December 06/16
& Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
Among those
born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in
the kingdom of heaven is greater than he
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 11/11-15/:"Truly I
tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the
Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the
days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence,
and the violent take it by force. For all the prophets and the law prophesied
until John came; and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to
come. Let anyone with ears listen!"
It is not the children of the flesh who are the
children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as descendants
Letter to the Romans 09/06-13/:"It is not as though the word of God had
failed. For not all Israelites truly belong to Israel, and not all of Abraham’s
children are his true descendants; but ‘It is through Isaac that descendants
shall be named after you.’ This means that it is not the children of the flesh
who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as
descendants. For this is what the promise said, ‘About this time I will return
and Sarah shall have a son.’ Nor is that all; something similar happened to
Rebecca when she had conceived children by one husband, our ancestor Isaac.
Even before they had been born or had done anything good or bad (so that God’s
purpose of election might continue, not by works but by his call) she was told,
‘The elder shall serve the younger.’As
it is written, ‘I have loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau."’Amen."
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis
& editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 05-06/16
Cyprus Maronite Minority Sees Chance to Save Ancient Language/Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
Precious opportunity/The Daily Star/December 06/16
Saraya Al-Tawheed: A
Pro-Assad Druze Militia in Lebanon and Syria/Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi/Syria
Comment/December 05/16
Did Hezbollah really censor Fairouz/Hussain Abdul-Hussain/Now Lebanon/December 05/16
Meet the Lebanese businessman building Israel's new warships/Smadar Perry, Tamar Shabak/Ynetnews/December
Iran Detains Dozens Of Christian Converts As Rights Group Urge World To
BosNewsLife, December 05/16
Iran IRGC commanding Aleppo killings from “Fort Behuth”
southeast of the city/ NCRI Statements/December 05/16
Iran to Trump: Death to America Will Live On/ Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/December 05/16
10 Things We Should Learn From the Ohio State Attack/Shireen
Qudosi/Family Security Matters/December 05/16
In Silencing Of Loudspeakers, Israel Is No Different/Robert Ilatov/Jewish
Member of the Israeli Knesset /Newsweek/December 05/16
The New Israeli Prayers Law is Unjust, & We Are Obliged To Reject It/Ahmad Tibi, Deputy Speaker of Israeli Knesset/Newsweek/November
The Real Illegal Settlements/Bassam Tawil/Gatestone Institute/December 05/16
Changing loyalties in Aleppo are clouding the forecast/Maria Dubovikova/Al Arabiya/December
Aleppo and the United Nations’ inaction/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/December 05/16
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News
published on December 05-06/16
Canada, Lebanon eye direct flights: Bassil
Lebanon: Patriarch Rai Calls on Political Blocs to
Facilitate Government Formation
Armed Attack at Lebanese Army Position North Kills One Soldier
Aoun Meets Canadian Foreign Minister
China's Syria Envoy Meets Hariri, Vows Continued Humanitarian Aid
Report: Berri Urges Aoun to
'Extend Hand' to Franjieh
Two Palestinian Security Force Members Injured in Ain el-Hilweh
AMAL Says 'Shiite Duo' Not Seeking to Confront FPM-LF Alliance
Zahra Fears 'Internal Tutelage' Could Block Taef
Kataeb Urges 'Burying' 1960 Electoral Law, Slams
'Absurd Conflict' over Govt.
Sami Gemayel Says Some Don't Want 'Annoying' Kataeb in Govt.
Land Transportation Union confirms ongoing strike
Rahi, Canadian Foreign Minister tackle current
Hariri discusses with Chinese envoy situation in Syria
Cyprus Maronite Minority Sees Chance to Save Ancient
Precious opportunity
Saraya Al-Tawheed: A
Pro-Assad Druze Militia in Lebanon and Syria
Did Hezbollah really censor Fairouz?
Meet the Lebanese businessman building Israel's new warships
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 05-06/16
Iran Detains Dozens Of Christian Converts As Rights Group Urge World To
Iran IRGC commanding Aleppo killings from “Fort Behuth”
southeast of the city
Iran: 12 Fashion Models Were Totally Sentenced to 379 months of Imprisonment
Russia, China Veto U.N. Resolution Demanding Aleppo Truce as Regime Forces
Advance on Ground
Syria Rebels Rule out Withdrawal from Aleppo
Russian Field Hospital Hit in Syria's Aleppo, Nurse Killed
In Aleppo, Dreaming of Home but Finding Only Rubble
Second Russian Airplane Crashes in Failed Carrier Landing near Syria
Two Senior Iraqi Officers Killed in Clashes with IS
French PM Valls Joins Presidential Race
IS Loses Libya Bastion in Major Blow to Jihadists
With Fall of Sirte, IS Down but Not Out in Libya
Jordan Military Plane Crash Kills Pilot
Saudi King on Regional Tour ahead of GCC Summit
Israel Resumes Parcel Post into Gaza
Kerry Accuses Israeli Right of Sabotaging Peace Process
From Jihad Watch Site for on December 05-06/16
sits next to Eric Trump on plane, discovers that establishment media has been
cleric: Time for Iran to “reciprocate” the US’s “hostility”
Hundreds of jihadi cells found in tourist hotspot
after Islamic State massacre
official’s daughter murdered by Muslim migrant worked in refugee homes
Muslims beat former Muslim sheikh unconscious, destroy his crops for converting
to Christianity
Spencer in FrontPage: Keith Ellison: Perfect for the DNC
of OSU jihad attacker says her son was killed “for no reason”
Friday”: Islamic State vows jihad massacres on Trump’s Inauguration Day
One year
after San Bernardino jihad massacre, city aims to prevent anti-Muslim hate
UK bans
three bishops from Iraq and Syria from entering the country
Carter, Lord Caradon, the Palestine Mandate, and U.N.
Resolution 242 (Part I)
Carter, Lord Caradon, the Palestine Mandate, and
Resolution 242 (Part II)
Links From Christian Today Site for on December 05-06/16
Government Bans Iraqi, Syrian Archbishops From UK Visit
In Turmoil After It Rejects Renzi Reforms
Baptists Issue Call For Unity Over Same-Sex Marriage
Church Sprayed With Bible Verse About The Killing Of 185,000 Assyrian
Integration Mean Government Control Of Religion?
Is A Virtue: Here's Why It's Good To Wait For Something Important...
Knees Were Shaking': Archaeologist Tells Of Awe At Discovery In Christ's Tomb
Light Of Goodness And Innocence': The Words Of Pope Francis To Young Girl Dying
Of Cancer
The Days Of A Bible In Every Hotel Room Coming To An End?
Mass, Church, And Lunch With The Elderly: Christmas
Day For Theresa May
Latest Lebanese Related News
published on December 05-06/16
Canada, Lebanon eye direct
flights: Bassil
The Daily Star/December 05/16/BEIRUT: Canada's foreign minister emphasized
Monday his country's unwavering support for Lebanon, as his Lebanese
counterpart announced that the two countries were seeking to launch direct
flights. Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion said
during a joint news conference with caretaker Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil that “Canadian
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was keen to support Lebanon.”
is a priority and we will do everything in our capability to help the country
to cope with the large influx of refugees.”He noted
that his country already has several projects to assist Lebanon,
including its support to the Lebanese Armed Forces, women and reforms to
improve prison conditions. Dion also called for the swift formation of a new Cabinet.Bassil urged Canada
to increase its support to Lebanon,
reiterating his call for the return of Syrian refugees to safe zones in their
war-torn country.“We believe
that the safe return of Syrians is the only solution for this crisis and we
look forward to Canada’s
help in this regard.”He also called for direct aid to
the Lebanese government to help it cope with the crisis, adding that Lebanon’s
economy had deteriorated due to the refugee influx. “We need a radical solution
to the problem.”The caretaker FM described ties
between Lebanon and Canada as
“excellent,” calling for stronger trade relations. He disclosed that a Canadian
delegation began preparing a study on opening a direct air link between the two
countries. Lebanon’s
economy and infrastructure has been heavily impacted by the onset of the Syrian
conflict and resulting influx of refugees. There are currently 1.1 million
Syrian refugees registered with the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR in the country.
However, the Lebanese government estimates the figure to be around 1.5 million.
Dion headed earlier in the day to Baabda
Palace to congratulate President
Michel Aoun on his recent election as Lebanon's 13th
head of state.
During their meeting, Aoun and Dion discussed the
refugee crisis and means to aid Lebanon.
The Lebanese president emphasized the need to find a political solution to the
crisis in Syria,
which would have a positive impact on the refugee crisis. The two also touched
on improving bilateral ties. Dion, who is on a four-day visit to Lebanon, later headed to caretaker Prime
Minister Tammam Salam's residence in Beirut's
Moseitbeh area, where the two officials discussed
recent developments in Lebanon
and the region. The FM also met with Speaker Nabih Berri. He arrived in Beirut
Friday to meet with top officials, tour Army posts on the Syrian border, and
visit refugees in tented settlements who receive assistance from Canada. He also
met with Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri over
the weekend. Dion told The Daily Star Sunday that his country was seeking to
build strong ties with the new Lebanese administration, despite Hezbollah’s
“We are back in Lebanon,”
he said, addressing the shift in policy under Canadian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau. The Canadian FM's visit comes amid a flurry
of diplomatic activity in Lebanon
following Aoun's election.
Lebanon: Patriarch Rai Calls on
Political Blocs to Facilitate Government Formation
Asharq Al-Awsat/December
05/16/Beirut- Lebanon’s
Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai called on political blocs to facilitate the formation
of a new government, a month after leaders failed to reach an agreement over a
cabinet lineup. The main obstacle hindering the birth
of a new cabinet is linked to the share of MP Suleiman Franjieh,
whose party wants a weighty portfolio. The two Shiite parties represented by
Speaker Nabih Berri and the
so-called Hezbollah insist that their ally, Franjieh,
gets a weighty portfolio such as the Health or the Telecommunication
Franjieh’s camp asserted on Sunday the presence of
such an obstacle. The Marada Movement’s media officer
Suleiman Franjieh said President Michel Aoun should invite head of the Marada
Movement, MP Suleiman Franjieh to visit the Baabda
Palace and reach a
suitable solution for the ongoing crisis. In an interview with a local radio,
the media officer said: “The problem remains inside the Christian camp. We ask
for a weighty ministry, and we reject the logic of veto.”In
light of the difficulties Prime Minister-designate Saad
Hariri face while forming his new government, Maronite
Patriarch Rai said on Sunday during the mass service
in Bkirki he was concerned regarding the delay in the
formation of the government, which should be a unifier and capable of acting in
accordance with the national pact and the Constitution. Rahi
said the socio-economic and national situations could not progress well in an
environment of injustice and absence of freedom in favor
of personal and partisan interests. Meanwhile, former President Michel Suleiman
called on political leaders to start drafting a modern parliamentary elections
law and to form a committee that would annul political sectarianism in the
country. “We do not aim to annul sects, but to abolish sectarianism,” he said
on Sunday during a two-day workshop in Beirut.
Armed Attack at Lebanese Army Position
North Kills One Soldier
Naharnet/December 05/16/After a late armed
attack against an Infantry Brigade in north Lebanon killed a soldier, the
Lebanese army staged raids early on Monday in the northern district of Dinniyeh in search for the assailants, media outlets
reported on Monday. One soldier, Amer Mustafa
al-Mohammed, was killed and another was injured overnight when gunmen attacked
the 10th Infantry Brigade in the northern town of Bqaa Safrine,
they added. The army staged raids early on Monday in Dinniyeh
after the aggression against its troops. A security source told LBCI that the
army had not staged raids before the assault on the army. In an interview to
the VDL (93.3), the Mayor of Bqaa Safrine
denounced the attack and affirmed “total support for the Lebanese army,” as he
assured that the identity of the perpetrator is unknown. Investigations were
run into the incident.
Aoun Meets Canadian Foreign Minister
Naharnet/December 05/16/President Michel Aoun held a meeting at the Presidential Palace with
Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion where
discussions touched on the Syrian refugees in Lebanon
and highlighted the need for a political solution in Syria, the National News Agency
reported Monday. The issue of the displaced Syrians in Lebanon was discussed during talks between the
two men, and Aoun focused on the “need for a
political solution for the Syrian crisis which will reflect positively on the
issue of displaced Syrians in Lebanon,”
NNA added. For his part, Dion who is on a four-day official visit,
stressed the importance of the Lebanese role in Canada,
he said: “Canada is
assisting Lebanon
in several developmental and non-developmental projects,” he said. On the other
hand, Aoun confirmed firm ties with Canada, touching on the role of the Lebanese in Canada.
Also talks featured high on bilateral ties between both states and ways to
boost them. Over the weekend, Dion held separate meetings with Prime
Minister-designate Saad Hariri and Democratic
Gathering bloc leader MP Walid Jumblat.
China's Syria
Envoy Meets Hariri, Vows Continued Humanitarian Aid
Naharnet/December 05/16/Prime
Minister-designate Saad Hariri held talks Monday at
the Center House with the Chinese special envoy for Syria, Xie
Xiaoyan. The meeting, which was attended by a Chinese
delegation and Beijing's ambassador to Lebanon,
tackled “the regional developments and bilateral ties between the two
countries,” Hariri's office said in a statement. The Chinese envoy spoke after
the meeting, saying he held very good talks with Hariri.“We exchanged viewpoints about the current
situations in Syria,
the expected developments and the steps that the international community and
the regional countries intend to take,” Hariri's office quoted Xie Xiaoyan as saying. The
Chinese visitor also vowed that his country will continue to offer humanitarian
aid to Lebanon and other
countries to help them cope with the Syrian refugee crisis, adding that Beijing will maintain communication and consultations with
over the Syrian crisis.
Report: Berri
Urges Aoun to 'Extend Hand' to Franjieh
Naharnet/December 05/16/Speaker Nabih Berri stressed on Monday
that he made many concessions to facilitate the formation of the cabinet, as he
urged President Michel Aoun to “open up” to Marada chief MP Suleiman Franjieh
to end the stalemate hampering the formation of the cabinet, As Safir daily reported Monday. “Despite the apparent obstacles,
the government could be formed any minute now,” Berri
told the daily, as he described as “unrealistic” the reports blaming his for
the delay. “I believe that if Aoun makes an
initiative towards Franjieh, the latter will reply
the initiative with a better one,” added the Speaker, as he urged Aoun to open up to Franjieh and
to end the difference between the two. He added that the subject was discussed
with the President on the sidelines of the reception held on Independence Day.
“The crisis is unjustified. Indicators show that some (party officials) are
reviewing their stances and a solution could be reached leading to the
formation of the cabinet,” he added. Touching on the need to stipulate a new
electoral law to hold the upcoming parliamentary elections, the Speaker said
that shall the 1960 law be adopted, it will “aggravate sharp sectarian
alignments” between the Lebanese and will have “dangerous repercussions,” as he
stressed the need to stipulate a “new law before it is too late.”
Two Palestinian Security Force Members Injured in Ain el-Hilweh Attack
Naharnet/December 05/16/Two Palestinian
security force members were critically injured when armed assailants opened
gunfire at a security position in the southern refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh, the National News Agency reported Monday. Unknown
assailants opened gunfire at the position of the Palestinian joint security
forces in Ain el-Hilweh injuring Mohammed Abdullah
aka al-Iraqi and another member from al-Jaber family,
NNA added. The two were seriously injured and were transported to the hospital
for treatment. Security forces deployed heavily in the camp
in search for the perpetrators. By long-standing convention the Lebanese
army does not enter the camps, leaving security inside to the Palestinians themselves.
There have been several reports that the camps have become a safe haven for
AMAL Says 'Shiite Duo' Not Seeking
to Confront FPM-LF Alliance
Naharnet/December 05/16/A senior official of
Speaker Nabih Berri's AMAL
Movement announced Sunday that AMAL and Hizbullah are
not seeking a confrontation with the rising Lebanese Forces-Free Patriotic
Movement alliance. “Let no one bet that AMAL Movement and Hizbullah
will form a Shiite duo to confront a Christian duo represented in the FPM and
the LF. We support the unity of Christians, the unity of Muslims and the unity
of the country,” Sheikh Hassan al-Masri, the deputy
head of AMAL's politburo, said. “What we share with
President (Michel) Aoun is a lot bigger than our
differences,” Masri noted, downplaying the latest
tensions between Aoun and Berri.
“We share the same vision regarding Lebanon’s
unity, Lebanon's
Arab identity and his endorsement of the resistance. We and President Aoun are working for Lebanon's
unity and Arab identity and we're seeking to protect Lebanon, so let no one bet on
anything else,” the AMAL official added.
Zahra Fears 'Internal Tutelage'
Could Block Taef Implementation
Naharnet/December 05/16/Lebanese Forces MP
Antoine Zahra voiced hopes that efforts to implement the Taef
Accord start without any obstruction from what he described as “internal tutelage.”Addressing mayors of the Batroun
area during a lunch banquet on Sunday, Zahra said: “We have always called for
the implementation of the Taef accord, the establishment
of civil peace, the unification of the country and the reinforcement of the
state and its institutions. “We have been waiting for 27 years, we hope to
start the implementation of the agreement during this tenure now that we are
over with the external tutelage,” said Zahra in reference to the Syrian
tutelage in Lebanon
without naming them. “We hope the internal tutelage, the de-facto forces and
policies do not obstruct us," he went on to say. Wrangling among various
political parties over the distribution of portfolios have
thwarted the attempts to form a cabinet since the designation of Prime
Minister-designate Saad Hariri for the task on
November 3. The Taef Accord was an agreement reached
to provide the basis for the ending of the civil war and the return to
political normalcy in Lebanon.
The 1989 agreement set a time frame for Syrian withdrawal and stipulated that
the Syrians withdraw in two years.
Kataeb Urges 'Burying' 1960 Electoral Law, Slams 'Absurd
Conflict' over Govt.
Naharnet/December 05/16/The Kataeb
Party on Monday called for “burying” the 1960 electoral law under which the
last parliamentary polls were held in 2009, as it slammed what it called the
“absurd conflict” over cabinet shares. “The party urgently calls for burying
the 1960 law which undermines partnership and excludes large segments of the
Lebanese,” said Kataeb in a statement issued after
its political bureau's weekly meeting. It accordingly called for devising a new
electoral law that “ensures correct and fair representation.”Caretaker
Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq
has recently warned that there is not much time left to pass a new law while
reassuring that the ministry is ready to organize the 2017 polls under the 1960
law. Hizbullah and its allies have repeatedly called
for passing an electoral law based on the proportional representation system
but other parties, especially al-Mustaqbal Movement,
have rejected the suggestion, arguing that Hizbullah's
controversial arsenal of arms would prevent serious competition in regions
where the Iran-backed party is influential.
Mustaqbal, the Lebanese Forces and the
Progressive Socialist Party have meanwhile proposed a hybrid electoral law that
mixes the proportional representation and the winner-takes-all systems. Hizbullah's ally Speaker Nabih Berri has also proposed a hybrid law.
The country has not voted for a parliament since 2009, with the
legislature instead twice extending its own mandate. Separately, Kataeb blasted what it called “the absurd conflict over
ministerial shares and portfolios” and the classification of ministries as
“sovereign, services-related, important and secondary.” “The party calls for
rising above this polarization that is insulting to logic and the dignity of
the Lebanese and for speeding up the formation of a cabinet whose priorities
should be the approval of an electoral law and a state budget in addition to
the economic situations,” Kataeb added.
Sami Gemayel
Says Some Don't Want 'Annoying' Kataeb in Govt.
Naharnet/December 05/16/Kataeb Party leader MP
Sami Gemayel announced Monday that “Kataeb's voice annoys all parties” in the country because
it is “different.” “Some parties have in one way or another said that Kataeb's presence in the Cabinet is not necessary,” Gemayel added during an interview with al-Mayadeen television. Asked about Kataeb's
participation in the new government, Gemayel said his
party is not insisting on a certain ministerial portfolio because the Cabinet
will only serve for six months. “We do not have a problem in staying outside
the government but like everyone else we have the right to be in a national
unity cabinet,” Gemayel went on to say.
Land Transportation Union confirms
ongoing strike
Mon 05 Dec 2016/NNA - Land Transportation Union chief, Bassam
Tleiss, denied, in a statement on Monday, the
reopening of the mechanical inspection offices and the end of the sit-in
observed by public drivers and truckers nationwide. "This is not
true," Tleiss said in reference to posts via
social media claiming that the said authority reopened its offices. He also
confirmed that the strike was still ongoing in all the Lebanese regions, adding
that the land transportation sector will meet at 11:00 am tomorrow ahead of
Thursday's general strike.
Rahi, Canadian Foreign Minister tackle
current developments
Mon 05 Dec 2016/NNA - Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rahi met on
Monday afternoon in Bkirki with Canada's Foreign Minister, Stephane
Dion, with talks reportedly dwelling on the overall situation in Lebanon and the broad region, notably the war in
Syria and its implications
on Lebanon.
Talks also touched on the existing humanitarian and social conditions of Syrian
and Palestinian refugees and the great burden endured by Lebanon as a
result of the Syrian displacement and the Palestinian and asylum.
Patriarch Rahi stressed on the role by the
international community, including Canada,
in ending the existing wars in the region, resolving the Palestinian cause,
consecrating a lasting and permanent peace in the Middle
East for the sake of a dignified and secure life for citizens.
Hariri discusses with Chinese envoy
situation in Syria
Mon 05 Dec 2016/NNA - Prime Minister-designate Saad
Hariri received this afternoon at the "Center House" China's special envoy to Syria, Xie Xiaoyan, at the head of a
delegation, accompanied by the Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon Wang Kejian, a statement by Hariri's office indicated on Monday.
After the meeting, the Chinese envoy said: "I had a very good meeting with
Prime Minister Saad Hariri. We exchanged views on the
latest developments in Syria,
and the steps that will be taken by the international community and the
countries in the region."He added: "China and Lebanon are friends and have good
cooperation on international and regional affairs. They also have good
coordination on the Syrian issue, and we hope to make progress concerning
reaching a cease-fire, the fight against terrorism, humanitarian aid and a
political solution. There is a relationship between these four areas so they
must be given great attention. The fight against terrorism is an important
issue because terrorism hinders a cease-fire and leads to the continuation of
chaos, and it is a common enemy to all mankind. Therefore, all terrorist
organizations listed by the United Nations on the black list must be hit with
an iron fist."
He concluded: "We hope to make progress in the political process and
the resumption of political negotiations in Geneva as soon as possible. The international
community must give the humanitarian situation more attention. China has provided aid to the Syrian people,
including the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, that reached 480 million yuan.
At the beginning of this year and during the tour of the Chinese president in
the Middle East, he announced additional aid
to the peoples of this region that reached 230 million yuan.
And in February, the Chinese Foreign Minister announced food assistance of ten
thousand tons. China will
continue to provide humanitarian aid and wants to continue consultations with Lebanon on the
Syrian issue". Separately, Hariri received a message from Spanish Prime
Minister Mariano Rajoy Brey
who congratulated him on his assignment to form the government.
Cyprus Maronite Minority Sees
Chance to Save Ancient Language
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
In a village in northern Cyprus, a
community struggling to save its ancient language has seen a glimmer of hope in
intensified efforts to reunify the divided island. Kormakitis
was once the hub of Cyprus'
Maronite minority, descendants of Lebanese and Syrian
Christians who spoke Sanna, a unique dialect of
Arabic influenced by the Aramaic spoken by Jesus. The language is now severely
endangered, according to UNESCO. Uprooted by the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus,
many Maronites assimilated into Greek Cypriot
communities where they sought shelter. They have seen fresh hope in recent
months as the Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders intensified their efforts to
reunite the island. Talks in Switzerland
ended on November 21 with no breakthrough, but the leaders have since agreed to
resume negotiations and are due to meet again in Geneva in January. The Maronites
hope a deal could eventually encourage the community to return to live in
northern Cyprus.
That could help revive Sanna, which is in decline
despite years of classes, the efforts of NGOs and an annual summer school in
the village. "The problem is that because we have lost our village
it's very difficult to keep our language," teacher Katy Foradari said, taking a break from teaching Sanna under the vaulted ceiling of an 18th century church
in Kormakitis. Able to visit and stay in the village
despite living outside the Turkish-controlled part of the island, young Maronites have attended Sanna
classes at a summer camp there every August since 2008. In sunbaked
sandstone chapels and whitewashed bungalows around the small main square,
around 100 children aged five to 17 took part in this year's camp.They learned basics from the alphabet -- codified for
the first time only a few years ago -- to songs, vocabulary and grammar.
- 'Losing our language' -
Making up less than one percent of the island's population, Maronites are a branch of the Catholic church and have been
in Cyprus
since the eighth century. Like many of the volunteers at the school, Foradari grew up in Kormakitis,
the largest of the island's four Maronite villages
and the last where Sanna was spoken. But when she was
16, Turkey occupied the
northern third of Cyprus
after an Athens-backed coup in the capital Nicosia. She and most of the community fled
to the south, leaving their homes behind. They established Maronite
churches in their new communities, with parts of services still given in the
ancient Semitic language of Syriac -- like their more
numerous counterparts in Syria
and Lebanon.
But Sanna did not weather the displacement well.
Because Maronite children do not go to school in Kormakitis, "we have started losing our
language," Foradari said. "We are used to
speaking Greek." A few hundred, mostly elderly, residents remained in the
village after 1974, using Sanna in their daily life
and helping out with the summer camp. But of nearly 5,000 Maronites
living across the island today, only around 1,000 speak Sanna.
Some of them see the peace talks as the best hope in years for reviving their
language. For Yiannakis Mousas,
the community's representative to the parliament, only a solution to the Cyprus
dispute can save Sanna. "Only through the return
of the Maronite people, of their property, of their
schools, of their churches, only in this way do we have a good chance to revive
the language," he told AFP.
- 'A new beginning' -
Since 1974, Mousas and many other Maronites have been based in Nicosia, the island's divided capital. They
have a modern church and a small social club named after Kormakitis,
where they sip coffee a few hundred yards from the U.N. buffer zone that splits
the old town.
Mousas said reunifying the island would
encourage young Maronites to move to their villages,
where they would hear Sanna spoken daily, encouraging
them to adopt it again. "Once the Maronites are
resettled to their villages, there will be a new beginning," he said.
But the latest talks produced no concrete results, and the memory of
previous, failed negotiations looms over ongoing efforts to reach a solution.
The community is teaching Sanna as usual, with
classes at Nicosia's
Maronite primary school and more summer camps
"We have to create projects like this camp where we combine learning
the language with entertainment," said Antonis Skoullos, an IT expert in his 40s who helps organize the Kormakitis language school. He recognized the need to make Sanna appealing to young people who had no memory of living
in Kormakitis. But nostalgic for the village he fled
as a young boy, he admitted his motivation to revive the language was more
personal than practical. "Behind this language are my memories and my
feelings," he said.
Precious opportunity
The Daily Star/December 06/16
The great news is that, after some very difficult and
lean years, Lebanon
still matters in the minds of a cross section of big countries. From Saudi Arabia to France
and Qatar to Canada, since the election of President Michel Aoun representatives of these countries have converged on Lebanon
offering their support. Much like the Lebanese, they hope that Aoun’s election will be the first step toward reviving all
branches of governance, including, of course, the formation of a Cabinet, as
well as a raft of top posts that remain unfilled. This is no minor feat. It is
a sign of confidence in the future of Lebanon, which in itself is
substantial capital that the country should build upon. However, all this
goodwill shown will disappear down the drain unless a new government is formed
to utilize the available support, be it economic, military or political. We
have to realize that the massive show of confidence witnessed is a treasure to
be banked, but without a government to deal with, there is no vehicle for these
friendly countries to turn warm words into material benefits. The
Lebanese must realize that such support is not open-ended, nor is it without
conditions, for no country is willing to deal with a state that lacks even a
Cabinet. This support is a precious opportunity that should not be wasted by
these incessant delays in forming a government. The hurdles placed in
Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri’s way are
reminiscent of the tools used in the ’60s, ones that
history shows led to the darkest period Lebanon has ever seen. A new
Cabinet is meant to be the catalyst for the recovery of the country and the
reinvigorating of its flagging institutions.Should it
be treated as a delicious Black Forest cake by cunning politicians hungry for a
slice larger than they deserve, then the real banquet that the whole country
needs and desires is in danger of disappearing all together.
Saraya Al-Tawheed: A Pro-Assad
Druze Militia in Lebanon and Syria
Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi/Syria Comment/December 5th, 2016
The involvement of the Arab Unity Party- primarily supported by Lebanese
Druze opposed to Walid Jumblatt-
and its leader Wi’am Wahhab
in the Syrian civil war has long been known, as Wahhab
and his party have played a role in organizing forces in support of the Assad
regime among Syrian Druze. Indeed, the Arab Unity Party has openly identified a
militia called the Ammar bin Yasir
Battalion as its affiliate operating in Syria, claiming ‘martyrs’ on fighting
fronts in both Suwayda’ and Quneitra
provinces as part of efforts to defend Druze areas.
However, more recently another armed affiliate of the Arab Unity Party
has come to attention: Saraya al-Tawheed
(“The Unity Brigades”). The group received widespread coverage in the Arabic
press for a parade and festival held in the Lebanese locality of al-Jahiliya (Wahhab’s hometown) in
late November 2016. According to the Lebanese newspaper al-Diyar
(which is pro-Assad), the event was attended by a variety of notables from both
Lebanon and Syria: “Representatives from diplomatic commissions, national
parties, heads of municipalities and elective commissions in all the regions
and villages of Chouf and Aley,
as well as a number of the mashayakh [Druze sheikhs]
in Hasbaya, Rashaya, Aley and Matn, along with mashayakh from Suwayda’, Jabal al-Arab and Jabal
al-Sheikh, and popular delegations from all regions of Chouf,
Aley, Rashaya and Hasbaya.”
Among those attending was Mahmoud Qamiti, a member of the political office of Hezbollah,
which is an ally of the Arab Unity Party. Echoing familiar ‘resistance’ axis
discourse, Qamiti affirmed:
“Our honour will only be the honour of confronting the occupation and
confronting the conspiracy, the Western-American project, the takfiri enemy and the Israeli enemy. Our honour is from Palestine and in Palestine,
from Gaza and in Gaza,
and in all the land
of Palestine. Our honour
is in Syria and in the face
of the conspiracy against Syria,
and our honour is in the resistance.”
For some context, takfiri refers to the one who
declare others to be disbelievers, even when they profess to be Muslims. In the
discourse of Hezbollah and the ‘resistance’ axis, the term is often used to
refer to the wider Sunni insurgency in Syria, which, to be sure, harbours
considerable anti-Shi’a sentiment to the point of
pronouncing Shi’a to be non-Muslims. Qamiti also took the opportunity to emphasize the supposed
role of the ‘resistance’ in protecting Lebanon, working alongside the
Lebanese army and the security apparatus. Finally, Qamiti
appealed to the Druze in the Golan as well as Jabal
al-Arab and Jabal al-Sheikh, saying that they are
“our brothers and allies in the resistance and working to the
protect the Golan and Syria.”
For his own part, Wi’am Wahhab
outlined the supposed role of Saraya al-Tawheed, clarifying that the group does not comprise
“military or security brigades, or terrorist as the anxiously afraid say, but
rather brigades of the coming change, the stormy change, the change towards a
better tomorrow for us, our mountain and our people from Iqlim
al-Kharoub to the last mountain and last patch of eart in Lebanon, from the south to the north: they are
civilian brigades, rejecting the use of weapons except in self-defence and
supporting the Lebanese army and the security forces if anything requires that,
and confronting any ‘Israeli’ aggression. They are part of the resistance.” Wahhab also highlighted his solidarity with the Assad
regime, the Syrian army, “the Lebanese resistance” that has stood by Assad, and
the Druze communities in Syria
that have fended off rebel assaults (e.g. Hadr in Quneitra). Wahhab further took
the opportunity to address his rival Walid Jumblatt, calling on him and others to come together “in
solidarity under the banner of the mashaykh and not
under the banner of anyone else.”
Here, it is worth noting two points with regards to Saraya
al-Tawheed. First, the group did not suddenly come
into existence last month. Rather, the groundwork was being laid for months
prior to the parade and event in al-Jahiliya.
According to the official for the Saraya al-Tawheed Facebook page who spoke
with me, Saraya al-Tawheed
was established six months ago. Indeed, in October 2016 the group was discussed
in an article in the Lebanese newspaper al-Nahar, in
which the Arab Unity Party’s media director Hisham
al-Awar made clear that the outlining of the
framework and aims had already begun some time ago and that there were plans to
hold a Saraya al-Tawheed
parade on 20 November (as reported above) as part of “a celebration of
solidarity with our Arab people in the occupied Golan, Jabal
al-Sheikh and Jabal al-Arab”- all areas inhabited by
Syrian Druze.
In the same discussion with al-Nahar, al-Awar claimed that Saraya al-Tawheed already had “hundreds of members” not limited to
Druze areas only, and that there were young women in the group as well.
According to al-Awar, the notion of women being
encouraged to join Saraya al-Tawheed
was partly based on what Wahhab saw on his last visit
to Hadr, in that a group of young women were
apparently fighting in the area (cf. Labawat al-Jabal in Suwayda’). On the
subject of whether there were links with Hezbollah’s Saraya
al-Muqawama (“The Resistance Brigades”) that recruits
al-Awar said that while the aims of Saraya al-Tawheed and Saraya al-Muqawama may overlap in
many respects, Saraya al-Tawheed
is “independent with its own framework, assignments, responsibilities and
administrative organization.”
The second important point to make is that Saraya
al-Tawheed’s scope is not limited to Lebanon, even as the Arab Unity Party’s
messaging at the present time has largely focused on the idea of Saraya al-Tawheed as a youth
group and support force for the Lebanese army and security forces to defend
against attacks on Lebanon.
The same official for the Saraya al-Tawheed Facebook page affirmed to
me that “Saraya al-Tawheed
in Syria
is defending the land and honour in the localities and villages, particularly
in Hadr and Suwayda’.” The
members of Saraya al-Tawheed
in Syria,
according to this source, are “of Syrian origin.” A photo circulated on 24
November appears to show members of Saraya al-Tawheed in the Hadr area, put out
with a caption on a Wi’am Wahhab
Facebook page: “Tribute to Saraya
al-Tawheed in Hadr who have
prevented the terrorists from entering the locality with the participation of
the rest of their brothers, mashaykh and people.”
It may then be asked what the difference is between Saraya
al-Tawheed and the Ammar
bin Yasir Battalion. Well, not much, really. As per
the official for the Saraya al-Tawheed
Facebook page, the Ammar
bin Yasir Battalion has supposedly been around since “the
July war until today,” whereas Saraya al-Tawheed is a newer formation, even as both groups are “two
faces of one coin.” The July war, known in Arabic as Harb
Tamuz, refers to the conflict between Israel and Lebanon that began in July 2006
after Hezbollah attacked a group of Israeli soldiers. These events took place
soon after the initial foundations of the Arab Unity Party in late May 2006. It
should be noted that there appears to be no public
information attesting to the existence of the Ammar
bin Yasir Battalion as far back as 2006, though that
does not necessarily mean it did not exist at that point. For
comparison, the Iraqi militia and political faction Saraya
al-Khorasani only really came to public light at
first in 2013 with its involvement in the Syrian civil war but in reality, as
subsequent information that has come to light has shown, it has roots going
back much further to the 1980s and 1990s. Another case for comparison might be
the Syrian Hezbollah faction called the National Ideological Resistance, which,
as its leader claimed to me in an interview in 2014, has roots going back to
mid-2009. Of course, there could be a degree of rhetorical exaggeration here,
but one must not automatically assume that a movement comes into being simply
when it begins announcing its existence on contemporary social media.
The most likely motivation for the establishment of Saraya
al-Tawheed is that it ostensibly represents more than
just a mere militia amid a Lebanese political climate that may be wary of new militias
that simply display shows of armed force. In contrast, the Ammar
bin Yasir Battalion is something that has been very
low-key apart from the claiming of ‘martyrs’ in Syria and cannot necessarily be
presented as something beyond an armed group/militia. Wahhab
also presents Saraya al-Tawheed
as embodying something analogous to sports associations, while emphasizing a
defensive function in support of the Lebanese state and within the framework of
the law.
Accordingly, Saraya al-Tawheed
can perhaps be seen as more useful than the Ammar bin
Yasir Battalion in terms of being a means of
asserting greater political influence in Syria
and Lebanon,
by functioning as both a militia force and a form of wider social outreach. To
conclude, an analogue here might be the Lebanese branch of the Syrian Social
Nationalist Party (SSNP), which has a militia in the form of Nusur al-Zawba’a that has been
fighting in support of the Assad regime in Syria
and presenting itself as defending Lebanon, while engaging in wider
social outreach in its zones of influence and control. The Lebanese SSNP has
been able to extend its influence deep into regime-held Syria in particular, especially among the
Christian populations in Homs and Hama. Perhaps the Arab
Unity Party could achieve something similar with the Druze populations in Syria
through the Saraya al-Tawheed
Did Hezbollah really censor Fairouz?
Hussain Abdul-Hussain/Now
Lebanon/December 05/16
The ban by Hezbollah-affiliated students at Lebanese University of Fairouz’s music should be taken up with the dean, and,
failing that, the LU president
Last week, pro-Hezbollah members of the Student Council at the Lebanese
University (LU) forcefully prohibited their fellow students from playing Fairouz songs on campus. Social media exploded. A flurry of
angry Lebanese denounced Hezbollah’s bullying at LU, as media organizations
reported that “Hezbollah banned Fairouz’s songs on LU
campus.” But there is a catch. To my knowledge, there has been no statement
from the Hezbollah party apparatus on the issue. Hezbollah’s media arms, such
as Al-Ahed and Al-Manar
websites, remained silent. Outside of the social media sphere, nothing suggests
that Hezbollah was involved in the LU censorship incident. Media organizations
that reported on Hezbollah’s censorship could have contacted the party’s
communication officials to inquire about the incident, something these media
organizations failed to do, leaving many of us with the feeling that what
happened at LU could have just been some childish behavior
on part of the Student Council.
Hezbollah’s LU censorship incident was not the first of its kind. There have
been reports of pro-Hezbollah mayors in south Lebanon issuing warnings against Internet
cafes, and other mayors forcing illegal ban on alcohol sale. While all such
acts, including the censorship of music, harassment of Internet cafes and
banning alcohol sales, match Hezbollah’s taste and ideology, we cannot ascribe
enforcing them to the party, especially when Hezbollah remains silent on these
incidents. Hezbollah has the strongest intelligence network in Lebanon, and
should it plan to harass music listeners or alcohol consumers, the list of
night clubs to-be-harassed in the country will keep the party busy for a few
years. Hezbollah can do serious damage to Lebanon’s night life, the pride of
many Lebanese, had the party really intended to do so.
Yet apparently, Lebanon’s night life is flourishing, and there are even reports
of night life joints opening shop in the Beirut’s southern suburb, Hezbollah’s
stronghold, to the extent that the party’s leadership has publicly asked police
to crack down on drug sales and consumption in Hezbollah’s neighborhoods.
So who censored Fairouz songs at LU? What we know is
that the members of the Student Council have an open affiliation with
Hezbollah. What we do not know is to what extent were these students acting
independently, or under instructions from a central Hezbollah authority. For us
to believe that Hezbollah has decreed to censor music on university campuses,
we would have expected pro-Hezbollah students at other universities to show
similar behavior, which is not the case. This leaves
us with one remaining possibility. Hezbollah does grant its student leaders autonomy on campuses, provided that these students
stick to the party’s guidelines and ideology. It is in the party’s creed that
“non-anthem” music is prohibited. The LU Hezbollah students did bully their
colleagues to stop playing Fairouz's songs, and
perhaps Hezbollah is not happy with the attention that its LU students have
brought its way. Yet the party, in line with its ideology, cannot instruct its
loyalist students who censor music on their campuses to behave otherwise.
The best way to deal with Hezbollah students at LU was to pursue the
issue through legal channels: Raise the issue with the dean, and if nothing
comes out of him, take it up with the LU president. If all else fails, go to
the local police, and even to courts.
The best way to call the bluff of Hezbollah’s students is to take up the
issue with higher authorities in a way that will force the leadership of the
party to react. Hezbollah will most probably distance itself from its bully
students. If the party does not, and rather supports their position, then it
will be interesting to debate the issue on a national level. Exchanges over
social media and trying to score a quick victory against Hezbollah by accusing
it of censorship may not be the best course of action. There is no firm
evidence that censorship came from the party, apart from speculation. Freedom
of expression is a serious matter, and dealing with any infringements should be
similarly serious, mature and smart.
Meet the Lebanese businessman building
Israel's new warships
Smadar Perry, Tamar Shabak/Ynetnews/December 05/16
Iskandar Safa is the CEO of
Abu Dhabi MAR, contracted to build four Sa'ar 6-class
corvette warships for the Israeli Navy. But his relationship with Israel began
years earlier, when in 1989 he was asked to help in the search for Israeli
navigator Ron Arad.
French-Lebanese businessman Iskandar Safa is the CEO of shipbuilding company Abu Dhabi MAR,
which was contracted last year to build four Sa'ar
6-class corvette warships for the Israeli Navy. But his relationship with Israel began
years before—when asked to help in the search for Israeli navigator Ron Arad.
In the summer of 1989, on a luxurious yacht in the French Riviera, a polite but
straightforward Israeli man approached French journalist Roger Auque.
"My name is Amos, I'm Israeli. There's an Israeli pilot—Ron Arad is his
name—who has been held captive since 1986," the Israeli man told Auque without wasting any time on formal introductions.
"We think the person who got you released from captivity can help
us," Amos added.
The Israelis, Auque revealed in an autobiography
released after his death, had asked to be introduced to a French businessman of
Lebanese descent—Iskandar Safa,
nicknamed "Sandy"—and in return promised Auque
an interview with Sheikh Obeid, the spiritual leader of the Amal
militant group based in Lebanon.
Safa had helped free Auque,
who was kidnapped by Hezbollah when he was in Beirut.
Auque accepted the request and came to Israel, where Amos was waiting for him along
with the Mossad agent "Tony" and Israeli
diplomat Uri Lubrani, who was at the time the
Coordinator of Government Activities in Lebanon.
The interview with Sheikh Obeid never materialized, but Auque
got a different story instead. When he returned to Paris, Auque
fulfilled his part of the deal and introduced Lubani
to the French businessman.
In his autobiography, Auque revealed that the meeting
between Lubani and Safa was
held in the latter's spacious apartment in one of Paris' upscale arrondissements.
Lubani confirmed the story to Yedioth
Ahronoth on Sunday, saying "I met with a lot of
Lebanese figures in an effort to gather information
on the fate of Ron Arad, and I remember there was one among them called Safa."
Iskandar (Alexandre) Safa was born in 1955 to a a Maronite Christian family in Ghadir, a town in northern Lebanon. Having completed his BE in Civil Engineering at the American
University of Beirut
in 1978, Safa proceeded to take his MBA at INSEAD, in
Fontainebleau, France in 1982.
Along with his younger brother Akram, Iskandar Safa owns the Beirut and Paris-based Privinvest
Holding Group, a major defense contractor in Europe. It controls shipyards and facilities in France, the United
Kingdom, Greece,
the United Arab Emirates and
Through Privinvest, Safa
owns 30 percent of the shares of Abu Dhabi MAR, serves as the non-executive
vice chairman of the board of Marfin Investment
Group, a Greek listed holding company, and controls FIMAS SA, a French company
with extensive real estate development and hospitality activities in the south
of France. He also controls French shipyard Constructions Mécaniques
de Normandie.
Safa is known in France for his involvement in two
dubious affairs in the 1980s and 1990s. The first, in the late 1980s, involves
ransom that was reportedly paid by the French government to free a group of
French diplomats and journalists that were kidnapped in Lebanon.
The second affair, dubbed "Angola-gate," came to light in 1991, when
reports emerged that right-wing politicians in France
tried to send $790 million worth of arms to Angola
President José Eduardo dos Santos,
who was fighting rebels in his country.
In both cases, some of the money disappeared somewhere along the way, and Safa was suspected of having mediated between the two sides
and taking a hefty commission.
An anonymous source told a French newspaper at the time that Safa "had connections in all communities in the Middle
East, including Israel
and the Mossad."
In 2010, he was reported to be brokering a deal for the French company Dassault Aviation, which was trying to sell its Rafale fighter plane to Saudi Arabia.
In 2012, it was reported that Safa, a friend of
Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, tried to
broker several deals between Libya
and different shipyards around the world.
Safa also brokered a deal to purchase to battle ships
for the Algerian Navy from the German-based ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.
Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 05-06/16
Iran Detains Dozens Of
Christian Converts As Rights Group Urge World To Intervene
BosNewsLife, December 3, 2016
TEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)–
A group of 19 influential human rights groups have urged the United Nations and
the international community to help protect Christian converts in Iran saying
scores of believers were detained for leaving Islam. In a statement to BosNewsLife the activists said that the “Islamic Republic
of Iran” has been “homing in on converts from a Muslim background”. Between May
and August 2016 security forces forces arrested at
least 79 Christians, according to activists, family members and friends.
“The majority of those arrested were interrogated and detained for periods
ranging from a few days to months.” the groups said. “At the time of writing
some of these 79 Christians remain in detention and have still not been
formally charged.”
Rights groups say “the true number of Christians apprehended by the authorities
could be notably higher” as “many” arrests would have gone unreported. In 2012,
government began to bar converts from Muslim backgrounds from attending
services in official churches. Instead Christian converts “are forced” to
gather in informal groups known as “house churches”, the activists said. “These
gatherings are considered illegal by authorities and are often raided. In
August 2016 alone security agents allegedly raided at least four house churches
and the house church members were arrested and interrogated.
Iran IRGC commanding Aleppo killings
from “Fort Behuth” southeast of the city
NCRI Statements/ Monday, 05 December 2016
IRGC presence, transfer of weapons to Syria are flagrant violations of
UNSC resolutions
The main Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) command center and barracks in
Aleppo is at “Fort Behuth,” located 30 kilometers southeast of the city (5 kilometers
south of the city of al-Safire). Iran
has named this site as “Fort Hazrat Roqiye,” under the command of IRGC Brigadier General Seyed Javad Ghafari,
commanding all IRGC forcers in Aleppo.
Ghafari, with experience from the Iran-Iraq War
of the 1980s, has for the past three years commanded the Aleppo
military campaign and Syria’s
northern front. He has recently been appointed as field commander of all IRGC
forces in Syria.
A few months ago he joined IRGC Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani in a meeting
with Bashar Assad, where the Syrian dictator praised Ghafari. He has also joined Suleimani
to meet with Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nassrollah.
There are two command centers inside this base. One is associated to the
IRGC command structure, while the second center is home to senior Hezbollah
commanders alongside the IRGC. This is where military operations are
blueprinted. A number of Syrian army officers and commanders are also present
in this base, busy coordinating their operations with the IRGC. This base is
one of the permanent centers of the IRGC’s so-called
“Saberin” (commando) battalions. These forces are
equipped with armored personnel carriers and 107mm
mini-Katiusha rockets.
Each of the proxy groups linked to the IRGC have
their own specific section in the base. Commander of the Fatemiyoun
(IRGC’s Afghan mercenaries) in Fort Behuth
is Brigadier Commander Amirpour.These forces are
stationed 500 meters from the IRGC.
Fort Behuth,
located near the Jabul salt lake, was prior to this
considered one of the most important centers of chemical, ammunition and
missile production for the Assad regime’s weapons of mass destruction. Located
close to a salt mine, this base facilitates the provision of raw material
needed for chemical weapons. The Assad army has codenamed the site as 350.
Fort Behuth and its
related centers located south of al-Safire comprise the IRGC’s
missile production site.
“Syria has reached the
point that in the past few years Iran
has launched missile production units in Aleppo,”
said General Mohammad Bagheri, joint
chiefs of staff of Iran’s
armed forces on November 10.
Former IRGC commander Rahim Safavi,
currently the military advisor to Iranian regime leader Ali Khamenei,
said in an interview on September 22 with Iran’s state TV that the main role
in this war is on the shoulders of the ground forces, consisting of the IRGC,
terrorist Quds Force foot-soldiers from various
countries and the Syrian army. The IRGC and its mercenaries are coordinating
the vicious bombings conducted in Aleppo,
he admitted.
As the Iranian Resistance has announced time and again, the mullahs’
regime and the IRGC are the main elements behind massacring the Syrian people
and prolonging this crisis. By plundering money belonging to the Iranian people
in the Syrian war, the Iranian regime has forced the entire region to bring of
utter devastation. Last week the Iranian Resistance made public the names of 39
IRGC brigadier generals and 30 IRGC colonels killed in the Syria war.
The Iranian regime deploying armed forces and sending weapons to Syria is a
flagrant violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions and
international covenants. The first necessary step to resolve this crisis is to
fully evict the mullahs’ regime, the IRGC and their proxy groups from Syria.
Otherwise, peace will never return to the region and nor will Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) be ever uprooted.
National Council of Resistance of Iran/Security and Anti-Terrorism
Commission/December 5, 2016
Iran: 12 Fashion Models Were Totally
Sentenced to 379 months of Imprisonment
Monday, 05 December 2016/NCRI - Iran's Criminal Court in Shiraz – Central Iran,
sentenced the 12 accused of modeling case to 379 months of imprisonment, banned
from leaving the country as well as employment in certain professions. As state
run Ilna news agency reports on 5th December 2016,
the attorney of the modeling defendants said:"this
file has 12 accused consisting of 8 women and 4 men. The head of Branch 117 of
the Criminal Court 2 of Shiraz charged the defendants with offering Western
models in fashion exhibitions, shaping mannequins, and promoting the culture of
nudity." Mahmoud Taravatrooy
claimed that each defendant is sentenced to imprisonment from 5 months to 6
years. He also talked about the issued sentences and said:"a
man and woman were each sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment, the prohibition
of employment in the industry of fashion design and production. They are also
banned from exhibiting any fashion shows for two years after the end of the
sentence. Another woman was sentenced to 1 year of imprisonment and a couple
was each sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment as well as the prohibition of
employment in the fashion industry. They are also banned from working in photography
studio two years after the end of prison time. In addition to that, another
woman was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment, prohibition of employment in
the fashion industry and she is forbidden to hold fashion exhibitions for two
years after the end of prison time. " The
attorney of those accused of modeling in Shiraz
also added:"in this case, another woman is
sentenced to 5 months of imprisonment and banned from designing and holding
fashion exhibition for two years after the end of the sentence. The last
accused is a man who is also sentenced to two years of imprisonment and
prohibition of employment in the photography industry for two years after the
end of the sentence. As a complementary punishment, the court also bans the
defendants from leaving the country for two years; starting from the end of
Iran: Political Prisoners Condemn Ahmad Montazeri's Prison Sentence
Monday, 05 December 2016/NCRI - Some of political prisoners in Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison – West Tehran have condemned Ahmad Montazeri’s
21-year prison sentence.
The statement issued by these prisoners reads: “Mr. Ahmad Montazeri’s unjust and questionable sentence issued by the Special Clerical Court
for his publishing an already revealed audio tape belonging to Ayatollah Montazeri regarding the massacre of political prisoners in
the summer of 1988 is a clear injustice.”The essay
continues: “at a time when the regime’s security president Rouhani
and the corrupt Minister of Justice are speaking of freedom of expression, the
issuance of such a sentence is oppressive and contrary to all international
legal standards. On one hand, the sentence shows the confusion and insecurity
of the whole system and on the other hand it points to regime’s fear of the new
wave of disclosures and international justice seeking demands initiated by
nations and natural and legal figures regarding the massacre of political
prisoners in the summer of 1988. But the regime is unaware of the fact that its
chances are over and it must reap what it has already sown. Regime has no
option but to accede to a series of trials regarding the tortures, executions,
assassinations, behind-the-scenes crimes during the 8-year-old war (Iran-Iraq
war), nuclear program, killing people in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon,
thefts, corruption, billion-toman embezzlements and
suspicious deaths of prisoners of conscience. And this is the history’s clear
message to all the dictatorships. Mandated by our human responsibility, we, the
political prisoners, fundamentally condemn the interrogation, filing lawsuit,
and issuance of such a cruel and inhumane sentence, and demand the
international bodies and human rights organizations to prevent its execution.”
Russia, China
Veto U.N. Resolution Demanding Aleppo Truce as
Regime Forces Advance on Ground
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Russia said Monday it would hold talks with Washington
on a total rebel withdrawal from Syria's
Aleppo, where
the army has made sweeping advances, but opposition factions rejected any
evacuation. President Bashar Assad's forces have
seized two-thirds of the former rebel bastion in east Aleppo since they began an operation to
recapture all of the battered second city in
mid-November. The assault has raised an international outcry, but Russia and China Monday vetoed a U.N. Security
Council resolution calling for a seven-day ceasefire in the city. Tens of
thousands of east Aleppo
residents have fled to other parts of the city from the fighting, which has
raised widespread international concern. The rapid regime gains have left
opposition fighters reeling, and earlier Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov said talks would be held on a rebel
evacuation. "During the Russian-American consultations the concrete route
and timeframe for the withdrawal of all fighters from eastern Aleppo
will be agreed upon," Lavrov said, adding the
discussions in Geneva
would probably start on Tuesday or Wednesday. "As soon as these routes and
timeframes are agreed on, a ceasefire can come into effect," Lavrov said. But rebel groups swiftly rejected any talk of
an evacuation. Yasser al-Youssef of the Nureddine al-Zinki faction, a
leading rebel group in Aleppo,
described any such proposal as "unacceptable.""It
is for the Russians to leave," he told AFP. Moscow
is a close ally of Assad's government, and launched a military intervention in
support of Damascus
last year. Government troops have also been bolstered by Iranian forces,
fighters from Lebanon's
Hizbullah and Shiite fighters from other countries.
'Revolutionaries won't leave'
"The revolutionaries will not leave Aleppo and will fight the Russian and
Iranian occupation until the last drop of blood," said Abu Abdel Rahman al-Hamawi of the Army of
Islam, another smaller rebel group active in Aleppo. Rebels have been forced to
evacuate several of their strongholds in Syria
during the conflict, including a string of areas near Damascus in recent months. In many instances,
they have reached deals with the government after months of army siege and
fierce fighting, agreeing to lay down their arms in return for safe passage to
rebel territory elsewhere. Among the most well-known evacuations was the 2014
exit of rebels from the Old City of Homs after a two-year government siege. But
if Washington and Moscow
were to agree a deal for a rebel evacuation from Aleppo, it would mark the first time that the
two powers, which back opposing sides in the war, have negotiated the
withdrawal of opposition forces. Estimates for the number of rebels in east Aleppo vary, with the
Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor putting the figure at
15,000 before the current assault began. The U.N.'s Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura in October put
the number at 8,000 rebels, saying around 900 of them belonged to the Fateh al-Sham Front, al-Qaida's former Syrian affiliate
previously known as al-Nusra Front. The loss of Aleppo would be the biggest defeat yet for opposition
forces in Syria's
five-year civil war.
Army pounds east Aleppo
Russia is a staunch ally of Syria's government, and began a military
intervention in support of Damascus
in September 2015. It says it is not involved in the current offensive in Aleppo, which has seen
the army advance quickly as it pounds the east with air strikes, barrel bombs
and artillery fire. But Moscow
has sent field hospitals to the city, and said Monday one of the facilities was
hit by rebel fire, killing two Russian army medics and wounding another. On the
ground in the east, Syrian troops battled rebels in the Shaar
district, which the army has almost completely encircled after advancing
overnight. The army on Monday pounded remaining rebel territory with incessant
strikes and artillery fire that sent up plumes of smoke visible from across the
city. The Observatory says at least 324 people have been killed in east Aleppo during the
offensive, including 44 children. Rebel fire into the government-held west of
the city has killed 73 people, including 29 children, in the same period, the
monitor says. On Monday, state news agency SANA
said eight people had been killed in rebel fire on west Aleppo, and an AFP correspondent in the west
reported heavy incoming rocket fire that shook buildings.
Syria Rebels Rule out Withdrawal from Aleppo
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Syrian rebels on Monday ruled out a pullout from east Aleppo
despite sweeping government advances, after Moscow
announced it would hold talks with Washington
on their withdrawal from the city. The Syrian army has seized two-thirds of
east Aleppo and
continued to advance on Monday, pounding remaining opposition-held territory.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said earlier
that Moscow would hold talks with Washington this week on a timeframe for the withdrawal of
all rebels from Aleppo.
"During the Russian-American consultations, the concrete route and
timeframe for the withdrawal of all fighters from eastern Aleppo
will be agreed upon," he said, indicating the talks in Geneva would likely start on Tuesday or
Wednesday. "As soon as these routes and timeframes are agreed on, a ceasefire
can come into effect," Lavrov said. But
officials from two rebel groups in Aleppo
said they would reject any plan that involved the withdrawal of fighters from
the city. Yasser al-Youssef of the Nureddine al-Zinki rebel group
said any proposals "for the exit of rebel groups would be unacceptable.""It is for the Russians to leave Aleppo, and for the sectarian militias to leave Aleppo and Syria
and stop interfering in the internal affairs of Syrians," he told AFP. Russia is a staunch ally of Syria's government,
and it launched a military campaign to bolster President Bashar
al-Assad's forces in September 2015. The government also fights alongside Lebanon's
Shiite Hezbollah movement, Iranian forces and Shiite fighters from other
countries. "The revolutionaries will not leave Aleppo and will fight the Russian and Iranian
occupation until the last drop of blood," said Abu Abdel Rahman al-Hamawi of the Army of
Islam, another rebel group. "This is our land and the land of our
ancestors, and we will stay on it, and defend it, God willing," he said.
"The revolution will continue until victory."Both
officials said rebels remained willing to approve a UN plan for the entry of
humanitarian aid into the east, which has been besieged by government forces
since mid-July. Rebel forces seized east Aleppo
in 2012, and the army last month launched a major operation to recapture it. So
far it has seized two-thirds of the east in a ferocious assault that has killed
nearly 320 civilians and over 200 rebels, according to a monitoring group.
Russian Field Hospital Hit in Syria's
Aleppo, Nurse Killed
Associated Press/Naharnet/December 05/16/Rebel
shelling of Syrian government-held part of Aleppo killed a Russian nurse in a
makeshift Russian hospital in the city on Monday while the Defense
Ministry in Moscow said a Russian fighter jet crashed into the Mediterranean
Sea after returning from a sortie over Syria. The developments were a blow to Russia, which
has been one of the staunchest supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad in his country's bitter civil war, now in its
sixth year. The shelling in Aleppo that killed
the female nurse also wounded two Russian doctors working in the field
hospital, a Russian officer in Aleppo
told reporters. He spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.
The hospital equipment was part of aid that Moscow
had sent into the Furqan neighborhood
in the government part of Aleppo
the previous day. In Moscow, the Russian Defense Ministry said a Su-33 fighter jet, based on the
aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, crashed into the
Mediterranean Sea after returning from a sortie over Syria. The ministry said that
"because of the failure of the arrester system's cable, the Su-33 fighter
rolled off the deck" on Monday. The pilot successfully ejected and was
unharmed in the incident, the ministry said, adding that Russian military
operations over Syria
will not be affected by the incident. This is the second loss of an aircraft
from Russia's only aircraft
carrier since it arrived off Syria
last month. A MiG-29 crashed into the sea on Nov. 15 while attempting to land
on the Admiral Kuznetsov. In Aleppo,
rebel shelling on the government-held part of the contested city has
intensified in recent weeks as Syrian government and allied troops push their
way into parts of Aleppo
controlled by the opposition. In an offensive that began last week, Syrian
government forces seized large swaths of the Aleppo enclave that have been under rebel
control since 2012. The fighting was most intense on Monday near the dividing
line between east and west Aleppo
as government and allied troops pushed their way from the eastern flank,
reaching within less than 1 kilometer (half a mile)
from the citadel in the center of the city. Rebel fighters clashed with
advancing troops and also lobbed mortars and shells into the
government-controlled part of Aleppo
to the west. Syrian State TV said four civilians were killed Monday in three
different neighborhoods in western Aleppo. The opposition-run Thiqa News agency and the Syrian Civil Defense
in Aleppo city
said four civilians were killed in rebel-held Zabadiyeh
district when barrel bombs were dropped there. In the nearby rebel-controlled Idlib province, Syrian opposition activists said Russian
and Syrian aircraft stepped up assaults, a day after air raids killed more than
60 people. The activist-run Local Coordination Committees said airstrikes on
Monday hit the towns of Binnish, Maarat
Nasaan, and Saraqib, as
well as the provincial capital, Idlib. The network
said three children were killed, blaming the attacks on Russian aircraft. The
Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 288 civilians have been
killed in the province since Oct. 20, when Syrian government and Russian
aircraft intensified airstrikes. The Syrian Civil Defense
in Idlib said 65 civilians were killed in Sunday's
airstrikes across the province, including attacks on two rural marketplaces
that killed dozens.
In Aleppo, Dreaming of Home but Finding Only Rubble
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Kafa Jawish hadn't slept in days, daydreaming
of seeing her home in east Aleppo for the first time in four years, but when
she arrived she found little more than rubble. The 36-year-old was among
hundreds of Syrians returning to east Aleppo
in recent days after the army recaptured large swathes of the city from rebels
and encouraged residents to visit neighborhoods and
homes they left years earlier. She could barely contain her excitement as she
sat on a government bus heading to her neighborhood
of Haydariya in northeast Aleppo, recaptured by the army earlier in the
week. "I left my house four years ago and I'm just so happy to be going to
see it, I haven't slept for three days because I'm so excited," she told
AFP as the bus wound its way from western Aleppo.
"I want to ululate with happiness when I see my house safe and
sound," she said, dressed warmly in a black coat and headscarf that framed
her smiling face. Stuffed into a bus crowded with other passengers, she and her
husband Tajeddin Ahmed discussed their plans to
return home, after years living in the Syriac Quarter
in central Aleppo.
"I'm going to go back to living in my house no matter what condition it's
in," she said firmly. "We're tired of paying rent,
we miss our house and our families and our neighbors."
The couple fled Haydariya in July 2012, when rebels
entered the city, leaving at dawn one morning without any of their belongings
and moving into the ancient Syriac Quarter. More than
half of Syria's
population has been displaced internally or abroad by the conflict that began
with anti-government protests in March 2011 before spiraling
into a war that has killed over 300,000 people.
Shocking destruction
"I want to go back to the house that I lived in with my family and go back
to living together safely and happily," said Ahmed, 45. "I'm
really hoping we'll find the house in good shape." His phone rang as they
talked: an old neighbor who couldn't leave work asked
Ahmed to check on his house too. As the bus set out, Jawish
expressed hope that her neighborhood might be
relatively untouched, reasoning it was far from the frontlines that saw the
worst fighting. East Aleppo has seen some of
the worst violence of the war, and has been pounded by the army since it began
an operation to recapture the city in mid-November. As the bus edged closer to Haydariya, Jawish’s smile dropped
away, and she and Ahmed fell silent. Along the road, buildings were partially
or fully collapsed, windows long blown out and furnishings destroyed or looted.
The route itself was cratered in places, and the bus bounced as Ahmed stared
grimly out of the window, murmuring prayers. Jawish
tried to pick out places that held memories, spotting an area she used to
picnic with her husband. Growing impatient with the bus's slow, careful progress,
she tried in vain to convince her husband to get out and walk the rest of the
way so she could get to her house quicker. But when they finally arrived, she
burst into tears at the sight of their building, parts of the length of one
side of it completely gone, leaving the inside exposed to the elements.
Old life 'a memory'
Most of the windows were blown out, along with their frames, the front door was
missing and a stack of broken tiles was piled up in the doorway. Unable to
enter the damaged building, the couple stood on tiptoes to peer in through a
ground floor window at their old apartment. "We were so optimistic, I
thought I was going to ululate when we arrived, but now we've found it like
this, uninhabitable," she said tearfully. "We spent years working to
make a home, buying things for it, bit by bit, until we had a washing machine
and a fridge, and now there's nothing in it and the house is destroyed. Oh God."She
described the concerts that once took place at their house, with people playing
the lute and singing. "When I look at the house I remember all those
beautiful moments." Ahmed appeared stunned as he looked on, repeating over
and over: "Thank God for our health and wellbeing.""We
sacrificed so much to make this house our home, how will we start over
again?" Jawish asked. "I know that our
relatives will all be in the same situation as us, who will help us?" The
couple left to walk through the neighborhood,
checking on the homes of their neighbors, all
similarly damaged and gutted. Their old life, Jawish
said, "has become just a memory."
Second Russian Airplane Crashes in Failed
Carrier Landing near Syria
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Russia's defence ministry on Monday said a Sukhoi
jet attempting a landing on its Admiral Kuznetsov
aircraft carrier crashed after rolling off the deck, making it the second
warplane to crash in a month. "After carrying out its military assignment
in Syrian airspace, a Su-33 fighter rolled beyond the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier during landing due to breakage
of the arresting cable," the defence ministry said in a statement quoted
by Russian news agencies.
Two Senior Iraqi Officers Killed in
Clashes with IS
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Two senior Iraqi army officers have been killed in clashes with the
Islamic State group south of the embattled jihadist bastion of Mosul, the
military command said Monday. The brigadier general and colonel were killed
Sunday in the Sharqat area, 90 kilometers
(55 miles) from Mosul
where Iraqi forces are pressing an offensive to retake the city from the
jihadists, the Joint Operations Command said. Iraqi forces recaptured the
western part of Sharqat in September but IS still
controls eastern Sharqat. Tens of thousands of Iraqi
forces backed by a U.S.-led coalition launched a massive operation to retake Mosul, the jihadists' last major bastion in Iraq, on
October 17.
French PM Valls
Joins Presidential Race
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Monday
threw his hat in the ring to succeed Francois Hollande
in next year's presidential election. "I am a candidate for the presidency
of the Republic," Valls said, announcing he
would step down as prime minister on Tuesday to campaign for the Socialist nomination
in a primary in January. The 54-year-old Spanish-born premier announced his
candidacy in a speech from his political base in the tough Paris suburb of Evry,
in which he appealed to the fractured left to unite behind him. "I have a
responsibility today -- to unite," Valls, seen
as a divisive figure, said. He warned of the risk of far-right leader Marine Le
Pen shutting the left out of the decisive second round of the election in a
repeat of France's
2002 electoral earthquake when her father Jean-Marie Le Pen was beaten in the
runoff. Valls' entry into the race had been expected
after Hollande announced last week he would not seek
a second term, bowing to pressure to step aside, including from his prime
minister. Health Minister Marisol Touraine and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve are among those tipped to succeed him as premier
for the six months until legislative elections that follow the presidential
vote. The combative Valls meanwhile will go up
against at least seven other candidates for the nomination of the mainstream
left in a two-round primary on January 22 and 29.
The first round of the presidential election in France is due to be held on April
23 with a run-off on May 7. Polls show Marine Le Pen could come first or second
in the first round, but would likely lose to the conservative candidate
Francois Fillon in the second round. But with
Sunday's Italian referendum defeat for Prime Minister Matteo
Renzi just the latest rout of mainstream political
figures at the ballot box, no-one is ruling out a Le Pen victory.
Divided Socialists
The divided French left currently appears ill-equipped
for such a fight. Valls is a polarizing figure on the
left, accused of being a closet conservative for using decrees to force labor reforms through parliament and endorsing
controversial bans last summer on the Islamic "burkini"
swimsuit. Martine Aubry, a veteran Socialist and the
mayor of the northern city of Lille,
said Monday she did not believe Valls could unite the
Socialists. Polls currently show Valls winning the
primary but trailing behind Le Pen and Fillon in the
first round of the presidential election. Valls would
face a fight for votes with two candidates who are not standing in the
nominating contest -- business-friendly former economy minister Emmanuel Macron
and the fiery hard-left Jean-Luc Melenchon. Valls sought the Socialist nomination five years ago as a
rank outsider, winning only 5.6 percent on a platform seen as too economically
liberal. He became a spokesman for Hollande's
campaign and when the Socialist won the presidency he rewarded Valls with the post of interior minister. In 2014, Valls was promoted to prime minister with a mandate to rein
in a group of unruly ministers that were undermining Hollande's
authority. Within months he had a rival for the title of reformer-in-chief, in
the telegenic banker-turned-economy minister Macron. Hollande's protege walked out on
the government in August to further his own presidential ambitions --
infuriating Valls who accused him of "destroying
the left." Valls said Friday he was determined
to "defend the legacy" of Hollande, despite
opinion polls showing that his former boss is the least popular French
president for nearly 60 years. But in a newspaper interview last month, the
normally loyal Valls had himself turned on Hollande, saying explosive revelations contained in a book
of interviews between the president and two journalists had "plunged the
left into total disarray." Valls said he wanted
to "dispel the notion that defeat is inevitable" for the Socialists.
IS Loses Libya
Bastion in Major Blow to Jihadists
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Forces loyal to Libya's
U.N.-backed government said Monday they had seized full control of Sirte from the Islamic State group, in a major blow to the
jihadists who battled for months to retain their bastion. The battle for the
coastal city, which was the last significant territory held by IS in Libya, cost the
lives of hundreds of loyalist troops as well as an unknown number of IS
fighters. "Our forces have total control of Sirte,"
Reda Issa, a spokesman for
pro-government forces, told AFP. "Our forces saw Daesh
(IS) totally collapse."Forces allied with the
country's unity government launched an offensive to retake the city on May 12,
quickly seizing large areas of the city and cornering the jihadists. But IS put up fierce resistance with suicide car bombings, snipers
and improvised explosive devices. "Daesh
has totally collapsed and dozens of them have given themselves up to our
forces," said a statement on the loyalist forces' official Facebook page. The capture of Sirte
boosts the authority of the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA),
which was launched in Tripoli last March but
whose legitimacy is contested by a rival administration based in eastern Libya. The United States
started a bombing campaign in August at the request of the GNA to help local
forces recapture the city, seized by jihadists in June 2015. As of December 1, U.S. warplanes,
drones and helicopters had conducted 470 strikes. Libya descended into chaos
following the NATO-backed ousting of longtime
strongman Moammar Gadhafi
in 2011, with rival administrations emerging and well-armed militias vying for
control of the country's vast oil wealth. The infighting and lawlessness allowed
extremist groups such as IS to seize several coastal regions, giving the
jihadists a toehold on Europe's doorstep.
Far longer than planned
The fall of Sirte -- Gadhafi's hometown located 450 kilometers
(280 miles) east of Tripoli -- represents a major
setback for IS, which has also faced a series of military defeats in Syria and Iraq. Iraqi forces are advancing on
the IS stronghold of Mosul, while a U.S.-backed Kurdish-Arab alliance last
month launched an offensive to retake Raqa, the
Syrian capital of the "caliphate" the jihadists proclaimed in 2014.
"Losing it (Sirte) could cause a momentary loss
of traction, but a lot will depend on what happens in Syria and Iraq
and whether the ungoverned spaces in Libya
will remain such," said Mattia Toaldo, a Libya
expert with the European Council of Foreign Relations. Toaldo
said IS' failure to hold Sirte was due in part to the
group's lack of resources in Libya.
"They didn't manage to seize any considerable source of revenue," he
said. "What they found in the banks in Sirte was
not comparable to what they found in Mosul,
nor was there an equivalent weapons stockpile." The fight for Sirte took far longer than originally planned, but signs
emerged in recent days that IS fighters were about to capitulate. The Pentagon
last week said that IS holdouts were staging a "last stand" in their
former stronghold. Pro-GNA forces on Sunday said they had even arrested several
jihadists attempting to swim to safety. Almost seven months of fighting left
nearly 700 GNA fighters dead and 3,000 wounded. Issa said in November that the final assault was held up
mainly because it would "result in very intense street fighting and Daesh is determined to defend its positions right down to
the last square meter."Claudia Gazzini, an analyst with the International Crisis Group
think-tank, said that jihadists who escaped from Sirte
had likely moved south to Sebha, closer to Libya's borders with Algeria
and Niger.
Others from the group are believed to be operating in Benghazi
and possibly in and around Tripoli.
"Despite the demise of IS in Sirte we cannot
rule out that they will continue to have cells in other parts of the
country," Gazzini said.
With Fall of Sirte,
IS Down but Not Out in Libya
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/The fall of Sirte to pro-government forces is a
significant setback for the Islamic State group in Libya, but will not spell the end
of the jihadists in the strife-torn country, experts say. The loss of the
coastal city is the toughest blow yet to the group's ambitions to seize and
control territory in Libya
along the lines of its self-proclaimed "caliphate" in Syria and Iraq. But the group is likely to
maintain a clandestine presence and seek to undermine Libya's fragile
unity government. "The retaking of Sirte is
certainly a negative blow to IS affiliates in Libya
because they will no longer have a territorial stronghold in the country,"
said Claudia Gazzini, a Libya analyst at the International
Crisis Group. But the group is likely to maintain cells in other parts of the
country, she said. IS took advantage of the chaos following the fall of
dictator Moammar Gadhafi in
2011 to gain a foothold on Libya's Mediterranean coast, just a few hundred kilometers from Italy. As rival militias fought for
control, it had free rein to implant itself in Gadhafi's
home town, where it took control in 2015. "Conquering Sirte
and establishing a wilayat (a province in the
'caliphate') was a big propaganda coup which attracted fighters from all over
North Africa and the Sahel," said Mattia Toaldo, a Libya
expert with the European Council on Foreign Relations. "Losing it could
cause a momentary loss of traction, but a lot will depend on what happens in Syria and Iraq
and whether the ungoverned spaces in Libya will remain such."
A new base
According to French and American sources, some 5,000-7,000 IS fighters are
present across Libya.
It is impossible to say how many were killed during the seven-month battle for Sirte. Those who escaped may try to set up a new base
elsewhere in Libya,
said Gazzini.
She said IS militants may still have a presence around the capital Tripoli and in second city Benghazi in the east. Fighters who escaped Sirte have likely moved south to Sebha,
closer to Libya's borders
with Algeria and Niger, she
said. The lawless south is an important base for arms and people smugglers
across the Sahel region. "Southern Libya
offers ISIS some haven and logistical benefits but its remoteness is also a
liability," said Frederic Wehrey, a Libya expert at
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, using another name for the
"For it to find a place to govern and rule it would need to find a locale
suffering from marginalisation and some sort of tribal or social
constituency," he said. To operate, the group also needs money. IS
fighters in Libya have had
few financial resources compared to their colleagues in Iraq, who
seized assets from local banks and sold oil and archeological
treasures to fill the coffers of their "state." "(IS in Libya) didn't
manage to seize any considerable source of revenue," Toaldo
said. "What they found in the banks in Sirte was
not comparable to what they found in (the Iraqi city of) Mosul, nor was there an equivalent weapons stockpile."Foreign diplomats hope that the fall of Sirte will strengthen the Government of National Accord
(GNA), which has been operating in the capital since the spring but has little
clout across vast areas of the country. Experts fear the jihadists may operate
an underground network to carry out attacks against the GNA. "(IS might)
try to utilize clandestine networks to undertake spectacular attacks to erode
support for the already embattled GNA or dissuade foreigners from
returning," Wehrey said.
Jordan Military Plane Crash Kills Pilot
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/A Jordanian air force pilot was killed on Monday after his F-16 jet
crashed due to a technical fault during a training exercise, the army said. The
army statement did not specify the location of the accident, which happened as
the jet took off. In 2015, a Jordanian pilot and an Iraqi trainee were killed
when a light training aircraft -- a T67 Firefly -- crashed during a routine
military exercise. In 2013, another Firefly crashed in the north of the kingdom
because of technical problems, killing the pilot and a trainee. Jordan is part of the U.S.-led coalition of Arab
and Western countries carrying out air strikes against the Islamic State
jihadist group, which controls parts of Iraq
and neighboring Syria.
Saudi King on Regional Tour ahead of GCC
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Saudi Arabia's King Salman arrived in Qatar on
Monday as part of a rare regional tour ahead of the annual summit of Arab
leaders of the oil-rich Gulf states. The trip comes at the time of a political
transition in the United States
and as deadly conflicts rage in Syria,
Iraq and Yemen. Salman began his tour in the United
Arab Emirates, a key pillar of a Saudi-led Arab coalition
that has been battling Iran-backed Shiite Huthi
rebels in Yemen
since March 2015. After Qatar,
he will travel on to Kuwait
and Bahrain,
which is to host this year's Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit. His trip
excludes Oman, known for its
warm ties with the kingdom's regional arch-foe Iran and the only GCC member which
is not taking part in the Saudi-led coalition. British Prime Minister Theresa
May, visiting the Gulf for the first time since she came to office in July,
will attend the two-day GCC summit which begins December 6.
Israel Resumes Parcel Post into Gaza
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/Israel has begun allowing parcels to be sent to Gaza again, officials said Monday, months
after a ban over allegations the Palestinian enclave's Hamas rulers were using
them to smuggle weapons. "It was decided yesterday to renew the postal
services for packages into the Gaza Strip," said a statement from COGAT,
the Israeli defence ministry unit that implements government policies in the
Palestinian territories. It said the ban had been a result of multiple attempts
by Islamist movement Hamas, which runs Gaza,
to "smuggle materials for terror purposes, including knives, drones (and)
spy equipment."The statement did not say when
the ban came into force but Palestinian border authorities said it had been in
place for five months. COGAT said that letters and documents had not been
affected by the ban. Israel
and Palestinian militants in Gaza
have fought three wars since 2008 and the strip has been under an Israeli
blockade for around a decade. UN officials have called for the blockade to be
lifted, citing deteriorating conditions in the enclave of some two million
people. Israeli authorities say it is necessary to prevent Hamas from obtaining
weapons or the materials to make them.
Kerry Accuses Israeli Right of Sabotaging
Peace Process
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/December
05/16/U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday accused right-wing Israelis
of deliberately thwarting efforts to broker a peace deal with the Palestinians.
In unusually stark terms, Washington's
top diplomat warned that Israeli settlement building was undermining any hope
of an agreement to allow two states to live side-by-side. At the Saban Forum, an annual gathering of senior Israeli and U.S.
policymakers, Kerry said some members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
government had made "profoundly disturbing" statements. "And
more than 50 percent of the ministers in the current government have publicly
stated they are opposed to a Palestinian state and that there will be no
Palestinian state," he said. Earlier in the day, Netanyahu had addressed
the forum via video link, arguing that Israeli settlement building was not an
obstacle to peace. Israel
was ready for talks with no preconditions, he said, urging Arab governments to
recognize the state of Israel.
However, Kerry dismissed the idea that more Arab states would strike peace
deals with Israel
without any moves towards an agreement with the Palestinians. "There will
be no advance and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian
process and Palestinian peace," he said. "Everybody needs to
understand that. That is a hard reality." In the U.S. government's view, Israel's
accelerated building on Palestinian-owned land is not only an obstacle to peace
but deliberately so, Kerry added. "I'm not here to tell you that the
settlements are the reason for the conflict, no, they're not," Kerry said.
"But I also can not accept the notion that they don't affect the peace
process, that they aren't a barrier to the capacity to have peace," he argued.
"And I'll tell you why I know that: because the left in Israel is
telling everybody they are a barrier to peace and the right that supports it
openly supports it because they don't want peace." U.S. President Barack
Obama's administration, which comes to an end next month with no prospect of a
revived peace process, has been frustrated by the attitude of Netanyahu's
government. Still, Kerry insisted Israel
has no greater friend than Washington.
Since he arrived at the State Department in February 2013, he has spoken to
Netanyahu on 375 formally recorded occasions for more than 130 hours of
discussions, he said. Washington has opposed
all attempts to pressure Israel
through votes on United Nations bodies, he added, and has just signed a 10-year
$38 billion military support deal, the biggest in U.S. history.
Latest LCCC Bulletin
analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December
Iran to Trump: Death to America Will Live On
Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone
Institute/December 05/16
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made it clear that
Trump's presidency causes "no difference" to Iran-US relationships.
He called the Americans' election "a spectacle for exposing their crimes
and debacles."
"Thank God, we are prepared to confront any possible incident."
— Iran's
Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
From the perspective of Iranian moderates, reformists and hardliners, the
US is not a superpower
anymore; but a weak actor in the Middle East
and on the global stage.
Iranian leaders also made it clear that Tehran will continue supporting Hezbollah and
other groups that have been designated as terrorist groups by the US Department
of State. These groups pursue anti-American and anti-Israeli agendas.
Ideologically speaking, Iran's hardliners, primarily Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and senior officials of the
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) who enjoy the final say in Iran's
domestic and foreign policies, have made it clear that Iran will not change the
core pillars of its religious and revolutionary establishment: Anti-Americanism
and hatred towards the "Great Satan" and the "Little
Satan", Israel.
Supporters of Ayatollah Khamenei and the IRGC
enthusiastically shouted "Death to America"
in response to a recent speech that Khamenei gave,
applauding the 1979 hostage-taking and takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran.
major state newspapers carried anti-American headlines this week, quoting the
Supreme Leader. In his latest public speech to thousands of people, which was
televised via Iran's
state TV, Khamenei made it clear that Trump's
presidency will cause "no difference" to Iran-US relationships. Khamenei pointed out that, "We have no judgment on
this election because America
is the same America".
In his speech, Khamenei attacked President-elect
Donald Trump and the American people. The Ayatollah called the US election
"a spectacle for exposing their crimes and debacles."
Other hardliners echoed the same message that there would be no change in
Iran's revolutionary
principles and ideals against the US and its allies. The deputy
commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Hossein
Salami, told Iran's Fars
news agency: "When the Republicans were in power, they threatened us and
showed their hostility... and when the Democrats were in power, the policies of
the United States
were the same."
Khamenei also remarked that the US will remain
the evil, or the "Great Satan," saying:
"In the past 37 years, neither of the two parties who were in charge
did us any good and their evil has always been directed toward us....We neither
mourn nor celebrate, because it makes no difference to us... We have no
concerns. Thank God, we are prepared to confront any possible incident."
He added that the remarks made by Donald Trump "over the last few
weeks on immoral issues -- which are, for the most part, not baseless
accusations -- are enough to disgrace America."
Militarily, strategically and geopolitically, Tehran's
core pillars of damaging US national interests, and scuttling US foreign
policy objectives will remain intact.
Iran's semi-official
Fars news agency reported that Iran's
armed forces chief of staff, General Mohammad Hossein
Bagheri, has heavily criticized Donald Trump for
stating that the US
will confront Iranian boats in the Gulf if they harass US Navy ships. In the
last year, Iran
has increasingly harassed and provoked US Navy ships, and detained 11 American
General Bagheri stated out that, "The
person [Trump] who has recently achieved power, has
talked off the top of his head! Threatening Iran
in the Persian Gulf is just a joke."
In 2016, the number of incidents of boats from Iran's
navy and Revolutionary Guards provoking and harassing the US Navy ships rose
significantly to 31 incidents, highlighting that the IRGC evidently feels
sufficiently emboldened to damage US national security publicly and
on a regular basis. From the perspective of Iranian moderates, reformists and
hardliners, the US is not a
superpower anymore; but a weak actor in the Middle East
and on the global stage.
In addition, Iran,
with underlying anti-American objectives, is aggressively expanding its
military presence and naval bases in foreign nations and international waters.
Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqheri
said, as cited by the Iranian Tasnim news agency,
that the expanding presence in international waters and naval bases in foreign
countries "could be ten times more efficient than nuclear power." For
the first time, the Iranian Navy's 44th flotilla, comprised of a Bushehr logistic warship and an Alvand
destroyer, has now sailed into the Atlantic Ocean
as well.
Tehran is also considering having naval
bases on the coasts of Yemen
and Syria
to support the Assad government and the Houthis. As Iran's Chief of the General Staff told a
gathering of senior naval commanders, "One day, we may need bases on the
coasts of Yemen and Syria, and we
need the necessary infrastructures for them under international maritime
Iran's naval
commander, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, also told the gathering of senior naval commanders
that boosting military presence in international waters reflects Iran's power.
According to the Tasnim news agency, Iran's navy has
already deployed 49 flotillas to various maritime zones. Sayyari
added that the flotillas "showcased Iran's symbol of power."
Iranian leaders also made it clear that Tehran will continue supporting Hezbollah and
other groups that are designated as terrorist groups by the US Department of
These groups pursue anti-American and anti-Israel agendas.
Khamenei and IRGC are sending a strong message
that Iran
will neither alter its core religious and revolutionary pillar of
anti-Americanism, nor change its foreign policy and military objectives of
damaging US interests. Iran's
policy towards the "Great Satan" will remain as it has been since the
establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979.
*Dr. Majid Rafizadeh,
political scientist and Harvard University scholar is president of the International
American Council on the Middle East. He can be
reached at
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10 Things We Should Learn From the Ohio
State Attack
Shireen Qudosi/Family
Security Matters/December 4, 2016
Americans returned from Thanksgiving to news of the latest jihadi
attack waged by a Somali Muslim, Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Declaring that he had reached a "boiling
point," the 18-year-old Ohio State University
student drove a car into a crowded area on the Columbus campus. He then exited the vehicle
and attacked the crowd with a knife. Artan injured 11
students before being killed by a university police officer.
Artan was a legal resident who came to the US through Pakistan in 2014. He arrived with
his family, securing a refugee status after having escaped from Somalia.
Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake, along with Ohio State
Governor John Kasich, shied away from identifying the cause of the attack. This
despite Artan's last Facebook
post embracing a chilling message that in part read, "By Allah, we will
not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims..."
Terrorism expert Walid Phares
is clear about the motive. In private correspondence, Dr. Phares
shares his belief that the Ohio
State attack is
"Another case of urban Jihadism. At this point
the issue isn't even a link or not to ISIS or
al Qaeda, but a link to the specific ideology called Jihadism.
This is the generator of terror."
In his book, The War of Ideas: Jihadism Against Democracy, Dr. Phares
charts irreconcilable views between democracy and the violent ideology of jihadism that promotes a doctrine of death. Writing in The
War of Ideas, Dr. Phares shares the insight that
seems to escape academia and a former GOP presidential candidate:
The ushq al mout
(love of death) is the backbone of suicide bombing and gives terrorism its most
frightening firepower. Indeed, once the fear of death is subtracted from
political planning and public concern, there are no limits to the power of Jihadism.
In the case of Ohio State jihadi Abdul Artan, the question is how did a child once fleeing Somalia
under the fear of death then embrace death when finally under the protection of
the greatest superpower? Further, how did decades of experience as a refugee
escaping persecution not deter Artan from the jihadi doctrine of death? Answering these questions
requires understanding how violent ideology slips through the slightest cracks
in the system.
is dealing with a crushing rise of jihadi dark web
chatter that privatizes radicalization. Indoctrination into a violent political
ideology thrives through combination of secret portals and chat rooms like AMAQ
on Telegram that provide safe online communities for jihadi
talk. Instant radicalization paired with travel to or from red-flag nations,
broken immigration vetting and tracking systems, lack of community emphasis on
assimilation, and the politicization of mosques as polarizing hotspots, places
individuals on a three month fast track to radicalization.
Just three months prior, Artan was featured in
‘Humans of Ohio State' - a profile in the university's student paper - that
showed Artan hyper-focused on prayer spaces and
identity politics. Three months later, he's pledged allegiance to ISIS in a killing spree. We could conclude that time
period of radicalization was just this brief- or we could, far more reasonably,
conclude that Artan's use of the left's victimhood
narratives dovetail quite comfortably with his jihadi
That is the hard reality we're faced with. Instead, talking points have
shifted to Islamophobia as a public health crisis for
Muslims. And rather than recognizing the victims, mainstream media is
humanizing the attacker as a social outcast who "loved America."
That real problem is the killing sprees some Muslims are engaging in; it is not
the mean words penciled and shoved into the mail slot at the local mosque. The
inability of Muslims to recognize a present danger versus fear of a
hypothetical threat, only further places all Americans at risk because it
prevents us from being able to collectively move forward in dealing with
radical Islam. It also places Muslim Americans at greater risk; the more
Muslims deny the causal link between Islam and jihad, deflecting attention to a
self-victimizing rhetoric, the more rest of America grows frustrated. It is
also worth asking whether Muslim American organizations and communities that
obstruct discourse and discovery by misdirecting away from real problems should
be included in a broader perimeter of public inquiry. Instead of dealing with
the most recent eruption of radical Islam, the issue is swept under the rug and
upon it sits the incubus we call Islamophobia.
Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islamist groups like CAIR, who could not
step away from the abacus of Muslim grievances for just one day, continued
tallying letters (real or scripted) rather than looking beyond themselves to
see that Muslim American communities have a much bigger problem:
In fact, across American there were only a handful of outlets and
personalities that are pressing for truth in dialogue. This includes
Conservative Review's Carly Hoilman,
who took to higher ground in a piece titled "Difficult Conversations:
Challenging Islam in the Wake of the Ohio State Attack."
It also includes Michelle Malkin who tweeted,
"Ohio State University jihad has virtually disappeared from national
headlines -except for the p.c. ‘Muslims fear backlash' stories." That
pattern was also spotted by the The Foreign Desk,
which noted dark web chatter was on the rise with talk hailing the attack and
allegiance being shown in the form of profile pics
replaced with a photo of Artan.
Being able to move forward means treating thought
process behind this attack as a forensic scene that requires precision and
analysis. That scene tells that that the only public health crisis an
ideological virus with a three month incubation period. This means that the
next attacker is set to be radicalized by Inauguration Day.
Studying that virus for actionable intelligence means observing how that
strain has formed and how it influences another host. Yet, the Ohio State
attack was one of the least exhaustively covered jihadist attack on American
soil; due to the uncomfortable questions it raises, the media dropped the issue
like a hot potato.
The implications of the attack encompassed key crisis points facing our
nation and new administration, including immigration, travel to red-flagged
state sponsors of terror, and questions of assimilation. Not only were these
though questions glossed over, but the intelligence we could gain from them
were missed opportunities, including:
1. Failing to look at the radicalization of the
Somali Muslim community and its troubled history in the United States as one of the leading
actors of domestic terror.
2. Waiting for ISIS to confirm the
attack rather than moving proactively on the facts that jihad comes from the
doctrine of war in Islam. That doctrine is not limited to ISIS.
It will continue to be a problem long after ISIS
is defeated - if it's defeated.
3. Failing to spot that ISIS does not
claim every attack; they prefer to take credit posthumously. ISIS didn't claim
three radicalized women in France
who failed carry out attacks against Notre Dame, but it did claim radicalized
women in Kenya.
ISIS also didn't claim New Jersey attacker
Ahmad Khan Rahami, though the pattern of attack
mirrors ISIS.
4. Failing to see that Ohio State attacker Adul Artan self-identified with ISIS
in Facebook statement that called for the message
being screen-grabbed before it was deleted. This is standard direction under
ISIS to individual actors so that ISIS may
identify the attack as a pledge. Those directions appear on page 12 of the
latest issue of Rumiyah, an ISIS
propaganda magazine.
5. Failing to identify the relevance of Artan's
pledge to ISIS versus Al-Shabab,
a Somalia-linked terror group that, itself, in 2012 pledged allegiance to
Al-Qaeda. If the most popular Somali terror group is Al-Shabab,
and the most popular Pakistani terror group is Al-Qaeda, what does it say that Artan would self-identify with ISIS?
This is particularly noteworthy considering Artan's
family fled Somalia for Pakistan in 2007 before arriving to the United States
in 2014. The desired affiliation with the most popular and coveted terror group
on the planet right now - rather than the group associated with national
identity - tells us that ISIS has come a long way from being a ‘JV team' and
has secured global appeal.
6. Failing to understand that when ISIS
claims Artan as a soldier, they're telling us that
the face of war has shifted. Artan's last online
statement confirms that theirs is ideological war, born in an ideology,
bursting kinetically through physical attacks. Their soldiers don't wear
uniforms and their war zone is the public space. Their targets are civilians.
7. The media and politicians' premature resurrection of gun control
debate in a desperate attempt to politicize the attack along the lines of their
preferred policy solutions. Of course, it became that a knife and vehicle were
also used as weapons in the attack.
8. Ignoring the correlation between attacks in Europe and Canada with the
Ohio State attack, all of which follow the 2014 instructions of then ISIS chief
spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani who called for
mobilized attacks using any tool available, including weaponizing
9. Ignoring those instructions to weaponized
vehicles were again detailed as a call to action this past Thanksgiving, also
shared in the most recent issue of Rumiyah.
10. Trusting the public face of the Muslim community rather than engaging
in investigative journalism to discover the true nature of comments shared by Artan's brother and his network of family and friends. His
brother's Facebook page shows almost zero awareness
of the gravity of the attack, no denouncement of Artan's
actions as being against an Islam Muslims publically claim jihad has nothing to
do with, and no sympathy for victims of the Ohio State
**Shireen Qudosi
writes for She is a Muslim writer based in California. @ShireenQudosi
In Silencing Of Loudspeakers, Israel Is
No Different
Robert Ilatov/Jewish Member of the Israeli Knesset
/Newsweek/December 05/16
Israel’s draft loudspeaker bill, proposed initially in March and again in
November, seeks to silence places of worship at certain hours of the day by
preventing them from using loudspeakers for calls to prayer. Israel’s
cabinet has backed the bill, but it must pass three readings in the Israeli
Knesset, or parliament, before becoming law. Israel’s Arab minority consider the
bill an attack on their freedom of religious expression, specifically the
Islamic call to prayer from mosques, while right-wing sections of Israeli
society complain about the noise disrupting Jewish communities. After one of Israel’s top
Arab lawmakers, Ahmad Tibi, offered his views on the
bill, one of the bill’s sponsors, Jewish Israeli lawmaker Robert Ilatov, offers his own take on the matter.
In recent weeks, several Israeli Knesset members have voiced their concern that
a new law I am advocating would harm the Muslim call for prayer and disrupt the
freedom of religion in Israel.
This cannot be further from the truth.
The ‘Muezzin Bill,’ as it is being called by some Israeli parliament members,
is designed to provide a solution for all of Israel’s citizens, be they Jewish,
Muslim, Christian or any other faith.This bill was
created in response to complaints by Israelis from all walks of life asking to
limit the use of massive loudspeakers at religious institutions across the
For a thousand years, muezzins climbed the minarets of mosques and their strong
voices chanted the adhan, or call to prayer. Our
specific problem is that in their bid to raise the faithful, mosques are now dueling with loudspeakers worthy of the best rock concerts.
Today’s modern-day muezzin includes a microphone and megawatt amplifiers, blasting
out the azan from several mosques at once, and rattling windows and tooth
fillings of the surrounding area well before sunrise. The problem is magnified
by the mosques not all starting at the same time, so that the adhan becomes an unbearable symphony of high-decibel
vibrations that can last up to 10 minutes or more—and at 4:30 in the morning.
Imagine your kids being woken up that early because of that noise.
The result is not an inspiring call to prayer, but a wall of noise that
adversely affects the quality of life of hundreds of thousands of Israeli
citizens, both Jews and Arabs. In many ways, the goal of the proposed law is to
prevent people’s sleep from being disturbed without harming Muslim prayer.
In Israel,
we take the issue of freedom of religion seriously. This right for all is
protected by law and backed up by the legal system. All citizens in Israel are
allowed to practice their religion openly and freely. The new legislation
supports a worldview whereby freedom of religion should not at the same time be
an excuse to harm quality of life.
In an age where almost everyone has a smartphone and
technology is providing creative solutions, the need for loudspeakers is
reduced, especially when it’s in the middle of the night. Such a solution was
implemented in Jerusalem,
where local representatives of the adjoining neighborhoods
of Jewish Gilo and Arab Beit
Safafa independently reached a compromise using
contemporary technology as an alternative to loudspeakers.
And Israel
is not alone in this cause. The opponents of this bill fail to mention that
many Muslims themselves are also calling for this type of legislation, not just
in Israel,
but in countries around the world. In researching this matter, I discovered
that Israelis of all faiths have common ground with the residents of Cairo and citizens of Saudi Arabia.
Ten years ago, the Ministry of Religious Endowments in Egypt received complaints about the same issue
we have here in Israel,
that some mosques have “ loudspeakers that shake the
world.” And last year a Saudi Arabian newspaper carried an article asking the
Ministry of Islamic Affairs to “consider using audio technology for the call to
The issue, we discovered, is not Israel’s alone—it is a common
concern around the globe. As the world continues to adjust to the 21st century,
the subject evokes emotion wherever and whenever it arises—be it in a
predominantly Muslim nation such as Egypt,
a predominantly Christian country like Germany,
or a predominantly Jewish country like Israel.
Just like the Egyptians and the Saudis, the proposed law has nothing against
religion and Israel
is not banning the call to prayer. The law will in no way affect anyone’s right
to prayer. Just like any other society around the world, all the law will do is
to regulate the use of massive sound systems. And all the criticism you hear
around it is just background noise.
*Robert Ilatov is a member of the Israeli Knesset, or
parliament, for the far-right Yisrael Beitenu party and a sponsor of the ‘Muezzin Bill’ that seeks
to silence loudspeakers at places of worship.
The New Israeli Prayers Law is Unjust, & We Are Obliged To Reject It
Ahmad Tibi, Deputy Speaker of Israeli
Knesset/Newsweek/November 30/16
Israel’s mosque loudspeaker bill, proposed initially in March and again in
November, seeks to silence places of worship at certain hours of the day by
preventing them from using loudspeakers for calls to prayer. The Israeli
cabinet has backed the bill, but it must pass three readings in the Israeli
Knesset, or parliament, before becoming law. Israel’s Arab minority views the
bill as an attack on their freedom of religious expression while right-wing
sections of Israeli society complain about the Islamic call to prayer
disrupting Jewish communities. Below is the view of one of the country’s top
Arab lawmakers, Ahmad Tibi.
The Israeli government’s decision to initiate a new law that aims to ban the
call to prayer, or Adhan, from mosques in Israel is the latest official attempt to impose
what they refer to as the “Jewish State” upon 1.5 million Palestinian citizens
living in Israel, as well as
upon more than 300,000 Palestinians in East Jerusalem.
It is the outcome of the Israeli government’s Islamophobia
that is gaining strength in its anti-democratic effort following the election
of Donald Trump as the next U.S.
In the government coalition in Israel,
there is an aggressive clash between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
and Education Minister Naftali Bennett. They are both
competing to be the leader who can consolidate the occupation and provide the
most help to the settlers.
With this proposed law, mosques that date back more than 200 years are the
targets of the Israeli government, such as the Mahmoudiya
Mosque in Jaffa or the Aljazar
Mosque in Acre, both built in the 19th
century. But this is not the first time that the Israeli establishment has attempted
to deny our Arab, Christian and Muslim identity.
Netanyahu and his government insist on treating all Palestinians as immigrants.
The discriminatory attitude that the Israeli government has directed toward us
is not recent and can be seen in more than 50 laws approved in the Israeli
parliament since 1948 that we believe undermine our basic rights.
The Middle East is affected by extremism, and many have pledged to fight the
cancer of the so-called Islamic State militant group (ISIS), but it feels to me
that the government of Israel
is pushing us all into a religious war due to its decision to reject its
obligations to allow religious freedom under international law. I want to make
it clear that these policies and Netanyahu’s plans to divide our people will
end as a failure. He cannot change our identity.
In the Joint Arab List, Israel’s
third-largest party, we have tried to establish ties with Jewish religious
parties in order to stop the initiative to prevent the call to prayer. Some of
the responses have been positive, including from several local rabbis. We have
also supported the work of Arab-Israeli civil society in order to promote a
local dialogue about this issue in several communities.
Thomas Jefferson once said: “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to
disobey it, he is obliged to do so.” The Arab citizens
of Israel
will continue their struggle for equal rights, and so we will disobey this law.
From our schools and theaters, from our homes and
streets, from our churches and from the minarets of our mosques, we will remind
the Israeli government that we are here to live as who we are: proud Arabs and
equal citizens.
Ahmad Tibi is the deputy speaker of Israel’s Knesset, representing Israel’s
third-largest political party, the Arab Joint List. He is the leader of the Ta’al (the Arab Movement for Change) party.
The Real Illegal Settlements
Bassam Tawil/Gatestone
Institute/December 05/16
While construction in Jewish settlements of the West Bank and neighborhoods of Jerusalem has long been carried out within
the frame of the law and in accordance with proper licenses issued by the
relevant authorities, the Palestinian construction is illegal in every respect.
The Palestinian goal is to create irreversible facts on the ground. The sheer
enormity of the project raises the question: Who has been funding these massive
cities-within-cities? And why? There is good reason to
believe that the PLO and some Arabs and Muslims, and especially the European
Union, are behind the Palestinian initiative.
The Jewish outpost of Amona, home to 42 families, is
currently the subject of fiery controversy both in Israel and in the international
arena. Apparently, settlements are only a "major obstacle to peace"
when they are constructed by Jews.
The EU and some Islamic governments and organizations are paying for the
construction of illegal Palestinian settlements, while demanding that Israel halt building new homes for Jewish
families in Jerusalem neighborhoods
or existing settlements in the West Bank.
The hypocrisy and raw malice of the EU and the rest of the international
community toward the issue of Israeli settlements is blindingly transparent.
Yet we are also witnessing the hypocrisy of many in the Western mainstream
media, who see with their own eyes the Palestinian settlements rising on every
side of Jerusalem,
but choose to report only about Jewish building.
As the international community continues to slam Israel
for construction in Jewish settlement communities, Palestinians are quietly
engaging in massive construction of entire neighborhoods
in many parts of the West Bank and Jerusalem.
In addition to overlooking the Palestinian building project, the West has
clearly been neglecting a crucial difference between the two efforts: while the
construction in the Jewish settlements of the West Bank and neighborhoods
of Jerusalem has long been carried out within the frame of the law and in
accordance with proper licenses issued by the relevant authorities, the
Palestinian construction is illegal in every respect.
In this behind-the-scenes endeavor, which does not
meet even the most minimum standards required by engineers, architects and
housing planners, the Palestinian goal is to create irreversible facts on the
A quick tour of the areas surrounding Jerusalem
from the north, east and south easily exposes the colossal construction that is
taking place there. In most cases, these high-rise buildings are slapped
together without licenses or any adequate planning or safety concerns.
An example of massive illegal Palestinian construction near Shufat and Anata, on the northeastern outskirts of Jerusalem.
The Jewish outpost of Amona in the central West Bank,
home to 42 families, is currently the subject of fiery controversy both in Israel and in
the international arena. In 2006, the High Court of Israel ruled that the
outpost is illegal under Israeli law because it lies on private Palestinian
land. In 2014, the High Court ordered the government to evacuate and demolish
the entire outpost within two years.
In Israel,
as Amona demonstrates, no one is above the law. Israel boasts
an independent judiciary system that is second to none.
Yet as the debate in Israel
intensifies over the fate of Amona, the Palestinians
are making a mockery of laws and building regulations by embarking on massive
construction of illegal neighborhoods and buildings.
Apparently, settlements are only a "major obstacle to peace" when
they are constructed by Jews.
In recent years and continuing to the present, the Palestinians, with the aid
of Western donors for whom only Jewish construction is anathema, are working
night and day to create irreversible facts in the form of not just
single-family houses, but masses of giant high-rise buildings. The sheer
enormity of the project raises the question: Who has been funding these massive
cities-within-cities? And why? There is good reason to
believe that the PLO and some Arabs and Muslims, and especially the European
Union are behind the Palestinian initiative.
Ironically, this has been taking place even when it means that the Palestinians
have been stealing land from our own people.
The Palestinian building is taking place mostly in what is called Area C of the
West Bank, which, under the terms of the Oslo
Accords, is supposed to be under exclusive Israeli control. The building has
also been mushrooming in many neighborhoods -- even
in entire villages -- surrounding Jerusalem from
the north, east and south, leaving the city with only one option: to expand
towards the west, thereby building a giant collar of cement effectively to
surround and choke off Jerusalem
from the Jews.
Recently, entire Arab neighborhoods with crowded
high-rises have shot up around Jerusalem.
Only a handful of steps separate some of the buildings, and most lack proper
sewage systems. Apartment prices range from $25,000 to $50,000 USD. These are
ridiculous prices compared with the real costs of apartments in both Arab and
Jewish (legal) neighborhoods in Jerusalem. Today, it is almost impossible to
purchase a three-room apartment in the city for less than $250,000 USD.
The new neighborhoods are located in Kufr Akab, Samiramis,
Kalandya, Beit Hanina, Shufat, Ras Khamis and Anata in the north of Jerusalem.
In the southern and eastern parts of the city, new neighborhoods
have emerged with noticeable suddenness in Ras Al-Amoud, A-Tur, Al-Zaim, Jabal Mukaber,
Um Tuba and Jabal Mukaber.
These areas fall within the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem. However, failing to halt the
illegal construction and leaving the city besieged from north, east and south, Jerusalem Municipality
officials admit that Israel
will have lost the war against illegal Palestinian construction unless
immediate action is taken.
Alarmed by the ongoing illegal construction, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat recently took the
unprecedented measure of petitioning the High Court to allow the city to
demolish 14 illegally built structures in east Jerusalem.
Most importantly, there is no housing crisis for the Arab population; it is not
an Arab housing crisis that is prompting this spree of illegal Palestinian
construction. Rather, the goal is political: to show the world that Jerusalem is an Arab, and
not a Jewish, city. By and large, the apartments remain empty: there is simply
no real demand.
Who is behind the unprecedented wave of illegal construction? According to Arab
residents of Jerusalem,
many of the "contractors" are actually land-thieves and thugs who lay
their hands on private Palestinian-owned land or on lands whose owners are
living abroad. But they also point out that the EU, the PLO and some Arab and
Islamic governments are funding the project.
"They spot an empty plot of land and quickly move in to seize control over
it," said a resident whose land was "confiscated" by the illegal
"They tell you if you don't like it, go to court, knowing that by the time
the legal procedures are over they would have succeeded in building another
tall building and even selling some of the apartments.
"Many Arab land owners feel helpless. They tell us that it is their
national duty to build as much as they can on any empty land, otherwise the
Jews would be building there."
Palestinians estimate that in the past few years they have managed to build
more than 15,000 illegal housing units in areas surrounding Jerusalem as part of a plan to encircle the
city. The construction continues to this moment, unabated. Partial funding
comes from the Palestinian Authority (PA) and some Arab and Islamic countries
These countries include Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait
and other oil-rich countries in the Gulf. However, the Palestinians continue to
complain that the Arab and Islamic funding is below expectations.
In Area C, a stretch of land accounting for 60% of the West
Bank, the European Union, which bitterly condemns construction in
Jewish settlements as illegal, openly funds illegal construction carried out by
Palestinians. The EU argues that its support for Palestinian construction falls
under the category of "humanitarian relief" and is permissible under
international law.
The EU's real goal is to help the Palestinians create these irreversible facts
on the ground ahead of any possible future peace deal between the Palestinians
and Israel.
It is aimed at facilitating the mission of the Palestinians to seize as much
land as possible, even if that means funding illegal construction or providing
mobile homes to Palestinian communities in this area.
In short, it is the EU and some Arabs and Muslims who are paying for the
construction of illegal Palestinian settlements, while demanding that Israel
halt building new homes for Jewish families in Jerusalem neighborhoods
or existing settlements in the West Bank.
The hypocrisy and raw malice of the EU and the rest of the international
community toward the issue of Israeli settlements is blindingly transparent.
Yet we are also witnessing the hypocrisy of many in the Western mainstream
media -- those dozens of correspondents who see with their own eyes the
Palestinian settlements rising on every side of Jerusalem, but choose to report only about
Jewish building.
Forty-two Jewish families in Amona have the world
riveted, but what does the world think about the Palestinian land-grab? It is
time to call out this treachery, this illegality and this double-standard, and
demand that the Palestinians also cease the construction of illegal
settlements, which are designed with one aim in mind: to pre-determine the
outcome of any future peace deal.
*Bassam Tawil is based in
the Middle East.
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Changing loyalties in Aleppo
are clouding the forecast
Maria Dubovikova/Al Arabiya/December
In two weeks, 300 civilians perished in Mosul. In one month,
battles in Aleppo
have claimed more than 600 lives. But evaluations and coverage are still
unbalanced. Apparently not all lives matter and not all conflicts matter. It
all depends on whose interests the conflicts serve. And meanwhile, the
liberation of Mosul is turning out to mean yet
more bloodshed while the world’s eyes remain on Aleppo.
At the same time, forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad,
thanks to significant ground support provided by Iran,
Hezbollah and Russia’s
air force, have already taken under control of about 60 percent of the territory
that was occupied by the Jabhat al-Nusra group and opposition groups. According to the Syrian
Arab Red Crescent, in the recent weeks 4,000 people have managed to arrive
safely in some government-held areas of Aleppo.
Western media assumes that Russia
seeks the full withdrawal of the rebels from Eastern Aleppo, while Russia discusses the withdrawal of the al-Nusra Front with the US. A few days ago, the UN special
envoy to Syria once again
called on Jabhat al-Nusra
to leave Eastern Aleppo. The response came not
from al-Nusra, but from rebel commanders declaring
that Aleppo
fighters will not surrender the eastern part of the city. Observers are now
questioning whether any moderate rebels are left in the city at all, with
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying that
most of the rebel groups in Eastern Aleppo are
now under the control of Jabhat al-Nusra.
The retreat of all radicals from Aleppo
is a must. With their retreat, the status quo can be easily maintained,
creating momentum for political figures to listen and speak to each other
According to a recent leak by the Financial Times, Syrian rebels conducted
secret talks with Russia and
What is remarkable about these talks is that the US
was completely shut out, as is Damascus.
Another significant feature of the ongoing talks is that it is the first time
such a large number of opposition groups have taken part in negotiations.
Intensified commotion
This intensified commotion over Aleppo is quiet understandable and clear as
long as the rebels are losing the last stronghold and thus misbalancing
situation both on the ground and at the negotiation table. It is naive to
expect anyone to care about civilians in a purely geopolitical game where
people are just pawns on a chessboard. Russia
is successfully using the current power vacuum to its advantage as the old
administration in Washington
is leaving and the new one is yet to take office. Russia demonstrates the will to
negotiate and find new solutions and compromises, continuing talks with the
leaving team of the State Department, but feels free to lead its own game. But
no matter what the game is and who leads it, the end goal is unanimous - Assad
should step down. For all the puppet-masters of the conflict, the key to the
crisis’ solution lies in the fate of Aleppo.
But the only thing that is missing in the general understanding of the
situation is the fact that when al-Nusra claims to
retreat from Aleppo,
the rebels answer negatively. If the rebels have indeed joined forces with the
al-Nusra Front, who can the situation be handled? Has the moderate opposition lost its moderate
armed militias who have drifted toward extremism and terrorism? Maybe it is
high time to view the situation from a purely political aspect and focus on the
political process of transition? There is a chance to divide the belligerent
sides into layers themselves, making politicians decide the political fate of
the country without any linkage to the situation on the ground. For such a
split, the retreat of all radicals from Aleppo
is a must. With their retreat, the status quo can be easily maintained,
creating momentum for political figures to listen and speak to each other One
must remember that both the armed forces and the opposition are Syrians,
dreaming only about peace in their homeland.
Aleppo and the United Nations’ inaction
Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/December 05/16
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar
and Turkey issued a
statement calling on the UN to hold an emergency special session of the General
Assembly to end the Aleppo
crisis, particularly in east of the city. The statement urged the UN “to bear
its responsibilities pertaining to maintaining international peace and security
particularly when the Security Council is incapable of doing so due to lack of
consensus.” The statement also condemned dealing with the Syrian crisis like it
was an ordinary event, and said the horrific circumstances there confirm that
calls to hold an emergency special session of the General Assembly were
justified. The international institution’s incapability to perform the tasks it
was established for following World War II, and which are achieving world
peace, ending wars and protecting people, indicates the extent of its damage
and hypocrisy.
Syria’s disastrous situation
- which has been ongoing for six years now - is the world’s current tragedy
disastrous situation - which has been ongoing for six years now - is the
world’s current tragedy. The number of those killed is almost 500,000, while
there are millions of displaced and missing people and refugees. There are
shocking images of victims, whether children, women or the elderly. This has
been happening on a daily basis. The disaster exposes Arabs’ and Muslims’
weakness to protect their countries, people, sovereignty,
dignity, present and future.
“Huge scandal”
How can the Russians, from Siberia, or the Shiite Afghanis from Herat’s
valleys, or the Iranians from Qom and Hamadan, or the Iraqi militant invaders
from the marshes of Nasiriyah and extremist alleys in
Baghdad, or terrorists of Hassan Nasrallah’s Lebanese
party Hezbollah, invade the land, sky and sea of Syria, kill children and
women, shell refugees while the UN Security Council does nothing?
It’s a huge scandal. It’s a permanent shame that will never be erased. It’s not
acceptable to co-exist with such a situation like “it does not concern us” like
the statement by Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, the UAE and Turkey said.
There are international efforts on a daily basis to pursue ISIS
and Al-Qaeda. Measures have been quick and this is great. These are good and
blessed efforts which are actually required, however we do not see the same
pace, enthusiasm, speed and consensus to end the hideous Iranian terrorism in
Arab countries. We do not see these efforts in stricken Aleppo. Why? Is it because the Syrians in Aleppo or the Iraqis in Mosul are this cheap?
“Swamp of anger”
Ending the Iranian-Syrian invasion and stopping Russian intervention is the
core of Gulf and Turkish security or rather of all Arab countries’ security.
Only if some Arabs were wise and considered matters away from maliciousness and
altered that old mentality regarding Arab national security.
What’s strange is that international governments are shocked, afraid and on
alert, as ISIS’ methods flourish around the
world, but they help provide the perfect environment to create a breeding
ground in the swamp of anger and vengeance.
Aiding Aleppo, breaking the siege and saving its
people from the monsters of Bashar al-Assad, Iran, Khamenei, Hadi al-Amiri and Vladimir Putin are not a moral or humanitarian
issue, but a very high security and political interest.
**This article was first published in Asharq al-Awsat on December 5, 2016.