رزمة من التقارير باللغتين العربية والإنكليزية تتناول ملف ألكسي صعب العضو الإرهابي في حزب الله المعتقل في أميركا/A Bundle of A/E Reports covering the Hezbollah Terrorist Alexy Saab who is imprisoned in the USA.
رزمة من التقارير باللغتين العربية والإنكليزية تتناول ملف ألكسي صعب العضو الإرهابي في حزب الله المعتقل في أميركا
A Bundle of A/E Reports covering the Hezbollah Terrorist Alexy Saab who is imprisoned in the USA.
US-Lebanese Man Charged with Scouting Targets for Hizbullah Agence France Presse/September 20/2019
US man charged with scouting targets for Hezbollah AFP, New York/Friday, 20 September 2019
Hezbollah terrorist, Alexei Saab scouted NYC-area locations: feds Ben Cohn, Emily Saul, Larry Celona and Laura Italiano/New York Post/September 20/2019
The scout, in custody since July, sent photos to leaders in Lebanon Jonathan Dienst/4 Washington Home/Published Sep 19, 2019
فيديو/تقرير موقع الآن الإمراتي من عنوانه: من هو اليكس صعب المتهم بالتجسس لصالح حزب الله في أمريكا والمعتقل في سجونها؟
أليكسي صعب.. رحلة المتهم بالعمالة لحزب الله من لبنان لأميركا الحرة/20 أيلول/2019
واشنطن توجه الاتهام للعضو في حزب الله أليكس صعب بشن هجمات إرهابية سكاي نيوز/20 أيلول/2019
فيديو/تقرير موقع الآن الإمراتي من عنوانه: “من هو اليكس صعب المتهم بالتجسس لصالح حزب الله في أمريكا والمعتقل في سجونها؟” اضغط هنا لمشاهدة التقرير أخبار الآن/دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة (محمد زهور)/20 أيلول/2019 لم تكد تمر أشهر معدودات على إدانة القضاء الأمريكي للبناني علي كوراني بالتورط في التحضير لتنفيذ اعتداءات لصالح حزب الله، حتى صدرت اتهامات للبناني أخر يدعى أليكس صعب بنقل معلومات تحضيرا لشن هجمات محتملة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
أليكسي صعب.. رحلة المتهم بالعمالة لحزب الله من لبنان لأميركا الحرة/20 أيلول/2019 أعلنت وزارة العدل الأميركية اعتقال “أليكسي صعب” وتوجيه سلسلة تهم إليه بينها العمالة لحزب الله في الولايات المتحدة، وتلقي تدريبات في صنع القنابل، والتجسس على أهداف محتملة داخل الأراضي الأميركية لمهاجمتها من قبل الحزب. وبحسب وزارة العدل، فقد كانت بداية صعب مع حزب الله في عام 1996، وقام حينها بأول عملية له داخل لبنان حيث كُلف بمراقبة تحركات جنود الجيشين الإسرائيلي واللبناني في منطقة يارون بلبنان، والإبلاغ عنها. وقدم تقريرا عن جداول الدوريات والتشكيلات، والإجراءات عند نقاط التفتيش الأمنية، والمركبات التي يستخدمها الجنود. وفي عام 1999، حضر أول تدريب له مع حزب الله، وركز التدريب على استخدام الأسلحة النارية. وتولى التعامل مع بندقية من طراز AK-47، وبندقية من طراز M16، وتعلم استعمال المسدس وإلقاء قنابل يدوية. وفي عام 2000، انتقل صعب إلى عضوية وحدة “حزب الله” المسؤولة عن العمليات الخارجية، ثم تلقى تدريبا مكثفا في مجال الأسلحة والتكتيكات العسكرية، بما في ذلك كيفية صنع القنابل وغيرها من الأجهزة المتفجرة. وبين عامي 2004 و2005، حضر صعب، الذي يدعى أيضا علي حسن صعب، أو رشيد، تدريبا على المتفجرات في لبنان تلقى خلاله تعليما مفصلا في مجالات منها آليات التفجير والمواد المتفجرة. دخل صعب إلى الولايات المتحدة بصورة قانونية في عام 2000، باستخدام جواز سفر لبناني. وفي 2005، تقدم بطلب للحصول على الجنسية الأميركية، وأكد تحت شهادة الزور، أنه لم يكن عضوا في أي منظمة إرهابية. وبينما كان صعب يعيش في الولايات المتحدة، ظل عضوا في منظمة الجهاد الإسلامي التابعة لحزب الله، واستمر في تلقي التدريب العسكري في لبنان، وأجرى العديد من العمليات لصالح التنظيم. والجهاد الإسلامي، التي تعرف أيضا بمنظمة الأمن الخارجي و”910″، واحدة من مكونات حزب الله المسؤولة عن تخطيط وتنسيق أنشطة الاستخبارات والمخابرات المضادة والإرهابية نيابة عن الحزب خارج لبنان. وقام صعب أيضا بمراقبة مواقع متعددة في المدن الكبرى، لجمع التفاصيل الأساسية المفيدة لهجوم في المستقبل. وعمل على مراقبة عشرات المواقع في مدينة نيويورك بما في ذلك مقر الأمم المتحدة، وتمثال الحرية، ومركز روكفلر، وتايمز سكوير، ومبنى إمباير ستيت، والمطارات المحلية، والأنفاق، والجسور. وقدم تفاصيل معلومات عن هذه المواقع، بما في ذلك صورا فوتوغرافية إلى التنظيم. وعلى الرغم من أن المتهم كان مواطنا أميركيا متجنسا، إلا أن “ولاءه الحقيقي كان لحزب الله، المنظمة الإرهابية المسؤولة عن عقود من الهجمات الإرهابية التي أودت بحياة المئات، بمن فيهم مواطنون أميركيون وأفراد عسكريون”. ويواجه صعب، اليوم تهما ثقيلة من بينها تقديمه الدعم المادي لمنظمة إرهابية أجنبية، وهي جريمة يعاقب عليها بالسجن لمدة أقصاها 20 سنة، كما أن تلقي تدريب عسكري من منظمة إرهابية جريمة يعاقب عليها بالسجن لمدة 10 سنوات. المصدر: وزارة العدل الأميركية
واشنطن توجه الاتهام للعضو في حزب الله أليكس صعب بشن هجمات إرهابية سكاي نيوز/20 أيلول/2019 وجهت النيابة الفيدرالية الاتهام إلى شخص يدعى أليكس صعب (موقوف منذ شهر تموز) كان يقوم بمهام استطلاع لصالح حزب الله للبحث عن مواقع لشن هجمات إرهابية في نيويورك وبوسطن وواشنطن وإرسال معلومات مستهدفة للقيادة في لبنان. وتقول النيابة إن صعب عضو في حزب الله منذ عام 1996 ولديه خبرة في استخدام الأسلحة نارية وصنع القنابل. وقال ممثلو الادعاء إن من بين الأهداف في مدينة نيويورك، جسر جورج واشنطن وتمثال الحرية. كما قام باستطلاع أهداف في بوسطن وواشنطن، بما في ذلك فينواي بارك ونصب واشنطن التذكاري. ويواجه صعب اتهامات بتقديم دعم مادي لمنظمة إرهابية أجنبية، فضلاً عن مجموعة متنوعة من التآمر والتهم الأخرى.
US-Lebanese Man Charged with Scouting Targets for Hizbullah Agence France Presse/September 20/2019 A US citizen was charged Thursday with transmitting information to Hizbullah for possible terrorist attacks in the United States, the Justice Department said. According to prosecutors, 42-year-old New Jersey resident Alexei Saab, who became a naturalized US citizen in 2008, began training in 1999 with Hizbullah, which the US designated as a terrorist organization in 1997. Saab became a member of the Hizbullah branch concerned with foreign operations — such as a 2012 attack on Israeli tourists at an airport in Bulgaria — and since his 2000 arrival to the US, Saab passed information to the group about possible targets in major American cities, such as New York’s Empire State Building, Times Square, bridges, tunnels and airports. Outside the US, he attempted in 2005 to kill a man suspected of being an Israeli spy, the Justice Department said. “Alexei Saab allegedly used his training to scout possible targets throughout the US,” said New York US Attorney Geoffrey Berman in a statement. “Even though Saab was a naturalized American citizen, his true allegiance was to Hizbullah, the terrorist organization responsible for decades of terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds,” Berman said. Saab faces nine indictments, including a charge related to supporting a terrorist organization, for which he could face 20 years in prison if convicted. Prosecutors also accused Saab of entering into a “marriage fraud conspiracy” for the purpose of applying for citizenship for an unidentified spouse in 2012. Saab could face 25 years in prison if convicted of offenses related to the fraudulent marriage charges. In May, another American of Lebanese origin, Ali Kourani, was found guilty of supporting Hizbullah attacks and collecting information about the security operations of US airports, including John F. Kennedy in New York. His sentencing is set for later this month.
US man charged with scouting targets for Hezbollah AFP, New York/Friday, 20 September 2019 The US Department of Justice charged Alexei Saab with giving information to the terrorist organization Hezbollah. A US citizen was charged Thursday with transmitting information to Hezbollah for possible terrorist attacks in the United States, the Justice Department said. According to prosecutors, 42-year-old New Jersey resident Alexei Saab, who became a naturalized US citizen in 2008, began training in 1999 with the Lebanese Hezbollah, which the US designated as a terrorist organization in 1997. Saab became a member of the Hezbollah branch concerned with foreign operations – such as a 2012 attack on Israeli tourists at an airport in Bulgaria – and since his 2000 arrival to the US, Saab passed information to the group about possible targets in major American cities, such as New York’s Empire State Building, Times Square, bridges, tunnels, and airports. Outside the US, he attempted in 2005 to kill a man suspected of being an Israeli spy, the Justice Department said. “Alexei Saab allegedly used his training to scout possible targets throughout the US,” said New York US Attorney Geoffrey Berman in a statement. “Even though Saab was a naturalized American citizen, his true allegiance was to Hezbollah, the terrorist organization responsible for decades of terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds,” Berman said. Saab faces nine indictments, including a charge related to supporting a terrorist organization, for which he could face 20 years in prison if convicted. Prosecutors also accused Saab of entering into a “marriage fraud conspiracy” for the purpose of applying for citizenship for an unidentified spouse in 2012. Saab could face 25 years in prison if convicted of offenses related to the fraudulent marriage charges. In May, another American of Lebanese origin, Ali Kourani, was found guilty of supporting Hezbollah attacks and collecting information about the security operations of US airports, including John F. Kennedy in New York. His sentencing is set for later this month.
Hezbollah terrorist, Alexei Saab scouted NYC-area locations: feds Ben Cohn, Emily Saul, Larry Celona and Laura Italiano/New York Post/September 20/2019 A New Jersey man has spent the past 22 years training with and scouting terror-attack locations for Hezbollah — and provided the group with intelligence on the Port Authority, Grand Central Terminal, the New York Stock Exchange and the city’s two airports, according to a new federal indictment against him. Alexei Saab, 42, of Morristown — also known as Ali Hassan Saab, Alex Saab, or “Rachid” — was charged Thursday in a nine-count indictment for allegedly providing material support to the deadly organization. Saab was arrested in July, and remains in federal custody, officials said. As far back as in 2003, he gave Hezbollah photos and other detailed intel on New York City landmarks and transportation hubs. Saab surveilled dozens of locations in New York City—including the United Nations headquarters, the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Empire State Building, the federal offices at 26 Federal Plaza, and local airports, tunnels, and bridges, including the George Washington Bridge. The detailed information recovered from his computers included photographs and details on the structural weaknesses — or “soft spots” — of these locations, officials alleged. He has also surveilled sites in cities around the US — including the Washington Monument and Boston’s Fenway Park, The Post has learned. The charges do not allege that Saab conducted any recent surveillance. “According to the allegations, while living in the United States, Saab served as an operative of Hezbollah and conducted surveillance of possible target locations in order to help the foreign terrorist organization prepare for potential future attacks against the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers said in a press statement. “Such covert activities conducted on U.S. soil are a clear threat to our national security and I applaud the agents, analysts, and prosecutors who are responsible for this investigation and prosecution.” Saab joined Hezbollah in 1996, and his earliest activities with the group include spying in Lebanon on the movements of Israeli and Southern Lebanese Army soldiers, and intelligence-gathering in Istanbul, the indictment alleges. He trained in the use of firearms, including AK-47s, and in 2000 he received extensive training in military tactics, including how to construct bombs and other explosive devices, the indictment alleges. In 2005, Saab attempted to murder a suspected Israeli spy, pointing a firearm at close range and twice pulling the trigger, only to have the gun malfunction both times, officials said. In 2004 and 2005, Saab attended explosives training in Lebanon during which he received detailed instruction in, among other things, triggering mechanisms, explosive substances, detonators and the assembly of circuits, the indictment alleges. In 2000, Saab lawfully entered the United States using a Lebanese passport, and he became a naturalized US citizen in 2008, the indictment alleges. His former neighbors in Jersey City were stunned by the news. “He was a nice guy, but quiet, private,” said a neighbor who lives across from Saab’s former rental apartment on the top floor of a two-story house. She asked not to be identified by name. “He said hi to me and my baby.”
Hezbollah Scout Scoped Out Attack Targets in NYC, Boston, DC: Feds The scout, in custody since July, sent photos to leaders in Lebanon Jonathan Dienst/4 Washington Home/Published Sep 19, 2019 https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Hezbollah-Scout-Attack-Targets-in-NYC-Boston-560797451.html?fbclid=IwAR3zYyGE_1vapS_LnXhJQ6zhoC3OXnMZBfutypq6jhi5KA9yPilanrwIYiI Authorities say that Alexei Saab trained with the militant group in firearms, military tactics and how to make bombs. He allegedly scouted places like the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building plus bridges and tunnels around the city. NBC New York’s Jonathan Dienst reports. A scout for the militant group Hezbollah was looking at locations for attacks in New York, Boston and Washington and sending target information back to leadership in Lebanon, federal prosecutors said. They unveiled a nine-count indictment in Manhattan Federal Court on Thursday against Alexei Saab of Morristown, New Jersey, who has been in custody since July 9 after being brought in by members of the NYPD and FBI. The government alleges that Saab has been a Hezbollah member since 1996 and has extensive firearms and bomb-making training. Among Saab’s dozens of alleged New York City targets, prosecutors said, were the George Washington Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Herald Square and the local airports and tunnels. He also surveiled targets in Boston and Washington, including Fenway Park and the Washington Monument. “Today’s announcement highlights the persistent efforts of a sophisticated international terrorist organization to scout targets at home and abroad, identifying vulnerabilities, and gathering essential details useful for a future attack,” said FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William Sweeney said. “In the city that never sleeps, neither do the FBI agents, detectives, and analysts who work on the JTTF to protect it, and because of their work, Saab’s future surveillances will be limited to a cell.” Saab, 42 and a naturalized U.S. citizen since 2008, faces charges of providing material support and receiving military training from a foreign terrorist organization, procuring citizenship to facilitate an act of terrorism, as well as conspiracy and fraud charges. A 33-page complaint, sealed since July 8, includes a variety of photos — taken on a cellphone in 2003 — of sensitive locations taken by Saab around the country. “In particular, (Saab) focused on the structural weaknesses of locations he surveilled in order to determine how a future attack could cause the most destruction,” the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a statement. Prosecutors allege the photos were gathered for the benefit of the Islamic Jihad Organization, or IJO, Hezbollah’s external terrorism arm. While Hezbollah has never been linked to any terror attacks in the United States, the IJO was behind the bombing of a bus carrying Israeli tourists in Bulgaria that killed six and injured 32. Two other IJO operatives were arrested and charged in the Southern District of New York in 2017. Saab reported back to the IJO with details of what the alleged targets were constructed of, how close in proximity one could get, and weaknesses or “soft spots” the group could exploit in a potential attack. Aside from his scouting of locations, Saab also conducted other criminal operations abroad, including the attempted murder of a man he believed to be an Israeli spy, according to prosecutors. He pulled a gun on a man at close range and tried to fire twice, but the weapon malfunctioned. “Even though Saab was a naturalized American citizen, his true allegiance was to Hizballah, the terrorist organization responsible for decades of terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds, including U.S. citizens and military personnel,” U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said. Though the complaint was just unveiled Thursday, law enforcement executed search warrants on Saab’s email accounts in April 2018 and began interviewing him as far back as March 2019. “Saab operated in the streets of New York as a covert operative for Hizballah, gathering intelligence and sizing up targets for potential attacks on US soil,” NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill said. “This case brings us another important piece of the puzzle in our long term investigations into the terrorist groups targeting New York City. I commend the teamwork of the NYPD detectives, FBI agents and all the partner agencies in the Joint Terrorism Task Force.” In addition to the charges related to his support for militant group, Saab also faces unrelated marriage fraud charges. According to the indictment, he was offered $20,000 to marry a woman so that she could get her U.S. citizenship. The pair had recently discussed ending the arrangement because the woman had yet to recieve her citizenship, the criminal complaint read. If convicted of all the charges he faces, Saab would face spending the rest of his life in prison. Attempts to reach an attorney for Saab were unsuccessful.