their stay in the
U.S., Europe or elsewhere. One would find them more disciplined, more respectful
and more appreciative of their surroundings. Why? Is it because the rule of law
is not applied in their own countries? Or is it because they don’t feel
appreciated and, therefore, they behave in a negative way?
Future generations
Realizing Arab dreams and aspirations will be more difficult for future
generations. Many remain skeptical because they are convinced that hard work and
determination do not guarantee success. The greed and abuse of power that is
practiced by some in Arab societies is slowly eroding their hopes and ambitions.
Inflated expectations have frustrated many and the modern wealth structure that
perpetuates racial and class inequalities between people of different ethnic
backgrounds is a source of discontent. We live in a world where business
interests control all matters and the wealthy decide our future. Something must
be done to put a stop to policies that support the influence of the rich and the
powerful with agendas and selfish interests.Every state has an obligation to
allow for political freedom as well as to enforce law and order and every
business leader has to share the responsibility of serving society and
addressing public needs. Hopefully, a serious commitment by all stakeholders to
contribute to nation building can help in realizing the hopes and aspirations of
all the lost and neglected Arab youth today.
Dubai ruler’s ten years of exceptional
Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor/Al Arabiya/03 January/16
Jan. 4, 2016 marks the tenth anniversary of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid’s
accession as Ruler of Dubai. It is a day for celebration and for giving thanks.
This is an opportunity for Emiratis to express their appreciation for an
exceptional ruler, who has not only fulfilled his roles as Vice-President and
Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, but has surpassed every expectation
and conquered ever obstacle in his path. Under his wise guidance, Dubai emerged
from the 2008 global downturn to bloom ever brighter thanks to his courageous
insistence on continuing to break barriers and create firsts. Since the days
when we raced camels as young boys, I knew he was brave and dedicated to being a
winner in everything he undertook. All Emiratis should be thankful that in a
troubled region beset by violence and terrorism, the UAE has managed to
reinforce its security while maintaining an open ambience welcoming people of
all nationalities and religions to visit, work, open businesses or invest in a
variety of areas. We do not live in a police state. We do not have the army
patrolling the streets and no one is afraid of a 4 a.m. knock on the door. Yet,
we are always protected behind the scenes. Our streets are safe at any time of
the day or night and for that Sheikh Mohammed must take credit. Our country was
built on pillars of peace and we can never forget the UAE’s fathers, Sheikh
Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahyan and Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al-Maktoum for laying the
groundwork for the Emirates to rise like a phoenix from the once arid sands.
They charted a course to provide a better quality of life for the population, a
strategy that has been maintained by their respective sons, the UAE’s President
and Ruler of Abu Dhabi HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed in partnership with Sheikh
Pride and efficiency
We have never sought to be involved in conflicts and unlike several of our
neighbors we have no interest in disseminating ideologies or making false
territorial claims, but when we or our closest allies are aggressed – as both
the Yemeni people and Saudi Arabia recently were by pro-Iranian Yemeni Houthis -
we are not afraid to stand up to be counted. I am proud of the stance taken by
our leaders who were unstinting in offering military assistance to the Saudi-led
coalition and salute our fallen heroes who did not flinch from their duty at the
cost of their lives.
The country has built a global reputation for doing the seemingly impossible and
for perfection in all that it undertakes. One of the most wonderful aspects is
that while the UAE is always shaping the future, our people have retained their
cultural heritage and values encouraged by our leaderships to be proud of who we
are and to wear our national dress as an emblem of those values. Kudos must go
to Sheikh Mohammed for always demanding the best in terms of efficiency and best
practices. In Dubai, everything works and works seamlessly. Our police force is
second to none in terms of technology, training and community public relations
and so are our emergency first responders as the world witnessed on New Year’s
Eve watching a 63-storey hotel, a stone’s throw away from the world’s tallest
building the Burj Khalifa, aflame like a scene from the movie “Towering
But any resemblance to that blockbuster ended with the flames themselves.
Despite the hotel being fully booked and many of the residences occupied,
everyone was evacuated within 15 minutes causing newscaster after newscaster to
express their astonishment that just 14 suffered injuries, most of them light.
The fire services arrived within minutes and did a stellar job of bringing
hundreds of men, women and children out of that burning building safely.
The astonishment of the outside world did not end there. Many could not believe
their ears when it was announced the annual firework display would proceed as
planned. But that is exactly what we Emiratis expected to happen. Whereas other
countries would have closed off the area, perhaps for days, the Dubai
authorities were not about to let a fire spoil the occasion for the tens of
thousands who had flocked there to enjoy the spectacular show. With 2016 just
beginning, I am confident that with Sheikh Mohammed at Dubai’s helm my hometown
will continue growing from strength to strength. I always looked upon Sheikh
Rashid as a father and I consider Sheikh Mohammed as not only a beloved ruler
but a beloved brother. He has all my respect for guiding us through moments of
stormy weather and for always surprising us with creative blueprints for
tomorrow. I cannot wait to see what exciting plans he has for us over the years
ahead. It is my greatest hope that Sheikh Mohammed’s lion’s heart and safe hands
will embrace the Emirati people for many more decades to come.