Farzana Hassan/Canadian Elections/Political Islam is the enemy, not Muslims


Canadian Elections/Political Islam is the enemy, not Muslims
By Farzana Hassan/Canada/Ontario/Toronto Sun
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Many accuse the Conservative government of stoking anti-Muslim sentiment in this election campaign. They say the government has raised issues that are trivial and even racist. They believe the Conservatives have avoided discussing more meaningful issues, such as the environment and the weak economy, because they have neither the understanding nor the desire to formulate proper policies. An article in The Economist entitled “Veiled Attack” summed up this narrative as follows: “The (niqab) fuss is a godsend for Stephen Harper, who hopes voters will re-elect him for a fourth term as Prime Minister — despite their fatigue with his ten-year rule and a weak economy … Canada’s one million Muslims are dismayed.”
In fact, it is the Islamists and their supporters who are rubbing their hands in satisfaction. A crucial distinction needs to be made here.
Debates on the niqab, ISIS and citizenship are not about Muslims, but about Islamists. The difference is often ignored, sometimes for political gain, sometimes out of sheer ignorance. Any democratic government should have an agenda to fight all the lethal brands of Islamism.
Why should this be perceived as anti-Muslim?
Combating Islamism is — and must be — a legitimate election issue.
Whether it is opposition to the niqab or the fight against ISIS, it is crucial that responsible political parties construct and publicize a clear manifesto opposing the Islamist forces that seriously threaten everything Canadians value. Take the niqab controversy. Its supporters constantly claim it is a non-issue because only a small number of women wear it. But what the niqab represents is much larger than the garment itself. It is about political Islam spreading its patriarchal agenda and expanding its territory into public spaces that would otherwise be platforms for openness and equality. Such as Canadian citizenship ceremonies.It is not about one or one thousand niqabs, but the fact Islamists are using the issue as a test of our national resolve.
Other issues work in a similar way. For example, revoking the Canadian citizenship of dual citizens convicted of terrorism is necessary. It sends a strong message to those who engage in terrorist violence they cannot be so arrogant as to assume they will remain Canadians, if caught. Being a citizen should inspire a sense of loyalty to one’s country. Those who conspire to commit acts of terror and treason, while espousing allegiance to hostile states or non-state entities, do not deserve Canadian citizenship.
This leads us to ISIS. Informed politicians know the threat ISIS poses to the Western world is serious. This terrorist organization is hard to defeat, but it must be contained or it will continue to spread and threaten Canada’s allies in the region. Once again, the ideology that inspires outfits like ISIS is larger than the organization itself. It exists in our midst.
The entire Western world must grapple with it, yet NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair has told us, “This is not our fight.” Both he and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau would end our combat mission against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Islamism is alive and kicking in Canada. The fight against it is not a fight against Muslims but against a vicious brand of political Islam that condones violence in the name of religion, justifies wife battery and believes in the apocalyptic supremacy of Islam. Why would anyone doubt that fighting Islamism is and must be a genuine election issue?
