Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For February 03/2018


 Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For February 03/201

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on February 02/18
Lebanon’s Elections: Effective Majority Despite Claims To The Contrary/Eyad Abu Shakra/Asharq Al-Awsat/February 02/18
Palestinians: Arbitrary Arrests, Administrative Detentions and World Silence/Khaled Abu Toameh/Gatestone Institute/February 02/18
The ‘Goodness’ of Migrants: When Feelings Trump Facts/Douglas Murray/Gatestone Institute/February 02/2018
Arabs and Muslims Will Never Accept Israel as the Jewish State”/Daniel Pipes//Cross-posted from Israel Hayom/February 02/18
For Saudis and Israelis, Cost of Open Ties Outweighs the Benefits/Yaroslav Trofimov/The Wall Street Journal/February 02/18
Bill Richardson spotted Aung San Suu Kyi’s stitch up/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/February 02/18
A firm and unifying Saudi-Emirati stance in Aden/Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/February 02/18
Religious discourse and the diagnosis of Sahwa/Fahad Suleiman Shoqiran/Al Arabiya/February 02/18
Who is behind militants in Aden/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/February 02/18
Trump, The Ayatollah And Twitter/Amir Taheri//Asharq Al-Awsat/February 02/18
Iran’s Relationship With Qatar Could Be Crumbling/Romany Shaker/Arab News/February 02/18
Question: “Can a Christian lose salvation?”/ 02/18

Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on February 02-03/18
Aoun Reassures: Lessons Drawn from Latest Incidents
Hariri: Country’s Dignity More Important than Dignity of Individuals, Parties
AMAL, Hizbullah, FPM ‘Reconcile’ in Hadath Meeting
Bassil to Expat Conference: ‘No Gods among Us’, Hegemony is Unacceptable
Berri: We Must Preserve Security and Stability
American Charged in Lebanese Neighbor’s Death Will Not Testify
Three Inmates Escape Baalbek Prison
Abi Khalil Says Lebanon Will Go Ahead with Oil Exploration Despite Israel Claims
Security Forces Arrest Kidnapper in Bekaa, Free Abductee
US sanctions six people, seven firms under rules targeting Hezbollah
Taking aim at Iran, US hits Hezbollah with new sanctions
Lebanon’s financial situation positive: BDL head to Aoun
Situation back to normal after Berri-Bassil row: Aoun
Lebanon’s Elections: Effective Majority Despite Claims To The Contrary

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on February 02-03/18

London mosque terror attacker jailed for minimum of 43 years
Iranian women have been forced to wear headscarves since the Islamic
New protests erupt across cities and towns in Iran
Arab foreign ministers seek ‘multilateral’ process to revive Mideast peace talks
Israel strikes Hamas in Gaza after rocket fired
Tariq Ramadan in custody in Paris over rape charges, to face magistrate
Memo Alleging FBI Abuse Released on Trump’s Okay
Mattis: U.S. Concerned Sarin Gas Used in Syria
Israel Strikes Hamas in Gaza after Rocket Fired

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