Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Iran Must Prove Israel is Lying..المطلوب من إيران التي تتهم إسرائيل بالكذب أن تكشف وتؤكد ما تدعيه/Malcolm Lowe/Trump’s Three Conditions for Fixing the Iran Deal Are Now Imperative…شروط ترمب الثلاثة لتعديل الإتفاق النووي مع إيران أصبحت جداً ضرورية


Iran Must Prove Israel is Lying
المطلوب من إيران التي تتهم إسرائيل بالكذب أن تكشف وتؤكد ما تدعيه
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/May 04/18

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu escalated the level of the crisis with Iran on the international level as he ruined the plans of EU leaders who are trying to convince the American administration to postpone withdrawal from the nuclear deal and to provide middle-ground solutions.
Netanyahu provided dangerous information that does not only state that Iran is misusing the nuclear deal but that it is also violating the entire agreement, which prohibits nuclear activity for military purposes.
If some of the accusations he made are true regarding Tehran and its failure to actually halt its nuclear activity, this will destroy the international agreement which is described as historical and which those who’ve signed it believe it’s very precious.
We cannot judge information provided by Israel considering it is a direct party in the conflict. We are waiting to hear the other parties’ opinions, including European ones, which said that they were surprised by the Israeli premier’s remarks and are studying Israeli intelligence information.
Although we do not know the truth of Iran’s commitment to the deal, we actually know the Iranian regime that’s based on deceit. We know that if it hadn’t been for the economic sanctions, it would not have agreed to sign the nuclear deal with the West. The question that remains is did the Iranian regime respect the deal? Its behavior shows that it cannot stop increasing its military competence and defensive capabilities which it claims are necessary for the regime’s survival.
It’s no surprise at all if it later turned out that it continued to work in secret to develop its nuclear structure. Western countries are expected not to hesitate into looking into this as this is one of the major rights of those who signed the deal.
The Europeans will probably find that the Iranian regime is guilty in terms of not halting the rehabilitation of its nuclear capabilities but they will claim there isn’t enough to convict it since it has not exceeded the prohibited enrichment rate.
Before signing the agreement, the Iranian regime was hinting that it will not stop rehabilitating its facilities as it believes it is within its right to do so. It wants to be ready with nuclear capabilities that enable it to quickly produce nuclear weapons once the 10-year period ends and it may have these capabilities ready even before they end. The idea of establishing the agreement on the basis that the Supreme Leader’s regime will respect the pledges it made is wrong and stupid to begin with. The dozens of cameras set by the international observers and the vows to carry out surprise inspections will not stop the regime from resorting to trickery.
The Tehran regime bowed to American sanctions and agreed to the conditions due to the blockade but it was not convinced of anything and it probably never intended to stop its nuclear program.
Therefore, if it had shut down laboratories, deactivated some equipment and opened its nuclear facilities to be inspected, it may have opened other facilities to resume its work in secret. The regime is mysterious and extremely ambiguous; therefore, we may not know the truth until after it’s too late!
During the phase after the nuclear agreement was signed, Iranian security forces became stricter, instead of being open and lenient, and arrested dozens of Iranians and visitors who are originally Iranian as well as others under different excuses.
This is a sign that it increased its secrecy level. It also prevented gathering information on its territories, which shows that the regime is afraid the truth will be discovered. Iran which denies the information that Israel announced must open the door to expose the Israelis’ lies, that is they really are liars; or else, the deal is not worth the papers it’s written on.

Trump’s Three Conditions for Fixing the Iran Deal Are Now Imperative
شروط ترمب الثلاثة لتعديل الإتفاق النووي مع إيران أصبحت جداً ضرورية
What the Mossad’s Amazing Coup Dictates
Malcolm Lowe/Gatestone Institute/May 04/18
What the assorted apologists for the Iran nuclear deal have failed to grasp is a simple distinction: the difference between suspicions and confirmation. The IAEA based its assessments on “over a thousand pages” of documents; now we have a hundred thousand.
Moreover, these are in effect a hundred thousand signed confessions of the Iranian regime that it intended to create nuclear weapons and load them on missiles manufactured by itself. The miniature minds of the apologists are simply incapable of grasping the historic magnitude of the Mossad’s discovery.
The picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing before two displays, one of file folders and one of compact discs, symbolizes possibly the greatest coup in the history of espionage: the Mossad’s acquisition of the archive of Iran’s program to create nuclear weapons. A runner up for that title might be the advance information about Operation Overlord, the Allied landing in France at the end of World War II, supplied by Elyesa Bazna from Ankara and Paul Fidrmuc from Lisbon.
Nazi Germany failed to act on that information about the intended landing site on D-Day. Instead, it fell victim to false information provided by a supposed spy who was working for the Allies. The parallel to that failure is the present rush of politicians and so-called experts who pretend that the Mossad’s coup tells us nothing new and merely proves that the deal is more justified than ever. They claim, in particular, that before the deal was agreed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) already knew the broad details of what the new information reveals.
What the assorted apologists for the Iran nuclear deal have failed to grasp is a simple distinction: the difference between suspicions and confirmation. The IAEA based its assessments on “over a thousand pages” of documents; now we have a hundred thousand.
Moreover, these are in effect a hundred thousand signed confessions of the Iranian regime that it intended to create nuclear weapons and load them on missiles manufactured by itself. The miniature minds of the apologists are simply incapable of grasping the historic magnitude of the Mossad’s discovery.
Apart from Netanyahu himself, the most significant individual who understands that magnitude is President Trump. In February 2018, Trump informed the three European countries involved in the Iran deal about the defects that he wanted corrected in order to continue to certify the deal. As Reuters reported at the time: “Trump sees three defects in the deal: its failure to address Iran’s ballistic missile program; the terms under which international inspectors can visit suspect Iranian nuclear sites; and ‘sunset’ clauses under which limits on the Iranian nuclear program start to expire after 10 years. He wants all three strengthened if the United States is to stay in the deal.”
The Mossad’s coup has turned Trump’s three proposals into three imperatives, not just to the Europeans but also to the two other states involved in the deal: Russia and China. (Russia, in particular, must grasp that major Russian cites are within missile range from Iran.) That is, if the deal is to survive, the sunset clauses must be cancelled, the IAEA must have freedom to inspect whatever it demands, and Iran’s long-range missile capacity must be curtailed. This is because the Mossad has also supplied us with a hundred thousand signed confessions that the Iranian regime will resume and complete its plans for nuclear-armed missiles as soon as the deal permits it — indeed authorizes it — to do so.
*Malcolm Lowe is a Welsh scholar specialized in Greek Philosophy, the New Testament and Christian-Jewish Relations. He has been familiar with Israeli reality since 1970.
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