Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For May 14/2018


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For May 14/2018

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on May 13-14/18
Mother’s Day: Love, Sacrifices and Commitment/Elias Bejjani/May 013/18
Lebanon’s Corrupted Politicians/Elias Bejjani/May 13/18
Lebanon: Whoever You Vote For, Hezbollah Wins/Jonathan Spyer/Jerusalem Post/May 13/18
No crisis’ in Hariri’s Future Movement: party member/Najia Houssari/Arab News/May 13/18
The issue of Hezbollah’s domination of Lebanon/Nadim Koteich/Al Arabiya/May 13/18
Bolton: US sanctions ‘possible’ on European firms over Iran/Reuters/May 13/18
White House calls on Qatar to stop funding pro-Iranian militias/Con Coughlin, defence editor/The Telegraph/May 13/18
Iran Just Overplayed Its Hand In Syria/Jerusalem Post/May 13/18/
How Trump’s Iran deal decision may lead to war/Amanda Erickson/Washington Post/May 13/18
Is France Really an Ally of the United States/Guy Millière/Gatestone Institute.May 13/2018
Turkey in Syria: Ruling Kurdish Afrin by Sharia Law, Ethnic Cleansing/Sirwan Kajjo/Gatestone Institute.May 13/2018
Israel’s Celebrations of U.S. Embassy Move/Noa Landau/Haaretz/ May 13, 2018
What Does Brexit Mean? UK Still Can’t Decide/Therese Raphael/Bloomberg/May 13/18
Maybe this is as Good as Innovation Gets/Noah Smith//Bloomberg/May 13/18
‘My’ Burma was a Lie Woven from the Nationalist Nostalgia of its Exiles/Alex Wagner/The Washington Post/May 13/18
Khamenei and the North Korean precedent/Mohammed Al Shaikh/Al Arabiya/May 13/18
How Iran is extending its ‘Shiite crescent’ to Africa/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/May 13/18
On philosophy and its crucial role for society/Fahad Suleiman Shoqiran/Al Arabiya/May 13/18

Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on May 13-14/18
Mother’s Day: Love, Sacrifices and Commitment
Lebanon’s Corrupted Politicians
Ferzli: Presidential Term Has Started, Let Geagea Prepare Himself for Opposition
PSP Seeking to Contain Dispute with Hariri
Alloush Accuses Jumblat of Taking Part in ‘2011 Conspiracy’
Hariri Fires More Mustaqbal Officials as Nader Hariri Quits
Lebanon’s Hariri replaces chief of staff after election setback
Lebanon: Whoever You Vote For, Hezbollah Wins/Jonathan Spyer
No crisis’ in Hariri’s Future Movement: party member/Najia Houssari
The issue of Hezbollah’s domination of Lebanon

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on May 13-14/18
Bolton: US sanctions ‘possible’ on European firms over Iran
Suicide bombers attack three churches in Indonesia, at least three dead
White House calls on Qatar to stop funding pro-Iranian militias
Hamas Delegation Heads to Cairo before US Embassy Move
Arab League Denounces Turkish Statements on Relocating US Embassy to Jerusalem
Netanyahu At Embassy Ceremony: President Trump Is Making History
For Angry Palestinians, US Embassy Move a Show of Pro-Israel Bias
Jerusalem marks 51th anniversary as Israel’s united capital. Large US delegation here for embassy dedication
A Look at Jerusalem before US Embassy Relocation
U.S. Envoy Sees Peace Hope after Israel Embassy Move
U.S. Says Wants to Work with Europeans on New Iran Deal
Iran FM Hopeful of Forging ‘Clear Future’ for Nuclear Deal on Diplomatic Tour
Iran Sentences Eight Alleged IS Members to Death
At Least 5 Killed as Militants Storm Govt. Building in Afghan City
UN Chief Calls for ‘Suitable Environment’ for Libya Elections

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Mother’s Day: Love, Sacrifices and Commitment
الياس بجاني/عيد الأم: محبة وإلتزام وتضحية
Elias Bejjani/May 013/18
The Spirit Of My mother who like every and each loving departed mother is definitely watching from above and praying for all of us. May Almighty God Bless her spirit and the Spirits of all departed mothers.
In Christianity Virgin Merry is envisaged by many believers and numerous cultures as the number one role model for the righteous, devoted, loving , caring, giving, and humble mothers.
Today while in Canada we are happily and joyfully celebrating the Mothers’ Day, let us all pray that Almighty God will keep granting all mothers all over the world the needed graces of wisdom, meekness and faith to highly remain under all circumstances honoring this holy role model and to stay as Virgin Merry fully devoted to their families.
In all religions and cultures all over the world, honoring, respecting and obeying parents is not a favor that people either chose to practice or not. No not at all, honoring, respecting and obeying parents is a holy obligation that each and every faithful individual who believes in God MUST fulfill, no matter what.
Almighty God in His 10 Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 ) made the honoring of both parents (commandment number five) a holy obligation, and not a choice or a favor.
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you”. (Exodus 20:12)
Reading the Bible, both the Old and New Testament shows with no doubt that honoring parents is a cornerstone and a pillar in faith and righteousness for all believers. All other religions and cultures share with Christians this holy concept and obligation.
“Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” (Deuteronomy 5:16)
“You shall each revere your mother and father, and you shall keep my Sabbaths: I am the LORD your God.” (Leviticus 19:3).
Back home in Lebanon we have two popular proverbs that say: “If you do not have an elderly figure in your family to bless you, go and search for one”. “The mother is the who either gathers or divides the family”
How true are these two proverbs, because there will be no value, or meaning for our lives if not blessed and flavored by the wisdom, love and blessings of our parents and of other elder members.
He who does not honor the elderly, sympathize and empathize with them, especially his own parents is a person with a hardened heart, and a numbed conscience, who does not know the meaning of gratitude.
History teaches us that the easiest route for destroying a nation is to destroy, its cornerstone, the family. Once the family code of respect is belittled and not honored, the family is divided and loses all its Godly blessings.
“Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls” (Luke 11-17)
One very important concept and an extremely wise approach MUST apply and prevail when reading the Holy Bible in a bid to understand its contents and observe the Godly instructions and life guidelines that are enlisted. The concept needs to be a faith one with an open frame of mind free from doubts, questions and challenges.
Meanwhile the approach and interpretation MUST both be kept within the abstract manner, thinking and mentality frame, and not in the concrete way of interpretation.
We read in (Matthew 15/04: “For God said, Respect your father and your mother, and If you curse your father or your mother, you are to be put to death).
This verse simply dwells on The Fifth Biblical Commandment: “Honor your Father and Mother”. To grasp its meaning rightfully and put it in its right faith content one should understand that death in the Bible is not the death of the body as we experience and see on earth. DEATH in the Bible means the SIN that leads to eternal anguish in Hell.
The Bible teaches us that through His crucifixion, death and resurrection, Jesus defeated death in its ancient human, earthly concept. He broke the death thorn and since than, the actual death became the sin. Those who commit the sin die and on the judgment day are outcast to the eternal fire. Death for the believers is a temporary sleep on the hope of resurrection.
Accordingly the verse “If you curse your father or your mother, you are to be put to death”, means that those who do not honor their parents, help, support and respect them commit a deadly sin and God on the Judgment Day will make them accountable if they do not repent and honor their parents.
God is a Father, a loving, passionate and caring One, and in this context He made the honoring of parents one of the Ten Commandments.
In conclusion: The abstract and faith interpretation of Matthew 15/04 verse must not be related to children or teenagers who because of an age and maturity factors might temporarily repel against their parents and disobey them.
Hopefully, each and every one of us, no matter what religion or denomination he/she is affiliated to will never ever ignore his parents and commit the deadly SIN of not honoring them through every way and mean especially when they are old and unable to take care of themselves.
For all those of us whose mothers have passed away, let us mention them in our daily prayers and ask Almighty God to endow their souls the eternal rest in His heavenly dwellings.
Happy Mothers’ Day to all mothers

Lebanon’s Corrupted Politicians
Elias Bejjani/May 13/18
Sadly all the Lebanese political parties with no one exception are mere puppets and Trojans. They all succumbed to the Hezbollah occupation in exchange for marginal power gains (ministers and MP’s). They all forged a dirty deal with Hezbollah and accepted cowardly to practice under the umbrella of its hegemony and occupation. No hope from all the current corrupted politicians and parties. Lebanon needs a new breed of patriotic leaders.
Opportunist and puppets in the Lebanese political arena do not have the guts or the decency to take clear and overt stances against the occupier Hezbollah. Sadly 99% of the Lebanese Politicians and in particular our Maronites ones fall in this shameful category