Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 01/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 01/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on January 01/17
Resolutions & Prayers For The New Year/Elias Bejjani/December 31/16
Propping up US-Iraqi Mosul flop exposed Baghdad/DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis December 31/16,
Now empowered, Iran will take a bolder approach in the region/Majid Rafizadeh/The National/December 31/16
Opinion: 2016 – The Year of Aleppo/Amir Taheri/ASharq Al Awsat/December 31/16
Britain’s Little Lies/Douglas Murray/Gatestone Institute/December 31/16
Blocking peace/Ben-Dror Yemini/Ynetnews/December 31/16
Britain and Australia more supportive of Israel than Obama and Kerry/Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/December 31/16
The Saudi vision and population growth/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/December 31/16
Saudi defense industry is a national priority/Samar Fatany/Saudi Gazette/December 31/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on January 01/17
Resolutions & Prayers For The New Year
Turkey’s Foreign Minister: Hezbollah Must Leave Syria and Go Back to Lebanon
Hariri visits Defense Ministry, Helou Army Barracks: Investing in security is vital and has special priority
Report: Lebanon Escapes Terror Attack Plots
Ibrahim: Lebanese Mediator to Negotiate Release of Servicemen Abducted by IS
Report: Preparations for Parliamentary Polls Going in Two Parallel Lines
Hariri: Govt. to Tackle Oil Decrees Wednesday, Aoun’s Saudi Trip Boosts Tourism
Lahham: Let’s all be peacemakers in 2017!
Building collapses in Baisariye, Kheir gives instructions for instant shelter allowances to its inhabitants
Sarraf urges Lebanese to adhere to security forces’ guidance instructions
Kabbara in memory of Karami: We are still in need of his influential personality
Kanaan hopes for visionary understanding for the State
Lebanese Army Intelligence raids Syrian encampments in Saida, Zahrani

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on January 01/17
Revelers Bid Adieu to a Year of Conflicts, Celebrity Deaths
UN Security Council to vote on Syria ceasefire
Member of the Syrian Opposition Coalition: Ceasefire in Syria Sends a Warning Message to Iran Regime
Iran: Arash Sadeghi’s Father Stages Hunger Strike to Support His Son
Maryam Rajavi Appeals to the Nation to Help Iran’s Homeless in the Cold Season
Trump Administration Should Hold Iran Accountable for Executions
Russia Seeks UN Backing for Syria Truce
UN backs Russian-Turkish Syria peace plan
Trump Praises ‘Very Smart’ Putin for Holding Off on Reprisals Against US
Central Baghdad Blasts Kill Dozens
Caution marks Iraqi army advance against ISIS north of Mosul
Gunshot kills Saudi citizen in Qatif
Ban Ki-moon ‘feels like Cinderella’ as he bids UN farewell
Merkel’s message to terrorists in New Year’s address
Maryam Rajavi’s Message to FIFCJ Conference in Argentina
Roadside bomb kills police officer, soldier in Egypt
Egypt Begins Handing over MS804 Crash Victims’ Remains

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on January 01/17
Hamas-linked CAIR finally finds a Jewish group it likes
Russia: 7 Muslims arrested for plotting New Year’s jihad massacres in Moscow
Islamic State widows from Spain arrested trying to return to Europe
Robert Spencer, PJM: CAIR-LA Chief Wishes More Had Been Killed in Russian Plane Crash
Italy: “They’ll lynch us!” Church pleads with cops for help in evicting Muslim migrants
Austria: Muslim migrant stabs Christian woman for reading Bible in migrant center
Sweden: Five Muslims convicted of gang-raping boy, but won’t be deported
Islamic State urges Western “sons of Islam” to launch brutal New Year’s attacks
Democrat Congressman: “Few limits” on what Trump can do to fight jihadis
Muslim migrants were employed as security guards in Cologne on New Year’s Eve

Links From Christian Today Site for on January 01/17
Brexit Stalemate, Early Election, Fury Over Trump: 15 Political Predictions For 2017
Incredible Escape By Yazidi Woman From Islamic State After Being Held For Two Years In Iraq
At least 25 Dead In Biggest Baghdad Bombs In Months

The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site

Resolutions & Prayers For The New Year
Elias Bejjani/December 31/16
With this New Year, We ask Our Father, Almighty God, with reverence to shower on all people and all countries graces of faith, hope, love, peace and meekness.
With this new year, we call on every one to pray from the depth of their hearts for all those who are in danger, deprived of their basic rights and encountering any sort of pain, persecution, problems or hardships.
We, call on every one to pray and ask almighty God to cure them and every body else from all evilness thinking and deeds.
We pray that Almighty God shall grant all people holy gifts of forgiveness and the strength to keep loving others, specially those that are their rivals and adversaries.
While welcoming the New Year No one should forget that our life on this earth is too short, and that we must be righteous to deserve the eternal dwelling in Heaven where there will be no pain or fights, but happiness and peace.
(Corinthians 2:2-10: “But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”–these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the spirit searches everything, even the depths of God”.)
With the new year, let us all pray to be genuinely positive, hopeful, joyful, and relaxed.
Hopefully people all over the world shall welcome the new year by putting their burdens of pain, sickness, deprivation, persecution, separation, broken hearts, disappointments, frustrations, bereavements, injustice, abandonment, and anger in the hands of Almighty God.
Our Father, Almighty God, with his gracious wisdom and abundant generosity, shall definitely see in every way possible that we safely overcome all our hardships and difficulties.
Let us all trust Him and recognize that we are all His beloved children that He has created us in his image.
(Romans 8:16-19: “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs–heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.”)
No one should question or doubt God’s deep love for each and every one of us. How could He not, as He sent his only son, Jesus Christ to defeat death, give us the eternal life, suffer and be crucified so we, His children, can become purified from the original sin and be helped to walk safely the path of salvation.
(John 3:2 : “Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is”.)
Let us welcome this new year by asking Almighty God to help us live in peace and harmony with ourselves and others, lead our steps into the righteous paths, grant us the strength of endurance and hold us back from the sin of hurting or hating others.
Let us ask Almighty God to give us the graces of love, meekness, humbleness, transparency, honesty, forgiveness, and maintain our hearts and minds pure, and free from hatred, grudges and selfishness.
With the start of this New Year we are ought to always remember that vengeance is evil and forgiveness is a Godly grace.
Let us make a resolution that we shall not allow vengeance to take control of our lives.
With this coming New Year we are ought to solidify our mere trust in God’s justice, wisdom, love and keep on forgiving all those who hurt or hate us.
(Matthew 13/43: “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear”.)
Let one of our New Year resolution be to hold on to God’s teachings and never allow vengeance to take us hostages.
(Romans 12/19-21: “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. To the contrary, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”)
With the New Year Let us all pray and ask Almighty God to keep us all around the year fully aware that our life on this perishable earth is temporary, and that on The Day of Judgment we shall be accountable for all our deeds be good or bad.
(Daniel 12:2-3: “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever”.)
Happy New Year