France, the disintegration of Lebanon and the Second Implosion of the Middle East
Charles Elias Chartouni/August 10/2020
شارل الياس شرتوني: فرنسا، تفكك لبنان والانفجار الثاني للشرق الأوسط
The reversal of tide operated by President Emmanuel Macron in 48 hours likens a miracle at a time when Lebanon seems doomed. The political acumen, the boldness of the Statesman, and the empathetic personality have proven salvational in a country vowed to exponential entropy, structural disintegration and unraveling of its humane and societal textures.
The ineptitude of the late government made the Lebanese lose six precious months of aimless negotiations with the IMF, since the government failed to present reliable financial statistics, evolve a consensus around the odious debt contracted by the kleptocratic oligarchy, which failed to oversee an integrated post war reconstruction plan, relaunch the economy, address the manifold challenges of a post-war fractured polity, a destroyed economy, and the dislocations caused by a protracted social conflict.
Rather than building an integrated economic scheme, they instrumentalized the banking system to cater to the needs of a rent-based economy which serves their interests, at the very expense of the real economy, the broadening of investment realms and the diversification of professional spectrums.
While partaking in the oligarchic scheme, Hezbollah and Shiite power politics have used the umbrella provided by the Syrian occupation to launch an internal colonization strategy, spread the tentacles of a vampire State, transform Lebanon into a platform of regional and international political subversion and organized criminality.
The political coalitions built with Michel Aoun and Saad al Hariri, were mere political expedients which served their insidious and progressive control of political institutions, transformed into appendages and platforms of a domination strategy.
In parallel, it has created a vast international criminal network ( South America, Africa, Shiite communities across different continents ), and built a professional army financed and trained by Iran, and engaged a wide arc of conflicts extending between Yemen and Turkey, with Lebanon as an epicenter.
This exponential dynamic has destroyed the very foundation of Lebanese Statehood, political and economic sustainability, and set the dynamics of the second wave of regional disintegration. The alarmed intervention of President Macron is based on the careful assessment of a meteoric degradation.