The Majority of Our Maronite Leaders: Pharisees and Hypocrites
Elias Bejjani/September 08/16
My friend on Face Book, Catherine Baradi, wrote the following comment in response to my last article:
(“Why aren’t the Christians ex communicating Aoun because then he can’t represent the Christians, this is a method of getting rid of Aoun once and for ever, we need to send a letter to the Pope in this ex communication then he can be charged for war crimes”. )
Below is my Response The Majority of Our Maronite Leaders: Pharisees and Hypocrites
Sadly the vast majority of our Maronite notch leaders, in both domains ecclesial and political are in general Pharisees and hypocrites. It true that Micheal Aoun and his spoiled son-in-law Jobran Bassil are serving their own personal agendas and not that of Lebanon or it people, but the majority of the Maronite politician, officials and party leaders are not that much different in any way.
Meanwhile our Patriarch Al Raei and many of the bishops are 100 times worst than Aoun and the rest of the politicians when the issuea revolve om matters like vision, patriotism, devotion, reliability, courage, modesty, and faith.
There is no doubt that we the Maronites, are living in an era of mere corrupted leaders in both political and religious arenas.
Unfortunately they are all cut from the same Trojan and hypocrite garment.
In conclusion and as our popular saying goes (proverb): “A person can not give others what he does have”