Arthur Weinreb/Canada Free press: Will gay Christian refugees be allowed to come to Canada?


Will gay Christian refugees be allowed to come to Canada?
Arthur Weinreb/Canada Free press/ November 24/15

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is sticking to his plan not only to bring 25,000 Syrian “refugees” into Canada but to have them arrive in the country before December 31.
A lot of people, including security experts and those involved in helping refugees, said it cannot be done. But of course it can. With sufficient aircraft available and an unlimited supply of other people’s money, the proposal is absolutely attainable.
The government plans to fly 900 refugees a day into Montreal and another 900 to Toronto every day beginning December 1. That is more than enough time to meet Junior’s arbitrary deadline. Instead of taking sufficient time to do security checks, they will be vetted only as much as they can in order to meet Trudeau’s artificial deadline.
In a recent poll, more than 60% of those surveyed were opposed to bringing so many refugees into Canada without sufficient time to vet them. A sensible leader would have simply extended the unrealistic deadline to properly address security concerns but no one will ever accuse Lil PET of being sensible. It is difficult to see how extending the deadline would meet any serious opposition.
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Facing criticism, the government has now announced the first wave of “refugees” will not include single or unaccompanied males. This should solve all our security concerns because we know that just like the Catholic clergy, Islamic terrorists cannot be married or have children. And since it is physically impossible for a woman to be a terrorist, everything is good.
NDP leader Tom Mulcair has been relatively silent since the October 19 election when his party returned to its natural place in the order of things and finished a distant third. But he recently surfaced to give his thoughts on, of all things, discrimination against men.
Mulcair said it was wrong to exclude all accompanied males. While acknowledging the security risk young men bring, he gave gay men, young men whose parents have been killed and widowers whose families have been killed as examples of single men who should be allowed to enter Canada.
While progressives pretend to care about minorities and special interest groups, there is a hierarchy of concern.
Yesterday, the Ottawa Citizen reported it learned gay men will now be included in refugees allowed to come to Canada unaccompanied because gays are subject to persecution.
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As proof positive the Trudeau government does not have a clue about what it is doing, in a short few days, they have gone from just 25,000 people to no unaccompanied males to no unaccompanied males except gays.
Trudeau, like Barack Obama. has no use for Christians despite the fact they are at greater risk of real persecution because of their religion. The government refuses to say anything about Yazidis, other Christians, or even members of minority Muslim sects. Not only do Christians face persecution but they are at a greater risk from violence from Muslims while in the refugee camps where Justin’s beloved 25,000 will come from.
While worrying their pretty little empty heads about gays, Trudeau and Mulcair do not have a word to say about Christians who, just like gays, are singled out for persecution in Muslim countries.
While progressives pretend to care about minorities and special interest groups, there is a hierarchy of concern. For example, those that decry violence against women, have little to say about this violence when perpetrated by Muslims. And Muslims throwing gays off buildings is not worth mentioning to those who think not being willing to go to a gay pride parade is homophobic.
Obviously gays trump (apologies to Donald) Christians to the politically correct left. But will gay Christian men be allowed to come to Canada as unaccompanied males? Probably not. Christians don’t count.
Of course a strategy has been set to deal with anyone who opposes what the Trudeau government is doing. Anyone who has security concerns about the inability of the government to do proper security checks will be labelled a xenophobe and a racist. And if anyone objects to the fact unaccompanied males are being allowed in only if they are gay, they will of course be called homophobic.
If what is happening was not so serious in terms of what is happening to real refugees and the security of Canada, what the government is doing would be funny. It would make a good sitcom.
****Arthur Weinreb is an author, columnist and Associate Editor of Canada Free Press. Arthur’s latest book, Ford Nation: Why hundreds of thousands of Torontonians supported their conservative crack-smoking mayor is available at Amazon. Racism and the Death of Trayvon Martin is also available at Smashwords. His work has appeared on, Drudge Report, Arthur can be reached at: