Why I’m Voting for Donald Trump
Lynne Kessler Lechter/Hadassah Magazine/October 01/16
The United Kingdom’s recent decision to leave the European Union was predicated on its citizens’ choice between self-government and the continuation of anonymous rule by bureaucrats in Brussels. The British polls, pundits and politicos didn’t accurately predict the outcome of the vote. Donald Trump did, and he did because sovereignty—the authority of a person, group or state to govern itself—has always been the consistent subtext of his messaging.
We Americans are blessed with a Constitution and jurisprudence (based in large measure on laws set forth in the Torah) that honor individual life, dignity and self-determination. In this system, government’s main purpose is to protect us from internal and external harm. In exchange, we abdicate vigilantism and agree to abide by the government’s laws. Power flows to and from the citizens and the state.
Similar to citizens in the United Kingdom, many Americans feel their power incrementally shifting away from them toward the state. Vast, anonymous, unaccountable and increasingly imperial bureaucratic agencies spit out rules and regulations, wrapping a net around the individual’s autonomy.
Americans are dying in faraway places for a war that has not been ratified against an enemy that shall not be named. At home, veterans are dying due to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs’ inexcusable lag time in tending to their needs. The list goes on. Political correctness, university safe spaces and “victim categories” have made free speech a four-letter word. The illegal flouting of our immigration laws, illustrated by the existence of multiple “sanctuary” cities, is evidence that the rule of law, on which our compact with our government is maintained, is crumbling.
Our foreign policy in the Middle East lies in shambles. ISIS, the brutal self-declared caliphate once deemed a JV team, now controls swaths of at least two countries. The FBI is investigating over 1,000 jihadist cells in the United States, and terror attacks here are escalating. The Arab Spring has morphed into the Arab killing grounds, and the incomprehensible Iran nuclear deal has added to the danger, as Iran now has additional monies to fund terror.
Trump gives the country an alternative to bureaucratic failures and to those who refuse to name the true misogynists, racists and enemy: the radical Islamic terrorists who enslave women and murder gays, Jews and Christians.
I am inspired by his formula to “Make America Great Again,” including his vows to:
• Streamline the bureaucracies and overturn needless regulations that hamper growth;
• Institute programs like the Keystone pipeline, renegotiate trade deals and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, all of which will provide more job opportunities;
• Overturn and replace Obamacare, which has increased costs, limited doctor access and converted good-paying, full-time jobs into low-paying, part-time ones;
• Reduce corporate and personal taxes and offer a sensible, one-time deal to repatriate billions of dollars currently held off-shore;
•Streamline the Department of Veterans Affairs and offer access to private providers;
• Rebuild our military in order to negotiate foreign policy from a position of strength; and
• Build a wall on our southern border and monitor visa stays to stop illegal immigrants, including the terrorists among them.
Trump deems terror in Israel equivalent to terror in the United States and elsewhere, and he has Israel’s back. The safety of United States’ citizens is paramount and he will fight to ensure our security. Trump has seen the dramatic need for change and is the leader with the bold and comprehensive plans to move us forward.
**Lynne Kessler Lechter is a founding partner of a Philadelphia-area law firm and serves on the President’s Council of the Republican Jewish Coalition. http://www.israpundit.org/archives/63618114?utm_source=phplist2989&utm_medium=email&utm_content=HTML&utm_campaign=ISRAPUNDIT+DAILY+DIGEST+OCT+1%2F16