Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 11/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 11/15

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September 10-11/15
Some of our Today’s Tweets/Elias Bejjani/September 10/15
A Tiny Silver Lining in the Otherwise Bad Iran Deal/Daniel Pipes/Philadelphia Inquirer/September 10/15
Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei: ‘In 25 Years There Will Be No Such Thing As The Zionist Regime In The Region’; America Is Worse Than Satan/September 10/15
Germany’s Appeasement of Radical Islam/Vijeta Uniyal/Gatestone Institute/September 10/15
The Caliph’s Revenge/By Paul Salem/Middle East Institute/September 09/15
Iraq: Another turning point/By Zalmay Khalilzad/ The Washington Post/September 9 /15
Aylan Kurdi’s Europe/Roger Cohen/The New York Times/September 10/15
The U.S. and Saudi Arabia: A 21st-century partnership/Faisal J. Abbas/Al Arabiya/September 10/15
The Somalization of Syria/Joyce Karam/Al Arabiya/September 10/15
Europe and the refugee crisis: Don’t blame the Syrians/Mohamed Chebarro/Al Arabiya/September 10/15
Media hysteria over Russia and Syria/Maria Dubovikova/Al Arabiya/September 10/15
Can the GCC test Iran’s government/Manuel Almeida/Al Arabiya/September 10/15

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on September 10-11/15
Some of our Today’s Tweets/Elias Bejjani
Activists, Municipalities Reject Govt. Plans for Dumping Trash in Naameh, Akkar
Aoun not a convincing presidential candidate: Siniora
Intense Sandstorm Kills another Two
Sami Gemayel Holds Talks with Jordan’s King in Amman
Geagea Says Direct Presidential Elections are Impossible
Masked Gunmen Rob McDonald’s Branch in Amchit
‘You Stink’ Campaigners Criticize Shehayyeb’s Trash Plan
Naameh Municipality, Activists Reject Govt. Decision to Reopen Landfill
Jumblat Seeks to Contain Possible Tension after Balous’ Killing
PSP Chief Sticks to Dialogue to Avoid Vacuum
Lebanese Govt. OKs Shehayyeb’s Plan, Decides to Reopen Naameh Landfill for 7 Days only
Lebanon/Judge Demands Death Penalty for Tareq Yatim

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on September 10-11/15
Russia Denies Reports of Military Buildup in Syria
Denmark Shuts Rail Link as Europe Wrangles over Refugees
Netanyahu Seeks UK Support against ‘Militant Islam’
Bahrain: Iran explosives enough to destroy capital
Bahrain Says Ground Troops Needed to Purge Iran ‘Influence’ in Yemen
Drone Kills Four Qaida Suspects in Yemen
Saudi Executes Iraqi for Murder
FM: Russia to take further steps on Syria if needed
ISIS says Chinese and Norwegian hostages ‘for sale’
Coalition raids hit militia targets in Sanaa
EU backs refugee plan to ease load on border states
Two senators whose families fled Nazis support deal with Iran
Biden floats meeting with Israel to discuss U.S. security aid
EU backs refugee plan to ease load on border states
Republican dispute may prevent U.S. Congress vote on Iran deal
U.N. considers response to Mediterranean Sea smugglers
Saudi Arabia Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Syrians in Germany/Why will the Saudis build 200 mosques for these “refugees”, yet won’t take a single one in?

Links From Jihad Watch Web site For Today
Saudi Arabia won’t take any Syrian refugees, but offers to build 200 mosques for them in Germany
New Glazov Gang: ISNA Mosques and Jihad in America
Indonesia: Police open fire on church, kill 15-year-old boy
Canada teen jihadi: “I understand Islam better than you”
The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS’ reveals what the West is really up against”
Tennessee openly promotes Islam: 7th graders made to recite Islamic statement of faith
Cameroon: Muslims murder 30 in jihad martyrdom suicide attacks at market and military camp
Robert Spencer in PJ Media: UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11′ Course Indoctrinates Students to Love Jihad Terror, Hate America
Obama to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to the U.S.
What disturbs people is not the Pope’s authority for his views but his seeming unawareness of opposing evidence”
Scotland: Muslim medical student had al-Qaeda murder manual
50 intel analysts say info on Islamic State cooked to give illusion of victory
Al-Qaeda hit list: Gates, Bloomberg, Buffett, Adelson, Koch brothers
Feds offer youth leadership opportunities to keep young Muslims from joining jihad

Some of our Today’s Tweets
Elias Bejjani/September 10/15
The Lebanese dialogue yesterday was a joke. Sadly the 14th of March subservient politicians who attended gained nothing, but humiliation.
 Because an ox can not be milked and the cock can’t lay eggs the Lebanese dialogue hypocrite session of yesterday was useless & fruitless.
14The of March politicians who attended Berry’s Dialogue session yesterday are licking the rasp and enjoying the salty taste of their blood
All those Lebanese Politicians who attended the Berry futile dialogue session yesterday went home empty handed, only MP. Micheal Aoun left with his anger, aggressiveness and humiliation after MP Boutros Harb stirred his peacock feather
At Berry’s dialogue table yesterday in Beirut there were no stars, but mere chorus boys.