تقرير من موقع “اميركن ثنكر” يفضح تواطؤ أوباما في تعاميه المتعمد عن أعمال اجرامية وإرهابية لحزب الله كشفتها المخابرات الأميركية وذلك بهدف استرضاء إيران للتوصل معها لتوقيع الإتفاق النووي/Jack Hellner/The American Thinker: Obama let Hezb’allah off the hook to funnel drugs into the USA, but MSM don’t care
Obama let Hezb’allah off the hook to funnel drugs into the USA, but MSM don’t care
تقرير من موقع “اميركن ثنكر” يفضح تواطؤ أوباما في تعاميه المتعمد عن أعمال اجرامية وإرهابية لحزب الله كشفتها المخابرات الأميركية وذلك بهدف استرضاء إيران للتوصل معها لتوقيع الإتفاق النووي
In 2016, President Obama dictatorially stopped an eight-year investigation into a billion-dollar-per-year drug-running operation by the terrorist Hezb’allah organization to appease Iran because Obama thought an Iran deal would enhance his legacy.
An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah’s billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House’s desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.
In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.
The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.
Over the next eight years, agents working out of a top-secret DEA facility in Chantilly, Virginia, used wiretaps, undercover operations and informants to map Hezbollah’s illicit networks, with the help of 30 U.S. and foreign security agencies.
This story has had little to no coverage, even though many elements of the story have great current relevance. These elements include:
The rule of law and special treatment under the law,
Obstruction of justice, sweetheart deals at the Justice Department,
The independence of the Justice Department,
Morale at the FBI,
Separation of powers,
Border security,
Revenue for the government,
Drug abuse,
Drug overdoses and suicides,
Lawsuits against drug companies,
The Iran deal.
The rule of law and special treatment under the law: The Obama/Biden administration gave the terrorists a free pass despite obvious serious violations of the law. Other people given a pass during the Obama years: Hillary, her aides, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, James Clapper, Susan Rice, and John Brennan, despite serious criminal violations. While these people were given a pass, people around Trump were targeted when there was no underlying crime.
What would minorities think when they see so many free passes given by Obama? It should be noted that criminal justice reform was passed and signed in Trump’s first term, not during the Obama/Biden years.
Obstruction of Justice: It is clearly obstruction when a president intentionally ends an eight-year investigation by thirty government agencies from around the world. Hillary and her aides also obstructed justice, and so did the IRS. The media and other Democrats didn’t care about clear obstruction cases, but they endlessly report and investigate when Trump truthfully says the Justice Department and Democrats are conducting a witch hunt when there was no underlying crime.
Sweetheart Deals: The Justice Department let off terrorists, Hillary, and perjurers, but the media and other Democrats are focused on getting rid of Alex Acosta, who got a conviction.
Independence at the Justice Department: We are continuously told that under Obama the Justice Department operated independently. What a joke. He dictatorially stops an eight-year investigation, and they are independent? Is anyone naïve or stupid enough to believe he wasn’t involved in exonerating Hillary and the perjurers? Does anyone really believe he wasn’t involved in the illegal unmasking of people surrounding Trump and the targeting of Trump?
Morale at the Justice Department: What would the morale be at the thirty agencies that conducted this investigation and then were told that all their work made no difference because the president needed to let a killing organization off the hook to seal a deal with a country that pledged death to America? What incentive would they have to do other serious investigations if a dictatorial president could just flush all their work down the toilet? Where are the whistleblowers?
Separation of Powers: President Obama also decided he was the arbitrator of the law and the judge and jury when he let the drug-runners off.
Border Security: Drug-running organizations must love when a president is more concerned about his legacy than the rule of law. They would appreciate all the Democrats, with media support, who don’t want to secure the border and who support sanctuary cities and states. Democrats are even advising illegal aliens who have deportation orders how to evade the law.
What should minorities, who are arrested for violating laws, think when they see Democrats focus so hard on letting illegal aliens off?
Why don’t the media tell the public that Obama also had deportation raids, including on women and children? The answer is that they don’t report for the same reason they don’t tell the public that Obama built the cages and separated the children. The truth is inconvenient.
“This past weekend, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) engaged in concerted, nationwide enforcement operations to take into custody and return at a greater rate adults who entered this country illegally with children,” Johnson said. “This should come as no surprise. I have said publicly for months that individuals who constitute enforcement priorities, including families and unaccompanied children, will be removed.”
Revenue for the government: The Obama administration and other Democrats like high taxes and massive regulations. Under Obama/Biden, the Justice Department, CFPB and EPA shook down corporations and set up slush funds to be used for political purposes and political supporters. But they let Hezb’allah ignore the law, keep selling drugs and keep their billions to appease Iran and help Obama’s legacy
Drug running, drug abuse, drug overdoses and suicide: How many people have died from drugs because Obama wanted the Iran deal? How many other drug running organizations have been encouraged because of the intentional lack of security at the border?
Lawsuits against drug companies: Drug companies are properly being sued for facilitating the drug crisis. Why aren’t the federal government and Obama being sued for allowing a drug running operation to continue and for not securing the border?
Homelessness: How many people are on the street and not able to work because Obama allowed drug running?
Terrorism: How many people, including children, have died because Hezb’allah was let off and allowed to keep billions and keep running drugs to fund its operation? Think how much Iran saved because Obama allowed Hezbollah to keep another source of funds.
The Iran Deal: What should we think of a President, and all those surrounding him, who lied through the media to get the non-signed deal done, who gave the terrorist sponsoring country that pledged death to America and death to Israel, access to hundreds of billions of dollars, paid the tyrants $1.8 billion of taxpayer money in unmarked bills as a bribe and allowed a terrorists organization that ran drugs throughout the world to go free and keep billions of dollars?
Why aren’t Biden and other Democrats asked what they think of the $1.8 billion and allowing the drug running terrorists to go free when they are asked about the Iran deal? My guess is they would be flummoxed.
The media, in collusion with other Democrats, report endlessly on fictional Russian collusion, chase down obstruction of justice when there is no underlying crime, report on quarter of a century-old tax records, try to take out a Supreme Court nominee with no evidence, try to destroy white Christian boys for wearing MAGA hats, continue to lie about what Trump said in Charlottesville and will report a story about a fake hate crime in Chicago with no evidence.
But they don’t have time to report on a president allowing thousands to die by granting amnesty to a terrorist drug running organization. The narcissistic dictatorial president is the one who dictatorially stopped an eight-year investigation, who protected from prosecution his hand-picked successor because she would continue his policies and who facilitated the unmasking and spying to target a political opponent.
It is truly a shame that most media outlets supported Obama/Biden no matter what they said or did while they target Trump no matter how successful his policies have been.