Elias Bejjani/Text & Video in Arabic-English: The Fate Of Those Who Lack Faith and Worship Perishable Earthly Riches


The Fate Of Those Who Lack Faith and Worship Perishable Earthly Riches
Elias Bejjani/October 06/2023

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Matthew 6/24 “No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon”.

Many people do not recognize consciously who they really are, and willingly with a vicious mind hide behind fake faces, or let us say they put on deceiving masks. Why do they so? It is definitely because they hate themselves, and are mostly burdened with devastating sickening inferiority complexes.

These chameleon like-people do not trust or respect themselves, have no sense of gratitude whatsoever, lack faith in God and worship Perishable Earthly Riches. 

In general we know that the majority of these faithless were initially poor, but suddenly became rich. Instead of investing their – God graces riches in helping others and making them happy, especially their own family members. They alienate themselves from every thing that is related to human feelings, forget what is true love, and deny that Almighty God is love.

They still fall into temptation, live in castles of hatred, ruminate on grudges and contemplate revenge. Not only that, but they venomously and destructively envy everyone who is happy, respected and decent. They go astray and misuse their riches and influence to inflict pain and misery on others.

These faithless people become mere sadists who satanically enjoy pain, misery and the suffering of others, especially inflicting them on their own family members who refuse to succumb to their twisted mindset and become evil like them. No matter where we are, when we look around, it is very easy to identify many people who possess this evil nature.

The Question is, how will they end?
Definitely, they will end up paying for all their destructive and vicious acts, if not on this earth, then definitely on God’s Day Of Judgment.
May Almighty God safeguard us from such evil people.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator

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