Clinton Foundation Tied to Hezbollah through Lebanese-Nigerian donor Gilbert Chagoury/مؤسسة كلنتون مرتبطة بحزب الله من خلال المليونير اللبناني-النيجيري جيلبرت شاغوري


Clinton Foundation Tied to Hezbollah through Lebanese-Nigerian donor Gilbert Chagoury/مؤسسة كلنتون مرتبطة بحزب الله من خلال المليونير اللبناني-النيجيري جيلبرت شاغوري

Clinton Foundation Tied to Hezbollah
Kathryn Blackhurst/PoliZette/August 28/16

Hillary’s ‘charity’ connected to Nigerian-Lebanese donor Gilbert Chagoury, who donated $1 million

Hillary Clinton’s rendezvous with scandals during her tenure as Secretary of State has refused to subside yet again – this time linking her and the Clinton Foundation to a donor who allegedly has ties to Hezbollah.

When the latest batch of emails sent and received from Clinton’s private email server were released this month, the Democratic presidential nominee faced backlash as they were compared with the portions of her daily schedules released from her time as Secretary of State. A report from the Associated Press found that more than half of Clinton’s meetings or phone calls with government outsiders were conducted with donors for the Clinton Foundation. And Clinton’s ties with Lebanese-Nigerian donor Gilbert Chagoury deserved heightened scrutiny.
“The fact a major Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. over ties to the terrorist group Hezbollah is deeply troubling, especially when this individual had access to top aides at Hillary Clinton’s State Department.”

Several of the documents showed that the Department of State considered buying land for a U.S. Embassy in Nigeria from Chagoury after Clinton’s tenure ended. Clinton’s ties to Chagoury, who donated more than $1 million to the Clinton Foundation, raised several red flags after it came to light that Chagoury had been denied entry into the U.S. last year because of a suspected affiliation with Hezbollah through Lebanese politics.

Now Clinton faces the wrath and scrutiny of U.S. citizens once again for her clouded relationships with her foundation’s donors and her shady dealings with their requests for special access to government officials through her. The fact that the remainder of her daily schedules will not be released in full until after the November presidential election does not help her case, either.

“The fact a major Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. over ties to the terrorist group Hezbollah is deeply troubling, especially when this individual had access to top aides at Hillary Clinton’s State Department,” Jason Miller, a senior communications adviser to the Donald Trump campaign, said in a statement on Sunday. “These revelations are yet another example of why the Clinton Foundation must be shut down and Hillary Clinton must demand the State Department immediately release her official schedules in full before the election. Voters deserve to know just how badly compromised a Hillary Clinton presidency would be.”

Private server and Clinton Foundation become a perfect storm of controversy

Chagoury was “known to have funded” Aoun, a Lebanese politician whose Party was part of a coalition with Hezbollah, according to a 2007 cable published by WikiLeaks.
But the Clinton campaign’s response to her controversial ties with Chagoury – as well as the “favors” given to other Clinton donors – demonstrates just how ambiguous and disturbing the campaign’s treatment of the issue truly is.

“Well, again, this is someone who had a long-standing relationship with the Clintons, who had wanted to provide some insight into a matter,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told CNN’s Dana Bash last week.

But until the remainder of the documents comes to light, the full scope of Clinton’s dealings with her family’s foundation and the State Department will remain unknown.