الياس بجاني/قديسو حزب الشيطان وسيده يخطفون مواطن سعودي من مطار بيروت وينقلونه إلى البقاع


قديسو حزب الشيطان وسيده يخطفون مواطن سعودي من مطار بيروت وينقلونه إلى البقاع
الياس بجاني/25 تموز/2022

حزب الشيطان، الإرهابي والظلامي والملالوي، يحمي كل عصابات الخطف والتهريب، وتبيض الأموال، وزراعة وتسوّيق الممنوعات. ورغم هذا، يدعى قادته الملجميين نفاقاً ودجلاً بأنهم مقاومة، ويبشرون اللبنانيين بالعفة، في حين أنهم يغرقون في العهر بكافة أنواعه وألونه وأشكاله.
هذا الإبليس الفارسي هو محتل ومخرب، ووراء تدمير لبنان، وجره إلى ما قبل الأزمنة الحجرية، وإفقار وتهجير شعبه، وتدمير مؤسساته وتحويله إلى ثكنة ومحزن أسلحة، وساحة حروب، لملالي إيران، ولمشروهم التوسعي والمذهبي والإمبراطوري الوهم.
هؤلاء الفاجرين وحزبهم الطروادي وأسيادهم الملالي هم أعداء لبنان وكل اللبنانيين.
حزب الشيطان هذا، يبشر بالموت ويسوّق له، ويخطف ويصادر بالقوة والتمذهب أبناء بيئته ومناطقهم، وقد حولها إلى مناطق خارجة عن القانون، ودويلات عصابات وإرهاب تعج بالمطلوبين الذين يرى فيهم قديسين ويؤمن لهم الحماية.
هذا الجيش الإيراني الإرهابي المؤلف من مرتزقة لبنانيين يسيطر على مطار بيروت، وعلى المرفأ، وعلى الحدود السورية اللبنانية.
وفي سياق هيمنته على مطار بيروت تم أمس خطف مواطن سعودي بعد وصوله إلى المطار واقتياده إلى البقاع!
في أسفل الخبر

خطف مواطم سعودي بعد وصوله الى المطار واقتياده الى البقاع!
جنوبية/25 تموز/2022
كشفت مصادر قضائية ل”جنوبية” ان “مجهولين عمدوا الى اختطاف السعودي حسين الشمري من مطار رفيق الحريري فور وصوله ظهر أمس”، موضحة بان “التحقيق لا يزال في طور جمع المعلومات التي لم تتوافر حتى الآن حول اسباب عملية الخطف”، وإنْ كانت في ظاهرها طلب فدية مالية لإطلاق سراحه. ويتابع النائب العام الاستئنافي في البقاع القاضي منيف بركات، عملية خطف السعودي الشمري في بعلبك، بالتواصل مع مخفر درك بعلبك والقوى العسكرية من الجيش التي تنفذ عمليات دهم لأماكن في حي الشراونة في بعلبك بحثا عن المخطوف.

Lebanese authorities launch investigation to find Saudi national missing in Bekaa
Najia Houssari/Arab News/July 25/2022
There were 24 kidnappings in the first quarter of 2022
BEIRUT: Lebanese authorities have launched an investigation to locate a Saudi national who went missing after being lured to the country’s eastern region of Bekaa to buy a property, officials have said. But the measures being taken to search for Hussein Al-Shammari are being kept under wraps. Reports circulating on social media on Monday morning claimed that unidentified people had lured Al-Shammari to one of the hills of Baalbek to sell him real estate. They later kidnapped him and demanded a ransom in exchange for his release. There is conflicting information about the location of the kidnapping.
The kidnappers find in Baalbek-Hermel governorate — which is under the control of Hezbollah’s security force — a haven for their protection, weapons, and movements. Al-Shammari was on the road to Rafic Hariri International Airport after arriving at the airport when he was kidnapped, according to news reports.
A military source told Arab News that the security services had no information about a kidnapping in Lebanon in the past 24 hours or about the nationality of the captive should the kidnapping be confirmed.
But security and judicial services in the Baalbek region have been mobilized, as has the Lebanese military. Raids began in the early hours of Monday on the house of a wanted person from the Al-Jaafar family in the Al-Sharawneh neighborhood on suspicion of his involvement with other people in previous kidnappings. Forces confiscated weapons and ammunition but found no captives. Baalbek-Hermel Gov. Judge Bashir Khader told Arab News that the security forces, army intelligence, and the Information Division of the Internal Security Forces had not received any information or news from any Saudi family reporting that a member of their family had been kidnapped. He also said that the Saudi diplomatic mission in Lebanon had not reported any information about a Saudi national being kidnapped on Lebanese territory.
Khader said the security services had, however, carried out pre-emptive raids against people involved in previous kidnappings or had precedent.
“The aim of these agencies — if there is a kidnapped person — is to ensure his safety and arrest the perpetrators — if the matter is confirmed — in a way that ensures the captive’s safety.”Khader stressed that the issue would not go unpunished, although there were hopes for an early breakthrough in the investigation. Kidnappings for ransom have increased this year in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon due to the deteriorating security situation. The kidnappers find in Baalbek-Hermel governorate — which is under the control of Hezbollah’s security force — a haven for their protection, weapons, and movements.
They have been using illegal crossings for transferring kidnapped individuals to Syrian territory or moving there themselves to avoid detention. Official figures indicate an increase in kidnappings this year compared to 2021. The first three months of 2022 witnessed 24 kidnappings, compared to 17 during 2021, with kidnappers using different methods.
The nationalities kidnapped for ransom include the Lebanese, Syrians, Saudis, Yemenis, and Egyptians. Some were freed by the Lebanese security forces, while others were released after a ransom was paid.

Lebanese authorities investigate Saudi’s kidnap in Baalbek
Agence France Presse/Monday, 25 July, 2022
Lebanese authorities launched an investigation Monday into the kidnapping at the weekend of a Saudi lured to the country’s eastern region of Bekaa to buy a property, a judicial official said. The Bekaa public prosecutor instructed security forces to “conduct investigations and gather information on his whereabouts, which is likely the al-Sharawneh neighborhood” on the outskirts of the city of Baalbek, the official told AFP, asking not to be named. Unrest and clashes between rival influential families are common in Baalbek, where the Iran-backed Shiite movement Hezbollah is dominant.
The army often conducts raids in the city, notably in al-Sharawneh, over cases of drug trafficking, theft, kidnapping and other crimes. A “gang” lured the victim to Lebanon to buy property and the man was taken directly to Baalbek upon landing in Beirut, the official said, specifying that he was snatched on Sunday.
A ransom demand has not been issued but the Saudi was likely taken “with the aim of financially extorting” him, he said. In April, a gang kidnapped an Egyptian accountant in Baalbek. He was rescued by the army after two weeks in captivity. On July 11, a Saudi dissident living in Beirut’s southern suburbs was killed, and two of his brothers were arrested in connection with the murder. The latest kidnapping comes three months after Riyadh announced the return of its ambassador to Beirut, following a diplomatic crisis last year between Lebanon and Arab states in the Gulf. Riyadh also suspended fruit and vegetable imports from Lebanon in April last year, saying shipments were being used for drug smuggling and accusing Beirut of inaction. Captagon pills, an amphetamine that is wreaking havoc in the kingdom and other Arab states, are produced mainly in Syria, neighboring the Bekaa, and smuggled to the main consumer markets in the Gulf.