Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 05/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 05/15

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September 04-05/15
Saudi King meets Kerry before White House summit/ Al Arabiya News/September 04/15
Armed terror drones to be part of future wars, defense analyst tells ‘Post’/YAAKOV LAPPIN/J.Post/eptember 04/15
US under new pressure to absorb Syrian refugees as Europe faces crisis/Barnini Chakraborty/FoxNews/eptember 04/15
Is the Migration Crisis Killing the European Dream/Douglas Murray/Gatestone Institute/September 04/15
Koran Discovery: Western Science vs. Muslim Fanaticism/By Raymond Ibrahim/FrontPage Magazine/September 04/15
Iranian Regime Celebrates Its Victory In The Nuclear Agreement/MEMRI/eptember 04/15
A King from the East approaches/Dr. John Duke Anthony/Al Arabiya/September 04/15
Renewing the decades-old strategic Saudi-U.S. partnership/Andrew Bowen/Al Arabiya/September 04/15
Why King Salman’s visit to Washington matters now/Dr. John C. Hulsman/Al Arabiya/September 04/15
Why I shared a horrific photo of a drowned Syrian child/Peter Bouckaert/Al Arabiya/September 04/15
Will the EU bolster the Iranian Revolutionary Guards/Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Al Arabiya/September 04/15
Saudi King Comes to Washington, with His Son/Simon Henderson/Washington Institute/September 04/15
Local Elections in Morocco: A Bet on the Kingdom’s Reforms/Sarah Feuer/Washington Institute/September 04/15
King Salman in Washington/Salman Aldosary/Asharq Al Awsat/September 04/15
Khamenei says sanctions must be removed, not suspended/Arash Karami/Al-Monitor/September 04/15
Still fooling us/Michael Young/Now Lebanon/September 04/15
Israeli PM, Netanyahu vows to rail against Iran deal, even after proverbial ‘fat lady’ sings/By HERB KEINON/J.Post/September 04/15
Who is to Blame for the Drowning of Alan Kurdi/Tarek Fatah/The Toronto Sun/Canada/September 04/15

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on September 04-05/15
Activists in Hunger Strike for Minister Resignation as 2 Held for Disabling Parking Meters
Berri Hopes LF Would Attend Dialogue
Civil Society Activists Call for Nationwide Protests
Bassil at FPM Demo: We Want Free President Elected by People, Proportional Representation
FPM takes to the streets
EU Ambassadors Anticipate End to Paralysis
Report: Ibrahim Revives Hostages File
Lebanon’s U.N. Ambassador Stresses Consensus on Lebanon Stability

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on September 04-05/15
Obama, Saudi King Put Warm Gloss over Differences
EU under Pressure to Agree Binding Refugee Quotas as Ministers Meet
UAE Loses 45 Troops on Black Day for Yemen Coalition
IS Blows up Famed Tower Tombs at Syria’s Palmyra
4 Americans among 6 Peacekeepers Wounded in Egypt Bombings
Father Buries Drowned Syrian Boy as Europe Wrangles over Refugees
Drowned Syrian boys buried in hometown they fled
Putin: Premature to talk about Russian military action against ISIS
How Trump’s chances for the White House may hinge on Hezbollah

Links From Jihad Watch Web site For Today
Islamic State destroys ancient tower tombs in Palmyra
Raymond Ibrahim: Koran’s Contents—Not Carbon Dating—Cast More Doubt on Islam
Dutch air force sergeant joins Islamic State in first such desertion
Bangladesh: Jihadis suspected as two officials at Sufi shrine have their throats slit
Pamela Geller: Muslim Stewardess Refuses to Serve Alcohol, Then Plays the Victim
ESPN pulls Curt Schilling from telecasts for remainder of season, playoffs
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: The Hijrah Into Europe
Emma Thompson: Britain is racist for not taking in more refugees