Thank You Qatar, Good Bye Obama, Watch out Lebanon
By: François Bainy/Face Book/June 05/17
Less than two weeks after the end of the Arab-Islamic Summit in Ryad falls the Giant Sponsor of the Terrorism. Don’t underestimate the event because it is only the beginning. Let’s have a look at the impact of this incident on the Lebanese scene.
First, Those who considered this summit as a plain exhibition should review their position.
Second: Those who thought that President Trump was interested by the Saudi Money have no idea how complex is the American system when it comes to arm sale to our region.
Third: Those who spread around gossips and whispers that the US policy is the same no matter who is the President are still living in the Obama era and are so blind that it is hard for them to see and perceive that President Trump is a man of deal which means a man of word and principles
Fourth: The main points of the agenda meeting in Ryad were the terrorism, Syria and the Iranian expansion in the Middle-East
Fifth: Qatar sponsored and financed ISIS and Iran at the same time with the knowledge and the instruction of the Obama Administration.
What has Lebanon to do with all that???
First let us compare Lebanon with Qatar
Qatar is one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and Lebanon is sorry to say that) one of the most corrupt countries in the world… Being rich like Qatar does not allow you the right to threat the world order by financing terrorism. Being corrupt like Lebanon does not allow our country to support indefinitely and sponsor the Iranian terrorism at the official level. Even before the start of the Arab-Islamic Summit Lebanon was under watch and vetoing the presence of the Lebanese President Michel Aoun is a clear indication, not only from the Arab league but also from the new US Administration, that Lebanon is officially sponsoring and sheltering Hezbollah Terrorism, That same terrorists that killed 249 marines and Kidnapped and killed American Diplomats and citizens in Beirut. The Minister of Foreign affairs M.Gebrane Bassil declares that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization every time that US Secretary Tellerson delivers a note stating that Hezbollah is an Iranian backed Terrorist Organisation. Saudi Arabia is monitoring closely Prime Minister Saad Hariri and might call him to visit Saudi Arabia soon in order to give explanations about Bassil’s declarations if they represent the Lebanese Government’s position, and if not he should have to contain him and put every one in his right place. If not… What is happening with Qatar can happen any moment with Lebanon, Let’s not hide our head in the sand.