Saudi Arabia Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Syrians in Germany/Why will the Saudis build 200 mosques for these “refugees”, yet won’t take a single one in?


Saudi Arabia Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Syrians in Germany/Why will the Saudis build 200 mosques for these “refugees”, yet won’t take a single one in?
Daniel Greenfield/Frontpage/September 9, 2015

 Saudi Arabia, which doesn’t permit the construction of churches but finances a mosque construction spree in the land of the infidel, will not be taking in Syrian refugees. Even though they are fellow Muslims. It will however offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for their use.
It’s a kind offer. The only proper way for Europe to reciprocate would be to send a million soccer hooligans to Saudi Arabia and then offer to build facilities to teach them of the importance of trashing the country and abusing any native they come across.
Of course the Saudis aren’t stupid enough to fall for that one. Not even if the soccer hooligans bring along the occasional woman and child to use as emotional human shields while battering their way into a country they hate in every possible way aside from its social services.
Only Westerners are stupid enough to fall for that one.
Saudi mosques have played a key role in the rise of Islamic terrorism in the West. Just think of the explosive wonders that something short of a million migrants and all the mosques they can Allah Akbar in will accomplish in Germany.
Maybe the next Caliph of the Islamic State will even shout Allah Akbar while beheading some local infidel with a German accent. Maybe that Islamic State will even be in Hamburg.