Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 13/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 13/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 12-13/16
To Hell With Assad’s Criminal Victories/Elias Bejjani/December 12/16
Egypt’s Deadliest Church Attack/Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/December 12/16
There is life left in OPEC after all/Dr. Mohamed A. Ramady/Al Arabiya/December 12/16
Post-Brexit, May seeks to shape a new British profile in the Gulf/Talmiz Ahmad/Al Arabiya/December 12/16
Europe: Illegal to Criticize Islam/Judith Bergman/Gatestone Institute/December /16
Why Donald Trump Should Focus on Africa/Ahmed Charai/Gatestone Institute/December12/16
As Aleppo’s Fall To Assad Regime Seems Assured, Regime Is Certain Of Its Victory And Future International Influence – And Opposition Recognizes Defeat/N. Mozes and M. Terdiman/MEMRI/December 12/2016

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on December 12-13/16
To Hell With Assad’s Criminal Victories
Franjieh Says Ready for Cooperation or Confrontation with Aoun
Report: Parties Mull Holding a Spiritual Summit to Support Aoun
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Condemns Istanbul and Cairo Bombings
Kanaan: Progress Recorded at Government Formation Level
LF ‘Not Concerned’ with Franjieh’s Ain el-Tineh Remarks as Hariri Meets Khalil, Riachi
FPM, Hizbullah MPs Say Proportional Representation is ‘Best’ Electoral Law
Kataeb Slams Ministerial Portfolio Spat, Says Dissociation Policy ‘Protected Lebanon’
Hariri, Finance Minister dwell on Cabinet formation headway
Change and Reform MPs visit Maarab, confirm no return to 1960 law
Rae, Mashnouq hold closed door meeting, illuminate Christmas tree
ISTL Registrar arrives in Beirut
Rahi offers Pope Tawadros heartfelt condolences on Coptic Church fallen victims
Arslan meets FPM delegation, renews calls for proportionality

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 12-13/16
Identity of Cairo suicide bomber revealed
Netanyahu wants to discuss Iran deal options with Trump
Israel urges Egypt to ‘fight terrorism together’
Assad sweeps Aleppo, rebels offered ‘safe’ exit
Syria Army Takes Aleppo District, Battle in ‘Final Phase’
France Accuses Russia of ‘Lying’ about Syria
Death Toll after Turkey Blasts Rises to 44
Turkey Detains over 100 Pro-Kurdish Party Officials
Mosul Doctors Struggle to Save Civilians on Iraq Front Line
Bahrain Upholds Jail Sentence for Opposition Chief
Saudi Says British FM’s ‘Proxy War’ Comment Misconstrued
Internet, a Scourge to the Iran Regime
Austrian MEP urges recognition of democratic opposition led by Maryam Rajavi
Iran: Execution of 10 prisoners to coincide with International Human Rights Day
Message of Maryam Rajavi to the Conference at the US Senate
U.S. Lawmakers Endorse Resolution to Bring to Justice Perpetrators of Iran’s 1988 Massacre of MEK Political Prisoners

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on December 12-13/16
Trinidad: Highest rate of Islamic State recruitment in Western hemisphere
Italy: Priest bans Nativity scene for fear of offending Muslims
What is Really Behind Canada’s Anti-Islamophobia Motions?
Raymond Ibrahim: Egypt’s Deadliest Church Attack
Saudi religious police arrest woman for going out in public unveiled
Pope: Christmas reminds us that Jesus was a migrant
Europe: Illegal to criticize Islam
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Muslims Bomb Cairo Coptic Cathedral
Gay activist who got “Brady Bunch” star Susan Olsen fired excoriates her for saying “Koran is a political tract”
UK Home Office allows jihad preacher banned in Pakistan to preach in UK mosque (but even mosque bans him)
Tolerance of Islamic intolerance is now the British government’s cardinal doctrine
Egypt: Jihad-martyrdom suicide bomber carried out attack in Cairo cathedral, four jihad plotters arrested
The Qur’an Teaches That All Human Beings Are Equal”: Sex (Part II)
Raymond Ibrahim: The Ugly Truth about Muslim Grievances

Links From Christian Today Site for on December 12-13/16
Archbishop Of Canterbury: Churches Are Changing Lives Through Debt Counselling
Cairo Attack on Christians: State Funeral For Victims As Sisi Declares Three Days Of Mourning
Syrian Rebels Offered Chance To Quit Aleppo, Jihadists Retake Palmyra
Miraculous Story Of Drug Addict Who Found Jesus, Got Clean And Is Now Successful Businessman
Christian Pastor In Turkey Imprisoned And Accused Of Armed Terrorism Links
Teen Girl In Intensive Care And Boy Under Arrest After Stabbing At Christian School
Attack On Cairo Cathedral Kills At Least 25
Earthquakes And Migrant Drownings Recalled In Vatican Nativity Scene
UK Adopts Official Antisemitism Definition
BBC Admits To Unbalanced Report On What Wartime Pope Did To Save Jews
Nigeria Orders Probe After Dozens Die When Church Roof Caves In
‘ISIS Is Here To Stay’: What Next For Christians in Qaraqosh?
Christian Nurse Sues For Unfair Dismissal After Talking About Jesus At Work

The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site

To Hell With Assad’s Criminal Victories

Elias Bejjani/December 12/16
Is it really a victory for Syria’s dictator, president Bachar Al Assad when he is murdering his own people, forcing them into exile, destroying their homes and humiliating them. To hell with such a bloody, criminal and evil victory. ’Meanwhile this hungry for blood, Dracula, murderer and butcher had the guts to enter one of Syria’s Mosques to pray and by his side his mouthpiece, Mufti Hassoun..Yes the same Hassoun that was welcomed few days ago in our Lebanese presidential Palace as well as in our Maronite Patriarchate. By the way, Hassoun spent his night in occupied Lebanon at Waeam Wahab’s palace as a great and honourable guest . In conclusion, We are sadly living in an era where all that is human, dignity, honour, fear of God, faith and conscience are all pushed aside and downtrodden.