Elie Aoun/How To Save Lebanon,/Lebanon is not a failed state. Its leaders are failed individuals.Part One Of Three/ايلي عون: كيف يمكن انقاذ لبنان..لبنان ليس دولة فاشلة ولكن قادت مجموعة من الفاشلين


How To Save Lebanon,/Lebanon is not a failed state. Its leaders are failed individuals/Part One Of Three
Elie Aoun/January 11/2021

ايلي عون: كيف يمكن انقاذ لبنان.. لبنان ليس دولة فاشلة ولكن قادته مجموعة من الفاشلين

Lebanon is not a failed state. Its leaders are failed individuals. Lebanon is not in need of foreign “supervision.” Its leaders are in need of guardianship (foreign or domestic) due to mental incapacity.

Despite all the difficulties facing the country, a Lebanese solution can be implemented.

There is no need for a United Nations or a foreign mandate over the country. The Lebanese have the capacity to save themselves – provided that the “proper Lebanese” are given a position of influence to implement the correct solutions.

After World War II, Germany and Japan were in a more devastating situation than Lebanon. By implementing the right legal and economic principles, and within a span of thirty years after the War, they became one of the most economically influential countries.

In contrast, thirty years after the end of war in Lebanon, the country is in a much worse condition than it was thirty and fifty years ago.

The problem is not in the “confessional system” – although certain improvements can be made. The problem is in the individuals who rule that system. These individuals can ruin any system, regardless of what it may be.

The solution is not in a secular state, federalism, decentralization, a foreign mandate, or any of the ideas being presented.

The solution is in (1) applying the correct legal and economic principles and (2) having the right caliber of individuals at the helm of government. The solution is in the substance of the system, more than its form.

The existing political class does not know how to implement these legal and economic principles – even if they want to do so, and even if we describe these principles to them.

The political class has to recognize that they do not have the qualification necessary to move the country to a phase of stability and prosperity.

To those who “love” their leaders, they need to recognize that love alone is not enough. If a lady loves a mechanic, she would not go to him for heart surgery. Even if she does, he should be sensible enough to guide her to the proper heart surgeon.

In the same manner, if a Lebanese “loves” a certain politician or the leader of a political party, that Lebanese must recognize that the loved politician is incapable of saving him or the country – or at least that politician should be sensible enough to hire those who can.

Unfortunately, many Lebanese citizens still have to wake up from their delusions, and the politicians still have to acknowledge their incapacity to move the country for the better.

God’s political selection criteria is certainly wiser than ours. He makes His selection based on the heart – not on strength. “The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14).

Unfortunately, today’s misguided perception of “strength” has lead Lebanon to “strength in stupidity” and strength in all the wrong directions.

As people, we have to enhance our selection criteria – in terms of whom we choose for a position of political influence.

If the political class have any heart for their people, if they have any constructive vision or any fear of God, we would not have reached the present outcome.

To save Lebanon, the politicians must have (1) a constructive vision to improve the country, (2) a Godly spirituality, and (3) a heart for the people – while (4) implementing the proper legal and economic principles.

The existing political class and leaders of the major political parties do not have a single characteristic of these four elements.

Therefore, under no circumstance can these politicians be able to save the country on their own.

A reporter might ask: Would it be realistic to ask of the politicians to abandon their posts to someone else?

The real question should be: Would it be realistic to ask of the people to abandon their economic and political wellbeing to a ruling class that has impoverished them and led the country to the present status quo?

Would it be realistic for qualified Lebanese not to be included in the political governmental process just because they are not members of a political party?

Which is more relevant, the politicians or establishing a viable nation?

Some might say: “We have to respect the ‘democratic’ political process and the elected politicians.”

To that we respond: those at the helm of power achieved their “democratic victories” by exerting militia influence, corruptive practices, inadequate electoral law, and falsified electoral results. Therefore, they cannot be considered as the rightful or valid representatives of the people. They have no legitimacy to rule. In a fair environment, the political map would be very different.

Part 2: How to Save the Presidency?
Part 3: What Hinders the Salvation of Lebanon?