Irish UN peacekeepers and Lebanese soldiers investigate the scene where gunfire came on a UN peacekeeper convoy in the Al-Aqbiya village, south Lebanon, Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)
Hezbollah assassinates in cold blood a UNIFIL soldier in southern Lebanon Elias Bejjani/December 16/2022
The young and innocent UNIFIl, soldier, Pierre Deny, 23 years old, from Newton County in north-west Ireland, is the latest Hezbollah victim in southern Lebanon. The victim’s car was ambushed by civilian Hezbollah gunmen in the town of Al-Aqibiya near Sarafand. For camouflage and deception, Hezbollah calls these terrorist” the people.. Also in the attack Another soldier, (Shane Karni, aged 22) was seriously wounded. We offer our heartfelt condolences to the family of the victim, to the Irish government, to the friendly Irish people, to the UNIFIL forces, and we pray for the quick recovery of the wounded soldiers It is worth mentioning, that the terrorist armed Hezbollah, that occupies Lebanon, is completely affiliated to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and blindly carries out its orders.
Meanwhile, it has carried, and do carry out dozens of horrible criminal acts of murder, assassination, smuggling, and money-laundering operations etc, inside Lebanon and in many other countries all over the globe. So far it has escaped accountability, in regards to all the crimes it committed because the Lebanese judiciary did not investigate these crimes, due to the fact that it is politicized, terrorized and under Hezbollah’s mere hegemony.
In this context, the so called “people” by Hezbollah have attacked the UNIFIL forces many times, and they have not been held accountable, because of the influence, occupation and terrorism of Hezbollah, who is on the lists of terrorism in dozens of countries.
It is a Must to change the rules of engagement related to the authorities of the UNIFIL forces, operating in southern Lebanon. The UNIFIL needs to be put legally under the seventh international clause, so that these peace keeping forces can at least protect their soldiers, and deter Hezbollah’s blatant and brazen attacks, otherwise the need for their presence is negated, as they are in their current situation, hostages to Hezbollah, crippled, and unable to carry out it tasks related to the implementation of UN Resolution No. 1701.
In analysis, and based on many previous similar Hezbollah bloody attacks on UNIFIL forces operating in southern Lebanon, the main aim is often, Iranian fiery messages to Western countries, the United Nations, and the European countries. It is most likely, that yesterday’s bloody message was related to the stances of the European countries and USA, in regards to the stumbles the nuclear deal is going through.
Definitely, the investigation into this new crime will not lead to any results, as was the case with all the Hezbollah crimes. A good example is the Hezbollah’s explosion of the port of Beirut, and the obstruction of the investigation by force and terrorism. Another example, is Hezbollah’s assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, where the assassins are seen by Hezbollah as saints, and still on the run despite their conviction by the Special Court For Lebanon.
In conclusion, there will be no solutions in Lebanon, big or small, at any level, and in any field, as long as the Persian and terrorist Hezbollah occupies the country, controls its decision making process, and by force appointing its officials and rulers.
The solution: Putting Lebanon under the seventh UN clause, declaring it a failed and rogue country, and implementing by force all the UN resolutions (Armistice Agreement, 1559, 1701, and 1680), otherwise the occupation will continue and every thing will get worse.